Bareaii. in good? for cold weather a dav ir two, but everv dav i t I .,..,tVe..n.nn,,.mra I ir W A mm t t I k ' I 1 1 T I "Aw,ul "",ety ww9 Wt for th0 9a V , .M IB mmW JLBI I I i J 1 I I 1 M widow of the brave General Uurnhnm of M I I ( Si. 9F I 1 r I I I X. a Machias. Me., when the doctors. aaid & jg taHPOJl It II. 5 I jl ::" I tirit!T tittt -,. . s ' ;V ' f. ' 5 i tl i , i i!8 . : , I A 1 A ; :& , ""I ' -sr I-, I Dcllen, 5f- I Or. jjg ! I SI, I ! 2. ji. m t Bargain Day at THE FAIR i i 00 15 Do Men'.- heavy ..tton fleeced underwear, per suit Glen's heavy wn! fleeced underwear, per uit ... Men's heavv all-wool ribbed underwear, per suit ... 3len's extra uualitv of Jno. G. Miller & Go's, overcoats at . $0.45, $..S5 and .$11 C5 The above are equal to any shown elsewhere at $!2 and $15. 10-4 cotton blankets for sheets, per pair Men's red fleece-lined overshoes 1 Men's best black fleece-lined overshoes 1 Men's best black fleece-lined snow excluders Men's felt boot with Perfection heavy rubber ... 1 9S Men's best quality rubber boots 3 A Might of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General IJurnham of Mnchias. Me., when the doctors . said she could not live till morning," writes Mrs. S. 11. Lincoln, who attenJed her that fearful nipht. "All thourht she must ooii die from Pneumonia, hut she bepeed for Dr. Kinc's New Discovery, , sayinp it had more than once saved her life, and had cured her of Consumption. After three small ilusw ?he slept easily all iilptit, and its further use completely cured her." This marvelous medicine is cuaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest Bnd Lunc Diseases. Only 30c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Hlakeley V drm store. 1 Mtutht-rii CHllfnrtiln, 50e Notable anions tne pleasure? afforded by the Snasta Kotite is the winter trip to Southern California and Arizona. Renewed Acquaintance with this section n t will ever develop fresh points ot interest , 0w I added sources ot enjoyment, under its Og 1 sunny skies, in the varitty of its indus- t tries, m its vegetation ami anion? 1 40 its numberless resorts of mountain, ; shore, valley and plain. 1 The two dailv Shasta trains from lO'Prt,anQ' 10 California have been re- Ladies' best black fleece-lined arctics 59c j pattern of standard and tourist sleeping cars, hot the low rates of fare wiw still continue in effect. Illustrated guides to the winter resorts o:u m.iv be nad Y e have a nice assortment ot Ladies Wool Hose and' (California and An Fascinators. These croods must prices we are making on them. be seen to appreciate the -en application to r. h t ivi-uiii r; p Ladies' best quality heavy ail-wool jersey legcins Misses' " Children's best quality heavy all-wool jersey leggins 9Sc SSc 7Sc Compare these prices. Are we not saving you money? We 'nave positively the best line of Ladies' Capes and Jackets in The Dalles and at about one-third less price than other stores. .THE FAIR... The place to Save Money on all kind of Merchandise. Portland. U-ect n. Wanted Men und women m pood character and references, to represent an established hnn?e, splended opportunity, fin advancement. Address 1'. O. Box 5S7, Portland, Orepon. imv'5-Ioio Acker's Enplisb Remedy will 'tpa cnupii at any time, and cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 2-3 cts. and 50 cts. Ulakeley the drupaists. The Chronicle, Job Printers. V I Si Suit ImU , pinvi- r:h. Onmlm. Km' r City, st Um, CiiIl'hcu :tj tBt. Atlantic Sn!t Ijilie, Denver Ft Kxiia . Worth. Oniiiliu, Kirn Vl::n. m. h Cllr. St I .m l VI.I llUtlt I'llIl'tlRII mid Lnsl, uisum. I tot Mild , l)Ultltll,AlllWRIlk. Clilraco mid t'.Mii, V J-foLttia'BkrtlliintltiR. tlia, IllMI 111. (KllllU lu w NKhlticton at.u Kaj; ern OrtRim. t'xprv'K JIM1 J..t.a ! p. m. j From 1'ortlam I Oivhh Sleamnlun ' For San KrnneiH'o Kvcry Five Pun, 1.B. . t.SL To ahtoku and V,r .ia.urday 1-iudliicv li m. ; I 3 TTimmrtTttTllllllllfTIIT?tTTITT-ItTlt iTitiintrtttTinilrTiiriitfiTiiiiTT trrt fir II a. HI. 1 ILLAXETTE litVRK. !) . F.r.Mimlar Orecnn (Utv .NcwU-fB. EwfiSt .ain. UtiXAyrTTK and Vam j.t. luc,lmir. him. Ktvr.KH Moa.ri .uid -ut. orecnn City, Paytos, tail and Way-l.nduiRi. 1 r Cltnria la;y :i t' u. ra. ft.VAKK Kivi-.k. Itlpnria to Ixwln'.ou, UlTI dally 9.C0.a 4 A SUD- I r 4 A full line of Eastman Sims and plies just received by Clarke Falk. Extra pond V3iues at the New York Cash itore. B Nasal CATARRH 133 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. In all Its stages there . C. JVIarquardsen, PFop.; Eiys cream naim Cola stei or Death. ' pratefel motners are lor One Minute "There is but one small chance to! Cough Cure which pives relief as toon as ave yonr iife and that is through an ' it is administered. It quickly cures . . . . l .1 .11 -t ODeration. was tne awtui prosjwet set couens, coius ana an inroai aim ;unc before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Rid?e, 7Wk ' THE CELEBRATED .. .COIiUjWBlA BREWEKY ... AUG-UST BUCHLER. Prop. Of the pnidnctnf wel -knovn brewury the United States Health lieports fur .Inne 19(H), says -A uure ijupetior brew never entered the iabratory of the Tinted Mates Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slichtest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the burli est and it can be iwtd with the creat-t benefit and "utisfaiUion by old and younc. Itr ue can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with the cersaiutv that a better, purer or more wholesome beventpe could not possibly be found." CP? 1 J'MPie dektriiu; to ri to tlcpenw e l-.ii.tK oil i .ilumlilii Soiilli'Ti i i r.lsri. iSooVt tiiki-.Vo i. kavlnc 'Ihe Imllti at 12:B p. a. iiiBk..nir dinrt eoi'i'rtlo:iK ut Hrppucrlasrar miii i'ibkh lU'MirnliiK mannis(l.npraaca ni iii'j.jiiHT ;unc:iin aim m:e una .No, l,c- Tivni: ui ine iul in i. . ji m, 1 in- o It ,v S". uteam -r M -t k' "U u &t). :m; ntn.lnr ri to nalrm mid lnwtwafcxt, tuppiiiK nt ull way lanili:i-. icmmrin i. .ml mi Miiii!iiy, Vi'i"ic-(lm a d Irilin i: In., arrivtnuiit . ei i I i til . uuifatrjs! i lict hIkiuI I) ti. m . ! d Lasta 0 i immii R'nvy iiiiit'l" ur mi a. m tzess T nt I. . in. on loi .a)r. lt-Lr s t 0 Jhvb, arriving nt Airlland alxiu day. l4 ctj.. p. CUM For futl jw'tlcular rnll cm O U. A. S, Csi or auatis W H II' KLPrr.T, den, l'u. AkI , I'uilliud.h troubles. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a friphtfnl case of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvellous power of Elec tric Bitters to cure stomach and liver troubles, but ahe heard of it, took seven bottles, was w holly cured, avoided sur ceon.s knife, now weiphs more and feels better than ever. It is positively pilar anteed to cure stomach, liver, and kid nev troubles ami never dissopoints. Price 50c at Biakeley'e drugstore. 1 , iwt itut, it in. Do not pet scared if your neart troubles j jU3t WPj the affected part freely with -you. Most Hkelp you suffer from in Mysterious Pin Cure, a Scotch remedy, digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di I and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke A Falk. You can't afford to risk your life by i allowing a couph or a cold to deveiop ' into pneumonia or consumption. One; Minute Conph Cure will cure throat and lung troubles quicker than nny other preparation known. Many doctor use it as a specific for trrippe. It is an in fallible remedy for croup. Children like it and mothers endorse it. Sold by Ciarke & Falk's P. O. Pnarmacv. j cleanses, loothoandhcak the Ciisi-etf nicmarane. It cares catarrh and dr'vw avvay a co;d m the head quicu.y. C'rvam Balm ;s pUccd Into the nortrilj, spreads oTer she membrane and H alnorljed. Ileli'fn im mediate anil a care fo.iowi. It Is cot drying !o not produce sneez'n. Ij.-jc Sac, 50 ccn: a: lini - 7 ma. , Trial St , 1'' enrjhyina. . i.V if. r JTHEILa, 5. rt a.ea ir-ect, New York. East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. ii l. f It Cists what yon eat and yives the worn out stomach perfect rest. It is the only preparation known that completely di- Children's and misses shoes, spring heel, button or lace, best donuola kid. geste an classes oi iooae; mat is nj josedi ,;Z(J? 5 t0 7,s a, on eentg. s, and cures the worst case.-, of indigestion and , 1) tQ 13i at n 20. 1 t0 3 at 40 Al stomach trouble after everything . the New York Cash Store. . . - . - f l, nB laueu. il may ue lawen iu an vuu- i ditions and cannot help but do you good. Sold by Clarke & Falk. MaDy people worry because they b-( p. o. Pharmacy. Iievethey have heart cisease. ineciianceE are that their hearta are all right, but their stomachs are unable to digest food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what yon at and prevents the formation of gas which makes the stomach press against "A nen von want prompt actiug little . pills that never uripe use DeWitt's Little Early Iiisers. soid by Clarke & Falk's Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in 8treni,'thenlng and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It lsthe latestdiscovereddigest ant and tonic. Ko other preparation ' can approach It in eBlclency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. ' PrlceSOc.andSl. Larse size contains 2H times small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailedtree .'epcred by E OcVITT a CO., Cbleoflft Sold by Clarke Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Lane, c. 5- t. t. f c. 5' I 5 GEKEKAL Bint .AND. BP Wagon nnd Carrlayo Work. Fish Brothoro Wagon. urn aim p P"cnn n i . i 1 iui u uuu juiiui iui i u i SOUTH and EAST via Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jame E. I'atton strictly pure liquid paints !I Soutnern Pacific Co the heart. It will cure everv form of i . p ,b Sold hv Clarke & Falk's r. Floral lolion will cure wind chapping and eunburn. Manufactured by C'arcc ' Shasta Route indinestion O. Pharmacy- V fterrmd. Iiani! firi-.nrnfif . Train leave The Datl fur I'urtlana and way second-nana ure-prooi . 4ta,ms u 1:i,B, aua z m. A 31ilitt-r llrvll Kixli 1 Destroying its victim, is a type of con-. etipation. The power of this murderous uialBdy is felt ou organs and nerves and J muscles and brasn. There's no health , till it's overcome. Hut Dr. Kind's i-w Life Pills are a safe and cirtaiti cure. , Best in the world for stomach, liver, kidney, and rowels. Only 25 cents at ! Ulakeley's druu atore. 1 j f.. A. K. .Nnllrr. Mernhnrs of .1. V.'. Nesmitn post are requested to me-t at G. A. !i. hall Mon day evenimr, N-v. "fr.h. Business of -epeciul importance. I!y order It L. Aikus, P. C. Tlios popular iMt-rffS to the winter palate, Messre. Tom, Jerrj und ENoc, have taken up their headquarter at J. Fait & Co.'s, under the iiianaKement of "Smiling Albert." A woid to the wise Wanted n r... : . ,i .,...1 Cdic. .iiuat uc iu kuuu uuillllliuu uiiti iiufc too large. Apply at the Chuoxiclk ; office. oSl-tf i C. J. STUBLIHG, l. l.svLE AM. HfcT'iL Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Nest door to Firat National litink. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. C. F- Stephens .Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents Furnishings. limit, fcilii-s. Iluti., Clips. N Muiu ASt. lor W. U 1joubiii t-l'tx; - lrave Pnrtlantl 1 ' Albany . . .. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on . Arrive Ahlnnrt. . ; a positive guarantee. Curea heart-burn, ' can i-'raiicinco . raiainu of the food, distress ufter eatint,', or any form of dyspepsia. One little '. Avef)Krtfii tablet Klvee immediate relief. '2b ctfc. ! Kniit:ity. .. andoOcte. Blakeley, th- drunKist. ', " hwi. .. :t) a rn . 1i!.:Xib in 12:Sf n m 5:W . rn . 7. lip lit . . 6: IS k rn . . i:li it m . 7:i' it rn .. 7: lii rn r-c; p m lu u, p m li y m I a m r 1 n m 1' l. a rn 'j '. a rn " i a in t : a ru TDTPrLTTT A rnrT t t-kttti J ill I ' I Axle U IOrease ; I hfirMiiir.ti.-itM. Saves w"ir BCU B MmmBSSsTmjml Why pay 1.75 per gallon for inferior j AfMve , Am6m nalnte when you can buy Jainea . Patton'a eun proof painte for fl. 50 per. liallon, cuaranteed for 5 yeara. Clark die ! Falk, agents. ml . . 1 :w p rn . 0:1(1 p in . . 0:rXl n m .. 0;t' a in .. I:li)ii rn .. fii'ifiii rn . . i): VI a in .12: ia p ro 7 co n m i.i p i.i , it rn &."'. a in l:l)n in r. -jsp m ti li ii m 1'." lil p in Str. Rci.'ulutor Str. Dallos City. I.v rr ia sufb'cieut. n2 3t If you have ever aeen a child iu the .agony of croup you can reoliz how Kl l'rll Kosl Wurth.. City ot Mexico llrmtton New Orlvurm WaHhlnKtoit ----- i :iuvy orii... . When you cannot Bleep for conirhlni:, ; it ia hardly necessary that any one should .,.11 . i... i .... ..... . i .. I..... .1, ,.., ..i lull iuu mm uu iiccii a icn uusuo ui .-....... -''.w. .... llt.,fl,- ..,., . ,, , , ,, nnd pjiirltt earn to ChlCHX'i, nt ImU, haw Oi- ? Chamberlaln'e CoukIi Jiemedy to allay , ia,u and Waihliiton. ''-! ','LUa.u l uie irritaiiou oi uie uiroai, anu make ,........ , hliU K,nll,u,.0 vvlt,. ...,..,. 4 nlfiMi nriHtble. It la pood. Trv It. For nt'-niimhln lintat lor Honolulu, Jaimii, China. aale by Ulakeley, the drueslat. j m """ f FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE l u . . ' I Truvo! by the- Htcitm& ut tho lu-KiiImor Mnc. DALLES, FOKTLANI) k ASIURIA KAY. COMPANY FRENCH & 00, BANKbnb. fliiHiiii-m oi int liiTiuintor I.lnu will run ijr thf fm 3 ovt.iilf kchitlule. the Coinpiiny riufvln; the rilit to chunce '2 M-hcflulu witnout notice, .5 1'iillinan mul Tourlit can. on both trnliiit i.'h.ilr cum Kicfiiini.-Mn to Oiluri mill Kl 1'aio, B' IiOWN S, I.v lirilkn 4 Ht 7 A. M. !, Thnrwla) I'ortl ml 7 A 1(. MoikIb W'.flri(nOH tri'l.iy Arr IjuIU-s II S I K. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. IMIWX hv. IrilltlM lit " A. tl. Monday vVi'liiuuhiy Krlrtny. Arr. I'orllitml nt I ..10 I', tf . DeWitt'a Littlo farly iCieera are the I beat liver pills ever made. F.aey to take and ni'ver ripe. Hold by Clarke ii Falk'e P. 0. Pharmacy, Ecu ngciit t The Pa I lea ttatlou, or ndiln C. H. MARKHAM, Geuerul Vvf.nvi Agent, Port'.uwl, Or if if. :' II" l. I'urtlitiiil IU 7.110 A. M. ti '1 utmlny H 'I lilirxluy ,2 hutiiriliiy 9 Arr. iiiuch ' 111 il J . M 4j 3 r'oMZr"!!:,;.!".!!!;.'' 'vo P-.1-. - IHIMIW1 j the teivlcu jKntlhlv. ronwna umc, OrtK-Hireut Dock. w. C. ALLAWav n a... .sdujrijdjrlri ...J TKANHACTA KNfltAhHANh!S llOtW"' Utterii of Crudit iHHiied uvliabl in Kaaterri Stnteu. . . H!KLt KkcJmnBo unci TrunHfera uold on New Vork. Cb KMJ; fit. LouIh, rial. Franciacp, Port laniiw Kon, battle Wmili,.and various po'" In Orenon und WaHbinut"'1- ... uv CollectloiiH ma-Je at an p' . rabl tirtu'. , " IJuhIIIiik youni: man can 'H1,kt' . month and vxpniiRoa. J'''r"","u"f ile ;Uon, Uxptirlenco ntineceeeary. ! quick for particular. ain,k, ...jj! ! Fourth und tacuet Strnotr. JW hplu.Pu, . 68,11 Clarko A Fulk'a'flttVorini! pxcrctf the bat. Aak your grocer for tbew.