DEPRIVE SETTLERS If ft fl A I OF HOMES fVUIlUI Dyspepsia Cure. Commissioner verses the view Land Vallev Case Hidier Hermann Kc Decision of the Lake Digests what you eat. .s : It artificially dlirests the food and ntds t . Otticc in the Warner .Nature In strengthening and recon- jj, structinjr the exhausted digestive or- 5 fans, ltisthelatestdiscovereddipest ant and tonic. No other preparation , can approach it in efficiency. It in-1" Bianuy relieves ana permanently cures 1 Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, W Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, ' Sickneadaclie,Gastralgia Cramps, and h' 'Mother results of imperfectdlgestion. 2 Preoarcd by t. C. DeWltt A Co., Chlcano- 1 p, L. Lane, 1 (IKN'KKAI, BiacKsmnn ...AND... Horsesnoer Sold by Clurke AFnlk? l 0. PJiariuitcy. Lakf.vif.w, Nov. 19. Today tin' local lnml otlicials received 11 ropy of the de cision it Commi-iotuT Hermann, of the cenernl land ofti- e at Wiishinuton, in the case of the State of Oregon ami the Warner Valley Stock Coniuany vs. .1. L. Morrow et id. in winch several tracts of , utrrh c-am.ot lie cumi. valnable land in Warner Valley is j wlth Ioca, nppl,cationei B9 theJ. c.ulnot volvt'11 , , , , , . , reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh On I-ebruary o 1000, the land ofhcmls (J R Qr eonatitntionftl tU nm, of the L.keview Land Othce rendered a . 0fder to oure ,t vo ,mju ,akt! ,ltcr. decision in favor of the settlers who had nal remedie3i mVa <lirrh Curo 1H settled nponth.s land 11' or 14 years ago,, takeii . nternallV( ami Mt&AW m and for which they have been id eontro-1 ... nn . ,..- sllrf!ll.MH. Wagon and Cnrrlngo Work. Fish Drothorc Wagon. Third aud Mmi Phone 159 I versv ever since. Catarrh Cure ie not a quack medicine. ni.;- . -: 1... . i. . . 1 i 1 .1 n: . i in13uI1U.mUC loc, ...... ". it wa, was prescribed bv one of the best was the first rea. encouragement the hvllcilinfl , thLa coun t'rv for v ilml settlers had ever had and they were u hir j tion. t la'com,WM(1 elated over the result af their arduous ; of th lonjc9 comhhm wlth efforts to gain a home on these ands. . thp ,,est bood purlfiei9 ttctln (Hrect,v It was contended by the settlers that . ,... al,,., Th while land for which the state of Oregon i C01nl)imUiull of lhu two ,K,reilients is ! grants a m.u to a.unn-ney arus. . prodllce8 such wonderful results in I .auerHrllS ,.., ' " I curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, lion which luruieu uiu x.iiuei ' ,ll,v j free Mock Uompunyj as swamp laun, ami C. p. Stephens ..Dealor In.. U 1 W U U V Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Hilts. Cups. Notions for W. L. Douglas Shoe. which could not he such according to their testimony, was covered by the waters of a permanent lake in the year 1SC0. Tho cah was appealed from the Lakeview Lnd Oflice decision, and after 1 going into the testimony Commissioner Hermann decided that the land was not covered bv the waters of a permanent lokeaastated by witnesses for tho settlers I in the case before the Lakeview Land Office, and reversed the decision. This decision is final ami will take the homes from many families kept poor by the j constant espense of laud suits since their settlement in Warner. Colonel C. A. Cogswell expresses bis regret of the settlerfl losing theit land; nevertheless his vigorous aid has been emoloyed in their defeat and for the vic tory of the Warner Valley Stock Com pany, of which he is a member, and tho state of Oregon, who made the supposed error in granting land titles for such lands. Warner Valley is practically covered with tulee, aud in early days was considered unfit for cultivation or for purposes other than stock grazing, therefore it waH an easy matter for ap plicants to obtain titles to it as swamp land. Later developments, however, proved that section to be a rich agricul tural valley, hence the attempt by in tending settlers to wrest from the grasp of monopoly a few desirable locutions for Iiannr ImmuQ ('('ioinn IS n ri lm portant one and will no doubt caution ; . ,' settlers from investing in smuggled lande hereafter in Oregon. Hundreds of thous ands of acres of just such land lie in Eastern Orecon and are controlled by large corporations and land grabbers. F. J. Ciikney & Co., I'rops., Toledo O, Sold by drrugcists, pi ice 7oc. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 It Saved li ih I.e. P. A. Dat.forth, of LiiGrande, Ga., suffered intensely for six months with a frightful running eorw on his leg, but writes that Buchlen'a Arnica Salve wholly cured it in ten day. For Ulcers, Wounds, Burns, Nolle, Pain or Piles it's the best salve in the world. Curo guar anteed. Only 23c. Sold by Blakeley, druggist. 0 "For three days and nights I suffered agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucum bers," says M. H. I.owther, clerk of the district court, Centerville, Iowa. "I thought I should surely die, and tried a dozen different medicines but all of no purpose. I sent for a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy und threw doses relieved me entirely." This remedy for sale by IJIakeley, the druggist. rreventnl :i tragedy. Timely information given Mrs. George i i-oti, oi .eiv str.ntsviiie, wtno, pre vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A fiitthtful coujh had lonu kept her awake every nuht. She hud tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curinu all throat, chest ant! lung trouble;. Only 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Plakelev'sDrug Store. 6 .Sheepmen, Attention: llucks for Hale, Having disposed of my breeding ewes today, I have thirteen thoroughbred Merino bucks for sale. These are choice, large and in fine condition, and will be sold cheap rather than keep them 'tver. Inquire at Prospect ttanch, on the Deschutes divide, or of A. S. Itoberte, box 507, The Dalles. o2G-2w Notice, Having rented the Baldwin opera house to A. Sandvig. All person? desir ing to rent thu same will apply to or ad dress A. Sandvig, P. O,, Box o'M. The E. H. Mkiikim., Administrator J. C. Baldwin, Usiate. Wanted or girl to A woman chilli, live mouths old P. oauat of take care Apply to;.on, Mojier, Or Both makers and circulators of counter feits commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive you into buying worthless ciutiterfeits of DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. Tho original ia infallible for cur ing piles, sores, ecama and all 6kln diseases. Sold by Clarke & Fallt's P. O. Pharmacy. hen vou want prompt acting little pills that never gripe use DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Sold by Clarke & Talk's P. O. Pharmacy. haii-ay Notice. Came to my plack about a month ago n red inooley cow, with white hind feet, branded on left hip with three lines meeting at a point, under-crop off' right ear. Owner can haw her by paying charges. Pktku G.-iiu'iikv, The Dalles. Oct .'J, IL'00. ofl.w4w DoWltt's Little Early Hieers are the best liver pills ever made. Easy to take and never gripe. Sold by Ciarke.& Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Wanted Men and women of gocd character and references, to represent an established house, splended opportunity for advancement. Address P. O. Itoi 587, Portland, Oregon. novlo-lmo We offer for a limited period the twice-a-week Ciihonici.k, price 1,50, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions under this offer must be paid in ad vance. tf Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask vour aroeer for them. Hi 11 The Dalles, Drjj i n s I helps the team. Saves weir nnu K expense. Sold everywhere. Jft 2 4 f V f l V 't to to The Dalian, OF. The Chronicle, dob Printers. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. La no Ofvick at Vancouvki:, Wmli. ( OctolwrM, 1M0. i Notice hereby civen that tho following UHiiieit settler hns tiled notice of his intention to make fiiiul proof In support of his cliiim, iintl that cald proof will bcmmlubcforoW.II. rc by, I'. S. commissioner for lhu District ol V.l)liiton, nt (loldenilalc, Whs!., on Moniliiy, DcceiL'ber 10, lycw, vl.: lieurgH II, Hi. l.nivretioe, of I.ylc I'. C)., Wash., who inailu H. K. No, 10,095, for the WJ,.. SV.',i ami K.'j SWJi cec i'J,T. !i N, li Me nnme the followlin; witnesses to prove hi (ouliniioiis residence upon ami cultivation of said bind, viz.. Thomas J. Whltcomb. UeorKcSorcnson, 'Jeo. Ilrndford and ;Vllllam I-ealon, all of I.ylc I'. ()., Wu'hlnKtun. o:il W. It. DUNItAK ItexMer Clarke & Fnlk have on sale a full Hue of paint and artist'rt brushes. For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the druggist. Best values for the least money at the New York Cash Store. A special in children's and misses' shoes, while they last. ADM IN ISTK ATOH'S NOl ICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undershtni'il has been appointed by tho county court of Wasco county, Oregon, administrator of the eslnto of Francis Hos.. deceased. All persons having claims ajtainst the estate are hereby re quired to piesent tho samu to mo. ilulv verllied, at thoolllce of W. II. Wilson, in Dalle City, Oregon, within six montln from thu date hereof. Dated November 10, l'.HX). OKI). V. KOAS. novlO Adiniulstriitor. A DM I N A TO i t 'h N OTIOK." Notice Is hen-)- given that the undersigned has Uen duly appointed by the county court of lhu state of Oregon, for Wii'co county, adminis trator of thu estate of Klizabeth A. Southern. deceased. AH K.sons having claims against too estate of said deceased aro hereby nolllicd to present the same, with the proper vouchers therefor, to mu at my oMice in Ilid, Oregon, within six months from thudatu hereof. Datiil aeptembur'JI, l'JfK). C. II. SOI'TIIKItN. set 'Jo Administrator. NOTICK OF FINAL SETTLKM KNT. Notice is hereby given that the underslgmsl have Hied with Ibo t,'lerk of tho county court of the ii In to of Oregon for Wasco coiintv,tbelr final iieiouni as executors o: tno last will and teta merit of ilenrv Ilaruum. deceasisl. nun that Monday, thu uh day of November, l'JOO, at tho noi.roi joo ciot-v a. in., uas oeen n.xed liy tlio i;ouiuy i onri .or sam county as inn tune, anil the county court room In Dalles City as tin place for hearing of ohiectlons to said final uc count and thu settle.neul of tho same. J. W. KltKNClI, F. 1. MAYil, sepl KKecutors, AlA-VXTATjCTA-rJCTA-rA-TATXIAn ATAt A' TA.yjt.1 A I A U1 AT At ATA VA I A iiTAI A I A -A 1 A IA TJ 4 .... v ... v - , . J 3 4 5' t i' ,15 I; C. J. STUBmG, WIIOMCSJAI.K AVI) KKTAH, Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. I l Phone 234, Next door to First National Bank. '3 : THE DALLES, OREGON. 0 THE CELEBRATED NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. 1.AWH Okkick at T.ik Dam.ks. Oiikook,) October ffi, luw. j Notice Is hereby given Unit the following. named settler has Hied notice of her intention to make 11 ih 1 proof In suport of her claim, und that said proof will be made beforu tho KcgUter and Itecelvcr at 'lhu Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes day, December, 5, 1'juo, viz: Initio I., Iliiiidy, of The Dalles, Oregon. II. K. Nc, .VA'J, for tho SrtJi heoil, I 'J.N, It VJ i:, V. M, Klin names tint following witnesses to prove lier coiititiiioiis lesldeneo iiixjn and cultivation of said land, viz: i-raiiK uipier, of'llio Dalles, Oregon, Albert ;. Me- Or Nasal CATARRH In dl its ctagca there should bo cleanliness. TAj'a Crcaia Balm clean M-n, toothes and heals tho diseased meuibrauo. It cures catarrh anil drives o way a cold In tho head quickly. Cream TJalm Is placed Into tho nostrils, ipretuls j over tho mvmbratio and In absorbed. Kcllcfialm- Iiif.f1!-fn nil ft rtir,, ffhnvit It I. nnl .l.vtn.. .!. not jiroduco incezlng. Largo Sl.c, 60 centa at Drug, gltti or by mall j Trill Size, 10 cents by mall. UT.Y I.K)TiIKltS,0(5 Warren Street, Kcw York. Children's and misses' shoes, spring heel, button or foxed, sizes 5 to 7 at 00 cents j 8;. and lu to llijj at $1.20; 1 to !l at ifl.-iO. At tho New York Cash Store. Extra good values at the New Vork Cash Store. McKamcy, of Mt. Hood, Oregon, Henry ! Kainey and Krlo riinluiKl , of Tho Jul leu, Oi OCIS7 JAY P. l.fCAH, Iteglster. ADMINISTUATOB'S NOTI0K. . (tithe County Couttof tho ol Oiegon for tlio County of V.'useo. In tlio matter oi thouttatoof l-ciils Hchwa I b.icher, deceased. Nollce Is heithy glien that tho iindersigiu'd has been duly appointed ml. I inlnUtrator, with tho will annexed, of tli es tutu of Imls rfchwabucner. deeeaseil, All per 'sons having claims against tho entnloif said i ileceaswl aiu hereby nolllled to present them, I duly verllied, to tho undersigned at his oillco In I ti e storeroom of Flelsehner, Major iV Com pany, in tho City of I'ortlaud, Oregon, within six months from thuijulu hereof. Dated this 17th day of October, I WW. .sui.115111.-, iiiiiRi.ii, .viminifcirator, ( 'orro.v, thai. & ili.soii, Attorneys for Administrator. ocfjo (it .. .GOIiUluM BHEWEfiY... AUG-UST BUCHLER, Prop. Of tlio product of this well-known hnuvery the United States Health Reports for June 2S. 1900, s.iys : "A more Hiipuiior brew never entered the labratory of thu United States Health reports. It ih aliolutly devoid of the Hliuhtest truce of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of the best of malt ami choicest of liopij. Us tonic qualitim are of the high est aud it can be used with the greatest lionelit and satisfaction bv old ami young. Its necan conscientiously be prescribed by tin: phvHiciiniH with the cereaintv that a better, purer or more wholesome buvenigu could nut possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. DEALKKS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall&Burget UNDERTAKE. tf EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. ijobes, BuriaSh Ete. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-oponed this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer os. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. KXKCUTOIt'ri NOTlOi;. NotI? is hereby given that tho undersigned, txis-'i.tor of lhu will of Andrew V. Anderson, deceased, his tiled Ills tlual account In lhu lace, best doilKOla kid. ",JI,!,ty court of ihoKtiituof Oa-gim for Wasco 7 m 1 ' County, and mid court has np.oiited Monday, llMlll OfMllH ! H'.. llllli I Hit, 111, ,1,. v ,i( luintiirv. HlOI. nl llw. .if III tlik 7th day ol January, iwi, at mo hour of lu o'clock a, in , as tho ti mu for heating objections tiiereioiina mo settiemeni inensii, All ncirs creditors und other ierons inteiestwl lu said estitto are therefore hereby required to file their objectloini to said account, If any they have, on or before tho day set for thu hearing thereof, Dalles City, Or., Nov. 13, looo. U17-H J. O. HOSTKTI.KK, Kxecutor. II DftH 11. IIKI'AIIT I TIM K MIUKIlUU I 7 nm i I'uou iui.i.itsV A:vi i Hojt i Halt I .like, llmivn. it i Hfiivcr, Kt. Fast Mil II W.wll, II I... " jo p. m. Ms city, St. Uui, ,"l ChlcagiAtul KaM. " 1:05 t' Atltititlr llxpiess lJ:.r.On, m, Via Iliuit-lugton, HlMikatio Mail und llNpiess y.'J.'i p. in Mill Ulk!!, Denver. In North, Omaha. ;,,'. sas City, Kl. lJm, '""h" "mi r.nsi Walla Walla. HmiIohm. 'o.., .Minneapolis, hx. vm" I Ml tlth. MIlunnL...1! Ml Chicago ..nil Ka, via i;,'., Hpokaiioakii HinilliiK.. .., iiiiiMi.i iiins in -Washltigtotiiiiid Kit. ,... em Oregon, i.Jii.a Nine ' M'tui H p, III. Fhom ronrLAtiii Ocean Hleatiishn, 1 For hnn Francisco. Uvcry Flvu Days, K p. m. P.m, x.siundavK'iiliitiinlii iti- u, 'v-a. r . a V . ' "uV":.Sbh. Kiuurdiiy 10 t. in. I To Aktoiua and 1-llllIlllgS. Way lill. HI. WIU.AHKTTK UlVXR. 1 '30 n tn l.,.hunib,:.',;!.i t.Mtv, mU-rKJ , huluin t Way Lind's, ' 7 a. til, W.LLAHrTTK ANIl YAM- .'hJOsn lltes.'lllllr. mu. ItlVIUls. ilt5' Oiegon City, Dayton, ' anii'fil aud Way-I'indlngs. aud .-at. I I l.v Klparla dally .I., a in, 1 Hnaki; ICIVKH, Klparla to Ixiwlaton, , I.IUI UWIHOS (llllr S.OOi.n f.tV Far. ics di'.siting to go to Ilcpprtr or Iiinls on Columbia Koiithern via Hlzt, tbouU takoNo, J, leaving 'I he Dalles at li: o. n making direct connections at lleppncr Junctioa' and Ulggs Itcturiiliig iiiaKlngdlrcctcimntftioa at lleppncr Junction and lllggs ullh So. I u. thing nl The Dulles in l-j.,)i p. m. For lull particulars i ill n O, , & v. fa; or i i.l ten w. ii nrituicn, nun I'as. ABt I' SOUTH and EAST via MnPaciil Shasta Route Trains leave The Indies for I'ortlaud anil wif stations in i,j. a. in. ami .; p. in. Ia'iivo I'ortlnud " Albany Arrive Ashland ' KaiuaiiH.'iito .. " ban Francisco ArilvoOgdon .. , " Denver ... " Kansas City " Chicago Arrive lis Angclos . . . " 111 I'aso " Fort Worth.. . " City of ile.xlco . " Houston " New Orleans " Washington " Now Vork n. 3)a in 7;0flpa .l'j :mii m 10:Mpa li Jinni Utsoiit a (hi p in I;Mib 7 I tun 8:liB o Knin W.tttn Uiuliim !)." a 7 ii a m ":J'nn J 7 tin m !:! u 1 '.D p III li Kl p 111 li ,' a in (I Mil Ml Lot a in li ii a in ii I.' a m 1'J M p ui 7.auB ii,:Wtn J V I.OJnn ii t.'n i'UpB I'llllma:. and Tourist cars on both tralr.i Chair cars Hacrmneuto to Ogden nml Elu. and Inurlst ears to Chicago, til Umls, .NcwOl leans und Washington. ; C'ouiKsitlng at Kan Francisco with scirw steamship lines for Honolulu, .Iap.ui. t'liiw I'lilllppiucs, Celltrnl mid rioiith Ametleii. Hcc agent at Thu Dalles .station, or uiMkm C. H. MARKHAM, (ieucrul I'usne.iger Agent, I'orliaml.Or lien Paci Yellowstone Park Line. Till: DINING CAR HOI'TK FHOM I'OKTWM" TO Till'. i;akt TIIK ONLY DIKKCT LINK TO Till! YKM.0W' H'lONK I'AIlK Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. I.KAVK. No. 11:15 A. M, No, I, llil I'. M, Union Depot. Firtbaud I sts Fast .null forTaeoma, X". Heattlc, Oty.nplil.oray s Harbor and Hoimi llend points, hpiikane, lioss laud, II. ('., i'llllmaii MOSCOW, lAIHistlllli lluf falolliiiiipiiilulngcoilli iry, iiciciiii, .iiinnea IIn, Ht. Paul, Omaha, Kaiima Clly, Ht. Uails, Chicago unit all points ., Mint mid s-oulhciiHt. "'"' I'ugut Bound KMprcss ,, forTaeoma mid healtlo Lm.''" mid Inlerinedlalo jmiiith :,W I'. M. I'lllluimi first clasa and tourlit 'I';'ff..i2 MliuieapollH.Ht, Paul aud .Missoiill rlMTl"""1 without clialiKC. iul Vostlbiiled trains. Union depot coiita'Ctu"" In all principal cillus. .,ilu llaggaguohi'CkisI lodestltiat on of J l 1'orliandsoincly lllustialisliloserlpll y r;f' tlcketu.deeplng ciir reservatloini. eti'o ' wtlto A. D. CHARLTON, sun ni.eui,eo...u. i....ii,..' Jjlt. 11. K, HAll'I'll, Osteopath. man IHocU, Tl'Jgf l