Cljratifcle VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1900. NO. 395 l)c Dalles THEY SHOULD JOIN HANDS Only Way Farmers Can (let Ikst Prices For Products Result of Move at Hood Uivcr One or the Several Interesting Lectures Which Marked Last Dav of the Milton Institute. Mii.ton, Or., Nov. 21. The feature of tlio fiinuora' mid dairymen's institute to diiy was mi earnest, Hpirtted address by (Ion. K. h. Smith, oflloud I'ivur, urging the fruitgrnwurs of ttio Walla Wiillu Vul lov to combine on tin; Hood River phm. Ilia text, whb "The G.idllu Moth," iirul after ho had npnken about h prtiy itij and kindred topics heuuked, "And alter you have harvested your fruit, what will you do witii it? Ih each man going to com pete with his neighbor in rushing tint fruit into markut and breaking the mar ket down?" Mr. Smith thun brielly outlined thu flood River Growers' Ast'uuiutirjri, and told of the bunufite, uontraHting tin- pres ent entirely satisfactory conditions with tliojo of a fuw years ago, wh-n every man rent hia fruit to market no Ida own ac count, lie stated that under thti w ork iiiga of tho association thi car's crop of strawberries brought at least HO eenth a crate, or if 15,000, more than it posrihh iMiild have -told for without co-operation, flu begged fruitgrowers to abandon tho julonsy, mispiciun and r'lstiunt whieh must exist when men lived apart, and to 1511 1 togcthur in eonli.letiuii on a basic of self-interest. Thta morning's session opened with an able p.ipurby Dr. William Mel'an, State Veterinarian, on ' rnbuicnliisis in Cuttle." U provoked wide discussion. Profeeaor Charles V. Piper, profeaaor of biology in the Washington Statu Agri cultural College, apoku on "lnHeets mid Fungus Posts," opening hia subject with tho statement that Oregon and Washing ton hud already imported in nursery atuck from tho Kast all tho known vari eties except four, viz: Pouch yellow, 'Ciireuliu, potato bug and chinch bui:. Ho eaid it waa too lain now to build a wall, but not too late to control the puata that lire here. He dwell at length on the lire blight which had destroyed many trees in thla neighborhood. There wna .1111 tin uiAi'iliitJi'lmiii iiuiiiiTiiiiilH'i-lill. itililii" AVfcgclableBreparationtror As similating the Food andHegula ling the Stoinuchs undBowols of Promotes Digcation.CheerfuI ness and Rest.Conlnins neittier Opitmt.Morpliine norMincral. NOT "N ARC OTIC , A ofOlil.Dr&Wl'lLPtTCIW stU.Smiut jlaitrSitil ' 1U fttriatuttrSufa- Clmilud Sumr Aperfecl ncmetly forConslipa Hon , Sour Slomac!,l)iarrlioca VVbnnsi .Ooimtlsions .Fcvcnsh ncss and Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Si'tjnnturc or NEW YORK. " IIIIIM EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. -asSf! 110 romedy except to cut off and burn tho afl-'Cted hrnnch. Hon. K. Ii. Smith described briefly tie (joo I and the poor orchards of Oregon, and counseled farmers to plant fruit trees only in deep, well-drained soil, .'i2 to 34 feet spurt, and to seleu only well-known varieties. The beet trade now demands aiiMiirht carload lota of one kind. From hia own experience and the reports of other .Horticultural Commissioners in Oregon, Mr. Smith showed ths great benefit of spraying thia year, and said that the epray pump ahould he the em blem of the fruitgrower, and "Spray, spray" hia watchword. II. M. Williamson, editor of the Rural Northwest, spoke on 'Farmer's Educa cation," and said the main reoBon why there are not more atnilunta in the agri cultural court oh in our agricultural col leues is that farmers out of every 100 believe it is u wate of money to pay tho eon of a college course for t heir Bona who are to become farmers. The work of education must begin with the fartnerr through farinert' institutes, then in the common schools, anil in the schools of agriculture, which are inde pendent. In the agricultural colleges, as now constituted, the apiritof the Htudent I body is hnitilo to agricultural education i on account of the preponderance of those I who urn preparing to enter vocations I which they consider more honorable thati I funning. j Custom try resolutions of thanks were ! pasted all around, and the institute ad journed. Story of 11 Sluv. To be t.otiud hand and foot for yours bv thu chains of disease is the worst lorni ol slavery. George D. Williums, of I Mrtiichehtor, Mich., tells how such a I slave waa made free. HeJJsuys: "My wife has been bo helpleaa lor five years j that she could not turn over in bed alone. ! After lining two bottles of Electric Hitters, alieia wonderfully impioved and able to do hor own work." Thia aupreme remedy for female diseases quickly curea nervousness, alecplessneae, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 1)0 cunts. Sold by Blakeley, the Drug giht. 0 Acker'a Km-lish Remedy will stop a cough at any time, und will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 2b cts. and 50 ete. Blakeley thu druggists. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought For Over THC OINTAUn COMPANY. HtW YOBH CITY. .1 Bears the yf, 1 Signature jjur At J Use IK DON'T LET IT CATCH YOU UNPREPARED. usual share this season ' Other grades at $2.95, $2.43, $2.00 and $1.63 each. All pure white cotton filling. Cheaper grades sell at $1.50, $1.23, $1.00 und 7oc each. Cotton Blanket Sheets, per pair 60c DEVERLY v StIAPELEIGH: , Heavy Wool Socks... With good high tops; double BeamlesB. Special, per pair v Four pairs for 90c. Thanksgiving Linen Sale Still A. llotiM Nut Cure to llB-Opeii the Uuestton Ni;w Yokk, Nov. 21. The American embassy has been occupied, says the Tribune's Lotulou correspondent, with consultutjou over the Delagoa Bay award. The process will be completed today by transfers through bankere, all the preliminary arrangements having been agreed upon. The American embassy is not taking an active part in the general negotia tions between the tUnited States and Great Britain, which will be resumed by the joint high commission in Washing ton. Such j jurnal8 as comment on the prospect of u speedy settlement of out standing questions express gratification over the opened negotiations between the two governments. The result of ttiese questions cpneern Canada closely, and Secretary Hay and Sir Wilfrid Lau rier are expected to effect a series of timely compromises. The re-opening of the isthmian canal question, which so far as Kugland was interested was satisfactorily adjusted in the Hay Pauncefote treaty, is not de sired in England. That convention is regarded in England as u great conces sion from England to America, and Sir Wilifrid Latmer as a broad-minded im perialist for leaving the Washington ahd London governments free to settle a long-standing controversy without ref erence to Canadian interests. I'rovtuitml u li'HCe(l)'. Timely information given Mrs. (Jeorge Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, pre vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night. Suo Imd tried niauy remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's Now Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of u severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of the matehlets merit of thia grand remedy for curing all throat, chest and Iuhb troubles. Only oOc and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottloH free at Blakelev'sDrug Store. 0 l)lu ton. Kill vt Trt'uty ir. Not Head, Nkw Yokk, Nov. 21. The administra tion, according to a World special from Washington, regards tl e Olayton-Hulwer treaty as still ollVctive and a bar to isth mian canal legislation unless modified as provided In the ila -Pauncefote treaty, which treaty failed of ratification in the senate Ihh'. winter. Tho ratification of the llay-Pauneefote treaty will be in sisted upon as an esssontial preliminary to the enactment of u law providing tor, Bed Comfortables... People who want the best of everything come here. Past experience has assured thpm that the best does not necessarily mean the highest price, however not if they come here for it. The very best Downelene Comforts made can be bought here at each $3.40 Winter Suits If you want a suit or an overcoat, as everyone does about now, the particular reason for get ting it here is that it will be right. It will be rigtit in fit, lininua and finish, ae well as in price. It will tie as .good a suit or coat aa can be made for the money ; and that means a good investment and not a "wild-cat" speculation. ' Williams & Co. Suits and Overcoats have a reputation to lose and we will see that thev do not lose it. Our All-Wool Cassimere Suits at $10.00 Are made differently, better, than those you see at other stores. Every suit is built right and sold with the undemanding that it must give satisfactory wear. Twelve etyles to select from. Black Clay Suite all worsted fast black colors warranted. A new line just opened. Per suit '. $10 heel ond toe; 25C Wind and Waterproof Mittens Closely knit ot all-wool yarns, with high and ticht-fitting wrists, thick roll to keep cold air out of Bleeve; interlined with rubber cloth. pair 50c XIII. WIX-IiIAIHS COMPANY the building of an inter-oceanic water way. In administration circles it is be lieved that this treaty will be ratified at the coming session. The Hepburn bill does not recognize the Clayton-Bulwer tieaty as being ! longer operative and will be opposed by I administration leaders on that account, j No treaties will be negotiated witli any of the Central American governments for a right of way until the senate dis poses of the Ilay-Pauncefote treaty. It Happened In a Diug Store. "Onb day last winter a lady came to my drug store and asked for a brand ot cough medicine that I did not have in steck," says Mr. C. K. Grandin, the Dopular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She was disappointed and wanted to know what cough preparation I could recom mend. I said to her that I could freely rec ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that she could take a bottle of the remedy and after giving it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to briug back the bottlo audi would refund the price paid, In the course of a day 'or two the lady came hack in company with a friend in need of a cough medicine and advised her to buy a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. I consider tlmt a very good recommendation for the remedy." It is for sale by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. Mtiht Withdraw From Concert of I'owerh Nkw Yokk, Nov. 21. According to the hightest oflicial authority, eays a Herald special from Washington, events are hurrying the United States to a point where, in the interests of humanity and ft eatisffctnry settleujeut of the Chiueee question, it must withdraw from the concert of nations. It le Intended by the administration not to be hasty in adopt ing such a course. Fair warning will be given to the powers, and if they still per sist in a policy calculated to drive China to desperation, the only thing left for the adminielration would be to enter in to independent negotiations with the imperial government. Such a courtio would undoubtedly be followed by Russia and France, hut the action of Germany, Japan and Great Britain Is problematic, because of their recent agreement. The pessimistic view of the situation which exists in oflicial circles followed the recoipt of information by thu state department as to the attitude of Germany and Great liritain in connection with the punishment of tho Boxer leaders. Extra good values at the New York Cubu Store. Coid weather is due, and Positive, Practical, Perpetual Protection.... Against cold is insured the weare:a of our underwear. This popular department is a model of completeness for variety of gradea nd stvles and prices. Now is hiuh time to "change," and enough change saved here on these goods to supply your summer underwear for next year. Two good numbers: Gray natural wool undershirts and drawer? ; good, warm and non-skrink-ing ; men's sizes per garment $1 .00 and Overcoats. Our All-Wool Black Kersey Cloth Overcoat at $8.50 Is what you are asked $10 for elsewhere. Couldn't sell them i-t any lees ourselves if we hadn't bought an unusually large quantity of them Uat year. Our foresight is your gain. We etill have a few of those extra good ulsters at ten dollars. On. Brisk Selling Every Day. Southern rocifie Jlunt Vts Snow 1'Iown, Sax Fim.vcisco, Nov. 21. A severe storm prevails over Northern California and telegraphic communication with some points has been interruped. The Southern Pacific Company has ordered out its enowplows on the Central Pacific line. This is the first time in ten years that a November storm has made such an order necessary. Snow is falling from Colfax to Reno, and at the summit it is seven feet in depth and still falling heavily. So far traffic has not been interrupted "For three days and bights I sutTered agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucum bers," says M. E. I.owther, clerk of the district court, Centerville, Iowa. "I thought I should surely die, and tried a dozen different medicines but all of no purpose. I sent for a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ami three doses relieved me entirely." This remedy for sale by Blakeley, the druggist. A Mother's Plain Words " I suppose you will bo astonished when I tell you that six years ago I was in a most dangerous condition with bronchitis and lung trouble, because you can see how well and strong I am now. The attack at that time caused terrible pain in my chest and lungs. I could hardly move, and to stoop caused intense sut- c .. .:,.,! ai. er's English Remedy, and 1 J I confess that down in mv heart JI I had little faith in it. Tho first bottle gave great relief, and the second bottle made mo the healthy woman I am today. My husband's lungs arc weak also, and he cured himself with tho same grand old remedy. Our boy and girl have both been saved bv it from death by croup. ' I know this is so, for ' when they were attacked in tho night I had a bottle in the closet, and by acting quickly that fatal malady was easi'y overcome. We always give it to the children when they have a cough or c Id, and we would not bo without it for anything. My sister will tell you also, if you ask her, that it is a medicine that can always be depended upon for all tho, troublesof the breathing or jans, T toll nil mir tiftiirlituir!: nbnnt Acker's English Remedy whenever I get a chance, and there are plenty of peo ple around Mechanicsville, N. Y., where 1 live, who would no more think of go ing to bed at night without a bottlo of it in the hou&c than they would of leaving their doors wide open. As I look at it, parents are criminally responsible when they allow their children to dio under their very eyes witli croup, because hero is a certain remedy that will conquer tho terrible monster every time." (Signed) Mrs. Floyd Fowi.kk. Acker's EiiBlUhKcmcdv Is sold by nit druKKlsts under a positive guarantee tlmt your money will be refunded ia ease of failure, jjc, 50c., unit $i a bottle la United States and Cunudu. In Unglaud, is, ad., ss, 3d,, and 4s, id. H' aMorix the above iuamntee. IK U. IlOOKMi J: CO., VtvprMon, Atw Ivil:, For gale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. we will get more than our Warm Woolen Underwear. All Grades. Ileaty ribbed, vicuna wool under shirts and drawers; right for anv man doing outdoor work; garment $1.00 LENOX" ' RALEIGH Ladies' Heavy -Knit Petticoats In a variety of pretty colorings; a limited quantity only at each 85c Catarrh Cannot Be Cured. with local applications, aa they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hali's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, und acts directly on tho blood and .mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect, combination of thu two ingredients ia what produces such wonderful results ia curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are tho best. Ask your grocer for them, Clarke & Falk have on sale a full Una of paint and artist's brushes. I Ml Ii - I I vim my 1 ISW?