The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 20, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
- - NOV. '-'0, 1900
wnr is low.
"Washington wheat is selling on
to 10 cents. Therefore r0 cents
the Liverpool price goes to the rail
road, the ocean carrier ami the uitd-
healthy appearance you should try! A "TYfr,-,,!. PrnKlnm
Acker's lllood Elixir. It cures all blood JlmCUlC rODlClTl.
diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and j It is among the moat dlllicnlt prob-
n ..nllu.l MnrtlUva fll . k.imvlm. fl.laivo IctHS Of MtftUntl SCiCllCO for OI1U tO beCOIUtl
,,' i ... ' .. r, . expert in foveral lines. J. E. Adeox A 1
, sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. c , ,.omn,lllltlin, h.v .,...;
uianeiey, tiuMtruggiat. como tii dillicnlty in a practical man-
, ' ner. J. E. Adrnx is nn expert watch-'
Drying itrpnrations simply dovel-' maker and is good on jewelry, optical j
the 1 ivernnol market i round 00 cents op dry catarrh; thoy ilry up tuo secretions, " ;
lite l.n crpooi nrnruLi around jo lcihs tll,ueJllbJrtU0 mlll ,iecoln. . Liol.e is an expert optician and is good !
por bushel. Tlie price in the Palousc ' pose, causing a far moro serious trouble than on watch repairing:, jewelry work and
undllig Hand country chna. close ordinfonn of -trh Avoid aU dry ing Their Pri-,
of ! nud uso that which cleanses, soothes and t are prepareil to do all work in Ibutr
heals. JilvK Cream iiaitn is sucn a remedy eucriii mic?, uu enun nuiu;i. ..mix
ami will euro catarrh or cold in tho head , sent by mail or express will receive
easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo I promptf attention. Sign, "lii Ked
(llctucn. savs the Simkcsman-Revie w "Wllctl lor 1U cems- Ml urugRtsts sen mo " ..
Uiemcu, saj5 Uie 3poivC$inan lC5V-, 50o8iz?t ElyBrothcr GC Warren St., N.Y.
irritate or cnuso sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated ami angry surface, reliev
ing immediately the- painful mllanimation
This is abnormally high toll, and
accounts, in part, for the ruling low
price of wheat in this section. The
Oregoniau prints a table, giving the
Portland price of wheat since 1890:
is1."? .
$0..-4a ImU
.! lf'.L'
.::! imu
to II
With Elv's Cream llalui you aro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Ilay Fovcr.
rrlvuto School Day or I-ivonliiR.
.fO.liJ 3
. . .4$ Avcrnce...
The Portland quotation
was 5'1 to 514. The ruling price is
therefore about 8 cents below the
Persons desiring instruction in Eng
lish branches, ornamental penmanship,
short hand, slude-pen writing, free-
hand drawing, book-keeping, higher .
Friday I mathematics, vocal music, etc., pleasel
call first door second lloor west oi Our-
tiss' mill, Second street. Foreigners I
tatirht to read and write Kticlish in a!
general average for the past uecaite. i en. egson? CHOCOLATE
Tlir. lrtrll.,,irl nnnor n II 1 n t n Hint1 -CO,lf. ' V Kui;, WUVVVWM
I! nonts nf this loss is diroctlv the ! .... '. I BON BONS-
I hen vou cannot sleep tor couuninp, i
result of high ocean rates. Others j itis h.miiv neCessary that any one should ( DIRECT from the FACTORY !
liavc calculated that the high ocean tell you that you need a few dose9 of ; EASTERN PRICES 1
rates account for a loss of S or 10 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay j
s lint ween ' 1'f'iaiiuii ui uic uiiu.u, .win iiiiiivc i
sleep possiote. insuoou. iry it. ror
$ i .oo per month.
Strictly llrnt clacH local and long
dlHlatici telcplioui) eervleu within
your lioinu.
l.lm.'sdo not croHS-talk. Your con
vernation will ho kept a Hiicrut.
No cost for installing.
You got the standard Hunniiig
Long Distant Instrument..
Continuous day and night. Hcrvico.
Wo will accept your contract for
ton years and allow you to cancul
same on giving us thirty davH writ
ten notice
sale by Hlakeley, the druggist.
cents, or even more
the highest ocean rate paid this
season, and the lowest paul in some j
seasons, there is a difference of 1G Acker'. Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
, , , . a positive guarantee. Cures hert-burn,
nnn to Mticlial Sill t nrf unV . .
v...o i raising of the food, distress after eating,
carrying wheat from the Columbia j or any forn, 0f dyspepsia. One little
Tiver to Livernool for about 47 shill-' tablet gives immediate relief. L'o cts.
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
Jast What
Htcaiacrs of tin- ltcKiitntur Line will run ns vcr thufol 'j
nwiiiK selicdiilc, the t'oniiiiniy roervlng tlio rlnlit to chut:j?c ' J
tc'.idiile xtitaoat nntlco.
You u-tant. Ijj
Str. rtoKiilntor
ings per ton. At one
season the rate was up to 52s Gd,
which was equivalent to about .'17 V
cents per bushel. In past years
charters have gone as low as .'50
shillings, the equivalent of about
21 i cents per bushel.
The question is often asked by
farmers and others: "What causes
time this I nnd o0 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
;i House
You will not 'nave boils if vou
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
1 The undersigned has taken possession
! of R. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to
I the Vogt opera house, and has pur-
A full line of Eastman nlni3 and sup-1 chased the tools and ladders. Ho has
plies just received by Clarke & Falk. 'good mechanics working for him, and
The largest and most complete line of j will guarantee all work to give satisfac-
fall and winter millinery ever displayed 1 tion.
in the city at the Campbell & Wilson ;
the prevailing high charges for ocean J millinery parlors. The prices will sell !
carriage?" The answer will be ",e r"UU3' ol'l
found in a complication of adverse Why pay l.7o per gallon for inferior,'
. ' , paints when yon can bnv James E.
influences, tirst, the excessive tie-1 Patton,8 g(Ul proof paint9 for .50 per1
mand for ocean carriers, arising gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & I
from our war in the Philippines, the j Fa!k- agents. ml
Uritish war in South Africa, and in- At the popular millinery parlors of
. .. , . ni . tCarnpbel & 1 eon can be found a 11 the 1
ternational operations in China. , ' . . . ... . . ,
1 latest Unrigs m street bats, trimmed,
Second, the discovery and e-, hat9 cli,ldrens school hats, and alsoi
velopment of extensive nitrate beds tam-o'-shanters. I
on the coast of South America. This Hustling young man can make f60 per
nitrate is wanted in Europe as land j month and expenses. Permanent posi- J
fertilizer, and sailing vess'ls which I tion- Experience unnecessary. Write 1
X U0., '
lit 7 A. M.
J; TttCMliiy
i; Tlmi .
' Siiiurilay .
f; Arr. rurtliiiul
J. at 1 :) 1: i.
Ship your
11' "1 M.
.rr WmI Regulator Line.
II .1 1'. M.
l.v. Dalles
lit 7 A. i.
1'tlilnv. . .
Arr. I'lirllaiiil
1 at I :M i'. M.
DnIUiB City. 4
IT. '4
. I'lirttaml ,j
at 7 ui a, .v.
Tnwlay 'H
TIiWkIdv ,3
i-iiturilny 3
Air lMllt4
ui .r x.,5
r '
J Travel liy tin' Htt'iimcr-ol the Itiniiliitor l.lno. The Ciiiiitmnv will eiulenvnr to rIvc lt juit
jj runs tin- htht fcivl'V iMi-slbie I11 further Information niiii's
jj l'orlliuiil Olllcif. Oak Hlrcct Dock W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. At. ,J
, , New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as wo are showing novor be-
fore graced a single stock, lteal imita
tion creton effects at ordinary pricey.
' Good papers at cheap paper priced.
I Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yourH
, for a email price, at our store on Third
' street. Also a full line oi house iuiintH.
D. "W. TATTSE, Third St.
formerly carried wheat between
Pacific coast and
:i. f ......
lift I l1'!- lul iaillk,l4lltl5i
I Knnrtli iinil Locuat Streets.
Liverpool werPhD,UiPai
drawnioff to carrv nitrate. '
------- - - - ,
Philadel- j
sS-tf i
Copyrights &c.
Anrnno fcnillMi! n t-kctrli ami description mv
quickly n?pcrtalii our opinion free whether 11
Invention 11 probntilv paipntablc. ''onimisnlrf.
ilonsnrlctlyconudeiitliil. Handbook on Patents
scot free. OMcst inrency for securlni; patents.
l'atci.'s taken tUrouzli Munn & Co. rvcelvu
trccial notice, without charire, In the
Scientific American.
A handfomclr Illntratp1 weekly. Lnrcest fir
'illation of any seientttlf Journal. Terms, t.'l n
yean four months, fl. Sold byall newKlealer.".
MUNN SCO.30'8-New York
llraucb Hflleo. C5 I' fU Wcshluxton, 1). I'
Third, the circumstance that some
vessels which came to this coast to
load wheat discovered that they
could do better loading' lumber.
The ocean rate seems beyond con
trol of the people of this state. It
must be left large!' to its own solu
tion. The end of the South African
Clarke & Falk have received a carload I
of the celebrated .lame E. Patton
strictly nure liquid paints
FRENCH & CO., r p . I . w
bankers. IpineTailoriDd
Letters of Credit issued available in tho
Eastern States.
war, the suppression of the Filipino1 Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
rebellion and tho restoration nf I Tran8,era eold on New York, Chicago,
rcuenion, and tne restoration ot gt Lo( gan FrAncigC0i portiand Ore
stable government in China will jron, Seattle Wash,, and various points
rnlenso rnunli tonnnnp nn1 t.-iwl fn ' 'D Oregon anu V asningion.
A complete line oi Fall and Winter
Suitirms, Pantings and Overcoating, now
on display. 100 different varieties to se
lect from.
..cflfls. mu-
and Farmer's
KiM-iH on ilruiiKht tho eclebrnttit
(;t)I.U.MllIA ItKKU, iickiiow;
c lKiit the he st beer In Tho l)iilli",
nt the usual price. Come in, try
It anil he cotivlnreil, AIhi the
Kliitt hrautln of Wluus, Uiuor
ami (,'iKurn.
of till K i nils ahuiys on hninl.
liivu.i iuiiiiuui: aim luiiu iu , " ....i.. ..11
restore the normal rates for ocean orable terms.
carriage. The construction of the " NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT.
JNlCaragUa canal would be another! Notice Is hetehy clvcn tint tlie undyrsluncil V. "..,'
. L. ' has duly flleil with tho County Ulerk of Vatco
important factor. 1 County, Orexon, his tlinil account iiml report us
I administrator of thocluto of Aiiolplt Ak'liJIus, I
Mllli: measure Of tellCf, tllOUgll, ileeeael, mul that the Honorablo Colinly Court , TT O
, . , ,,,,,, , has fixed Monilaj,the5th day of November, llio, I .
Can be found and sllOUld be found tn 1 at 10 o'clock a m.of aldday as the time, imdli
just legislation reducing the railroad
Suits, $20 ad up.
Call and examine goods before going 1
elsewhere. Second street, opp. Mavs
! J. H. bClllt.NCK,
charge from the wheatfields to tide
water: The railroads now exact V2:l
cents per bushel for this haul. Each
cent of reduction would pass im
mediately into the price of wheat in
.Eastern Washington.
In the
volume of
last fifteen months Hie
currency in the United
at 10 o'clock a m. of aid day as the time, and I
tho Court tv Court room of tho Countv Court
bouse in iJallfsclty, Wawo County, Oregon, as I . A
tlie place for JiearltiK aid final account and re-1 I Tl Ij 1 I 'Ita tl
port. All persons interested in said cttnto are 1 AtXJL. 9
hereby notified to appear at naid time and place 1
and fcli'iw enuse, it any there be, why said report !
khoiiW not be approved and s,aid ttdminiMrator j ,
'"jj&thlsSth day of October, o0. B 1 30 KS Ml it tl
Administrator of tboestatuof Adolph AgldliiB,
defeaned. octO I
Notice is hereby given that tho undersfitned
linn duly filed with tlio county e'erk of Wasco
county, Oregon, Ids final account and report as
executor of the citato of l'hocbe J, Halght, de j
eeahcd ; and that tlie honorablo county court has ;
iixcu Jioimay, tnooin any 01 Mivempcr, r.100, m
First National Bank.
; A General Banking Business transacted
Depoaite received, aubjeut to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeda promptly
1 remitted on dav of collection.
I Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and ''ort-
, Ed. M. YVh.mamh, Gko. A. Likhk.
H. M. liKAM..
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?n kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SfWfSo
Headquarters for "Byers' Best"-Pendle-
QT1 FlOUr '''"l,r ,rt nianiifacturetl expressly for famllr
A inn: every Hack iH guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Wfl sell our goods lower than any limine iu the tratle, and if you don't tlunkeo
call and got our nrices and bit convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whea.t, Barley and Oats.
Wagon Shop,
Horseshoeing. XHB CBllll PaCRiBS CO.,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. packers of
States has expanded at the rate of ; w o'clock a. m.of miii day as the tine, ami tho I 1 D D lr n DETETC
HearO 9 u.;,uou eaeu uuy, or tuutt , J07, iid Hnal SmMi.t and're;tr ,
of over 180,000,000.
capita man can rest easy.
The per 1
All nerfcoiiu interested In said Oktato arc here
by uoliuud to atiticar at bald tlino and nlaco and
flow cause. If any thero he, why hald rexirt
I bnoiiiu not iki iippruvcHi iiim b.uo executor ins-charKeil.
Uiited this win day ottientemwr. l'.xw.
I ........ A .U I 111. .... I (i..l....
of a bale of 'jotton was i'2u. Last deceived. ocw
Four years ago the averago price
year it was $30 ant! now the figure! xotI0KFOH l'L'ULICATiOX. "
is frlO, nn advance of a hundred per, uu orncis at 'Iiik imllkk, ok.,
. , ,. . ,. . October, a, I'.kkj.
Cent, Iind there IS IIO UOttOll trust , Notice Ik licrehy civen that tho following.
... I named pettier lias fllml notice oi ills Intention
e litter. , to make Dual tiroof In million of his claim, ami
that iiald proof will be inudu before the remitter
and receiver at The fallen, Oregon, on Wednes
day, December h, IIHW, vJz.i
Henry U. SIoKamay,
of 'the Dulles Oregon, II. U. No. :W), for thu
tiKli Stc. '.'1, T a N, it 12 E, 'A' M.
lie names the followlnR wltnces tn ytovu
iilk coutiiiuous retidence ujou ami cultivation
of hald land, viz.:
Manic Latiler, Jaiiien li. bteele, l.rlo liraliimid,
Ice Cream and !Flne Lard a"d Sasaees
Ovster Parlors I Cuieis of BRAND
fetiing from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots and Shoes, ut much less than wholesale
prices. Will eell in hulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must be closed out "before 30 days.
All goods will bo sacrillccd except Thomp'on'fl Glove-fitting directs
and Ibitterlck Patterns. Your prices will bo mine. Call early and secure
(Jornor Second and Court Sts.
J. E. FALT & CO.,
of H""l",a Commercial Sample Rooms.
9 Purest Liquors for Family Use ?
Dolivonid to uliy pari of tlio City.
173 Second Street.
Til Local,
iS5S Long iJlatancc
Your fttcti
Shows the otate of your feelings and the
state of your health ad well. Impure
blood makee itself apparent in a pale
nil sallow complexion, Pimples and
6kin Eruptions, If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
Albert IMvfdton, all nf The Dalle, Oregon.
ccU'7 JAY i'. J.OCAS, Itcgliter.
Mrs II. L. Jouea lias opened ice
cream and oyster parlors in Carey Hal
lard's old stand. .She carries
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Cigars.
The place has been thoroughly ren
ovated, and a share of the public patron
agu is solicited.
Open till 12:00 P. M.
tin nimiixi ..o
nmiT PlinplM, Pftot
I lllon.ii..,, I'urllrtuuiilood,
a :"."" '".'".' Fiwi'.i. h
SAY! Lend Me Your Ear!
W , 1)0 -v,"i Itnow that John I'ashok. tho tailor, is agont for two of
jjfe tho largunt merchant tailoring hmieeH iu America?
Do vou know iiml I lit will LUill ltill n t,tll imulo tt ttstlll- inlr. ILfl
.'. . "HI evil J (III t nilll'i 1IHI1IIJ III JfWM ...-
uiicapi H the hand. n.o.ilovvn, reatly-inaihi. you buy iu the stores, and
guarantee a lit or no sale? ' '
Do you know that ho has already on hand for the coining fid I
ant winter trade the liandfoiueHt and finest line of samples over shown
in lilt) ImIIch?
JOHN PASHEK, Merohant Tailor, Agent, f