The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 17, 1900, Image 4

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Red, Rough Hands, Itching
Burning Palms and Painful
Finger Ends
Soak the hands on retiring in a strong, hot,
creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry,
and anoint freely with CUTICURA, the great
skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear, during
the night, old, loose kid gloves, with the finger
ends cut off and air holes cut in the palms. For
red, rough, chapped hands, dry, fissured, itching,
feverish palms, with shapeless nails and painful
finger ends, this treatment is simply wonderful.
Millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap
Exclusively, for iiroserrln?, purifying, and bo.iutlfyln the ekln. forcleanln? the scalp of
crust, scales, ami d.indrutf , ami the stopping of falling hair, for 'oftcnlng, whitening, and
toothing red, rough, and tore hand;, In the form of baths for annoying Irritations, lnllam.
jnatloni, and ch.ulnzs, or too free or ollenilve perspiration, In the form ufuaihe for
ulcerative weakne-es, and tor many sanative antiseptic purpose which readily suggest
themselves to women, and especially mothers, and for all the purpose of the toilet, bath,
ami nursery. No amount of persuaslo a can induce those who have once used It to Use any
other, especially for preserving and purifying the skin, Fcalp, and hair of Infants and
children. CtrriciiUA so.U' combine delicate emollient properties derived from CUTI
CL'3A, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refresh,
lngof llower odor. No other m' Ucntnl o.ip ever compounded l to be compared with it
for preserving, purifying, ami beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. So other
foreign or done-tic loUti -o.ip, however expensive. Is to bo compared with it for all the
purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery Thus it combines In One Soap at Osk I'mri..
viz., Twentv.hvk Cests, tlu skla and complexion soap, the uusr toilet and wist
taliy soap In tha world
Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor,
Ciitjoiibk iVwnrtBiaf Cmcnm So.ii- (Sic), to c!nnt th ikinof crasu mt tivl soittn tho
r.i t- o thickens! raticV. Cnrrn Oittmixt (50s.), la ImUntlr Uiy ttch'at in4 Irritition and
Tnfc otT witfteinjhil,.rkj CrTTrrtA Kisoi-tst (.: ),toeoo!ntlcleniatha bbol. SoMthroush-
II 1.23 oatUjvorti. fanic Dnvo aju Cam. Uocr. Sol: l'ro;.., Uctton.
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Third and Mm, Phone 159
V-N T - O t i
.Dealor In.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Gents' Furnishings.
Dr. Hugh Lozau went to Portland on
the morning train.
Mrs. M. J. Hansel, of Lyle, was in
the city today on business before the
circuit court.
F. W. Rowo, a former lumberman of , taken internally, and
Caturrli Cannot He Ouml.
with local application.?, a? they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hali'a Catarrh Cure ip
acts dirc-ctlv on
this city, arrived hero today ou the noon J
train from San Francisco.
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
i Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
iteach & itiwero .liinstrei. ! It was was prescribed by one of the best
i , ... . i
Iieach A Bowers' min puysicians in mis country ior years, anu
etrels, who will appear at the Voat on , ,s a regular prescription, it is composed
Thursday, Nov. 22.1, the Seattle Time? of e be3t tonics known, cotubiasd with
fiave; " i the be3t blood purifiers, acting directly
"The first appearance in this city ofonthe niucous surfaces. The perfect
Beach & Bowers' minstrels drew a large combination of the two ingredients is
crowd of theater noers to the Seattle w"at produces such wonderful results in
theater to witness the initial perform-1 curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
ance of the aggregation. The large au-; r-
,. 11 i , . . , t. J. Cheney & Co., Prop?., To edo O.
dience had no reason to be disappointed ' , , , . 1 . J?
with the entertainment, which easily IPiSiPlllS SThet. 12
eurpasses that of any other traveling j
minstrel companies in humor and ori- j Wanted,
finality. Tho ciiords that provoked j a woman or girl to take care of a
laughter on the part of the audience i child, live months old. Apply to
were kept vibrating the whole evening. ' I Henning.-on,
"The tnenibsra of the company are all 1 oSlwUt Mojier, (Jr.
first-class minstrels and fun-makers, j
Good judgment lias been used in the se 1 This is the season when mothers are
lection of each individual oi theatre- alarmed on account of croup. It U
1 1 $
U I :
1 si V j
1 1 f ; f
r IE '
si ? 1
'3 Zl
'V si '
I 1 M ?
' ; 21
5i J ,
Si '
H ? ' i
I Hoots, Shoes. Huts Caps. Notions. Agt. f 5J
C i for V. L. Douglas Shoe. f 3 56
The Dalles, Qrjjj
r Axle
WMmvm maim c. 1
I helps the team. Saves wear ar.u B 1 $ f v
expense. Sold everywhere. J
IKjA uaiik iiv
! . . '
i 1 if
dob Printers.
Land Officii at Vancouver, Wash.
October IK. 1O00.
Nollco 1 hereby clven that the fftllowititr
luiineii ettler has flleil notice of his intention
toinnke final proof In support of hl cluim, anil
that Mill proof will ere
bv, I' &. commissioner for the District ol
Washington, at 'iolilemklo Wash., on Monday,
Deceabcr 10, 1W0, viz.
fieorge is, Ht. Lawrence,
of I.yle I. O.. Wash., who maile II. K. No, lO.Oftj,
for the WU SEW mid K'.j 8WJV ecu Zl. Tt. 3 N, K
il' k, w. m:
He uame.f the following witnesses to prove
his 1 ontlniious resilience upon ami cultivation
of Mild land, viz. ;
Thomas J. Whllcomb, (ieorze ."orenson, ieo.
Ilradforil and William l.eaion, ull of I.yle r. 0.,
s-Jl W. It. DL'NIIAH Itwister
fiuickly cured by One Minute Cough
i Cure, which children like to lake. Sold
i bv Clarke & Falk.
Ration, which is one of the best known
in the United States. From end men
to the interlocutor constant waves of
merriment would he rippling.
"A feature of the show is Dun Gordon I u'e nfrr fQr !l limited period the
-whose astonishing trick bicvele riding i twice-a-week Cmio.vici.i:, price $1.50,
iea revelation. His performance of. a ! and the Weekly Oregonian. price $1.50,
. , . ,. t . t 1 both papers for .f2 a year, biibscripnons
single wheel is little abort of marvelous. 1)1(er l(jja offijr be j(, ,n .)(.
anu as ne manea ins way auoiu tne
atage ae if by magic, he aiouses the spec
tators to the highest pitch of enthusiasm.
"The acrobatic trio, consisting of
Harry Freeman and the Smith brothers,
is very good. The first part of their
performance introduces a striking nov
elty, the dogs being a show 111 them
eelves." Mhcepmeii, Atlnntl'inl liucka for Halo,
Having disposed of my breeding ewes
vance. tf
Wanted A second-hand fire-proof
safe. Must be in good condition and not
too large. Apply at the Ciiko.sici.e
office. oSl-tf
For spraine, ewellings and lameness
there iB nothing so good as Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
Best values (or tlie least monev at the
today, I have thirteen thoroughbred Sew Vork ClH,, g,ore A HJ,e(.ja ,n
Merino bucks for sale. These are choice, . ehi,lrf.n,B and mis-eh' bne. whilo thnv
Notice Is hereby given ihat the undersigned
has been appointed by the county court of
Wasco county, Oregon, administrator of the
estate of Frauds Hoss, decea-til. All i-ersons
having claim.-against the estate arc hereby re
(juirtHl to pit-sent thi- same to me. ilulv verified,
nt tho otllce of W. If. Wl'sou, in Dalles City,
Uregon, fithln six months from thud.ite hereijf.
Dated November 10, vm.
HKO. K. UOS.-!.
1 novin Ailminlstrator.
A DM I N1STH A roii'sVoTicE.
Notice i- hcre'iy given that the undersigned
has teen duly api'Ointed by the count court of
the state of Oregon, for aseo eouuly, adminls.
tr.itor of the estate of Kllzubuth A. soulhetn.
deceased. All K-rsont having claims against
tnc estate of said deceased are hereby notified
In present the same, with the proper vouchers
therefor, to me at my oihj-e in Ilid, Orison,
within six months from the date hereof.
Dated fceptemberl'l, I'.KO.
set vo Administrator.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
have filed with tto Clerk of the county court of
theStaleof Oregon for Wasco countv.tncir final
aci ohm t as executor of the last will and teta
meiit 01 Henry liarnurn, deccatcd, and that
Monday, the Hh day of November, l'.W, at the
hour of 10 o'clock u. in,, has been fixwl by tho
County Court for said county as the time, mid
the county court room In Dalles Cltv as th
place for hearing of objeclluis to said final ac
count and the settlement oftho nunc
. V. MAYIi.
sepr Kxtculort.
1 a rA-faWATa.-i warrjkvjk
W HOl.KhAI.l. AND lil.T.UI.
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Phone 234,
Next door to First National Bank.
large and fn fine condition, and will bejaat.
onlfl tifnn rnthur tlmn Uccn them fiver
Inquire at Prospect Katjch, on tbe ' Nasal
Deechntes divide, or of A. S. Boberts, )
box 507. Ihe Dalles. o2G-L'w I
. 77" ' T . , In all iu stages there
Torturing ekin eruptions, burns and gjjoaia be clcanlinesi.
eores are soothed at once and promptly, Elyg Cream Balm
healed by applying DeWitt'd Witch , cleinscs,iootheanilbeal9
Hazel Salve, the best known cure for
piles. Beware of worthless counterfeit?.
Hold bv Clarke & Fall:
tha diseased tnembraue.
1 1 cures catarr h and drives
j airay a cold iu the head
. quicKiy.
Cream Unlm li placed Into tho nostrils, Bpreads
Ifuou . OTer ji,0 tacinbrauo and ia absorbed. Itelkf ia Im
Octobers, 1WJ,
Notice Is hereby given lhat the following,
uameit settler hasllleil notice of her intention to
make final proof In buppoit of her claim, and
that ald proof will be made before the Heglstvr
and Hecelver at The IMlles, Oregon, on Wednes
day, December, 5, luoy, viz:
llHttin I.. Iliimly,
I of Tho Dalles, Oregon, 11. K. Nr, .WVj, for tho
U -1. I - ?i 14 1- SI.
Hhe names tne following wltni-sse!. to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultiyation of
said' land, ..
Frank l-aplcr. of The Dalles. Oregon, Altx.'rt (.
j McKamey, of Jit Hood, Oregon, Henry C. Mc-
hamey 111.11 r.ric ra 11 1 11 iki , o: mo miles, or
oeW7 JAV 1'. M'CAl-, lleglsler,
Wanted Men and women of iood ! .i. 1 ...j 1. it.ii.ri. i.- 1 A f ll I VIK'I'H AT(ll'S ' I VV 1 1 !
character and relerences, to represent an I mcdiaioandacurofoilowe. It U not dryin-doei jn lllt. county court or the Stiteof Oregon for
established house. Hfilended ocnortllllltv uot produce tneeilng. Irgo hie, 6U cents at Druy- ho County of .iwn
for advancement. Address V. (). Box ! glts.irby mjil; Trial Hlze, 10 centi by mail.
587, I'ortland. Orefoii, novlo-lmo l 1 rrtn wrctt, ..ew i ork. ,m. un.jelKitrt has U'en duly uppoinieii ud
... 1 Filimr'y Atvful I'lielit j iiiniisiraior, nn wio win iiuuoxcu, 01 in., es
Ularlte & taiK's uavoring exiractn aie
tho bast. Ask your grocer for them.
I It, llifi ,n..ll,.r ..1 I lii ... 1 .1 tn itf liil. Lnlnu..
bacher, deceased. Notice Is hereby is hen that
tate of Iouls .ichwabHcner. dcceaseil. All ner-
l!u sous haklug claims iigaiiist the estatuif said
'"'I :.!.. k,l ur ln.n.l.i- iimIIIU.iI I . , . I . . . .. . i I 1 1 , ,. , . ,
F. M. Higgine, editor f-ienaca,
I News, WtiiS plllicttd for yeurH with pilH , iJuly vuiJiiwJ, Ui tho undcrKlKitcfl ut IiUoHjt'o iri
ir-lnr or remade liflnoil nnlll ' i' " .fcl!'u:("',. . W?'!1.' f W'A. J"1-
.Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line I that no doctor or remedy helped until nyihTcityV
of paint and artiirt'H briiRhes. nH ri2l Hucklen's Arnica .Salvo, lie U moiithH from tha date heieof.
vi v 1 m-'TTi ,''f ' wrUea lwo boxes wholly cuied him
1 tint Mirewt rilln oiiri- on curtli mill llio
Notice is nercor given inai uie uuuersiyiieu
has iinlv filed with the county cklk of Wusco 1 nest
county, Oregon, Ins final account and reijort ns , .,,, (jnlv L'o cents.
eieeiitur of theest-ito of Hhoebo J, Halght. do
cent-iil; and that the honorable county court has
jlxed Monday, tho 5lh dav of November, I'.iOO, at
10 o'clock 11, 111. of said day as Hie tine, and the
county court room Iu the county con. t bouse In
Dalles Clt, Wuko county. Oreon, a the place
for heating mini riliuiuccouui auu rvpuri.
All laTKiim inlrested in wild estatii are Dc-re-
hy notified toapiiearat mid time and placo and
show cause, If any there If, why said reut
bould not be approved mid said executor dis
charged. Dattd thin i.K.'th duy of September, , lsjfg.
i hank mknkkke,
Kxrcutor Of the cstaio of l'hrbe J. Hulgtit.
deeciseil, octu
the druggist.
Children'd and
in the world. Cure guaran-
8old by Blakeley,
misses' shoes, spiini,'
Dated this: 17th dav of October. l'JOi.
h H.OMON HI Hftl.'JI, Admiiihlrator,
Attorneys for Administrator.
Notlro la hereby given that tho undersigned,
executor of the will of Andrew V. Anderson.
deceased, his llliii hU fluul account In the
.. .G0MJW6IA BREWEfiY...
Of tho product of thin woll-kiiow 11 brtuvory the United St.itefi Health
Reports for June iS. ,1000, says: "A moro supuiior brew never entered
the lubratory of the Tinted ytates Health reports. It is nb-oliituly doviiiil
of the slightest trace of adulteration, hut on the other hand is composed nf
the best of mult and I'lioicent of hops. Its tonic ijualitioH are of the high
est and if can be used with the greatest beiiulit and satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physIciiwiH with
the cersainty that a better, purer or mure wholesoin'u beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street. THE DALLES. ORERnw
fill kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Grandall & Barget
Tho Dallos, Or.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocor.
heel, button or lace, best dongola kid, j "itjt- courtof thoHtatoof Oregon for Wasco
, ,. ' . County, and said coutt lias aidliteil .Muilday,
foxed, shtB b to !): at 00 cents; 8... and tho 7th day of January, ivw, at tho hour of in
IU to i:ij. at $1.20; 1 to !J at $1.-10. Al
tho New Vork Cash Store. 1
Extra good
Cash titore.
values at the New Vork
o'clock 11. in,, as the lime for hearing objections;
llieretiMimi tho rellieuicui inereoi, All nelrw,
crcilltora and other ktmhis lulerustiil In said
estate arc therefore hereby rcipilrul to file their
objections to mild accouiili If uny they have, on
or beforo tho day set for the hearing thereof,
Dalles City, Or.. Nov. I.-;, loon.
nli-lt J, C. HOilTKTI.KH, Kxecutor.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Advertise in The Chronicle.
roit Kitosi Dau.ks, t
1"J . Ill,
l.Jnlt l.nkr, Denver. Ft.
North, Oinaha, Km,
Ms City, St.
, (.hlcago iiiui
, iJU"
1:03 p ta
Athinlli: Suit Ijike, Denver. 1't 1 .,
Kxiiikxs Worlh. 11,,, .' 1 l.lll
I l .11 M. III. I
Via limit
I luvtllll. 1
sun (Illy, HI. Ijiiii.
CIiIi'iiku Hint Knit.
11 -'.' p. 111
Vnlhi Walla, hiliniiv,
.MliitieaiJills. si I'm,,
Uliitli, Mlluiiiikcv ,
Chicago and I nst via
."rokiiueiikil IIiiiiIIiu
ion; alsniiii ,oiuuir
WashliiKtoii mid Kinl
itii (Jienn.
h p. iu.
M Jt. 111
; Ocean Hle.iimhlim
' For hall Kraiiclscn
Kvery 1'lve D.iis.
Mull '
i:.x,tiiiiulayj:otuini)la llv. ."learners. Hi sm?'.
, To AVNiM.i and Way '
10 . in.
r. a m. W11.1.ASIXTTK 1UVKR. i imdb
l.xillidayiore-ton City, SnvU-rs. Zx imi,
'Halein ,t May IjuiiI'j, "-DUM''
. a. iLLAHrrtr. anu Vam 3;It a
lues.lhur. iliu.ltivr.i;s Mou.,l
mill put. Orcunu City, DaMoii, auj
and Wiiy-I.:mdluK.
I.v Itlparla
:i a. in.
Ull'.llin III Ia-wIsIiiu.
, UlT
luiiiils 1111 ( I'luiuhiu pimtliern via Htai, ihoull
, uiiikliii; illrcci tiiiincctlnnMit I leppner junction
, mid HIkks IteluriiliiK niiislncdlrirtconnectlM
at Heppii'-r Junction mid IIIl'ks ivitli jio.
, HvltiK at 'Jl;e Dalles ut li.ji p. m.
For full uirtli'iiliirs en' on O, , ,v S, C.'i
iiKCllt 1 he Dallen. ur 11,1 ,,e
W. 11 Hlltl.llI'KT,
i, l'as. Au- , l'ortUnil.Ot
SOUTH and EAST via
Souinem Paonc Go
Shasta Route
Tralna leave The Dalles fur Portland anil wif
stations; at l.ii a. in. nud .1 p. m.
Iaiivc I'ortlniid
" Albany
Arrive Ashland ....
" Pacraineiitii .
" han h'raiiclcii
;a)n 111 "lOOr"
.l'J.U)iim 10:MQ
USiam lltMtn
.'i:iu pm l;-V)n
7 li i in n:liti
Arrive OriIiiii
" Denver . .
" Knuiiat;liy
" Chleami
5 15 11 m 11 dam
MDhiii 'J:l)u
7 2 , am 7 .'ii n
V l.'ii 111 'J.Mtu
Arrive Un Alik'eloa . .. . 1.11pm 7.0m
Kl 1'iiso f, Kip m fi.iopn
" I'ortWorth. ... liXiun ii,:Uu
" City of ileslco . . (iv, am yMn
1 li,,,,.,.,,, 1 111 11 in 1:11 ill
" New Orleaua . . 1, i-iim fliipn
' Wnslilnutoii . . nr.' in 0 Hun
" New Vork 1'.' I " l-'"l,n
l'lillinaii and Tourlit cars 011 both rli"
Chiilrciir haeriinieiitu to Otfdeii uml 1.1 1 a-m,
mid tourist cars to Chicago, M bmis, .SewOi
leuliK nud Wii.shliiKtou.
(.'oiuiK-tliiK at Hun I'riinolH'o with scvtril
Mlemnslilp lltiea for Honolulu, .lapan. lull",
Philippines, Central mid houth America.
Kee aent at The Dullefi slullim, or iuIiIkm
(ieneral I'asseiiKer Aseut, I'lirtlaml, 0t
Northern n
Yellowstone Park Line.
thi: oi.siNii cak itoi'Ti: i'iukm rin'wsi
TO Till; KAHT.
I Union Depot, rillhanil I sis awuvk.
No. '.'.
i.-.,. (mill o,r 'rjieoina.
Seattle, 01yniilii, Oral'
Hiilboriiiiil Houth Head
pnllilH, h)okmie, IU
Iniiil, II. C, rullinau.
I. Moscow, lASWlKKIII. Hi" ,. .1
11:15 A. M,lf,iliillumpinlnlnKi'"iin i. '1"-"'
11 y, Helena, mii",
Ha, Ht. I'ailli Oinalia,
ICansiis Clly, Ht. l-uillj.
(ihleiiKO mid nil points . ..
cast ami Kiiithcust. 1''"
1'im-et boiiinl llxi'ress . j,
for Taconiii and .leattlo 7,t'A,
nud Iiiicniicillulo point"
No. I.
llil 1. M
Hun,,,,,,, iirti.i.,Vu ,111,1 1011 rl s t slet'Irl .h'
MIlineapolls.Ht. I'aul mid MIsmmiiI llnTI"""1
iviiniiiii (!iimie. . , , ,111ii,tioin
Vualihuleil traliiH. 1 11 oil 1I01.DI coillliW
In all principal cltlei1. , , ,,,,,i.
Hiikkiiko iMii-ckiil 10 iloillliat on ' ttr.
iMirliiuidsoinelyllliiHiiiiU'i il"srl;llv "J 'or'
llcliuU, aleeidiiK car reheivatl""i 'u-' t,ul
Assistant (ioiiciiil I'asseimer AW- f,ju',ll
urn Htreet.cntlier Thiol, I'tuH"'"! OM""-
Jjlt. It. li, H.UITII,
0fiH.iimii-Hlocfc, T'f