THE HEALTH OF CUBA Distress after eating li rausl from tho stomach not fccf-ifming it work Immediately, until it get. to work ou foel d,s tressed tho foot! lays in your stom ach likn weight To start tllge'tion to mako the stomach Jo its work yon must nsist it it your stomach Is or blow to work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 tVn attar meata supplies the stom ach with necessary acids and juices which it iest tho food quickly in it proper manner To (jet tho best results uso Baldwin's Health Tablets Jo, 25 with the Dyspepsia Tablets. The Dyspepsia Tablets cost 10c and can be hid at Clarke & Falk. The Dalles. Orgon. Bad Climate Almost a the Past. Thing Lane, (iKSKUAl. Sill iltnrjr OlMi'rvnni'Pi llnve n Wonderful Clutn-cf In the Island Army .MtMllOlU. BiacKsmnn .AND. I People who are old enough to remem ber the preposterous ''Grecian benil" era, says the London Express, will be amused at a prophecy just tittered by one of the "queens of fashion'' of Dub lin foretelling the speedy return of this strangest of fashionable tricks. Already the foreshadowing of the craze is visible l'eople who knew Cuba in the days before the Spanish war. when there wji.-s elluw fever on the island at all tune.- of the year, and when there were few place.- there where people from t'ne north eould lie comfortably in the Minwni-r months, were pleasant I surprised to ee the member, of the : Kiirhth lookinir hale and rilin..t. nine i a., they would have looked after eanip tour at t'eek-kill. and sltouinfr none of the .-iirn- of the deadline. of ' the uban climate. Inquiry simmi' the I otlieer. and men demonstrated that ' the bail climate of Cuba is. to a threat j extent, a mutter of the past. It is just as warm then' as it ever was, nut I many of the cause., of diease have been removed or le.-sened t- such an i extent that they hae been rendered practically harmless, say the .Vow j York Tribune. j Dr. . r. Lawrence, assistant sur geon, wlio returned with the troops. smiiI: "'riii' iiiinriivoii'ent. in tln s:inl-! tary conditions have produ rreat ehauije for the bette tiire systems and eleanl ehans'pd the places in Cuba to an ex tent that is remarkable. In the town of Sntieti Hpiritus, which has a popn lation of about 12.."0(). tile death rate Horsesnoe r I Wngon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and JefTernn. Phone 159 rwvw f7 C. F. Stephens .Dealor in... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Ill me s.llll- j J Tclcph otlueeil the 1 M WiScci ter l)rain--v---liues have ' , in the drooping angle ot figure adopted i was -l.".i a month lnt year, and now it by certain ladies of fashion who like to j is about ;:;. The troops enjoyed jrood be well ahead of their neers. The atti- health in the place, and we rarely had tudoia not altos-ether voluntary, how I more nI1( V -' ever, observes the Dublin Evening ,i roll. I here are Telegraph. The newest French engines of torture for molding the feminine form are eo extremely rigorous in design Unit n forward lean on the part of the victim is utmost indispetiaible to the retaining of bteath. S.iid a wise old man to an editor wise enough to put it on record : ''Once I was young and now I am old, and I've never seen a girl unfaithful to her mother that ever came to be worth a one-eyed button to her husband. It isn't a guess. It isn't exactly in the Bible, but it is written larae and awful in the miserable life of a misfit home. I'm talking for the boys this time. If one of you boys ever come across u girl with her face full of ros-s who says as yon come to the door, 'I can't go for thirty minutes tor the dishes are not washed,' you wail for "that girl. You eit right down on the doorstep aud wait for her, before some other fellow can come along and carry her off, and right thete you have lost an angel. Wait for iier and stick to her." on the sum. occasional vellow I'reventfil a Irai-edy. Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of New Rtrattsville, Ohio, pre vented a dreadfui tragedy and saved two Uvea A frtv-litffll enn.rli liar! lrim" lfin t her awake every nirfht. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured -her, and ehe writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of Pnenmoniu. Such cures are positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing all throat, chest uud lung troubles. Only 50c and 41.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at I'.Ukelev'flDrug Store. 6 Hlieniiiiieii, Attentionl Hucks for Sale Having disposed of my breeding ewes j Wood purifiers, acting directly feer case, but they are sporadic, and not epidemic, and the dread of the ease has p;i.ed away." Dr. I. S Unfile-., who was stationed at Caibarien. and i)r. Shelly, wlitw work was at ,Mn tanas, made similar reports, but all ajrreetl that the facts that the troops from Cuba looked well and that the rate of mortality is low do not indicate that Cuba is ;i desir able place as a permanent residence for people from the north. With proper care and attention to the rules of diet anfi mode of life laid down by the army surgeons, they say, men may thrive in Cuba for a year or two. but after that time they will become thin blooded and malarial and it will be come more ditlicitlt for them to throw off the native fevers. For that reason nearly all physician., advocate the sys tem by which troops may be returned to the north after being' on the island 12 or Is months, having their places taken by men fresh from a more tem perate climate. In proof of the assertion that army methods do much to avert disease at the Cuban military stations, surgeons point to the fact that at all the posts the rate of mortality amrjiif,' the na tives is much in e.ce.s of that among the soldiers, and wherever a post lias been establish'! the general health be comes improved. Catarrh Cannot lie Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach tho seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it vou must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ip taken internally, and acta directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by ono of the best physicians in this country for yee-s, and iB a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with 1 1 Hoots, Shoes. Hts, Caps. Notions. Act. f J it I f i for V. I., llotmliis Shoe. ? J I ?t . . esse"- The Dalles, Qrjj if Axle 6hortcu3 J zz iis iiiKE,uaE 1LUU- m S I helps the team. Saves wear ami E '' C expense. Sold every where. ,. jK, STANDARD OIL CO. j ! I P""T ' ?" ! I ? j f .2 f ' ff V i i 1 ? ? I V 'I ft f ! Y !! I ? i ? ; I - ! i I ! si f f Sb i 1 I I I i f SE I I J ! If t ! i; 1 J ? 1 s v h m 4 ' 1 H I - - - m ! : t t M..IHI ; ; ; i i . ; i r 1 1 1 m m t i ; i t -i 1 1 1 1 1 to to Tho Dalian, Ott. The Chronicle, dob Printers. I I3E it 'at f rtiriTnTHTIftiriTTTUrTIIlTllIIITl'f J .1 NOTICE FOli PUllLICATION. L.ISI) Okfick at Vancouvei:, W. October Si!. 1000. Notice Is hereby clven that tho followlne iiameil settler has lilcd notlcoof his Intention tomiike II mi I proof in Mipport of his claim, and Mint Mid proof "'ill be made, before W. H. fren bv, V. S. commissioner for the District ol Washington, lit tioldendale, Wash., on Mondnv, Deceicber 10, l'.W, viz.. (if-orK It. Ht. Lawrence, of I.vle T. O.. Wash., who made II. K. No, 10,0a, for the WU SKU and K's HW;i seeSi.Tp 3N, K is k, w. m: He names the following witnesses to prove his fontliiiious rckidenco upon and cultivation of said laud, vii.; Thomas J. Wliltcotnb, licorgu Sorenson, 'ieo. ilradfnrci aud William l:aton, all of I.yle I". O., Wakhinston. 031 W. 11. DUNISAK ItCKister ADM INISTH ATOU'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby civen that tho imdursiKiieil has been itp(ioiiitil hy tho county court of Watco county, Oicgon, adniinitratur of the estate of Fruucli. Rus, deeeaMil. All jiercons h.iviiiK claims aKalnst tho ctte are hereby re i ill red to pivsvnt the same to me. duly verilleil, at thoollico of W. II. Wilson, in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from thed.ite hen)!. Dated November 10, UHJ0. OKO. V. ItOSS. novIO Admiiii-trator. todav. 1 have thirteen thoroughbred i on llie mucous surfaces Merino bucks for sale. These are choice, large and in fine condition, and will be cold cheap rather than keep them over. Inquire at Prospect Ranch, on the j DeschnteB divide, or of A. S. Roberts, box 507 , The Dalles. oUO -2 w Torturing skin eriiptioue, burns and ores are soothed at once and promptly healed by applying DeWitt'a Witch Il.izel Salve, the best known cure for piles. Ileware of worthless counterfeits. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Wanted. A woman or girl to take care child, live months old. Apply to I'. Hknsixh.-o.v, o3l3t Moiier, Or. of a The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. I'. J. Ciiknky & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggi-ts, price Toe. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Hlake Iey, the druggist. Rest values for the least money at the Xew York Cash Store. A special in A DM I N ISTKA TOR'S NOTICE. Notice i hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by tho county court of the ttato of Oregon, for ai-co county, adminis trator of the ftatc of Klizabeth A. Southern. deceased, All persons having claims against tne estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same, with the pmpcr vouchers therefor, to me nt my nttlcu in IIiwl, Oregon, within six month' from tho date hereof, Dated September 21, IW. C. II. HOI'TIIKItN. set'.'fi Adinliiivtrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have tiled with tl.u Clerk of the county court of tho htatuof Oregon for Wasco conntv.tliflr final act omit as executors of the last will ami testa ment oi llenry iiiiruum, uiccascd. and that Monday, the Hh day of November, 10CHJ, at the hour of lOo'cIoek u, in., has been llxtil by tho i.oimiy i-our. ioi -hh comity as ine lime, iiini the county court room In Dalles City as tlu place for hearing of objections to siid final ac count and the settlement of tho same. J. W. KltKNull, 1'. 1'. MAYS, sepl' . Kxecutorh. IT AT ArX rA-TAyAV Jk'VA' 1 Jkl ATATA AT-." ATA MlATAlA VA1 A lATATAVATA VA lA'AI A A-t ATj J. STUBhlflG, WllOI.lis I,K AND ItKTAM. Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. ,jT Scxl door to First National liank. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. jwi.rfri-tK-riLTjJ 4 .5 '2 J THE CELEBRATED .. .GOItUllfilA BREWEUY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United Htaten Health Reports for June 28. 1900, says : "A more HUputior brew never entered the lahratory of the United States Health report?.. It ih absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic iiualitiiiH are of the high est and it can be lined with the greatest benefit and satisfaction bv old and young. Its use can conscientiously bo prescribed by the plivsiciatiH with tho cereaiutv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. children's and misses last. Nasal aiti n n ii Wanted Men aud women of gocd wMIHIalaH character and references, to represent an j in all Its etages there established house, spleiided or.portunily i!loul1' cleanliness, for advancement. Address P. O. Hox Ely's Cream Hal in 587, Portland, Oregon, nuvl&.lmo i tieaiifcvootuesamihcaia I tho dUeacvd membrane. This is the season when mothers are neuron catarrh and drives alarmed on account of croup. It is ' Y ;ld la tho head quickly cured by One Minute Cough!' , ' Cure, which childten like to take. Sold by Clarke & Falk. shoee, while they mmmmmmmmm i Wo offer for a Hunted period the twlce-a-week Oiiiiosici.i:, jirlce $1,50, and the Weekly Oiegoiifan. price $1.50, IjoiIi papers for 2 a year, Subfcriitlona under this offer must bo paid in ad YUI1CI). tf r Clarke & Falk'tt liavoriug extracts are the best. Aftk vour erneer for them. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Cream Dnlm h placed Into tho nostrile, inreada over tuo mcmbrano and Is almorbcd. Itcllof lulm meillatoaudacurofollowii, It la not drying does not produca "mexlng. I.aro 8l.c, 60 cents at Drug gilts or by mall ; Trial Size, 14 cents by mall. H,Y JJiK)THKKS,50 Warren Wreet, New York. Children'-! and initsefc' shoes, spring heel, button or lace, beet dongola kid, foxed, elzss 5 to 7 at 00 cents; 8JJ and 1U to 13'i at $1,20; 1 to .'1 at $1.40. At the New York Cash Store. Extra gocd values at the New Vork Cash Store. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. U.H1 OKHCK AT TllK DAUKU, OllKfiO.S',1 October 1, 1!)0. ( Notice Is hereby given that the following named Kettler hastiUil notice of her Intention to make, final proof in support of her claiin, aud that said proof will bo made before tliu Kcglnter and Itecelver atl'hu Dallea, Oregon, on Wednet day, December, 0, law, viz- llHttlt) I.. Hiinily, of The Dalle", OreRon, II. K. Nc, MM, for tho '!,, htr 2, I - S, K li! K. W. M. Klie names tnnfollowlug ivltnesfces to prove her continuous letldence uion and cultivation of xnld laud, vii Frank lipler. of Tho Dallcn, Oregon, Albert i. McKnmey, of Mt. Hood, Oregon, Henry C Me Kaiiiey lirlo (iraiilund,o. Thu Dalles, Or. MM JAY P. I.I'CAH, Keglsler. AD.MINISl'KATOlt'.S NOTICE. In the County Court of tho ht tu of Oregon for i Hie County of Wasco. In thu matter ol thouttatoof 1miIh Schwa hacher, diceahcd. Notice Ih hereby glien that tho iinderkigned has been duly iippoluteil ml iiilulhtrator, with the will annexed, of Hit es tate of 1jiiIh achwubacher, deceiiMii, All per- Miiis nnviug ciaiiiih ugaiiibt I nu estate if mid ileceiihel aio Hereby notltled to jiresent tliem, , duly verlllui, to tho undersigned at hiHotUco in , teu fctorc-rooia of Klelschner, Mayer A: com- uaiiy. in tho City of Portland. Orcon. within tlx months from thu dale hereof. Hated this 17th day of October, .SOLOMON IIIKKHJI, Administrator. ( 'otto.s, Thai, a Mikoii, Attorneyti for Administrator. H'U0iit EXECUTOIt'rJ NOTICE. Notlru h hereby given that tho uudertlgueil, executor of tho will of Andrew V. Ander-on, deceased, has filed Ids final account In thu county court of tho State, of Oicgoii for' Wan-o County, aud said con it has apjiolnted .Monday, thu 7tli day of JaiiuarVj 1WI, at tho hour of K) o'clock a, m,, us thu time, or hearing objections thereto and the settlement thereof. All bolrn, creditor and other persons Interested In said tstatu are therefore hereby required to lllu their onjeciious to aaiu account, ji any iney nave, on or beforo tho day set for tho hearing thereof. Dallea City, Or.. Nov. 13, IW. ulMt J. C. IIOSTKThKII, Kxecutor. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Barget I UNDERTAKE. tP EMBALMERS Tho Dallos, Or. nobes, BuciaSh Etc. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH. Pioneer Grocer. 3.R.&N. 1 1 CI' .MIT I von . TIIIK XCIIKimi.K, Fkdm Dam.ks. AltlCV- I' BOX Fast Halt Ukc, Denver, Ht. v... Mull , Worth, llmnl,,. .-....' ?.t W.'JAp. m.i City, Kt. bmls, l.irt." cnicago and Kast. ' Atliiutle IhiiK likc, Denver, I't Kxptcss Worth, Ouiiiha, kail' I'.'in. in.) mis City, Ht, biuls,. Via Hunt1 Chicago mid Kasi, Ingtou, I Hpokiine ; Walla Walla, HMkmic, t al I i MitiiieatiolU. St. l',iu I, mid I u tilth, Mllwauki-.,, l.xpress i tihlengo and Kast, via i Hpokiiueakd Hunting toil. mImi all ,ri Hts 'J .'J. t. in Washington and ljut I cm Oregon, ti p. tu. I'kom 1'nr.Tl.ANi Ocean Hteanishli I For Ran Frnimltcn. Kvery Five Davs. 1 I'n.ta Mli and I p.m. Kx.hiiudaylColiiuibla Uv, Htoamers. Ki haiiJ'. I To AsTinilA and Way r,'aj!,t' Sailirday landings, in . m. till. III. WII.I.AMICTTK IttVKR. ti)nn Kx.i-illidiiyiOregiin City. Newberg, Ex.bunliT halein .t wny Uind's. 7 a. rn, Wi u AM FTTH and Yam .l.nop.i" Tlies.'l hur. mm. ItlVKHS. Mon.AVol and cut. Oiegon City, Dayton, and Krl mid Wiiy..:iudltigs. I.v lllparln dally ,1 Via. in. HNAKi: ItlVKlt. Klparin to lwistou. I.EATI I.IWIIT0.1 itiir 'J.00.m rarlies ilel:niL- to en lo llerminr nr piiiuisoii i oiiiiiioia . in i ner 1 1 via lilgiri.ttMiulil take No .', leaving 'I he Dalle- at l'.;W p. n, making direct coniivelious nt If epjuier junction find lllirgs lleiurulng imii.lugillri'Ctcoiiiicctloi at llt'tipuer Junetloii ami lllugs ulth No, ri 1 1.-.-,- at The DuIIcmii I'.'.iJ) p. m. i For full particular!, n-ll on o, . ,v N, fo,i I agent Tlie Dalles, or ! W. liritl.lU'ltT, den. I'a-. Agt , l'nttUn4,0r SOUTH and EAST via Souinern Pacific Co Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for l'ortlaud ami wr stations at l.o a. in, and p, in. l'nvc I'ortlauit " Albany Arrive Ashland " Saeraiueutii . . " Kan hraucln H.:sam 7:0fpm ..12 :-m lo:i)-i . .U-.'tta m U:m) an . .'i:noim t a m ,7l"i p in tuliam Arrive Ogdoli .. .. " Denver . . . " KtillsriaClty " Chicago Arrive 1is Angele- . . . " VA Viihi " Fnrt Worth " City of Mexico . " Houston. . .. ' .Now Orlciiut " Washington . . " New Vork ,'i I'm m 11 I'isei j.-imam i).()m T.i'Mim 7. 2' a m 7.fiii in !):a)w 1 W p m p m ft -Ma m ti,, '.I a m I to a m Ii ,1 II 111 li I .' a m - i:i p m 7.(0 in fi.uipn ii.Tiam a Vian I in n n f. i"pti li l.'ilDI lJ-IIpn I'lillmiin mid Tourist c.irs on both train Clnilrciirs Hacraiiiento to Ogden and Kl l'a), unit tourist eara to Chicago, fit Ixiills, .Sow Or leans mid Washington. Connecting nt Sim Frnnrheo with sevfril stciimshlp lines for Honolulu, Japan, Chin, I'tllllpplucs, Central and Houth Ametlea. Kco agent at The Dalles station, or nddrs C. H. MARKHAM, (ieucral I'assciiKt'r Agent, I'orttaiiil, Or Nbiii'ii Paw Yellowstone Park Line. TIIK lll.VINti CAR HOIITK FltOM I'OltTMNI' TO Till: UAHT. TIIK ONI.V HIItKCT 1,1 NIC TO Till: VhM.W H'lt).S'K I'A UK utvi:, No. 'i. j Union Depot, Firihand I Sts wmsk. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. No. ;,'i0 I'. M. ,N'n, It. (HI A. M. Fast mall forTiicoma, Seattle, ()lyiiiia, (iray's Harbor mid Houtli Heud points, ,Sioknue, lloss laiid, II. ('., I'llllmaii! Jloscow, Ijoisioii, inn 11:1,1 A. M.lfalolliimpliilliliig coun try, Helena, .Minneapo lis, Ht. I'aill, Oiiialnii Kiinsas City. Ht. l-ouis, ICIilcngo mid all pnluts Nn, I, cast mill southeast. i ruge. minim r.i"" , lli!J I', ii. for Tiiconm mid Heallle 71 ii mi iiilcriiieuiaiu pouim I'lilliumi HrsteIaK.s mid toiirUt ILK .MIiiiieapolls.Hi, I'liulmid illssoutl river )""" Without ohango. ...wilmis Vostibiilisl trains. Union deptn ((iiimsuw- In all principal clllos, , ..,, llaggage olu!kisl in dcstlnal on of t oi'i . . Forliaiidsomcly llliistinUslilcsctlptlM ' tloUcth, Mccpliig eiir reservations, etc., uaii ivrlln A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (iene'ral I'lisseuger Agenl. J'u" nu Htrect.coiner Third, l'ortlaud Oris""' Jjlt. It. K. HMITII, Osteopath. ... . i... I In 1 led mail Hiock, Yj,,ii