The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 20, 1900, Image 1

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eh c D a II cg
NO. 393
Promises to He the Must Memorable of
the Session Question of Fortilka
Nkw Youk, Nov. 1!). Plans are being
made by the administration, according
to a Washington dispatch tn tho Herald,
to press with vigor for the ratification l)y
the senate of thu Hay-Paiinoi.'fnte treaty,
in its original form as t ho first Htup tow
anlH constructing un isthmian canal.
This action In likuly tn precipitate one
of thu momornblo contests of thu coiuiiiir
eeBHioii of congress. Opposition to the
treaty la based on tin; fuel that it pro
vitli'H that no fortifleationB Hball be t;r'i;t
ed on tho canal. Tin; Hepburn bill,
which Iiuh passed the. House, providee
for thu construction and protection by
the secretary of war of a Nicaragua cum).
In addition, Senator Davis has brought
before thu senate from the committee on
foreign relations an amendment that
nothing in the treaty shall re-tricl mens
ores which this United Suites may find
necessary for tho defense of tho United
The Davis amendment wad copied from
tlm tenth clause, of the Constantinople
treaty eceuring the neutrality of the Suez
canal. General John A. Kasson.of Iowa,
special commissioner, and formerly min
ister of tho United Statin to Germany
and Austria, supports thu Hay-Pannce-fote
"It is manifestly absurd to attempt to
tuaku private national 'snap' of tho ex
clusive control and use of a treat intur
oceauie waterway," said he in an Inter
view. "To establish such conditions by
law would be a challenge to all nations
to combine ngainst us and to compel us
to do what we ought to do in the spirit
of modern civilization, and in reciprocity
for tho privileges which wo enjoy in the
Kastoni world."
No predictions can he tuadu as to tho
vote on tho treaty.
Htory uf u HIhvk.
To bo bound bund and foot for yearB
by the chains of disease is thu woret
form of slavery. George D. Willinnie, of
Manchester, Mich., tells how such ui
flluvo waB made free. Ho Bays: "My i
Tlio Kind You Have Always
iu U8e lor over au years,
- umi lias ueeu inuue unuer m iiw-Cyyt--
Honul supcrviHion since its infancy.
74CUM' Allow no one to deceive you in this.
ah fim,.,nr.,nu fuiitiitlntitt
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the healtli of
Iulimts and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
Boric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
.oontalns neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotic
tmbstance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Feverisliuess. It cures Dlarrhoua ami Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Clilldreu's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
TUe Kind You Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
wife has boon ho helpless tor flvn years
that she could not turn over in tied alone.
After using two bottles of Electric
Ultturs, shofs wonderfully improved and
able to do bur own work." This suprotne
remedy for female diseases quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
hoadacho, backache, fainting and dizzy
spells. This miracle working medicine
is a L'odsend to weak, sickly, run down
people. Kvory bottle guaranteed. Only
60 cents. Sold by IJIakeley, the Drug
gist. (5
KllliilutiH Wilt lie Sliiiuii No Mercy.
Nkw Youk, Nov. 11). Forbearance
has ceased to hu a military virtue in the
Philippines, according to news that
comes from thu war department. So
says a Washington dispatch to the Ilor
ald. J.ord Kitchener's plan of opera
tinns in South Africa, harsh though it
appears to be, appeals to officials of the
war department, and during the coming
campaign in the Philippines no mercy
is to hu extended to those in active re
bellion or who give aid and comfort to
the insurgents.
The administration, according to a
high nflicial, has become weary of the
loinr-drawn-out war. It has been con
ciliatory in dealing with tho insurgents,
and the efforts to accomplish peace by
this menus have met with contempt. It
is now proposed to give them a tntitu of
real war, and though the innocent may
sillier, it is only by thiB means, it is be
lieved, that the guilty can be reached.
When Secretary P.oot returns to Wash
ington dual instructions will he cabled
to Major-General MacArtliur relative to
the operations to be conducted. There
is reason to believe t lint General Mac
Arthur contain plateH devoting his prin
cipal attention at nrsi to tne nortnern
part of Luzon. Agninuldo is believed to
he in the mountain" of Henguet.
There is no nleasure in life, if yon dread
going to the table to eat und can't rest
at r.inht on account of indigestion.
Henry Williams, of Boonville. Ind., soys
hu suffered that wav for vnarp. till he
commenced the use Kodol Dyspepsia
cure, and adds, "Now I can eat anything
I like and all 1 want and sleep soundly
every nivht." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
will digest what you eat. Suld by Clarke
& Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Don't Kill, It In,
Jmt wet thu afflicted part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
i und tho pain !b gone. Sold by Clarke &
Bought, and which has been
ims uorne mo hikuuiutu w
mid ".TiiHt-as-trood" are but;
Signature of
usual share this season
each. All pure white cotton Oiling. Cheaper grades eell at $1.50, $1.25, $1.00
and 75c each.
Cotton Blanket Sheets, per pair 60c
Heavy Wool Socks...
With good high tops; double
Beainless. Special, per pair
Four pairs for 00c.
Thanksgiving Linen Sale Still
OBrniHiiy'H Appetite for Hourbon.
New Youk, Nov. 19. A special to the
World from Washington says: Ger
many is rapidly becoming a nation of
whieky drinkers, according to the report
of Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Wilson. More distilled spirits are ex
ported from this country to Get many
than to any foreign country. The Ger
mans, apparently, are partial to bour
bon whisky in preference to rye. Dur
ing the year ending June 30, 1900, 411,
189 gallons of bourbon, and 137,578
gallons of rye whieky were eent to the
German Empire.
Africa buys more rum from the united
States, and leads the list in the exporta
tion of that article, having been sup
plied witli .'157,709 gallons. England
ranks next in the consumption of Amer
ican rum, with 303,5:!4 gallons. Very
little whisky distilled in the United
States is sent to England. The report
shows that the subjects of the queen
bought only 787 gallons of bourbon and
2822 of rye.
The only countries which did not buy
any American whisky were Japan,
Spain mid Vonezuola. The Philippine
Islands are beginning to use the Ameri
can product, as 11,261 gallous of bourbon
aud 3822 gallons of rye were shipped
there during the last fiscal yeBr. Japan,
Canada, Central America, Mexico and
China were the largest users ot alcohol.
Dr. W. II. Lewie, Lnwrenceville, Va.,
write?, "1 nut using Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure in my practice among severe cases
of indigOftion and tind it an admirable
remedy." Many hundreds of physicians
depend upon the use of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure in stomnch troubles. It digests
what you out, and allows you to eat all
the good food you need, providing you
do not overload your stomach. Gives
instant relief aud a permanent cure.
Sold by Clarke & Falk.
You ran't ail'ord to risk your life by
allow ing u cough or a cold to devolop
into pneumonia or consumption. One
Minute Cough Cure will euro throat and
lung tiouhUe quicker than any other
preparation known. Many doctors nee
it as a HpecUic for grippe. It is un in
fallible remedy for croup. Children like
it and mothers endorse it. Sold by
Clarke A Falk's P. 0. I'lmrniacy.
Mokl Tea positively cures Sick Head
uche, indigestion and constiputlon. A
delightful herb drink, Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded, 25 cts.
and 50 cte. Blukeley, the druggist.
People who want the best of everything come
here. Past experience has assured them that the
best does not necessarily mean the highest price,
however not if they come here for it.
The very best Downelene Comforts made
can be bought here at each $3.40
Other erades at $2.95, $2.45. $2.00 and $1.65
Winter Suits
If you want a suit or an overcoat, as everyone does about now, the particular reason for get
ting it here is that it will be right. It will be right in fit, Unions and finish , as well as in price. It
will he as good n suit or coat as can be made for the money ; and that means a good investment and
not a "" speculation.
Williams & Co. Suits and Overcoats have a reputation to lose and we will
see that thev do not lose it.
Our All-Wool Cassimere
Suits at $10.00
Are made differently, better, than those
you Bee at other stores. Every suit is built
right and sold with the undeistanding that it
muBt give satisfactory wear. Twelve styles to
select from.
Black Clay Suits all worsted fast black
cob's warranted. A new line just opened.
Per suit $10
heel ond toe;
Wind and Waterproof Mittens
Closely knit ot all-wool yarns, with high and
tight-fitting wrists, thick roll to keep cold air out
of eleeve; interlined with rubber cloth, .pair 50c
Filipino lIunhwliBCkem.
New Yokk, Nov. 19. Colonel Ernest
Girlington, U. S. A., inspector-general
in the Philippines, was among the arri
vals on the liner New York, from South
ampton. He has been in Germany
since May. He will soon return to the
Philippines and resume his official du
ties. Referring to the state of affairs in
the islands, he said that he had been
away from his post eo long that he was
unable to express any decided opinion
on the question.
"The backbone of the rebellion has
been broken for some time," he added,
"and the only trouble now s to bring
bushwhackers aud malcontents to bay.
As to how long that will take 1 do not
Southern California,
Notable among the pleasures afforded
by the Shasta Route is the winter trip;
to Southern California and Arizona.
Renewed acquaintance with this section
will ever develop fresh points of interest
added sources of enjyuieut, under itB
sunny ekies, in the variety of its indus
tries, in its proiiDc vegetation and among
its numberless resorts of mountain,
shore, valley and plain.
The two daily Shasta traius from
Portland to California have been re
cently equipped witli the most approved
pattern of standard and tourist sleeping
cars, but the low rules of fare will still
continue in effect.
Illustrated guides to the winter resorts
of California aud Arizona may be had
on implication to
C. II. Makkiiam, G. P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
Many people worry becaueo they be
lieve they have heart dieeaee. The chances
arts that their hearts are all right, hut
their stomachs aie unable to digest food.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what yon
eat and prevents the formation of gas
.which makes the stomach press against
tho heart. It will cure every form of
indigestion. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P.
0. Pharmacy.
Do not get Feared if your heart troubles
you. Moat likelp you suffer from in
digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di
g?sts what you eat and gives the worn
out stomach porfect rest. It is tho only
preparation known that completely di
gests all classes of foods; that is why it
cures the worst cases of indigestion and
stomncl. trouble after everything else
lias failed. It may be taken in all con
ditions and cannot help but do you good,
Sold by Clarke & Fulk.
Cold weather is due, and
Positive, Practical,
Perpetual Protection....
Against cold is insured the wearers of our
underwear. This popular department is a model of
completeness for variety of grades and stvles and
prices. Now is hiizh time to "change." and enoueh
change caved hereon these goods to supply your
suinmer underwear for next year.
Two eood numbers :
Gray natural wool undershirts and
drawers ; eood, warm and non-skrink-ing
; men's sizes per garment $1 .00
and Overcoats.
Our All-Wool Black Kersey
Cloth Overcoat at $8.50
Is what you are asked $10 for elsewhere.
Couldn't sell them ii any less ourselves if we
hadn't hought an ui'iipually large quantity of
them lnet year. Our foresight is your gain.
We Elill have a few of those i xtra pood
ulsters at ten dollars.
On. Brisk Selling Every Day.
Hlfcinark'K Iron Nerve.
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley's
drugstore. G
If you have ever seen a child in the
agony of croup you can realize how
grateful mothers are lor One Minute
Cough Cure which gives relief as soon as
it is administered. It quickly cures
coughs, colds and all throat and lung
troubles. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. 0.
DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve will
quickly heal the worst burns and scalds
and not leave a Ecar. It can be applied
to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt
aud soothing effect. Uee it for piles aud
skiu d!seaees. Beware of worthless
counterfeits. Sold by Clarke & Falk's
P. 0. Pharmacy.
An Astonishing But True Story
' My home is in Sidney, Ohio. I have been nearer death with consumption
than any other living person in tho world, and I want you to read this, so you
can tell others. I took a severe cold aud neglected it, 1 grew worse all the
time, and at the end ot
two years I had run into
consumption. I coughed
terribly, lost llesh, could
not sleep, and became so
dreadfully weak that I
had to take to bed. In
the following eighteen
months I gradually
reached the last stages
of consumption. No less
than seven physicians
treated mo and all gave
mo up saying I was in
curable. I was absolutely
helpless. The whole fam
ily wore themselves out
caring for me. One day
mother and sister canjo
ii 1.n1cir1 ntlrl unwl
1 had but a day or two more to live. Tears rolled down their ehceki as they
sobbed tho news. Tho doctors had declared I was iu tho last stago, ami no
human being could save mo. I was willing to die, but before going to tho cruel
grave, 1 wanted to go out ana see my
They told mo such a thing was impossible that J would surely die before- I got
back. But I insisted, aud to gratify my dying wish, a carnage was fitted up
with a bed of pillows, and to tins l was carried ami siowiy ui vu
nnd Hum alive. Throuuh the mercy ot Provi
dence, someone brought a trial bottle
No one imagined for an instant it was
Mother got more of the medicine and I
as well as any reader of this paper, and tho niedicino that cured mo was
er's English Remedy for Consumption. I declare before God and man that
A ok
m'ori' M'irfl 1ir nrinti'ff is true."
TliU remarkable testimonial, on file In tlio ofllcc of Mensrs. H. Hooker Co., New York,
proprietors of Dr. Acker's Celebrated Hnlis1i Kemeuy, U vouched for by tuem, as well us by
urominent druguUts of Sidney, Ohio.
vVur'i FnulUlt Remedy U sold by all druwUU your money will tw re.
tttudVdln wie"j"uu boille lu f S, ,md Cu.uid.i.' Iu r.udaud l.Ilid.. ss, ad,. aud U. t-d.
For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy.
we will get more than our
All Grades.
Heavy ribbed, vicuna wool under
shirts and drawers ; right foranv man
doing outdoor work; garment 55I.OO
Ladies' Heavy -Knit Petticoats
In a variety of pretty colorings; a limited
quantity only at each 85C
- It Happened In a Drug Store.
"One day last winter a lady came to
my drug etore and asked for a brand of
cough medicine that I did not have in
steck," says Mr. C. R. Grandin, the
oopular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She
was disappointed and wanted to know
what cough preparation I could recom
mend. I said to her that Icould freely rec
ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and that she comd take a bottle pi the
remedy and after giving it u fair trial if
Bhedid not find it worth the money to
bring back the bottle and I would refund
the price paid, In the course of a day
or two the lady came hack in company
with a friend in need of a cough medicine
and advised tier to buy a hottle of Cham,
berlaln's Cough Remedy. I consider
that a very good recommendation for
the remedy." It ii for sale hy G. 0.
Blakeley, the dniuuiet.
Vui Httle,
A few choice Hereford bull calves eli
gible for registration. Inquire of
nl-ltdw J. L. Kki.i.y, Tho Dalles.
cieany uciuvuu wyu ' 5- V V I
of medicine said to be a consumption cure.
worth trying. But as a drowning person
took it, improving all tho time. loda i