Wherewithal SHALL WE be Clothed ? As tli icy lirunt.li of old Koreas mvoeps iiroimd tin corner it carries thitt question right home to us. Iluiniiiiity cati no lllDrU Htlllld HUCh WCatllCr Unpro tected tlllltl USUI till) IlllicS llf till) Held. ItlMIIHIIltll'l' right now that underwear is cheaper than fuucriilH mill overcoats cost Ii'hh than iindurtukorH. Therefore we s.iy "come unto iih all y who shiver iinil aru hgiitly mnllh'd mill wo will warm you up" THIS WAY Big Warm Ulsters r ?l"n" Cont" in hlack or ur.iy IriHti I'rii . iloiihli'-liriMiHtetl iititl with large t-trnr storm cillur tplU.UU Overcoats! Overcoats $5.50 to $20.00 uiiiti'ri.ild at prices ranging from in mi iiikIIi'sh va riety of HtyltiH anil Underwear Special.... .lust tin; kind for thin weather. Good ln.'iivy all wool nhirtH or ilrawi.'iH at 75c per garment. Soo Windows. Soo Windows. Great Reduction of Prices IN - Ladies' Jackets. Most of the garments are last year's, but for ladies who desire a larger garment than is now worn they are the best values that have ever been offered by the department. No need to tell in detail what is here, every garment is perfect. Some of Our Prices: $ 3.50 Jacket now $ 2.50 5.50 " ; 3.25 6.00 " " 4.50 7.00 " " 4.85 8.00 " " 6.00 10.00 " " 5.00 12.00 " 6.75 13.50 1! " 6.00 16.00 " " 7.50 18.00 " u 12 50 20.00 " " 10.00 What cue mill do! WE WILL SELL Women s Shoes which are the best values we have ever offered. Every pair is fresh from the factory and compris ing the latest and most up-to-date stylos. As to price $2 OO for heavy sole street shoe, the light cloth top, kid foxed shoe, or all-kid light sole dress shoe; all at this rea sonable and attractive price of $2.00 per pair. All Goods Mnrkecl In F'laln Kijruroii. PEASE Sl MAYS If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co coanut Cream Tonic will give it life nnd luster. It is pronounced the finest tonic on earth. Can be had at Krnzer'a barber shop, scent. nil lm 1 i Special bargains in children's and . , -i .1... - r..i. More. Remember that A. Y. .Marsh will give a turkey and pigeon shoot on the bench November 27, 28 and 20th. plays 5 Giowe VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. One Night.... TUESDAY, Dec. 4th. Return of the Favorite Play, Arthur C. Aiston's Co., IN Tennessee's Parflner Sug'ened by Bret Harte's Great Iiumanee. The Success of pout1 Seasons Hear the Golden Nugget Quartet. Positively the Original Cast. Reserved Seats on sale at Clarke Falk'e Pharmacy. i ic uciico iscm.y uiiruii.'uir-. Oysters served in any style... At Androw Kellor's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. I'.each it .lowers Minstrels tomorrow hoslyn, CLmIiiiii and Aiifltrnliiin coals i... .1... t-. .. ... r. .11 1 ... Il LIU nLUlH'IIMLfcll lytllllllllPBllJll. For rent A suite of fiirniHlied rooms Mrs. AgnuwV corner of Fourth and 'nion. nl-lw Kcmcmhur that Cocoanut Cream Tonic will promote growth of hair. Charles lruzcr, sole agent. ntMui .It Is not believed that scarlet fever in pleading in the city. What new cases lave occurred duriiiL' the nast week have l'l't'11 I II 1 1 V Oil HOL IIV (.'OI1VU 'HCUOIH. The thermometer went to 2 below zero List night at Arlington. Early this morning at Dry Hollow, tiouth of town, tlicriiioinotorH were touching Ti bubw. LostOn Liuighlin street, near 1'e.imi l May?' wagon warehouse, n package I'untainiug a pair of boy'ti tan shoes, hiid-ir will please leave thuiii at this ullice. ii20 2t Clearance sain of winter inillinery ut U.e Campbell it Wilson inillinery par lors. All goods) will bo sold at greatly reduced lignrus Friday and Saturday of this week. Thu Telegram says the Htenmer Holi- ancn was jivon n dock trial yeHturday afternoon, whicli riiHiilted satisfactorily, s'.n has been thoroughly overhauled, and is now in good trim. She will be taken for a run on the river during tl, week. Itev. Paul lCrngor, who wits injured In- falling on the sidewalk last week, is Improving rapidly mid, it is expected, ill soon bo well. Rumor has it that he if preparing to sue the city for damage?, claiming that IiIh fall resulted from Htup ping into u hole in the sidewalk. A I'ittsbnrg dispatch of thu 20th says: llie heat of thu past throe days caused inuali Hulleriug among mill men and one cite of prostration iH reported. Another iiip.itch of the ennm date from New Vurk Brtya : Minnie Allium), clerk in tlie poslolllce, was overcoino by heat wbilu at work today. Wu have a nice little home in tht Pines for Halo, consisting of very neat '"mm, lately built, near to Dalles high who'll mid acadomy. This would be u 'irgaln ut sf200. V nru lnitrnote;'. to take one hnndered mid twonty-llvu dol lars i.tl2,i) iml ctmh. For further par ticulars i: ill and aeo Hudson & Brown- hill. i'lie therinoinuter fell Iftit night to "nee above y.yro. Hitch 'cold wiiiithor l November Is very unusual here, Mr. 1.. ilrookt Informs us that the titer- ! mom eter bus gone ho Jow only twice in ' the past twenty-six' years. The other time was towards the end of November 'illi. That year the Columbia was frozen over on the 20th. The Antelope Republican of Tuosduy i says: This is the coldest day of the 1 year so (nr. The thermome'ter stood at I 'I above zero ut. 7 o'clock this morning, and at 1 1 :IiO Htunds ut 18 above. Ves I terday snow fell to the depth of about i an inch nnd u half, and last night u cold ' driving wind blew from the east. This is unusual for Huh time of year. The enst-bound passenger truins duo hereut ii.l". last night nnd 12:-I5 this 1 morning, did not arrive till near noon, j The delay was caused by the breaking , down of u trestle east of Bonneville J A'hile a freight train wae passing over it, I precipitating some dozen cars to the 'ground. As the fall was short, no pnr ! ticular damage was done to the cars nnd j n loony wus nun. Shorill" Kelly bus collected over $110, I (100 of the '00 taxes or within about !f7,00') of the whole amount. This, we belive, beats the record of twenty yenrf . The result is that the county tensurer is now figuring on a call of county warrants that will include nil outstanding up to I! vears and 2 months from date. This is ! the shortest period for outstanding warrants in II! veara. , A Ularnoy Cattle story, involving a pretty little Irish girl, is being told in Dublin. Several visitors were exploring the fitmnus castle, nnd on reaching the I top became Homewhiit nervous owing to I the great height. Presently n young I man appeared, and, being u Hti anger, j naked to have the real Niamey stone ! pointed out to him that he might fo'low I the ancient custom nnd kiss the ancient relic. The process of kissing thu stone J ' is rather n dangerous one, and the young l woman, in her nervous state, not caring ! to have the feat attempted in her pres ence, exclaimed : "Oh please don't kiss the stone while I nm here." Thu stran ger, it is hinted, politely neccded to her request, but not exactly in the way .she meant. The fourth annual convention of coun ty judges nnd assessors opened yesteiday niurning in the city hull, Portland. The main purpose of the gathering is to se cure mi eiiuituble system of taxation laws unit u uniform udminiatruUoti throughout thu stute. Yesterday's woik was mainly concerned with the prelim inaiy organization and the consideration of committee reports. In the remaining two days' session the most important mutter to como before thu convention will be thu drafting of an assessment hill to bo presented to the nex t legisla ture. Wasco county Is repiesented in the convention by Judge lllakeley, Com- ! inisslonor W. J. Harrlinan, Assessor W. 11. Whipple, Assessor. Elect 0. I., j Schmidt unit Superintendent U. 1.. Oil ! hurt. There have been a large number a (eases of diphtheria in thu neighborhood of Cuntn'i i Clackamas county, says the 'Salem Statesman. Local doctors have liL'iio husv there, ulso physicians from Aurora and Oregon City. The antitox !ine remedy has been used, and not a pis) has been lost where it' was applied. J tils is somewhat new to the medical profession, but it is already recognized us n wonderful discovery, nnd one which has brought the awful scourge within the easy control of physicians where taken in time. The stute reform school recently had some cases of diphtheria, and the antiloxine remedy was employed there with success. It was quick and effective. The autitoxine is injected,! like morphine, with an instrument pro vided for the purpose, and the principle , is the eradication of the poison from the ' bipod of the patient. There have been three deaths of children from diphtheria in the Canny neighborhood, but these were either not treated with autitoxine or the physicians were called too late. In response to a telegram from ttie ' Portland ctihjf of police Special Night watchman Alisky today urrested on the train a Creole named C. C. Adams and : u girl of the same stock named Bell lllack, who were on the wbj- to Salt Lake. The arrest was on the complaint; of Frank Black who claims to be the I woman's husband, lllack accuses the , woman, who denies that stie was ever married to him, of stealing $250. The truth seems to be that the girl has been living with Pdack for some vears. The couple have just returned from Alaska! where Black cleaned up live or six hun-; dred dollars, presumably in gambling. ! The girl claims that Black has beaten and utilised her till she could eland it ' no longer. So luet night she pawned j her diamond ear-rings for if oO and Adams pawned his watch and some trinkets for if 15, and with this sunt they took passage for Salt Luke. Both were thoroughly searched here but no money j was found on them beyond thy balance of the $75 after deducting the price of i their ticket. They are a had lot, all of them, without a doubt, but there is no j renpon why the woman should not be1 allowed to get rid of her brute paramour if she wants to. There is not a particle of evidence that she ever took a cent from thu fellow, but he has money and will have her back undei his power by hook or ciook. An otlicer is expected from Portland tonight to take the trio bick there. CURRENT PRESS COMMENT. "Bryan was too easy. (Jive us some thing harder!" Usks the St. Paul Pioneer Press. No wonder it snowed early this year, j Think of the terrible frost we had on Vogt Opera House, F. J. Clarke, Manager. One Night Only... THURSDAY, Nov. 22 the Oth of November. Walla Walla j Statesman. ' Even "temporary prosperity," as the I democrats call it, beats permanent dem ocratic hard times all to pieces. Benton ' 111. Republican. Four years ago the wage workers had , callouses on their feet from tramping' around in senrch of employment. Now 1 the callouses are on their hands. Grand Rapids (Mich.) Herald. I Bryan's electoral vote is 155, or four less than the total of wiiat was tormerly called the solid South. The capital of the democratic party is considerably im paired by the boy orator experiment. Globe-Democrat. 1 he Chicago News Eays: ''Scientists i say that falling over a precipice is the I pleasantest kiud of a death. Politicians, j however, who have fallen over an elec-, loral precipice do not agree with the scientists." Justice found and administered upon ! Senator Wellington. His immediate' neighbors of Cumberland, though usual- ' ly democratic, gave McKinley a plurality of 200 on election day. Then 300 of his 1 neighbors serenaded with a burlesque ' baud and then gave him a salute of i groans. The senator had won all those distinctions. Salt Lake Tribune. BEACH & BOWERS Big Consolidated MINSTRELS With the Best Company they ever owned. 60 All White People 60 3 Cars 3 Bands 3 Everything new this season. New Act!-! New Faces! New Ideas! If you want to see a Real Minstrel ehow come and see us. Positively the largest and most expen sive minstrel company every organ ized. Watch forthe Bij Parade at I p. m. Prices 25, 50 and 75c. Tickets can be procured at Claike A Falk'e. Tho only Htorc It this city wheto tin (lenulne Imported Stransky-Stecl Ware is sold A little higher in price, but outlast, a dozen pieces of so called cheap enani eled ware. BEWARE! Other vnrea look has the name Stransky Steel Ware on each piece. Do not bo deceived First prize at 16 International Exhi bitions. Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion, Chicago Pre ferred by tho liest cookinRauthoritiea, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest becauso BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside, is not afTectedby acids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, Ee... and baki withou : irupartin;, flavor o' previously conk o d food and will last for years. We cau tion thi public again ' imitat.i. .4 MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Horseshoer. 1 11 kinds of blacksmithing will receive prompt attention and will tie executed in llrst-claes shape. Give him a call. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. TURKEY SHOOT A. Y. MARSH will give a turkey shoot on the beach Three Days Nov. 27th, 28th and 29th There will also be pigeon- trap spootmg at the same i time and place. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought . i Boars tho Siguuturu of Acker's Kiiglish Remedy will stop a' cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve honrtJ, or money refunded. 2." els. and fit) cts. Hlakoley ; the druggists. j If you have dnndruH', your hair is falling out. Use Cocoiiuiit Cream. For sale at Fniy.er's barber shop. nil-Jin A full line ofjlasttuiiu lilma and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk, Council I'rocemltiii;, A special meeting of the council was held last night, at which an order was made granting L. II. Kretzer the use of the city's traction engine for the purpose of boring for coal at some point near the city. The sidewalk on Fulton street abut ting on the Joles property was declared datigeious, and the recorder was in structed to give the usual notice for its repair. I'K M't.K CHI I Ml AN!) li')lVli, John M edler, of Waeco, was in town today. F. T. Hurlbntt, of Arlington, was in town today, leaving for homo on tho noon train. Andy Puildwiu arrived here a couple ol days ago from Boston, wheie he has spent' the summer, lie will remain here pending the result of the illness ol his brother, Jamie, who is seriously ill with com-umptiiui. Special Sale at Miss Haven's Friday and Saturday of this week. Great reduotion on all Ready-to-Wear Hats. fHfx7 For cooking and heating. I I yiirillirThe genuine all bear the above TralcMork JL. I m J?fcs3 and are sold witn a written guarantee. .r$&ir I I iHil Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition IS00'W I l rfP53SJ OVER ALL THE WORLD. fSr) , jpyU Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere. tfy'jB y Maiiuciuiy by The Michigan Stove Company, U j)at-8urneri Larnuat Makrra nf Stuvua and ItuiiKea In tlio World. Oak Stove .m 7vmiER St BENTON. SOLE KCENTS,