1 i Will Wi Fortify llt Mmr-gun Vniinl? New Yoiik, N v. ID. Plan nre being iiuult hy tin- im nitration, according tun Wiuhinntiui ili-tmtch to thu Herald, to prers wiih vi.'"' ir ratllioution by the s.-initt' id tin- -I'linnctifot! treaty In It. oriyitiiil form as t lit; tirst stop tow- nr U the i!oiitrui'tion ot an isthmian j ciiihI. This" iu'Iioii is likely to precipi- tale one of the tiw'momlitu contests of I the coining session uf emiu-si. j Opposition to the tre.ity is b.isud on the fart thut It provide? that no furtttlca-) tion shall he erected on iht canal. Thu i Hepburn bill, which has passed the' home, provides for the construction anil 1 protection by the secretary of war of a 1 Nie.Uitniiun canal. In addition Senator j Davis has brought before the senate. from tho coinniitle.' on foreign relations' nn amendment that nothing relating to the treaty shall restrict measures which 1 thu United States may find nt'ces'ary for the ilefensu of the United States. The, Davis amendment was copied from the i tenth clause of the Constantinople! treaty, securing the neutrality of the I Suez canal. In speaking of probable I legislation on the canal, a prominent I administration official said: "It is! manifestly absurd to attempt to make n private national 'snap' of the exclusive j control and use of the ereat interoceanic waterway. To establish such conditions will be a chalL-nge to all to combine against us and to compel u? to do what j we ought to do in the spirit of modern 1 civilization that is to reciprocate the j privileges we receive in tho eastern 1 world." j l!liu:irk's Iron Nerve. ' Was the result of his splendid health. ; Indomitable will and tremendous uuergy are not found where stomach, liver, . kidneys and bowels are out of order. If j you want these qualities and the success , they bring, use Dr. King's New Life I Pills. They develop nvery power of( brain and body. Only 25c at Ulakeley'e ( drugstore. C "For three days and nights I sutl'ered , ajrony untold from an attack of cholera 1 morbus brought on by eating cucnin-1 bers," eays M. E. Lowther, clerk of the i district court, Centerviile, Iowa. "I' thought I should surely ilie, and tried a ' doz?n different medicines but all of no purpose. .1 sent for a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy and three doses relieved me entirely." This remedy for sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Mr i X " i i I PREVENTED BY CUTICURA SOAF. TK32AT3IKKT. Cleanso thu scalp ami hair with warm sh.unpocuof. Cuticuiia Eo.r, rinso with warm water, dry carefully, and apply a light drosinj: of Cuticuba, purest of emollient skin euros, gently rubbed into tho scalp. This simple, refresh ing, and inexpensive treatment will clear tho scalp and hair of crut.s, scales, and dandruff, sootho irritated and itching surfaces, stimulate tho hair follicles, supply tho roots with energy and nourishment, and make tho hair grow upon a sweet, vl:olesoaio, and healthy scalp, when all eli fall. Millions of Women t'so Cuticesa Smr exclusivity for bi-intlfyln;; tho skin, for tho stonDlncof falling hair, for soltcr.ln;,- ami whitening rcd.roujrli hani!t,ln tho fcrrr. of tnt.u lot annoylm; irritations, tor too fico or oilcntlvo perspiration. In Hie tormof hmIic-i for ulcorMlvu xreainrt'C'. for ciany san.-.tlvs ar.tlftptle. purposes, ami for all Ilia purposes of tho toilet, bath, and nursery- Cuticit.s Soai- combines In U.sk s-oac at O.nh l'cic. viz., 25 Chats, the Dear ek.n ami complexion soap, and thuassT toilet anil baby toap In the world. COJIPl.KTn EXTEimL AXO IXTKIIXIL TRK1T3IENT FOB K1M1Y IIIMIII!. rillCR 1.45 l Con;.t-r? cf Cunrum Soai-CBc). CtmciR. Oiiimbni (Iik ). cml Li (in ua Kt.sot.vixT i."c. A Slir r u cttenVufflrtcnt t cot.- the vrnl i'.o. .1 t..r:unn.-. ili.tliurlnu- fcumo.;. Ml.l throHihj.ul tic worU. I..TH-S Daio Anu 111 u. Cuiu., sulu l'rci.. lloslsu. send iur "llow iu (.jrj fcvery Uataor, lrtc. St IE. ? 'tis to f to i I I I ft f f f V The Dollar,, Oh. The Chronicle dob Printers BlnittTtTitiititniiitTnifrtriiiiTi runiViitif t tin tut i until l'rlvate School Hay or Kviilu. Persons desiring instruction in Eng lish branches, ornamental penmanship, short hand, shade-pen writing, free band drawing, book-keeping, higher mathematics, voc.il music, etc., please call first door pecond floor west of Cur tise' mill, Second street. Foreicners taught to read and write English in a few leseons. nS-'Jwrl&w Pnor. Z. E. Fjikkii. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflciallvditreststhefoodandnlds iJature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest- ' ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures , Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache.Gastralgia, Cramps, and ",U other results of imperfect digestion. Preoared by E. C. Or VJl'.t & Co.. Chlcaao- Sold by Clarke &Falk'nl 0. PlmniiHcy. You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a couuli or a cold to develop into pneumonia or consumption. One Minute Cough Cure will cure throat and lung troubles quicker than any othtr preparation known. Many doctors use. it as a specific for grippe. It is au in fallible remedy for croup. Children like it and mothers endoree it. Sold by Clarke & Falk'a P. 0 Pharmacy. Both makers and circulators of counter feits commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive yon into buying worthless counterfeits of DWitt's Witch Hazel . Salve. The original is infallible for cur jne piles, sores, etv.-rjia and all skin diseases. Sold by Clarke & Fallc'e P. 0. Pharmacy. Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. HenioveH all crnptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. '2 cts. and 50 cts. Iilakelny, the druguist. DeWitt'a J.ittle Early Kisers are the best liver pills ever made. Easy to take and never gripe. Sold by Clarke fi Falk'a P. 0. Pharmacy, There is no pleasure in life if you dread going to the table to eat and can't rest fit niitlit nn npi'mint nf imli.iuatlriti rtenrv imams, ol isoonville, luil., says he suffered that way for ear, till he commenced the use Kodol Dyspepsia cure, and adds, 'Nov I can eat anything I like and all I want and Kleep soundly every nvht." Kodol D.ipepMa Cure will diuest what you eat. Sold by Clarke k Falk's P. 0. Pnarmaey. Wanted Mn and women of good character and references, to represent an established house, splnnded opportunity for advancement. Address P. 0. Itox 5S", Portland. Oregon. novlo-lmo Heat value" for the least money at the New York Cash Sto'e. A special in children's and misses' shoee, while they last. Masai CATARRH In all Its eta','ts tlitrc hould be cleauliucsu. Ely's Cream Balm dcinf cs, eoo tbui anil heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and driven auny a cold In tuo head quickly. Cream Halm U placed Into tho nostrils, spreads orer the mcmbrano and is absorbed. Itelief la lm uiediateandacurofollovvd. It is not drying does not producu cncv7ln'. large .Size, S'l cents at Drug gist or by mall j Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ll.Y lAfUTHEUS, 50 Wurrcu Street, New York. L u 1 1 n L. Lane, : BlacHm . ...AND... , ;? I Hoisesiw j P, Wagon and Carriage Work. ,3 y , Fish Brothors Wagon. i Tbird aufl JelTernn. Phone 159 l I V WWW .w-u.v- v M WW W W V W M M W WWW ( W"W1 I 1 : : ' ( i nr. n lor In... 11 W ' Dry Goods, Clothing, I ill Gents' pupnishings. n 5 Hoots, Shoes. Huts, Caps. Notions. Ast. f C j lor W. iMUKlas Shoe. f j 0 I rXLE eHortcna J Mrease 1 I I helps the team. Saves wear and B t c.ieiisc. Sold everywhere. Mk 11 A) ATJK1 A'l'AF ATJO Jk IA i'At'ATA ,A1ATA4 AlAIAI'AtArAAIAI aVaTA'I'A- A'Al A" A 1 A A I C. J. STUBLIHG, WIIOI.KhAI.K AND IM.TAII. Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. 3 Next door to FirHt National Hunk. Pnone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. V s v-i W kyi r.I i, j.r:li.i.Ti THE f ' l r- l a Tr i v f .. .GOItUWBlfi BREWEKY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of thin well-known brewery tho United SiuIhh Health UeporlK for .Inue 28. 1UD0, say : "A more mipuiior brew never entered the labratory of tho United Status Health reports. It ih ahfoliitelv duvoid of the aliuhtcst traco of adiilltiratiou, hut on tho other hand is composed of the best of malt and choitMSt of hops. Itn tonic iialiticri are of the high est and it can be u-ed with the Kreatest honnlil and Hatisfaclion by old mid yoiinu. Iih line can coiit'cientiouHly be prescribed by the pliynieiunn with the cersaintv tliat a better, purer or morn wholesome beverage could not possibly he found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. .lust lloii't Hull It In, wet the affected part freelv with ! Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and tho pain ie (rone. Hold by Clarke & Falk. Children's and misee' shoee, Npiiii heel, button or lace, best donirola kid, foxed, siz-i9 5 to IK, at 90 cents; 8'm and Cures hetrt-burn, i In to 1IJJJ at .f 1.20; 1 to !i at 1 10. At For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothlnir so uoud as Chamberlain's Pain Halm. Try it. For sale by Hlake Jey, the driiuiiist. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee raiBim; of the food, distress.after eating, ' tbe New York Cash Store or any form oi uyspepeia. uno nttioi tablet nlvee iinmediate relief. '-'." cts. and 50 cts. Iilakelny, the driiguiit. Why pay 1 ,7.r per gallon for inferior paints when von can buy dames K. n . . . LIP !... rauoti H Min nrooi painis mr i.ou per ; of th(J c(i,jUraled .lame gallon, -ruaranteed for years. Clark & a,ril,,u. lmuul i.HlntH Kxtra xoul values at the New York Cash .Store. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. 1'ltANHACr A KNICRAIj HANKING JIUtflNKH 1 Letters of Credit issued available in the bastern htates. Silit Exchange and Telenraphi", Trauafera sold on Now York, OhicaKO, Kt. Loitis, San Francisco, Portland Ore icon, Seattle Waali,. and varioun points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable trtn. NOTICK FINAL SKTTLKMKNT. Grandall & Barget UKALKKS IN fill kinds Of UNDERTAKE BUPiaSh Funeral Supplies embalmers gte. Tho Dallos, Or. f- Notice is hereiiy kIviii tint IImi iin(ltTil(,'ii(l I litis duly llliil ith IliuCoiintv l.'lerk of Wukfo i V hen von want prompt acliui; little . tounty, OrcKoti, Uls lliiat uceoiint ami report us j .. , .. ,..., , ... i iKlialnUtrator of Iho cMiito of Aiiolpli AkMIiih, pills that never uripc lire I)h IH'h Little i ilctfanal, mnl that ihu Honorablo County court I I'lrli' 1'lsi.re nlil he Cl.irln, ITnllf a '"'s ,ixvl1 MoilllHJ , tlluAlll day Of Novtlllhvr, 1IHHJ, t.ariv tileers. t;OI(l tij LlitrKO (V. I'alK 8 , (lt 10 ().cJ(M,k In 0f haid day aw tlie time, and P. 0. Pharmacy. I ,,1U C'runty Court room of tho county Court . ' IioumiIii DallenCHy, Wupco Coiuily, Orcuoii, iih Clarke & Falk have recvived a carload I !t,,1,,tJ;?,'1V,liV!l',i' 5Sl"l"i " K. Patton Falk, ajjeulH. When vou cannot nleep for couuliintr, i it is hardly necessary that any one should lell you that you need a few doses of Chamberlain's Couuli Itemedy to allay the irritation of tho throat, and make ileep pofHlble. Itiauond. Try it. For sale by Hlakeley, the dnnjuiat. Clark & Falk are never doted Sunday. TXm'tforuet this. Subecrlbo for Tin: Ciuto.sici.i:. Floral lotion will cure wind chappint; and sunburn. Manufactured hy Carxc & Falk. You will not have boils if vou take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Paint your house with paints thatnro fully guaranteed to laat, Clarke & Falk 1 have them. I ii. IicmIjV iiotlliid to aniiear at mill llmu and ulaiui and fcliow caiike, il Hiiy ilieru be, why ban! report klioill;! not bu approved mid hald iidinhiistiutor iur(.'iiaiKi, llutcil thih Sth day of (K'tobur, I'M). J. I' AOIDICS, AdmiiiMrator ; thu otatuof Adolpli AaldhiK, diccaKd. oidil A DM 1 N I STK ATO li'S NO I 1CK. Notice h iicrihy ulven that ttio iilidvrslKiiul liai been appointed by tbo county court of Wukco couiity, UicKOii, ailiiiliiintrutor of tliu cistalu of Kruucls Itukii, dt'ccant'd, All persons liMviim clulmH uKalrmt tlm est to arc hereby re quired to piesent the name to uo, duly verllleil, at thuollico of W. II. WPwjii, in JmIIck City, Ori'Kon, within i monthx from tliudutu liereol, JMtwl Novcmbvr IU, IW, (iKO. F. U08S, uovio AduilnUtrutur. PIONEER BAKERY. t I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now preparod to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer G-rooer. f??pr WT-ppfigi nr.i'AiiT ron Favt Mull 1'J p. Ill TIMK MillliliULt I'HOM DAI.I.KS. I i?n jHiilt Lake, livnvur, Ft! m C ty, Kt. m, , , M CliliKOuidK,wt. I,;05r Atlantic Halt IjiI;:-, Ilenver Vi . I Kyprev. Worm, (imn " l:; I 'i:Mn. in. I a.i City. Hi. ', i Via lilllit-i ChleaRcnili.l .m, "" I In.'tlon. Hioknno Slail and KxprcM p. m ' p. m. .. .. . .. i. .,, ...UHHIUIV,! mi (Ml Ipiivii illwl I-',... ... 1 .-"I'l hpnkiuioiilnlll'iiiiiiiiJ.' "'''f! I": idwi nil point, ,, I "nlihiRlmi Hint Kail. v. 1 em Oreitnn. '""HI I'iiom I'mrtlanu (leeun H!eaiiiHhi,t, I'or San FrmirlMii. l'.very Five Duvs, u .. I i:.x.hiuidayColumhla Itv. Htnuiion . I To Ahtoiua ami Wavi s(' painroay i i-iihIIiikj. 10 p. m. ' ll ii 111. Wit 1. 1 xi ipi-f If tyitlnwm (illy. 'NcwIatj,.3,J t. tt a) liuil s. Ta.in, 'VtLAMrrrr. AMD Vah. 3 Xn m Iilt'K.'l nir. mi l. Iliet-ua iJCr niiilfl.it. tJrcBiiii City, Dayton,, nir ...... ,,.. ut.uiiKI, l v IMparla :i it, in. 1 hNAKC IIIVKIl. Klpart.i to U'wii(nu, . iJtnl LIWI1T1 fftr rnriifh ileltini: to so to iifT.nr 1 1 pmntk on Cnlunilila SoiiIIiitii via Illni, j lake No J. If.ivlllK 'I lie D.tllei t 12:0 p. J nuikltiL' ilti.ft eiiniieelliin.. at I Itt.witt Icb,J , mid nun, lieliirnlni; iiiiuliiKillrccireniwoiil mi nriiner ;iinruim nii.i inak's IIB M III-1 ( riviTik- in i iii mines in u p. M, r m lull piirllrubii! . ill nil 0, . A. Cc'll : iiKeiu inn i.iiueb. or n I'o. W II HfHLKtt. ill, I'.IS. Allt., l"ottlioJ,((l SOUTH and EAST via uiliern Pact ni Shasta Route Trains leave TlioDallf.s for I'orUsnlinin atatloiis ut a. in. anil a p, m. I'.ivo I'ortlatul " Albany . ...... Arrive Ashland . .. " l-iicriiini'iit" . . . " Han Kranclff.'o Anlvu OKdou ... . ' Denver " KniiMiHCity " Cliienirii Arrive l.s AiiKelcn " Kt Phm " Fort Worlli. " City of Mexico " lloiintnll. " New Orleans " WiiHliinittou " NiiwVork M XI a m 7.0CIM VI J0.ua 13SI 12 SI a m ll:an ri.ltlpm li: 7 l ipm blii' ,'i I'min 11 1 1 ii a m 'M , hum 'J.H 1 J)pM il tupni i) :i a a 't .Via m I ,W a in II .'HI IT. i! am IS I.. pin l.'UPi I'mII I Ti.n.l.f i.,ir. fill luith ' lllnlir eiirx Hiicriiininltii In Oirik'll nll'l tlful and tourist rsara to clileaxo, at l-onl, M leaiih and a.slilnKtou. Conneetlm; at Kim Krani'len llh J sleauniup lines lor iiniioiiiiii, riiiiippiiii'x, ceiuriii anil miuui ,iuhih Hee Hiculit at Tliu Dulles alalloll, or aiWnx C. H. MARKHAM, (ieiier.il l'fcciiKcr AKeiit. ror!lmJ,0i Northern fa Yellowstone Park Line. TUF IllNI.Nti (1AK KOl'TK FlfOM WKTlj .I'fl 'I'll 1.' I" AKT. I THU O.N'I.V DIKKCT I.I.N'i: 'I'D THU VKlWl HID.Si: I'AltK I.KAVK, I Union Depot, Fillliaiiilisis AR"1 .Vo. ,3. TiOOA.X' Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. No. a. i Fast mall for Taeoiii'ii t-onttlu, inyinpni. wra, -Harbor and Honlli lend points, Himkaiie, llnsit' liilid, II. C, 1sIsij J II, VI. l,.u. Ulnll. I f 11:15 A, il. fiilolliiiiipiiiliilnKfoiiii' try, iioieuii, .mum" Us, Ht. I'alll. DjU'i'l11! , K.insns city, m. ? (Jlileiurn and all points No, I. eimt and houtlieiiKl. I Pniiit Hound '..xi'ief Ui'M P. JL.for Taeoma ami hcil " and tiileriiHiimil,,l" ' ' .... ikW" !? I iiiiiifiiHHi?) nit t fi mi' V'i.uHl.iiI,l ti.li.u ii nil (K'hOt H'lli' 1 Ft I" I F 1 IIKIII1I -1 In. ill prliuilpalelilw, r tickets liiiKKiiKH oncouKi in iivm.".";"" :riteiiii" For liandw.iiiuly llluNiuile dwim "nuno' tlckeln, BlecplUK'L'ar nei vllim. "- c" wrllo A. D. CHARLTONi Jjlt. It. K, NMITH. Osteopath. ItooniK III mnl II, Cliapiii""' l,"cl,', lllC!!2l (ireKon,