The Dalles Daily Chronicle. - - NOV. IS). 1900 MONDAY Tin: G.i:ni-:x of kuks. Itmcti llowerk' Mlnntr!, Concerning Rend) it Dowers' min strels, who will appear nt the Voat on Thursday, Nov. U2d, the Seattle Timee envs : "The first appearance in this city of Heach & Mowers' minstrels drew large crowd of theatergoers to the Seattle theater to witness the initial perform !A Difficult Problem. I It is among the most difficult prob lems of mutual science for one to become expert in several lines. J. K. Adcox & ' , Co., by their combination, have over come this diilicnlty In n practical man-J ner. .1, K. Adeox ia an expert watch-i i maker and is good on jewelry, optical j work and engraving, while Then. II. Liebo is an expert optician and is good attention "The geological history of the Phil ippines leads scientists to believe that the islands comprise tlie burden I nnee o tll arBreirAtlon. The larim an- Ion watch ronairimr. iuwelrv work and of Kilen. the original home of nmn, had no reason to le disa j oil: to ! engraving. Their prico is a'e low as con and that the Tagalo of today is a j with the entertainment, which eUy SSSfr'Sl drSrt'ln f& direct dccciu1cilt from the man of 8ur''a98e9 1,11,1 o ""' otl,er travuK' several line?, on short notice. Work ... .. I minstrel companies in humor and ori-, sent bv mail or exnress will receive Jlornco, mui way in ueveiopmeiu oe- gimUity. Xlie chor(la lhat provuked tween the ape niul the human j laueiitur on the part of the audience species." Report of United States .were kept vibrating the wliole evening. Geologist D, V, Becker, with the ' "The membars of the company arc all . . ! ., t,i sit 'first-class minstrels and fun-makers. army in the PhtlipptneSi , . . t . . . . ,. ' , : , , Good judgment has been used in the ee- Great Scott, Anil Brynii wanted eution of each illdivilhllll ot lhonrKre. to give away the Garden of Eden! j gation, which is one of the best known "What a fortunate thing for us the hi the United States. From end men man from Lincoln did not win, and j to the interlocutor constant waves of ... ,,, .i,..,,.,, vn 1 merriment would be rippling, carry into effect his dire throat. M " wonder Ilanna and the republicans j na,nnU,,im, tpIl.t u:,,..,. rili:n.. is a levelation. His performance on u single wheel is little short of marveloue, and as he makes his way about the wanted to keep the islands. It is a safe conclusion that this has not been tinned off to Croker or he would ' .- :i i i .1... have enlisted all the Tagalos into j 18 ' ,"7"" ' " e tators to the highest pitch of enthusiasm, the Tammany army. Croker usually j .,The acroblllic trl0i conei8tj,)t? 0f knows a good thing when he sees it! narrv Freeman and the Smith brothers, Bryan does, sometimes! But who 'is very good. The first part of their , would have thought it the Ameri- j performance introduces a striking nov-' can flac lloatiiie over the Garden of i 11 r b Eden! Hearst will doubtless Gt out prompt attention. Sign. "Mig Hed 1 1 Watch." , j Rtaiitroib an expedition and look for Eve. It certainly will have one effect a whole lot of fellows at home will brush the dust off their bibles long enough to find out what the Garden of Eden was. Poor old Spain must have been asleep all these years, in a sort of Hip Van Winkle state, or she would never have sold the Garden of selves. Drying1 preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; tlioy dry up the secretions, which adhere to tho metubrauo and decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than tho ordinary i orm of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuu"n and uso that which cleanses, soothes and heala. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy j easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo TT) j mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the rrlllLLlI.lfc:... 50c.size. Ely Brothers, fl Warren St., N.Y. A U Tho lialm cures without pain, noes not, i CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. ! Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. House Complete Cii?e of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Just What Voa Laant. $1.00 per month. Strictly llrnt class lnciil and long distance telephone survluu within your homo. Lines dn not crnec-talk. Your con vermilion will be kept a secret. No cost for installing. You got tho Htauditrd Htiiining Long Distant IuKtriiiuent. Continuous day and night nervine. Wo will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to eaneiil same on giving us thirty days wrlt tuu notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. ! rTA-ricrrAi-A-rArTJtri-A-r-rAt-rirA.T.i-xv. A' -ATM. -Jl' ArA-fATi A-TA-iriA-rA-rATATrrjrn V.lon for i tviUrv &-n 000 000 mor j irritate or causo sneezing. It spreads i sell xne uimersianeu ... i.den for a paltrj U,UUU,UUU poor J ovar an irritated and angry surface, reliov- of 11. A. Spi vey paint shop, next door to j as she was. And in addition it is ing immediately tho painful inflammation. I tne y0t opera houe, and has pur-1 , , , i i w I With Elv's Cream Balm rouaro armed ' , , ' , , , , , n , ! the place where man developed from Kaial Catarrh aud nJny rover- chased the tools and ladders. Ho has an ape into his present state oil Itfood mechanics workimr for him, and w lien you cannot sleep lor coumung, wjn Guarantee all work to gtve satis.'ac- ape into ins pre mental capacity and physical being. But it is a pretty lough thing to saj about our friend Aggie that he is a mixture of the man of Borneo and an "ipc. If be is still alive this in formation will certainly have a kill ing effect. And Bryan little realized how close he came to D'onkeying with the Darwinian theory. Oh, that geologist has produced a nice state of affairs perhaps the "para mount'' issue for the next campaign. Union. it is hardly necessary that any one should : tell you that you need a few doses of, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay the irritation of the throat, and make eleep possible. Itiscood. Try it. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. ' AckerV Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on i a positive guarantee. Cures heart-bum, j raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 2." cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist. BUSINESS LOCALS. mm sA i REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY- Steiiiiu.Ts nt tin. ltn;iiliUnr l.lnu will run ns vt the lot-' owiiii! mmihIuIi", the (.iiiiiiuiny reservliiK tl riht to cbacjt M'S.vimle ultiidiit tiDtlcu. Gtr. RoBiilatoi- tion. S. K. KELL 7 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE I New ideas in Wall Paper here. .Such wide variety as we are showing never be- fore graced a single stock. Heal imitu- , tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. I Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third ' street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. You will not have boils if vim take The democratic papers which now j Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. declare that Bryan talked too much should not forget how they patted him on the back, yelled "go it Billie" every time he made a speech and encouraged him in itinerary of po litical spouting that helped to lose him the presidency. Eugene Register. With solemn "ood nature Courier-Journal cries out: worse than first reported. Two counties in Georgia instead of one were carried by the republicans." iht) Irl i.. IlickH 10O1 Almanac Whatever may be said of the scientific causes upon which the Rev. Irl R. Hicka bises his yearly forecasts of storm and weather, It ia a remarkable fact that specific warnings of every great storm, flood, cold wave and drouth, have been plainly printed in his now famous alma-! nac for many years. The latest start- ling proof of this fact was the destruc tion of Galveston, Texas, on the very day named by Prof. Hicks iu his 1000 almanac as one of disaster by storm along the gulf coaste, The 1001 alma nac, by far the finest, most complete and beautiful yet published, is now Teady. Tnis remarkable book of nearly two hundred pages, splendidly illus trated with charts and half-tone engrav ings, goes as a premium to every sub scriber who pays one dollar a year for Prof. Hicka journal, Word and Works. The Almanac alone is tent prepaid for only 25 cents. Order from Word aud Work Publishing Company, 2201 Lo cust street, St. Louis, Mo. I'rivate School Hay or Kveiiliitf. PeKons desiring instruction in Eng. lieh tranches, ornamental penmanship, short hand, shade-pen writing, free hand drawing, book-keeping, higher mathematics, vocal music, etc., pleaee call first door necond floor west of Cur ties' mill, Becond street. Foreigners taught to read and write English in a few leseone. n8-2wd&w Pitof. Z. K, Fiikeu.' f8, f9, $10 ami $12.50 will buy some of the swellest box coats ever shown in The Dalles. The Fair. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. j The largest and most complete line of , fall and winter millinery ever displayed , in the city at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. The prices will sell i the goods. eStf ' Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior i ! paints when you can buy James E. j ,i ! Patton's sunproof paints for $1.50 per' . j gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & It is falk, agents. ml The best method of cleansing the liver is the usi of the famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Easy to take. Never gtipe. Sold by Clarke & Falk. At the popular millinery parlors of Campbell & Wilson can be found all the latest things in street hats, trimmed hats, children's school hatB, and also tam-o'-slianters. '& Crowe's. Hustling young man can make CO per, month and espeuees. Permanent posi-, tion. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Clark & Co., Fourth and Locust .Streets, Philadel hpia, Pa, sSdf Trade Marks Copyrights &c. Anroiio scndlnif a rhctc h ami description mic Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether i Invention la probably p-itentnblc. ""ouummlcf tloiisKtrlctlycotitiilentlil. Handbook on I'atcutt sent free. Oldest iicciicy for ecurlnir patents. l'atei.ts taken tlirmiu-li Murm & Co. receive tsteeial notlct, without, charge, In tho Scientific American. r A handsomely llltntritivl weekly. I.irirest clr dilation of any KCientlUe Journal. Terms, fl a voir: four months, 1. sioMhyall newsdealers. MUNN &Co.36,Broadwa- New York Branch offlcu, (23 V HU Wasbiontou, 1). V J. A. EBERLE, pipe Jailorip5 A complete lino of Fall uiid Winter Suitings, Printings ami Overcoating, now on display. 100 different varieties to se. Iect from. Suits, $20 apd up. ! Call and examine iroods before ko'iiil' i I elsewhere, becond street, opp. jlavs ..GHflS. FRANK.. Wasco Warehouse Compan) Headquarters for Seed G rain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot t-n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind? Headrmarters for Bran. Shorts. ? .?"kn 1 Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- Butehens and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps mi draught tho celeljrntnl (JOI.l'.MlllA Jli:KI. iicknmv: cdKed the best beer In Tho Dalles, Ht the umiil price. Come In, try It mid be convinced. AImi tho Finest brandu of Wines, I.i iior nuil (,'lxnrs. Sanduiiches ot all Kinds always on hand. , HCIIJ5NCK, President. HBAJ.I., i.'usrilui First national Bank. , i Ithe dalles OREGON F- S. i Gunning, It ia well to know that DeWitt's I Witch Hazel .Salve will heal a burn and ' stop the pain at once. It will curej ec.ema and skin dieeaees aud ugly j wounds and eoree. It ia u certain euro ' for piles. Counterfeit may bo ottered , you. h'eo that you get the original l)e- j Witt'e Witch Hazel Salve. I - - - i Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jame K. Patton , strictly pure liquid paints i Paint your houee with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarko & Falk have them. A f3pnA-ftl RiiTilrino1 ttnainuoa Iv.ti.nninJ I - ... ........ ... .uw..u ,lMIIDAt,lVU DeposltB received, Biihiect to Sight I Draft or Check. Collectiona insula and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francieco and Port land. DIRBOTOH8, I). P. Thompson. Jno. B. Scuunuir. Kd. M. Williams, Guo. A. Libiik. H. M. IJkai.i., Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, 1 Horseshoeing.! n 1 ni i o i? uuaier in diacKsmnn supplies. packers op dor Seuoud & LauaUlin. 'Piioiie 157 PORKand BEEF the CoiuinDia Packino Co MANOKACTUltKKB OK FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rilANBAOTA BNKKALIlANKINd I1UH1NK8 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore- fon, Seattle Wash,, and various points n Oregon and Washington, Collections made at all points on fav orable term. 1 I'OWN I Mitt" A l. Tuo'day Tliutsditi . ittunlnv . ,rr. I'cirlland at l::w 1-. m. UK l.v. I'ortl.iud 11' T .1. :i. Moinliiy . U iilnt'Mlay Kildny An I'alk'i n l: M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dallos City. llllWN I.V. lllllll'H lit" A. H. Mntiiliiy Wnlni'Mlay l'rhliiv. Arr. rortluiul nt 1 :S0 !. h. IT. I A rottliiiil,! at 7 M i. x. , Iiut-iliiy 'i lhi;rn!' .3 f-afirttay i Air IHllrS'i FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ) S! Trnvi'l liy Hit' Htc iimTS l tln ltemilatnr l.lii" i rons the bi st ivlw j , 1 Iilo Portland Olll'V, Oak Struct Hod; W. The ComiHiiiy will I'mli'.ivnr tn plvctlniml l'ur (utlhor t u lor inu I Ion uililuii C. ALLAWAY. Gon. At. , jr i.-r.i.v.Litl.Y Lx'.Lr.t.Ta.j.T.TiJui1S qti yioTJT' This Flour ih nianufactured expressly for famlit it-o ; every Hack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wrt eell our goods lower than any house iu the trade, and if you don't ttiinkM call and cot our prices and bo convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oats. IetMng from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Moots and SIioch, nt much lost; than wholesale prices. Will tell iu bulk or iu lots, or any way to Miiit purchasers. Entire stock must he closed out before 30 days. All kooiIh will be sacrificed except Thoiupmn'R Glove-fitting Corsets and llutterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and H'ciire bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Cornor Sociond and Court ists. f J. E. FALT & CO., r- . L or pnotora Commepeial Sample Rooms. 1 i Purest Liquors for Family Use? JJolivurod to any part of tho City. 173 Second Street. ? 9 I'honi's: .rd Local, HoS Long Dimance. Ice Cream and lmne Lard a.nd s&e Oyster Parlors j c",ers of BRAND Mrs II. -L. Jones has opened ice HAMS & BACON cream and oyster parlors in Carey Hal-, lard's old stand. She carries )RIKD IJEEF, KTC. A full line of Candies,! I)q fillllil'Q ONE FOR A D08E. HI! I M Ri-moTo Plinplm, Pr-Tfnt fll I m Nuts and Cigars. The place has been thoroughly ren ovated, and a share of the public patron age is solicited. Oport till 12:00 P. M. SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! t W . . l)a you know that .lohn I'aHhok. thn tailor. Is auent for two of ML tho larueat merchiint tailoring Iioiisch iu AmoricaV J? M Do yon know that hu will Mill you a Hiiil, ninth) to your order, $ cheap uh the haud-n.H.down, ready-made, yon buy iu tho Htorta. min r-t it in iji nil miii r uu Do you know that ho Iiiih alreadv on hand for tho coinlm; f"'1 S and winter tradu the handtoinest and finest lino of eninplun over shown w in 1 ho Dalles? ij? JOHN PASHEK, Merohant Tailor, Agent.