The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 26, 1900, Image 1

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    1) e Dalles
NO. 398
Ocronimo's Fortress at I'inauran, Which
the Insurgents Boasted as Impreg
n;i Me, Was Taken and Destroyed
Thursday Afternoon.
Manila, Nov. 24. The fortruse of the
i us urgent chief Goronimo at Pinuurim,
which tin insurgents boasted as impreg
nnhli;, wiib taken mid destroyed 'J'hurs
tltiy afternoon by u piukeci force of Hie
I-urty-Hucoud and Twenty-eighth In
fantry mid troop 0 of the Fnuith Cavalry,
under Colonel Thompson. Goroninio ti nil
moHt of the rebels escaped. The leader
long harassed the Twenty-seventh In
fantry, operating In the vicinity of San
Mateo, Mouttilbnti unci NovalichfH.
He was finally located at I'inauran, !5
mileH north of Mani'u. His position was?
caneidered the strongest in Luzon. It
was a Htonu fortress surrounding a nieep
hill surrounded by canyons. TheSpuniih
force lost heavily iti attempting to tuke
Colonel Thompson ruotilizitl 1000 men
at Montalban. The ttttafk was uiiide
upon four Hides the main body under
Mtijor Garry, of the Forty-second, ad
vancing from the eouth C.tptain At! in
son, of the Twenty-seventh, from the
east; Captain CaHtoll, of the Twenty
seventh, from the went, nod Captain
Sloan, of the Twenty-seventh from the
north. The uneentH were steep und the
men climbed them by gripping the t-hrub-bery.
It wiib impossible for the eastern
column to reach the summit, but the
othurR arrived after thrre hours' climbing
under (ire from the fort rets and the hill
Bide intruuchiuentH.
The enemy's force, numbering several
hundred, find before the attackers
reached the top. The AmericutiH de
stroyed 1000 insurgent intformi-, scores
of buildings and lurge stores of Biippliee
and seized a barrel full of dec liiientr,
I'rivate Hart, of the Twenty-seventh,
and Private Kopner,of the Forty. second,
and two native seoutH were killed, and
twelve of the attacking forces were
wounded. The iitf 11 rtitsnt casualties
could not be ascertained. f
Lieutenant Alstetter, of the United
HtateH JSngmeer Corps, who was recently
relented by the. isnreents, arrived in
Miirnla this evening. lie had been in
captivity at Hubalto since August llitli
General FiHisUm surrendered the rebel
1 Major, Vantus, on the release of Lienten
ant Alstetter. The latter is well and ttiHt he received good treatment
He escaped September 2Ut, but was
It is unofficially reported that General
Torres, the insurgent commandant at
Balncari, has been captured by General
Grant's tcouts. General Grant wired
General Wheaton that theenttre garrison
at San Jose had been captured, but Gen
eral Torres was not hid mg them.
It II Hlf IK'll III H Dl UK .Stlll-H.
"One day last winter a lady came to
my drug store and asked for a brand of
couch medicine that I did not have in
sleek," says Mr. C. K Grandin, the
oopnlar druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She
was disappointed ami wanted to know
what cough preparation I could recom
mend. I said to her that I could freely rec
ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and that she couid taken bottle of the
remedy and after giving it a fair trial if
she did not find it worth the money to
bring back the bottle and I would refund
the price paid, In the course of a day
or two the lady came back in company
with a friend in need of a cough medicine
and ml vised her to buyahottle of Cham
berluin's Cough Itemed-. I consider
that, a very good recommendation for
the remedy." It i for sale by G. C.
Blukeley, the druiri:ist.
Trunin Cnitit- to Stay,
Ni;w Voiik, Nov. 24. Charles Ii. Flint,
in the course of an JuddresB before the
Outlook Club at Mont Clair, N. J., re
ferred to trusts tiB follows :
"This new consolidation ,has come to
sti.v., L"t no young man think other
wist. 'Ihat fact was settled in our re
cent presidential election. The trusts
are beie for good, and under the new
system that it brings in, business, in
creased intelligence and mental acumen
are demanded of the business man. It
may, therefore, bejhat a collegiate edu
cation, with the mental training it in
volve;, will in the future be of greater
importance tiian it was in the past to a
business man. In a measure this has
perhaps been already shown."
Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Hemoves all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts
and 50 cts. Blakeley, the diuggist.
AV'cgclable Prcparalionfor As
similating llicFoodandRcgula
tiitg the Stomachs andBowcls of
Promotes Digealion.CheerluI
uess andnest.Contains neillicr
Upium.Morpliiite nor Mineral.
Hot TiAliC otic .
sttlurSrrtl t
JiCuWytwi natw.
A perfect Remedy forConslipn
lion , Sour Sloiitach.Diarrlioca
Worms .Convulsions ,Fcvci i sh
ncss jhkI Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Sifinnlure of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
i w i uwi'i wr TTtni i..-'i
For Over
Thirty Years
an elegant assortment of dark
and fancy patterns, worth 25
cents each; this 1 "
week IOC
Thanksgiving Week
Manhattan Shirts, IP
this week, the $1.50 quality if 1 1 0
The above announcement is strong enough in itself
to crowd our shirt department with eager buyers. Past
events furnish proof. There are some 100 shirts all in
stiff bosoinB, of fine imported percales and rradra9 cloth,
in a good variety of patterns, including all sizes from
14 a to 17 neck any shirt in lot tf IK
good value at if 1.50 ; this week X . J. O
Thanksgiving Neckties
An especially attractive line of batwings, narrow
four-in-hands and bows have arrived in time to add to
the attractiveness of our Thanksgiving offerings. Ordi
narily we would mark the lour-in-bands 7oc and the
bats 50 cents; this week
your choice at
I VHI 111' I Jj 41 1 i 1 V iJ C
50c and 35c
Hoods and Fascinators
In this sale are included our entire stock of ladies',
misses' and children's hoods and fascinators at the fol
lowing special prices:
19c, 39c and 64c,
including etyleB worth from 25c to $1.00.
Ladies' Flannel Waists
Reduced to as Low as Half and Less !
A good assortment of styles; some plainly made,
others trimmed. Materials are--flannelettes, mercer
ized sateens, henriettas and French flannels. Eleven
different lines divided into three different lots,
75c, $1.50, $2.85,
representing styles worth from $1.25 to $4.75. Sizes
from 32 to -12.
Fancy Neckwear.
Ladies' silk stocks and j ihntf, fanrv
bows, etc., a magnificent cnllecti m of
our best styles on sale this we-k at the
following special prices: ihiee lots
95c, $1.45
and $1.95
representing stvles north, from $1.25 to
it r. '
Ice-Wool Squares
in cream, ivory, pink, blue and black ;
three lots
40c, 75c and $1
respectively, representing our special
priceB on Btyies worth from 50c to $1.75.
Winter Caps
in drop-band Golfs and Brieht-
ons; good -iOc and oOcLups;
this week, choice
Boys' Reefer Coats,
Reg. $3 Qualities Special
Reefers are preferred by most youngsters to the
Overcoat, for cold weather wear. Equally as warm as
an overcoat and much more convenient. We select two
of our best numbers for special selling this week : $3 00
value, blue boucle cloth Reefer, double-breasted, velvet
collar, well lined, three to eight years ; tQ "1 E
special this week tJ5W. A. O
Same in a tan striped kersey.
Men's Fine Trousers
Worth $3, $4, $4.50 For
Not another store in town shows the variety of extra
Trousers we do. In making our selections we have paid
special care to the patterns as well as to the cloth ; the
le'iilt perfection ! For this week, the beBt styles in
t hi, vast stock at $3 50, $4.00 and $4.50 ; tfJQ ff
your choice at t)0sVS
Boys' VesteeS School Suits
Regular $2.50, $3 and $3.50 Stylesat
The privilege of picking the be9t stvles of our $2.50,
$3.00 and $3 50 Boys' Suits at $2.15 is well worth
looking after, ror this week only, your
choice at.
A lot of
Ladies' and Children's Jackets
at half former price.-
New War Tax Still.
Wamungton, Nov. 24. The sub-com
mittee of the republican membership of
the wavs and means committee held a
thort Eefsion today and adjourned until
Monday. The eubcomniittee has net
yet completed the draft of the bill, but
is making progress.
It is stated that it ie not likely that
the general outlines agreed on will be
chauged before the bill goes to the full
committee, unless there is a great pres
sure among republican members as they
arrive in the city. It is understood that
in addition to reductions heretofore
mentioned, the increase of sixty cents
per 1000 on cigars will be removed; also
that the stamp taxes on Bteamshtp tick
ets will be taken off, because the revenue
received does not justify the the diflicul
ties of collection. Members of the com
mittee have been asked to remove the
stamp tuxes on foreign bills of exchange
and bil's of lading, and it is possible
that thut matter may be reopened. The
tax on parlor-car chairs and sleeping
berths will remain.
The most important changes in the
present law will be echedule H, which
practically will bo wiped out, ami which
includes medicines and proprietary ar
ticles. The tax ulso, probably, will he
removed from conveyances, mortgagee,
etc. Thete, with the abolishment of
taxes on expietH receipts, telegrams,
hank checks ami some other etamp
tuxes, will, it is said, secure the reduc
tion of $30,000,000, which is the amount
iimeed upon by tho treaeury ofllciula aud
the committee.
Iti j nil it I'mliirt-,
Atlanta, Oa,, Nov. 24. Hoke Smith,
secretary of tho interior In President
Cleveland's last term, said today, in
reference to Mr. Jinan's expressed in
tention of adhering to tho principles of
the Chicago platform :
"I believe tlMt Mr. JJryau deems it
proper to continue ut this time to 'de
fend the principles of tho Chicago plat
form.' Jlo has twice received, us the
nominee of the democratic party, the
loyal support of the democrats of tho
South, The Itiet time he met with no
opposition in the south, even for the
nomination. J disapprove the suggestion
of reorganization of the party by certain
persons in the East, and I think Mr.
Bryan is makini: a mistake equal to that
which would have resulted from any
serious movement toward Eiatern re
organization. The democratic party
should stand between the plutocrat and
the socialist as the party of the people.
It should defend the right of persons and
of property, aud not be led into attack
upon either. The South alone has re
mained steadfast to the party, and our
senators, congressmen aud people should
assert their right for the present to speak
for the party.
"While some of our best men believed
four years ago thut the unlimited coinage
of silver would bo desirable to furnish tt
largo supply of currency, conditions have
changed, and I have heard ninny of these
same men lecture thut with the increased
supply of gold they are no longer press
ing the silver question. I believe Mr.
Bryan will find a majority of the former
silver advocates in tho South unwilling
to follow him further. There are some
who, like himself, opposed the platform
but still voted for Mr. Bryan after he
was nominated who will naturally join
the former silver men who do not intend
to push this question.
''Any effort to ptess him or his views
upon the country will meet determined
opposition. Mr. Hryan is beloved for
his honest intentions, but us a putty
leader he has not been a eucceus."
Ciiturrli ('annul Itn Ouri'il.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of tho disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, uud
in ordc- to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hull's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, uud ucts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the beet
physiciunH in this country for yi'K-s, and
is n regulur prescription. It itj composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tho two ingredients is
what produces such woudeiful results in
curing Catarrh. Hend for testimonials,
F. J. Ciiknuv & Co., I'rops., Toledo O.
Kohl bv drriiggists, pi ice 75c.
Hull's Family I'llls are the best. 12
Subscribejfor Tim OmioNicL...
liryitit in C'lilcatfo.
Cmc.uio, Nov. 24. Mr. Jiryan arrived
in Chicago this morning from Lincoln
He drove to the Auditoiiuni Annex,
where lie did not register, but was at
one shown to tho room occupied by
C.'inirman Towne, of Minnesota. There
he remained in consultation with Mr.
Towne and exSenator Dubois, of Idaho,
until tonight, when he returned to Lin
coln. Mr. Bryan refused to say what
was discuased during the meeting, hut
did not deny that the future policy of
the democratic party w'as one of the
topics discussed.
"I expect to remain in politics us long i
as I live," said Mr. Bryan. "1 shail
continue to udvocato and work with both
tongue and pen for tho principles for
which I have fought so long. I shall
continue to reside in Lincoln."
To the question of what ho thought of
the proposed reorganization of the demo
cratic party, he suit! :
"I have nothing to say on that subject
at this liinu. When the opportune time
comes for me to express myself, I shall
he heard. I shall write my views out
carefully, in order that my position may
not be misunderstood. I have neither
the inclination nor the time to do so
"I luvo received innumerable oilers
for my services, comprising opportuni
ties in nearly all the vocation) of Ufa,
but 1 am not looking for a position not
now," ami he joined with Mr. Towne in
a hearty laugh. "I am in tho best of
health, and expect to ho exceedingly
busy In tome time to come. 1 have not
seen any of the local politicians. I cmiie
hern to coinult with Mr. Townu uud one
or two other men in legard to niuiioiH
which I tlo not care to talk ubotit."
ttlipllllt I'll It I kit III flit III Kltlll.ll-.. j
Toi'LKA, Kan., Nov. 21 (ioveruor '
.Stanley is making u study of the subject !
: of capital punishment with a view of i
lecommeutling its rent jrulion in this'
stutu in his foithciiming mesbiige to thej
next legislature. There uro now in the
penitentiary forty prioncrn under t-en I
tence of death, which in Kansas now is
life imprisonment,
A rlKiitful liltinilt'i
Wili often cause u humble burn,
scald, cut or bruise, Bucklen'a Arnica
Salve, the best in tho world, will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Curea
old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns,
felons und all skill eruptions. Best pile
cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by G. C. Blake
ley druggist. 1
There is no pleasure in life if you dread
going to the table to eat uud can't rest
at night on account of indigestion.
Henry Williams, ofBoonville, Intl., saya
he suffered thut way for years, till he
comiudicetl the use Kodol Dyspepsia
cure, and atlds, "Now I can eat anything
I like and all I want and sleep soundly
every night." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
will dinest what you eat. Sold by Clarke
it Falk's I'. O. Pharmacy.
DoWitt'tf Witch HazalSalvo will
quickly heal the worst hums uud sculdti
und not leave u scar. It can he applied
to cuts uud raw surfaces with prompt
and soothing effect. Use it for piles and
skin diseases. Beware of worthless
counterfeits. Sold by Clarke & Fulk'd
I'. O, l'hitrmucy.
Sliiiiitn, Aluintlnii! llucUs fttt' Slt.
Having disposed of my breeding ewea
today, I have thirteen thoroughbred
Merino bucks for sate. These uru choice,
largo and in Utiu condition, und will bo
sold cheap rather than keep them over.
Inquire at Prospect Iiiiuch, on tint
Deschutes divide, or of A. S, Roberts,
box 507, The Dalles. o'.'lb'Jw
Botli makers und circulators of counter
feits commit (rami. Honest men will
not deceive you into buying wnrtblefH
counterfoils of IVWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve, The original is infallible for cur
ing piles, sores, eczemu and all skin
diseases. Sold by Cluikii it I'ulk's I'. O.
Vint r I' nr ii
Shows the state of your feelings aud tho
state of your health art well, Impure
bloc I milker) Itself apparent in a pillo
and sallow complexion, Pimples unit
Skin Ki options, If you are feeling
weak und worn out and do not have a
healthy appeal anco you should try
Acker's Blood Kllxir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sursaparillus anil
so culled puriliers fail ; knowing this wo
sell every bottle on a positive guuruiituo
Klukeley, the druggist,