The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 24, 1900, Image 4

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    Millions of Women
uticura Soap
w From School.
flLLIONS of Women Use CUTICURA SOAP, exclusively,
IVi. for preserving-, purifying-, end beautifying thesfcin, for cleans
ing: the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping
of falling: hair, for softening-, whitening, and soothing; red, rough,
and sore hands, in the form of baths for annoying irritations,
inflammations, and dialings, or too free cr offensive perspiration,
in the form of washes for ulcerative vcaknecscs, a..d rnan sanative
antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women
and mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, aath and
nursery. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have
once used it to use any other, especially for preserving and puri
fying the skin, scalp, and hair of infants and children. CUTI
CURA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties derived from
CUTICURA, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing
ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odors. No other
medicated soap ever compounded is to be compared with it for
preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and
hands. No other foreign or domestic tojlet soap, however expen
sive, is to be compared with it for all the purnoses of the toilet,
bath, and nursery. Thjs it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE
PRICE, viz., TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, the BEST skin and com
plexion soap, the BEST toilet and BEST baby soap in the world.
pstirnrss. Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor,
--, r n j- scale icfvn U- lhie' ti. d cuticle. Crrirrr.A istmet k.),
i Wi, iwtj vi? i . X f, in.Ua-Jy a. jjrf bi: s tn'J.immatioa, and trr.i.itlon cnii-o thi and
h.'.rji5 Cm tr-A r.-intvi.-T . to cu-.l ant c;.-n the liivj. A s"lr,.s Sr.T 1- oflan
sui-Ei. tr eir-p v- e.-v-ivit humor hen a!. eUv film. IMtter Vavo jl:id Cikm. Coar., ola
Jfiora., Soj:c, ILa.. " Ahaboc: the Siis, iscalji, acJ Uiir," Iree.
"cliool! Mclioiilt School:
All aboan! for Texas, or some other
eeaport! Crash! iJarh '. Smash! A
whole train turned topsy-turvy and fly
inp through the air nronj; end foremost!
A whole cape of wild hsasta and reptiles
turned loose at one- slanderers, flatter
ers, bick-biters, whisperers and other
unclean birds to prey upon the commun
ity without favor or mercy. Look out
for them ! Here we come, pell fuel' !
Anything you want from the A, B, C's j
to any language, itvin:: or dead ; from a
pin to a double-header, with the tender
thrown in ; from a pussy cat to a wooden
hore with three broken legs and the
other la rr-e, one eye blind and can't see
out of the other; cracMes and coffins and
all intermediate articles. Look out the
window with your leather spcdogt'les '
to see the great elocutionist in his light-
nine act of jumping over the moon j Wanted Men and women of good j
blindfolded nest week at 10 o'clock. ; character and references, to represent an j
''Bah for McKinley and Bryan or any , established honse, splended opportunity
other man so as to raise three sheets in ,or advancement. Addre
the wind. 5S7' Portland. Oregon.
Come to see me and learn my terms,
Dnn't leil anybody lest trie room be
overcrowded. Children from 3 .years to
1C00. Remember the place, second
street, first door west o! Diamoud flour
ing mill, second floor.
The Dalles, Nov. 22. 1000.
n22-24-2G Pnor. Z E. F::eeu.
Ynur I no
ShOW" the state of nur feciinsrs and the
state of your health a well. Impure!
blood makes itself apparent in a pale j
and sallow complexion, Pimples and ,
Skin Eruptions. If you nre feelmc j
weak and worn out and do not have a '
healthy appearance you should try !
Acker's Blcod Eiisir. It cures all blood j
diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and
so called purifiers fail; knowing this we
sell every liottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley, the druggist.
If you have ever seen a cnild in the
agony of croup you can realize how
grateful motners are tor One .Minute
Cough Cure which gives relief as soon as
it ia administered. It quickiv cure:
I The regular meeting of the literary
I society wh held Friday evening of last
j week instead of in the afternoon. A
' very profitable two hours was spent in
1 thu meeting. l?t s'ds the regular liter
ary program, the debating ciub ilia
dissed the following question: "Re
solved, That the Uee ol Improved
Machinery is Detrimental to the Best ;
Interests of the Laboring Classe" "
Affirmative, Virgil Earl, Willie Cross ,
negative. Albert Elton, Bruce John-urn.
The debaters handled the question qu:tn !
skillfully, each speaker usitii a!! the
time allowed lilm. Tne decision uf tiie
1 judges was rendered in favor of tne neg
. ative. Atnotw a number of good musical
! selections was a quartet by Misse
, Prudence Patterson, Ethei Nottingham,
and Messts. Oscar Beck, and Willie
' Cross, that was especially well prepared.
A new president, vice-president and
I secretary were elected for the coming
! half-term. j
Another addition was made to the
' supplementary rending list this week,
twenty copies of Stone" of American
; Life and Adventure, for the Fourth
, grade. This makes over one hundred I
' and forty volumes that have been udded j
to the supplementary readers and library
books from the entertainment fund of
' lust spring at the close of school.
After the defeat of Goldendale by The
' Dalles, in the football game last satur
, dav, the boys ot Goldendale withdrew
' from the match they had with The
Dalles High school, and tne latter team
I has now accepted a challenge frrm the
Portland High School team. Tne game
will be played in Portland sometime in
December, probably the 22nd.
j The Boys' and Girls' Aid f-ociety of
i Portland, through its superintendent,
i has sent to the schools its circular de
i scribing the needouf the institution and
soliciting voluntary contributions of
food article0, discarded clothing, etc.
; Last year The Dalles schools made a
! very creditable contribution as a Thanks
! giving offering, for which the managers
! of the society were very grateftit. The
' Dalles has sent a number of wards to
this society and it is hoped we may
' make a good contribution this year,
j There is surely no better way to teacli
the spirit of helpfulness to those who
are unfortunate and need our sympathy
i and assistance.
dob Printers
tu.lLLt. 1 mh: .
trTTtrttrtiTirriMxiTtttiruixirii rxTitr
n RaW
ttur. Hnii:i,Lu
KliOM IJU.1.KS.'
l-iik', Heiivur, ft,
, Mull Worth. Onmrui, km
li ii . m., city, st iJlu i
I Chicago iuut Knit "' 1:05 1
AtlllllttO Milt IjlliO, llonvw, Kt I ,v
t.xpreeK ; Worth. Uinatiii, Kiir' l, Cl
YilM ii. in. nf ;itv, st U,ni,
Vln Hunt-, ClilciiKoiimi Uni '
iliSti'ii. 1
iiix.Wunii Wnltn Wulln. S'iil;i1tit a,t
(Uili iico inn) Kst, vlii
WM.kllhCHl.ll llllllt, "l"
ti'U. uKonli Kimt
WiixliliistiiMiuiil Kmt
era Orwin.
ii i id
! Kxprcni, !
t. in
t p. m. 1 Kiiom l'or.TUN
(U-cnli HteuinHlilin.
. I'nr Sail KiiiiicUcn .
Kvery Five Ihivs,
1 S p. in.
, Kx.niiuiliiy.CiiluiiiDl.i llv. SteaBien. EP-'5
I TO AKTORU ..lid Way tXt
I .uniiinliijr i-mailiKi. '
: lu p. m.
i'.k. m Wiutm UiVKR. i-ZTl
l.i.hlliKlMy (iresnii city, .S'ewlwric, Ex,
I niilrm A Way bumv tx"f
. , a m. , am, Ya 3.t r,
I 1 uiVl lair lliu. Kivkili Monte
Mint Mil. t)rW)i. City, Iiayton, , r
and Way I iiiilinsii. '
I.v Illina
n a. in
itlpurlu In Uawlnt(iu,
9.(0 j.b
1: port on Kaittern Ori'gon,
coughs, colds and
AdTrtl.fil l.tmera.
following is the list of letters remain
ing in the poatoflice at The Dalles un
called for November 23, 1900. Persons
vailing for the same will give date on sU'u jrb7'nui!;' T.-al Size", liemu by tail.
which they were advertised :
Suahnell, Mrs W J Bechard, Geo
Bower, Mrs Belle Baird, Mollie
Brown, L M Brown, Earl 'T.
B!fcsin, Mrs S W Cantrll, W R
Clark, Mrs Ann Fairchiid, C W
Estubrook.M's f.'ei' Hurt, James H
Gerlirig, Christian .Iohrifjn, Joe
Austin, Jack Kinnt-y, Dolptu
Kietzer, Frank Martin, Harold
.Leonard. Claude McEntee. F
Slohr, Mis Mary Maron, Miss E
SIcKellar, Scott Morton, Claude
3ttiier,Mrs Lorsise 2 Phew, Juhn
Pentrcnth, It A Rose. Charle?
Quigley, B C Smith, Miss Edna
thrnit hi'iiI !nnf ' In hi- 1a3t an"uft' report. Dr. James ,
old by Clarke A Falk's P. O. i Witbycombe, vice director of the O. A. j
j C. experiment station, under the head
of "Plant Husbandry," makes special j
mention of the arid, or semi-arid, re
gion of Oregon Iving east of the Cas
cades. In this connection lie makee 1
reference tn a matter of interest that is
not generally known. It is that there !
are four experimental plats in Eastern !
Oregon. The following is an extract I
from the report : 1
"Four experimental plats of one- j
fourth of an acre each were'establi'-hf'd j
at Moro, Sherman county, in ISO!) i
Upon these plate leguminous plants. !
consisting of the Caiiadian field pea, two
varieties of vetch, vicia villosa and vicia
satlvn, have been grown as rotation
crops for grain tiie past two seasons.
The pea has given very satisfactory re
sults, but the vetch so far ha? been a
failure there. Thu object of the experi
ments is to ascertain whether or not hu
mus forming and nitro.'en gathering
forage plants valuable for stock food ':an
be successfully crown there as rotation
crops with grain"
Dr Withycombe believe? that tin ex
perimental farm should he established
in this part of the state for the pnrpo-e
of testing various grasses nnd foragt
plants, rri that their value under semi
arid conditions may be determined.
.. .GOIiUjIlBlil BREWEKY ...
Of the product of this well-known brewery thu Toiled States Health
Reports for June US. 1900, say : ''A more stipei ior brew never entered
the iabratory of the L'nited States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of aiiiiiterntion, but on the other hand is coi:"posed of
the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are jf the high
est and it can be ti-ed with the greutc"t benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with
the cersaintv that a better, purer or morn w holesoine beverHge could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
,.iii. ..ii . IHI4II11IIU riiiiuiuru llixyt, irtrriu
take Sd j. Imvitig '1 up Inulih at 12:b.b.
tnnkini; iimrt t'lima-ctlmia at Ki'i'iiiitTlniittm
i-ml HIks lti".ilrnliiK iiiunliiKilirtctciiiimcUn
at llci,iMT ;iiiirtloii anil lllnsi with So 1
tvs hi 'Jin- DkIIokiI'. .. m.
llirfl It. A N. Mrami-r "M hk' "UnowEil
it'C n pillar trl tn .alt'in anil 'npBjis(t.
tii.iiiic lit all way lainlltii:. Ik- lrtil'c
liitid on Mimtliiyo, Weii i"-iIkvk a nl Krliin n
i a in., arrhini; at mi"i i i I y in,, nrnl
rlUT nhoilt p. Ill ii,. iImm KfR.liar
laiat lenvut. Iiiilein" iiev ir a in. ta.wia
. i at t. it. in. on 'liu i...h. Il. ir i i:i
ilayn, arriving at .ortlaii'l alum f-auai
i Knr (nil ,i.-l It'iil.irh ,ntl i,n ti l .( e fA.
I j neiitTlK' I ullc. or ii(tiln-ii
w it itt r.uit kt,
(it'll. I'ah Act , l'cilll'ci,t'
L. Lane,
In all It !Uca there
ihoaul bo eieasiuaejs.
Ely's Cream Balm
c.'oaa,ootiieans! hcils
the diiea-eil rassibnric.
i Itenrejeaurthan'iclrivej
away a coitl ,u lo head
i quickly.
I Cream Ralm f pbeed Into the nostri.3, spreads
orer the tnembrsne and i3 auorb!d. Iic'.Kf is im
mediite and a care follows. It 13 not drying !oe
cot prelate sneezing. Iirje Size, 10 cents at Dru
P. O. iox
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to snpply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
lA.X I.rOTUEItS, J.; Warreti baeei, Sew York.
j limi't ltiir. It In,
Just wet the affected pari freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a scotch remedy,
aud the pain ie gone. Sold by Clarke A
Falk. "
Children's and miss-:' shoe, spring
I heel, button or "lace, beat dongolit kid,
j fused, izes o to 7' at 00 cents ; S(.j and
1U to 13s at SIJO;" I to at l.-i0. At
the New York Cash Store.
hen vou want
acting little
LJiirijjiiv ni iiiIm lauu - ... . ,r i t i
Kfers. Miss Nellie fiensen. Miss Macie ...... r, .u r ...i. u ' "r "Y
Smith, Mrs A li Worthington, Lew.s . ' I, " V " V "lining a cough or a cold to d-velop ,
Schnsten.MrsKstellaWilliam. Henrv r",rl ''lst;rs- su,u "i
"Weniker, Mrs Anna Wilson, Mrs C'B I'- O. Pharmacy.
Williams, Lilly Ziegler, Darwood (2; Carke & Ka,k haye recelvf;(1 a caroat
Do not get scared if your heart troubles of the celebrated Jame E. Patton
you. Moit likelp you suflfer from in atrictly pure liquid paintfe
ingestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di '
f.fltK MrViut Villi atirl I'irw Ihb u'riirt '
ont stomach perfect re9t. It ie the only
preparation knuviu that couifiletely di
gests all classes of foodf ; that is why it
cures the orst cmi-ch of indigestion and
Rtomacr. tiouble after everything else
has failed. It may be taken in ah con
ditions and cannot help but do yon good.
Sold by Clarke ii Fall;.
. A. It. Nutlet:.
Members oi .1. W. Nesmitli poit are
requested to meet at G. A. K. ha!i Mon
day evening, Nov. L'fith. IJusiness of
Bnn'Kil iinrmrl:iru-e. Itv nnlnr
i? I Aft-vV. p r !
ThoB-i pntitiiiir 'c itrern to the "inter :
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
1 and sunburn. Manufactured bv C'artte
I & Falk.
Wanted A second-hand fire-proof
safe. Must be in good condition and not
too large. Apply at the Ciiuonici.e
office. oBl-tf
AckerV Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heirt-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet give immediate relief. L'.l cte.
end oOcts. lilakclcy, the druggist
into iiiiHtimotna or consumption. One'
Minute Cough Cure will cure thront and i
lung troubles quicker than any other '
preparation known. .Many doctors use
it as a specific for grippe. It is an in
fallible remedy for croup. Children like
it and mothers endorse it. Sold l)
Clarke iV Falk's P. O Pharmacy
JIM,'.' U.t AM) II KT M
Wines, Liquors Higars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Phone 234,
Next door to First National Hunk.
IJnrj vtiri,iwi:
Wagon nnd Carrlatjo Work.
Fish Brothors' Wagon.
Third and J eflcrnn. Fhone 159
C. F. Stephens
..Doalur In.
Onu RnnrlK CtothinQ.
I j j -
limits, filim-M. llntH. Ciipn. Ni 'ions Act.
lor V I. DiihkIii" Hli'w
Tel-plume N-o, Wi. mjip TlapC fir
l.ll mCllllll hi., 1UU illlUUUJ
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for
when you can buv JmneB E
Patton'fi sun proof paints for $1,00 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark (i
Dyspepsia Cure
Dinette what vou eat. i.
. . . ItartiliciallydlBeststhctoodantlaldB c
uiierior jiatura in BtrenKtbenlng and rexon- g.
palate, Messrs. Tom, Jerrj and Eg( Nog, Falk, niientu. ml
have taken up their lieaKquarlers at J. j when v c ol KUmMag
t ' Vun I ? innnagetijent of , , ,mr(,i MCMWr. that any oniJ8bould Albert.' A word to the wise , , y0 lhat yo nW, fow dM(J of
is aniBcieot. v2 .it j Clmmljeran.8 cough Hemedy to allay
Paint your house with paints that are i the irritation of the throat', nnd make
fully guaranteed to laHt. Clarke Jc Falk J sleep pojHlble. It id good. Try it. For
have them.
sale by Blakeley, the druggist,
struutinc the exhausted digestive or
gans. 1L Is the latestdiHcovercdUlKcst
aot and tonic. Ko other preparation
caa approach It in cllicleucy. It in
Blantly relieves und pcriuariently cure3
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Hour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, GastraiKia.C'rarnpsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and 81. LargeiltecontalnaSKtlmM
small ilxe. iiook all about dyspepsia nmlfedtrae
K-eportd by E n.oclMITT CO., Chicago. j.t
Sold by Clarke dcFalk'e P. O. Pharmacy, j K,
nK-itmurs of tin.- ItcKUlutor Line will run ii ,;r tiie ful 'd
ciKili!,' tliiiilc. thi) toinimiiy reterrlin thu riuht n. ..i.
....... - " " "v ft
it HI )
1 1 1 Axle j
3 I APlHEcfftJH
hdjw the team. Saves vt if nnu f
1 PL CM.CUM5. Sold everywhere. M
ct r. itr, At ri OIL CO. f'vW
teUfinlu without notice.
Str. Regulator
I.v Pallet)
ft lit T A. M.
5 'luetflay
S 'I lnuxlif,
ft" HHturilny .
h Arr. I'urtliiiul
C, m i M r. u.
wi .
I.v. 1'ortliiinl
II' " a. .
Arr. Jl tljoH
a I". .
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dalluo City.
1 haws
I.v. bullen
itt 7 h
i Motiiln)
Arr Portland
(it I. at v, if.
i. I'orlliuiil
.. r i. .
i. i a ii
'I nemliiv
hutiiiiliiy j
Air. Iiiilk-s 'g
llti'i I'. M.,5
R' TrrtVcI ' '" Htenmer ol the ltill!tor I.lno. The (.iiiimy will eiiilcuvnr to ulv. u ,.i 'ii
!. 't eivfo pfnullilu. Knr iiiithur ,,!, -'V..' L' lu ,U I ''" '5
i pfnullilf. Vm Itlftliur lllloriniitlon uilflr.L
W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. At.
l'ortluiid Olllw, Oak-Htrtdt lloclf.
Uittere of Credit imiued avuilablB in tin
JCnHtem States. , .
Truntilere wold on Nuw kGTo,t
Kun, Keuttlu Wash,, and vurione oM
in Oregon and Waiiluniitoii. . ..
Uolluctlona made at all l"'l',tf
orable term-.
IIiiHlliiiK yotiiiK man fan ww t,i0
mouth and expeimed. IVrniHiieiit y
tlou. Kxperiencu nun icHfseary.
quick for piirtictilarif. U'rk A . j'
Fourth ami Locum Streets, IW"oe
hpla, Pu, sb,,(
Clarke & FalU'H llavorini: i'Xtroctw
the beat. Aak your Kroce r lor tlit'iu.