The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY .... NOV. 27, 1WO 3ICHV TO SETTLE SUHtCKIPTlOSS. There are few classes of book ac counts in the world that corlain as large a relative amount of bail debts as the subscription lists of a country newspaper. Wbv this is so it is not lookout for a new party need not! . 1)r,arations simplv devU t i ' J despair if he doesn't get one. The oj dry catarrh; they dry up tho secretions, j J chance are he would fail out with frf ttOTlb,oUian , -- j the new one on its first failure to tho ordiuarv form of catarrh. Avoid all dry- JELlXQCEXTlnwi bis individual ideas and the JJ!'' country would have to be saved heals. Ely's Cream Palm is tmch n remedy i ... .. .. t aud will euro catarrh or cold in tho head ' without him anyway. easilj. mil J)lcftS(VUuv. A trial Bizo wiu bo ! j mailed for 10 cents. All druggists hclUho Br the time Washburn. Iirvnn. SOc.size. Elyllrothers.ninVarreuSt .X.Y. tt , . The Halm cures without pam, does not Pettigrew. Hearst and perhaps Hill in-jto or caue sneering. It spreads itself each set a "new democracy" oruan-1 oxer nu irritated nud angry surface, rolicv- ... - l"lllHHI't mw , .... - i t ii i ) lm pn nil nnr Hrt inn ri rt.tnrr ...... . . n i 1 our present purpose to inquire. Our lut '"" "v " un wy-B . ream ium youaro anucu anci oou-iau rasj enus in earner u u ivw --.. v. v. 'old democracy,' say; Whatcom Republican. the New Sow In thr llnnil of n Stronn Sj-nillcnte. T,rnli n. ., t o ' to reorganize tno -New iorK n otm s infallible method by which a settle mfint of all delinquent accounts may be obtained with scarcely an.v trouble MQN0?0Ly CAMpH0R GTJ and without any expense. We can , commend the method all the more The Kntire Trmir of the world i heartily- since we did not discover it but are indebted for the pointer" j to an old account book that was recently discovered among a lot of trash and lumber while workman were clearing out an old "store room connected with the oflice of the col lector of internal revenue at Port land. The book boie internal evi dence of having belonged to a practising physician of some fort years ago; and a man of some note withul. as the list of names in the index and accounts show that his patients were among the best families of the Portland pioneers. The doc tor's name is not found in the book but old-timers strongly suspect that it belouged to one long since gone to his rest, who bore an honored but decidedly Celtic patron'mic and had o large share of the wi: and humor of his race. The doctors of forty 3-ears ago, ne it remembered, micht not as many patients as their successo do now, but they made up for the; lack by bleeding more freely what they had. Thus the book shows that a charge of 3 was demanded for a single call upon the sick. In the particular case whish furnishes the inspiration of this article the usual 50 YEARS-EXPERIENCE i race niAttn; Jesicns Copyrights &z. iufni-tAnrUn n Oilrh nnd i!ecriPtloti ma quttfhlT mMnln our omuton free Mietlit-r a I1U tccelTi Within a year the camphor trade of the world has become a monopoly The trees which j it-Id this fragrant and , iisefut gum art to be found all over ; Asia and the East Indies, but the prir.rtpAi production from them i j cor.riued to the i-lami of Formosa, ; which belongs to Japan. China was t never able to furnish more than 2(H).- j rW pounds a year, and Japan now pro- duces about aon.WK). Hut Formosa's I annua i output for several years past ' has been between G.OOOJJOO and T.OCO. 000 pound-. Little is to be had at present from any other source and there is no prospect of ehansre in i the situation for a Inn time to come. ' savs the .New York Tribune. , In (iecidinc to exercise control over Are tnofe h0 wenr dothes thht are up- the production of camphor .Japan has . in lit, workmanship and quality, been actuated by two motive-. In the 1 My line ot s.tmple covers all the latest first place she want to obtain revenue j designs for (ail and winter, the price is therefrom, as France does from the ; richt, and I can guarantee n periect fit. match and cirar ministries. Hut .-he mm1 nrone4nrt!ns n 'elr i.l nM,rfnln nttr mil itiTiMttNin !. pruhnMT mu-iimblc. ?ininiuni- tlniixtnctlrcnnnucntul. IlandtHX)ton I'atcuti lent tri-o. til'loit nnvic- f -ecumiF ratniM. JC'dll IkttlCt. wKh'-'it CtTTJ", la the Scleiiiifsc .HmerScai!, A hni!omc)y UUittratcrt w "'S't I.nrsc: clr mlatton i f imT fi-icnttt!" Jnur 'lcra3. f.t a tur moutiis. Si. buid bynll newjilcalcn. UroncU Hfllw CXi V W:uhlniHot!. I). 1 Stylish Dressed Men.... Complete of Drufs at m: z. donnell, TH DRUCC15T. $1.00 per month. Strictly first class local and Ioiik distance telephone hutvico within your home. Lines do not cross-tnllc. Your con versation will be kept a ecrtit. No cost for installing. You cet the standard Iluniiiiig Lonp Dii-taiit Intrninenl. Continuous day and nicht aervicii. Wo will accept votir contract for ten yi"itr nnd allow yon to cancel same on civing tie thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. Jast What You uuant. Grandall & Barget DEALEiii" I.N RobeS, fill kinds of undertake i BuriaSh Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dallos, Or. charge is registered against a certain individual for a visit to his sick wife. An extra charge of -'l is made for the prescription and when the items are carried out the total is made to read 04.u0. also seeks to atert th- killiiit: of the roose uhit-h lajs the rolder. eirsrs fi.r her. In other words, she has ur.iii-r-taken to protect the camphor forests, which were in danger of extinction. A recent consular reiwrt from Tnmsiii have had J declare, that no fewer than :.. ' armed iruarils are to be placed on duty on the edge of the forests, in order to enforce regulations which hae recent ly been adopted. The destruction of younir camphor trees and of shoots from old stumps has been prohibited by law. The ;uin is obtained by fell- ' in? the larger trees, split tint: them ; up aiid boilintr the wood, in tlie past it has been common to cut down younp trees for fuel, but this practice 1 is now to be stopped. I Suits to Order, SIO.OO. 'John Pashek, The Tailor. mm Restaurant L. Y. Hone. Prop'r. ; First-Class in Every Respect1 ,VI j Mi LJ, m'UJ y I'1 v.. AT A 1. 1- IIOLK-. sT Second at.. Tlie Dalles, Or. Wasco Warehouse C.ompaijf Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds. ; Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?n kin , Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SPwElISed Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour 2sew ideas m Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore traced a Himtle stock. Keal iiiiita- Oysters Served in any Style, tion creton efl'euts at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper nricefi. rieaui uesicuH, lasieiut coioriiiL'B, vourii tt; r, t-).- t- j r- tttv . - 1 , , for a Email price, at our store on Third 'Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats, street. Also a full line of house jiaintfi. . This Hour ip manufactured expreeely for famll; ube, every Hack is inmruuteed to irivt eatisfactioc. We sell our poode lower than any house iu the trude, and if you don't think call and cet cur pricee end Ikj convinced. Ice Cream and DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will quickly heal the worst burns and scalds ' - T- 1 and not leave a scar. It can be applied I OVSieF L aFlOFS to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt -' and soothing effect. Use it for piles and , irfc h. L. Jones has opened ice skin diseases. Beware of worthless cream and oyster parlors in Carev Bai- D. W. VAUSE, Third St r Our brethren of the countn' press i counterfeits. Sold by Clarke A Folk's lard's old stand. She carries will not fail to note the doctor's admiraole method of addition. ot that it is absolutely new, ns any man who has ever ran a butcher's account can testify. The account is ultimate Jy settled, however, in a most re markable manner and this la the point of our story b' a simple entry irhich says: "Credit, by debtor's running away, 4.50." Thus with out cost and with no more effort than the scratch of a pen the entire debt is canceled and declared paid. P. 0. Pharmacy. Rnth mnkpra nni! ntrcnlatrirB nfrnnn'Rr. feits commit fraud. Honest men will . lltq PHfl Krar 'A full line of Candies,; not deceive you into buying worthless counterfeits of DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve. The original is infallible for cur-, intr piles, sores, eczema and ell Bkin , diseases. Sold by Clarke & Fall:'s P. 0. Pharmacy. BUSINESS LOCALS. ' Clarke ik Fait: have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. lt The place has been thoronchly ren ovated, and a share ol the public patrou is solicited. Open till 12:00 P. M. A Difficult Problem. ; It is atnont; tt.e most difficult prob- ' 1 i . I r . i Paint your house witn paints that are , expert in several linee. J. K. Adcos i fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk ! Co., by tbeir combination, Imve over- come thif difficulty in a jiractical man ner, d.ji. aocos is an expert watcn- NOT ALL OllEGOX REJOICES. have them. Best values lor the least money at the , ,uaker an(J is KOod on jewelry, optical C New York Cash Store. A special in ' work and enyruvini:, while Theo. H. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the cclebraleil nuurHHU JSEEH, iicknow; eilsed the b'.-st boer In The Imiles, ot the usual price. Come in, try it and bt convmrtrt. Also the Finest brand of Wines, U tun: and Clean. Sandrjuiehes of oil Kinds always on hand. ale Retiring from Business. : Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost ; Dry fioodp, ClotliiziK, linotP and SIiocp, at much leoe than wholeii j prices. Will sell in bmk or in lote, or any way to suit purchasers. j Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. , All jood- will be sacrificed excejit Thntnpson'a Glove-littinc Coreete ' ! and liuuerick Patterns. Your prices will be iniue. Cull uarlv and eernre i bar(,'aiiib. " ( J. P. McINERN"?, Corner Second and Court Mf. "All Oregon is rejoicing," says the ia3t' children's and misses' shoes, while they Liebe is an expert optician and is irood on watch repairing, jewelry work and ItiL-or T?r.r,., , enpravinc. I heir price is as low us con- . "M"""'"'") ti". ia-L. For sprains, ewellin?e and lameness . sistent with good workmanship. Thev Xnat the U. it. it 2s. has secured two there Is nothlnc so cood ns Chamberlain's ore prepared to do all work in thei Pain Balm. Trv it. For sale bv Blake- ! "'' lln,iP' cn Hh0ft not1- " rk seui oy man or eiuress win receive of the largest steamships ever yet sailed on the Pacific for its new Oriental line from Portland." ot quite "all Oregon," alus, that it should be said, for the Astoria 2sews frets itself in this wise: "If tne u. if. (L- . Company has really; Sign. "Bit; Hed U. M. llKAl.L, Canhlet chartered those steamers, it is indeed ! a.oiJ' untold from un attack of cholera too bad, for they will never be able I morbnB lroucht on by eatinK cucum tr nnt .t , hers," says M. E. Lowther, clerk of the to get to Portland. A 22-foot chan- i- . . m T ... , u ' district court, Centerville, Iowa. "I nel cannot be made to accomodate thousht I chould snrely die, and tried a 25-fool ships, and if those vessels ! dozen different medicines but all of no relieved for sale me i by' come here they will have to load at purpose. I eent for a bottle of Chain Astoria. This" Portland inrv r,,wU berlain'e Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea remarkably fishy." j 1e'ne.d-v ,? "Vm dT J 'entirely." This remedy luumms true, However, as a j Blakeley, the druifuist. Baker City business man expresses j ReB18inb7h T. y7xx wlllrBlva himself to the Republican, that the i a turkey and pigeon thoot on the beach news is "particularly gratifyin" to ' November 27, 8 and 20th. tho Inland Empire, because it dem-j "Music hath "charms uTfoothe the onstrates that the Columbia river will j savage breasi," to t-ay nothing of the be kept onen to nav.Vntmn ,1P, ! whho man. Come and try it. Z. E. I r reer. Try it. For sale bv Ulake u,. .v.,. .1. :. me utuBdn. prompt attention. Clfaranc sale of winter millinery at ' Watch." the Campbell & Wilson millinery par- i j.s. kchrnck, lors. Ail poods will be sold at ereatlv ' iresidunt. reduced figures Friday and Suturday of r-'iL ipipst phonal Bank. V. 7 THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, nubject to fiigbt Draft or Check. Collections made nnd proceeds prompt; remitted an dav of collection, fiipht and Telographic Exchange sold cn jihw loric, han iranciaco anC "orl- F. s. I Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Seuoud & LaneWio. 'Phone 157 9 of uommereiai sample rooms. Purest Liquors for Family Use? .Delivered to any part of the City. C 173 Second Street. ? 51 Local, Wis Lonvr Distance. DIRECTOKS navigation: that;' ships will continue to come ns far inland for cargo ns possible and thut we can still expect to see the largest ocean vessels, which are the cheapest carriers, take our products 100 miles inland. Oregon for Oregon, and the Inland Kmpire for its best Interests." The Lewiston Tribune declares the liruntled citizen who is on the D. P. TlIOMI'BOtl. Jko. B. fccUK.VCV, Ed. M. Wim.iahb, Uao. A. J.uhk. H M. IIkxi House Painting... The underaii;ne(l has taken possession of H. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera house, nnd has pur- Eoslyn, Clealum and Australian coals I chaied thu tools and ladders, fie has 2-J.L'C OWNEV YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tiro of usinir So-called kidufv rcmetliee without uny honeflt, use J-mcoln Sexual Pills ami t forever rid of those dull painw In vour hack Discard that old foiry idea of "puin in the kldneyb ' ami liuvc all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, aim Jllr iiiuhts uiii'lti reHtful by thu iimj of natiire'b c.mde iiSfiHtuiit- Lincoln Soxutil Pills. Price, .'j.I (H) per bos buy ol j-our drmjylft orfit'M by mall on receipt ol price, iu plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. Fort Wayno. Indiana Advertise in The Chronicle. by the fttadeliuaii Commission. 21-lm QnGUNN'S.- BUS ONE FOR A DOSE. nn,T0 I'lmpj.,, l'rMtut Late II iiftu t a ....l Ik. . F cood mechanics working for him, and will guarantee all work to give fiatisfuc tion. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. J. A. EBERLE, F'pe Jailori DyliD Tie Goiiimfiia pacKi PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKAOTUKKKS OK inTRWHT frnm f.Vo TP a rwfTixr . complete Hue 0( ,- m vvi.,1.,. S. K. KELLY.:ATEASTRRNpBIT " riW."W,Kril."r todd Sausages i: .H .:T.'r'"l.1", well dr ii nraun It. K. HMJTII, Osteopath. I IUhmii. in ami 11, C'imiiMHii Iliock, The UMvn Oregon, tep'.'l 1 lect from.' Geo. C. Blakeley, . . StJit8, 20 UP- 17 . Call and exuinliiu wmte before u-nlnir The Druggist. I Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIKD BEEF. ETC.