Helioull School! Sellout! l'rlvnte Schmil liny or tvenliiB. in Eiie- Persons iK'slrimr iiiftruiUlnii abort bund, sluiii'-pen writinu', free 11 11 Un fir 'ti 15 la nf ennui nthnr nport! a.-h! Sninali t A ; "' ormuiiPMtiil ,oiiiiiiishlP, wliolf train nimni "ipsy-turvy and lly- Ini Ihril-.t.ill MtM:li i mn l on it fiiromnll A vvm.le of : ,1 Leasts an.l rentiles 1 nuitliwnaiiw, vocal .untie. ' ....11 .1... .1.... ......1 Jl ..... turiK'il loon :it oni'f slanderers, flatter ers, lurk-biter, whisperer and other unclean birds to prey upon the commun ity without f.ivor or iiiimcv. Look out for them I Here we euine, pell uiel1! Anyuiinc you want from the A, H, C's y,in illVortl , rifk to any lancunsre. iivnii! or ileail ; Kodol Dyspepsia Cure trot!) H pin to a double-ht'iiiNr, with the tender tlirown in; from a puvitt to a wooilen hore with three bri-k-n lens anil the other luu.e. one eye him. I anil can't see . f .. . ...i. . . 1 .....11 I out m me i.mtr , rar. auu cuiii.ib ..m. , 8 eM.cfl(. for rippo. lt j- ,,11 in al! intern.e.liate artiWes. Look out the , (Mm KnmW fjr L.rMUi Cltri.n ko window with your leather speclowles ; jt llm, I1Mlth;ra ,,,. itt Solll bv to see the ureal e.ocutiou.st in hie light ( 0irke & Fuk,g Q ,.. znnr act of j n m pi nr over the mcon ( hlintlfoliieil nest week at 10 o'clock.) Both makers and circulators of eoun'er 'Rh for MeKinley and Bryan or any ! feits commit fraud. Honest men will other man so.as to raise three sheets in not deceive you into huyini; worthless the wind. - counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Come to see me and learn my term", i Salve. The original is infallible for cur Don't tell anybody lest the room bejint piles, sores', eczema and nil skin overcrowded. Children from ! years to j diseases. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. 0. 1000. lleuieinber the pine, Second : Pharmacy. street, first door west ot Diamond flour- Ter(J ,g no p, nre in life von (lreiul r"T. .'.I; tu ble to eat and hand drawni;:, book-keeping, higher. etc, please call first door second floor wet of Cur ...ill c I ......... I.-.....: u:; mm, ctLuuii ciici-i. i- in i-iuini o - m - taught to read and write English in a I UlflCStS What yOU Cat. few lesfons. . ItartlUclally digests the food ami aids nS-"wdA-.v Pisov. 'A. E. Fki-kk. Nature ill stronptbetiiuK iiml recou ... . iriins. it, istiiclatestdiscoveicddlcest nk your Hie ty . tlrl ,,,. -xn othur nroDaratloti nllowitu: a counh or a cold to develop can approach lt In etllciuncy. It in into pneumoniii or consumption. One stantly roUcvosaiid poriuanontly cures Minute CuiikIi Cure will cure throat and Dyapopsltt, lndlBestlon, "tb"! , ..) .i Flatulence, Sour btoniach, jSatibca, liinw troubles quicker than any oth.r gk H(,adaclic, Gastralplii,Cranipsand nreparation known. Many doctors use all other results Of imperfect dicestlon. Pr!co50c.aTid$t. Iarr,eslocontlnB3Vt times smaUsiio.nookaUaboutUy.spepMamHllcilfreo .-oparod by E. n. OcVMTT ft CO., CrjlcaB i Sola by Ulurke & Folk's P. O. Pimrmney. I 24-20 1900. PitnK. Z E. ! Lane, (HN'KKAl. Eiacksmnn 3 I, Fkkkis lliirlo Klciin nuil .ShI r-('.i veriiiiicnt. Washington, Nov. 21. In a personal letter. Governor Allen, of Porto llico, descrihini; brii-fly the great work attend ing the first election in the new tiosses- says it proved no small task to can't rest at m'ulit on account of indigestion. Henry Williams, ot Boonville, Ind., says lie suffered that way for ears, till he conimfnced the use Kodol Dvspepsia ? cure, and aiids, "Now I can eat anything I I like and all 1 want and sleep soundly j every nU'ht." Kodol Dyspepsia Curetpj' will ilmest what you tat. sold by Clarke vfc Falk's P. O. Pharmaev. .AND... Hors asnoer '3! sion, brinr the people of the island up to a proper understanding of the importance alwavs have been governed bv militarv (5ui.ck'-v 1.u;',1 the worst burns ami scalds anil not leave a scar, it can tie applieti DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will rule, and the privilege of the franchise was somethinz new and novel to them. The total registry was about 122,000. The federa's refrained from votinc. The re publicans had n majoritv of 00,000, and elected every member of the legislature. Great interest Is shown in the coming meeting of the legislature on the lid proximo, as it will be the first time in its history that the people of the island have hail an opportunity of legislating for themselves. to cuts and raw surface with prompt and soothing elPcf. U-e it for pile" and jskin diseases. Beware of worthless j counterfeits. Sold by Clarke it Falk's ' P. O. Phai macv. Wagon nnd Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Tliird and Jeffc:nn. Hulls 159 l! OS 3i I I 2 4 f fa fa fa f 21 f i f The Dullcn, Ot. The Chronicle, dob Printers. 1 iirtrxr Suiupter'n Narrutv Kucapv. Su-mptku, Nov. 21. P. D. Healey's business liuilding, on Grantteand Center streets, burned early this morning. The loss cannot be estimated, but the month ly rentals augregated over 200. The saloons of Henry Finger and J. W. Cox, on the ground floor, saved their fixtures and stock but the loduing house above and its fifteen occupants, were not so fortunate. Cox suffered a heavy loss last May, as in this case, with little insurance. Absence of wind and yesterday's heavy snowfall, with the volume of water poured in from the city reservoir, whose capacity had recently been quadrupled, alone saved the town from being swept by lire. Two hose nozzles were found to be plugged when the alarm sounded, and the chemical engine was disabled. ISlriiiiurlcS I lull .Nrvi Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels? are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley's drugstore. 0 I.nril ISnlirrtt liadly Injured. London, Nov. 21. The Evening Standard, in a specif! edition this even iim, have : Just as we are going to press, the news has reached London that Lord Huberts lias been thrown from his horse and received severe injuries. Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts. and oO cts. Blakeley, the druggist. have ever seen a child in the croup you can realize how If you agony of grateful mothers are to: One Minute Cough Cure which gives relief as soon as it is administered. Ii quickly cures couuhs, colds and all tbvoat and lung troubles. Sold by Clarke & Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy. Wonted Men and women of good character anil reference!1, to represent an established house, splended opportunity for advancement. Addres P. O. Bos 587, Portland, Oregon. novlo-lmo Best values for the least money at the New York Cash Store. A special in children's and misses' shoes, while they last. Nasal In all Its ttagea there sbouM be clean!ms!4. Ely's Cream Balm cloaii'c;, (ootiicj anil heals the dljiu-eil membrane. It curei catarrh and lrh e-i away n cold in the head quickly. Cream IJalm U placed Into the nostrils, spreads over the membraco and is absorbed. Jicliefis im mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying does cot produce eneezlns. Ire Hue, SO cents at IJru glsUorby mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. 1X.V lAWTIIEItS, 30 Warren Street, New York. i . v r r T t- ' i .Denier In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Huts. ('up. Notions, for W. 1.. Doiifjlas Hhoo. I Mica Axle lifjhtci tbe load 6hortcna the read. helps th" team CXJ)CI!!jC Sold Saves wear ana everywhere. iffij. "iM UADF. 11V STANDARD OIL CO. V A S U.TXTA.TTA-rjST1 A' VA-VkTAT! ATA'1 ATA T A I A r Al A ' - A I AIAt C. J. STUBLIHG, WIIOI.Kh.M.i: AMI l!l'.T.U Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Phone 234, Next door to First National Itiink. THE DALLES, OREGON. :,v. -rurT t : u Lrj. rwrj.T.LJOsr.vjrj r.tu i.TiTiri.Ti.T.iurirtr,T.iM a 1 5 i J 1 Hh CELEBRATED Imn't liuli lt In, .Just wet the nfTected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke A Falk. Children's and misses' shoes, spring heel, button or lace, best dongoln kid, foxed, sizes 5 to IK, at U0 cents ; Sj.j and 1U to 13'.. at $l.'-'of 1 to at ifl.-io" At the New York Cash Store. hen you want prompt acting little pills that never uripe use DeWitt'e Little Early Risers. Sold by Clarke & Falk'n V. O. Pharmacy. Clarke & Falk haye received u carload of the celebrated Jame E. Pattoti strictly pure liquid paints Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured bv C'arke & Fall:. You will not have boils If von take i Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. DeWitt's Little Early HIsers are the beat liver pills ever made. Ivisy to take and never gripe. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. For nprains, swellings and lameness there is rinthliiL' bo good as Chamberlain's Pain balm. Try it. For sale by blako- i.rtit vourliouise with paints that are ley, the druggist. I fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets nre sold on i huve them. a positive guarantee, uures netrfnurn, Wanted A tecond-htwul fire-proofj raising of the food, distress after eating, j Mnat bu j() L.on,iition and not j too large. Apply at the little i cts. office. NOTICE FOH PU1JLI0ATION. or anv form of dyspepsia. One tablet gives immediate relief. ' andoOctB, blakeley, the dritngist. I Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior J tmtnlu ti!il.n l.in full linv Anrrtfra T. ' fl , , ., . I.a.n; omcKATV..vcouvii, wji. I Pation'e huh nroof paints for $1.50 pen October iti, yad. ( ,.,.11,,,. nl..,! r,,r r, vur.ra fll.irlr A-1 Notico is hereby ulvwi tlmt III" fOllowlME- galloi!. guaranteed !or .i years. Llark 6. mwV(X K.uKr ))at tiM ,,iieoor ills Intention balk, agents, ml tunuike ilunl prwf In hiim" tu eliihn, and . ! that mM proof will Iki mudo Ijcfnn; V. I). i-ich- When vim cannot l-ep fur couiihlng, by, f. fe. toininUkloiiur for the DUtrlot oi FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. riUNdAUr A KN'i; K.W.HANKINO IIUfclNKt Letters of Credit issued available in the Ilastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegrapjii'. Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louie, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various pointe iu Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all pointp on fav orable term. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. I'otl(o N horeuy slven Hi it Hie iindersluned has duly tiled with the ('imply Clerk of Which (.'omity, OrKou, his Ilunl nccoiint hiii) rt'imrt hs Hdinliiiatrator of tlio cl.iK; of Adolpli Aui'llus, deceai-eil, mid that ihe llimoniblo Cuiinty Court has ll.xed Mondaj , tlieSth day of November, 11), nt 10 o'clock n iu. of iild day hi tho time, itlnl the County Court room of tho County court hoiiMiln Idil'cMClty, Whu'O Coiinly, Orexou. h.i the phice for hearliiK said finnl Hci-ouiltiuid ru iirt. All iK-rfons inlerented in Mb! esiiito uro hereby iiotllliil to iipiK:iir nt mill tlmo mid place Hiid show t'Hiisy, il nny thero t;, why mid rejxirt should not be approved mid said udmiiiUlrator dUchitiKed. IJateii tills .'tli day of October, 1P0O. .1. I AUIDIUK, Administrator of thu etiit(ioI Adolph Abiding, iliceasi'd rx-tii A DM INISTKATOK'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby (,'Ivcn that the undorhlKiinl ihs been iippolnteil by tho county court of Whu'o eouuty, OreKon, iidiiilnltrnlor of tho vtlntu of Francis Itoss, ileeeiisid. All iiernons liavfiiK t'hilms iiKHltist tho estate me liereby re i ii I nil to pieseut the siiino tu mo duly verllltil, at thoolllee of W, II. Wl khi, iu Dalles City, Oregon, within six mouths from thu date hereof, P.itiil .November 10, lix.0. CiKO. K. HOnh, uovio Admiiiiitrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SEl'I LEMENT. In tho matter of the citato of John (iottllcb WiiHCllhlatt, ilcci'incd, KV.IIf.j. Iu Ik. rnli,. illl.i.ll Ih..! ll.n iiniIclI .1 Clllio.S'lCI.i: i the cxieulor of tho but will anil tegument of ii ,f i 'loiiu (lOiiiieu waKenuiist, ueeeaseii, mu tllel O.H-U hs llual uccoiint 111 the mailer of said estate, an 1 the Coillitv Court of thu htnti' of Oregon for 1 Wano t ounty iius tet ilunday, tho 7th day of ' jniiuar , r."ii. Hi mi uour 01 in u. m. 01 suiu il'iv j ih the datiifor tho huirini; of tho said ccoun't mid an) objections thereto. I JOHN WAOKNIll.AiST. I K.eciitor of tho Imt wilt of .John (imtlleb n.iKeiiniiiMii iieeeni.ii. n.'l it 1 .. .GQliUlWBlA BREWEUY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-know n brewery the United States Health Reports for .June 28. 1000, says, "A more mipeiior brew never cnteied the labratory of the United States Health ruportH. It la uiiMiluti'ly devoid of the Hliirbtest trace of adulteration, but tin the other hand iH cinupoMed of the bent of malt ami choitvst of hops. ItH tonic ipialitiiiri are of the high est and it can be need with the greatest bunelit and Hatisfacliun bv old and young. Its tine can eoneoientitiusly be prescribed by the phvMiciaiiH with the cersaiuty that a better, purer or more w holcHOin'e beverage could nut possibly lie found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Crandall S Barget DEALERS IN All kinds of undertake i BwiaSh Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. Tho Dalles, Or. "" PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. O.R&H mm All IIH1MUT I TIMK HI'IIKIMtr. roil I'lioM Iiai.u.s," il Km it laiilt Lake, Denver. Vi I Mull Worth, (i.,.,. ;."-ri.",i Vii-i p. in. .. (J iv. Kt. 'l ...Mm Ulilcaitii mill Kint. w I' Athmtlil KxpfOHH a. in, Via lluill lii:toii. Halt I-iik-i. Ilenver. v, . .... worth, (linalia, knii jiiH City, hi ,,, (-hlciiKtiainl l,n,t. , Ui.okaiic ! Walla Wallu, Hiiokniio! b,,i Sli.ll .Ml..l1..Kl,ll,.Kt.l'" I , SVt nuil I iiuluth. Miitt.iHk.il' ,M Kxpiess j Clileaito mid Kam, vl,i .,? p. in H 1 1. 111. H p, m. HI-OKHIIllllkll IlllIlllllK. loir, iitno nil iMilutn In WMihliiKtou and Kot. 3., . etli Ota-oii. ""' FllOM 1'oi:ti,.inii Oceiin Hleamslilpi, Kor Sail l'rinu;lrn Kvery Five luvt. ..t.huiiilaj'ColiiinUlii ltv. Ktinnir.iFisSS To AMimiA mid V.ny' S.uiirday I-iiidlnm. iu p. m. I. a. Ml. IVJM.AJIKTTIC K1VKR, . l.x.BUiid.iy.,iri'R.iii City. NiwhelKinnS', nalum A Way Ijiad'i , ' j T II. Ill, WII.I.AH VTTK ANIl Vh. s.Mp a. ; 1 iu:b,1 hnr. him, Kivkrs, 'Mod m , mid .-.it. oreiroii City, Dayton,, mi fri. j iiuu ii iiy i :uiiiiiiKht l.v lil.arta dully 'I Xin, in. ' KNAKK IllVnil. ICI.arlii 10 Ixiwiston. I LltTI Uwirror (IlIlT Mlin JDB- 1'a-iii's ili'tlrini: to en to lltDMir i piUIIlN on c nlllinlila HotltlHTIi via Illni.tlM lake .No 1, l.-iivliui 'I lie Dalli at li.lOp, n. nml.lni; illrirl I'oiiiiei'llons at llcpj.ntrjtnritai nuil I'Ikkk. lli'liirnliiK : 1 1 1 1 1 k i II rcct conneraos nt lli'1'l'i..T Jimi'tlnii nuil IIIuki lth .s, U' livhii; nt 'I lie Diillei- nt 1- M p. m. Kor lull i.ttrtlmilare chM on O. . . S, Co.' nueiilTlii' Dalle, or n ui' v. n iintmst, l, II. l'll!. At , I'uItUtl.tl SOUTH and EAST via SoiiBPaciii EXlXJUTOlt'd NOTICE. it Ih hardly nece-o-ary that any one should tell jou that you need a few doses of Chamberlaln'a Ciugh Itemedy to allay the irritation of the throat, and make Bleep potHlble. It in good. Try It. For aale by Ulakeley, thedntggint. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget this. .S'oll-o In herthy ulven that the uiidemlKiuil, e.xeeulor of the will of Andrew V. Anderi-oii. ileeeaked, h rlliil Ills llual iieroillit III thu ill ... ,Tnl.1....il..l,. U'..h llr.i..l..i. . i aauiiiKimi, iifc .i..i.,ci.,'..i ,,,,,,,.,,. i, ,..,; necejcuer iu, iwii vi.. OuorK" H. Ht. J.iiwrenoe, of I.ylo I. O., Winh., who inado II, K. No, 10,n, lor tho H'k HK'A mid KJ j HW'.i t ec SI, T ;i N, It hi i:, w, ir. ii.. immnk thu folliiuliie wllnenei- to iiriivn iiiu i oiiiiniioiiK reIdeiieo uiHin mid cultivation ! crcditora and other Herman Interenlei) In hald of .aid land, U.: cutiite are thereloru herehy reipilred to II lu tholr Shasta Route Million ut t:J. a, iu, nuil " p, m, ii. in sun 7.UII fi'UUB hT.lll I 001 li.il D l'nlliua:i nuil Toiirlit ears on both tialrJ ilhalrenrb r-aermneiilo to Ondeii nnd mill InllrUI I'.irk In I'lili'iiuil. Ml I.DII Is. leiilDi and WnshiUKloil. (.'oniieiitliu: nt Kan Franebeo with Mli-niimlilp linen lor lliniolulll, J"li. I'lilllppluea, Ceiitnil mid .South America. Hie intent at The Dullej. Matlnn, or ad.lil" C. H. MARKHAM, (ieuernl I'asneiiRer AKiit, I'ortlauil.Or l-eavo I'ortlmid N .Da m " Albany Urjlam Arrive Aslilaiul 12'tlam " Hiieriuuenio ,'i;iipm " Han rraiiul.ieo . 7 lipia Arrive Oudon . . . lia in " Deiivnr .... 'Jimiain " KniiMih Ciiy 7 ii a in " Clileaio i lia in Arrive U Auneli' I iM'm ' Kl I'axii ii pop in " Fort Worth 'ara ' City oniiwleo . 'J .hi in llounloii l:imnm " New Orleans iiain ' Washington fi U'u m " Now York 1:' U p w Niiiilciii Fa Yellowstone Park Line, TIIK D1XINO !Alt ItOI'TK FllOM I'DItT""'! -in tiii: i:akt. I Till: ONLY IHIiKCTblNi: TO Till': VKI.W1 H'KJNi: I'AltK i.kavi:. I Union Depots I'limauil I sis No. ' Fast mail for Tai'iiina. iHeattle, Olyiiiplu, (iniy h ' Harbor and Koilth lend Ipointii, Kpokaiii', llo.v 'laud, II. C. riillij'i'i Mo.semv, l'llon, Ih" 11:15 A. M, full ) 1 1 1 1 in inhilim't-'01"! ,lry, Helena, Mlliliea !IIh, Ht. I'alll. (Ii'"l'"i 1 I- ...... Ml IjlllIU. IMIIinim -IWI ," ,u UllleiiKO ali'l llfl"" e,iM nun riiiiiiii - AK1T.' iiMl'.f- No. I. 11 ;yu P. JI , county court uf the Hlato of OreKiili for Wnaeo i.ouuiy, aim aiu eoim u.m npjioiuieii Jiuuuay, thu 7th nay of January, 1WI, at tho hour of Id o'clock ii. in., itii tho time for lieailiu; ohientloiiH lliereuiaiui mo kettleineiit tiiereor. All heirs, TliciiniiN J. Whlteoiiib. (ieoriro horeiunn. deo. llradfonl ami 'William Ualon, ull of l.yle 1', U,, WVJ,U W.It.DL'NI.AUheef.Ur objectloim to ealil account, If any they have, on or ueioru mo nay ei lor mo nearniK inereoi, Da I leu City, Or., Nov. 13, 10. IU7-U J. . IIOSI KTLKII, Kxccutur Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. I'uitet Kiiiuiil l.xinf. ..(0A,,M. for Tiieoiiiii mid K'litl Hi 7,w- mid liileriiuiuaiu hh iilliuaii flrHt ulivKM mid ,"' .Vvmi'S-" I ini.iii.iiiiu.Mt. Piiiiiand MIoiirl mni I !!1V.',,.I,,I'!!,1!;'-,... ,,. ie,.ut .iritivii iiiiiiini - In till irliu:ltl ItloK. ckc,. wii'i'im.t tiu uiu'ixi in iii'4ii nuil'" .....uiini For limid'mimdy illuiiliati'ildoi-erllU",011 tlckulN, altoplliK'tar re-servatloii". c"' wrim a r nuARl.TONi AKKlhlaut (inncnil I'akM'imi'r. 'K'' J nuitoii. ton ritieut.ciirner Thlld. roiui JJ II. It. K. N.tllTII, OsttiODallt. i The U""'' Itoonib lo ami 11. Cliiii'iimn HlufKi it$ (ireKiin.