The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 23, 1900, Image 4

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    ITlT.te Sch.,o-ly or j Mokj T(Jjk I)oaUjvolv cre9 Su.k He.ul- j
Persons desiring instruction in Ens- iit'hu, indigestion nmi constipation. A
listi brandies, ornamental peninanhip, delightful herb drink. Remove nil
short hum!, sh.ule.pen writing, free- eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
hand il ra i ti i; . book-keeping, higher 1 complexion, nr monev refunded, "outs.
mathemutics, vocal music, etc., pleuse
call first door second floor west uf Cur
tis' mill, Second street. Foreicners
taught to read and write English in a
few lessons.
nS-'JwdAw Pnor. '.. K. Fueei:.
nnd oO cts. Hlakeley. the druggi't.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are thin
best liver pdls ever made, lvisy to take t
and never gripe. Sold bv Clarke Hulk's
P. 0 Pharmacy.
For sprains, swellings and lameness '
there is nothing so irooi! as Chuinbt'rliiin'e
Pain Iirtlm. Try it. For sale by Wake- j
ley, the drtmuist. 1
Hurtling young man ran make (50 per
month and expeues. IV i maneiit posi- (
tion. Experience unnecessary. 'Write
quick fo' particular?. Clark & Co., 1
and Locust Streets, Philmlel-'
hpia, P.i. fS tf
painte that are i
Clarke & Falk !
Ihe Wheat Trade.
Tli ere i v-ry 'in- loing in the wheat
tnurkt Ht pHe.. -vi lently most of the
shipper wlci lm" i-it extreme bids re-iln,-el
the Miue. mul sellers are waiting
fur another -port in prices before they
let go any more. Some lame lots have
jMssed into exporters' hands at prices
that euild not he duplicated tuday. Tho
market has ng.iin siL'"t back to its
former self, and what business is being
done is mostly of miihII hits that is usu
ally being done at thi time of the year.
Tonnage is not coming in freelv, and
there i- plenty of wheal i.nth at Port
land and mi Pn:et Sound for a large
number of ships to carry away. The
recent heavy shipments have shown no
effect on the stock-" at either place. As
fast us room is nude at the warehouses,
ears on the track are ready to unload to
till up the gap. There is no doubt that
the market would he flooded with offers
of wheat if the p-ice would advance a
few cents. The late rise shows that, as
we predicted when was selling nt
33 cents, a two-cent rise would cause
heavy offerings, and the same would he
repeated on another raise. Sellere are
getting full value on ali the wheat they
sell, if the exporter bases his purchasers
on 42s 6J ships and at present cargo
quotations in London. Peports from
the interior state that farmers are pay
ing considerable attention to farm work, '
and from the looks of these reports fall-,
sown acreage has been unnsually heavy ,
thi year. ,
Millers in the Valley are gnod buyers
for Eastern Oiegon wheat. Their crop i
is so short that they are unable to buy '
at anv fair price, and rather than pay ;
..... ..... u. ...t.. rii.U'itt'rt V.'itnti Hazel Salve will
ci nil c ! iiiTS, .tic uuui , i.e.. t , - ..... ....... ... v , .
from east of the mountains; but, not- quickly heal the worst burns and scalds iSt
withstanding these two factors in the i anil not leave a scar. It can be applied ant, anrj tonic. Other preparation
business, there is vet considerable wheat I cuts raw surfaees with prompt 1 can approach It in eflieiency. It in
in the cunntrv fully two-tbird of the nd soothing effect. U-e it for piles and stantly relieves and permanently cures
crop being held by interior warehouse- skin deases. IWare ,,f worthless , gggj 1
men and farmers. We quote club, I counterfeits, sold by Uarke & talk s , gjcl Headache, GaStralgla.Crampsand
P. o. Pharmacy. i allotherresultsof imperfect, digestion.
Price 50c. and 1. Largcstio contains 2K times
Prepared by E 0. OcVITT A CO.. Chicago
Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
You can't afford to ji?k your life by
allowing a cough or a cold to develop
into pneumonia or consumption. One
Minute Cough Cure will cure throat and
lung troubles quicker than any other
preparation known. Many doctors use
it as h specific for grippe. It is nn in
fallible remedy for croup. Children like Fourtli
it and mothers endorse it. sold by
Ciarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
j Paint your house witn
Both makers and circulators of counter- j fuv guaranteed to last,
feits commit fraud. Honest men will jiav,. them.
not deceive ynu into huytng worthless
counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel (
Salve. The original is infallible for cur
ing piles, sores, ecznia and all skin
diseases. Sold by Clhrke & Falk's P. 0. '
Ileuiember that Cocimuut Cream Tonic
will promote growth of hair. Charles, sole agent. nO-lm
A full line of Eastman :;lins and sup
plies juat received by Clarke A Falk.
There is no pleasure in life if you dread
going to the table to eat and can't rest
at night on account ' of indigestion.
Henry Williams, of Boonville, Ind., says
lie suffered that way for jears, till he
commfneed the use Kodol Dyspepsia
cure, and adds, "Now I can eat anything
I like and all I want and sleep soundly
every nh'ht." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
will digest what you eat. Sold by Clarke
x Falk's P. O Piiarmacy.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Ifcartificially dipests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recoil
dob Printers.
! 15:
' lite'
I Ids
1 Is!
' !
I &
, i-jS'
t is1
TmmnntTHnnTTiTtninniiTmi iiiiirni iitiut tin fTTitiiiiimfiTt ititti
Walla Walla, 54 cents; Bluestem, 57
cents, and Valley, (50 cents per bushel.
Portland Commercial Review.
If you have ever seen u child in the
agony of croup you can realize how
grateful mothers are lor One .Minute
Cough Cure which gives relief n soon as '
it is administered. It quickly cures j P
Plurality I 13.141.
Sa!.eh, Or., Nov. '22. Complete re
turns from the presidentis.1 election in
Oregon reached the state department to- j coughs, colds and all throat and lung
day, and Secretary of State Dunbar has j troubles. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O.
given out the totals. The votes by , Pharmacy.
counties will probably be announced to
Wanted Men and women of good
The total vote of the state for character and references, to represent an j &'
established house, eplended opportunity
for advancement. Address P. O. nox
5S7, Portland, Oregon. novlo-loio
f L. Lane,
each candidate was as follows
Ford 46,172 Furnish . . .
Fullerton... .40,520 Paxton ...
DEJiocn.vnc rsori.Ks.
Kroner :52.6lO Stewart....
Pierce 33 3S5 Whiteaker
Davis 2.530 Mill"
Jenkins 2,510 Spaulding.
Etnbree 2G!i Hill
Henry 275 Luce
Folen 1.4ti4 Porter. . . .
Meindl 1,494 Rutherford
.. 25b
For Fame and C'aoii.
The Sterling (III.) Standard makes the
following try tor an alleged offer of f 1000
Jor the best rhyme for .Michigan:
I linear n ynuug Judy from Michigan,
To meet her I never ahouM wichisjan,
fche'd eat of Ici:rem
Till with pain he would cream.
And she'd ordur another his dichi;:an,
The farmer doesn't have to solicit the
patronage of anyone. He doesn't have
to enter into competition like the mer
chant; lie doesn't have to wrangle and
warp tiie truth fur living like others; iie
doesn't have to depend upon donations
reluiitantlv doled out, like ministers; in
short, he can be the most independent
man on God's green earth if he manages
his affairs on a business like manner.
He has more time and oppoi tuuities for
improving his mind ; he has less allure
ments for corrupting his morals, and his
occupation is conducive to the highest
development of his phygicial powers; he
can be no intimate terms with his own
family, at peace with the world and he
can worship God under his own grape
vice and apple tree, none daring to
moleat or make him afraid. Centrnlia
Best values for the least monev at
New York Cash Store. A special in
children's and misses' shoes, while they
In all Its traces there
ihouid be clea.-iiiueij.
Ely's Cream Balm
clean , soother and hesla
the dii'.-a'etl membrane.
It cares catar-h and d:h ei
avray a co.d iu too uead
I qaicK.j.
Cream Halm I placed Into the nostril', epreads ,
over the membrane and U absorbed. Ketnf U im
mediate and a enre follow. It Is not drying doej
not produce ineezinj. I-are Size, 50 cents at Druy
gilt or hy mil! ; Tr;a! Size, 10 cent." by mali.
XA.l ir.niUHltd o-J iiaiiCTi b.mbi luu- i (
I ,
Don't hub It In, j
.Just wet the affected part freelv with i
i. r i : .. n . c..l. 1 .. I '
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clnrke A
Children's and misses' ehoes, spring
heel, button or lace, beat dougola kid,
foxed, sizes 5 to 7. at 90 cents ; S'2 and
1U to 133 at 1.20; 1 to V at . 1.40. At
the Now York Cash Store.
Vi Den you want prompt acting little
pills that never gripe use DeWiit'e Little
Early Risers. Sold by Clarke & Falk's
P. O. Piiarmacy.
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated Jarne E. Putton
atrictiy pure liquid painte
Floral lotion will cure wind chupping
and Hunburn. Manufactured bv C'arKe
& Falk.
You will
, CrAT Al'jL4'Ar'JLrA,VX-TA7T 'A-., AT&rAIAtXI A'l'A. -k t A. t A rATATAtr A A- A- A A" 41T"
! C. J. STUBblHC
Wines, Liquors Cigars
t tie a, z
g, ...AND... ,5
I HnrQPQfinpr i
mil iiiiiiiiiiiii
SyiH BAU . Wagon and Carriage Work.
I?&0?1 Fioh Brothers' Wagon.
Aaw - -S
Mtmmmmmmmm r - a
Family Orders will receive prompt attention. $
Nest door to First Xationnt llimk.
i Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. A
C. F. Stephens
...Dealer in.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Gents' Furnishings.
.5 ,,1
A " ....
'It AAT.iiiirfiTn firirTiri
3 ' 1,11 It m H hKhUUhh Y
Of thu product of thic well-knoH n brewery tiie United StateH Health
Heporti- for June 2S. 19110, eayu: "A more aupuiior brew never entored
the labratory of the rmted States Health ruportH. It ih alMolutely devoid
of the Hlichtest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of
the best of malt and ciioic-Ht of hops. Itc tome qualities are of the high
eat and it can lie used with the greateHt benefit and fatisfaction bv old and
young. It one can coiifcientiotHly he prescribed by the plivicianH with
the cereaintv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly he found."
Catarrh Cannot lin Oureil.
with local applications, as they
not have boil if vou
Clarko & Falk'n sure cure for boils,
cannot! Wanted A second-hand fire-proof
reach trie seat of the disease. Catarrh 8'l(e JIllHt Du ir) "00,J condition and not
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it vou must lake inter
nal remedies. Hali'e Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
too large,
Apply at the
Hoots, Shoes. Hat. ('Hps, Notions. Asf. j'j
1 j for W I.. UouKlag dhoe.
; j Stts Tiie DaUes, Or. j
(Grease 1 i
tt helrr? the team. Saves wear nnu B -c.-j2iisc.
Sold every where. Jfl
MR standard "oil CO. tJPfp i
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
I'll It
lJ.i" p. 111.
TIMK M'llKnui.H
KkllM 1UM.KS.
Mult I.nV-, Doiivor. Kt,
Worth, Oiiuilm, Kn
C;h(t-iicik uiul t.'.u ' 4wi
I Attantlo .Milt Ijikc, Iicnver, ft
j Kxirt"H Worth, Onmlm, Km,;
I'-'i". in-' City, Ht. Ijiui,
I Vl Hunt ChlciKomiil i:,t "
; liiKton. -
iiixiViillu Wnlln
0i'i p. m
K . m.
8 p. m.
ulln Wnlln, HhiIiiiiio o.l
MltineniMHii. St. S
1)11 lilt 1. MIUwiil.'.' JI1I
Clllciipii unit l-'u..
. " ti, in
-U.I ,(..
Spokiiiionkit llnmiiii
ton; iilni nil .uliit,
wiiiiitiieton Hiui Kn,t.
em Urvgiin.
Ocoiiii i-tejiiiislilin
1 For mm rruiiclM-o-Kvery
Klvc liiivn.
31 1.0
Kx.WiinilMy:(7oHinililii ttv. Bhumm. Rt!i-?.
To AHTDK1A mid War
?H.iinliiy IJiiilliiKt.
10 p. in.
lin in. Wiu.amkttk Uivrr.. vain
Kj.siimhiy OrvKon City. Ni'vHrK,.Er.BMhi
h. :n.
1 iiw.,'1 hur.
tiuil .-at.
ICtLl. KIVKK1. loa.M
Oregon Hty, Ilayton, imiTti.
mul Wnj-Imctliiss.
l.v I!i.itrin
, ihiiiy
1 ; .1- . Ill
Hlimrlii to U.-wlr.ton.
9.00 LB
CST riiriion itctiritiff to un to llcprrn or
poiutN on i olumhlii MiutlK-ni vl ii lllni.ifcoill
Mr .So .', k-iivllli: Thi' Ilnlli- lit IMtin
miu.iii. nmrt oni'ccthni nt Ileppner JimcCon
H'I I'Ikkh Ili'turiiliiK inniilliKilln-ctcflniiaBM
t licppiier 'unction mill IIIkk with No. lir
'hi'lit nt Tin- llnlk ill J' ., m,
Ivr lull iinrtlvulan -n'l nil O.
iiKiint The Imlliik. or :. i-
w. it in iturn,
I'll. Aff , I'ultllil.tlt
SOUTH and EAST via
Sooftn Pacific Go
Shasta Route
TrntiiN h-nve The Dnllun for Portland sadni;
ntuthms ut 1 J.) it. in. nud v. m.
lA'iive I'lirtlmiit S.;3)nm
' Allmuy .IJ.SJitm
Arrive Axliliiud 12 Si m
" Mirriiiiii.-nto .'iiopm
" Hun Krmiclsco T l.')pm
Arrive OkiIoii
" Iifiivur . . .
" Kiin.ii citx
" Chlcim-o
Arrive Uim AukcIuh
" Kl I'iko
" I'nrt Worth.
" City of .Mexico .
" IIllllHtOII
" w Orlomin
" W'lixhliiKtou
' Kuw York
U IS n m
ti:(0 ti m
" J.i a m
', Ij n m
1 .0 pm
OKI p m
1. .-3) II 111
U ."ki II III
l (o it m
i. i it in
I. ij it in
'i I, in
7:0D f B
9,U1 IB
3 Mn
I (Via p.
n iipD
n L!n
12" II I' u
Grandall & Burget
fill kinds Of UNDERTAKE I BUPiaSh
Funeral Supplies embalmers gtc.
The Dalles, Or. "Sk
I'lillimin mul car-, on both ,jln"
lUnilr i ntK Hiieriiiiu.'iito to Ok'iIi'M nmi r.l ruo,
mill tourist to ChlciiKo. Bt Uinta, Newur
leioia mul WatihliiKtoii.
CoiuiiftliiK t Kan Krni:liro with cvil
nU'iiinihlp llnvH for Honolulu, Japan, tliln'.
I'hlllpilneii, Cuiitrnl mul hoiith Aliitrlni.
Hw iiguut at The Dnllen .itntlnii. or iiiMrtM
Ouiicml PaasiiiKer AKCHt, PottUnd.Ot
and 50 eta.
It wbh was prescrilwd by ono of the .best ' tai,jet u.lvee immediate relief, 'lb cte
physiciutie in thiH country for yenre, mid
is a regular pieicrijition, It id composed
of the iiest tonics known, combined with
the beat blood purifioie, acting directly
on tho inucouH Murtarea, The ferfect
combination of the two ingredients ia
Acker' Dyspepsia Talilets aru sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures bout-burn,
raising of the food, diatressi lifter eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little Transfere sold on Now York, Chicago,
Letters of Credit iaaued available in the !
Eaatern Statea. 1
Klght Exchange and Telegraphi', !
St. Louia, Ban Fr.tncieco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Waflh,. and various points
in Oregon and Waiihington.
Collection" mndii ut all point nn fnv ,
orahl trm.
In tho mutter of the e-itiitt.' of John (iottlloh '
IV Hll'llhljIMt. flWf'HMf ft I
what produced aucu wonuurtui results In ... - .Votico U ln-rohy nH.n that the iinilerslKfifil,
rMii-im. ful-irrli Send for tPRthnonbila lien VOU CliIlIKH Sleep lor CQUUIIIIIg, , tho tat-ciitor of tliu hut will ami tuitainont of
curing outturn, nenu mr itatimoniaia, nBPU...,v ,i,, '.. iir,!.i John (iottlleb WitihUt. Ue.tau-., nav tllni
free. it ia hardly necessary that any one should , , mil acC0Ullt i the matturof aiu t-hite,
r. J. Uiiunev A uo., t'ropa,, loleuo U. , ten
Hold by ilrrugL'UtH, price "Ac. Chamberlain's Cough liemedy to allay : January, luol, ut th hour of in u. in. of kaiu day
Hull's Family t'illP are the best. 12
ISIakeley, the druggiit.
Why pay 1.7rj per gallon for inferior
; paintf when yon can buy James E.
I'atton's sun proof paints for 1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A
I Falk, agents. ml
When you cannot sleep for coiiuhlng,
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Yellowstone Park Line.
810.Ni: I'AltK
Union Depot, fillh and I Sis abiv.
.No. '
C) A.M.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday,
.Don't forget this.
you that you need a few doses of ''' iheCouniv Court i of theHtatoof megon lor
. , . ,, 1 WaH-oloiitity hu t ilomhiy, the 7th day of
!. ...!., .11,.. nt thn .l.rIQ u.wl ... a I -a. ' ' "'0 llatO for tllU llUU I lll Of t llO OHifl HCCOUII t
the irritation of the throat, anil make . nnd . nhkotlom thereto.
Bleep possible. It ia good. Try it. For ,.,. ""W3W!u.,.
I sale by Ulakeley, the druggist. W agmioiait, ikcvauij. irji ra
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Advertise in The Chronicle.
I Kant mall for Tiicoina,
i;ilttle, Olyiilihi,liray
1 lliirhor nnu boiiiii nn
llKillith, hpokaui', llovi
.land, 11. V., I'llllinali.
".MOM'OW, U'wlntoli, Hill
11:15 A.M. faliilliiinpiiilliliiKCoiin
1 try, Helena, Mliiiii'iipo
,11k, Ht. Paul, Oliiaha,
1 Kiiiihiih City, Ht. I.01II".
iCIiIciiko mid nil point"
No. I, leant mill Miiitlirait.
I'liirut KoiiiiiI i:xpri-;N
11:80 P.M. for Taconia anil health' i,
unit liitcrinidhito potii
I'lillmmi llrnt ii1.ih mul tmirUt lv,;""!"II1w
Mliini-ai.ollK.rlt. Paul iiint MIoii.I rlM-'ri""1"
without ohiiiiKo. .tloiii
VuitlhulLiI truliiH, I'iiIoii ilc-poi ctnm-.tioi'
In all principal cltlu. , , ,,.
Hiikkiiko ohwkeO to ilwtlliat on of - ";,h.r,
Korhanilhoini'ly llliiiiiitwlili(:'ll''lt' 1 Jr
tlckolH, aleenliiB-cnr rwervntloni ev . "
AsslMaut (iuiinriil Pacii'liKiir A(.;eltt. f"J""
ou Htuct, corner Tlilid, I'ortlaiid ortfc'
It. K,
lloonih 10 mul li, Chiipiiuui iJlook, Tiie jJjj