The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 27, 1900, Image 4

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j A Mrhl of Terror. 1 . ,.,,,i..l.f.nrily.
Bares.ii in good? for cold weather: not for just
a day cr two. hut every day U
Bargain Day at TJ4E FAIR
Men'? heavy cotton fleeced underwear, per suit
Men'? heavy won) fleeced underwear, per suit
Men's heavy all-wool rihhed underwear, per suit . . .
-Men's extra quality of J no. G. Miller Go's, overcoat;
at .' $0.45, $U.S5'and $
Tlie Above are equal to any shown elsewhere ut $S, 12 ati'l $15.
10-4 cotton hlankets for sheets, per pair
Men's red fleece-lined overshoes
Men'? hest black fleece-lined overshoes
Men's best black fleece-lined snow excluders
Men's felt boot with Perfection heavy rubber
Men's best quality rubber boots
ladies' best 'black fleece-lined arctics
SI 00!
1 is;
1 95 '
11 05
1- 00
1 2Sj
J 40 1
1 93 1
3 10 1
A Night of Terror.
"Awful ntixicty was ft-It (or the
widow nf the brave General Riirnhatn of
Machius, Me., when the doctors said
she could not live till uiornini:." writes
Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her
that fearful night. "All thourht she 1
I must soon die from Pneumonia, bin she
j beared for Dr. King's New I)ieovury, '
i saying it had more than once saved her
: life, and had cured her of Consumption.
I After three small doses she slept easily
i all night, and its further use completely
I cured her." This marvelous medicine
is Guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest
and I.unc Diseases. Only 50c and $l.iH).
Trial bottles free at B.akeley's
ilnis: store. 1
We have a nice assortment of Ladies' Wool Hose and
"Fascinators. These proods must be seen to appreciate the
prices we are making on them.
ladies' best quality heavy all-wool jersey leggins 9Sc
blisses' " ' " sSc
Children's best qualitv heavv all-wool iersev leseins ... TSc
Compare these prices. Are we not saving you
money? We have positively the best line of Ladies' Capes
and Jackets in The Dalles and at about one-third less price
than other stores.
...THE FAIR...
The place to Save Money on all kind? of Merchandise.
Southern C'ltllfurliln,
.Notable among the pleasures u forded
by the Shasta Route is the winter trip
to Southern California and Arizona.
Renewed acquaintance with this section
will ever develop fresh points of interest
added sources of enjoyment, under its
sunny skies, in the variety of its indus
tries, in its prolific vegetation and anions:
its numberless resorts of mountain,
shore, vuliey and plain.
The two daily Shasta trains from
Portland to California have reun re
cently equipped with the most approved
pattern of standard ami tourist sleeping
cars, but the low rates of fare will still
continue in effect.
Illustrated guides to the winter resorts
of California and Arizoiu may be had
cn application to !
C. H. Makkiiam. G. P. A.,
Portland. U'egpn. (
Wanted Men and women of good
character and reference?, to represent an
established house, pplended opportunity 1
for advancement. Address P. O. Hox
5S7, Portland. Oregon. novlo-lnio
i: m
1 M
i -is
Uob Printers
' '-"lE
jAi, j
TTlTTTlTTriTTTrTTtTTTtTltTlXTrrTTTItllTII'rifIIltt1lifIltIft1TXITTt ftTFttr
t: i !. m.
Hnlt Ukr. Denver, Kt
W.ittl,, i)lm,IB, kin SiV,
City, ht I.iui. li'4'1
UhlciiKi. mill Kt. ,ra I" a
Atlantic jrinlt Ijita, Denver. Kt 1 e.
1 hxtireii ! Worth, Omulm, Kim'. '-
, Vi JOn. 111., mix Clly, f,t,
Vl Hunt-' I'lilencii unit Kust. '
IllRtou, 1
S . in
WMln Wh1Iii. hiKm... .
Hl lllth, .MlittntU.,
"" " Kim r.Hkl, vm
SfHiLiutfiikd lliinunij.
Illll IllMI lilt IMIttlU U
W UKhlliRtim Mini Knst.
urn Oivkiui.
3.31 i.B
I t p. in. J Khom 1'or.TL.vNi.
Occiin PtciiiMhhii.i
1 Kor hull rriincUrit
I Kvi ry Knc l)nv.
I h '' '" 1.
, Kx.miuUh- Colun.tilH Kv, Stcnmen. Ex w.
1 To AhTontA 1111J V.t "
! .-iniirilHjr l-uiUliiR!,.
fin. in. W tu.Air.TTr ICivkk. i-xkh
1.x siiiHlHyorwrn City. Newlwrc, ex sf-5',
niilem .V Way Uud'i. '
. o. :n, WiLLAxrTTi: Yak 3.Db.
Iiii'h.lliur. ittu. IttvKiii. Mon vi
mill .-t. Otvitiin City, Diiytim, Buafr'
hiiU Wiiy l.'milliiRii.
l.v Itlimnii
h.VAKK UlVcn,
Klimrln to U'wlntnn.
8.10 1 a
Acker's English Remedy will (-tnjia
cough at any time, and wiii cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. "5 c:s. and 50 cts. Illakeley
the druggists.
A full line of Eastman iHins and sup
plies just receiv-d by Clarke & Falk.
Extra good values at the New York
sh Store.
In ell Its elija there
133 Second Street.
Fn. mm 1 rt I sliou.J be clesnitneja.
. C. JVIarquardsen, Prop.! eiv8 crcn... uaim
Cold .Steel or Ileuth.
"There is but one small chance
save vonr life and that is through
operation," wa the awfu! prospect set
before Mrs. I. U. linnt, of Lime Ridire,
Wis., by her doctor after vainiy trying
to cure her of a fri'.'i.ti'uJ case of stomach
trouble and yellow jiundife. He didn't
count mi the marvellous power of Elec
tric Bitters to cure stomach and liver
troubles, but she heard of it, took seven
bottles, was wholly cured, avoided sur--i;etin,6
knife, now weighs more and feels
better than ever. It is positively uuar
anteed to care stomach, liver, and kid
ney troubles and never dissapoints.
Price 50c at Biakeley's driic store. 1
grateful mothers are lor One Minute
to; Cough Cure which gives relief as soon us
an it is administered. It quickly cures
conchs, colds and nil throat and i 11 fir
troubles. Sold by Ciarke it Falk'e P. O.
iiui 0
wfHn-imha(fi)l 4
.. .GOIiUfffBlA BREWERY...
Of the product of thiH well-known brewery the United States Health
Report for .lime US. 1900, says : "A more supeiior brew never entered
the Inbratory of the United Stnte Health reports. It ih aliHolntely devoid
of the sliglitest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand ih co-n posed of
the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can he u-ed with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old und
younc. Its ue can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with
the cersaintv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possmiy ne tniinu.
S? r''le ilenimig to unto Ilcptrt cr
Kiint on 1 '.iltiintila Miutliern ia llixn, liioul
time Sit J. leuVlUK ' lie Dulles ut 11 H t. n
innkiiiK iiinvl eiiniirctlniiH nt lli'l'pntf Juwta !
hiiiI I'.Ikr lienirtiliiK in 11 1 1 1 r I t iveicnnaccaos
hi ltMpiirr iinetliiti ninl 1IIi;k lth Nu, r.
inns hi 1 ne iiniio in u M n m.
Tlie tl It. A N. Heiimir "M hIho "Is boei1
mi! null lur t r J 1 to nulem unit InttyrcdtsH
t-lilllg ut 111! wnj lillirllticii, ',U Iwtorct
i..ihI on Moiuliijo, Vei',eMliiii, 11 ml hSltti j;
1. 11 in., HirlvliiK nl fi'n . I p. in miillstoi
ence ulioiit 11 p. in hm iln 1 Stonily
I Hint leave Iiiiti'ic"leiie h" it 111 .4!tn
nt ii a 111 on 'I'm- -'.i). lhtir mi Uw.
iIiivh, nrrl viiiR ut .'iirlliitid hImi. .b.iuw
Kor full pit-tlciilurM cull on (I, It, c N, Cci
HRulit Tin- linllei.. or tuliiei
den. l'n Ak I'liitlaulil;
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. iL. LllG,
4 -,-, 1
You can't affard to rist your life b
allowinir a couh or n cold to deve.op
into pneumonia or cousuuiptinn. One
Minute Cough Cure will cure throat an 1
lung troubles quicker than any oitn-r
preparation known. Many doctors use
it as k specific for grippe. It is nn in
fallible remedy for croup. Children like
it and mothers endorse it. Sold by
Ciarke 6z Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Do not get scared if your Heart troubles
yon. Most likelp you suffer frrfm in
digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di
g.'Sts what you eat and gives the worn
mt stomach perfect rest. It is the only
preparation know n that completely di
gests all classes of food; ; that is why it
cures the worst cm"-.- of indigestion and
stomach trouble after every t hint else
has failed. It may be taken in all con
ditions and cannot help but do you good.
Sold by Cluike & Fulk.
Many people worry because they be
lieve they haveheartdiseu'ie.Thechances
are that their hearta are all right, but
their stomachs are unable to digest food.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digeste what yon
eat and prevents the formation of gas
whirh makes the stomach press against
the heart. It will cure everv form of
indication. Sold by Clarke & Falk'e P.
O. l'liarmacy.
I'on't Knu it in,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain is goue. Sold by Clarke A
Children's and mines' shoes, spring
heel, button or lace, best doiigola kid,
foxed, siz-s 5 to 7l... at 00 cents; S'.. and
1U to la.'... at n 20; 1 to 0 at $1.-10. At
the New York Cash Slore.
Den you want prompt lifting little
pills that never uripe use DeWitt's Little
Early Risers. Sold by Clarke A Falk's
P. O. Pharmacy.
j cieancs,r2thcsandhea:s
, j the d.i'-aJ ni"jibr.ine.
llctirc- at'.rrnanaufnes
! sway a coid m the head
I Cream I'alm u placed Into the nmt:!!j, spreads
! over the cietn'mnc ar d is aoorbed. He!."? .3 lm
ni'ikiieai. la cre f , ,owi. I in not dry.Ej Iue
r. 'in li jp'-e r. Ii -e " , I cen's at I:.0'
;r - r . 1 j s , n I., n t
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
ItartlOcially diRests the food aud aids
Mature ia strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or-1
, gans. It Is the latest dlscovereddlgest
ant and tonic. other preparation
can approach it in elltciency. It in
' stantly rellevesand permanently cures
' Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ilearthurn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
PrlcoSOc. and tl. Larfjo. size contains 'iV, times
small size. Book all about dyspepsia malledtree
' -cparcdbyE DzWn 6 CO,, Crjleago.
Sold by Ciarke A I-alkV P. O. I'm ruiaci.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Wayon and Carrino Work.
Fish Drothors' Wagon.
Third anil Mown. Phone 158
SOUTH and EAST via
iJestroyinK its victim, i n type of con-,
-Blipotion. The power of this miirdcrone ,
uiulcily ia felt on ori;unf anil nerveH and
nniteles untl bruin. Thfro'e no health
tiil il'f overcome. Hut Dr. King's New
Lift- Pillc? are u safe and certain cure. .
Btfl in the world for stomach, liver, j
kidney, and f-oweiH. Ouly 25 cents at j
illakeleyV drug store. 1 j
O. A. It. Notice. ' j
Member oi J. V. Xeemitn tmt are I
Teijiii-BiL'tl to tnett at G. A. Ii. hall Mon-j
tlay evenini;, N v. L'O.h. Iiusineen of
Bptcial iinport.uiie. By order
It I,. Aikk.v. P. C.
'fhosf populur cutrere to the winter
piilrtte, Meeere. Tom, Jerr) and l". Nog,
hm 6 taken up their headquarters at J.
Fait ii Co.V, under tlie inanueuier.t of
"Smiling Albert." A uord to the wise
in sullicient. n2 'M
Clarke & Falk have received a carload ,
of tlie celebrated Janie E. Patton
atrictly jiure liquid paints
Floral Iotiou will cure wind chapping !
' and sunburn. Manufactured by C'artce
! & Folk. ;
j Wanted A second-hand fire-proof
, eafe. Must be in good condition and not
too large. Apply at the Ciiiio.sici.k:
office. o31-tf ;
Souinern Pacific Co
Shasta Route
Train IciveTlir Hailw lor I'oiV.unH itnd wnj
sUlliuis ut I i a. in. ninl u i. m.
I. Ai II 1 I'
Wines, Liquors Digars
Family Orders will receive oromot attention.
i Phone 234,
Nest door to First National Hank.
...Donlor In...
Tier. ffnria f-lnhhinQ
Cents' Furnisnings
ll(K.t. KllllCK. lint.". ( IIP. "
lor W I. liiiiiK'"' hy-
'Z'iii'i'r- The Dalles, Or.
Acker'e Dyepepaia Tablets are eoid on i
a positive guarantee. Cured henrt-burn,
raleinn of the food, distress after entiny,
or any form of dyepepfia. One little J
tablet jilvefc immediate relief. 'Ih etc. ;
and'60cte. Blakeley, the drucist. ,
Why pay per gallon for inferior
painte when you can buy Jamee E.
Patton'u mi ii proof paintb for $1,50 per;
gallon, guaranteed for 5 yeara. Clark &
Falk, agent. ml '
When you cannot nleep for coutihlni:, '
it 1b hardly neceniiary that any one should '
tell you that you need a few doses of
l-envc I'ortlHiid . . .
" Albany ... ..
Arrive .Wilund
" fciti:.'tiiiii:lit ..
" is.iii iTittwUw
. hlSOlltll in
..l.'lCl a rn
. . AiC") 1' m
. . jiVi m
Atrivo Oxdoii
" li;iivor
" K,iinni;i!y
" (JhlCrtlfll
ii : IS ii in
j:(jO n in
7 :.'.' a m
7: 15 a in
, Arrive Ixw AniCl(n
I " Kl I'h.o
I Kort Worth
" (illy ot .Mexico .
" llouton .. .
" .Sen OrleiiliH
" WnitilriKton
" New York
. . 1 :VO i m
fr.M i in
.. 0::j1h m
.. u:OT ft m
.. 1:01 u in
.. Or.'iu m
. 0:1.' a in
,r.M:i p in
".Co ii in
10 -a. ji m
It ' m
I ' a in
1 J u 11
H I'.Htn
y:L li m
7 .' . in
' in
7 On in
O.ui p m
ii ) n in
( V, n in
I:(aiii in
ii Si ii in
f. li ii m
.' l i ) in
Str. Rotjulator
ntiiiiniitK ol the lieitiilutor I.lnc ivlll run nh per the fol- jl
otv,iiK MilKduIc, the toin),,,!!- luurvhiB the rltftat to clmt.u 'S
nc'.el.iile Without notice, 3
' 7 Axle "'J
(UREASE 1 ' 1
I helps the team. Saves we ir una B
I RcxjiciihC. bold everywhere. Mfi
flBt, STANCAnb OIL CO. jtfjBl
I'lillrnun and Tourht mth on both trains
Uhalr i-.irn b)K.Tfirin:liti) to O'Kmi nitd Kl Tto,
...... t.. f'l.l,. ..... L. I .... I k 1 .
Chamberlain's CoiikIi I'.eiuedy to allay , in. nnd WuahliiKtoii.
Jf you have ever seen a chili) in the
-agony of croup you can realize how
the irritation of the throat, and make
sleep posalble. itiscood, Try it. For;
sale by Iilakeley, the drtiist.
DeWitt's Little Early Kisers are the :
beat liver pills ever made. Easy to take
and never gripe. Sold by Clarke ii Falk'a
V. O. Pharmacy,
L'Olilitetliii! nt hull KrniicUco with attvenil
HU'Hiniihip MUCH lur lloiiolnlu, Jnpiui, (Jhlna,
i iiuiiiiijea, i,ciuri mm noma .meiieu.
ht-e iifeiit at The Juliet Million, or milium
Ueuerul i'uucngcr Agent, I'ort.nml, Or
, Ia lillec
lit 7 A. M.
' Tnevluy
, 'i'lilt ixlu . ..
hatiiriluy .
Arr. rortliiiul
, ut l:B0 I-. i.
l.v Tortl mil
ut 7 a. it.
. . Wliionny
Arr. liullu
ii .i i: n.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dallou City.
l.v. ,it
"17 A. n. 4
1 .Mmiiluy
Wfllnumhiy. ,
Ar. I'ortlniiil
nt I ,ii i'. )i.
i.t i on in in
at ".(Xi a. ll. $
Jlliviilllj ri
. . '1'hurKlny ,5
, .M..ii.iu ia ,i, uiu lUKiiinior i.iiio. The i omihiiiv win i.i.ii(.v. ..i.. .. . m
,1'ortlH.i.lomecOuk-HtrectIio.jk. W, C. ALI.awav .... 3
.... M wuii, MUl, f'J
, Lntturs of Credit IsHuud available In tli
; JCusterii States. ,
HlKht Kxchunge, iu.d &,
TruiiHhra sold on New or:M
St. houlH, (Sun FrAi.clHco, INirtltuul Ore
Kou, Seattle W.iHh,. and various poinw
in Oregon and WuBhiiujton. . . ..
Collections inntlH at all wit' on iaT
rnhhi tiriu.
JiiiHlliuir youni: man can ui'd:' li0 'ff
mouth and expenses. Permanent io
tlon. Kxporionco niiuicei-Hary. '
quick for particulars. Clark 0j'
Fourth und Locust Street?, J'hil"e''
hpla, I'a, fc8'U
Clnrko &Tulks flavornu: exin8 arB
the boat. Ask your Krouer for thvW.