The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY no for Tin: f.u: hast. The Portland Telegram feels like shaking hands all around ; first, with j malice, bitterness and vituperation Difficult -PloL)lciTl that never fails to make a character- 1 i i t . k . ri It is among litis moat uitlieult prob- NOV. 23. 1900; lstlc tllsPlny of ,lsclf nt a tlme l,Uc letue of mutual science tor one to become this, Probably if the vote for Mo- expert in several lines. J. h. Adeox & 1 1. i i Co., bv their combination, have over kinlcy had been unanimous Altgeld C0U10 ,!. difficulty In a practical man would have said the same thing. Towner. J. E. Adcox is nn expert wateh . . . ,. , . ... maker anil is good on-jewelrv. optical ! itinmiiniM imnninntinn nVnrt Minn . . . . r u,i J ""s"'"""" worK nnu emmivini:. wui e T heo. ll Portland ; second, with Oregon ; third. with the 0. U. A- . Co.; fourth, with the Pacific Northwest: fifth, with the I'acific Coas, airl finally I with the whole Couhlryj 1 This feeling of soctabi'litv can be explained in a few words: First, as a nation, we are going to hold the Philippine IslanMs; look after our interests in China, and ue the leading ' factor in the development of Oriental j commerce. This was settled by the last election. Second, this coast faces the Orient. "Ve are coing to hare the first fruits i prnnniinn. Seattle and Tacoma have 1 5 a manifest advantage, geographically 9 and even in a small degree Climatic ally, over New York, Boston, Balti more. Chicago. St. Louis and St. Paul. But the men of those cities are alive and awake to their oppor tunities. So are they of San Fran cisco and Seattle. So must those of Portland and Oregon be. Third, Oregon, our region, extend ing into Southern Washington, Kast ern Washington, Idaho and Montana. All the producers of this vast region are going to have a new market who votes for the opposite ticket is Liebe is an expert optician and is pood bribed" or "corrupted" or lico- . creed" or otherwise dishonest. 9&999999Q9 $ idie mem 3 on watch repairing, jewelry work anil encraving. Their price is a? low a con sistent with pond workmanship. They are prepared to do all work in their several lines, on short notice. Work . sent bv mail or expres will receive I prompt attention. Sicn, "Big Red, Watch." 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 to day and youll be well to-morrow. aldwins Cold Cure Tablet NoBB (cold in head) NoCureNoPdytfc Sand (or Free Simfltr and Medical Manuel Baldwin San Francisco 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 ax CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. Complete of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, TH DRUGGIST. $i.oo per month. Strictly t)r)l class local and long distance telephone survico within your homo. Lines do not i'ro?F-tnlk. Your con versation will ins kupt a Biiorut. No cost for installing. Yon get the standard Hniming Long Distant Instrument,. Continuous day and night mirviro. Wu will accept your contract for ton years and allow you to cancel Bftine on giving us thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE OOS. j-ta ii rt -rAT.-ra-rKi -jcta-vat vrcwi-A-i a -. a r-xrxpL n tn-snx rAyArAijn-rATXTAAptrsrj REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, I'OHTLAXI) & ASI0I1IA NAV. COf AXl'f 1 Clarke & Faik. The Dalles. Ougon. , field, more competition among the Do not get scared if your neart troubles you. Most likelp you suffer from in Hirpst!nn- Knilnl Tlviiwi;i Cure (ii struggling millions for our products. whst you eut and ives the wprn better prices, better living, better 0llt stomach perfect rest. It is .the only times. preparation known that completely di- Knnrth. tho (). T. A- X. Co. Some uests all classes of foods; that is why it months ago the Telegram confidently House Painting... The undersigned lias taken possession of Ii. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera liou-e, and has pur chased the tools and ladders. He has stomaer. trouble after everythinu else ' pood mechanics working for him, and Just What You mant. mmmmmm hU'iitiiurM of thi tti'KUtittor l.lm ivllt run iih iter thffol oh.iik m. taluk, tlir Cimijumy rucrvliiR tlio rlKht to change 'J! Str. RoBtilator cures the worst cases of indigestion and predicted what . ha, aile(U it mav be taken 'in all con- though cautiously has now happened. 3Ir. Mohler has ditions and cannot help but do you good. kept his suggested word, and bettered Sold by Clarke & Falk. , it, as such men usually do. Already! ,, T " lX , ' J I Many people worrv because they he-1 his company has bought four 0000- . lievetnev have heart disease. Thechances 1 ton steamers to run between Port- are that their hearts are all right, but 1 and and the Orient direct. This . their stomachs are unable to digest food. I means a good deal; it means that i Kodo1 Dyspepsia Cure digests what yon , , ... , , eat and prevents the formation of t:as i Portland will be hereafter as wtll off . . . . , . , I which iii.ikc: me siuumcii Jicsff u.tuiBi. i i i f , . ana as mnepenuent in regaru to the heart It wUl cure every for(n of ; Oriental commerce as San Francisco j indigestion. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. ' or Seattle. Mr. Hill can build as 0. Pharmacy. many and as big steamers as he, it savi ii7Ti.r j chooses; the more the better; luck to P A ix,nforth, of LaGrande. Ga.J him ; but they will be duplicated or suffered intensely for six months with a bettered all around bv steamers run- frightful running eore on his leg, but, ning direct between Hong Kong,writes that Backleu'a Arnica Salve . . , . . whollv cured it in ten davs. tor L leers, 1 okahama, Kobe, Manila and Port-1 BMs pan Qt pjlea ,t,8 JaDC'- tlie best salve in the world. Cure guar The Telegram had no doubt that anteed. (July I'oc. Sold by Blakeley, i this would be sg; the materialization ! druggist. 0 of the recent expectations and pre-' . . , , : . ; Dryuiff jiroparations simply devel-' dictious IS already coming to pass. . op dry catarrh; they drj- up the becretions, Raise all the crops vou can, farm-; which adhere to the membrane and decom , " . . , poso.caasing a far more fcerious trouble than ers; multiply your dairies; set out j the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry- and cultivate orchards; build up all inS ; inhalants, fumes smokes and snnffa .1 and use that winch cleanses, soothes and sorts of manufactures ; we are living , heals. Ely's Cream Halm is such a remedy 1 in the golden gatewav through which ' and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head " - easily and pleasantly. A trial oizo will bo Providence gives us a glorious mailed for 10 cents. All dnifRists sell the , glimpse of the opening twentieth ; soc.size Elylirother8. r,r,yarren.St.,KY. " 1 , ' ho Balm enres without pain, docs not century, and we scarcely realize, ' irritate or caaso sneezing. It spreads itself much less anneeiate the vision ' over an irritntetl a,ld angry eurface, relicv- mucu 'c-s appeciate, tue vision. Jnj ;uime(liatc.iv tho paillfui inflammation. mmmm , with Ely's Cream Balm yon aro armed Just how much likelihood there is ( against Nasal Catarrh aud Hay Fever. of getting together the discordant vourTaci, elements that masquerade under the gl0Wg the ate '"feeling. and the common name of democratic party Btate of your health bh well. Impure ma be inferred from the following b'.ond makes itself apparent in a pale remark of the Kugene Guard, ajaml eMov: complexion, Pimples and thoroughly Uryanitc paper, and one Skh! Eruptions. If you are feeling , , , , , ! weak and orn out and do not have a that undoubtedly represents the h(;althv appearancu you houId try views of a large majority of so-, Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood called democrats: "When tho last diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and hair on the dog's tail can was the ' sorb! led purifiers fail; knowing this we ! eell nvery bottle on a positive guurantee. Blakeley, tho druggist. will guarantee all work to u'ive satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. J. A. EBERLE, pipe Jailorip A complete line of Fall and Winter Suitings, IMntings and Overcoating, now on display. 100 different varieties to se lect from. Suits, $20 ar?d up. Call and examine goods before going i Isuwhere. Second street, opp. Mays & Crowe's. F- S. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & LaneUin, 'Phone 157 MP M r -r li.illt' A it t S, TliutMhr, ! rf, .-rtttinliiy . t x Arr. I'orllHiiil at v. M. I v I'nrll nn! II' 7 A ii. louiluy "iliii'-ilny Kriiluy Arr. Dalles r. . c'.ciiiile wltacit iidtli'e. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalloa City. 'j IT. ' Ia l'ort!an. ,J at " UU X. llloili s Tlmrxlj' ,3 Hiniirtij 2 A r HVi at , r x. linwil I.v. D.illot at 7 A. M. M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y Wfilm-siliiy Trlclay. Arr. rnrtliiiul at I r. !. t FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, KlU' iti jal- j 5 Tmvol by the Hti'iinu'ri of thi Kcuiilutnr I.lnc The cnmiwmv will tMiilttivor M . ' roiin nif u.'at ervnv ixuslhli'. 1 nr uirtlior liiliirmauiiii aililrets i f . 1-ortlniu! ()t!li-e, Oat Htrt-et Duel;. W. C. ALLA WAY, Con. Apt. B . ... . . Wasco Warehouse Company New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such j wide variety as we are allowing never be fore graced a single stork, l.eal imita-1 tion creton efl'ectB at ordinary prices. , " . arjswte f0T Seed Gram ofa11 kinds- 5rBAi.p0rffi for Feed Grain ot f n kin d. w. vause, Third st. .Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kindr -1 Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S? ISA'S f. Headquarters for "Byers Best Pendle r ..cjlfls. FRaHK.. Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keoi on drauKh' the cc!obralel COl.I'MIIIA IIKKI'., nciili.iw;- Klittil the Ix-it Ix-vr In The Duller, at the usual price, (.'time in. try It mift bt convlnrod. Abo the Finest hrimcls of Wloea, I.l-jiior and Cigars. Sanduiiehes of all Kinds always oti hand. qti FlOUr lv '"r uianufacturi)d 'xpreeBly for family uho: every Hack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We eell our l-ooiIh lower than uny liotmi! in the trade, and if you don't ttnukw cull and get onr prices and bo convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. J. S. HC1IKNCK, Frddjnt. 5 a, ii.iiKAtj., Canhlet First National Bank, j Retiring from Business. , Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots mid .Shoes, at much less than wholesale prieefc. u in sen in mill: or id lote, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must he closed out before 30 days. All gooilx will 1. haerilleud I'xm'pt Thompson's Glovii-litting andliutterick Pattern's. Your prices will bo mint!. Call uurl v am bargains. Corsets d secure J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. THE DALLES SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE OREGON i tail and the rest of the do", then Don M. Dickinson, Cleveland's postmaster-general, and a few more of his standard of democracy, may re organize the democratic party, j However, the vote cast for Urynn is, sufficiently large to convince sny thinking person that theic is no im- BUSINESS LOCALS. mm I RACE MARKS JCSIGNS Copyrights &c. AnTona icnillnir n tUetrh ai:d !ocriptlon rav aulciilr aswrtalu onr opinion frco ntieihr n . mrftitlon H probably patentable, 'omruunlo toniirlcll7'oiill'lcnllnl. IlamltHVjkoii I'atvntc tent free. (il'let aifpiicjr for fcunii patents. I'alci.u taken tbrojali Jliiiin & Lu. rucelvw tpeeial twtlec, nil bout clinrco, In tho Scientific Bmnm. A hantlsomcljr lllntralxt TTfOlily, I-irifest tif rcilatlon of nny urivnilUc Journal. 'l'erni. 3 a fir: limr niontlu, tl. tiolttbyall now tileilcM, MUNN&Co.3S,BfM New York llraucti (tnicti C' I' HI. Wailmimn, I). (' his At the popular millinery parlors of Campbell & W'lleon can be found all the latest tniiiKB in street hats, trimmed hats, children's school hats, aud aleo -tam-o'-shantere. "For three davs nnd niifhts f snlfered T nf C rQITI QflH mediate, pressing need of such aj,ony ntoI(1 from an atta,.k of cholera! reor-junization as the party would morbus brnuuht on by eating oucum-, f-t re- i rr P n r1 Arc com-1 hers, says M. K. I.owther, clerk of the 1 J Li i eti tuto i district court, Centorvllle, Iowa. "I i . thought I should surely die, and tried a ; "J-JV h!S! John V, Altgeld says that the : dozen different medicines but all of no ar,p8 0j 8lami. she carried election of President Mclvinley , 1 rin!" A fll i;0 f r.,W "moanf. n trinmnh nf briber nnrl I . " 7. .... V". "- ... ' " l" vCliivu, ,. j itemeuy ano mree uoses runeveu mo corruption." Most of the other entirely. " This remedy for sale by llryanite leaders are manly enough 1 Blakeley, the druggist. to take their defeat for what it is Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line ! nati ..,! .htt,ni ti. nni., the verdict of tho people but in ' of paint and artiet's hrushet!. age is solicited. Altgeld's nature there is a vein of I Subscribe for Tm: Ciiuomci.e. Open till I2s00 P. M get from Dickinson nnd paratively few followers." A General Banking Business transacted rtnn.ailo vanamail!..A4 4 n Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Ran Francisco and port land. DIHKOTOHS D. F. Thompson. Jno. 8. Sciiknck. En. M. Wiu.iAMfl, Gko. A. Licbe. H. M. BicAi.t.. Trie GoiuinDia Packing Go.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEFj itA.NUi-'ACTUKKKSOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON x)K1F.D BEEF. ETC. ) J. E. FALT 8c CO., ) . luijnuiurs rr. :l r i- ft UUIlillitJl'UIdl DailifilC rUUUJ5. Of 9 Purest Liquors for Family Use? 9 Dolivorod to any purl of the City. f 173 Second Street. ? Phones: Til Local, H5S DlHiance 1 j&Crja 5K8(jgt-iDlf n A W AM say ! Juena Me Your Ear! 9 Nuts and Ciears. The place has been thonm iy ren-latron- ONE FOR A DOSE. nmoT PlmplH. Trittnt I'll I m Cure U.Mj.clif u. l"it,7l. " "HW t Do you know that John Paslmk. the tailor, iu agent lor two of the largest merchant tailoring houbes iu America? Do you know that ho will soil you a suit, made to your order, as cheap an tlm hand. n.o.down, n-ady-mndo, you buy in the stores, and guarantee a lit or no sale? Do you know that ho lias already on hand for the coining anil winter tradu the handsomest aud finest line of samples ever shown iu lliti D.illeeV JOHN PASHEK, Merohant Tailor, Agent. !