The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 17, 1900, Image 3

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    Annual Sale
Anollior Mini of tho wliool of
November ttcoiiomios for houso
lc(j())(M's brings forward tlx; sale of
bud covoritiK at. tuibstanlial sav
ings from usual pricos:
60c. "ICurokn" 10-1 ( 'J ray Blmikol,
si.o '18x72.
60c. Kingston 10-'l (iray Blanket,
sizo 5'1.7'J.
70c. "Tuxodo" 10 I While lilan
lct'l, si.o 5dx7'l.
73c. "IClborton" 10-4 (!rav Blan
kol, si.o (50 x 70.
87c. " India" 10-4 Whito Itlankol,
size (il!x7(;.
79c. "Salem" 10-4 While Blaulcot,
si.o 00x72.
90c. "( Minion" 10-4 (iray P.lan
IcoL, si.o 00x72.
10, II and 12-11) Hark (Jray
Blankets, extra largo si.o, worlli
from $.".(() to ftu'.SO, can bo bought
durinir sale at
$4.00 per pair.
The best values ever offered.
A'nd a shining example of what Pence & Mays' can do for
yon in Clothing in strongly reflected in this greatHnd most com
plete department. We speak entirely within bounds when we
udirm that nobody in ICastorn Oregon can excel us either in style
or price.
When we tell you about OVERCOATS, it's the cautions peo
ple we are after those who know a round dollar's woith.
There's as milch variety hero in Overcoats at
an soiiio stores will show you in an entire stock.
The Nobbv Top Coat in light and medium weights r rf
in tan and gray at plvJ.UU
A very handsume medium weight gray cheviot rfjw r ff
lloxCoat; Bilk-sewed seams; good scrg'e lining. . tpJ-U.ULJ
Swell P.lue Kersey, made with strap scams and dl" ff
velvet collar, at tpxU.UU
liig warm Ulsters or Storm Coats in black frieze, r fr
double-breasted and larye storm collars, at tpi.V.VyLJ
Pease & Mays.
All goods marked in plain figures.
Services at the Lutheran church both
morning and evening tomorrow. Preach
ng by the pastor, Rev. V. Brenner.
At the Congregational church tomor
row services will bo held only in the
morning when the pastor, Rev. I). V.
Poling will tike for his theme: "The
Church aa Compared With Cher Es
tablished Institutions."
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. 15.
' Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11
a. in. and 7:30 p. m, in the basement of
the new church on Union street. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. B. Y. P. U at
0:30 p. m.
The Methodist Episcopal church,
corner Fifth and Washington streets,
Ulysses F. Hawk, pastor. The special
meetings held at the church during the
last ten days by the pastor, who was
very ably assisted by the Rev. C. D.
Nickelson, of Heppner, proved a bless
ing to the church in greatly reviving
the members for better church work.
Tho services were well attended and
alive with interest. Iuge congregations
arc present at the Sunday services. The
splendid choir, with Prof. IJirfeld at the
organ, is rendering some beautiful
music. A special musical program will
! be given at both morning and evening
services tomorrow. At the 11 o'clock
, service the pistor will speak on the
I theme, "Lead or Follow." At 7:30 the
isnbj"ot will be "The Fire and the Calf."
I Sunday school at 10 a. in., Mr?. Smith
French supeiintendent; class meeting
at 12:15, .f. II. Cross leader; Junior
League at 3 :30 p. in., Mies Edyth Ran
J dall, superintendent; Epworth League
; at (5:30 p. in. Everyone will be made
' welcome at all the services.
Vogt Opera House,
F. J. Clarke, ManaRer.
!.. THURSDAY. Nov. 22
Big Consolidated
With tho Best Company
they ever owned.
60 All White People 60
3 Cars 3 Bands 3
Everything new this season.
New Acts! New Faces! New Ideas !
If you want to see a Real Minstrel show
come and see us.
Positively the largest and most expen
sive ininstiol eumpanv everv .organ-iz-d.
Watch for the Big Parade at I p.m.
Prices 25, 50 and 75c. Tickets
can be procured at Clarke & Falk's.
y Opera House
he Dgties Daily Ghoniele,
e I'f'fMMWV
'III 1 1 I i i
I to I). C. Cooper, Fish was arraigned
this forenoon and pleaded not guilty.
M is trial was set lor :i p. m. and is in
- -M
served i
At Andrew Keller's.
I progress as we go to press.
If you have dandruff, your hair is
falling out. Use Cocoanut Cream. For
salo at Fraer'H barber shop. nO-Im
I Two old women from Missouri droye
i up to the toll gate of one of tho bridgeE
across tho Missouri at Leavenworth and
asked the man in charge how much the
S) ! toll was
Wlilh' yet Hit! In tit i of linpostlll Imrux
A mini limy Hluily tin- returns;
lint v.iieu ii luiuMMe strikes tint liiml
Tlie lump K'v oat ynu uinlurstaiiil.
"Twenty-five cents for a inau
I and horse," said the gatekeeper. "Well,
I then gut out of the way; we're two old
women and a mure. Get up, Sadie."
I falling backward, struck his head with
great force, whether on the sidewalk or
a rock is not known. lie was taken to
his home uticonsciou.s and was attended
to bv Pre. Logan anil Ferguson, who pro
nounced his injury tiite serious. "At
noon today Mr. Kroger had not recov
ered consciousness, save partially at
long intervals, and the physicians have
grave apprehensions of fatal results.
The marchioness of Dutc, with her
only daughter, Lady Margaret Chrioh-ton-Stuart,
and her third son, Lord
Colum Urlohton-Stuart, are en route for
Palestine. They have with them the
Miller's all-wool clothing and over
coats. The Fair.
A marriage license was issued yester
day to Andrew Grimm and Anda Grnu
luud. Fur rent A suite of furiiiHhed rooms
; And the mun stood in open-moutned heart of the late maiquis of Bute for
wonder as the on) women drove oil, ; burial on Mount Olivet, in accordance
u'.. i. ,. f...:i .... ...i wiiii me uemro ui ine ueceaseo nouie
f.u nuvi- n nun, Y:t;uiuwiu mm iiuui
farm combined, for sale cheap. It con
sists of 80 acres of licit loam and can all
I be irrigated, a largo creek
throili'h tint nliii'i. lnHidi!s Hiiucriil nnvf-r
; falling springs; about 1000 bearing fruit ' I""'""""" was given by the pope of the
, t ! M . t.liriH. unrHA nf ithiimm itiwl nthor
i small fruits: w,dl i.nnroved in the uav boi!' a-ording to the king's request.
a' .Mrs. Aguew's corner of l-ourth tt"l ! of tmiltlini:a mill fences; would make an 1 A t'L"!"(' 81,yH Umt tho P'ty were at
Pulon. nl7-l w J ,,,,., (ruili M UM, (illiry furul . onlv j tacked by the Saracens in Spain and in
Prof. Sandvig's regular weeklv dance ! f,.,- .,,!!.. f,-,,,,, ti itv. Ti,i i n, , 11 l,aU,u Douglas flung the casket con-
man. The heart of King Robert of
Bruce, who was an ancestor of the mar-
I nnis nf l.nlt' u'nq nnii i-prpil tv n IIaikf.
r,""""K i ,' ,.. ......... ..,;. , ,. . ,
hip iui iiuriiti in iiiu uuiy I..U1U, f3ieeiui
day to allow it to bo extracted from the
will be held tonight (Saturday) at the
Rome itihor that Ciicoanut Criiam Tonic
will promote growth of hair
I'razer, solo agent.
Inquire of Hud-
chance of a lifetime
son it llrownhill.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glenn have spenti
Oharles j dm pant week at Seaview, from whence
id). I m i Mr. Glenn returned last night and Mrs.5
Remember that A. Y. Marsh will give
a turkey and pigeon shoot on the beach
November 27, ti8 itud lillth.
The Dnfur common council has passed
an ordinandi fixing saloon license at
$800 a year, or j'.'OO a year when malt
hipiors only are sold.
We are pleased to learn that Coroner
W, M, lluttu is improving from his ro-1
ci'iit attack of sickness and It is hoped
li i 1 1 unim I... nit lit li. Itn tin I.Iq fin.f mrtilnj
'1.1. LirUII 1.1.1 I. ,11. 1 ... .U "II IM IIIVI ...
Wo aro the only people in The Mallei
woo earn up'to-uato styles lit lame
and Missoh box coata and jackets, Thi
Duputy .Sherlll" E. 15. Wood left thin
morning for Salem with .lohn Wilson,
who is sentenced to tlireu years lu thoi
penitentiary for laicuny of cnttiery from'
W, A. Johnstrjii's store.
1'iesid.iiit MeKiiiloy'ti coiihIii, anils
whose name is also Wi'liam .MoKinley',
was defeated for asseesor in one of the
Indiana ilistrletB. The reason for this
if apparenthe was u deiiioorat.
According to present indications there
will he turned loose in Oregon 'b waters
this season ovor M.OOO.OOO of smitll sal
inou, The total present capacity of
Orivon'u hatcheries is about 110,000,000
Ca-isiiH lnirchild, who is defendant
in an action for divorce, which was set
'or hearing before .ludgo Itradshaw last
Thursday, loft his homo near Grass
Glenn, who stopped over today at Port-1
laud, is expected homo tonight. Mr;
Glenn says the weather at the bench is
absolutely delightful, or was all the tiino
ho was there. The temperature is
warmer than it is at either Portland or,
Astoria and during all the time he was
at the beach he never felt the need of an
overcoat a moment.
The Dalles' football tpam left this
morning lor iioiuenuaie wnere tuey
played a mutch game wih the Golden
dale team, comiueuciifg at 2:30 this
afternoon. The following is the line
up of Tho Dalles team : Otis Patterson,
center; W. Brown and P. Friz.ell,;
guards; II, I lagan and II. Zirke, tackles ;fl
II. Ward and Gus'P.artoll, ends ; K. Mur-i
rav, iiuarter-bae.k : C. Groohlor and M.
.1. l!.rtell, half-back; J. Cooper, full-:
back ; Scritt, sub-ond; C. lloppnef
upd Ed Smith, subs; M. .1, Bartell,
reJ'lio great demand for sheep In tho
Willamette valley is Illustrated ny the
following item from the Eugene Guard :
"J. II. Beckley placed a Btnall ud. in
tho Guard for n few days, wanting to
let out 700 sheep on shares. Me has re
celved ovur forty applications by mail,
on account of said advertisement, and
from first-class men, and instead of 700
he will let out 1,000 head. The 700
bunch will arrive here from The Dalles
Sunday for distribution, mid the other
800 later. They aro all picked sheep.
taining his charge into the midst of the
enemy, crying, "Onward as thou wert j
wont, thou noble heart; Douglas will!
follow thee." The gallant chieftain was j
Hilled, but Bruoo's heart was subse- i
(j lently recovered and taken to Melroae
abbey, where it was interied. j
Yesterday afternoon Professor Griflith,
the hypnotist, performed the feat of I
finding a jack knife that had been hid-!
d ui by a committee, consisting of II. W,
Wells, Dr. Ehholinan, A, S. Cathcnrt
and Will Crossen, while the hypnotist
was guarded by another committee, con
sisting of Ford Diet.el, R. J. Gorman
'and W. Lander, in the room back of
Clarke iV: Falk's drug store. Then,
blindfolded, the professor took the lines
of the team used by the hitlers of tho
knife, and following tne circuitous route j
which thev took when hiding it, pulled j
up in iront ot ino Dalles uomiutsslou
House, und, climbing a telephone pole,
found the knife where Wiil Crossen had
placed it, on the top of the wooden awn
ing. During the drive he was accompa
nied by the committee who hid the knife.
No word was spoken from start to llnish
uud the onlv contact the hypnotist had
with his companions was a small copper
wire fastened around his forehead and
attached to the hack, and incidentally
to the commitlee men. Both committees
wore chosen from a crowd that gathered j
in front of Clarke it Falk'H drug store, i
and every possible precaution was taken '
to prevent collusion between the coin- ,
uiittees and between them mid the,
hypnotist. Tonight Profetsor Griflith I
will give his closing entertainment, at'
tho Vogt. 1
Circuit Court I'roci'pcllngi..
The court was occupied yesterday
afternoon and part of this forenoon with
the case of Mrs. M. J. Ilensel sgainst
Hans Hansen. .1. P. Thomson and A. D.
McDonald. The action was brought to
i recover the price cf 5)000 feet of lumber
at $H.o0 a thousand, the balance cls.imed
to be due on a contract for 18,000 feet
r.s the price of a saw mill bought by the
defendants. Mrs. Hensel had come into
possession of the claim by purchase;
but in the transfer ot the claim the hus
band of the owner of it hud signed his
wife's name without her being pi esent
or without, her power of attorney. On
the proof of this fact the court decided
in favor of a motion of non-suit, and the
jury was discharged for the term. ,
All the other jurors had been dis-1
charged last night. The remaining i
business of the term consists a few
equity cases. j
c.t until, th ii ii vpiiuiut.
The audience at the Vogt last night
was United to one of the most unique
hypnotic performances ever witnessed
in The Dalles. A dozen or more young
men were selected from the audience,
and all proved ready subjects.! They
were made to perform in a manner
that would put to shame the antics of a
pot ponrrl of trained monkeys. The
performance throughout was varied,
chaste and pleasing, and the ease and
rapidity with which Mr. Gridith han
dles his class entitles dim, without
question to the title lie wears as King of
the Hypnotic World. To say the least,
you have not seen hypnotism to a linith
until you have seen Grillitb.
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
8 Nov. 15th
mags & Crowe
Tho only store ft
this city where tin
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
n dozen pieceoof so
cnlled cheap eiiam
eled ware.
Other vare3 look
ino has the name
Stransky -Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Exhi
bitions. Highest
award nt World s
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
3y imported for and
sold in tliia city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not discolot
nor catch inside, u
notaflectcd by acids
in f rutU or
boil, .
iUO '
i t h o u (;
impart in,';
flavor o'
5r mid
Vnlluv on his way here hiHt Wednesday He puiolmeod them from Itopresenta-
ial has not been heard from since. Foul I tive Albert Koberts, who formerly at-
I'li.v is feared, as it is said that threats i tended school here."
were made that Faliohlld would never
rt'auh Tho Dalles nlivo.
Emory Fish, of Ton-Mile, was ar
teued this morning on a warrant issued
"Ut uf Justice ItrownhiU'H court ebarg
Yenterday afternoon as Itov. Paul
Krugor was passing down Court street J
opposite the brick tehoo! house, accotn-i
panted by his wife and two childien,!
..( In. I. ..I. I I,. I, In .......u I,..'
MIIU 111 nillUII IIU t,.l,. . Ill IIIO) ,V
him with larceny of hogs belonging stepped In a hole in the sldewulk, aud,
For Iufauts and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
fiiguaturo of
IIIi'lliilHy I'Hily. '
A happy and jolly crowd of girls
gathered Thursday evening at the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bitchier to
celebrate tho anniversary of the birth
dnv of their daughter, Miss Mamie.
The livening was spent in games, vocal j
and instrumental music, and such other
fun and enjoyment as only a lot of,
healthy, happy gitls can promote. The
company separated at a late hour after
partaking of an elegant supper anil w ish-
ing their hostess and companion many '
"returns of the season." Those present
were: Misse9 Peail Joies, Betnice
Schooling, Minnie Bartell, Lillie Seufoit,
Wasco Morris, Lulu Blakeuey, Hazel 1
Waud, Hose and Mamie Buchler.
Sp:cial bargains in children's and
misses' shoes at the New York Cash
101 whito cotton blankets, oO cents;
10-1 gray cotton blankets, 50 cents.
Tho Fair.
Tlioru is no oxcuso for
woarinjj out-ol-dtito, clumsy
footwear, when wo can soil
you for $2.50 a perfect -fitting,
well-made, dressy shoe.
Many styles to select from.
Pease & Mays.
In a Refined, Instructive, Marvelous,
Laughable and Up-to date Performance.
Clever Actors,
Sweet Singers,
Manuf.iet'ired to suit taste of audiences.
180 Laughs
ISO Minutes.
rriccjj, 2S3c, 3Gc, SOc.
.V!.'.-..V '.v.i.T.
i: e ii
food and
vl!l iasl
lor years.
l.UIl I U .
;iu':.i".. f
General Blacksmith
and Hoirsesboef.
All kinds of bhickeinithing will receivo
prompt attention and will beixncuted
in first-clacs shape. (Jive him a ctll.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or.
A. Y. MARSH will give a
turkey shunt on the bench
Throe Days .
Nov. 27th, 28th and 29 th
There will also be pigeon
trap spooling at the s:iuu
time and place.
rrra une tnousana styles ana sizes.
For cooking and heating. 1
MM ' Prices from $ to $so. iMiM
fflhe genuine all bear the above Tra Je-Alark xEj, w I
JStKfr and are 80,1 yvith a written guarantee. I
I Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition IBOO'fe? I
friJvml gold j,y First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere. & r
UP o MaJeouiy ty TJio Michigan Stove Company, U
BjiJutnti Largeat Makeru ot Stovua uud HaiiKua iu tho World. Otk Slove.r