The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 21, 1900, Image 1

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    She Dalles
NO. 394
(iruduul increase in Prices of the Fiiiit
Cnllfurnia Association Controls
the Unsold Crop in That State
The Market at (Irowers' Mercy.
Notwitl, standing it statement nnde n
(i;w weeks ago, tluit tlui hnttom had
ful luti out of the prune market, yet nricee
itru gradually going up unci now :10s to H0n
itro wortli in tliu utiicli tiurticuid of
cents mid emtio dealers arti confidttiit
t liny will roach thu 7 cents murk befoic
tho close of tho month, says tins Sult-m
Statesman. Oregon Iiiih nlmoHt u mo
nopoly on prunes of tit i k eize, und tin ro
1:1111 ho hut littlu question hut thu i'.h
numd will ho quite strom: iih hiioii iih Hid
llrHt shipments huvu been disposed of by
thu IviHturn buyers. Thorn arc fifteen or
twenty carloads of prunes in S.iletn lor a
higher price than Iiiih yi't been uHWeii,
and tho holders feu! confident they will
hit HiieciiHHftit in hih:u ri ntr it. Tho action
of tho California Cured Fruit. Assoointiun
is having a very tiuloeuuiM effect upon
tho local market. Tho Fruit Woild,
published at I .oh Aiii-Ii-i-, California, in
speaking ot tho action of thu association,
says :
"Tho California Cun.'d Fruit. Assneia
tiori makes thuaiiuouiieuuioiit today that
it is muster of tliu prune Hituation. it
praetieally controls today uil of the
marketable product in tint) Mate. Tliu
crop in tho north and northwest is
marketed und moat of that bonuhtby t Iih
outside packers in this state if dippo-rd
"For two weeks tho association Iimn
been quietly playing tho eunl that Iiiih
given it absolute control. 'H.irrutHed by
the cut-rate business of the onttmleis, a
j )int npeciul meeting of thu Cured Fruit
Association directors and the direct ore
of tho Puckers' Association was callt'd
two weeks ii;o, and tho request of the
packers for permission to hoy up all tho
prunes not otherwise controlled on tl o
outside wus considered und thu desired
pormlHsiou grunted.
"Immediately agents of tho I'ackora'
Association wore boiH sourryini; over the
prune urea of California, buying prunes
ut any price they could ho obtained for,
with tho result that today not a prune
remains in thu hands of the producers.
Seventy-live cars were thus acquired. All
' '"".7t" lii iiuiiMt mi iii.i..iliimhitiiliiiin tfiblilTliuTi
tl unit 11 mid Hli'iil't.
tiTmniiiniiiiiiTitTl"! lifTi tiTTm 1 1
AVfegetable Prcparalionfor As -simllallng
ling the Stomachs andBowels ot'
Promotes Dige3lion.Cheerfur
nessiind Rest .Contains neitlicr
UphinuMorpliine nor Mineral.
itipe. ofOWtirtMVELPtTCmii
IKmyJun A'rtit "
liothtlU SJa -StnurSrtfl
Jiifrmninl -,
111 CuritAitttrAxfa
lmietyvm naw.
Apeifccl Ilemccly forConslipn
Tion , Sour Stomach, Dinrrhocn
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness mul Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Snjntdurc or
the prunes that remain today to come
into competition with tho association
product are in the hands of a few outside
puckers and the amount is estimated to
lie about seventy-five care.
"President H'jnd gave out the follow
ing statement today: 'The California
Cured Fruit Association is prncticilly in
omtrul of all the prunes unsold in this
state. Through the packers' com nan v
the remnant of prunes outside of the as
sociation has been purchased. The im
preHHlon Unit lias been given out. and
that has prevailed in tho Eastern
uniikets, Unit the association would have
to lower its prices for prunes, on account
of tho lower price made by ontBide
packers is without any sound reason for
support. The association has possession
in its various warehouses of till the crop
unsold, and no one has the power to
lower the price except the association
itself. This will not bo dune, and the
o ily change of price, ifanv, willjhe to
raise priceB.' "
htory of u Slave.
.1' I... 1 1 I .
i o iiu con mi naiici niic loot tor yours,
hy tho chiiiim of disease is the worst
lorm of slavery. George 1). William", of
Manchester, Mich., tells how such 11
hI.ivu was Hindu free. Hu says: "My
1 I 111
wiit- mis neon so nei picas tor live years
that she could not turn ovor in bed alone.
.viter using two nottles of Electric
Hitters, sheis wonderful 1 v itn moved and
abb- to do horotvn work." This supreme
remedy for female diseases quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
hoadache, btickuehe, hunting and dizzy
spells. 'I ins miruclu working medicine
is a ao lsend to weak, sickly, run down
people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only
Ii0 cents. Sold by Hlakeley, tho Drug
gist. (i
.Vllll-Vll'M UrllMiltlH SuilfIN WeKtU'HMl
Ciitc'Aiio, Nov. 20. The city council
took a hand lust night in the fight for
the ("oppression of crime, and passed an
oitler for the addition of 121 policemen
to tho department to meet the require
ments on the foice and to diminish the
outlawry of the last two weeks. Before
this action was taken at the council
menting, however, the police department
had been busy in its "drag-net" opera
tions. Officers armed with instructions
to take in every BUHnicious character
they chanced to meet filled t."u precinct
stations to overflowing.
Nearly Kill arrests were recoidod up
to last night, thirty well-known thieves,
pickpockets, burglars and highwaymen
tiding among tho prisoners.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought -
For Over
Thirty Years
thc otnTun ootiwtwy. htW OBW HTV. 1
Bears the 1
a JP In
ftd Use
usual share this season .
each. All pure white cotton Oiling.
und 7oc each.
Cotton Blanket Sheets, per
Heavy Wool Socks...
With good high tops; double
seamless. Special, per pair
Four pairs for DOc.
Thanksgiving Linen Sale Still
OliHtnulos tu 1'eauu.
Nuw Yontc, Nov. 20. There is a grow-
ing feeling of impatience in London over
the delay in efTecting a settlement of the
Chinese question?,, says a Tribune cable-
.... . i . e ,.1 ..
gram, xne ingtisn press iruiiKi uuii-
fesses that it is hearing about punitive
expeditions to one quarter or another,
and that it considers it hardly worth
while to keep all Chinu in a state of tur
moil, preventing thereby restoration of
normal trade relations in or.der to punish
a few criminals who cannot be caught
while tho court remains in exile.
English opinion will not be fully ex
pressed until the cues are provided by
the foreign oHice, but it is fairly safe to
... . - . i. A !
assume mat it supports uio American
contention that the most urgent require
ment of the eituation is the establish
ment at Pekin of a government with the
essential elements of stability and au
thority. Since there can be no substi
tute for the empress' rule, the return to
the capital seems a foregone conclusion.
The punishment of the princes, espec
ially Tunn, is the chief oostacle to n
settlement. Tho latest dispatches indi
cate that the European powers are
gradually coming to n decision on the
preliminaries of peace on which generul
negotiations may bo opened. The trend
of eveuts indicate that the European
powers mo slow'y approaching the
American position on the whole matter.
I'rovviitoil u 1 raged y.
Timely information given Mrs. George
Lotig, of Now Strattsvtlle, Ohio, pre
vented a dreadful tragedy and eaved two
lives. A frightful cough had long kept
her awake every night. She had tried
nmnv remedies and doctors but steadily
grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's
New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured
her, and she writes this marvelous
medicine also cured Mr. Long of u eevoie
attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are
positive proof of the matchless merit of
this gtand remedy for curing all throat,
chest and lung troubles. Only 50u and
$1.00. Kvery bottle guaranteed. Trial
buttles free at lllnkeley's Drug Store, b
Kiirly AliiruliiK l"--
T.U'oma, Nov. 20. A fire early this
morning wipnl nut a number of small
factories and partially damaged two
others. Tho Iobh of $00,000 Is us follows :
Puget Sound Dry Dock compauy, ifliO,
000; Hans Torkeleou, oil cleaning plant,
$5,000; William Kvans, steam titling
plant, f 1,01)0; Addison Planing mill, $1,
000, two buildings, $4,000, and Sumjot
Telephone Company and City, $500,
SubecrtbtTfor Tin; Citito.sic"i.u.
Bed Comfortables...
People who want tho best of everything como
here. Past experience has assured them that the
best does not necessarily mean the highest price,
however not if they come here for it.
Tho very best Downelene Comforts made
can be bought here at each $3.40
Other crades at J2.95. 2.-45. 2.00 and Sl.Ro
Cheaper grades sell at ?1.50, $1.25, f 1.00
pair 60c
Winter Suits
If you want a suit or an overcoat, as everyone does about now, the particular reason for get
tine it here is that it will be right. It will be right in fit, liniuiis and finish, as well as in price. It
will be as pood a suit or coat as can bo made for the money ; and that means a good investment and
not a "wild-cat" speculation.
Williams & Co. Suits and Overcoats have a reputation to lose and we will
see that thev do not lose it.
Our All-Wool Cassimere
Suits at $10.00
Are made diflVrently, better, than those
you sue at other storeB. Every suit is built
right and sold with the undeistandinc that it
mtiBt j:ive satisfactory wear. Twelve etyles to
select from.
Black Clay Suits all worsted fast black
colors warranted. A new line just opened.
Per Btiit $IO
Wind and Waterproof Mittens
Closely knit ot all-wool yarns, with high ond
tight-fitting wrists, thick roll to keep cold air out
of eleeve; interlined with rubber cloth, .pair 50c
heel ond toe ;
Veul Only With Van Wyck-
Ni:w Youk, Nov. 20. Bishop Potter
will not deal with the police department
in the matter oi vicious conditions in
the pro-Cathedral disctrict, or in rela
tion to insults offered last September to
the Kev. George L. Paddock, of the pro
Cathedral. He will deal solely with the
mayor of New York. The bishop re
plied to President York tonight as fol
lows :
"Sir I beg to acknowledge your com
munication of the 15th iust. It is evi
dently written under a misapprehension.
In accordance with the instructions of
my diocesan convention, I have lately
addressed to the mayor of New York a
protest concerning a condition of things
in the police department of this city,
which is a matter of public notoriety
and concerning which yon yourself are
commonly reported to have made the
most unreserved admissions.
"Having complied with the duty laid
upon me by my convention, this particu
lar incident, so far as I am concerned, is
closed. If the mayor of New York de
sires to see the affidavits of the two
gentlemen referred to in my letter to
him, they will be forwarded to him at
his request."
It lluiii'Uf(l III h lrug Store.
"One day last winter a lady came to
my drug store and asked for a brand ol
cough medicine that I did not have in
steck," says Mr. C. R. Grandln, the
nopular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She
was disappointed and wanted to know
what cough preparation 1 could recom
mend. I said to her that I could freely rec
ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and that she could take a bottle of the
remedy and after giving it a fair trial if
she did not find it worth the money to
bring back the bottle audi would refund
the price paid, In thy course of a day
or two the lady ciuno back in company
witli a friend in need of a cough medicine
and advised her to buy a bottle df Cham
berlain's Cough Kemedy. I consider
that a vety good recommendation for
the remedy." It is for sale hy (J. C
Jilukeley, the dnu'kiUt.
Ji n Trust Wins it I'oliit.
Aliuxv, N. Y., Nov. 20. Thu appel
late division of tho mpremo court today
decided to allow tho alternate wrlls of
prohibition asked by Charles W. Morse,
pieeideut of the Ameiicuu Ice Company,
to restrain tho attoruey-ueueral from
compelling the company's directors and
oftlcerB to appear before tho referee up.
pointed to take testimony us to the
allegation that the company constituted
a truBt in violation of the state laws,
Cold weather is due, and
Positive, Practical,
Perpetual Protection....
Against cold is insured the wearers of our
underwear. This popular department is a model of
completeness for variety of grades und ntvles ami
prices. Now is hieh time to "change," and enoueh
change eaved here on these goodi to supply your
summer underwear for next year.
Two good numbers :
Gray natural wool undershirts and
drawers; good, warm and non-skr:nk-ing
; men's sizes per garment $1 .OO
and Overcoats.
Our All-Wool Black Kersey
Cloth Overcoat at $8.50
Is what you arc asked .$10 for elsewhere.
Couldn't st-11 them h any lees ourselves if wo
hadn't bought an unusually large quantity of
them last year. Our fotesight is your gain.
We still have a few of those extra pood
uleters at ten dollars.
On. Brisk Selling Every Day.
Clilcaeu'H Jlemnrltuble Storm.
Chicago, Nov. 20. Glaring Hashes of
light and loud peals of thunder, sights
and sounds generally peculiar U- mid
summer in Chicago, accompanied the
storm that burst upon tho city shortly
before midnight last niaht. I.ain fell in
deluging quantities, and the elements
displayed all the characterittics of a sum
mer thunderstorm. Telephone and tele
graph wires were affected by the elec
tricity in the atmosphere. The streets
of the city ran like rivers. There was
enough wind on the lake to endanger the
safety of a light craft.
The storm probably is the forerunner
of a cold wave that has forced the mercu
ry down to 12 degrees below zero in Mon
tana, and which is scheduled to arrive
in Chicago today.
Catarrli Cannot Ite Cured.
with local applications, as they caunot
reach the eeat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must tako inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood und mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of tho best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces, The perfect
combination of tho two ingredients ia
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrli. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 7fic.
Hall's Family Pills urn the befit. 12
Jteclucu Iteveniies,
Washington, Nov. 20. Tho republic
an members of the ways and means com
mittee met today to consider a measure
for the induction of the war revenue tax,
Thu most important notion taken was a
decision not to remove the tax of 10 cents
a pound on tea. The committee will not
take up or disturb the tarriU'ou imports
as the members claim it would open up
the whole subject of tutlll revision. Tho
committee will not any hearings
while framing thu bill as full hearings
were given during tho last session of
No decision was readied as to the
amount of reduction to be made, and
Secretary Gage und Commissioner of
Internal Kevemio Wilson will be heard
on the subject.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts uro
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
we will get more than our
All Grades.
Heavy ribbed, vicuna wool under
shirts and drawers; ritfhtforanv man
doing outdoor work; garment SI.OO
fiwin; jyujill i J J
Ladies' Heavy-Knit Petticoats
In a varipty of pretty coloringe; a limited
quantity only at each 85C
After kii1iihI1i.
Manila, Nov. 20. General Macabolos,
tho ex Filipino chief, is prepared to sta't
in pursuit of Agninaldo with 100 picked
natives, supported hy American troops.
Other ex-rebel Filipinos will be used in
campaigning in the country. Their of
fers have not been formally made yet,
but they are ready if the authorities will
accept their services. Agninaldo, it la
supposed, is in Northern Luzon, accord
ing to statements mado by ex-rebel
leaders now in Manila, confirmd from
others sources.
Aglipay, a renegade native priest, not
long ago nn insurgent leader in Northern
Luzon, has written to friends in Manila
asking for election news und requesting
to bo informed whether a decision has
been reached concerning the relations
between church and state, and the dis
position nf church propertle?. Tho
replies Edit him contain tho information
that church and state will hu separate,
and that entire religious freedom will be
Clarke & Falk have on sate a full Una
of paint and artist's brushep.
Saved Her Life
"About two mile from Vassar, Mich.,
where I keep a drug stoic, lives Mrs. T. M
jjratt. nno wus very .-
sick ond hopeless Vih
wttn consumption.
1 watched her caso
with interest nfler
the began taking
Acker's English
llemcdy for Con
Himption, because
1 iindueardso
much about
its wonderful
cures. Well,
tir, perlmp
y o u will
doubt it, hut
with mvowii
eyes I saw this woman get well ond strong
on that remedy. In a very short time tho
cough stopped, her lungs were, healed up,
tho soreness went away, and she began tak
ing on llcsli. Shu herself said. '.Ml'. Ilulluril,
1 owe my life to Acker's lCnglish Remedy.
It is u certain cure.' In Mrs. Hratt'v
ue'ghborliood her recovery has oeeaslomd
niuch comment, as you can easily under.
Mend, ller case was ono where everybody
thought it win only n question of a llttw
while until she would die. I feel it u duty
as a druggist to write this letter, so that them
need bono moro deaths from consumption."
(Signed) 11. A, l!ui.i.Ai!i, Yussar, Mich.
Sold ut25c, Wo. and $1 a bottle, throughout
tho United States und Canada; and in Eng
land, ut Is. 2d,, 2s, lid,, Is. Gd. If you uro not;
Kttisllcd utter buying, return tho bottle tu
your druggist, und get your money buck.
Wt authorise tht above guarantee.
W. U, IIOQKM Si CO., I'roprhtvrs, Atw Vurk.