The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 23, 1900, Image 3

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be Clothed ?
An thu icy breath of olil Boreas sweeps around
(hi! corner it carries ttmt question right hotnu to us.
Ilnmiinity can no more stand each weather unpro
tected than can tho Utiles of tint field. Remember
right now Unit underwear is cheaper tliim f n m-raln
niiil overcoats cost less than undertake. Therefore
we H.iy "cone unto uh till ye who tJiiver and are
lightly mullled him wo will warm you up"
Biff Warm Ulsters ?t0M" CoaV ',"
Fries'. 1
black or gray Irish
double-breasted aii'l with large ,.
storm edlar tj5.LU.UU
Overcoats! Overcoats
1 1 1 n 1 1 ; r i , 1 1 h lit price running
in mi ondlcps va
riety of fltyh'8 and
$5.50 to $20.00
Just tin; Uinil for thiH weather. Good heavy all
wool HliirtH or drawem at
75c per garment.
Soo Windows. See Windows.
Great Reduction of Prices
Ladies' Jackets.
Most of tho garments are last
year's, but for ladies who desire a
larger garment than is now worn
they are the best values that have
over been offered by the department.
No need to tell in detail what is
here, every garment is perfect.
Some of Our Prices:
$ 3.50 Jacket now $ 2.50
5.50 " : 3.25
6.00 " " 4.50
7.00 " 4.85
8.00 " 6.00
10.00 " 5.00
12.00 " 6.75
13.50 " " 6.00
16.00 " kk 7.50
18.00 " " 12 50
20.00 " " 10.00
What cue mill do!
Women's snoes
which are the best values wo
have ever offered. 10 very pair is
fresh from the factory and compris
ing the latest and most up-to-date
styles. As to price
for heavy solo street shoe, the light
cloth top, kid foxed shoe, or all-kid
light sole dress shoe; all at this rea
sonable and attractive price of
$2.00 per pair.
All Goods Markocl
In Plain Figures.
Vogt Opera House,
F. J. Clarko, ManaRor.
Has arrived with hie South African
Specially Company.
10 -Star Artists-10
Will open Saturday, Nov. 24th,
at 7:30 Sharp.
Admission, FREE.
plays 4 Crowe
Opera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
One Night
Dec. 4th.
Return of the Favorite Play
Arthur C. Alston's Co.,
Tho only Btorc ft
this city where thf
Genuine Imported
Ware ia sold,
A little higher in
price, but outla.sU
a dozon pieces? of so
called cheap onatn
oled ware.
Other wares look
has the name
Stransky Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Exhf
bitioti3. Highest
award at World s
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho liest
certified to by the
most famous chem
ist8 for purity und
durability it ia
cheapest becauso
The Dalles Daily Chronielft.
llros.' phoc at Wyeth and has Htarted a
wood camp. Mr. lionuev intends to out
' m'uri' Ktii.L nf uvirwl Ihut hit rit ri mlL und
....... .. ... ,
. parties wishing to cut wood can have an
At Andrew Keller's.
opportunity to do so, says tho Glacier.
The directors of the Shanko public
school have employed Miss Jessie Mc
I.i'od, of Kingsloy, to leach thu school,
i anil on Monday morning tiie little ones,
with books and (dates under their arms,
(73 , could lin seen wending their wav from
i all directions with happy faces towards
WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. j ,hu l'tllt",. B-VH thu idw.
i The Skamania County Pioneer savs:
If you aro looking for bargain, go toiIt,H rMI,ortwl thllt thu stuamor Irul'da
T,l,! ,'llir- will he laid oil" her run after the 1st of
Roslyn, CUuluin and AiiHtralian coals i December. There is not much travel
by tho Stadoliiian CommiHaion. IM-lm ! now and thiH move was thought advie
II you are in need of an overcoat, don't , able. Thu people in general Reem to bo
fail to Heu our Htock. Thu Fair. ! very much pleased with thin little
For rent A Htiitu of furnished rooms I learner and are hoping that it will be
at Mrs. Agnew'e comer of Fourth and P"1 "' the alu nl" ,1,,xt spring and
nl"-lw i continue an summer.
a new county of their own to bu formed ne;ir Viento, was found dead about half
out of Antelope precinct, and parts of!am,e fr0m that place Thnrfdav morn-
i inc. Justice Bird, of the Viento pre
cinct, held an inquest on the remains
Gilliam and Crook counties
nays there is no movement in Hood
River towards asking for a new county
in that neck o' the woods. Will the
j Ilepublicau say as much for its neck o'
thu woode?
Tin: Ciiuonk'i.i: has received the wed
ding cards of Hon. Frederick Nelson
Jones, ol Rakeoven, and Miss Caroline
Donaldson Griflith, of Portland. The
wedding took place at Portland Wednes
day, November 21st, Hist. Mr. and
Mrs. Jones will bu at home after Janu
ary 1st. Tnu CnuoNioi.u extends congratulations.
TBDQBSsee's Parone
yesterday, when a verdict was rendered
according to the following facts: Tiie
deceased bad been lost since Saturday
afternoon, when he left the construction
train. All ell'orts to find him proved fu
tile till his dead body was discovered
Thursday morning. He had been
wounded in the back and in other parts
of the body and his wounds had evident
ly rendered bun incapable of making bis
way home. So that he must have per
ished of the cold. It isEupposed that he
did not succumb to the cold till some
Suggested by Dret Harte's
Great Kumance.
The Sueeess of Fouf Seasons
Hear the
Golden Nugget Quartet.
Positively the Original Oast.
Clarke fc
Seats on sale at
Falk's Pharmacy.
"I see by the papers," says Hi other i titne Tuesday. It is a remarkable fact,
Dickey in thu Atlanta Constitution, "dat I although not brought out at the inquest,
du Publikins en sinners lies irot in : but. that Judge lilakeley saw a man rolling
do beauty er it righteous will git ! 1,1 11,0 s,10lv near the place where Jones J
, dar by en by. J)e wicked may llourish waa found, as the judge was passing on
,'lak' a green hay tree; but suddeuly he 1 the traiu Monday afternoon on his way
Ih eiiL dnwfi. en w'en lie fulls du riirht- to Portland. The deceased was son-in-
eotiH is sho' ter find a 'possum under : of Amos Hoot, of Mosier, and waB
him. voted fer Mister Ilrvan en de
Wheat remains at 47 cents u bushel i T1,u "editors of thu A. II. Tieman es
in this market, with little uhang!ngL! tlU of t"1' riu,l;l' llt MouIlt
i i Hood to a man in San Francisco for the
"illll,Bi . ... ,t.i. 1,1,1 wiou r'rv.i r
sum of yL'.o'JO. i (it) executors liave ; w"
since bought a lot of K. L. Smith, on j votud twit!(,! J)d publikins is done
i- i ... . -t m.. i 'lected : but do' de bouse is done blowcd
I nlaee. an 1 in thu m.rinir will l.nild a two- '"'. I'ltiHf, d Iuf' ue-"
Trimmed bats at half price and street J Hl(irv ,(rl(,k Honi,. j,,, j accordance i Wo have a great bargain in city prop
hats greatly reduced at Mrs. Jyns'H , -m", tiui wieliuu of thu latu A. II. Tie- j erty, consisting of a fine modern cottage
millinery storu. --'-t ! man. Tho price paid U.L.Smith for ' nd two lots 50xl2U. This cottage was
"Music bath charms to Boothu thu i tho lot was U)flO. Glaciur. i built for the ubu of a gentleman who did i
uayagu breast," to say nothing of tho . Th .,Hrttmnnnn bv
!. . ' "
irj 11. .. 1j. ij0WurH iiiiiiHtrels at thu
Nightwatchman Like is Hullitring from
the effects of inoculation with poison oak
in thu face.
man very highlv esteeinud by all who
knew him. Six months aga today, No
vember "111, he was united in marriage
to Miss Hoot by Hev. U. F. Hawk, of
this citv.
Special Sale
at Miss Haven's
Friday and
a Saturday of this week.
Great reduction on all
Ready-to-Wear Hats.
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor ab3orb Rrease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside, 1
not aHected by acids
in fruits or
will boil,
and bal:.
w i t h o u ".
flavor o
nonl: o d
food nnd
will Ensi
for years.
Wo cau
tion thi
ni:.".b. -
imitiuii, .i
O I 1 1 i 1 1 C at tlio Vont.
Come and
whitu man.
1' ruur.
Thu latu meeting of the assessors and
county judges of this statu declared by a
large majority in favor of a statu board
of tqnaliz itiiin, """"""
August Piiichlur carries his shoulder
in a tiling as thu result of a fall from a
ladder a couple uf days ago that dlolo
cited his shouldur,
Next Saturday, Nov. 21th, Kusigu
Sinuock, tlm spiritual special of thu Sal
vation Army, will sp'.'ak in tho barracks.
A general invitation is extended to all.
Clearancu siilu of winter millinery at
the Campbell & Wilson milliuury par
lors. All goods will bu sold at greatly
reducuil figures Fiiday and Saturday of
this wuek. ...
The many friends of Tom Twohig, latu
of this city, will be pleased to learn that
ho is running a rcHtanruut in San Fniu
"Hen and has all thu business ho iwn at
tend to.
All members of Thu D.iIIuh football
association, and othora interested in the
gumu, am requested to bu present at a
hiisiuesd meeting nt tho armory reading
room this evening at 8 :.'1U.
Ud Card was arraigned In tho record
ui 'h court today on thu charge of larceny
of a blanket worth. 11 dollar fioiu tho
Star lodidni house. Ho pleaded not
Tho great South African salesman will
give a free enttrtainiiient next Saturday,
.ov. '-Mth. He has uist arrived from
house was an exceptionally good out
From thu time that thu curtain wont up
till thu end the audience was kept in an
uproar. Thu singing was good, the
tumbling and trick bicycle riding was
very clevei, in fact thu untiru show was 1
the best attraction that Manager Clarke
has given a Dalles audience. Huach &
i in 11 ... ... , 1 . .
miuurn w in 1111 veu iu cuuiu iiiwn.
Thu local Rubekahs report having had
a royal time last night. The occiihIoii
was a supper given jointly in honor off
the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mcintosh and thu second anniversary of
the birth ot Ruhukah Norma, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Coniini, who
mimed their little one after the order
thuy both love no well. A pleasant in
cldtuit of the evening was thu presunta
tion of a huudriomu and appropriate
wedding gift to Mrs. Mcintosh.
iv IWh t not. care for the expense as much as ele-I cn'J"un- we 1,09 Jusl nrnve'1 "om 1 ,
vJr ,, .rt gunce and comfort. Consequently every j Sonth Afric, and is the champion en-
cood one conveuiencu that could be asked for is 'Gainer o. the world. The entertain- j
Special bargain" in children's and
misses' shot's at the Niw York Cash
Rcmei.iber that A. Y. Maih will give
turkey ami pigeon Mioot on the beach
November 27, L'S and I'Oth.
General Blacksmith
and Hopseshoer.
All kinds of black6mithiug will receive
prompt attention and will bo executed
iu iirst-class shape. Give him a call.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Oi.
A. Y. MARSH will nivo a
turkey shoot on the beach
Throe Days --
.Nov. 27th, 28th and 29th
There will alfo be pigeon
trap spoofing at the same
time ami place.
ment will be one of the funniest ever
seen in The Dalles. Screams of laugh
ter and everyone delighted. Tho ad
mission i free and there is sure to bu a
i. A. Ii. .Notice.
mere. Hits tieautitul residence prop
erty has pix good rooms, fine basement,
hot and cold water, bath rooms, all the !
tilt.iut lrWftli.t.1 ,,rthi'iililuiwiuu uluv'iilnr
etc , etc. We are instructed to sell this' ! ,,rmv,ll;i1 liu80-
propertv on very reasonable terms and
for less mouev than the propertv cost. '
Now is thu time if vou want, to bnv a! Menilwre " ' W. NesiiMth post are
homo you will feel proud of. We shall I ""I"""'! wt t G. A. R. hall Moi
be glad to show ou the property at j day evening, Nov. 'JGlh. Uusiness of
any lime. iJudson oc lirownlilll, Itie tpecia importance. Jiv order
I R L. AiKii.v, I'. C.
-ss. One thousand stvles and sizes.
Fa-af For cooking and heating.
M I Vr ices irom Ss to Sso.
Dalles, Or.
For Infants aud Children.
While A. M. Gillis, a contractor, was
at work recently on a warehouse at j
Athena, a hobo stepped up and asked '
him if his namu was Gillis. He ac-
I. ....!.,.! I .1..,. I. , ,1 II... I. !.,.!
produced a letter and asked if it be- TllU Kind TOU HaVe AlWaVS BOUgtlf
ouged to mm. iilr. Oillm looked at the
uperscriplion and saw- that thu letter
did belong to him, thanked thu hobo
Boars tho
Signature of i
It la duu to thu two justices who went j "tuck thu letter in his pocket. The ,
Jf you have diiDdrulI', your hair is
r 1 ':. ...... ...,., ....1.... ... i,,,i,i 1 liuno told mm there miL'lit he soinethlii"
-..roiii ..u.uiu ".,....,',,. 1 fallirg out. I'su Cocoanut Cream. For
W. II. Jones to say that they wunt there
under u inlstuku. Justice llird, ol VI
onto, knowing that the coroner was sick
abed, telephoned thu shut ill' for Instruc
tions and was told to hold an iuquuHt.
The coroner, knowing nothing of this,
.... ; i... ......... :.,o f 11.., inh. 1 valuable in thu letter and advised
' :.' . . .. . . !.....,..,:. 1 At., sun. 1 sale at l,nizji's barber shop
iu uiiirii 1 1111 1 ori-i .11 1 . mill? 11 11.1 hup 1 . 1
how ever, and went up onto tho roof of' ThoKe popular c.iteieia to the winter
tho warehouse and resumed work. palate, Messrs. Tom. Jerrv and Ul'v Noi.
telenhonud Justice lirownlilll to go down
and hold an inquest and Justice 11 row n- j 'u'- tbu stranger hobo to slip him a ten
bill took Recorder Gates alomt to ! tiollur piece, but could nut find him.
guilty and his trial was nut for oVlook j tmnecrlbo the testimony. When they , M''- Wilis' boy had gotten the mull fiom
this afternoon. I L-ot to Viento thu inquest' was over anil tho poatollice, had then gone after thu
William liruiui la feeding, on his their services wore not nuudud.
ranch across the river, 11100 headed; The Hood River Glacier interprets the
wethers which he recently bought of I). ! excitement of thu Antolopo Republican
I'. Kutshum. Tbev aru Intended for the ' over the alleged intention of thu Hood
River people to nsk for a new county ut
the next meeting of thu legislature as
meaning that the Antelope people want
Later he had a littlu leisure and opened have taken up their hcadquuiteis at J
thu letter. He drew forth a check m Fait & Co. V, under tho management of
his favor for 1000. Mo camu down oil" "Smiling Albert." A wonl to the wise
thu roof in a hurry and made a search is fiilllciunt. n2 !H
Hpring market, ami
bring a good price,
A. A, llouney has
will undoubtedly
bought Harpliam
cows down on the bottom laud south of
town, and had lost thu letter. If that
hobo over learns what that letter con
tained he will devote a few minutes
daily over after to kicking hluisoli.
W, II, Jones, the format) of u gang of
laborers on thu railway improvements
if your hair is dry aud dead-like, Co- i
coanut Cream Tonic will givu it life and '
luster. It id pronounced the finest I
tonic on earth. Can be had at's i
barbershop, agent. nil 1 in
We advertisu no bugain days, but you
will find every day ia bargain day at Tho
Ladies! storm
Thu Fair.
lubbeis at -15 cents at
The genuine all bear the above Tra Jeiilark,
ami ara znm wifn n untrtMi ffinr'iuii'f
Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 H
Sold by First-Class Stovp Mcrchanls everywlieie. y ftl
The Michigan Stove Company. o J