Wherewithal SHALL WE be Clothed ? As the inv breath of ntil ISoreas sweeps around lliu corner it carries tluit question right home to iif. Humanity can no more stand such weather unpro tected than can till! lilliea of tlio (inlil. Remember r it 1 1 1 now Unit underwear is cheaper than funerals :iml overcoats eoHt less than undertaken!. Therefore wn H.iy "cnimi ntilo iih all yn wlio shiver and aro lightly innllk'il and wo will warm yon up" THIS WAY Big Warm Ulsters or Storm Coats in black or cr.iv Irish Frii z ', double-lircitHtMil and with large - . .. Htorm c illar JplU.UU Overcoats! Overcoats '" ;!I,,I1,;HB v; note of nty li!H and .nat.ridButprh.H nin, $5 50 tQ $20 00 Underwear . Special.... .lift tlxi kind for this weather. Good heavy nil wool shirts or drawers at , 75c per garment. Soo Windows. Soo Windows. Great Reduction of Prices IN Ladies' Jackets. Most of 1,1 10 garments are last year's, but for ladies wlio desire a larger garment than is now worn they are the best values that have ever been o fib rod by the department. No need to tell in detail what is here, every garment is perfect. Some of Our Prices: $ 3.50 Jacket now $ 2.50 5.50 " ' 3.25 6.00 " ' 4.50 7.00 " 4.85 8.00 6.00 10.00 " t;' 5.00 12.00 " 6.75 13.50 " " 6.00 16.00 " " 7.50 18.00 " il 12 50 20.00 " " 10.00 What uxz mill do! WE WILL SELL women's gooes which are the best values wo have ever offered. 10 very pair is fresh from the factory and compris ing the latest and most up-to-date styles. As to price OO for heavy sole street shoe, the light cloth top, kid foxed shoe, or all-kid light sole dress shoe; all at this rea sonable and attractive price of $2.00 per pair. $2 All Goods Mnrltml In Plnln r-'liftiros. PEASE &, MAYS If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co coanut Cream Tonic will give it life and luster. It is pronounced the fineet tonic on earth. Can be had at Frazer'e barber shop, agent. n!) lm ' Spicial bargains in children's and mists' shoe at the New York Cash Store. mays k Crowe Remember that A. Y. Marsh will give a turkey and pigeon shoot on the beacli November 27, '-'8 and 29th. VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager, One Night.... TUESDAY, Dec. 4th. Return of the Favorite Play, Arthur C. Aiston's Co., IN Tennessee s Parnner Suggested by Bret Harte's Great Romance. The Success of Foiif Seasons Hear the Golden Nugget Quartet. Positively the Original Cast,. Reserved Seat9 on sale at Clarke & Falk's Pharmaev. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tl'KSDA Y NOV. 20. lilOO servod i in any style... At Anrlrnu Keillor's. Oysters WAYSIDE GLCANINGS. Remember Thursday night is the date of Reach A Rowers' miiiHtrelH. For rent A suite of furniHlied rooms at Mrs. Agnow's corner of Fourth and rnion. nl7-lw A marriage license wus issued yeator day to Ci. W. T. Goddurd and C. L. Hoyden. ( 'L'lin Indies of St. I'anl Guild will meet with .Mrs. II, Logan tomorrow (Wednes day) ixfteruaou. F. A. Ilechler ye.Hterdny declared his intention to become u citi.uu of the t lilted States. Remembiir that Cocoanut ('ream Tonic will promote growth of hair. Charles hrasur, Hole agent. nO-lin Special sale at Miss Haven'H Friday and Saturday of this week. Great re duction on all ready to wear huts. 201 The ladies Aid .Society ol the Congre gational cliurch will meet with Mrs. M. .. Donnnll tomorrow afternoon at 2:110 o'clock. The warehouses are mil! ottering -17 cuts for No. 1 wheat, although the foul ing is that u lower price may rule before many days. Senator Pettlgrow, like Colonel ISryan, was repudiated in his own state, coanty, city and precinct. No wonder he thinks it time to organize a new party. Lost On I.nnghlin street, near Tease A .Mays' wagon warehouse, u package containing u pair of boy's tan shoes. Kinder will please leave them at this ollice. n20-2t .Mrs. Harriet Stovons, u former highly esteemed resident of this city, writes hum Lone Rock that, much to her re Krct, she has been unable to make lior annual visit to The Dalles owing to a broken arm. The St. Paul Pioneer Press suggeete that two democratic parties one of them ISryanito, tho other "patriotic but mHtakon" aro looming up among tho P'i'iibiliticB for 11)11-1. ' Tomorrow afternoon the Good Intent Society will meet at the homo of Mrs. U. 1'. Hawk, in the now residence to tho ft-'ar of the Methodist church. All mom 1'ern and ladies of the congregation aro invited to be present. Tho No. 1 west-bound puiBongttr, duo luire at 1 ;15 p. in., hud not arrived at ' p. in. owing to a wreck of n freight train in the neighborhood of Hlggs. Hew bud the wrick la we could not learn. W. K. Colo died nt Hood Klver Sun Inv, Nov. 18th, uuud 77 years. Tho do- 'ceased came to Oregon in 187(1 and re 1 Hid at Salem anil Astoria und for u number of years past at flood River, lie leaves five children, one of whom, V. IS. Cole, is a resident ol Hood River. The thermometer fell to 1!) above zero lust night. In the clock lower on the court house it was cold enough to freeze the grease on the striking apparatus of the town clock, ho that while the rest of the clock ran as usual, the striking ap paratus ceaecd about midnight to tell the hour. headache or rheumatism. Don't cry. Tears do well enough in novels, but they are out of place in real life. Learn to meet your friends with a smile. The good humored man or woman is always welcome, but the dyspeptic or hypo chondriac is not wanted anywhere, and he is u nuisance an well. The Telegram says a Seattle syndicate has purchased the hull and cabins of ...i... i ,,f ,i nut I cuhuiis in utu jJiujiriltri rLcrwuui Inland Flyer, which was built in Port-' land in 1898 to run between that city! Ituck From tlm I'lilllppln."., We have a nice little home in the ! The Dalles. She will be towed pines for sale, consisting of very neat around to the Sound and placed on u House, lately built, near to Dalles high "m there. It is understood negotiations school and academy. This would be a "l pending for the purchase of the Imr.-aii. nt. !no. We are instructed to steamer ueiianoe. 1 he Seattle men are take one hundered and twenty-live dol- unxious to secure two steamers For further par- ' emergency work in their locality. The Hudson A JSrown- Inland Flyer was built at the Supple lars ($12.j) mutt cuxh. ticulurs call and see I yards for The Dalles, Portland &. Astoria IlenrvMaier has just received a letter aviBtion Co. She was fitted with ( ,.,i... it..v..ii ..i .1.:.. , pipe boilers and triple expansion en- which puts to rest the .apprehension that was felt regarding him on the ru mor that he was dead. The letter is dated at Victoria, Tarlns, Luzon, P. I.,; October 10, 1900. .McNeil was then in good health and was a member of Co. K, 12th U. S. Infantry. Captain Wainright, U. K. A., is in Union county looking after .the pur chase ol fiOOO head of horses for tho gov ernment service in the Philippines. Horses for cavalry service must bo from live to seven years old, weight from 000 to 1050 pounds, height H.li to 15.2 hands. For such horses the government pays from $f)5 to $80. In the circuit court the hearing of the action for contempt of court, entitled State of Oregon ex rel. IJemard Warren, vs. Frank Dovenport, .was put oil' till tomorrow. In this action the defendant is charged with having violated an order of the court forbidding him to take water out of a certain irrigating ditch in the Hood Rlyer country. Negotiations wore on foot today looking to the settlement of the case outside tho court. Two car loads of fat hogs were shipped th'iH morning from the company's stock yards to Troutdale. Nearly a hundre I of them belonged to John and W. H. Furlow and John Ledford, of the Winnie country, and were driven to town. Tho rest belonged to .1. R. Woodcock, Davo Campbell, Will Norval, Gluts. Wing, R. U. Driver, of Wamic, and Louie Delco, of Wapinltin. They were purchased by Roe Grimes for the Union Meat Com pan Tho prfco for most of them wbb f!.7o, Four years ago such hogs were selling hero for .$2,75 a hundred. Learn to laugh, advises Woman's Life. A good laugh is better than med icine, Learn how to tell a story. A well-told story is ns uilcomo us a sun beam in a sickroom. Learn to keep your own troubles to yourself. The world is too busy to euro for your ills and sorrows. Learn to stop croaking. If yon cannot learn to see any good in the world, keep tho bail to yourself, Learn to hide your pains und actios un der a pleasant smile. No one cures to hear whether you huve the earache, fcines, and calculated to make 23 miles hm hour. Her owners calculated she would make a daily round trip between Portland and the Columbia river points. They were anxious for the tourist travel, and not the freight hueiness. On her Urial trip she developed a speed of 13 miles, and this was under forced draught. She was placed on the route, but ran only Frod Grunow, a Dalles boy who has grown up hero from early childhood, returned home from the Philippines last Friday after a service of three years in Co. A, 10th U. S. Infantry. Fred first saw active service in Cuba, where he fought at San Juan and Santiago. Afterwards his regiment was ordered to the Philippines and tiiere he continued in active pervice for nearly a year anil a half, until the three years for which he had enlisted had ended, when he and about ninety otherB were honorably dis charged and sent home on the transport j Logan. Fred's description of the islands eon- , uiuia in Hint uaa uccu aniu in lucu , ' richness, tie considers them a very valuable acquisition. As to their health- I , inees his own case proves that with I ordinary caie in the use of food and drink a white person need huve no in ordinate dread of the climate. Except for a very abort period his health was , good all the time. He says the insur- I rection, in the proper sense of that term, I is dead and has been dead for some time. There are no longer any huge 1 bands of insurgents. The Jadrones or j robber bands usually number from 100 down. They are simplv thieves and cut- Vogt Opera House, F. J. Clarke, Manager. i .. t i. -.,1 t .i intennediatelv for less than n veur. I lmu',tp ' "" . ..r ii. j : i... 4i ..r 4 i i She was returned to Portland and her i u l,,u ",J machinerv taken out and placed in what! cane- The ladrones have little mercy; is now the Reliance, 250 equare feet of I for H-V0,le blU ,,,e-v ,,ftVH olutely no heating surface being added t0 her ; compassion for a native who is suspected I hollers when changed to the new craft. ' of friendliness to the Americans. Apart i.i i,u .,!,.,.! !. from the ladroues the natives are die- ' VtltCI 1I1UI-M I 111 I J 1 lit WV JMIH-t'l 114 IUU THURSDAY, Nov. 22 BEACH & BOWERS Big Consolidated MINSTRELS Witt) the Best Company they ever owned. 60 fill White People 60 3 Cars 3 Bands 3 Everything new this season. New Acts! New Faces! New Ideas ! If you want to see a Real Minstrel show come and see us. Positively the largest and most expen sive niinstiel company every organ ized. Watch for the Bij Parade at I p. m. Prices 25, 50 and 75c. Tickets can bo procured at Clnike it Falk's. Tho only store It this city where tin Oenulne Imported Stransky-Stect Ware ia sold. A little higher in price, but outlastf a dozen piecesof so called cheap euam cled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look like it, butt hegenii ino Una the name Stransky -Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at iC International Ebi bitions II it'll eat award at World s Columbian Eslubi tion, Chicago Pre ferred by the lest cookingaiithoritteB, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST, Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported foraud sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb fjrease, does not discolor nor catch inside, i fruits oc vegetables, will hot). Sit- ..--i and bal:1. withou t imparting flavor ol previously coo 1: o (I food and will last foi years. 00- Wo cau tion ill, public f i MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Horseshoe?. . All kinds of blacksmithing will receivo prompt attention and will be executed in first-class shape. Give him a call. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. TURKEY SHOOT A. Y. MARSH will give a turkey shoot on the beach Throe Days Nov. 27th, 28th and 29th There will also be pigeon trap spooling at the same time and place. Flyer when she reaches the Sound posed to be friendly to the Americans,! I'tiUI'l.K COMINH A Sit (iOINCi George K. Patterson is the Umatilla House from Antelope Mr. and Mrp. I' red Houghton were pnsseniiers on tho afternoon train forfl i anil if the ladrones were once destroyed i I there would be little trouble in govern-1 ' ing the otheis. As to capacity of the j registered at j natives for self government, Mr. Grunow i ero)j thinks the idea ridiculous. An 1 aid I it it Wi'ilillui;. rj? One thousand styles and sizes, ifPrVr! Fr cooking and heating. $MM . . ... r CRiOTCXi There was a wedding in -Indian society Portland. Jotiu Minto, of Portland, was in town today on business connected with the ; last Sumlay night at the tepee in Deiwl internal revenue department. j ,., c.invon, savs the Lakeview Kxam- M. Moran and Win. Mulligan, ofiiner. Mr. Poody, the bean brummel of ! Centeryille, wmo in town last night, tho I ,ed society, took to his bosom Mrs. Po-1 Steel Ranges Cait nanaea i guests of the Umatilla House. ker Jennie, a blushing young widow of live months. The all'Air was fittingly M. .M. Warner, of Goldendale, was In i -. 11 a .1... ,T . . . .'. 1 ,A' . celebrated with lireivater and dried lish, Richardson he loft for homo on the noon "tiui,!l "I wit't a fight in which train. C ASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho gigtmturo of U4 If you have damlrutr, your hair is falling out. Use Cocoiuiut Cream. For sale at Frnzor's barber shop. nO-Itn Acker's Knglish Remedy will atop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold lu twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. ISIukoley tho druggists. Clark ilc Falk are never closed .Sunday, Dju't. forget this. Mahala Maggie went out before the ' whirhvind iiish"S of Mary Cacatat, wife Itl,. (-.,,,....,. .,.,,1 r.wC... ! band of the defeated Maggie, bit tho ! dust from a blow with the deadly right of Marshal Whorton, who was called to ' quell the riot. As u result of the latter iBcrnpo John nurses a sore bend on the soft side of a plank inside the Tombs (our beautiful county jail? while tho , marshal carries a bandage around his right baud, upon which he is occasim ally seen to pour copious drops of liquid resembling arnica. It was a hiyu big time. IS, $10 and $H.',50 will buy some of jthe swelleflt box coats ever shown jn 1 no i;aues. lhe j-air. JVorldl Floral lotion will cure wind chapplug and sunburn, Manufactured by C'arice A Falk. The genuine all bear the above Traie.Mark7 ana are sum wun a wruini guarunicc. j-j ri.i n..!- n! r li!.. mftA Awaraea nrsi vim raris cxpusmun isuu OVER ALL THE WORLD. Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere, ' rn, . ll I.! (-. -. Madoouly uy i no juiuiiiuuu nunc voinimiiy. liurgebt MBkiira of Btuvua and Hunaea In tho World. Oak Stove St SOLE KCENTS,