The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 19, 1900, Image 3

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be Clothed ?
As tlii icy breath of iild Ilorens Bwuups around
tin) corner It carries Hint question right home to us.
1 1 11 in tt it 1 1 v rati no more HMiud Biich wcnthcr unpro
tected than can the llllies of thn iiHld. Remember
right now Unit underwear Ih ohenptr than fuiieralH
iiml overcoats r.oHt less tliiin undertakers. Therefore
wh say "come unto iih all ye who shiver anil urn
lightly untitled Hnd wu will warm you up"
Big Warm Ulsters "r St0"" Coutn in
black or gray irmli
Frit . ilotililo-hreiiHted mid with 1 1 1 r Arrr
Htonn cillur SplU.UU
tnateri Ub at prices ranging
in an endless vn
riuty of styles and
Overcoats! Overcoats
$5.50 to $20.00
.lust tliu kind for thin weather,
wool shirts or drawers at
Good heavv all-
75c per garment.
Soo Windows. See Windows.
Great Reduction of Prices
Ladies' Jackets.
Most of the garments are last
year's, but for ladies who desire a
larger garment than is now worn
they are the best values that have
ever been ottered by the department.
No need to tell in detail what is
here, every garment is perfect.
Some of Our Prices:
$ 3.50 Jacket now $ 2.50
5.50 " ': 3.25
6.00 " " 4.50
7.00 " " 4.85
8.00 " " 6.00
10.00 ' " 5.00
12.00 " " 6.75
13.50 " " 6.00
16.00 " " 7.50
18.00 " 12 50
20.00 " 10.00
What ixxz urill do!
Women's Shoes
which are the best values we
have ever offered. Every pair is
fresh from the factory and compris
ing the latest and most up-to-date
styles. As to price
for heavy sole street shoo, the light
cloth top, kid foxed shoe, or all-kid
light sole dress shoe; all at this rea
sonable and attractive price of
$2.00 per pair.
All Goods Mnrkncl
In Plain FlKiiros.
ending 5 to 16, In favor of The Dalles.
Special mention should bo made of
, the playing of Cooper, Murray, Scott,
and of Groehler, who made two long
end rune ; of Hex Ward's sure work as
quarter-back, and without practice, and
o' the line's success in withstanding all
line bucks without any assistance from
the backs. The remainder of the team
deported themselves excellently, which
was all very creditable to Captain Max
15 utell, who coached the team, playing
left-half in the fame.
The line up was as follows:
Coleman c
Love rg
Oarland !-
Timhlin rt
Sanders It
Allen re
Masters le
Barnes rh
Kdwln McKenzie lh
Crooks fb
Walter McKenzie q
Gup Bartell
Max Bartell
plays & Crowe
Substitutes Goldendnle, Coflllek',
Upton and Miller. Tho Dalles, Scott,
Smith, Heppner and Patterson.
Referee, Harry Xorthup; umpire, Mr.
Simpson; time-kcet er, Mr. Wilson;
linesmen, Charles Heppner and John
After the nccident to Murray, Gus
Bartell took right tackle. Ilex Ward
quarter-back and Ben Scott left eid,
which formation was maintained till the
close of the game.
The Dalles team returned yesterday,
at 2 p. in. Tom Ward escorted thf
party in his bic wagonette, with six
Sp;cial bargains in children's and
misses' shoes at the New York Cash
Remember that A. Y. Marsh will give
a turkey and pineon Mioot on the beach
November 27, 'JS and 29th.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
NOV. IS), 11)00
At Andrew Keller's.
For rent A Hiiite of furtiinlied rooms
at, Mrs. Agnow's comer of Fourth and
Union, nl-lw
Remember that Cocoanut Cream Tonic
will promote growth of hair. ChurleH
Frazer, solo agent. nl). 1 in
Sherill Kelly and Deputy .Sherill
Woods went to Mosior this afternoon on
business connected wtih the fiherilF'ti
.in. .1.
jiiilw. ! Dr F 1 'i '
Tho ladies of the Lutheran church ,, r- "V'son,
, . . i i am .vrugur, re
will have a sale of eakcfl and pies at I
C. Nickelson's store on the Wednesday
before Thanksgiving.
A.peddlor was robbed last night in an
Kaat Hnd feed yard of two grips contain
ing his stock in trade. No trace of tiie
robber has been found.
.1. G. K Iwnrds tells the Antelope Her
ald that the Oregon King mine is not
sold, hut that a Bale if pending. Ex
pertH of two di Hermit parties are on the
ground investigating the mines.
the new brick hotel in Shaniko, under
the auHpices of the volunteer firemen of
that town. Music will be furnished by
I'rof. 1). l.ngro's orchestra, of Portland,
and reduced rates will be given from all
points on the Columbia Southern rail
way. Wood Oilman, the cattle king of
Wheeler county, went through Antelope
Wednesday, with 140 beef cuttle which
were shipped to Portland via theColuin-
"Pbic Southern railway from Shaniko.
i The cattle were sold to the Union Meat
1 Co. for iu.L'5 for cows and $:!,"r for steers,
Hays the Herald. ww- "'
The first snow ol the season began to
falll here this luornini; aud continued
falling nt intervals during 'tho day, but
melting on the stroeiB'uotirly as fast as
it foil. Snow at tliie date is very tin-
1 usual, and residents qf forty years and
over reineinhor only lour or live years
when it fell to any extent during the
month of November.
,vho is attending Rev.
reports that his patient
was so much better this morning that
his ultimate recovery iH confidently
looked for. Mr. fsruger's reason is re
store:!, although he still suH'crs consider
able pain in the back part of his head as
the result of its eoticus-ioti with the
sidewalk when he fell. lmm, , i
lion. A. S. and Mre. Roberts will leave
in the morning for Kmrene to attend the
wedding of Mr. I). II. Roberts and Miss
Malrjl Mc.Canii, which will be celebrat
ed at that placo tomorrow afternoon.
The wedding is the outgrowth of an at-
All members of Friendship Lodge, No.
I), Knights of Pythias, are requested to tachuient formed while the contracting
he present at their Castle hall thiu oven- j parties wore school companions at Ku
ing. There will be work in the second gene. Tho wedding will be strictly pri
rank. All sojourning Knights are cor-1 vate, or, as the brother of the bride
dially invited to be present. groom puts it: "No cards, no cake, no
Wo have a line, paying feed yard and Ki"cr bread, no nothing."
blacksmith shop in good location in this ' In Justice Brownlilll'd court Saturday
city that we will sell cheap autfoti easy j afternoon Emery Fish, of Ten-Mile, was
terms. If von want a bargain, now is Indicted for the larceny of eleven hogs
Tygh Valley have broken out with scab.
These bucks were owned by the follow
ing named parties: C. T. Farther, F.
N. Jones, II. Fargher, Gus Sachs, Wal
lace Fargher, W. E. Hunt, M. Maswell,
John Karlen and Frank Gable. The
most prompt measures have been taken
to have these sheep properly heated.
Some sheep still on tiie Vanineter place
have the scab also. They have been
promptly dipped and put on new pas
ture. Assessor Whipple left this afternoon
for Portland, where he will attend the
aesehsors' convention which will open
at that place tomorrow. Judge Blakeley
will leave here on the morning train for
the same purpose and will be joined at
Hood River by ConiiniEsioner Evans.
All of these gentlemen are earnestlv in
favor of a state board of equalization 1
unless the enemies of a state hoard can i
suggest something belter, which is not .
at all likely. 1
The darkness of last night, or bad aim, 1
or both, prevented a tragedy in the East '
End close to the place where Night
watchman Like had the tussle with a i
couple of toughs a few nights ago. '
adoui ti:;su ociocK umcer i-aue nuu
another observed a couple of strangers
that were acting, as they thought, his
piciously aud made towards them. As
the otlicers appioached the men took to
their heels. The otlicers gave chase and
as they neared the strangers one of them
jseut a ball past one of the officer's eats.
The lire was promptly returned but the
itnen easily escaped in the darkness.
Our esteemed contemporary, tho An
telope Republican learns on good uu-
riiildouilulp liuvn thn Homo Athletes
Warm (laine-Xn Mutch For Ou r
JVogt Opera House,
F. J. Clarke, Manager.
Ihe football game Saturday between
Goldendale and Tho Dalles, at the
former's grounds, was warmly contested
from start to finish. Though the hosts
were no mutch for the visitors in this
jgame, the former are not to he despised
j as future antagonists. ; They were well
j captained, being led by Eddie McKenzie,
j a splendid football player. Others had
also had experience on the gridiron, but
the team was largely made up of young
! men who knew but little of footbuh, and j
( several had never seen a game. It can
' be said of them that they are as fine a
lot of athletes as one will find anywhere, j
and they need but experience and work !
to wrest victory from the best In their
class. Socially, a finer lot of boys never
existed ; and it can be said of all Golden
dale that this spirit was evervwhere
The Dalles boys were royally enter
tained, and nothing was oveilooked to
make the occasion one of complete en
j'lyment. It was with a right good will
that The Dalles team gave three cheer,
for fioldendale and then three cheers
mruapiam .uurvenz.e. aunr mo i;amt: iii . in,L. n:. nnvnr . .
visitors left the j ildl'JII IUI IHCS Ul 5 rrtiauc Ul I J, III.
Big Consolidated
With the Best Company
they ever owned.
60 All White People 60
3 Cars 3 Bands 3
Everything new this reason.
New AoU! New Faces! New Ideas!
If yon want to see a Real Minstrel show
come and i-ee us.
Positively the largest and most expen
sive minstrel company every organized.
Tho only store fc
this city where the
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold,
A little higher in
price, but outlast!
n dozen pieceoof so
called cheap onam
eled ware.
Other warea loob
haa the name
Stransky - Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 16
International Exhi
bitions. Hic;liOBt
award at World s
Columbian Exlnbi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho best"
certified to by the
mos.t famous chem
ista for purity and
durability it 1.1
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
Hold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It doe3 not rust
nor absorb f;tease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside; u
in fruita or
will boil.
and baki
llavor o.;
o o lc 0 d
food and
will last
lor years.
We cau
tion tlu
General Blacksmith
and Horseshoe?.
All kinds of blacksinithing will receive
prompt attention and will lie executed
in first-class shape. Give him a call.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or.
A. Y. MARSH will give a
turkev shoot 011 the beach
Three Days -"
was over. And the
little town, nestled back against the
foothills of the Cascades, with a "Rah! 1
Rah! Rah! Rah! Goldendale!"
It is tho intention to have a return
Prices 25, 50 and 75c. Tickets
can be proci.ed at Clatke ; Falk's.
Nov. 27th, 28th and 29th
There will also be pigeon
trap spooling at the same
time and place.
;game at The Dalles on Thanksgiving,
and our people must he'.p the home
team in extending a roval welcome lo
entertain them
thority that "Hood River will try to be our friends, and to
cut oil from Wasco couuty, and form a ' during their brief stay,
the time. For further particulars H"e
Hudson & llrownhill, The Dalles.
In the circuit court this morning a
motion for default was granted In the
action of Inn Speichinger vs. Henry
from D. J. Cooper. Ned Gates appeared
for the defendant iind Frank Mum fee
for the state. The evidence showed that
Fish had taken up tliu hoga as tiitrays
aud duly posted them according to law.
" .1.1 - ,.,.f......,i ,i .,...1
Speichinger for divorce, the defendant ........ Bn ...
not appearing. Tliu case now rests on
the testimony to he submitted by tho
pliintilf. Ned Gates appeared for the
Brogan it Sweeney bought of the B. S.
& L. Co. last week 400 lx-ad of yearling
and 2-yenr-old Merino ewes, paying
ffll.fiO por head for them. They recently
purchased 1000 bend of ewes from Thos.
Brogan paying $'1.40 for thom. McKin
ley prosperity makes such p'icee not
only possible, but profitable. Antelope
Tim U.S. .t L. Co., of Hay Creok,
with that spirit of liberality which char?
with larceny. On motion of the pioso
cniing attorney tho casu was dismissed.
Mr. Cooper afterwards settled for the
keeping of the hogs and received them
Mr. H, C. Rooper quite recently found
a fossil on bin ranch which would no
doubt prove of unusual lutoiest to arch
leologistH. The fossil appears to bo the
lower left jaw of some large animal, and
but for Its ah'i and the unmoor ot teeth
it contains, could w'j have been mis
taken for it human jaw-bone. The shape
ot the teeth would indicate that the
ncterizcB nil their dealings, have come ; inilniai was omnivorous, nut tiie jaw-
to the rescue of the Antelope Fair Abbo- j teeth numbered fully twice as many ns
ciittion with a donation of $100. The an "up-to-date" human being is usually
recelptH from tho fnlr failed to meet nil j possessed of. In any event, Mr. Rooper
of the expeiieep, mid this contribution has a very interesting relic of some pre
from the Hay Creek company was n very 1 U Htorlo period. Antelope Jieraiu.
new one nt this coming session of the
legislature." If our Hood River friends
have any such intention, they intiBt
reckon on the opposition of the Repub
lican, for K asks excitedly: "What are
we going to do V 1ty in thoalmdennd
go to sleep? Or will wo be up and do
ing and looking to our interests. This
is not a matter of county seat, but a
matter of luxation. 'Let us then be up
and doing, with a heart to any fate;
still achieving, still pursuing, learn to
labor and to wait.' "
A. I' .V A, .11.
Thero will be a stated communication
of Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. & A. M
Mills t Monday) evening nt 7 :30, Work
dn tho E. A. degree. A full attendance
as desired.
u. u. uoam;, hoeretarv.
Por Infants ami Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Biguature of
gracious not, says the Hertild.
A grand nuifquerade ball will be given
Thanksgiving night, November 20th, In
Stock Inspector liouney writes to the
Antelope Humid that some bucks which
were pastured nt Mr. Vaumeters in
The Dalles hoys played a good game
after the "lltike" that stave Goldendale
tho touchdown. The ride over was cold
ami the hoys were not in good condition
j to piny until warmed up. They were
i making rapid gains when an error gave
the hosts the score of five.
On the toss-up, Tho Dalles won aud
chose goal, giving Goldendale the kick-
oil. The Dalles held the hall till well I
toward their goal, when by a careless'
move The Dalles lo.-t the ball, and
shortly afterward Captain McKenzie
made a run mound The Dalles left and
nearly scored a touchdown before being
It was in this play Uiat plucky Bob
Murry, The Dalles' quarter. back, had
his collar-bone broken, but he remained
in the game fully ten minutes longir,
despite his injury, which was unknown
until a doctor was called to examine the
hi the next play, Golde'idale g.U ovtri
the line, hut. failed lo kick a goal.
The root ol the gaum was all The
secured a touchdown, but also tailed
If von have dandruff, your hair is
fulling out. Use Cocoanut Cream. For
sale at Fiaxu'd barber shop. iiO-Iiu
kicking a goal, aud at tliu cloyo of the
first half were within the ten-yard lino
of their goal.
In the second half, The Dalles made
two' touchdown's but failed to kick one
goal, aud at the close of the game were
within one foot of their goal, the game
r - - - - ! - -
m? nQ thousand styles and sizes. 3,
M Hfertri? For cooking and heating. JSC
1 Prices from $5 to $50. Jp"!
Jgyik and are sold with a written guarantee. Jlmz
Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 IMS? I
iHv j w MuaBoiiiyLy Tim Michigan Stove Company, U
I JUtaUfnefi Lartfost MWn of Stovca and Hnimea In tliu World. Qak