The Dalles Daily Chronicle. I republican. TUESDAY 50V. 127, 1900, TLA IX W01UJS AHOL'T TJiUSTS. Drvimr nrennrntions simply dovcl- COIigrcss nrc I opdrycntnrrh; they dry up tho necretioim, which adhere to tho mcmhrnuo mul tfucom iioso. cniminciifiirmoro neriouBtrotiblo thnu That Kansas and Nebraska nrc . tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid nil dry. b-ck in the rptniblienn fold 1 inP M'nlnuts, fumes, BUiokcs nnd biiuIIh uacK in nit rcptiunuui toiti. ( nml nf0 tlwt cleai)gcSi eooiilCB mui That lirvun made so manv i heals. Ely's Crenm Balm is mich n remedy . .... i . i , ., ... , i 1 -mi.nlma in r rnnnv cio'm . aud vrill euro catarrh or cold in tho head, " 1 he capital stock of the Standard -I-cl-cIics in o main staves. mA )leasnutIy A trinl Bi20 ll0 i Oil company i 100.000,000. nnd' Tint tbe result Of Hie election was j mailed fnr 10 cents. All druggists sell tho .. . . . A . v. i i ! oOo.sisc. ElyHrothcrs, 00 Warren .St., N.Y. Otl tins stock 46,000,000, or -IS per . ot emphatic, i Thc cur(.s wtil0ut lwm( ,i0CH not cent in dividends have been paid in i That thc majotity of American ; irritate or cause snoozing. It si-reads itself 1 . , . . , . , ., ,. 1 over nu irritnted and angry surfneo, rohev- the pnst year." Democratic Ex- J vters can bc trusted to do the right j 5nR hnrndlintely tho painful inflammation. I I thine at the right time. . With Ely's Cream Halm you aro armed nJnc- ,'? , iii. . ' against Kasid Catarrh aud Hay Fever. Wc have seen this paragraph hnn That we have the best count.y and b t ip nost yavernmem under ine sun. .whhu . ureua ui limes, mure, ur less, uuun a- the past three months but' nobody I That God reigns and thc republl fcss ever taken the trouble to answer Vi' sti11 lives- EXPERIENCE the question "What are you going to , Tho CUy Rei)ubHcan be- do about it?" The question is not : , seachcs tho nppronoullg hgislnlurc Is the Standard Oil Company making, b d . svstcm year or 4s,UUU,t)UU 48,000,000 t an hour, but: Is it acting in contra, -vention of existing laws, and is it oppressing the masses of the people? For these latter offenses there is a reruedj. but for the former no sen-1 sible and reasonable one has ever "been proposed and we doubt much if an' is possible. "Where shall we set the limit of a corporation's earn ings? At a million, or ten million? And it we fix a limit is it possible to give anj sound economic reason for , doing so? It is notorious that the , prices of Standard Oil products are' vastly lower than they were before the com pain was organized in 1ST I . The Standard Oil Company has won its way through the advantage of immense capital, the application of intelligent business methods of production and by selling cheaper than its competitors. It derives no , benefit from import duties. It has the whole world for a competitor. ( Russia produces 70,000,000 barrels of oil a year but none of it comes ( here because the Standard Oil Com-; pan can pay American wages to an ' army of 40.000 employes nnd under-1 sell Russia in her own maiket. The companv export? $50,000,000 worth of oil a year and it is hardly a matter of doubt that the traffic would be largely the other way but for the fact that the company is able to under-1 sell all foreign competitors. Nor can ' it be doubted that but for the , Standard Oil Company prices for oil would rule higher than they ilo in the home market. These are the facts of the case as Tin: CiinoxicLi: sees them. It is not popular to talk about them and we know it. B it a paper that can not tell the truth has no excuse for existence, and there is an abundance of demogy in the world wilhout Tin: CnnoNiixK joining its ranks. Asa matter of fact it is the fashion these days to denounce trusts, as the prime means of getting the ear of the dear people, while not one in a hundred of the denouncers could tell wherein the trusts are hurting him or them to save his immortal soul. approacbin. the "rand jury i It says government by district at , torney is too much like the Spanish 1 system. And tho Republican, as 1 usual, is pre-emluently correct. I HL.fc mrr.i K .SIGNS COPVniCHTS &C. Lazy Livers are runny times the cause of various diseases. Ninety per cent of the American people aro s-iid to he troubled with liver and stomach complaints, -"iich as constipation, dizziness, imligesti m, hiltousuess, sluggish hvor etc Baldwin's Health Tablets No. 25 overeomr and cum tln 111". These talilots act as a gentle laxa tive They make the liver and stomach do their duty a they should The most obstinate yield to these little tablets. They cost and can be procured at Clarke & Falk, The Dalles. Oregon. Anrono eni!liig a jkctrh anil description nm nulcfclv iijccrtnln out opinion free wiiciiut a invont'tun l protmblv patentable. ' onitminlrr. ttrtctlrcotmitcntl:il. Handbook on I'rttouU lour tree. litet ncency for securlnc patents. I'.itet.'s taitcn ttirouch Munti A. Co. rccelvt tt'i Ml notice, without chnrcc, lu tho Scientific Jfttiericaiit. A hnni!nnie!y llhttratel wooVIt, ljtrcest clr filiation f any jctentltl- journal. Terms. JJ a tmir months, fl. Sold bj-nll ticwMltfaliT". WUNN&Co.3G,D'oad New York Uraucb onicn S3 I" Ht.. Washluaton. If. (' Stylish Dressed Men.... Arc those who wear dothi.'s tlmt are up-to-date in tit. workmanship anil iiiulity. My line o! sample? covers' all ttie latest designs for fall and winter, the price is right, und I cm minrantes n perfect fit. Suits to Order, SIO.OO. John Pashek. The Tailor. mm Bestaurant L. Y. flonc. I'rop'r. 'First-Glass in Every Respect; Complete Cir;e of Drus at M.Z. DONNELL, TH DRUGGIST. $i.oo per month.. Strictly first class local mul loin; distance telephone outvlcn within your homo. Lliii'H do not croHS-tulk. Your con versntion will he kept u secret. enst for instullini. You tret the Btatuhird Iluiiulni; Lout; Oisttiut lustruiiictil. Continuous day and niht Biirvlce. Wo will accept your contract for ten years nnd allow you to ounce! muni' on Kivino, us thirty da.VH writ ten notice. PA0IFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. Just What You uuant. nKALKKs IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies: Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKE EMBALMEKS The Dalles. Or. Robes, BuriaSh Etc. n - . v-a j x .'III Vr A J Wasco Warehouse Comp Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. ; Headquarters for Feed Grain oi pii kin t Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind? Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, XSlFeh Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle VOGT Opera House;- .MEALS AT ALL IIOl'Kri. Oysters Served in any Style. sT Second at., The l;ulles. Or. v..... ;.i.., n iv.,11 i ..... i...... aii!.. vnrii.iv utf-.r,. Hi,r.ivi,,c. n..r I TnTI l-l 1 mi T ItutiMonr is iniVTiufnctured HrprertHlv for famllj lore cruceu n single atorK. iteul linitu F. J. CLARKE, Manager. Ice Cream and Ovster Parlors.. tion creton etleute ut ordinary jtriceH. Good pnpora nt cheap puper prices. Eleiuit designs, tnstelul coloriiik's, yonrH for a Hiimll price, at our more on Third street. Also a full line of houae puiuta. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. use: every Hii'jk i Kiiurunteitd to eivit mitiefaction. Wii sell our poods lower than uny house hi the trade, and if you don't think call and got eur prices nnd be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. 0 One Night TUESDAY, Dec, 4th. I Mrs H. L. Jonee hae opened ice crenm nnd oyster parlore in (Jurey UaN , ' lard's old stand. She curries I Return of the Favorite Play, Arthur C. Alston's Co., A full line of Candies,, Nuts IN Tennesse spar oeer Sup-ested by Bret Harte's Great llomance. rL r r r..- c . mat J UB JUUUeib Ul rum- OCaSUWS ; WOrk and enuruvlnB. while Theo. II and Ciears. 1 The place has been thoronchly ren- 1 ovated, and a share ol the uublic patron j aye is solicited. ( j Open till 12:00 P. M. A Difficult Problem. It ia auionp the most difficnlt prol lems of naturul science for one to become ' expert in eeveral lines. J. E. Adcos k Co., by their combination, have over come thie difficulty in a practical man ner. J. E. Adcos is an expert watch ! maker and is pood on jewelry, optical ..CflAS. FRANK- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on drnuKht the rulubrHtvil COhl'MHIA 1IKKK, nek mm-; wlKMi the !n-st b.r In The Dalles, Ht the usiuil jir!i:o. Come In, try It mid be fouvliiced. Alio ttie Finest brunilk uf Wines, l.l.jnur awl CiKHm. Sanduuiehes of ut! Kinds Hlwuys on hand. Retiring from Business. ; Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. ' ) lry Goodc, C'lothini:, I'ootH and Shoee, at much leE than wholeimle ' j prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any wuy to suit purchaMerH. 1 Entire stock must "be closed out before 30 days. , All foods will be sacrillced except Thompson's Glove-littitn; Corsets and Hutterick I'litterus. Your prices will be mine. Call early und sernre bnrpun.H. " J. P. McINERNY, Corner .Second nnd Court Sis. THANKSGIVING DAY JOou. Hear the Golden Nugget Quartet. Positively the Original Cast Reserved Seats on eale at Clarke ic Falk's Pharmacy. MATT SHOREN, the hosts of, General Blacksmith and Horseshoer. slaughter house The American people have many! things to be thankful for this blesserl j year of grace 1900. Among them ' are: i That Bryan has led populism through a into an open grave. That the dread of a debased cur rency no longer disturbs the com mcrcial nud financial world. ' Tlmt frpf tnwln will nnt brinrr rli f All kinds of blacksmith'uifc' will receive mat free trade will not bring prompt altention ttI1(J wm ,)e executed aster for at least four years. , in first-claes shape. Give him a call. That the American wage-earner is - - assured of employment and good Richardson's Old Stand, wages for four years. I Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or That neither Dick Ctoker nor Allgeld nor Towne, nor Sulzer nor Vfittinrftw will lin in tlin npx! f-alunnt. ,IM, t. t ... i A. Y. MAKSH will irive a I hat the supreme court will re-j turkey shoot on the beach main undisturbed. Three Days - Liebe is an expert optician and ifs aad on watch repairing, jewelry work ana engraving. Their price ie as low ub con sistent with good workmanship. Thev are prepared to do all work in thei several lines, on short notice. Work . eent bv mail or exnre;s will receive ; prompt attention. Sign, "Big Red Watch." J. S. SCHE.NCK, President. , M. ilKAj.Z., Ciishlei first national Bank. 'THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Depooits received, cubject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange nold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRBOTOK8 D. P. Thomphon. S. Kckkncu, Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Luti:. H. M. Bkmi. I Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer inlBlacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & LaneMin. 'Phone 157 r I c cai t e nr v v. c. rML I OL Ji 1 9 ypr,Wn, Commepejal SampIe Jj0()mSt 7 Purest Liquors for Family Use V 9 DcliviMctl lo any purl of tho City. f 173 Second Street. I'Iioiich: f)l Local, S5x Long Dismnce. turkey shoot! House Painting... The undersigned has taken possession That there will still be "no class , Nov. 27th, 28th and 29th I of B. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to , tho Vogt opera house, anil lias pur- chased the tools and ladders. He has good mechanics working for him, and distinction in this fair land of ours.' Thut law and order will reign nnd mob rule und clasb hatred be avoided. That thc American tanner's home market will expand, us will the American manufacturer!! world's market. That the stars und stupes will not be bauled down but will wave every where as the symbol of peace, Them will also bo pigeon trap spooting at the same time and place. YOUR KIDNEYS. After von tiro of using so-called kidney reini'di without any henelit, use Lincoln Soxunl Pill? ami forever rid of those dull pains ill voiir hack. Dim"'" that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" mid Iihvw all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, nnd yoj nights insde restful by the urn of naturoV gii'iilt' assistant Lincoln Sexviul Pills. . Price. l 00 per box buy ol yourdriignift orcein by mall on receipt ol price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO Fort Wayne. Intbauuv Advertise in The Chronicle. ONE FOR A DOSE. All I ft lUmnte Plmplei, Prrnt I'll I A inovvnimt i,t ih bowel. eh aj U dwhiui I"" '. f "III null ..Sipu Irw 7 .r fS ! I.Si 7?i ie. bWbiUuM1.u. OK. yoSAHKO CO. PUII! il will guarantee all work to give sutlsfac I tion. I S. K. KELLY. D"' It. K, H.MITII, Osteopath. r.oomn in Mid 11, (Jlmjunun Dlock, The Dullis Oitgon. k-ji-.'! CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIREGT from tho FADTORVi ;at eastern prices. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. j. a. eberle, !je coiuinDia pbbkidi gi.. pipe yailon95 A complete line of Fall und Winter hllitlllUM. I'jltlri,.u I M.,.. ....... .!.. - on dlsjilay. 100 dlHereut variutiee to De lect from. Suits, $20 apd up. Call mid examine kooiIh before uoinir elBuwhnre. Second utroet, opp. Mavo AUrowe't). PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF i MANUKACTUMKKHOK jFine Lard and Sausages ! Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JMF.D U15KF. KTC.