The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 22, 1900, Image 3

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be Clothed ?
Ah thu icy breath of old Boreas sweeps around
the corner it carries ttmt question right homo to iin.
Iliiiiiiuiity cut! no more suiud such weather uuprn
t('(!ll'(l tllllll CIUI till! lillil'H of till) (lnl(l. lt(!ll)(!IIllHr
right now ttmt underwear 1h cheaper than funerals
mid overcoats cost less than undertakers. Therefore
wit Mil y "corno unto tut all yn who shiver and art!
lightly iimllh'd and wo will warm you up"
Bis Warm Ulsters wt 'Stor"1 Co,H
black or pray Irish
I'rit . double-breasted nnil with large t n rr
storm r illur iplU.UO
Overcoats! Overcoats
materials at prices ranging
1 frnlll
iu an endless vn
riuty of styles nnd
$5.50 to $20.00
.hit tho kind for this weather. Good hunvy till
wool shirts or drawers at
75c per garment.
Soo Windows. Soo Windows.
Great Reduction of Prices
Ladies' Jackets.
Most of the garments are last
year's, hut for ladies who desire a
larger garment than is now worn
they are the host values that have
ever heen offered by the department.
No need to tell in detail what is
here, every garment is perfect.
Some of Our Prices:
$ 3.50 Jacket now $ 2.50
5.50 " ' 3.25
C5.00 " " 4.50
7.00 " " 4.85
8.00 " " 6.00
10.00 " 5.00
12.00 " 6.75
13.50 " " 6.00
16.00 " k 7.50
18.00 " " 12 50
20.00 " " 10.00
What LUe uuill do!
Women's Stioes
which are the best values we
have ever offered. Every pair is
fresh from tho factory and compris
ing the latest and most up-to-date
es. As to price
for heavy sole street shoo, the light
cloth top, kid foxed shoe, or all-kid
light sole dress shoe; all at this rea
sonable and attractive price of
$2.00 per pair.
All Goodn Marked
In Plain FlRitrosi.
If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co
coanut Cream Tonic will give it life and
luster. It is pronounced tho fini'st
tonic on earth. Can he had at Frazcr'B
barbershop, agent. ni) lm
Special bargains in children's anil
misses' slioi"? at the Xew York Cash
plays 4 Crowe
Kemember that A. Y. Marsh will give
a turkey and pigeon shoot on the beach
November 27, US and 29th.
Opera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
One Night
Dec. 4th.
Return of the Favorite Play,
Arthur C. Alston's Co.,
Tennessee s Par
Suggested by Bret Harte's
Great Romance.
The Success of pout Seasons
Hear the
Golden Nugget Quartet.
Positively the Original Cast.
Reserved Seats on sale at
Clarke & Falk's Pharmacy.
pne Dalles Daily Chronicle
NOV. 22, liKK)
served t
At Andrew Keller's.
Iioni'h A: Rowers' minstrels
At the Yogt opera house tonight.
liuslyn, Ult'iiluin and Australian coals
IV tho Stadelman Coiumissioii. 21 lm
For runt A unite of fnruiHlied rooms I
- Mrs. Aunuw s corner ol rourtli arm
nion. nl-lw j
The therinometer lust night registered I
above .urn, tho name as the night !
Trimmed hats at half price and street I
Ii.Uh greatly reduced at .Mrs. .luyr.e's
and "still there's more to follow."
Mrs. M. A. Kwing, Second street, a few
doors east of Mays it Crowe, The liftlles.
Rritish bankers have decided that
tnoy will tako the next government loan
themselves if they have to borrow the
money in this country to do it, sas the
Chicajjo Record.
In the circuit court yesterday Daniel
N. Williams was granted u decree of di
vorce from his wife, Katie Williams, and
Muud S. Mitchell was granted a decree
of divorce from 1 1 i rum K. Mitchell.
Thosu popular caterers to tho winter
palate, Messrs. Tom,. Jerry and Kgg Nog,
have taken up their hcadquartots at ,1.
Ful t it Co.'s, under the management of
"Smiling Albert." A word to the wise
iu sullicient. n2 lit
W. ,1. Wright, of NaiiHune, brought to
town yesterday nineteen head of hog
Mint weighed 0,(120 pounds, or an aver
ivgu of nearly :!5() pounds each, lie sold
them to Roe (irimes for the Union Meat
fiiilliuory store. 22-12 1
If linens you must have, bin quickly 1
riturday's the last day of thu linen sale
t A. M. Williams it Co.'s.
"Music bath churms to soothe the
javago breast," to say nothing of the
wnite man. Coinu and try it. . I'.
plaintiff over hie, Cassidy's, signature.
Cassidy was arraigned before a justice
and put under $250 bonds on eneh
charge. .1. II. Murker and William Toll
man furnishing tiie bonds. The cases
will come before the circuit court at
Baker, which convenes next week.
Justice Brownhiil and Recorder GateB
went to Viento this afternoon to hold
an inquest on one W. II. Jones, lore
man of a Japanese rang, who has heen
missing since Saturday night, but was
found today about 100 feet fiom the
trestle weet of Viento. Justice Bird, of
! the Viento precinct, has jurisdiction iu
tho caso mid it will be interesting to
know what, business The Dalles justices
havo down that way.
The wheat market iu Europe and t lie
Hast lias bean a very tame atl'air this
week, save tho Oregonian. There was
! a noticeable luck of strength in nearly
I all ttio big markets of the world, the op-
i pressing factor being large visible sup
plies and heavy shipments from quar
ters which were expected to export
Addeil to this were much
Co. at $-1.75 per one hundred gross.
Commenting on the sale of the hull of Ispaiingly
thu Inland Flyer to l'uget Sound parties j butter reports from the Argentine, and ,
and the probable sale of the Reliance, . a total lack of speculative interest iu the I
the Astoria News pertinentlv says :. American markets. The l'acilic coast I
"Neither of tho boats was successful but
they will probably be swift enough for
Puget Sound."
11" rctir.
1122-2-1 -20
Skating is said to hn gooil on the
Ielcujlm abovo town, , And many young
fo'ka are utij'iying themselves accord-
m:l. !
1 nil Oregon supreiie court has re- j
luia'ided the caso of Henry Oardnur va.
Wiiico county for retrial, the judgment (
tho lowur court being reversed.
N'i).:t Saturday, Nov. 21th, Knsign!
Hinimek, the spiritual special of the Sal-
v.ition Army, will sp-ak iu thu burrocks. J
A general invitutiun is extended to all. j
Lost On I.aughlin street, near I'uasn
A Mays' wagon warehouse, u package
'O'ltaining a pair of boy's tan hIiodh.
Kinder will please leave them at this
ollice, n20-2t
Clearance sale of winter millinery at
tl.e Campbell it Wilson millinery pa.r
hrs. All goods will be sold at greatly
ruiliiod llguros Fiiday and Saturday of
fiis week.
New dress trimmings on disptawiu A.
M. Williams it Co.'s. Dainty things iu
'routings, edgings, millings, etc., of
'liilt'ms and muslin de soi, decorated in
Kuui, etc.
The Marion county court will reduce
tlie assessment iu that county about i
MlO.OQO, thus avoiding about flOOO of
Hie state tax, Other counties will prob
"lily do the sumo.
The iinturtalnnumt promised by the I
'"'ing ladies of thu Congregational
'lunch has heuu tompnrarily postponed
"it account of sickness among somo of
"iu leading singers.
The Racket .Storo Is Htlll on deck with
n larger assortment of goods than ever
Iwfure, which nr being sold ut very low
prices to suit tho timuH. Wo havo just
ii'culved a lartfu conBlKittnunt of goods
Detective Joe Day ouino up from Port
laud last night and took hack with bun
this morning the Creoles C. C. Adams
and Bell Black, who were on tho way to
Halt Iiko when arrested here yesterday
noon, and the latter of whom was
accused by hoi former paramour, Frank
Black, of stealing $250.
Frederick II. Kinsey, a former resi
dent of this city, who was for a long
time an employe at the O. It. it N. Co.'s
shops, died ut Portland last Tuesday
within live iniuuteH after taking his seat
as a juror in thu Ivneteincyer murder
case, The cause of death was heart,
trouble and death was almost instituti
ons. Tim retuniB from dilleieiit parts of
the country in the last election are not
all in, hut the tigures thus far received,
indicate that the lepublicaus carried
twenty-eiglit slates by plurality of
1,181,(100 and that the democrats carried
seventeen states by a plurality of (102,
000, leaving a republican margin of 8H,-
Judge Blakeley returned today fiom
attending the ussessoih' convention ut
Portland. Hu says the convention was
largely in fuyor of it statu board of equal
i.iition, and that they recommended
that the statu bu divided for thu purpose
of aasessmunt into seven districts, cor
responding nearly to thu judicial dis-j
Henry F. Cassidy, who has beun pub
lishing tho Baker City Herald for several
mouths, and who oxposud thu manipu
lations of a mining man named Lutsou
Balllut, was arrested at Baker City Sat
onlay on two charge of criminal libel,
one growing out of an article appearing
iu tho Herald, under Cassidy'd nuimige.
inuut,ind' thu otluir fcr thu circulation
of a handbill on Saturday attacking the
markets havo felt this weakness less
than those of any other section, for thu
r.tticfiti flint ii In fi'i.urlitd lulli
TjVbled exporters to hold the p'lce up
ocallv to very near tho fiirure at which
t ruled before the recent decline iu -
jothcr markets. Walla Walla was quoted 1
yesterday at 51 cunts, and-there were
f he usual reports that half a cent morel
Was being offered at interior points, !
. ..... ..... i. in ... i
Wliure competition was suurp. uiue-
stein is nominally fx cents, with less
letuand proportionately than exists for j
Walla Walla. !
i-Kon.K ;o,Mir; anj ;mnu.
Mavor H. B. Dnfnr went to Portland I
on thu afternoon train.
William Keys, an old-time resident of.
iilliiam county, is registered at the
huropuan House.
Mrs. Isaac Perry and children have
returned from a two mouths' visit with
frionds iu Yakima county, Washington.
Patrick Sarstield, mi old-time lesident
of Klickitat county, was a passenger on I
this afternoon train for California, whcie ;
lie expects to spend thu winter. 1
Uov. A. II. Burke, of Washington. I), j
C, is in town on his annual tour of in-
spectiou of land ollices. The governor
will i'emaiii a week in The Dalles.
For Infants and Children,
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought ;
Boars tho
Sigmituvu of
If von have daudrutr, your hair is
falling out. lTse Cocoauut Cream. For
sale at Fra.ur's barber shop. iiD-lm
Komumbur that Cocoauut Cream Tonic
will promote growth of hair. Charles
Fiasser, solo tigont. uO-lin
A full line of lJastinan films and sup
plies just received by Clarke k Falk.
liiiIirovt-iiii-iitK In .Me 111 (ids rit Tnxiitloii
anil A kaesKtneut Jti-Cfiiiiiiieiulol.
The suggestions agreed upon by the
convention of Oregon county judges and
assessors, now in seesion iu Portland
are embodied in the following resolu
tions, which were adopted yesterday:
"'We recommend that all real property
be assessed by description or number,
or by legal subdivision;, or by metes
I and bounds, or lots or blocks, as the
case might require, rather than to the
' name of the owner or supposed owner;
and that the valuation be placed on the
i same only every two years; and that
1 trie improvements on all real property be
i considered as part of the same.
"When errors occur in any description
of real property, the sheriff or tax col
1 lector shall have the power to correct
the same, when satisfied of such error.
"We would further recommend that
i the form of the assessment roll be made
in such a manner that it may be used
for the tax collector's roll, and for thu
delinquent tax sale, and that town and
city lots be put up in separate books.
"We also recommend that the lirst
Monday in January of each year-be fixed
as the date of valuations, to be placed
oir all propei ty.
"We recommend that, assessors be
elected for a term of four years.
"We recommend that a committee of
five lie appointed to draft and prepare
suitable assessment blaukB to cany
these recommendations into effect, and
that this committee bo authorized to
employ legal service, the county courts
of the several counties to pay for the
"That the treasurer shall be collector
of taxes up to the time they become de
linquent ; that thu sherilf shall colhct
thu delinquent taxes.
"That if the present law is not ade
quate it should bu made so that levy
or advertising on real propert) or sale
of same for deliuquent taxes should not
be made ntcessary.
" I'hat all taxes should become duo
anil payable November 1, annually, and
bceoiiiu delinquent on January 1, fol
lowing, and that a penalty of 10 per
cent he then ad-led, w ith legal iuteiest
on same, after becoming delinquent.
"A statu board of equalization, crn
sisting of seven ineuiheis to bu appointed
by thu governor or elected by the voters.
The state to hu divided into seven dis
tricts, based on population."
Vogt Opera House,
F. J. Clarke, Manager.
.. THURSDAY. Nov- 22
Big Consolidated
With the Best Company
they ever owned.
60 All White People 60
3 Cars 3 Bands 3
Everything new this season.
New Acts! New Faces! New Ideas!
If yon want to see a Real Minstrel show
come and seo us.
Positively the largest and mopt expen
sive minstrel company every organ-i.-d.
Watch for the Bij Parade at I p. m.
1 Prices 25, 50 and 75c. Tickets
, can I" proe i:ed at Claike it Falk's.
Tho only storo ft
this city where tin
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold
A little higher in
price, hut otitln.sU
n dozen pieces of so
called cheap onani
fled ware.
Other wares looii
haa tho name
Strnnsky -Steol
Ware on each piece.
Do not bo deceived
First prize at K
International Exht
bitions. HiRhent
award at World 5
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho liott
certified to by the
most famouschem
ists for purity and
durability it la
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware isopecial
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not d i.scolor
nor catch inside, is
notaflected by acids
in fruits or
will boil,
and Lak'.
w i t ii o u ;
flavor o:
; o n 1: o d
food nnd
will last
for yearr,.
We cau
tion tin
iniuai .i
General Blacksmith
and Horseshoe?.
All kinds of blacksmithing will receive
p--ompt attention and Mill be executed
in first-class shape. Give him a call.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or.
A. Y. MAKSH will give a
turkey shoot on the beach
Three Days -
Nov. 27th, 28th and 29th
There will also be pigeon
trai) spouting at thu samu
time and place.
One thousand stvles and sizes. jaSiS
For cookina- and heatiner. HlWM
Jlhe genuine nil bear the above Tra-le.Al.'rkr;:
ana are sum wim a written Kuaiumvi.-.
Special Sale
at Miss Haven's
Friday and
Saturday of this week.
Great reduction on all 7VAIER & BENTON,
Ready-to-Wear Hats. I sole kcents,
Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900
L Sold by FIrsl-Class stove Merchants everywhere. y
M,!nn,,ivLy The Michigan Stove Coiniianv. u
Bti-eurner I.urt)tt Makora of Bt".vyj"djjj!gllgi)jo .Wgi O Stoei