r frnm S.ihool. l wis c CTJtT"A JL TA ATI cape the Grim Reaper. Tin- Moil Clilliil-li KvpiMllfiifi Re. sorteit l .Miiiiiiiiinnliii-. mi Till Miiiict't Mime of llir UtieiTl-.! ("II ton. A niaii who. whilr puur. is not wort jj.' afniic' to i'it tk.in most people, often b t.eve'.op. a hauiitinir terror of 'e;ith aft er he ha mailt a bis- fori tint-, inn' htiN nn iiiih.tpp life am' huge uiu- nf innrt ill trylr.jr ;i nsu'X the ruin- in!- fate, frecpientlj hurr hini-t.f 5 inti) a premature !r;ive thriui;ri hcer i worry am: fear. Thi pali.n. l.iiitilon Anwtr. ha.- turned tht' brain- U a u of a irntit! mn 1: v wealthy peopl lining iitiiiiitti!nntt.- of them. 'I hp re- One half ii to- --clioo! term passei!, ..ml n.- m. c-j ur still bfiiik. i Strange Freaks of Rich Men to Es pur.!i-il ittiuti-oi- ti t- same enerey ami it'ftft ? .it tn jtntiitifr of tht term. J 11 the luiih ;cit-.l the c!ae$ in His torv. Literature, I'.hetorie, Civil Govern .mtJiiirfieHw aci'l Mathfinn tic; art' well up with itintr jrr.tile wnfK ami never; iiiiule more mtif trior v pr-irei:. The ' tir-t year clu-- in Chiies i ?tmlyiriy tlit "K-".v on Line iln" ty Lowell, an I ; Limioln'd "(tuttyhiira peech." The, sect! mi year e!t ha ju?i I'mijtiei. Goltl- I sinitliS "I)t--etifii ViiUi:-'- ami are tuk i ii i tip Scott'.- "I.tiUio'."' The third ye.ir el i- i- ni.irtiie-'tirn: an extraordi nary rnihiisirf!!) in " Kiiinola.' They even iurt evening' t" tiiscti's points in the plct ami plia-e of the different character!. Thi i- the urn year the historic il romance has lieen taken up as n regular stmlv. The class in Geology has never had access to as many uooil specimens as this Year, and the result i shown by their rapid progress ami high interest. While we realize that our supreme cc rmiatiun in school is seeking intellectual development and earnest application in the pursuit? in which we are now, gen erally, ?o actively unpaged, we do not hesitate to turn a-ide occasionally from our studies to some useful and needed recreation. We realize that "all work and no play makes .lack a dull hoy." The uirls, or rnther those who tleirt it. have their phystc.il exercise and dumb bell drill and the boys the foot hall game. The high school now has a tine team., Nearly every afternoon at close of school they may be seen practicintr. Tbe team has a match srntne with the academy at Golder.dale on Thanksgiving day. Foot ball is one of the great games of America, and does much to develop courage and manliness in its partici pants, though it doe? sometimes result in a few bruised shins and bumptd noses. Moreover, a good team organi zation creates a feeling of sympathy and engenders a good school spirit. The high school debating club will de bate the question "Resolved, That the U'e of Machinery is Injnrions to the Liborinc Class," this evening in con nection with the program of the literary .eocietv. W. C. s s. L. Lane, I 1! UKNKK.U. Hi! .AND. '5' OKlW II Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Muwn. Phone 159 .3 .5 .5 . i .3 5 3' iwrra m ft sort to the most eliih'i-ih expedient.- 10 keep death from their ini. i You remember Kipling' eharnetcr. j who harT hi- chair .-'.unsr on rope.-- from j a beam that the tvorid might -pin tin tier him. instead of carrying him nbmg j to grow oli'er. There mi- an artual ' a-eer like thi-a few y'ni s ago. when , .lohn ls'.ip. an Kiig!lhmnn. who made ' a huue fortune out of i..er in Mexico, drove himself mud through worrying' about hi.- death. After exhausting all the wtfeguarr. London could olTer. he bought a "inal! , roeky i-Iami cnllrd lirychil, on the i M lri.-b eoa.t. taking with him one faith ful -ervitor. Here, in feverih li.i"te. he had four stout pillar- rni.-cd ai .' a .-ma 11 one-i-toried cabin, with iuve rooms, rather like a hou-eboat. lirs on chair- from iron girder.-that cni the pillar and swung 'clear of the ground. Once inside thb. he shut bin .-elf up with .-ome book-- and a pet j i.-k-daw for eonipany. and never left his swinging hou.-e until hi.-, death. The attendant, who livtd in a sii.al hoti-- io.. b . n.ed to row to the mai' -land a mile and a half--when the weather p-?rrnitte d. for provisions. The ' master spent hi-, time rending and look- j ini: out over the Atlantic from the; cabin windows. Hi- brain had given i wa;.. of cnur.-e. and he imagined his life -rood still, while the earth revolved mi- 1 der him. lie had no relatives to in-it j on hi. entering a private :is lum. and J he died three year.- later in the cabin. worried out of life by the fear of death. Hi- hair was .-now-white, though he wa-' only V.l. Another wealthy man. .lean Ingle--..uit, though he had made a fortune by -iirewd speculation, also gave way to 'lie t'rea-' of death. He conceived the idea that all movement and effort wait ed the ti. ue.. of the body, and this no tion Mink -o deeply into hi, mind that he went to bid in a quiet country hou-e ant' hardly 'moved hand or foot for tar: it he ever, stirred a finger he did it with dread, beliewng it u.-ed up his vitality and shortened his life by so much time. He .-poke as little as po -iu!t. su.'retinie- not opening his lips fr i.av-, and wn fed bv attendants ...Dealor In... Drrv Goods. Clothina. Gents' Furnishings. liivits, Slice. Hut-. ( ats N t; lis for V 1. Doui; s Shix- Telcphont No. .5. l &tc '111 Jt., ! i Tie Dalles, Or. is IHICA I lURCASE I Wt help; tho team. Saves wear or.a Q K expense. Sold everywhere. & jSBi, sTAr:-.'Ar.o oil co. jflfe if I (US to f The Dultcn, OP. 5 The Chronicle, dob Printers. r ? :i :e St I, 'S i n" i -2 'i , 1:1: ;: .3C fa J: at , 2T 1 3 3 tiiiiiTiiifTiitTttnitTiiiniirnfttntf iiifitiii trrnttrtirf rtt utjiifTr ivtirrr O.R.&R I llir liiinm-imi Ulll 1 lllll'tllT TIMl: H III liP'l.lt I UOM lUI.i.. tiKTt I rax l int Xiilt I.iikt, llcnvcr Kt v si.ui Wiittji, omniiii, tan .;' I'J.l). 111. Mm IV. hi 1 "'ll 1' 0 Atliuille Kxine! Suit Ijika, l)in , Worth, (iiiuiim, . Kt l.xiiiet Worth, (iiimlm, kmi I..' H. 111. nil" I.IIV, HI 1. Via Hunt ! IIIXloll. ClilciiRn uitil 1 mm Ht'Oknnu 1 Mull I lllllt j KxpieM Wnlln WiiIIh. H)i.l(,iin. I Mlllllf.l-(lll8. st 1 mi,. 1 I'tilutli, Jilhtmikw, ! :lilri-i( mill i.iu. Vlrt Mmihiiioiii.ii limiting ton: iiImi itii, I,, 'J.Ji p. in Wrtililtilitoimiiit I..1H eru Oriuon. k p. ui. i 1'itim I"oi;tj.anii j Oreau fiteiiinlit;i ' l-'or fciili hniiirlvi. livery 1'ivc l,i Mill n,l MI't-A) ; 3-ia.n p.n. s p m. , ii-i.nntiiay cniiiiiiiiiii i:v. tp.inif.-j, K, i..,. K.!1lilrlt 1 ! .(i.Uim. 111 1.. ta. f n 111. Wii.i,tui:Trr Iuvkb, fMoH llr.oiiiiilny OroKiin City. NewUri; KlsmSi, Miluni A Way Umi . ,.1.111, Wli.LAJfTTi: A.'lli y 3,S)f.X liifi.'iiiur. iiu.t. luvi.ns. Moa.HM nail sill. Oifiin City, Dnvtmi tmlYil nail Wiiy-Liuilliixv 1 lv ItilkltlH ! lUliy 1 i-i a. In. f ! a k i: ltivru l:l,l!lii In l'wlntotl. I.I.U1 LllUSTOJ dally 9 :!. vith hly s Cream IJalm you aro against Nasal Catarrh, and Hay Feve: Drying" preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up the eecretions, tvliich adhere to the membrano and decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuff and uso that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such n remedy and vrill cure catarrh, or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial 6izo "will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers, fif! Warren Kt., N.Y. Tho Balm cures vithoat pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself ; 1 . . 1 .1 c over an imiaceu auuimgry burmce, rentsv- , s,Ioon:i. A:, his food con.visted of mg immediately the p:uuful inflammation. 1 .. . . '., . .. .., , ,.. Sly'a Cream Balm youaro armed T ' . ' ' " " hi en-'w ;r,g. ami nis one amueint-ni was li"iiiLr 'end to by the hour together, for li" would not hold a book or turn the pagv.-. Even the reading he did 11 way with toward the eiow of his life, believ ing that listening shortened hi e.ist t r.ee. One of the queerest eases that of a ilrs. Hoime. .1 very wealthy widow, who hud a terrible fear of germs and bacilli of al! kind. She had studied ihe subject deeply, and it nnVcttd her rea s'n, to nil appeiimnee. The dread of deat.h -titd her, and she waseonvii:ee! irh. would die by some wiitlrg dis-asi-iii-jjn-nl by microbes. Knowing that (oh! is. fatal to the average germ, chf had two room, adjoining eaeh other litttd a.- refrigerator., and kept eon p'alUlv at a temperature of ahotit NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT.' 1 I Notice i hereby given tlmt the undcrstiiiicil 1 have Illtil with the t'lerk of the county court of I tlieSWteof Orenon for Wh-co countv.ttielr Iliml . J account a- executors of the lastwli.11r.il tcti ment of lleiirv Ilarnum. tlceeatul. ami that 1 Moiiilnv. the HIi day of November. H00, at llio . hour of 10 o'clock a. rn has been tlxeil by tin County court for MM county at the tunc, ami' the county court room In Dalles City as th place lor ficirini ol objections to sill liual ac count ami inc sciuemcui 01 me sime. J. W. KliKNCli, . V. M.VYK. scjil-' Kxecutors. JTATA VXTATA Va A' A 1 A r A 'ATA 1 ATA1 AlAIAtAIAl.ttA'A t A A V A" At A "A TA A "A A l"A tj; This is the eeasou when mothers are alarmed on account of croup. It is quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, which children like to take. Sold bv Clarke & Falk. Acker's Etigli-ti Hemedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hour-;, or money refunded. 2 cts. ami 50 cts. Ulakeley the druuvists. We oiler for a limited period the twice-u-week Ciiuosicle, price JL50, and the Weeklv Oreaonian, price -fl.oO, tHith paper-i for tt'l a year. hllti-eii)tloiiH under this oiler inu-t be paid vance. in ad-! tf Wanted safe too large office. A second-band fire-proof Apply at the degree, or just below freezing poir.t One would sujipose this lo he mcir" tr, InL' than any quantity of microbes; NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice I- hereby given tint the un(lcrisncil hus duly tiled with the County Clerk of Whsco County, Orison, hi- liual account and report as administrator of the eMte of Adolph .(!ldltn, deceased, and that ihe Honorable County Court has iixeil Monday .the. 3th day of November, W. at 10 o'clK-k a in. of said day as tbe time, and tne county court room oi me i ninny touri house in iMllesCity, Wasco County, Oregon, as the place for htarliig said liual account and rc , W iort. All pvrfons intercted in said eslalu are ;4 hereby nutlleil to appear at said time and place and shot- cau-e, it any there be. way said rciKjrt 1 r should not 1m: approved and said lulminlsir.itor i a dischaigeii. i Dated this oth day of October, l'.mo. 1 V j. r A(;ii)in.-i, ; $ Administrator of the etatuof Adolph Aglillus, . ili-cea-iii octi. ! 0 ADM INISTEA'TOU'fj NOTICE. 1 In the County Court of the ht teof Oregon for ' W the County of Wasco. m lu the nmtler ol tlieettnteof S.rtils ,-clnva , bacher, deceastd. Notice Is hen by git en Unit : F the undprkiifiitil ha- been duly appointed ml- ! p tate of luls .-elnvabaehcr. deceased. All ier f sons having clalinh against deceased are hereby notified duly verllled, to the nndersl tie stoic-room of Hetschner piny, In tbe City ol I'ortluiid. Ortyon, tutliin six months frnm the da e hereof. J Dated this 17th day of October, Iff"). i V .SOLOMON IIIKM'H, Administrator. Cotton. Tkal A; Minok, Attorneys for Administrator. liCl'.H -t C. J. STUBLIJMG, WIIOI.K--AI.K AMI Itl.TtlL Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to A. M. WillinuiH A Co. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. tiri,k 1 it sr tT-t ' r i sr.: : r cr-t tiT.ir ) v UT-r. -ri-r ...- ir.v.vT;tr-T. v.j.r iu,tj1! 'V 1 t t I .5 .5 I SM7 1'ariH's diwiriug m sto ti llcpwr or l-nliils on Ciilttmhlii hoiithrni lu Ill;ji,ili0'jil Lue .No. .', l.-nvh.'.' 'Ihe p.ilips at Up,a ' niaklmr dlrcet I'liiii'irellmis at Ilcppiior JntftfM , ini llleicx. KeturtiliiK Inn - llitr i!i nvt eoncecEo ai lk'ppncr ;n iifl Ion and HIiiKs Hh .No, li; i inl'irf at The Dalles t U .a i m I I'or full particulars v , aKeut Th Dalles, or n. Iivll ' "u O . & N. fai ,le W It ItUII'RT, I'a- Am "uilUml.O: acher, deceased. All er ivaiust the estatui f said j 0 notitied to pre-ent them, iiderlntil at lnsortici- lu 5 letschner, Mayer iV Com Q t THE CELEBRATED .. .COMIJIBIA BREWERY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of tho product of thin well. known brewery the United States Health UeportH for .In tic :ii. 1000, says: "A more aupuiior brew never entered the lubratory of the Tnited .Status Health reports. It in iibolutely devoid o( the filiulitest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is compu-eil nf the be"t of malt and elioiivnt ol liop-j. Itn tonic iiulitie are of the binb. est and it can bo used with the ureateH benelit iiml satUfautiun by old ami youtiu'. Its it1!' eau eoiiteientiously be prescribed by tin pliv!ieiau with the cersaintv thiit a better, purer or morn wholesome bevernne cuiild nut possibly bo found." East Second Streot, THE DALLES, OREGON. J t 0 0 J 0 4 SOUTH and EAST via i trn uoninn ill Shasta Route Soumern Pacifiu Go Traliih leave The Dalles for 1'nrt.aiid aal ij stations nt l.i) n. in. mid p. m Ixvivc i'ortlniiil " Albany Arrive Ashland .... ' Wierniiieiilu . . " bail hraueheo Arric Oxdou " Deiier ' Kmi.is 1,'lly " Chlcaiio . . Arrive ls Alucoles . . . ' Kl I'aso " Kurt Worth . . " City of .Me.Ieii . " lloiistoii " New Orleans " Washliii.'loil .. " New York s jam ?.tlj'n 1.' .Mil in 10.5uJiD !' Mil UMib .iiri;i I..VH1S t 1. 1 i'i ii.ruo Lam II Tun k m 3 Man .' a in I il a a l.i.m 'J.MJaia ! .i p m I. (V p in i ' a I . 'I . i H I I I n : li ' . in i, I n -' I p i 7.Con (, iiin li ,U a li a un I:) an 0 'M'" i. ita U'tliiU NOTICE OF FINAL .SKT'I'l.H.M KNT. Notice is hereby Riven that the undcrsiicned I has duly tiled with the county clerk of Wasco I couiuy, wrcKOti, ins nnai account aim rejri us i executor of theenati. of Wioebc J. llalht. de- eeasisi : and that the bouorablo cciintv court has i..,, .1... .,,,.,.,. i.,.,...,. ;.. I,.... i lix(.l Monday, the 3th day of November. I'.s'W. at' Must be in uood condition and riot I . , .. , , ', .V . lo clock a. m.of said day as lliu lime, and the UKAI.KltS IN CllhONICLK oSLtf For sprains, swelling and lumenees therein notlilru: souood as Chamberlain'e Pain Halm. Try it. For eale by Blake ley, the driiKi-iet. Hest values for thu leat money at the New York Gaah .Store. A special in clnldien'a and misseu' shoes, while they enee last. i idoiisntiis' of freedom from f,'erm dis- easen. n inter unci Milliliter the roorn WHre kept at the same point, and the adjoininir rooinw and hall were nlso kepi cool, that no current of warm air mirht briii',' bacilli in. Thi lady lived clad in furs through out the liottest days that hlned nut slde, and her attendants and servants were obliged to constantly disinfect them elves before enterin-' her nre.s- They lived In a perpetual at- ciiunty court room in the county cou. i house In i , r Dalles City, Wasco county, Ore.'on, as lliu dac: , Hil linfic ftT for heailiu; said limit iiccotilit niid ri'-o.t. iin rvutWJ ui punepal Supplies! Nasal In all Ha ttaes tbero thouitl bo cltaniiDcM. Ely's Cream Halm clcanpc'.flootbecandlifaU tliu dies3cd incmbraiic. It cure catarrh and drlvca a,iy a cold In the bcid quick; mosphere of carbolic ai'id, and their mistress hac' to pa. vcr, hi'h wa'es to initiice mi , servnntt, to htay with her. All i-ersons iiilccestel in said estate are here by notified to ap-ear at said time and place and show cause, If any there be, why said rejuirt should not be approved and said executor ills charKul, D.ittd this '.".ith day of iei tember, 11-00. FI'.ANK MKNKKIIK, Kxecutor of the estate of I'hoebe J. ilaluut, deceastd. octa NOTIOK VOli 1'UHLICATION. I a Mi OlMCK AT '1JIE D W.LKS, OilKOON, ( October 'Si, VM. j Notice Is htrtby idvcii Unit the follow ins tiiirni-fl s.'lller liaslileil nntfco of her fnlelilloii tn ! inane final proof in toport of her claim, and ' .1.... . .1,1 ...,.,.(.. Ill 1.. ,(!.. ltfi.n. ,1... 11, . .!-.... .lint naii, iiu.J ,,( iiu iiin'.v i-,iiriu ,iiv j,vi,ia,ri and Itccelver at 'I he Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes day, Dicember, 6, IKW, vl. : llalllo I,, llonily, of The Dalles, Oregon II. K. Nr, ftV-a, for the GrandallS Bargst UNDERTAKE . p EMBALMERS The Dallas, Or. Robes. BuriaSh Ete. Children's and misses' shoes, sprint: heel, button or late, best iIoiikoIh kid, - . . . . n I ' ... 1 Ol loxed, eizes o to i.. at '.hi cent" ; n:- ami i ,sw j . i,w 21, i 'J N, it U V., W. M. A I hho name-; tuu following witnesses to prove her continuous residence uion and culthatlou of 1 sold laud, vlc KraiiW Laplt r, of '1 be lu'lcs, Oifon, Albert O. ' , McICamey, of Mt. HocmJ Oregon, lleiiiy C. Me- naineyiii.d r.rie nn niu u,o: ine jiiuen, ur. J.' V T. I.tJCAb, ItcKlster, 10 to l.'IU at l.'0; 1 to !1 nt ifl.10. the Now York Caeh Store. I " A 1 XT I VIKTP ATCIU'S Nf'lIlflM Notice Is hereby ulven tlmt tho underslKiiod I c)cf.'7 Cream IJalm It placeil Into tbo nostrils, tpreatla ' has been iippoliitml by thu county court of over the mmbrane and 1. abS?rbei IWWUIm. ' "f'f, s,'Klc:lA.."s0ns j uicdhto and ft cam follon u. It U not drying-docs huvliu: claims aKaliiat the eatatc me hereby rc- I not produco nt'czln'. IjrRo Size, 31 cents at Drug. iiilrcd to pivsent the same to me. duly vtrlllcd, fltu jr be mall- Trial Kl- 1(1 rent liv mail I at llio Olllce of W. II, Wilfciill, 111 DallW City, I tills Jr uy mail , iriaiM', luccnia uy man. n,,-,,. within slv moetliH from tin. date linrcol. . U.VI?.rO'niI!I,5I-'jrreiirArect, New York. Dated November 10, HOO. ' I ' tll?t ! I,L!J I NOTICK lf01 1 ,:.'n ornvr. . IM.'JiUCATION. t:cl Itor 'm Awful I'llKlit. I. M. HiKuitie, editor feuaci, Ills,, Newe, was ulllictecl for yeara with piles that no dector or remedy helped until ha trbd UuckleiVa Arnica Salvj. He writes two boxes wholly cured him, U'h tht) tiirest pile cure on earth and the belt valve in the world, Cure iniaran teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Blakeloy, the,druKU..t & ,.N'C011'i411, Wash. j Oct' lerwi, 1'JW. I ,S'c;i If o Is hereiij ilt",i that tho f oll'twiiiK lia m "I settler tin ! led potlcuof his liileiitlou Uiim in filial ptix lu support of hta claim, and that aid prool 1 III beiiiadebvforeW.lt, i-rcx-by, '. fs, con iiilssloiier for Ihe Dislrlct ol Watli u:-liu,Mt lioldeudtlc Wash., on Monday, Occci ber 10, J jOCJ, Vi..: Cle riru 11. Nt, l.uwrenct, of I.yjc I' O , Wash., ho made II, K. No, JO.bU), tr-ilor nf the estate of Hllzabclh A. fcoiltllH I. or the W Hh'A Hiid K i SWJ4 tee IMlli .IN.it deceiisisl. All i-erhoiik havliiK clalinii uualii t i 1:! K, W , u ...... tuuotatooi mm ueeeakeu aro iiereuy iioiint . n iuii'hhi-s "n' to preent the i,auie, with tbe proper voucher ihn ';"iUH rckldvutu uoii and cultivation therefor, to me Ht iu-ottiee In Il iyd, Ort-Kon oi Mild id. v 1 . tWthlu tlx inontiiii from tbudule hereof. I'lio ', .ii.n'n"0'"! ' 'ifofKefjoreiiHOil, Jiec). Jl UJI u .IK, ,11 lllini'l JivuMilf nil M .jv.,w., W I1HI ,rfOII novlO Admlnlatrat ir, " "aSmTkISTKATOB'S NOTIOK. " Notice In here!)' Riven that the tiiiclcrk'K ied has beeiidillv apoliitixl by the county tour of the suto of Oritcoii, for VtaMio county, adnilii te)2(i AdiiilnUtrutor, out W. It. DUNIIAIt Iteglater PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer os. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. I'ull'iia:i and Tourist cur- on both train" chair cars baerniiieuto lo t'K'I' '''"I " and lourlst ears to Clilc.iKu, ."'. 1." n !WW leans mid Wnililnj;lon. ConneelliiK at hnn Irauci c" Ith ' stisiinslilp llnti. fur HdiikIiiIii. tl1M' rhlllpplue)., Celltrillnndi-oulb A..iulnt. bee -went nt The Dulles statleli 'l'ltt" C. H. MARKHAMi (icuer.il I'aokeiiKvrARCtiN l. -rtiaii-J. Or Irtlfin m Yellowstone Park Line. Tin: DiNiNo cak itor ih ntoM I'ktwm) TO Till. i;at Till: ONI.V IllltKC'l I.INlv TO Till- VI'.M-O"- HlONi; I'A UK l.v.KVK, No. 'J. Union Depot. Firmaad ! sw ...ix-ve. No. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. Viikl in nl I for Taeollllli 1-eattle. Ol.viiiphi.Oray K lliilhor anil Kouth Ht'tnl Ipciliitu, hpukniie, t . i laud, II. t'.i 1'iilliiiMii, lilocciuv, Ix-hIsIoii. lliu lltli A. M. fnloll uini iiilnliu: fiiiti ....jo i . ,lrv, lleleiui, illlilieaiio Ilia, bl. I'll ll I, Omaha, iKaiinis City, HI. l-oill'i lOhleiiKo mid all i-dlnts .... 3 No. t, least mill Miilllieast. I I'niret riouud j:xire-s J IlilW 1. M.i for Tacunm and eatllo iiml Intermediate points ' . . .,....,.ril ta rillluian llrst clasH mid tuiirui ' ...imoIiiH Mlniii'apolls.ht. I'aiilnnd .Misoutl rhniM'" without eluiime. ,,ncctliiin Vmllhiiltsl trains. Union dvpoi i''""cu lu all prliiolptil cille. , .,.L.., UaiWiKe eheektsl lo destlliat on a iter. r'or hanihoniely llliisliiiltililerlpID i"" , tlcketH, hleeplnif-car lewrvatluiis, clu.. - " wrltu A. D. CHARLTON, AkaUliiutliviieml I'lmw-iiKer A;eiit. j'l" on htreet.totiivr Third, l'ortlan'1 OtW )lt. It. K, HMiVH, Osteopath. C'liiipmai. Illoct,