31)1 Dalles VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1900. NO. 400 END WAS PEACEFUL Heath of Senator Davis, of Minnesota Passed Away Knrly Last Night Sr. l'At l,. Nov. 27. Senator Cncbmnr, K. Davis, chairman of the committee on foreign relations of the senate, died at his Inmii! in this city tonight a'. 8. -10 o'clock. He had Buffered greatly during two months of sickness, and grudintlly sank away, being unconscious for never ill haura before death, and, ho far an could be known, Buffered no pain. Yesterday, appreciating the approach of the end, Mrs. Davis hunt for tlie venerable T. II. M. Villers Appleby, archdeacon of tho Protestant Episcopal liocese of Minnesota, and Rev. Theodore Sedgwick, rector of the church of fit. John tho evangelist. An attempt hud been made to secure tho nt tendance of Hishop Whipple, but the bishop was in Moilda. Senator Davis was for a time tmfliciently rational to express his fruit ful appreciation of the clergymen's ministrations. Grouped about the deathbed were Renator Davis' immediate family, his devoted wife, his uged father, Major S. fl. Davis, and his two Bisters, Mrs. Nor fod and Mrs. Ilartlott Tripp. His law partner, C. A. Severance, and his wife were alpo present, as well as the doctors and nurses. The family had been pie pared for the end since the first sinking spell, which occured last Friday night, and all have been wl ere they could be summoned at a moment's notice. The eenntor had been in a comatose state iluriug the day. Death ccme almost im- j perceptibly, and the closing iceue was! marked with but little incident. His last couecions utterance, was the expression of a wish to live; not (or ttie sake of life itself, but because he be lieved bis country needed him. His 1 .. . ilVt. T ...!.-!.. 1! wiirua were: vn, nun i uupm inn r. ., ........ i .., .,,... i .u;.. SmiHtxr nioreun ami the. c'hiiui freject. Ni:w Yokk, Nov. 27. Senator John T. Morgan, of Alabama, is itioted in a j ty for the statement that the Rurlington Tribune special from Washington as 1 road is headed for Salt J-ake City, Wh"ii nying in an interview al.otit the j lie was in Salt Lake recently he learned Nicaragua canal project: j that the Burlington had purchased 'I unu&ee no reason why the canal several tracts of lund In that city suit measure should not go through I able for terminal structures, and he also this hesiion. Every tetiator who diecovered that a number of Durlinglou has thus far returned to Washing-i surveyors' cheeks were in circulation. CASTDBli liilTRi intuit. AVfcfjclable Preparation lor As similating lltcFoodandRegula ttitg the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur ness and Itest.Cimlains nellltcr Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral. Not TJarc otic . Mxy afOMJk-SAKVELHTOW Smyjlul Scttl' sl'jt.Sinna itatUlt Xmlu - Jkfijrnnml - . lliCaUMuthSulit HiltK-Scxd Cfnnlud wanr Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrlioca Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ncss ml Loss or SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of new vonic. tXACT COPV OF WRAPPER. ton imp exrircBPod lug willim. r ml'ph nni) determination tr vole for it and 1 have no doubt that a )art:e inn j'irity ol the sennte will vote for tho bill , When the tiiiiti iu t ivus. The trouble j ha been, mid is likely to be in securing I permission to consider the bill. When u vote is taken a great majoiity will vote j in its favor. 1 nm lttVor ' the ratification of t,,? "ay-Pauncefote treaty, and 1 think 1 ,hi" tr(',,l-v wi" be diepopeil of favorably 'The question of fortifications along the ciinil is one which has more interest for the countries of Nicaragua and Costa Hi en than for the United States. Nicn ntcua and Costa Rica own the ground and ought to have a right to say jnst w hat they want in this direction. It thev want the right to fortify the canal then there will be some necessity for the dis cussion ol tiiiB subject, but so far as the interests of this country are concerned the matter iB of very little consequence "Some of the military authorities may take the ground that in view of the un certain character of the governments of South American republics a few fortifica lions might be a good thing, as thia is an opini in that does not bear on the canal project proper and is of no great co quetice. Let the nations owninu the lurid have their say in this respect, and let us not worry over it." A Night of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General ISuruham of Mac-bias, Me., when the doctors said she :ould not live till morning," writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who attended iter that fearful night. "All thought she must soon die from Pneumonia, but she begired for Dr. King's New Di-covery, saying it had more than once saved her life, and had cured her of Consumption. After three small doses she ejept easily all night, and its further use completely cured her." This marvelous medicine is iMinranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley's drug, store. 1 ll.irlliictoii U Merited Kor Halt Luke Los Ani.eu:s, Cal., Nov. 27.-T. E. Gibbons, vice-president of the Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad, is authori CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMC CINTAUR COMPAMV. N(W VOK CITV. Bears the Signature IF SILK BAND BOWS an elegant assortment of dark and fancy patterns, worth 25 cents each; this - week 1UC Manhattan Shirts, this week, the $1.50 quality The above announcement is strong enough in itself to crowd our shirt department with eager buyers. Past events furniBb proof. There are some 100 shirts all in stiff bosoms, of fine imported percales and iradras cloth, in a good variety of patterns, including all sizes from 141.. to 17 neck any shirt in lot d5 "I IK good value at $ 1.50; this week tjj X X J Thanksgiving An especially attractive line of batwings, narrow four-in-hands and bows have arrived in time to add to the attractiveness of our Thanksgiving offerings. Ordi narilv we would mark the four-in-hands 75c ami the bats 50 cents ; this week your choice at 50c Hoods and Fascinators All at REDUCED PRICES. In this sale are included our entire stock of ladies', misses' and children's hoods and fascinators at the fol lowing special prices: 19c, 39c and 64c, including styles worth from 25c to .$1.00. Ladies' Flannel Waists Reduced to as Low as Half and Less ! A good assortment of styles; some plainly made, others trimmed. Materials are flannelettes, mercer ized sateens, Henriettas and French flannels. Eleven different lines divided into three different lots, 75c, $1.50, representing EtyleB from 32 to 42. worth from A. KiUKr Will Make Ills Home In Amerlcu Nuw Yokk, Nov. 27. Samuel Peareon, formerly commissar -general ol the Transvual army, who had just arrived in this country with a number of other Boer refugees, is responsible for the statement that President Kruger win probably soon seek refuge and a per manent home here. "President Kruger will leave Paris soon, i believe," Baia ueuerai j-earsun, "and come to America, where with his wife he will make a home until such time as ourarniB have triumphed and be can return to the South African republic to take up again his oflice ae chief ex ecutlvo of the Boers." Patis, Nov. 27. Mr. Kruger began a busy day by making an oflicial call. Be fore 0 a. in., he departed from the hotel Scribe, driving in a landau surrouuded by lepublican guards and bicycle police men to visit the premier, M. Walkeck llousseau. He was accompanied by Dr. Leyds, Dr. Van Hammel and Delegate Fischer. The party was met at the eutrante to the premier's saloon by M. Ulrich director of the cabinet, who in troduced the visitors to the prime minis ter. Tho interview took place in M. Waldeck-ttousseau's private study, and lasted ten minutes. At half past 0 o'clock the premier, acccoinpanied by M. Ulrich, returned the call. Aiiiitlit'i l'lot to Murder tint I'l efclcteiit. Ni:v Yokk, Nov. '27. Tho police of Hoboken, N. J., have received a letter alleging the existence of a plot to assas sinate ('resident McKinley. The writer of the lettergiivetho name of the alleged conspirator, which the police icfuso to make public at this time. The letter, which i8 illegibly signed, is iib follows: "Sir Having almost thoroughly as sured myself of an anarchist plot against his excellt'iiey, McKinley, I conulder it my duty to advise you of theijanieof one who is more than suspected of being a leader, whose name is found in the en closed slip. He Is a fugitive from jus tice, and a dangerous man, having been convicted several times and on the last ocoisiou being sentenced to 11 vo years' imprisonment for an uunrcliistiu at tempt. "My statement can be verified on ap fi'rtlii'B to the iH-rft'Ct of umeat l'urte, Thanksgiving Week SPECIALS SI. IS Fancy Neckties and 35c Ladies' silk stocks and jbots, fancy bows, etc., a magnificent collection u'f our best styles oa sale this week at the following special prices: three lou ' 95c, $1.45 and $1.95 representing styles worth from .$1.25 to $0.75. Ice-Wool Squares in cream, ivory three lota 40c, 75c and $1 respectively, representing our special prices on styles worth from 50c to $1.75. $2.25, $1.25 to $4.75. Sizes XVI. WIIiIiIAXIflS t COMPANY France. In the course of tlr past j ear he iias associated with him a man named Francoise, the author of an anarchistic attempt at Scranton, where he mortally wounded an agent of the police. The writer of this letter, the police say, has linen located and his story will be investigated. It Happened III it IIiuk .Store. "One day last winter a lady came to iny drug store and asked for a brand ot cough medicine that I did not have in Bteck," says Mr. C. 11. Grandin, the Dopular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She was disappointed and wanted to know what cough preparation I could recom mend. I said to herthat I could freely rec ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that she could take a bottle of the remedy and after giving it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to brine buck the bottle audi would refund the price paid, In the course of a day or two the lady came back in company with a friend in need of a cough medicine and advised Iter to buy a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. I consider that a very good recommendation for the remedy." It is for sale by G. C. Blakeley, the dnitrgiet. KlUxAre Wearing Too Many Klk Teeth, Coi.okadj Si'MMis, Nov. 27. The local lodae of the Benevolent Protective Order of Klks has appointed u com mittee to draft resolutions against tlie wearing of Klk tenth as emblems of the order. Itepoited wholesale slaughter of elk in the West for the teth influenced this action, and copies of tlie resolution will be sent to the did'erent lodges throughout tho country with the idea of fll'ecliiig the abolishment of trallic in elk teeth. You can't all'ird to rldk your life by allowing a cough or a cold to develop into pueuiimulu or consumption. One Minute Cough Cure will cure thrott and lung troubled quicker than any other preparation known. Many doctors use it as a specilie for grippe. It is an in fallible remedy for croup. Children like it and mothers endorse it. Sold by Clarke Fulk's P. O. Pharmacy. Paint your house with fully guaranteed to lust, hnvt.' them. paints that are Clarke & Falk Neckwear. Boys' Reg. $3 Men's Fine Trousers Worth $3, $4, $4.50 For mm remit perfection im? vast stocK your choice at Boys' Vestee & School Suits Regular $2.50, $3 and $3.50 Stylesat The privilege $3.00 and $3 50 looking alter, choice at pink, blue and black ; at half former price- Kepurt of Falrvlew School. Following is district No. 4S a report of the Echool in for the month ending Nov. 23, 1900: No. days taught, 20. No. days attendance, 0!)0. No. puptls enrolled, 43. Average daily attendance, ;5. The following puptls were neither ab sent nor tardy: Kdna Kaylor, Minnie Kaylor, I.innie Kaylor, Lydia Crahtree, Vida Crabtree, Claud Falcott, Alva Criss and Hariy Peed. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crab tree, Mr. Lee Morris, Mrs. A. Stogsdlll, Miss Dora Davidson, Fay Snodgrass, Guy Stogslill, Earl Crabtree and Ray mond Crabtree. Ci. V. McCi.tnti:, Teacher. For You to Read " What puzzled me in the beginning was that I kept losing llesh without any cause for it that I could see. I had a little trouble with my stomach, too, anil after a while began to grow weaker aud to cough, Tho cough, I thought, would soon go away and euro itself, but it didn't. It grew worse, and then I began to spit up a pecu liar looking substance. 1 never thought of consumption, but one day 1 hud a hemorrhage, and then was frightened in earnest and did just what you would do. I rushed to tho doctor, lie was either too busy, or something else, for he didn't dome any good. I kept going on down hill, and the outlook was bad. Things took a diirerent turn, however, when I heard of Acker's English Remedy for Consumption, for I took it, and it not only cured my cough ing and spitting, but also built up my whole system. I too!; on per manent Hush, and today am just as healthy a man us you can find in a week's travel, You may bo sure I always keep Acker's Eng lish Remedy in tho house, and it is a good thing 1 do t,o, fur ouo night my youngest child v:n seized with croup. That hoarse, whee.v eoui'h was the fiit siunal. anil 1 lost no tinio in giving tlie poor little sufferer i. roper doses of this grand medicine, In almost no time the ilUcuso was under control, ami my child was saved. I advise every parent to have a bottle handy all the tiino, It serves the same purpose in keeping croup out of the house that u good lock and key serve to keep burglars out, It is both an expectorant ami a tonic. It cured mo of con sumption and my child of croup, and 1 know what 1 am talking about." (Signed) Hon. M, Houan, picture frame manufacturer, '.2 Ceuter Street, Now York, Aclter'n Knyll.il liemol .l'l.uM hy all druKiriU SJC.,Wo.aiiilli boltlu til fiuiuvam cuu oi luuuru. M' Witlwiii tt titdie gWMht, II'. IIOOKUU- VO I'lvpiMon, .Yew York, For gale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. MEN'S and BOYS' Winter Caps in drop-band Golfs and iiright one; good -fOe. and SOi-Caps; this week, clmice Reefer Coats, Qualities Special S2IS Reefers are preferred by most youngsters to the Overcoat, for cold weather w'ear. Equally as warm as an overcoat and much more convenient. We select two of our best numbers for special selling this week : $3 00 valup, bine boucle cloth Heefer, double-breasted, velvet collar, well lined, three to eight years ; t0 1 K special this week )w. X O Same in a tan striped kersev. Not another store in iown shows the vaiiety of extra Trousers we do. In making our selections we have paid special care to the patterns as well as to the cloth ; the ! For this week, the bpst styles in at f3 oo, H-W and $4 00; $3.00 of picking the best Btvles of our $2 50, Boys' Suits at $2.15 is well worth a r 1 1 n ui ill $2.15 fortius week only, your 2.IS A lot of Ladies' and Children's Jackets Ilnlen HoiiIiI'm nomlnexH. Nkw Yoiik, Nov. 27. Miss Helen Gould, accompanied by her maid, has purchased $3000 worth of clothing and toilet articles, which she ban ordered dis patched to the distributing officer of the Uniteil States Army at Manila, Philip pine islands, The goods will be pre sented with Helon Gould's compliments, and Christmas ureotings to the New Yorkers of the troops in the Philippines. Miss Gould personally selected every article, and in each ease bought tho best quality obtainable, She carefully exam ined the clothing in order to see, she ex plained, that it was of suitable weight. Remeoiber that A. Y. Marsh will give a turkey and pigeon shoat on the beach November 27, 28 and 29th. uu.lur a iio.itivo vuarnnti'u that your liuini y will ho r U.tt.uml Ummd, lu l'iuUiiJ,l.,JU.,'Jil.U,l.,uu4i.64 3lS A ifl t ii. '43 Ml i 3! Mr-J X & JO, ' j- m a if W H- i i