The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 24, 1900, Image 2

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    ElaIes chronicle:!
SATURDAY . - - .VOV. L'4, 1000.
fi:om I'OII-
Que of the editorial vvrU?rs of tie
Council Uluits .Nonpareil m endeavor-
ing to follow instructions to dtopj
politics now anil write about sonic-;
thing else, turns m the following :
copy, which fairly indicates the con-'
dition of the average editor's mind
;i he attempts to turn his thoughts j
from the campaign to other matters:'
"The discussion of the Westminster;
confession of defeat is being sub-;
jected to a revival of business such ,
as was not known four vears auo. I
Among numerous paramount issues'
. " . . , , , '
brought out by the leading church
... .. , . , . ..
whether the confessions teaching;
concerning the salvation of the in-
. , '
fant industries IS such as conforms
with the plain declaration of lnde-1
pendence and of inspired writ. If
this is true, then many of the presby- j
teries in the outlying precincts will i
find that in all the rites and cere- j
monies the grouud of their argument t
was amoug the territory gained ,
tiuder the democratic administration
of Jefferson. The proposed revision
would make such changes in the '
tariff ot faith as to cause many to
lose their trust in all the statements
of religious belief, although just such
trusts existed under Cleveland as
exist now. The fathers of the church
...... 1.1,1 l. . .1 .!
ln,-trin, of nre-
v.w.. ......
destination followed the tlag or that
the statement tn their creed had that
.sort of a clear ring which exists in
Tammany. So far as the doctrine of
salvation being free at the ratio of
1G to 1 it is evident that the theolog
ical statements cannot show where
even the elect can break into the
solid south so long as they associate
with republicans and sinners. The
church must recognize the consent of
the governed or else free trade aud
undying love will be trampled under
the iron heel of imperialism. 50
far as the baptism of these infants is
concerned there are those who hold
-the only remedy to be to squeeze all
the water out of the stock and thus
destroy that very trust in the future,
which is recognized by nil faiths.
The expansion of the church necessi
tates such a change in customs and
duties and such a resentment of the
platforms as will carry conviction to
the heart of every repentant and
patriotic voter. Those who are seek-'.
ing to convert the world Ond great
encouragement from the reports of
the polls already taken. The world
is changing and some precincts are :
almost unanimous. Let every man
do his duty aud creed will be saved,
but don't forget to register."
iMi i .
The tonnage of vessels at present
reported en route to Pacific coast
ports shews that bound for the Co
lumbia river exceeds that bound to
all other ports on the coast, excepting
Sau Francisco, by uull tons.
These ports include San Diego, Port
Los .Angeles, all Puget Sound ports.
and all Erilish Columbia ports. If
Jlawaii be counted in with its 31,0'-1 !
en route tonnase, the coast nort out-
side of San Francisco exceed the
Columbia river by just 9,027 tons.
San Francisco has -14,17:.' more tons
en route
than has the
Pendleton Irbune sueaests
the name of L. B. Reeder for speaker , Pain Balm. Try it. For eale by Blake
of the Oregon house of represenia- Ie". 'he druggist.
tives. The Tribune says Mr. Reeder
is a "good lawyer, an accomplished
parliamentarian, an experienced
legislator, a genial gentleman and
last, but
not least, rock-ribbed re-
The Tribune thinks it
would be u graceful act for Western
Oregon to coucede the sncakersbio to
Kastern Oregon.
We offer for a liiuited period the
twice-a-week CiUiOXiCLE, price tl 50,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price 1.50,
toih papers for ?1 a year. Subscriptions
under this otTer must be paid in ad.
vance. tf
Read This, Consumptives
1 Fron the wav mv wife eottiihed
n. She showed it in her face, too, mid her body wasted awuy to a mere skele
,i. After she pot down til bed the doctors couldn't do any good. 1 called in
ton. Alter sne eot
both Dr. T. A. fehnnnon and Ur. X. L.
physician, but they had nothing:
that would reacli the trouble
lier limes. ,My wife's father
Oame to sec one ...v. wneii
she pot very low. tic lives tn
Cedar Lake. Wis., while we
live in Rice Lake, Wis. .He
said he knew what wasneeded,
and made me net a bottle of
Acker's English Remedy for
Consumption I went to
Schmidt's, our local druggist,
and got a bottle, and it helped
her right away. She took eight
50c. bottles, and they put her
back on her feet and made her
as sound and well as any wo
man in town. She has taken
on tlesh again, she doesn't
cough, and if any cue vlu
doesn't know the t'net was to
be told she was so t.oar death
with consumption, he wouldn't
beiieve ly w:t-e does all
sleeps as soundlv as you please. 1 1
Her stomach 110 longer gives her any trouble at all. Maybe you doubt what I
am telling. If so. 1 advise you to see J. X. Schmidt, the" druggist who sold me
Acker's English Reniedv for Consumption. . He'll tell vou the same thing. He
says Acker's English Remedy is wonderful in alt throat and lung troubles; that
it is sold on a guarantee to cure, or monev returned, and he never yet had a
1 1- 1. t. , , , 1 ........ . , AT
uiuue iume uul-k u uis store, auaougu
is Luther Bedell, Rice Lake. Wis." "
Acker's English Rcmetlv is sold bv all ilruspists under a positive guarantee
that your monev will be re't'undei! in "ease of failure. 3c -c. and St a bottle in
Uuited States and Canada. In KngUnd is. sd.. is. 3d., and 4S. c J.
We cuthonzt lit abort juuruiife. H", L UOO'MX: & CO., i'nipnaort. .Vu- York.
For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy.
Southern Cultfiinila,
Notable 11 m one the pleasures afforded
by the shasta Route is the winter trip
to Southern California and Arizona.
Renewed acquaintance with this section
: will e?er develop fresh points of interest
added sources of enpymet, under its
.,,,,- it-:w. :., v-nrifv nF iti inilna.
. st,n--t,e;' ,n. he va"et. 01 "! lm
P'"' vePa M,u .nP
ltJ numberless resort-
' shore, valley and plain.
oi mountain,
The two dnilv Shasta trains from
Portland to California have been re
cently equipped with the most approved
pattern of standard and tourist sleeping
, cars, but the low, rates of fare will still
continue in effect.
Illustrated cuides to the winter resorts
, of California and Arizona may be nad
, cn application to
C. H. Makkham, G. P. A.,
Portland. Oregon.
Miir.v of a slave.
To be tound Uand and foot for years
bv the chains of disease is the worst
torm of slaverr. George D. Williams, of
Manchester, Mich., tell- how such a
slave was made free. lie -ays: "My
wife has been so helpless tor five years
that she conld not turn over in bed alone.
After nsiuc two bottles of Electric
Pitters, sheis wonderfully improved and
able to do her osvn work." This supreme
remedy for female diseases quickly cures
nervousness, sieepiessness, melancholy,
headache, backache, faintins and dizzy
stvells. This miracle workins medicine
-Xi a 00dnd to weak, sickly, rundown
people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only
50 cents. Sold by BlaKeley, the Drnp
itist. "i
Itl.iuurk' Irtm NVrte.
Was the result of his splendid health.
f nil 5 u Villi .fill nrwl t.uDuiiiilniu nurni'
are not fonnd where gloinach
kidneys and bowels are out 0! order. If
you want these qualities and the success
brintr, use Dr. Kind's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley's
drugstore. ti
Clarke & Faik have on eaie a fall line
of paint and artist's brushes.
Rosiyn, Clalum and Australian coals
by the Stadt-lman Commission. 21-lrn
For rent A suite of furnisiied rooms
at Mrs. Agnew's corner of Fourth and
L'nion. nlT-lw
Trimmed hats at half price and street
nats greatly reuueeu at lrs. Jayne e
millinery store. 22-2t
0 , , , ...
Best values for the least money at the
-Ne- lort Lasn fito'e. A special in .
cntiurnn s ana muse
shoes, while they
For sprains, eweHines and lameness
.1.1 j
Clearance sale of winter millinery at
the Campbell & Wilson millinery par
lors. All iroods will be sold at great! v
reduced flgorea Fridav and Saturday c'f
tnis weeK.
"For three davs and nii?hn f gutrernd
aony nntold from an attark of cholera
morbus brought on by eattni? cucom-
lH?r!i" ea.vs K Lowthr, clerk ot the I Hhould Borely die and tried a ;
dozen different medicine but all of no
purpose. I tent for a bottle of Cham-'
b-rlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
PbiiihU- nii ihfM Wa rMlUcl m
Kemed n.t three doses relieved roe
entirely. Thla remedy for sale by
BUkeley, the druggist. '
for six months, I knew she htul consunip-
Ilawsen. each of whom is a first-class
ne nas soiu nuuureus 01 uiem. -i) ;nmi;
Are ttiose wlio wear fiilthes tunt are up-
t-.-date in ti'. wo.knMiiahip nd .initlitv.
My Hue ot -ample- cover- alt the latest
desiirns for fall iind winter, tne price is
right, and 1 can u'tiarantee a perfect lit.
Suits to Order. SiO.OO.
John Pashek. The Tailor.
MM Bestauranl
L. Y. Hone, Prop'r
. , n ,
HrSt-GlaSS in EVerV KeSpeCt
' r
JIEiI. AT AI.I. limits.
Oysters Served in any: Style.
v seeuiui s!..Tl. It!U. Or.
t 1
' 1 CG vFGcim. clllCl
(VStCI "cirlOrS
j "
Mrs H. L. j0Ilee has openH(1 iue
cream and ovter narlors in Carev 5al-
iard's old stand.
le carries
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and
The place ha l)e-ri tiiorotiuhly ren
ovated, and a share of the tmb'.ic, patron
age -u.icited.
Open till 12:00 P. M.
nm'i P op ,, P-"i0t
,A Difficult Problem.
It is anions the most difficnlt prob
lems of natural science for one to beuom
expert in several lines. J. K. Adeox &
Co., by their combination, rmve over
I come this difficulty in a practical man
; ner. J. E. Adcos is an exuert watch-
'maker and is cowl on jewelry, optical
wort: ana ennravine. whi e Theo.
enijravinB. whi t- Thwi. if
Lielie is an expert optician and is iro'jd
, " watch repairing:, jewelry work and
enu'ravinp. Their price i-j low ue con-
8Utent with r.ullx Urfcmao.iiip. Thev
are preoareri to do ail work in il,-ir
several lines, on short notic-. Work
sent by mail or exure-s will revive
prompt attetition. ftk'n. "Bi Hed
jjK. 11, K. S.MITII,
Riosn ii
r.i ll. C'aupnmn Bluolc, The UaUts
ryin irf imrotloHfl simply (level.
opdrycatarrhj they dry up the ecretiotis,
which adhere to the membrane and docom-
poie, caosimj a far more berious trouble than
j-onUn form of catarrh. AvoldoUdry.
and usq that vhich cltanaeti, sootben aud
heals. Ufa Cream Balm is such a remedy
50c. size. Brothers, SC Warren St., '.V.
The Ualra carta without pain, dots not
'""hate or cause sneezing. It fepreadd itself
an Imtated and angry BUrfacc, reller-
nK Jrotaedlat)iiy tU eiinful inflammation.
With Elv's Cream Ualtn oa nra irni.H
against KmuI Caturrb and Bay FeTer. 1
Just What
You uuant.
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as we ae showing never be
fore traced a ehude stock. Real imita
tion creton etleets at orilinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Eleaiudesiu'ns.tastelulcoloriinrs, yours
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a tuil line of house paiutH.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
..CHAS. FRAJIfr,..
and Farmers
Kt'p.- on Jruiiht the rolcbrslcil
t;ol.rjllllA UK Kit. ncknow.
itrl the lwt 6..-.T in The Idillwi,
Kt ttit uniul price f.'ouif in. try
It and bt I'onviiKinl Ai the
rint bramls of Winea, LI jueir
u:i(2 CI tars.
F. s.
Wagon Shoo.
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies,
Cor Second & Lansbliii. Toone 151
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
w y
$1.00 per month.
Strictly llrst i'Ia?a local and Ioiik
distance telephone curvi:o within
your burnt).
Linen do not crocp-tiilk. Your con
versation will lie kept secret.
Xo cost Ux instidllm;.
Vou cot t!u standard Hutuilng
l.o tit: Distant liiHtrtitnenl.
Continuous day and nipht survieo.
W11 will ncri'pt your contract for
ten years and allow you to chiicdI
saini) on trivitiK thirty tuya writ
ten tlOtUH!.
Grandall & Burget
DEAi.i:i: in "- Robes,
fill kinds of undertake i BuriaSh
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc.
Tho Dallos. Or.
- 1 .
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S?mKl ?eed
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOTl 51 Oil T '"''H "r 1H uiantifactured exprepuly for famllr
-J nee ; every Hack it guaranteed to i;iv satisfaction.
Wc- neii our coode lower than any house in thu trade, and if you don't think to
call and get our priceB and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry (ioode, Clothinc, Boots and "hoe?, at much less than wholenale
prices. Will i-ell in bmk or tn lote, or any way to miit purchaeerH.
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days.
AH good? will be sacrificed except Thoiupion'e Glove-flttinu Corsets
and Butterick Patturns. Your prices will bo mto. Call curly and fectire
CoriHT Second and Court M-5.
V i c rAir o rr V
commercial Sample Rooms.
5 Purest Liquors for Family Use 5
.Delivf'rcd to any part of tho City.
u,-nf'e l)iHliwu,
r- x -i u
HD6 31 lOri DO
t '1:!"!r "?
on display
luct iroin
Suits, $20 at?d up.
j Call and examine jO0(h befuru uoinir
elneAhere. Second street, opp. Mavs
& Crowe's.
The undersiuned has taken po.aoion MANUFACTUKeKb ur
ofH.A.Spiveypaint Hbop, nejctdoortoiFi T.o.rA and SaUSageS
the Voist opera houw, and ha- pur- 1116 L ana 0ttU5a6
chaiod tho tools and laddera. lie has ! nutmrt nt D 0 1 tl (1
Kood meehanlcs working for him, and 1 uUlBlS 01 OrlHnu
in n , . . !
"... suamiuee ail wor to give catlnldc
173 Second Street, y
' J, o. nciiCMH.
Fst Rational Bank.
A General Banking Bueineee traneacted
Dtipoeite received, oubject to
Draft or Cheek. .
Collections made and proceeds promptly
t rnmltteu on uav 01 noiiuuuu".
Sltht and Telegraphia Exchange ao.d
1 Stoic Ynrk Kin KmnfMflCO UUw -ui.-
I). P. TiiOMruoN. b. bcHisti.
, Ed. M. Williams, Uko. A. Unt
il M. Rkam
Tne columDia Packing Co.,
- 1 . . 1.TlT