The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 24, 1900, Image 3

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be Clothed ?
As this icy breath of old Boreas aweops around
tin; corner it carries that question right homo to us.
Iliimiinity can no more puiud such weather unpro
tected tluiti can Hit) lilliop of tin) fluid. Kemember
right now Unit underwear is cheaper tlntn funernln
11 ml overcoats i!OHt lesri thiiti undertakers. Therefore
we Hy "c'linii unto hh all yu who shiver and lire
lightly mnllled nnd we will wiirin you tip"
Big Warm Ulsters
or Storm Coats in
black or L'rav Irish
Fritz tloiiblo-breiipted anil with large d-,rirr
Htonn edlur iplU.UU
Overcoats! Overcoats
materials at prices ranging
in an endless vn
riety of styles nnd
$5.50 to $20.00
,Iut the kind for thiH weather, Good heavy all
wool shirts or drawers at
75c per garment.
Soo Windows.
See Windows.
Great Reduction of Prices
Ladies' Jackets.
Iost of the garments are last
year's, hut for ladies who desire a
larger garment than is now worn
they are the host values that have
ever been offered by the department.
No need to tell in detail what is
here, every garment is perfect.
Some of Our Prices:
$ 3.50 Jacket now $ 2.50
5.50 " ;" 3.25
6.00 ' 4.50
7.00 " " 4.85
8.00 " ik 6.00
10.00 " " 5.00
12.00 " " 6.75
13.50 " " 6.00
16.00 " kt 7.50
18.00 " " 12 50
20.00 " " 10.00
What uae uuill do!
Women's snoes
which are the best values we
have ever offered. 12 very pair is
fresh from the factory and compris
ing the latest and most up-to-date
styles. As to price
for heavy sole street shoe, the light
cloth top, kid foxed shoe, or all-kid
light sole dress shoe; all at this rea
sonable and' attractive price of
$2.00 per pair.
All Goods Mnrkecl
In Plain Flsuros.
Vogt Opera House,
F. J. Clarke, Manacor.
Has arrived with hie South African
Specialty Company.
10 -Star Artists-10
Will open Saturday, Nov. 24th,
at 7:30 Sharp.
Admission, FREE.
mays s Crowe
Opera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
One Night
Dec, 4th.
Return of the Favorite Play,
Arthur C. Alston's Co.,
The Dalles Daily Ghponiclk
NOV. 21. lilOO
( flu j1!1 fin t
At Andrew Keller's.
wayside: gleanings.
If you want a nice turkey for your,
Ttittnksgiving dinner order it from The
Madolman Commission Company. Also
liootliH Kaatern oyatoni. td
ii', ..... ,..., i . '
If U tlld injULVLCU LU llllillJMUUI. null, i
owing to tin: ill lit:.-? a of tht) pastor, Uev. i
J'aul Ivruger, no Bervieea will bo luild in 1
the Christian church tomorrow.
Tonight Saturday) Nov. 21th, Knsign
-Siuuock, the spiritual special of thu Sal
vatiun Army, will np';ak in thu liarrackH
A ncncrul invitation ia extended to all.
U. E. Teagne'a stock of groceries iiiif
arrived and he IB getting it checked oil'
and arranged ready for opening next
Tuesday. The Htore ia one formerly on
e.ipied by C. 1.. Schmidt on .Second
street, between Court and Union.
i in the eyea of the latliep, then there ia
!aomething that strikes the heart.
When the heart is appealed to there ia
, an element of bucccss. The past eeaeona
fully demonstrated that "Tennessee's
, Pardnqr" is a play of more than ordinary
I merit, and aa Manager Arthur C. Aiston
I has retained the principal metnhere of
ibis oriL'inal coin puny for tliia season's
tour tho record of thip attraction's puc
cepH wiil he more than duplicated.
I C. B. Gushing haa developed by the
velox proceps u very handsome picture
of tiie queen's pavilion of the late curni-
A M I m n , i n p r ia 1 1 on . J
Kditoi: Ciikomci.i:: i
One of the readers of the Gregoniau i
and CintoNifi.i: haa been anxiously
waiting a denial hy pome citizen of The '
Dallcp, careful of her good name, of the
statement made in a former paper of the
application of the pnrplua funds remain-:
inn nfter the carnival expenses were '
We all enjoyed the carnival ; many !
of ua much more than the faire of yeais ,
Coiiimrntlvc Statement nf A piiortlnn
ini'itt from htliocil Fund Intrret
fur tliH i'Kit Nltit Vears.
Tennessee s PaioDB
At the request of Tun Ciiuonh i.i: Su
perintendent Gilbert haa furnished up
with the following comparative etale
ment of amounts apportioned from the
uomnion school fund interest from the
year 1S91 to 1000 inclusive. The state-
Suggested by Bret Harte'a
Great Uomnnce.
The Success of pour Seasons
Hear the
Golden Nugget Quartet.
' 1 0
ment has peculiar interest as showing
that the amount of interest derived from ! PncifiTToltr l-Vio nm'crirtnl Had
I V1 caiiBI of the apparent absence of . u,e ir..e;Iui.iule 6chooi fund and Ule con. J .
I till JitWiit'll MlMMIIitlt. TIlIB MlllPftllVII IB ' . i. .. M M(.MrUIl1 MHt Ofl Ht
...,i ...i.i. ri i ii. : i it .1... 1 - j - - , fipntient nar canita leit a l me liuctna
vu.,iu. j j i. j umipa uuunp.wiiK , ,,, n,,i oll!ln .uiV' - . . . PI-irL-r A Vln.rmn.i.
w iinna ni nrnaneritv and niiversirv tint 1 " - -j
all admire and love, but rather from the
style of men that hang around him.
throne with a grace and dignity, not to
nay elouunce of tout etiHemble, that
looks aa if he were to the manner horn.
The ordinal whp a map shot taken near
the closing houia of the carnival when
Charley for a moment aacended the
royal chair to bhou- to the uftzinn inulti
tudi how becoming the environment of
And many of us were glad that aome
thing was at last found which could be a
eource of pure epjoyment to the multi
tude without bringing this liurxcij ele
ment into prominence.
eequent par capita felt all the fluctua
tions of prosperity and adversity that '
have characterized the history of the j
past nine years. In the hard years of i SlDGClEtx
Geo, W. Turner, of M'irrow county,
givea it hp liis I'xperience that the culti
vation of llax in that petition is a failure,
pays the Ileppner Gazette. The experi-
j ment haa coat him u few fhuusan I dol-
Iiup, ii in! he haa now abandoned the
L'xpensee of another car-1
Hail tlitM ulirnhlQ tuipii Bill iiBiita fnr n
iv uiiuiir v.un iu n;a m:i; jiitii sn u ui , r .t
, . , I nucleus for the e
neauiy. .nr. ouaniug nap matie a neau
tiful picture out of a very discouraging
1S93-4 the per capita fell more than a
hundred per cent below the prosperous i
yearp of 1S91-2. The fund, as everybody !
knows, ib loaned out on real estate, and j
In 1S92-4 many of the borrowers could
not pay the interest on ther loans. Since '
1S95. under the stimulus of uood tlniep. ' would have met with ; notwithstanding that the rate of inter-'
warm approbation. Or had it been e8t baa been lowered, the per capita has '
Uhed to make the horrible approaches to !:....-.,..,., !t ,10... t0.,,.1BB i.r0 ur I
uguinst 70 cents in 1S9IJ. The statement ,
Sunday, Nov, LTith, haa been hut apart) business and seeded JOOO acrea of his
aa temperance Sunday, anil every Meth-1 lantl to wheat. Hereafter he will be
otliHt pulpit in the iand ia expected to j phuu George Turner, and no more Fhix
discuss tlm theme of the liquor truflic. Peed Turner. When he paw wild llax
TuinpHninee will be thu theme at the flouriahingnrouiid his neighborhood near
evening aervicu in the Methodist, church ' Lexington he thought there wns u fur
to narrow, tune in pight. He put in GOO acres, and
Preparation for Thanltpgiving this Veur 11 cu," " all ilRlit, but booh so much
will be made lighter from the fact that! l"l out Uml Mr. Turner could not get
t. beat cooka of the Good Intent Sooi- lli8 !0l hw- w,'-. ' ov not know,
ey will prepare all aorta of cooking, I 1,1,1 tlmt w,,HthH l'lin lesult.
1 it'll as iinmpkin nnd mince, as well as I A stack of pome l." tona of hay belong
ither kinds of pies, cake, suit rising ling to D. .1. Cooper, of Ten Mile, was
bread, doughnuts: in fact everything destroyed by lire. The lire waa plainly
t iat will make your dinner more pnl
atable. They will he on sale in Cross'
window next Wednesday.
I'M Card waa indicted in the recorder'a
e mrt yesterday afternoon charged with
larc my from a dwelling, lly permlHsioii
our town more like roada which are
coaxing instead of forbidding to country
people, whom we want to visit our town,
it would not only have been a lasting
source of comfort and pleasure, but also
of profit. Tint puch a misappropnation
tie is intimated ia a matter of distress to
the best friends of our town. We know
what a "pure agricultural boss trot" Is
from yearp of experience. We difetiust
any power residing iu any array of
came to us over the signature of State
Superintendent .). H. Ackerman.
at Miss Haven's
Friday and
Saturday of this week.
Great induction on all
Ready -to-Wear Hats.
Tho only store it
this city whero the
Genuine Imported
Ware ia sold.
A little higher in
price, hut outlasts
n dozen pieceaof so
called cheap cnam
eled ware.
Other wares loofi
has the name
Stransky - Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Exhi
bitiona. Highest
award at World s
Columbian Exlnbi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ista for purity and
durability it ia
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not nut
nor absorb jjrease,
does not discolor
nor catch insid?, u
in fruiU or
will boil,
and bak1.
w i th o it :
flavor o
o o o k o d
food i!Kl
will last
for years.
We p.t.!.
tion tl;j
fiirt'.:" .4
1S9L'. ,
1893. .
1 :!!).'). .
1891! .
1897. .
naines to make u racetrack anything j 1898, .
hut a race track, and to be accompanied j j,jyJ"
by its usual belongings. We hope the j
tvrsons of
H'llO'H use
. 105,0:"J .
. 111,770..
. lUO.Oiri ,
. r2:'.,78(i..
. IL'0 ,!:..
. 129,930..
. i:;o,753.,
. 1.TJ.H88 .
. i:!3.181.
..fl -15 ,
. 1 At
70 .
. 87..
. I o..,
. 1 0.").,
. 1 05.
. 1 'JO ,
. 1 51.
. I fill ,
I Spveiul bargain in children's and
. ,:V,'1?lJ!'t;ml misses' shoes at N'.uv Vork Cash
Moli, lol 90 1 .,
1(12,000 50 t,t,m''
sl'til 50! K('"K',n1""' Uut A' Vl Miu',:1 wi" t!ivo
107 'o9!! H' il tl,rev p'ueon phoot on the beach
l.'J.VJSl 75 November 27, 23 and 29th.
1H5.-172 05
135.15I 21
150,90:! (0 j
199,905 8S 1
207,457 ."1 ,
General Blaeksmith
and HorseshoeF.
All kinds of hlacksmithing will receive
prompt attention and will he executed
in first-clues shape. Give him a call.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The D.illep, Or.
A. Y. MAHSH will give a
turkey shoot on the beach
Three Days
Nov. 27th, 28th and 29th
There will hIpo be piceon
trai) ppooting at the same
time. and plac1.
Oregouiau's informant waa mistaken.
II. W.
the work of an incendiary. The mis
cieant had entered the Held, where the
hay was, on hotpeback, leaving thu gate
open as he retired on a lope. His trucks
here he alighted from the horse unci
Rtruck the match were plainly visible.
of l)(atrlct Attorney Menefee. Card waa j iH reported that an attempt waa made
in nlinul ...illtv to hli.mlel'iooiu llie Pamo nun. wnuu.iu aiiuumi
While drunk he had Htolen u ' of 'Mr- Gooner 'a hay that was Ptniiitiug Ui ,. and 7 :!!0 p. m, in tho basement of
worth a dolhir from thu Star i " 11 wagon near a barn in which there j t,L, ,1UW church on Union street. Sun-
t.o.u .lit. til f.M lM,U III 1 1 1 I- I 1 1 I U IllUl 11111 1 .1 t. 1 ... tt
nur nuuiii iw..n v.. ...v . . ... (lllv MCllOOl 1H HI II. Ill,
Wells went to Prosper, Wai-h.,
liov. C. F.Goode, of Gentralia, Wash., i ye"terday on a visit to his sheep ranch
will preach iu the First Christian church ' ilt t,llit l)laul'''
tomorrow mornitig anti p'issibly again in 1 Mrs. H. W. Wells and children will
the evening .leave in the morning for Portland to
I spend Thanksgiving there.
At tne uougregationai eiiurcii tomor-
rnie aiiriMinu t'!M t ltkt1 mild In ttwi !
One thousand styles and sizes.
hor cooking and heating.
Prices from $5 to $50.
I.O'lglng hoiiHii
morning when the pastor, Kev. I). V.
Poling will take for his subject "Thn
Divinity that Shapea Our Ends."
Calvary Haptiat chinch Kev. W. I!.
Clifton, pastor, ltegular services at 11
Miss Cas9ie Thcrbonrn, who haa been
verioualy ill for the past month, Is agiiin
able to sit up a short time each day.
Miss Mamie Gilbert has leturneil ftoiti
attending u session of the Portland Uusi
ne?p College. She will resume bee work
in Menefee A Wilson's ollice .Monday
morning. ' 1
When sober lie owned
1). V. P. U at
.I.H.Oakes, of Prineville, is in the
city. Just before theelection Mr. O.ikea ,
invested largely in sheep ami sheep
t t ....I . i At I . J it. it . il-tri-.t-'
'ohaviug taken the blanket and told ; wiiA nappiiy tntcovereu in umu imu pin :;io p. m. ' rauenes on uio uiiiu mac iuciiniey
where it waa. Mr. Menefee asked for t. It lookp as if the Ten Mille folks Kpim:opal .hurch-Corner ' ''aSlymal"
i,i. . . . i I iv, I, ,1,1 ,,,., iiini- ii iin v nf lionm ronn . ... .. . ill iu B(.ari.oi) oo h.uii, ls null gn IH
ukih aenteiicoiiiui tne lecoiuerHeiiieuceii ! ,; - . - . ,im,
Curd to nvelve davp In tho count V i.iil. 111 llie llt,i,r "''
rf - ' 4 I r ll.llM.llUlt I . Hull ...I,..,
For Infants and Children,
A romantic comedy drama, HUggeated
by one of I. ret Hnrto'H popular akutchea, j
entltletl "I'enneBsee'a Partner" will he;
H'.aged at thu Vogt opera house Dec. Ith, j
Ihesucuesa thla play achieved in the J,0 ((y y0U W AlWaVS BOUghl !
tin uf lu.u K ..... Il.a ii iiiinrhlntf ifllllf' III1 . 1
nn 'I'll nm Huouimiif, ... ,
thentrlcnl dlrclea for aoine time. AhIo Boars tho
!'i')t and atorv it is complete, and thu' Slguaturo of
HituailoiiH and cliinaxea are thrilling and :
'iitentHting. Its churactera are origuml -'reatioriH
and the piny throughout Is i
''fined and free from Htugo exuggerationa
common ui most melodramatic pro ,
hictioiiH of the pniBunt day. When
tlierti ia a puaolcioii of a tear in the eyea
of thu men and more than a suspicion Subscribe for Tin: Ciikomci.i.
iiutl Wiiphington, Hev. IJ, F, satisfaction.
I Hawk paatur. Morning worplup at 11 ; I
i .Sunday school at 10 a. m.; class meet, j
ing at 12:16; ICpworth i.Hiigue at 0::i0; Tllll Bt,,:l(,taiy of The Dalles Asseinblv,
.lunior l.ei.guo at :!:.!0; evening pervice ) No. 25, this morning received a win rant
at 7 ::!(). At the latter pervlcu the pastor j for ,, payment ot the claims in full ni -will
seak on "Tempemnce." ,,hM. ,10 IK)1(.y by .1, M, ljiintint-
"Music bath charms Kj soothe the ton, who died Nov. '.5, 1900. The follow-
, pnvauo bieast," to pay nothing of the ' oxplulna itself :
If your hair ia dry and dead-like, Co
cnanul Cream Tonic will give it life and
luster. It ia pronounced the finest
tonic on earth. Can bo had at Friuer'a
barber ahop, agent. nO 1m
white man.
Come and try it. ',. H. , 1 hereby ncknortJedgo tlutt I have this
i. ui .! '24tlMhiyof November, 1900, received a
' I wariiint for 42000 iu full payment of the
If vou have daudruir, your hair is , benelit certiticatti hehl hy my husband,
falling out. Uae Cocoanut Cream. For ! "W'A' i Jllt!', .
buIo at I' a barber shop. uO-Iin ; thanks and appreciation for their 1
I iron i nl niiHH. I liHiirtilv ritnnniiiioiul itm1
4. s,i'&
fThe genuine nil bear the above Ira JerAiark! Jv
L and are sold wltli a written guaranlee. iyi"
k,.,n.AA C.Vnl Or! Doric Cunnolilmi 1 0 fl f JwfctZ&
nndiuou rnoi nito raiio lauuoiuuii ivuu
Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere.
Mudooniv by The Michigan Stove Company.
Layout tlukma of Btovua umt Hiiukus In thu World.
Oak Slovm
Heiuember that Cocouuut Cieam Tonic
will piomote growth of hair. Charles
FriiKcr, sole agent, iiO-lm
I Tllll ..I I Arltdiinu i,u it u'if.. ti,iil . ul in I.I.. '
....Vti. .....r...... I. " ,t ..l.llllli.llll, Ullf.
iiiPtiranci) and frateriml order.
Mauv 11. Hr.vnxiiiox. '