The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 17, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
NOV. 17, 1900
.... "7,jr-?:tr , I A Difficult Problem.
ruiiuniuj; is uiu iiblui ituiern remain
ing in the po9toflice at Tho Dalles un-
called for November 10, 1000. Persons
Said the Sun Francisco Chronicle
our democratic contemporary to Duncan, J H
., , . . i Kdrington, fc A
? the question of Chinese ex- Fisi,er, .1 A
Ashby, Mr A E-
of a week a:o: "The frantic efforts nr0ier. Ft! il
of our
nhiirm intn the rrrmit. njimnnirm ' Ilaiina, Chaa
, ., i it i . . Henry, Clyde
failed signally, as it was right it j rrson, Lewis
should. There never was the sli"ht-, McKellar, Mrs S
I McFntee F
est merit in the assumption that .the , Stewart, 'bias A
Yeputilican parly coulemplatcd break j ?!mpon, J 8
ing down the barriers and letting in, Williams, K.irl
calling for the saino will give date on
which they were advertised:
Drown, I. M
Cooper, Guy
Carlson & Alexander
Daly, Geo E
Estes, .1 N
Cullman, Martha
Harrison, Susan
Jacobson, Ellef
Maron, Miss E
Uhodes, John
ltoot, Georgo
?t?n'.th!un, Funny
Smith, R Anderson
Underhlll, Mrs Clara
ilson, Mrs Chas
I It is anions 'ho most difficult prob
' lems of natural science for one to become
i expert in several lines. J. K. Atlcox t 1
Co., by their combination, have over-
I come this difficulty in n practical man-, !
; ner. J. E. Adcox is an expert watch-'
. maker and is good on jewelry, optical I
work and enttravliip. while Theo. H.I1
Liehe is an export optician and is pood ,
on watch impairing, jewelry work and,
uniiravini:. Their price is as low as con ,
I sistent with jjo'nl uoikmanship. They
are prepared to do all work in their
several lines, on short notice. Work I
sent by mail or exuress will receive
prompt attention. Sign, "Hit: Red , 1
Williams, Mrs Lilly
l'rlvato School ly or EvenliiR.
the Asiatic horde. The attempt to!
make an issue of the subject failed j
because everybody knows that the, persons desiriut; instruction in Eng.
exclusion of the Chinese is a non-llish branches, ornamental penmanship,
mrtlsau policy in this state. All! short hand, shade-pen writing, free
hand drawing, book-keeping,
mathematics, vocal music, etc.
parties are not only committed to it,
but public sentiment is unanimous. (im door second lloor west of Cur
against letting down the bars. 2otjg9 ,nin( Second street. Foreigners
politician on the' Pacific Coast would j taught to read and write English in a
venture to take any other stand on
the question, ami when the time
comes for the re-enactment of the 3, t9. $10 and $12.50 will buy some of
few lessons.
Pkok. E. FltKKIl.
1 the swellest box coats ever shown in
The Dalles. The Fair.
Iat eastern prices.
exclusion act it will lie found that
a republican congress will be true to
the party record on the subject of i 1)rc,,aratioiis simply dovel-
Chinese immigration. The election op dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions,
. ,, ,. . , which adhere to tuo memurano ami uecoui
is now over, and the result shows , poseiCausingaf arm0ro6enou3 trouble than 1
that the frenzy of our democratic, tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. j v- 'DloVnl nrr
. , . ,. ,,, . . I iug iukalauts, fumes, smokes ami snuffn I IreO. W. JDlciKt;lc y ,
contemporary in forcing the Chinese , aubd lu0 that Vhicli cleanses, soothes and i j ,
issue drove votes away from Us 1 heals. Ely's Cream 13alm is such ft remedy
...... .' and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
ncKet instead ot attracting tnem to , easil aml pleasantiy. trial sizo will bo -
it. It acted as a boomerang." I mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho
??!. , 00c. size. Ely Brothers. 5(5 "Warren St., KY.
i Tim Rilni cures without wain, does not
in. - rMi. . .I. tt.n .... ; Tl ,Si 1 ,
j.uu V.HUUU- xyuuiuuiati uiuma n lrritato or causo sneezing, spruaua iineu - v
democratic party is not dead yet but an gg; j PailltinSf . . .
is cf the opinion that the Bryanitej With Ely's Cream Halm you aro armed t'
end of it will be sloughed off. Some i aSaiust Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. j Ti)0 n(Ierai.,IleiJ liaa uken possession
of It. A. Spivev paint shop, next door to
the Vogt opera house, and liaa pur-
Dm 0s
$ i .oo per month.
Strictly llrat rla?H local and Ioiir
distance tcluphono service within
your home.
J.iut'H do not crose-talk. Your con
versation will bo kept a secrut.
No cost for installing.
Vou u'"t the standard Ilminini;
Lout: Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and ulglit sorvico.
Wo will accept your contract for
ten years and allow you to cancel
saniu on Kivini; us thirty da'8 writ
ten uotico.
a rj c i ta-a- r.TA-rjo ata j A--A-rjrr jc : a- f a. t a-i-a-tatm Tgiry:TX:rpqyrrrATA'T)i tiers'
The Druggist.
Just What
You uua
Str. HuKiilntcit'
Yallandigham will appear who will
force the democracy to take a new
departure in 1900, as the original
Yallandigham did a little over a
quarter of a century ago. The pres
ent shake-up will give the democracy
a new aspect. The adoption of the
For Sttle,
A few choice Hereford bull calves eli
gible for registration. Inquire of
nl-4tdw J. I,. Kkli.y, Tho Dalle9.
chased the tools and ladders. lie lias
j;ood mechanic workiuc for him, and
will guarantee all work to give eatisfac- i
I When you cannot sleep for coughinc, ! tion
! it is hardly necessary that any one should
tell you that you need a few dose of
1 Chamberlain's Cough liemedy to allay
I t ha ifrttnTinti nt inn fhrriar nnrl nvi L'a
I I A It VA IIIVJ kill Ullkl lAA lliait'
riot and repudiation program was
lue oiggest misiaiie wuicu any party , sleep p0gsible. It is good. Try it
in the United States ever made sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
except that of secession. j Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
. , ., : , , i a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
Hie repudiated bully, Croker, bos ,,,,. of the foodj dUtreM llter eangf
the effrontery to say that the demo-0r any form of dyspepsia. Ono little
crats are invincible because the' j tablet gives immediate relief. L'5 cts.
'always fiaht for" principles." Dick ' and 50 cts- Blakeley, the druggist.
probably thinks the American public
st 'nuipri nt tin- KcKUliitur l.lin will run icr thyfo! 'J
mv.iiK siiintulr, tin1 l'tMumy tf-ervlim tlm rlnlit tn chuKsu'jl
m '.. mile lt,n .it notice. a
nr. j
I A I'nrtUrd.S
nl'i f'.. si. i
'imJir 'j
1 uiitKi,i ,J
sit-irdiy x
Air l).illtM
iti r si.. 5
Travel liy the Ktenmcrs of tin; ItcitulRtnr I.I tie Tin (onitmnv will iMnlenvur to Rii'c Iti rif ,
mii tin Inst k-i wee !s.lU--. Kor (utt)ier lnloriimtlim mill rf-- y
l'ottlmtil Ollioe.Onk strivt l)t)-. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gun. A((t.
I.s lJlltO
lit 7 A M
sntiirilny .
; Atr. I'ortliiml
J. at 1 ai r. m.
t'ortl nut
u- 7 M.
Arr. HiiIU
r. M.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. DnIUitt City.
l.v. l)alle.H
at 7 ,. m.
I'rlilay. . .
Arr. Portliiinl
at !:: r. si.
ti.T.u ti-T.i.rt.T-.Ya-.iii.r..Tj.r .-Tt.5tr.i.Ti."riTiV.
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as wo are showing never be
fore graced a single stock. Ileal imita
tion creton eflecta at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Klegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
for a small price, at our storo on Third
street. Also a full line of house paints.
Wasco Warehouse Com
has forgotten his enunciation of the
greatest of all democratic principles,
"my own pockets all the time." This
is the only democratic principle that
Crokrr and his gang know or care
about. "What the country thinks of
it is apparent in the returns, remarks
the Philadelphia Press.
Copyrights &c.
You will not have boils if vou
Clarke & Falk's stiro cure for boils.
A full line of Eastman 2lni3 and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Fulk.
The largest and most complete line of
fall and winter millinery ever displayed
in the city at the Campbell & Wilson
millinery parlors. The prices will sell
the goods. eStf
The people of California wanted' Why Pay i.73 per gallon for inferior
' , , , ., , i paints when you can buv James h.
rain. Ihey were told by the repub-. Pfttton,H gun proof pa,ntg ;Qr $150 pw
licans that if McKtnley was elected gallon, guaranteed for 5 yeara. Clark &
it would rain. McKinley was elected j Va'k- agents. ml
and the next day it rained. Now T'e best method of cleansing the liver
what in the world is the use of try- 8 the "Si lJh 'JV"?1" "."'l-pI"8
, known as DeWitt s Little harlv Risers,
ing to get away from such over- E(l8y t0 take Never Ktip(i -Sold by
whelming arguments as that? sar- j Clarke & Falk.
castically asks an irreverent and' At the popular millinery parlors of
disgruntled llryanite. Campbell fc Wilson can be found all tho
lateet things in street hats, trimmed
The Spokane Chronicle wants to j hats, children's echool hats, and also j elsowher
,i... :. ll if -r ! rain.n'.alinniBrB & OrOWe
11 1,11 t - M
Anvono KPiidlnc n ukrlrh nml dejcrlptlon m.v
quickly ascertain our opintoii freo whether a
uivt'iittoTi H prob.itily pnlentablo. ''Vjmmunliv
t loin strict ly contldontlal. 1 landtion'c ou 1'atvntc
lent tree, uldest usency fori-ecuriin,' paleuti".
t'atei.ts taken tliroutli Jlunu Jc Co. rccelrk
tr'al notlct, without charge, In tho
Scientific American.
A hand.'omely lllunratpil weekly, l.imct elr
rnlatloii of any iirlentllle Journal. Ternu, fl a
year: lour months, 1. Sold by all newsdealer!1.
MUNN & Co.30,BrMdM'-NBW York
Uruncb nrrice. t2i 1" Wahlauton. V. C
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin
d. w. vause, Third st. i Headquarters for Rolled Grain, au kind?
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S? mTLISd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
ton FlOUr T''8 'onr 18 nianufactured exprehsly for fiimll;
ush; iiverv sack is guaranteed to nive satisfaction,
sell our oode lower tliiin any hoiiHo in the tratlo, and if you don't think so
call and uot eur prices and ho convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whoa.t, Barley and Oats.
pipe JaiIorip
A complete lino of Fall and Winter i
Suitings, L'antinps and Overcoating, now j
on display. 100 different varieties to so'
lect from.
..CHAS. m-
and Farmers
Keeps on ilraiiKht the celclinitei
COl.r.MlllA lli:i:it, iiekmm;
eilKiil tlio liest hivr In Tlie DhIIuk,
atthciusuul prleg. (,'omo in, try
It umf be convini'dl. A No the
Kiiiit briimli of Wines, I.l Uor
and Clours.
of all Kinds always on Imnil.
a. Ji. iiKAj.i
know, now that tt s all over
liryan has really succeeded in teach
ing that pet rooster of his to crow.
allen I'ubllc hcliooln.
Following is the report for the quar
ter (4 weeks) ending November 9, 1900.
'n I?
Eait lldl i'rlmar!. ' i I i
MIb Chumllu IB, 2nd IT S SB, a
Jlihs itoberts IBamlSJt lii 2& n :i
Court Strut, i i i
UitisDoutbit Ut "9 .1 ! !!3 2!
Miss Klton 'Jd ti m V! a
.Mlhs 'Iboniphon 2d M W H '.)
MIh.s Wrenn Itli ff OT, 19 j
Academy l'aik.
MlssCootx-r lt fll' IV IT( T
JlhuFIinn -JH-au .''. in iti :,
Mis. Itoehe HI-MI, M r la '.'
Jlhullall 5tlitM' i l'.'1 '-
jiiuh .school, ; i
Mrt.llaldwln ,
Jlins U Itlnwjiil i Ctb, TIIj, sth'A'iV.VJSll ;i
WlhsT. Itlutoul j I
.MlkhMlehell 1 , ,
l, H, lHpartmtnt. 1 I
MUsIIill ! I
Jlr. Nell j II .V M Oil US
' HuslliiiK young man can make $60 per !
rnnnrh nnrl f.vriRiippn. Trnmnpnt nnni. i
- '
tion. Experience unnecessary. Write!
fpiick for particulars. Clark & Co., (
Fourth and Iocust Streets, I'hiladel-1
hpia, Pa, &S-tf j
It is well to know that DeWitt's'
Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and
stop the pain at once. It will cure
eczema and ekin diseases and u;dy
wounds and eoree. It is a certain euro
for piles. Counterfeit may bo offered
you. See that you get tho original De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Suits, $20 ai?d up.
Call and examine Kooib before coinir i PitKt1 National fiahlr
elsewhere. Second street, opn. Muvi ""w
j A General Bunking Business transacted
Deposits received, oubject to Sight
Draft or Check.
' Collections mado and proceeds promptly
i remitted on dav of collection.
; Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
I New York, San Francisco ant! port
! land.
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Sohjcnuic,
, Eo. M. WilIiIamh, Go. A. LttsuK.
I H. M. Beam..
F. s.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplie
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
I)ry m?.i,b' 'ntlli"i 15l,,,tH and Shoes, at much leHF tlian wholesale
prices. ill sell in bulk or in lots, or anyway to suit purchasers.
Entire stook must be closed out "before 30 days.
All goods w ill bo sacrificed excpt.Thompon'B Glove-fitting Corsets
and Ilutterick I'attems. Your prices will bo muio. Call oarlv and secure
bargain g.
(Jorum Sucond and Court Sis.
I C eta i t- e r V
Clarke & Falk haye received a carload j fjflr SBUQlltt & LaUgWiD. 'PllODC 157
of the celebrated Jatne K. l'atton
strictly pure liquid paints "
of Commercial Sample Rooms.
i Purest Liquors for Family Use y
f DoUvwad to any part of tho City.
1'lioricn: Til Local, , 'I
y s.r) Distance. 173 Second Street, y
Paint your,houee with paints that aro
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Fulk
have them.
.WU'liST."." IJ1
Number of days of echool, L'O.
Per cent of attendance on number be
longing, 95.
The enrollment this quarter is three
wore than the corresponding quarter of
lait year.
J. Lakukus,
Subscribe for Tiik Cmto.NicLf.
Lettera of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States,
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louie, San Francisco, Portland Ore-
f;on, Seattle Wash,, and various points
n Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at ull points on fav
orable terms.
Ice Cream and !Fine Lard and sausages
Oyster Parlors : Cuiers brand
Mrs II. L. Jones lias opened ice
cream and oyster parlors in Carey JJal-
laru's oiu etanu. hhe carries i
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Cigars.
The place has been thoroughly ren
ovated, and a share of the public patron
age is solicited.
Open till 12:00 P. M.
! DR.GUNNS jfaia.
unc. for A DOSE.
IlomoTo riinpli-.. Prnt
nilouauoM, I'uHlj- thahluoU.
Curu UnMlMha .n, J)..upil'.
SAY! Lend Me Your Ear!
ti.i J,.r)" ,,,.nw Jolm I'auhek. tho tailor, la ogoiit for twoof $
the l.irKest merchant tailorhiK Iiousch in AmoncaV jfr
,, f" '"'i know that he will sell you a anil, mado to your order, iih &
i)() VOIl know Unit li.. Iw.u ..I i i f- .i . full
in The "unle'l haiidtoinest and finest lino of eiuuples over shown
TOWrVT T3 A crnntr t A m.ji... a .,4-