The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 26, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Ct"'Qflfflgt Of All
NOV. Jhi, 1900
" Kverv our in San Antonio. Texas, says
. that Acker s English Keniedy is the greatest
A primary reform law tuat win thing ever put up lor coturns,
. I . ... ., . colds, asthma, bronchitis,
actually reform is something that croup amJ consumption 1
evcrv cootl citizen will be clad to Lave " ovcr ,our
see enacted. -J)irect primary nomi-'
nations without the intervention of
the bois," looks well on paper and is
n consummation devoutly to be
wished. It is in the primaries,
rather than the conventions, that the
Doss ceis in his deadliest work. Fvr
these the boss drums Up bis forces
..... , ., i.. '
wrnie me mass oi tne yowk si , for aU formi of tWand lung
Stay nt home and then kick them- bles, and have yet to come across a case
, , , , .it- i where it failed. We have four little ones in
selves because the boss had his waj . our famiir, anti neither my wife nor 1 have
ever lost a incut s sleep becauseoi tnroat trou
ble among the children. I cuess that is more
than any other family can say Acker's
Encli-h Kemedy is just as effective for crown
up people as for the younc. It seems to co
what kind of a law ii pa5seil, and U j,, tue throat and bronchial tube-and hmcs.
tho nnnn) tnr nt hnmo nnrl normif. It soothes and heals the irritated tissues.
The remedy for the boss evil is in
the peoples' own hands. The boss
will be at the primaries, no matter
him to have his way they
liodv to blame but
lno-en-i ut the nhle&m and muctii in the
have no-1 breathing palace, quiets the nerves, invig-
, . orates the constitution and stops the cough
themselves. ( 5UC. jjy advice to parents i to always keep
A.virt frnm vchtt is nfontvp in thp a bottle in the House it will be a constant
Apart from what is onenstve in toe jafeguaril asamst croup." (Sisned)
political boss, he is simply a man' F.G.Zijimeeman ?an Antonio, Tex.
, Lii. lit- SoldatSc.fcW andSlabottl Uirougliont the Catt'd
WhO WOrkS harder tO accomplish UlS gatei and Canada; andtn KniUp.l.atU.alM.aU
to. td. if you an not lataceil after uajtcs, return las
after eating
!s citnotl from tho stomai-h not
toiimniug its work lmmcdintly.
LntU it pets to work vou feel dm
trewvil tho food lays in your sioav
ch like n weight.
To start digestion to raako tho
stomach do Its wort you must iissiat
it if your stomach is or slow
to work,
No. 21
taken nf tor meab supplies the !om
ach with ncceaary acids and juices
which digest the food quicklr in a
proper manner To get the liest
results use Baldwin's Health Tablets
No 2i with the Dyspepnia Tablets.
The Dyspepsia Tablets coat iUo and
can be had ut
Clarke & talk. The Dalits. Onpon.
ends than his neighbors. The only '
hope of circumventing him lies in
working as hard as he does.
It is absurd to talk of the reorgan
ization of the democratic party. It
cannot be done. The distinction be
tween gold democracy and Bmn ,
ilcruocracv' is so radical that their
association in the same party is im
possible. As well talk of "reorgan-'
lzing" fire and water into one ,
homogeneous compound. The idea
of Cleveland and Altceld, of Carlisle
twtUe to yoar dtugsmt and get your Uicmey taei.
We aiMorizi lc etive guaianUe.
If. II. 1IOOKK1: A CO., ProprMrrt, Aew lorfc
For eale at Blakt-ley's Pharmncv.
choot! eliiol! sclmol!
$i .oo per month.
Strictly iiret class lontl nnl lone
distance telephonu set vice w ithin
your homo.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will he kept u secret.
No cost fjr itistiillint,.
Vou get the standard Hunninj:
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous ilrty and night Bt'rvlce.
Wo will accept your contract for
ten years and allow you to cancel
Mtne on giving ue thirty duya writ
ten notice.
Ai! aboard for Texas, or some other Are tho-e who wear clothes thut are up-
s-aport! Crash! Dash: Smash! A U.-date in tit. -Aorkmanfihip and quality.
' . . , a Mv line ot samples covers all the latest
whole tram turned topsy-turvy and fly deV,cns for fall and winter, the price is
inc through the air wrong end foremost! right, and I can guarantee a perfuet tit.
A wnoie cage of wisd b-as:s and retitiles . .
., . , , Suits to Order, SIO.OO.
turned loose at onet slanderers, fUtter-
ers, bck-biler?t whisperers and other Johll Pashek. The TailcT.
unclean birds to pTy npi-in the eimuiun-1
ity without favor or meicy. Look out
ior theta! Here we come, pell uiel! !
Just What
You u-iant.
Grandall & Barget o
fill kinds of undertake i BuriaSh
Funeral Supplies .embalmers Etc.
Tho Dalles. Or. Sk'
and Bryan, of B'num and Sulzer Anything you want from the A, B, C's
standing on the same nlatform. or of to any lanctiage, livins or dead ; from a
any declaration of principles beins
framed on which thev could unite is ,
L. V. Hone. Prop'r
First-Glass in Every Respeet
Oysters Served in any! Style.
V7 Second St., The l)alle. Or.
pin to a douiile-header, with the tender
thrown in ; from a pussy cat to a wooden
hore with three broken legs and the
inconceivable. Bryanism, which is , other larre, one eye blind and can't see
only another name for populism, out of the other; cratMss and coffins and
IS in the saddle, and there's the tub: al- intermediate articles. Look out the
For no scheme of reorganization w,ndo with -our leaJ;pecdofiSlS
., , , , , , , to see the treat elocutionist in his light-
will ever be acceptable to the gold nJn Mt of jampjnR over thfJ mcon
democrats that does not provide for blindfolded nest week at 10 o'clock.
the renunciation of Bryanism and all 'Rah for McKinley and Bryan or any
its works. And this is precisely 'her man 50 a8 10 rai5e three sbvms m
what Bryanites will never consent to. l,ewtnd.
. . . ..... , Come to see me and learn ray term?,
They re joined to their idol and Dan,t te, Rnvhod ,egt tne room ,,e
may as well be let alone. As a mat- overcrowded. Children from 3 years to Mfs H L Joneo ()as 0 d -ce
ter of fact it is not reorganization the 1000. Re member tht; pmce, Second j creftm and ovster parlors in Curv Hal
but lecner- sireet, first door west oi Diamond flour lard's old etand. She carries i
:nc mm, eecona njor.
The Dalies, Nov. 22, I'jOO.
r.22 24-2G Paor Z E. Fr.EKi:,
h-7 ;' JT !-!.'''
democratic party needs
Ice Cream and
i Oyster Parlors..
By a vote of 29,500 to 7,471 the
people of "Washington have signified
their approval of an amendment to
the state constitution providing for
an exemption from taxation of t'uOO
worth or less of personal property.
The opposition to the amendment
11 UU huiU
'A full line of Candies,
I Nuts and Cigars.
Uew ideas in Wall Paper here. iucli
wide variety as we are showinp never be
fore uraced a ainple etork. Reul imita
tion creton ellecte at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
I Elegant deaiirne, tasteful coloriuus, yourn
for a small price, at oar store on Third
etreet. Also a full line of house paints.
D. W. VATJSE, Third St.
..cjms. mu-
Wasco Warehouse
Headquarters for Seed Grain of aU kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?n kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind?
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Tll feed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
qj FlOlir This Hour is manufactured espreeiily for family
uh. : every Huck ih k'naranteed to pive eatiefactioD.
We seh our poods lower than uny houce in the trade, and if you don't think w
' call and u't our prices and lie convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
Ciii.ni3t3..!'n,.(rt; It, ,rrt.
ore !!eiU 1 h u : Ilflbu, Smm
T--Tn".hersio uim k-j T con.
came principally fVom the single tax te ik.cmr.inRv nu -r; ua,l"
The place has hefn thorouchly ren
' ovated. arid a phareof the public patron
, age is solicited.
Open till 12:00 P. M.
A Difficult Problem.
cranks who thought that by making
the tax on personal property as high
as possible the' would ultimately
secure the votes of an indignant
people for the complete abolition of
personal propert' tax.
It is regarded as significant that
just ns soon as the crusade against
vice was started in IXcw York the
Tammany chief hurried off to
It is anions tlie most difficult prob
lenis of natural science for one to become
expert in several lines. J. E. Adcor &
Clarke & Fa'.k have on sale a full line ; Co., by their combination, hfive over.
of paint and artist's brushes. - C0U1B tll'a difficulty in a practical man-
, ner. J. E. Adcos is an expert watch
Paint your house with paints that are; lnaker and is pood on jewelry, optical
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk i work and enKravinc. while "Theo. H.
have them. Liehe is an expert optician and is pood
, on watch repairing, jewelrv work and
Rest values (or the least money at the encravinp. Their price ie as low as con
.New York Cash Store. A special in sistent with pond workimir.Rhip. They
children's and misses' shoee, while thev.. are prepared to do ail work in their
, " several linee, on short notice. ork
eent bv mail or exuress will receive
For sprains, ewellings and lameness prompt attention. Slpn, "Rig Red
and Farmers
Keeps on druuKht the pelcbralvd
COl-rjUtlA UKElt, nckimw:
t-dKl tlie W"t lr In The Dalles,
attbemiml price. Come In, try
It and ht rnnvtuced Al-o the
FlriMt brands ol WIkch, 1.; piur
ot all Kinds always on hand.
Retiring from Business. ;
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. '
Dry Goods, Ciothinc, 15'iote and Show, at much less than w hok-Hale
prices. Will sell in hulk or in lotx, or any way to suit purchaners.
Entire stock must "be closed out before 30 days.
All poods will he sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fittinc Coreete ,
and ilutterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure
bargains. '
Conu'r Soconcl and Court ts. 1
Europe. Croker has an uncomfort-: thereis nothinp so pood as Chamberlain
aoie recollection OI llie exow com- ram tialm. lryit. ror tale by uiake- j. a. ecHK.scn,
mittee. the drugpiat.
Clearance sale of winter millinerv
H.M. J1KAM.,
The New York J'ress asks
is the empire? "Wh
thing burrowed? Into what jungle reduced figures Friday and
lias he led his yelping offspring? tl,'s week
This suspense is terrible". Has nnv "For thrfce (la-Vf' an'1 n'fe'5,ts 1 eirrftd
one seen his tracks?
First . National Bank.
, tr.e Lampbel. a llenn millinery par-
r.pA !e ttin Via t fi f it 1 1 411 ...til t.. 1.1 - k
wiu is vug wt;iui jnrn, ah uuuuk win w Hoiu at creaiiy i DALLES - - - OREGON
i . t it r i i .
auuuai oi A Generai Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, euhjeut to Sight
uratt or unecK.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange so.d cc
iiew York, Kan Francisco and Portland.
J.NO. li. Bcuvhck,
Ed. M. Wn.UAKH, Gso. A.Ijkhk.
ff M. IJuAtt-
, aony untold from an attack of cholera
morbus brought on by eating cuenm-
r, T, .. , , hers," says M. E. Lowther, clerk of the
Congressman Bailey, of lesas, di,trict courti cen.erville, Iowa. "I
sees notuing in the talK or rcoram- thought I should surely die. and tried a Di p.Tllollo.
zauon oi tne tiemocraiic party, ins uozen uiuerent niecicini-s nut all oi no
hope of future party triumph lies in Purpose. I sent for a hotlle of Cham
a panic durin- republican rule. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea
mmmmmmmm , Hemedy and three doses relieved me
Kemember that Cocoanut Cream Tonic "f",,6 rfmuJ-v or 83,0 b'
will promote growth of hair. Charles Llklev. h- .
Frazer, sole agent. nO-lm
IryiiiK lrparution.s Bimply devcl-,
c?.. 1 i ! ; t.n.i i .i nn llrv pntnrrli . thpv ilrv ltn tliA turrftim,B '
,!... hn7 n I v ! y L Pa h ' tlV lmo ami doM ' ol It. A. Spl vey paint hop, next door to
misses Biioes at tne -ew i orK uasn p0se( causing a far inoroheriouH trouble than ; the Vogt opera houee, and has pur
htore' ; tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. chased the toola and ladders. He has
Remember that A. V. Marsh will JSi'f n.tal working for him, and
a turkey and piaeon thoot on the beach heala. Ely'n Cream Balm is buoL a remedy W guarantee all work to give eatiefac
November 27, -8 and L'Oth. and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head tlon.
I easily and pleasantly. A trial aizo will bo C T" T"T? T T "V
"Music hath charms to foothe the ' mailed for 10 centa. All drugfrists sell the , O. IV. l.lLL I ,
savage breast," to say nothing of the GIIc.bizo. DyUrothers, CC Warren St., K.Y. ' -
white man. Corae and try it. 'A. E. . ''f 1JaIm cares without pain, does not n E hmitii,
I over an Irritated and angry surface, roliov.
ing immediately tho paiuiui inflammation.
wmi t.iy'8 cream Halm youaro armed I H.m. mmm it. n iir.L- r. u,v
Qtm. tej.'l
F- S.
Wagon Shoo,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies,
Cor Second & Latin, 'Phone 157
X J. E. FALT & CO., J
of IJLzL Commercial Sample Rooms.
9 Purest Liquors for Family Use?
iJclivored to any part of the City. y
173 Second Street. ?
I'honeH h Local,
"os Long Distance
The underaigned has taken possession
Aftt.r vou tire of using so-called kldnev remedies
uiMiont any benefit, uhu Lincoln Sexual I'tj;s1nJ
forever rid of those dull painH In vour hack V Iscaru
that old fogv idea of "pain in the kldncyc ' ""V'"'
an your bladder and urinary troubles cured and your
nights made restful by the uce of nature's gieaieit
asniHtant Lincoln Sexual Pills. ,
Price, if I 00 per box buy ot your druggist orHf.t
by mail on receipt oi price, in plain wrapper.
Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Advertise in The Chronicle.
Fii?e Jailorii?
me Columbia pacKing Co.,
Koalyn, Clealutn and Austrjlian coals
by the Stadelman Conam'as'oi. 21. lm ' agaluat Kaaal Catarrh and Bay fever.
A complute line of Kali mill Winter i
Geo. O. Blakeley, i c ,Suits' P- q- ' 0
i C.d nnd exainlnu goods before going , XI AJjiO OO
The Dl'Uecist I l8V'"lr,', aumt, opp. May
x ux3 uggibi.jA Crowe's. ' J JKIF.D BEEF, KTC.