The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 26, 1900, Image 3

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be Clothed ?
As the icy breath of otil Borea sweeps around
(lie corner it curies that question right home to us.
ilumniiity run no ytirr stand such wcntlier unpro
tected than can the lillies of the field. Uemember now that underwear is cheaper tlian funerala
nml overcoats cost less than undertakers. Therefore
we say "ciiiie unto lis nil ye who shiver and lire
lightly muflled and we will warm you up"
"Rirr "Worm TT1 stars: or Storm Coats in
"to tiliiek nr L'rav Irish
l-rn-si , neunin-nreasieu unci wiin large rf
storm cillur 5p.LU.UU
Overcoats! Overcoats ,p,nn """f :
netv of styles and
materials at prices ranEiC $g 2Q QQ
,Int the kind for tliis weather. Good heavy all
wool shirts or druwerH at
75c per garment.
See Windows. See Windows.
Thanksgiving Week
the greatest of (.5 loves in Amer
ica for the money retailed every
where for $1.25; our price 90c
In tans, browns, modes, black.
Special flas
Ladies' Wool Hose,
15c per pair.
Worth from 5 to 10 cents more
per pair.
Fancy French
Lisle Hose,
50, (50, 05 and 75c values,
for 40c per pair.
Shoe Values.BJ
This is unmistakably the shoe
buying time of all times that is if
vou want hich-grade shoes at those
low prices.
Ladies' welt sole button, in kid and
calf; $-1 values $2.25
Ladies' turn sole kid, button or lace;
$4 values $2.25
Ladies' all kid or cloth top, lace;
$1.50 $1.00
Men's satin calf, lace or congress;
$2 and $2.50 values ..' $1.00
Boys' Shoes (elastic sides) in calf or
grain; $2 values $1.00
Men's kangaroo, cordovan or calf,
lace; $3.50 to $5 values .... $2.25
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
Trump Dnngorotiiily Wounded.
James Lamb, a laborer who was beat
ing bin way in an ore car from Umatilla
to Portland, was shot and dangerously
wounded at 4 o'clock this morning by
one of a couple of masked men who
entered the car while tho train waft nt a
point about two miles east of the freight,
I. umb and n companion named Fred
Schmidt were sleeping in corner of (lie
e.'ir when they were rudely kicked by
the masked men and ordered to gut up.
Lamb had the presence of mind to grab
bis purse, which contained some !flo,
and fling it to another part of the car.
The action was not seen by the high
waymen. As Lamb roso to his feet he
reached for Schmidt's pistol that lay in
a leather case near his bead, and about
the eame moment both highwaymen
fired oil' four shots in rapid succession.
Lamb fell to the floor of the car pierced
by a bullet that entered his left hip and
lodged somewhere in hia abdomen. The
highwaymen ransacked the pockets of
both the tramps but only succeeded in
getting seventy five cents from Schmidt,
when they jumped ofF the ear and dis
appeared in the darkness.
The wounded man was sent to the
Good Samaritan hospital this afternoon,
and the physicians here who examined
him have grave doubts of his recovery.
The men who did tho shooting have not
been found. They wore handkerchiefs
over their faces and are described by
Schmidt as broad shouldered and of
middle stature. Both carried nickel
plated revolvers.
For Kent or SiiIh.
The Sam Wilkiuson warehouse, on
First street, is for rent or sale. It is a
three-story, corrugated iron building,
110x"o feet, with water elevator. Apply
to Sam Wilkinson, The Dalles. n20-tf
mays & Crowe
he Dalles Daily Ghronfelk
NOV. L'(i. 1900
At Andrew Keller's.
adopted to get them out of town we may I
reasonably expect repititions of iast I
night's tragedy and robberies without 1
A bill of eale was recorded in the and- j
itor's office at North Yakima last week;
by which K. K. Bernard, for the sum of i
$4230, conveys to IJ. K. I'artort the j
"horsehead" and all bands arid brand !
of horses formerly owned by Ben E.
, Snipes excepting thirty-eight head. The j
horses are scattered till over Eastern i
Washington and their number is nn- j
known. I
The ladies of the Lutheran church will
A ttuirr inon liei-ime unH lHuiied todilV I
- - . t i .... i 1
IIuBton and Louisa firey, of lla MU,U u,,u Uiu-" t
lowers at the store oi I. U .McKeisen ,
' neicf Wedmmlnv. It is admitted that
i the German ladies are second to none as j
pastrycooks, liuy your Thanksgiving j
pies and cakes from these good ladies 1
and have the double satisfaction of get
ting tho full worth of your money and ,
helping u good cause. 2c j
Preparation for Thanksgiving this year
; will be mado lighter from the fact that j
thts best cooks of the Good Jntent Soci-
: ety will prepare all sorts of cooking, j
. c null as pumpkin anJ mince, as well as j
'.other kinds of pies, cake, salt rising I
! bread, doughnuts; in fact everything j
i that will make your dinner more pal-j
j atable. They will be on sale in Cross'1
i window next Wednesday. j
that his reiMilar Weduesdav evening1 Ab an instance of the immense amount i
dmiciiig class is postponed to Thursday ' of damage ooytes can do, J. II, Oakes,
evening to commence at 8 o'clock sharp, I of I'rineviile, informs the Antelope
at the Baldwin. n2f-:H
to M. S
Within two weeks republican national
headquarters will be opened in Washing
ton, District of Columbia.
Iio, the little son of .1. II. Fu Hong, of
this city, i. ill with u complication of
diphtheria and scarlet fever.
If you want a nice turkey for your
Thanksgiving dinner order it from The
Stadelmnu Commission Company. Also
BoDtliH Eastern oysters. td
A grand Thanksgiving lull will be
given at tho Baldwin Tnursday night,
N n'Hiubor 120th, by Professor .Sandvig.
ou are all invited and don't forget to
Professor Sandvig begs
to announce
Alex. McLeod, of this city, has left at
this office n potato that wu grovn on
the ranch of his son-in-law, llemi Iton
deau, of Tygb ll'ulge, that tips the scale
' eight pounds. It is of the Late Uose
variety. ,
A.A.Bonney left at this odice today
a ive grasshopper that he picked up on
thu road about live miles south of town
v here the thermometer, during the late
Herald Unit on Wednesday nignt a
Coyote entered one of his corrals, killed
two ewes, stampeded the others, piling
the whole band up in a corner of the
corral and smothering lio of them to
death. This loss of '.!) tine ewes would
pay the bounty on a large number of
Mr. Robert II. Wilson, agent of the j
Boys anil Girls Aid Society of Oregon, is j
in the city for the purpose of investigat
im: the homes of the wards of the soci-i
.. - I .1 ... I - 1 f .......... . ...II.... 1
spe. , l.UKl l.avo reform. in,IllLUH h0UMttf. silbscrip-
degrees below zero. It is considered a I . . ,.llrrviu, m.
rare thing to find these insects survive u m bou llmt we ,.Il0W ot '
eld so Intense as this. j m(jr(j llobm.,t,y of ,,, tlllin It ,H ,
Thu dean of Lincoln says that Mrs. doing a noble work in rescuing, oiten i
Gladstone' last moments werti passed fr0m the gutter, young Uvea whom ,
under the delusion that she was with 1 everv environment tended to lives of
her husband. She scolded the nurse be-1 ghamo, umiii' and dishonor.
cause n carriage which she thought she
had ordered for Mr. Gladstone was late,
nnd then asked, as if of him; "Shall
V'Jti bo ready to start emu, darling f"
A i tides of incorporation of the Coal
t'reck Company were llled last week In
theotllceof the eecretary of state. The
incorporators uro J. P. Mclneruy, T. T.
Nicholas and Albert Bettlngen, of this
''ity. The ofllco of the company is lo
e.ited at The Dalles, nnd the capital
stock is 125,000 in shares if 100 each. Tho t
business of the company is coal mining,
Whether or not It la because the Sound
elites and Portland are running the
hotios out of these places, wu know not
I'Ut itisdead certain that there Ibuii un-
ml number of these gentry tit this
particular time In The Dalles.
Tho great dlllculty of procuring fresh
egg has induced Dresser & Co., of Poit
land, to build a largo hennery at Bin-
lock on land donated for tho purpose by ,
C. It. Smead, the fruit man. There is j
no reason in tho hoi Id why an enter-j
prise of this kind should not pay. Kggs
in this market have been UU cents u
dozen for weeks, anil not less than 2j ,
iioiita for months. At present strictly ,
resb eggs aio very hard to get at any
irlce. Hero Is a chance for the "young
man Absalom." Let him utttrt a hennery
and establish an egg trust. He can do
hath with small menus and with very
little danger of being crowded out of
Sam Wilkinson justly complaint) that
Their somebody Is shooting bl homing pigeons
iiHual nstlnK place is In the East End ami some of the most valuable oneo he
uii'l unless vigorous measures ure owned lmve recently been klMed, and
killed of course within the city limits,
where it is against the law to fire off a
gun. The marshal has bsen notified of
the violation of the city ordinance, and
unless the shooting is stopped somebody
will get into trouble. A gentleman in
forms Tim: Chkoniclu that while going
to business this mornint: and passing
one of the most thickly-settled portious
of the city a boy of 10 or so fired nil' a
pun in hia father 'h yard at a passing
pigeon as openly as if the boy bad been
out on the hills.
The people of The Dalles should wit
ness the game of football on Thatiksgiv
intr afternoon, at 3 o'clock, between the
first and second elevens of this place
It was intended to have a game between
Pullmau and The Dalles, but full a
rangements could not be made, owingj
to lack of time. However, The Dalle
teana will play as follow s: Dec. Sth,
Astoria vs. The Dalles, at The Dalles;
Dec. 15th, Wasco vs. The Dalles, at
Waeco; Dec. 22nd, Pullman vs. The
Dalles, at this place, anil on Dec. 25th
The Dalles bovs will try conclusions
with Heppner on the latter's grounds
Other games will be arranged for the
remainder of the season.
Elementary science in the public
tchools is thus practically illustrated in
one boy's experience, as told in the
Child Study .Monthly: "Miss K
gave each of us a rock some kind oi a
rock and some acid. Gee! we didn't
do a thing with that acid; nobody knew
the old stud' would ruin t'litiL's, and
you'd just ought to tee the hole In
Gertie's apron. Ida, she burnt her
fingers, and there ain't a cent's worth of
varnish on my desk any more." "But
what did you do with tho acid, besideH
ruin things?" was asked. "Oh, put
some on the rocks, what we didn't spill,
and if they li..led or didn't fizzle, I
forget which either they was some
kind of a rock, she told us what, or else
th.iy wasn't. 1 fcrget !"
The Jerusalem we see today is not the
one that gladdened the eyes of the holy
family journeying from Naziireth to
worship in the temple. Thu city lie1)
buried forty, fifty, sometimes over a
hunnreit feet deep in wastage piled in
the overthrow of many sieges. Tho
crimson banner of the .Moslem floats
above the Tower of D.ivid, used ae bar
racks, and tho Turkish sentinel pacing
his rounds looks with ineffable scorn on
the Christian. Tho crumbling Tower of
Antonia, the citadel of tho temple, is oc
cupied by the governor of Jerusalem,
and, if posccsiou counts in the law,, it
is his right, for he held it before William
tho Uoiiijueior was crowned with tho
Saxon's crown in Weetininstcr Abbey.
Mrs. Lw Wallace in tho December
Ladies' Jl'jmo Journal.
For Infants and Children.
Thu Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Biguaturo of
X Demi Kaxy Gimii'. i
Tho "Great South African S alesman" i
held a p'enic at the Vogt Saturday
night that is to say he got the picnic,
und the dear people, who love, to be
humbugged, got the experience. Tne
fake opened his performance by an
nouncing that he would hold sales Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday nights,
and that bis main object on that occa
sion was to advertise his method of do- !
ing business. Getting the audience in
good humor by varioas ingenious de
vices, he proceeded to sell a lot of cheap
jewelry for twenty-five cents b lot, prob
ablv all the stuff was worth and more.
Then he offered other truck for a dollar
a lot, and for a time sent back the dollar !
to the buyer, accompanied with a pres- j
ent. Then he asked for "if5 for noth-
ing," and the suckers tumbled over each !
other handing him the money, in return
for which he gave them a box of cigars,
twenty-live in a box, worth probably $10
a thousand. The fellow's gall kept ris-1
ing as the suckers bit more and more
ravenously anil a hair off a kid's head
was sola lor a uoiiar, a one-cent cigar
for $5, a number of Cheap John watches
and chains, worth probably t$l to $1-50,
for $10, till about $250, net, was realized,
when the fake raked thu money into
a box and announced a banjo plaver,
who approprjately opened the mnscal
part of the performance with the song
"Now He's Sorry That He Spoke."
Then disguising himself with a pair of j
specs and a false mustache, the Great!
African Salesman made his way to his 1
hotel, from whence he left town on the
earlv train Sunday morning.
At the hotel a business man of the
town met the fakir later, and, not know
ing him, said: "I would like to meet
the rascal. Ho beat me out of $5'" "So
would I like to meet the son of a gun,"
win the aiiHAei-. "Ho beat me out of
The Great Afiican S.ilesinait doubtless
thinks this is a dead oasy town for men
of his class. 1
A list ol tlio names of the parties wliOj
got bit would be interesting reading, but
Its publication would be cruelty to ani
mals. it:itri.i cominc; ami (ioi.Nii, t
M. P. .Isenbiirii is egintei'eil at the'
Umatilla House from Hood Itiver.
Grant Mays left on the noon train f r
San Fiancisco, where he will probably
remain for about a month.
Mi". J. Montgomery, whose home is
In Portland, is in thoeitv, the guest of
her ft lend. Mrs. It, II. Weber.
T. W. D.irch, proseculing attorney of
Klickitat county, spent yesterday in th
city and lelt for hoimion the train today.
Officers and members of Kilendship
lodge No. 1), K. of P., are leijueHted to
attend the regular meeting of the lodge
this evening. Work in the third rank.
Visiting Knights cordially iiivlled.
D. W. V.u;sk, K. of It. Ik S.
If you have dar.drufl', your lit. ir .V.
falling out. Use Cocoatiul Cream. For
bale at Fruzer's barber shop, nU liu
If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co
coanut Cream Tonic will give it life and
luster. It ia pronounced the finest
tonic on earth. Can be had at Frazer's
barber shop, agent. nO-lm
Opera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
One Night....
Dec. 4th.
Return of the Favorite Play,
Arthur C. Alston's Co.,
?uge(ed by Bret Harto's
Great Ilomauce.
. I ill
Tho only store fr
thin city where the
Genuine Imported
Ware ia sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlastf
n dozen pieces of so
called cheap onani
eled ware.
Other wnres look
has the name
Stransky Steel
Wareoncach piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Eslii
bitions. High eat
award at Worlds
Columbian Exlnbi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho Ixjst
certified to by the
most famous chem
ista for purity und
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside, u
not affected by acid
in fruits oc
will boil,
ste . o,
and biik.
w i t h o u t
impart in;;
flavor ol
o o o lc o d
food and
will last
for years.
We cau
tion tl!3
imitat'f .i
Genera! Blacksmith
nd HoFseshoeF.
The Success of pour Seasons
Hear the
Golden Nttugft ( iartet.
Positively the Original Cast., Nov. 27th, 28th and 29tli
All kinds of blackemithiiig will receive
prompt attention' and will be executed
in first-class shape. Give him n call.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The D.illes, Or,
A. Y. MAHSH will give a
tut key Bhoot on the bench
Three Days-
Unserved Peats on Fitla at
Clarke & Folk's Pharmacy.
There will also 1 e pigeon
trap spooling at the same
time and plnce.
One thousand styles and sizes.
For cooking and heating;.
Prices from $5 to $50.
if vA,
iff ui I J
10 all benr the above Trii !e..ALnrklW;J,Jv.
sold with a written Rimrantet;. 'jftrL
n.-t n.t, n.: r-ui.,n mnfl JtMt
PTIie genuine
and arc ho
Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900
Sold by First-Class Slave Merchants everywhere.
ir.,.i...,i. i.v The Michigan .Stove Coiunanv.
- . ... UI. ....... ....! . II... U...-1.1
Oak Stove.