The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 21, 1900, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
NOV. 21. 1000
"PllOl'EllTY 76' H01UU:nY,
The anarchists do the under
ground work, the socialists the above- j
ground work, but it is one work, says
the Fortnightly Hcview.
"What is property ? Property is
robbery," said Proudhon. The germ .
of all the evil is in that. "Whoso;
hateUi bis brother is r quirdercr,"!
Hatred is murder iu Iho cerui.l
Similarly, whoso coveteth his neigh-
bor's goods is an anarchist. Covet
ousncss, the desire to possess what is
not our own, lust of property, envy
of the man who has more than we
have this is anarchy iu gcrn For ;
thoughts, sooner or later, translate '
themselves into deeds, especially
"wheu they are dominating and over
mastering thoughts, thoughts that
seize us and sway us, and possess us
and reign over us. And this is the
case with the socialist, whose one
thought is envy, and the anarchist,
whose one thought is hatred
nro ninny time tho rami? of rnrimn
d si'.ist'S. Ninety por cent of tho
American peopUi aro mill to li
trouUeil Tlth liver ami stomach
oomv'.amU such na constipation,
itlumcv. imllirestloti, biliousness,
slupnish liver, etc.
No. 25
overcome nnil care the'i? ills.
These tablets act as a pentln laxa
tive They maku tho liver anil
stomach (to their iluty as they
should Tho most obstinato i-a.-es
yield to these little tablets. Thoy
cost 2ie and can bo procured at
Clarke & talk, The Dalles. Oregon.
'A Difficult Problem.
It is among tho most difficult prob
lems of inmirul science fur one to become '
expert in several lines. J. E. Atlcox 1
Co., by their combination, have over-,
como t hi h difficulty in a practical man-
nor. J. E. Adcox is nn expert watch-'
maker anil is good on jewelry, optical !
work anil engraving, while Theo. II. I
Liebe ie an expert optician anil is good
on watch repairing, jewelry woik ami
engraving. Their price is ae low as con
sistent with goml workmanship. They
are prepared to do all work in t Iioi -several
lines, on short notice. Work !
sent by mail or express will receive
, prompt attrition. Sign, "Big Rod
Southern California.
Notahle unions trie pleasures afforded
Those' by the Shasta Route is the winter trip DIRECT from the FACTORY
men think
a little, and then they to Southern California and Arizona. j
one man enunciates
into i
ideas, and another carries them
So it was with legard to this
doctrine of property being robbery.
Proudhon taught this as a principle;
bis disciple, Bakunin, carried matters
a step further, and sought to apply
the principle logically. If propeity
is robbery, he said to himself, then
all who own wouertv arc robbers
, ! will ever develop fresh points of interest
j added sources of enjoyment, under its
sunny skies, in the variety of its indus
tries, iu its prolific vegetation ami among
its numberless resorts of mountain,
shore, valley and plain. I
The two d.iilv Shasta trains from I TT 1 1
Portland to California have been re- j. O LI O O
cenlly equipped with the most approved j
pattern of standard and tourist sleeping i
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
Just What
You mant.
$1.00 per month.
.Strictly lirst elap local nnd long
distance telephone service within
your limine.
Linen do not t;riH?-tidk. Vour con
versation will ho kept a secret.
No cost for installing.
You trot the utaiidard Hunning
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuouo day and night Horvice.
Wo will accept your contract for
ten yearn and allow you to ciinci'l
came on giving uh thirty day-H writ
ten notice.
crirr--Ai-rxm-nc-r.-rrAj-ATx-rA-:A-ArA-rA---jit ji-rryji-r-rjtrAxri-TATairrjrrarq
iff TTllilll
r-ii'anii'ix o( tin- luipilntur I.lnu will ran us jicr thu fo.
ohuiuli', the (;onituy U'mtvIiik tlm rlKlit tu clinr.xc j
. I
M-'Ailuk1 v It mm t notice.
cars, but the low rates of fare will still
! continue in effect. . . ! The undersigned has taken possession
j Illustrated gunles to tlm winter resorts , of A a next (Joor ,
i of California and Arizona may be nad i , . ,. " . ,
and enemies of society all such ! cn application to T f , , ,', r T
. cn application iu chased the tools and ladders. Ho has
muse ce kiiicu. JO neuegan io, o......!.,,., ,-ood mechanics workins: for him, and
.-ocialism and anaichism :
and nihilism they are all one in
essence. And today the harvest is
being reaped from the evil seed
which he sowed. It is a melancholy
reflection that for much of this evil
England is responsible. Bakunin,
after spending eight years in various
Continental prisons, was exiled to
Liberia, and' if any enemy of the
human race deserved bis exile he
did. Hut he was a Russian noble, j
and appears to have had some friend
in authority who aided him to es-
Portland, Orescn.
Do not set scared if your heart troubles
you. Most likelp you suffer from in
digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di
K'sts what you eat and Hives the worn
out etomach perfect rest. It is tho only
preparation known that completely di
gests all classes of foods ; that is why it
cares the worst cases of indigestion and
stomach trouble after everything else
has failed. It may be taken in all con
ditions and cannot help but do you good.
Sold bv Clarke & Fa lk.
will guarantee all work to ivn satisfac
tion. S. K. KELLY.
few )) f )
l'l .
Str. RuKtilator
S Ia Dalle- I.V l'ortl.inil
lit 7 A. M. II' " A. M.
"'Tui'Mlay . . Mnmlay
5, TlmtMlay Wcilni'MiHy
Satiinluy I'tlday
h Arr. I'nrlliiuil Arr. Hulk
at l::J I'. M. .' l: M.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. DnlliiB City.
l. rnrt'miil.s
at ', l) A si, j!
'I m-wliiy j
Kitnnlny S
r ij
Trnvcl by tin- Htonmrrs of tin' ItoKiiUtnr 1.1m1. The ('iiiiijuiiiv will cii'lciivor tn Kivo lt ynl
roan tho bi"-t htvIci' juiMlhlv. l'or (utlliur Iiifornmtlnli nililri'is t
I in IV N
I.V. P.llIlM
lit 7 A. M.
Mniiiliiy .
Wi iliii'Mlny
Krliliiy. .
Arr. rnrtlmiil
lit I l c. ji.
'i, l'ortliuiil Dllkv, O.ik Street Duck.
W. C. ALLAWAY, Gun. At.
pir;e Jailori
j New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
I wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graced a single stock. Ileal imita
tion creton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
' Kleant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
for a small price, at our store on Third
I street. Also a full line of house paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
Many people worry because they be
lieve they have heartdisease. Thechanees
are that their hearts are all riisht, but
He made his way to England, I their stomachs are unable to digest food.
I A comnlete line of Fall and Winter ; lrm
Suitings, Pantinus and Overcoating, now w
j on display. 100 different varieties to se
lect from.
as all such men do when they can
prosecute their fiendish work no
Tfherc else, and, making England the
center of his operations, he sent his
agents and his literature all over
Europe on their murderous mission.
Hundreds and thousands of similar
Siiirc ton anH nn
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what yon v- f
eat and prevents the formation of as j (,iU and ,9 ,jefor(j ml
which makes the stomach press against jeis,,wi1(ire Second street, opp. .Mays
the heart. It will cure every form of I & Crowe's.
lndii:estion. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. 1
0. Pharmacy.
F. s.
It Siiveil lii'- I.cjr.
P. A. Danforth, of LaGrande, Ga.. ! ... . .
men are doing similar work today in ' suffered intensely for sis months with a j W JL L2 12x12 9
London and New 1'ork, and in the I frightful running sore on bis ley, but
various largo industrial centers j writes l"ac ""CKien s Arnica aaive
. ,i-i ) i ! wholly cured it in ten days. For Ulcers,
lUIUIlgllUUl .IjlllUtJW .11111 XXlilUl !l.l.
Wounds, IJurns, Uoils, Pain or Pilas it's !
the best salve in the world. Cure jruar-
anteed. Only 25c. Sold by Dlakeloy,
druggist. 0
aoie salt Ol a lair icu Wliitra iu mu mauuiauu iuiu uwuiu. . , , ,,. ,, , ,
2.,0 per hundred K ThOUG 157 0 JJatiOHQl Batik.
com:)anv." we are ' i"g inhalants, fumes, smokes and enuiln
Our democratic contemporaries
are shedding rivers of briny tears
over tho announcement that the
Xational-Salt Co. has put up the price j !
of "common table salt of a fair j which adhere to tho rnembrauo and decoiu- (
. , , nose, causing a far more serious troublo than t
nuautv" to
j. tf
noundsi' "This
, , , . i. ... -
. , , , ,. ,, . . i arm uao luur. winuii ciuauief tuuiucn wiu
told, "controls directly 9y per cent j Leal3 Ely'a Cream Balm is such a remedy
of the salt output of the country and , and .will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
, , , A, , . i easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo '
is able to .dominate the remaining raaiie,i for 10 cents. All druggists ecII tho I
If this statement is oOcbizo. Ely brothers, no warren bt.,N.l. i
ino iiaim cures vatiioas pain, uoes nos
irritate or causo sneezing. It spreads itself 1
over an irritated and unj;ry surfaco, reliev- ,
io immediately tho ptiuful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Jlahn you aro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. .
Wagon Shop,
Horseshoeing, ij
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies,
and Farmer's
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headauarters for Bran. Shorts. l?"kLrLtl
1 Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle-
"f OH FlOUr 'mB '''"l,r ls manufaetured expressly for family
use : overv cuck is Kiiaranteed to give ntiafaction.
Wri noil our l'OOiIh lower thim niiv Iiihikm in Mix ti-mli. uml if timi lnn't flunk pn
J call and net our prices nnd bo convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whaa.t, Barley and Oats.
Keepi on ilrmnsht tho cc-lebrnltil
C01.UMJUA iu:i:r., Moknmv:-
iiiKitl the best beer in The iMlli's,
at the umiil price. Come In, try
It mill be convincti, AImj the
Klni'.st bniiiils of Wines, L)'(iir
of nil Klnil.s tilwayx on linnil
11, SI. JlfUM.,
Retiring fpom Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothim:, lioots and Shoec, at iiiueh luee than whok'Haln
priceH. Will bull In bulk or iu lot, or any way to suit inirelutHurH.
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days.
All imodft will bo (sacrificed except Thniiipioii'd UlnvufittinK Corsnts
and I!uttorii:k I'utturns. Vour prices will bu mine. Call earlv and secure
Corner iSocond and Court Sis.
u per cent. jf this statement
true how conies it that "common
table salt of a fair quality" is at this
writing, November 21st, retailing in
The Dalles for (') cents a hundred,
aud that the best quality of table j
salt in the American mnrket is re- Shows tho statu of your feelings and tho
tailing at $1.20 per hundred, or 00 ' state of your health ad well. Impure (
cents for a TiO-pound sack? When ' Wopl1 mHkea il6eIf aPPr'jnt in a
, ,. . . and sallow complexion, Pimples and
our democratic contemporaries essay, SW Eruptif)ng,' If vf)U ar fcoIlI1B
to answer these questions they will j weuk an(, tVorn out 'd ,0nothavea
please remember tho rule to not all ' healthy appearance you should try (
spoil; at once. ! Acker's Wood Elixir. It cures all blood ,
j diseases whera cheap Sarsaparlllas nnd .
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo will eo called purlliera Jail j Knowing this wo
Copyrights &c.
Atirntir, irir1lnff n hlcrtrli mill driirrintlnii mn
quickly imfurliiln mr jirilm free wliettier it. i
Invention l protinbly imti-ntublc. 'muniiinlrf
tldiUKlrlcllycimllilenllul. llnudbockon I'ulrnle
ii'iit. free. OMett iicfiicy fur m-curliii: palvnti.
I'ald.ta taki'ii throiitrli .Mumi 6. Co. reci-lvw
rjiffUinMICf, wiinouicuarno, miuo
Scientific American.
A liimrtfomcly llliittralcl wn'ltlr'. J.nrt-mt dr.
dilation "f liny rclentlUo Journal. 'J'criim, 13 a
rviir: lour iiioiitlin, 1. HoM b71.ll ncwuilpaltirn.
MUNN & Co.3G1D:c&jNbw York
Uritucti iilllco. GZi V ft., Vi'uthlUKloii, Ij. V
A General Banking Business transacted '
Deposits received, mibject to Sijrht I
Draft or Check. I
Collections made and proceeds promptly i
remitted on dav of collection. '
Right and Telegraph la Exchange sold on !
New York, Ban Franciueo and Port
land. D. P. Thompson. Jno. H. KcuitNoir,
En. M. Williams, Gao. A. Liain;.
H.M. fiBAM.. '
Tie GuiumDia Packing Go
J- E. FALT & CO., )
PropHotoTB Comrnepeia SampIe j0()ms
Purest Liquors for Family Use 9
Delivored to any purl of tho City.
173 Second Street.
Phones: Til J,ocal,
858 Long Dihiance
quick'y heal the worst burns aud scalds
and no', leave a ecar. It can bo applied
to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt
and soothing effect. Use it for piles and ,
akin diseases. Beware of worthless
counterfeits. Sold by Clarke & Falk's
P. O. I'hannacv.
If you have ever seen a child in the
agony of croup you can realiza how
grateful mothers are for One Minute
Cough Cure which gives relief as soon as
it is adminiitered. It quickly cures
coughs, colds aud all throat and lung
troubles. Bold by Clarke & Falk'e V, 0.
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley, the druggist.
j lard's old etaud. She carries
At the popular millinery parlors of i Mrs H. L. Jones has opened ice
Camnboll & Wilson can bo found all the . ?'!" y8l"r punors in uirey uai
latest things in street hats, trimmed
hats, children's school hats, and alto
Hustling young man can make JCO per
month and expenses. Permanent posi
tion. Experience unnecessary. Write
quick for particulars. Clark & Co,,
Fourth and Locust Street, Philadel
hpta, Pa,
Oyster Parlors ' Curers of brand
A full line of Candies,1
Nuts and Cigars.
The place has been thoroughly ren-,
. . .1 i -i ..t .t hi.. . .
ovaieu, Him n siiitieui inu uuuiii; pmruii- u'irMiiiiiiUr.'!niWii.,ni,,i'.
aire is solicited. A.'S"ir.".'".!.."' tii howel. J
Open till 12:00 P. M.
Fine Lard and Sausages :H8Hfif
ay ! iena Me Your Ear!
Do yon know that .lohn I'ashek. tho tuilor, Is agent for two of $
...w ,.,..m.,i1,,u uuiuring nuuet'H in America t Jp
W ., , 1)0 V'U know that ho will sell you a suit, made to your order, hb
S& e a muZ ;UL,i'""V.l?.n' r-ll,y"'l. you buy in the Htores, and
lk ,i ,P'! ym k,now u.,ut '", ,,aH already on hand for the cominB hdl
ui'l winter trade the hamlsoiiiest and finest line of samples ever shown
ML in I he Dalles V
TOWN rJACSTTTnTT TkiT 1 x. m -1 a W
t.M'mo Pimple, IVent
ONCFOR AD08E. fill I ft
nmor. Pligplc, . I'r'nt I'll I
ttc. Bid b, UWiv. UK. 03AIJK0 CO. PhlU li