el) c Dalles VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1900. NO. 390 JOHN BULL IS DETERMINED Desperate Tactics of the Hoers Will He in Vain Their Cause is Lost. Nov Yoiti;, Nov. "2. According to the London correspondent of the, Tr I Initio, explanations offered by Mr. WeBsele iind other Hour leaderH lit Marseilles thut Mr. Kruger is landing Krimeo as u peace maker, bent upon uvertimr further blood hIiimI in South Africa, is indirectly con limed by Lord Roberts. HiHoflicial ac count of a do.uu petty skirmiHlieH out piiHt affairs hIiowb tlnit the liners are making a systematic and pruconccrted attempt to demonstrate that hostilities of Home kind urn mill in progress. The (single success of the recent difeat of an outpost of the ltullV oll'ern no war rant for the belief that Mr. Krniier'rt ap peals for intervention will he listeni d to in Iiri8 or any other capital, even if De wet, a h reported, Iiiih carried imernlla warfare to tliocxtitiiuity t' threaten witii dentil all burghers who rcfiiHu to lake up arniH. If the liner tactics an; hcroiiiiuc mm c desperate, John Buli'ri heart in aleo hard ening. The Ministry triumphantly io turned by the country could not Bland a ninglo day if any cnnceHsiona were made to Krugor. General Kitchener, without tiurveH or Reutiment, will belicenstd to do what lie likeB, and no (UHtioiiH will he asked. Only one man in South Africa cm iiupoHU uny restraint, on his actionc This in Sir Alfred Milner, and his lieulth I and power of resistance are impaired. When ho lufc Kngland he wan in the prime of manhood, without a cingle gray hair or line on bin face. Uis friends le turuiug from South Africa report that he Iiub uued terribly mid lonka bent and worn under the weight of responsibility. Mtury r it Nlitvu. To bo bound hand and foot for you re by the uhaitiH of disease !h tbu worst lorm ol Hlavery. George I). William", of Mancheatur, Mich., tells bow Hiich n Hluvu was inadu free. IleJjHiiys: "My wife has been ho belpleBH tor five years that Hhe could not turn over in tied alone. After using two bottlea of Electric liitturH, sboiH wonderfully improved und i able to do liur own work." This Bupromo ! .iiiiii,,i;v'fflaiiwiiiiin'iiiiiiiiiiiiin:iMiiiiwi'ii''w"""' rr"'" .tmomllffiimuilhtflKiS hlilii.i i tJ! "Ti iTl.tiTTitfrnfuiTiiTi iiiiiifntiRitr AVegclable Preparalionfor As similating IhcFoodandRcgula ling (lie Sloinuclts andBowols ol' Promotes Digc9lion.Clvecrful ness and Rest. Contains nejllier Opium.Morpltinc nor liiicral. Not K arc otic . '.toy W(MJrSAKULmVWl jllx.Smtui KockttU Sllt - Jbffjrl'nwl - . UlXuriuimh'Sedtt Apcrfecl Hometly forConslipa Hon , Sour Slouwch, Diarrhoea ami Lobs of Sleep. Facsimile Si'tfmtturc of NEW YORIC. null EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. 4 .-"'at, CASTORU remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy headache, backache, fainting and dizzy Hindis. This miracle work!iiL nicilic'ine j h a L'odsend to weak, i-ickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only fiO cents. Sold by Blakeley, the Drug IVrry llnliiiiint Object. Nov Yoiik, Nov. 21. The following letter wuh today made public by its author: ' New York, Nov. 21. John W. Kel ly, President Democratic Club : "Dear Sir: I find Hint during my absence, and without authority from me, my iiiime was inscribed upon the banner or ribbon attached to a basket of flowers, pent by the hoard of governors of the demociatic dull to R'chard Croker, on bis departure for Europe. In acting as a member of the board it was not my intention to place my name at the dis posal of anyone without my consent, and I therefore tender mv resignation us a member of the board of governors of the democratic club. (Signed; "Pi:nnv Br.oioNT." I'ruvi'iiti-il u Illicitly. Timely information given Mrs. George Liiil', of New StraitHville, Ohio, pre vented a dreadful tragedy und saved two lives. A ftightful couisb bad long kept her awako every night. She bad tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, und she writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing all throat, chest Mid lung troubles. Only 50u and $1 00. Everv not tie guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Plakelev'HDrug Store. 6 Itnt'iM ! IVitt. l With Heavy I.iihmi.'H. IIi.okmfontki.v, Nov. 21. The Boars under Brand were defeated November 18th, at Baderspun, with heavy losses, the Lancers charging through the Boer line, doing deadly damage, ae a number of riderless horses demonstrated. Brand himself was wounded. The British casualties were nut serious. Acker's English Hemedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and !0 cts. Blakeley the druggists. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THl CtNTAUW COMEANV. HIW OWK CITY. ' Bears the i i Signature JX? BOERS WILL NEVER SURRENDER Will Fight Until All Arc Dead or Frcc Kiuycr's Reception at Marseilles Was a Great Ovation. Makhkim.kk, Nov. 22. Paul Kruger, former president of the South African republic, landed here at 10:45 a. tn. Mr. Kruger cannot but be elated at the warmth of his reception by the peo ple of Marseilles today. He may be said to have been borne on an irresista ble wave of enthusiasm from the land ing place to his hotel. The broad streets and boulevards through which the route lay presented u perfect sea of human beings, all gathered there prompted by the unanimous desire to welcome the aged Boer statesman. From the moment the white twelve oared barge left the side of the Gelder lond with Mr. Kruger, who appeared to be in good health, sitting in her stern, Eurrounded by the Boer representatives, including Dr. Leyds and Messrs. Fischer and Wessels, a storm of clieerB broke, und never ceased until Mr. Kruger en tered his hotel. Even then a vast con course of people remained in front of the building until Mr. Kruger appeared on the balcony, where he had to remain for some time, uncovered, acknowledging the acclamations of bis thousands of ad mirers, who continued cheering until they were hoarse with shouting. In reply to the storm of acclamations from the solid block of thousands of en thusiastic people, Mr. Kruger said the warm reception given hi in today would do much to soothe the woundB in bis heart. The Boers, he added, will never sacrifice their freedom. They will rather be extermined to the last man. Replying to the addresses of welcome of the presidents of the Paris and Mar seilles committee, Mr. Kruger spoke in Dutch aud in u low voice, accompanying his words with energetic movements of his hut, which he held in his right'hand. After thanking the committees for the warmth of the reception accorded him, and expressing gratitude for the sympa thy he had received from the French government, he spoke of the war as ter rible and barbarously conducted by the British. He said: 'I have fought with the savages, but the present war is even worse. We will never surrender. We are determined to fight to the laBt extremity, and if the re publics of the Transvaal and Orange Free State lose their independence, it will be because they lose every man, woman and child." Tliis declaration which Mr. Kruger made dispelled at once any impression that he intends to accept a compromise from the British government. His an nouncement wob greeted with a roar of cheers and cries of "Vivo Kruger," "Vive lea Boers," "Vive la Lilerte." The scene ot the landing place was an animated one. The decks of all the steam ers In the Lyons basin were ciowded with sightseers. The crowd swelled to great portions as the news spread through the city that the (jelderland had entered the harbor. A cold uorthwest wind winch set in during the night cleared uway yester day's clouds, and the morning broke fresh but with bright sunshine. The inner harbor was all tli'j gayer for the decorations of a number of French ves sels which arrived yeeteiday, covered with multi-colored flags and penuunts, among which Boer flags were prominent ly disyluyed. The Gclderhuul was sighted several miles out to sea, and Dr. Leyds and Messrs. Kieeher and WcbsoIs, an inter preter, and Dr. Van Hainiuel immediate ly proceeded to the Dutch warship in a steam launch and boarded her. A con ference between the Boer leivdeis en sued, whilo the Citflderland was slowed down behind the island of the Chateau d'lf. She remained there until 10 a. in,, when she Hteamed into the outer harbor, firing a salute of 21 guns, to which a ehore battery replied. Jt lluiiut'l III a UriiK CHuiu. "One day last winter a lady came to my drug store aud asked for a brand of cough medicine that I did not have iu steck," sajB Mr. C. K. Grandln, the popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She was liisappointed and wanted to know what cough preparation I could recom mend. I said to her that I con Id freely rec ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that she could take a bottle of the remedy and after giving it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to bring back the bottle and I would refund the price paid, In the course of a day or two the lady came back in company with a friend iu need of a cough medicine and advised her to buy a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. I consider that a very good recommendation for the remedy." It is for sale by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. Fraternal Foellnj; Cement of Society, New Yokic, Nov. 22. Bishop Potter waB one of the speakers at the annual dinner of the Central Labor Union, of Brooklyn, last night. About 400 persons, including many women, attended the dinner. John Phillips presided. Bishop Potter said, in part : "I was asked in Washington what I thought was most important iu connec tion with the meeting of the Board of Mediation and Arbitration Industrial Commission, and I am afiaid I shocked the gentlemen by answering, 'The puffing of a cigar.' When the hoard first cot together they had a very cold time of it. But I managed to get them to my house, and on the table there were coffee and another thing that I missed here tonight a bos of cigars. These things created a common atmos phere. "The cement of human society is fra ternal feeling, and you cannot build any co-operative service for the race unless you establish the feeling of brotherhood, i'ou can't establish the right feeling be tween the classes I detest the word unless you baBe it on brotherhood." Controller Coler, who was another ot the speakers, referred to the improve ments made in tbe charities depattment as the greatest that had been made in any of the city departments. He sug gested that the labor unions ehuuM ar range to have their complaints presented iu proper form, so that when they got into the courts they would not be thrown out. ISlMiiurk'H Iron Nene, Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendoiiB energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the succefB they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley's drugstore. 6 I'upe Fainted From l'atl;ue. Paws, Nov. 22 A dispatch to the Temps from Rome says the Pope yester day visited the Basilica of St. Peter's and experienced such fatigue that he had to take to hi6 bed. It is further claimed that be fainted twice. Extra good values at the New York Cash Store. Knock0ut Drops " I am a saloon-keeper, amWised to think that rock and rye, or whiskey und quinine were proper rem- - edits for coughsXtJ wl ,.,,1,1.1 Miwt.tfcN of my acquaint ances were of the bame opinion.' N o v 1 k n o v soniethiny at least u thousand times bettor. It is Acker's Knglish Remedy for Coughs and Colds. A good while ago I began to cough und found out then that rock and rye wnsnocood. I cot worse and 1 was beginning to think that the trou ble would run into coiiMitiiptiou, J ilulii t tiiku any stock in patent medicine, hut somehow or other 1 tried Acker's English Remedy. One bottlo did the business for mo knocked thut cough out completely and it has never come back again. There is never a day pushes that 1 don't bay a good word about this wonderful medicine, 1 al most forgot to Miy that I am btronger and fleshier now, since taking the remedy, than I was before the cough began. I write this letter voluntarily and cheerfully and am glad to do it." (Signed) Cams, liu.uuu!, Saloon-keeper, Pocutello, Idaho. Sold at 25c, 00c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada; and in Eng land, at Is, 2d 2s, 3d,, 4s. (xl, If you areuot batlstled after buying, return the bottlo to jour druggist, and get your money back, IIV authorise tin' nfwiv iuaiiKiftc, ir, u. uootcvit it a i'twMJU Mm For oale at Blakeley 'b Pharmacy. ...... Will 4.1 TO-MORROW -SATURDAY- The Last Day of Our Thanksgiving Linen Sale! " A hint to the wise is sufficient." COME. NEW TODAY: Rufflings, Plaitings, and Jnby Trimmings. Those very stylish and eo much soucht f o r Chill'on and Muslin de soi trimmings. Juby Trimming of muslin de soi ' in cream, white and black; per yard 10c, 12ls'c and 23c. Hemstitched Tairetty Silk Ruf fling' with gilt ht-adings ; very . pretiyand ornamental. These in i black and cream only; per yard 25c and 40c. Accordeon - plaited Muslin de sot Trimmings, with Juby head- , ine, finished with narrow" black velvet ribbon or fancy gilt braid- i ing ; per yard oOc, 7oc and Soc. Narrow Muslin de soi Ruf filings, new shades ; per yard 25c. A. IVI. THE Bargains in goods for cold weather; not for just a day or two, but every d?T is Bargain Day at Tf4E pfllt Men's heavy cotton fleeced underwear, per suit $1 00 Men's heavy wool fleeced underwear, per suit 1 15 Men's heavy all-wool ribbed underwear, per suit 1 95 Men's extra quality of ,Ino. G. at $0.45, $U.8o and $11 The above are equal to any shown elsewhere at $S, $12 aud $15. 10-4 cotton blankets for sheets, per pair 50c Men's red fleece-lined overshoes 1 00 Men's best black fleece-lined overshoes 1 28 Men's best black fleece-lined snow excluders 1 40 Men's felt boot with Perfection heavy rubber 1 08 Men's best quality rubber boots 3 10 Ladies' best black fleece-lined arctics 89c We have a nice assortment of Ladies' Wool Hose and Fascinators. These goods must bo seen to appreciate tho prices wo are making on them. Ladies' best quality heavy all-wool jersey logging 98c Misses' " " " " " S8o Children's best quality heavy all-wool jersoy loggias ... 78o Compare these prices. Arc we not saving you money? We have positively the best lino of Ladies' Capes and Jackets in The Dalles and at about one-third less prico than olher stores. ...THE FAIR... The placo to Save Money on all kinds of Merchandise. thiTda" Son. h C Marquardsen, Prop. Trimmings for Party ....DRESSES.... Tor Fronts, Yokes and Sleeves. Puffed Satin Duch ess 14 inches wide, with narrow gilt trimming, h e ni Btitched ribbon edge; colors cream and black. Puffed Musiin de soi, 20 inches wide, trimmed with a row of narrow gilt braid at regular intervals; also several pieces of Tucked Silk Chiffon, with lace insertions in black and white, or gilt hemstitchings ; $1.00 a yard to $4 00. New Handkerchiefs SPECIAL VALUE gg Cents Honitonlace Insertion, edged with narrow val. lace. & Co. Miller ct Go's, overcoats FMlR