I Annual Sale of BLANKETS. Another turn of tho wheel of November lOconoinies for house keepers brings forward tlie sale of hed coverings at substantial sav ings from usual prices: GOc. ' luiroku" 10-1 ( J ray lilanlret, sixo '18x72. 60c. 70c. 73o. 87o. 79c. 90c. Kingston 10- 'I Iray Blanket, "Tuxedo" KM White Blan ket, sio odxT'l. "Ulberton" KM (iray Blan ket, si'.e (JOx7(5. "India" 10-4 White P.lanket, size (115 x 7(5. "Salem" 10 si.e (50x72. "Clinton" l White Blanket, 10-'l Cirav Blan- si.e 00x72." SPECIAL. and 12-lh Dark (Iray extra large si.e, worth from $5.00 to $(5."0, can ho bought at 10, 11 Blankets. during salt $4.00 per pair. The hest values ever ollered A TIMELY TOPIC ..OVERCOATS.. Aiicl a Hliinlny cxHiiiT'lt! of what I'caso A, Mays' can do for you in Clothing in strongly reflected in this great'and most com plete department. We speak entirely within bounds when we iillirm Unit nobody in Knsti-rri Orison can excel us either in etylu or price. Wlien we tell yon about OVERCOATS, it's the cautious peo tili! we are lifter those wtio know 11 round dollar's worth. Thorn's as much variety hero in Overcoats at $10.00 as some stores will hIiow you in nn entire stock. Tlie Xobbv Top Coat in light and ineditun weights in tan and gray at A very handsome niediutn weight gray cheviot IUik Coat; silk-sewed seams; good hergo lining.. Swell I'lue Kersey, made velvet collar, tit with strap scams and liig warm Ulsters or Storm CnatH in black frieze, douhle-hreuHted and large storm collars, ut. . .. SEE WINDOWS. $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 Pease & Mays. All goods marked in plain figures. DEATH OF MRS. MARY JOSLYN, Wlf r a Ploiirpr SeMIrr of Wlilln -nt-lllull l'lii'iiirrly Wi'll Know. i In '1 III' llHllfk. Vogt Opera House, Onn NlKht Only.,. THURSDAY, Nov. 22 e Dalles Daily Ghponiela. MM DAY NOV. Hi, 11)110 Oysters servod in any stylo... At Andrew Kollar's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. sain still on at A. M. Williams Linen A Uo.'ri. Tho local wheat market remains un changed for the week at -17 cents for So. I. Sp.-cml bargains in children's and misled' sliOL'i at the New York Cash Store. Remember that Cocoaniit Cream Tonic will promote growth of hair. Charles Knir.cr, eolo agent, ii!)-1 in I I'rof. Katulvin'fl regular weuklv dance will beheld tomorrow i Saturday) evening at the llaldwin. 1 -tit llud-uin A llrowuhill today sold the old Slants farm of 80 acres on Kail Hol low, above Dufur, for $11110. Saturday special Cut prices on all street bats, one day only, at Miss Ha ven's inllliuerv store, Washington street, between Second and Third. .Messrs. Koo'itz, Sechlor and Kurtz to- nay shipped a car of dried prunes on c instilment to Minneapo'is, receiving an advance of !!'.. cents u pound. Hon. K. L. Smith is shipping a car lO.td of apples from bis IJmilah l.ttud orchards to Oakland, Call. He receives 7."i euiitfl a box at Hood Uiver, says the Mauler. h. WinatiB and family hnve moved from IIooil Uiver and rented a house on I'ulton street. They expect to remain bore for the winter while tbeli dam-liter, .Miss l.enore, atlends the public schools. We haven farm consisting of 100 acres, well improved, over 80 acres in cultiva tion, fenced oil' in i-uveu (liU'orent fields, plenty of water, good bouse, barn, mid other necessary buildings; flue bearing orchard?, three and a half miles Irom The Dalles; price, $151)0. Now Is the time for nM you people who desire to buy uonietbing for nothing. Iiiijuireof Hudson A llrowuhill. The king of Oinuiin iiewsboys and bootblacks, "Mogy" llornatiilii, re cently wedded MIhu Nellie Suneld, of Kansas Oily, nn heiress to considerable property, .Mogy began life in Omaha ue ii b.iotblaok, has supported bis brothers '"id HlBtore, and is reputed to bo worth if-"), 000. Yet Krynii would have uh be lieve Hint tho "young mail Absalom" I apartment, and after consuming some '' tho bed clothing, Hpreud to the piles of laundry, hut this was only scorched. The lire is supposed to have originated tiirnugh the carelessness of some mem- her of the crew who hud visited the ollice with a lighted caudle in cpiest of I clean linen. The loss is small. i Those who have utteiided the special ' meetings Held at the Methodist church during the week have felt a special iu- terest from the fact that a former Dailcs 'f boy has occupied the pulpit and labored , earnestly, in connection with the pastor, i for the salvation of bis hearers. It has ulso been a great satisfaction to them to j note tho wonderful piogress Mr. Nickel- sen lias innde in a few years and to feel ! that he has a promising future in store for him. The duties of hie charge ut I Heppner demand bjs attention, and to ! night be will probably preach his last sermon in connection with these meet ing. The public is therefore especially ' invited to be present. Ul'lttilll I'lttllHCN II H AlltlittllCK. Griflitli, the hypnotist, opened a three nights' engagement at the Vogt last night to a small but very appreciative audience. 'I he performance opened with a few brief remarks upon the subject, after which a class was invited upon the stage. The conditions under which they were invited were somewhat differ ent than is customary it: such capes. ! Mr. Griflilh invited evervone and any one, and in a way asked skeptics to ex periment. While he dill not really challenge anyone the audience was made to understand Unit be could handle hie class under any and all circumstances. J Jo did dot ask the consent or assistance of bis class, but after be bad obtained fourteen, some of whom ware doubting Thoinafces, he fell to his work with a zest und proceeded to put the fixings on tlioin all, only one of the group escaping. Mr. (irillilli has a wuy of handling his subjects which is extremely interesting v ' F. J. Clarko, Manager From tho Colorado .Sptings Telegraph j of November Sth we learn of the death at that place on tho 7tb instant of Mi. I Mary I,. .Inslyn, wife of K. S. .loslyn, who will bo remembered by the older generation of Dalles people as pioneer settlers of the White Salmon country, they having located on what used to be known as the old White Salmon farm in I8o2. They were living there during the Indian troubles of lS5"j-fi, when their dwelling and roiitciQiitiVjiUi..burne(l by tho Indians. r They eoid out ami moved to Denver, Colorado, about 1S70 ' and from thence moved to Colorado i Springs, where they have since resided, j Mr. and Mrs. .loslyn were charter I members of the Congregational chinch j of this city, and Mr. .loslyn wa9 at one 1 time a member of the territorial legisla ture of Washington. They wen; partic ular friend? of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brooks, to whom they often expressed the desire of returning to The Dalles ami spending the lemainder of their days here. The following is tho obitnarv notice of the TelegrAph : i Mrs. Mary L. .loslyn, wife of K. S. j .loslyn, diud suddenly last evening at j her home, 127 East Bijou street. She: j was not ill, and her sudden deatli shocked her husband and friends. In ! fact, Mr. Joslyn was at prayer meeting I and Mrs. .loslyn was in tlie company of i her niece, Mish luck. .Mrs. .Inslyn 1 started for her bedroom about S:30, but ' fell after taking a few steps and died i quickly. The deceased was the wife of K. S. .loslyn, and came here with her i husband years ago, both being pioneer ' residents. Mr. and Mrs. Joelyn camp to this city 'in 1S70 from the state of Washington, j although Mrs. .loslyn was born in Mas ' oachnsetts. About two years ago the ! couple celebrated their golden weddini:. ' They were widely known, and the cele i bration attracted much attention. The bereaved husband has the sympathy of the entire community in bis great loss. Mrs. Joslyn was a member of the First rnmmpnrinp Congregational church during the , IDCr4A v twenty-four years of her residence here. THURSDAY, I mays & mm BEACH & BOWERS Big Consolidated MINSTRELS With the Best Company they ever owned. 60 All White People 60l 3 Cars 3 Bands 3 Everything new this season. New Act6! New Faces! New Ideas ! J If yon want to see a Real Minstrel show come ami tee us. Positively the largest and most expen sive minstrel company everv organ ized. Watch for the Big Parade at I p.m. Prices 25, 50 and 75c. Tickets can bu procured at Clatke & Falk's. V06T Opera Kous F. J. CLARKE, Manager. THREE NIGHTS THREE NIGHTS THREE NIGHTS Nov. 15th Jniecti!iK Ariel LamlH. Oils Siiui;n I'tirilciiKMl, Governor Geer yesterday issued n pardon to Otis lavage, of this city, who was convicted of larceny of money from the I'ucilic Express Company six years ago and sentenced to f.mr years in the penitentiary. At tho close of the trial an appeal was taken to tho supreme court and Savage was admitted to bail, pending the bearing of the appeal. For some reason that no one has over been able to explain the appeal was not per fected on tim part of tlie state till about 1 1 live and a half yours after the trial and not till almost six years bad passed was the matter decided by tho supremo court and the judgment ot the lower court nllirmed. When the decision of the supreme court was announced u petition for Savage's pardon was signed by a large number of the taxpayers ami husiucbs men of Wubco county. It was urged on the grounds Unit six years had elapsed since bis conviction, during which time be had been out on bunds, while the sentence itself was for but four years. It wiih urged that the delay waB without fault on his part, and the district at torney who prosecuted him advised that no good purpose would now bo served by Ills incarceration. HubWIqs it was urged, in absolute good faith, that Saviigo'a lioaltli was ouch that be could not stand the contineiiient to which bu wub sentenced. The signurH of the petition were, in addition, largely inlluenced by the fact that, whether guilty of tbo crime charged nguittBt him or not, the boy Iiiib since led u quiet and orderly life and has miule no attempt to etcupi) the con sequences of 1i!h sentence by lligbt. If Tin: Cm icon uti.i: understands the From tlie Telegram we Itmru that lire was discovered (n tho purser' cabin of "in Htenmer ItHlIunoo, of tho Regulator lino, Wodnosdiiy iivoiiing, but, fortu nately, It was extinguished before any uerioiiB damage was done. Thoeonlla Krntlon started In the pinner's Bleeping sentiments of the people, and it thinks Ims no longer a chance in tills country. H does, the action of the governor will meet the approval of a large majority of tbo people. Wanted Men ami women of good character and releruncce, to represent an established house, splended opportunity fur advancement. AddresB l 0, Box 087, Portland, Oregon. nuvlO-luio In Flaetern Oregon, Wisconsin and Minnesota capitalists are inspecting the country in the interests of tlie Dc-s Chutes Consolidated Irrrigation Com pany, eays the Telegram. Ab etated be fore, the company has for its objects the irrigation of S0.000 acres of Eemi-and 1 land. In case the experiment piovee' successful, and the promoters have no i doubt regarding the result, there are 1,000,000 acreB of the same kind of land that can be made to bloesotn as the gar-' den bv the aid of water, which will be i easily obtained by digging canals and . - t 1 . 1 . I I lUlll.ing a pari oi me large waier nun of the Des Chutes river. II. A. Moore, treasurer of the com-1 pany, is in eliaige of the expedition, j With him is L. II. Moore, the propria-! tor of the Pinestone quarries in Minne-1 and catchy, and the clever antics per- i gota Thu plai;(i wa9 80 mined because i formed by his seiul-pomnambulists kept ,..H lnriianH nse,i to mak(i mnesoutofi his audience in an uproar of laughter from tho rising to tho falling of the cur tain. At the conclusion a young man the red clay. Mr. Moore's health has i improved so rapidly since coining to i Oregon that he seriously contemplates of IS or 1!0 was put into a l. pnotic sleep ! eloslng olU hie bugines8 t,"iere nn(J mnk. and placed on exhibition in one of Clarko & Falk's show windows where he remained all day. Ho will be awak ened tonight ut the opening of the per formance. ('limit Court I'rtuTiMl Ihk-., In the circuit court the case of the State against C. II. Bateham, charged with assault, was given to tho jury yes terday afternoon and u verdict of. not guilty rondei ed. Tho action of Itothfcbild Bros, against .Lou I'arodi occupied the court this fore noon. This action grew out of an action wherein Kothechild Bro.-i. were plaiutill's and W. T. Wiseman defendant. In that action Joe I'arodi was garuisheed ae having money in his possession belong ing to Wiseman. At the time Paiodi was served with the notice he answered ; that bo had no money of Wifeman'B in 1 his possession. In today's action the ptai ii title claimed that bu hud. 'I he plalutiU's were uou suited, ing his permanent residence in Port land. Mr. Moore is a personal friend of President Mohler, of the O. K. &. N. Just as booh as the expedition re turns from Central Oregon, plans will j be outlined for beginning active opera tions upon the ditch or canal which is 1 to furnish water to irrigate the section mentioned. Griffith, The... Hypnotist In a lielined, Instructive, Marvelous, Laughable and Up-to-date Performance. Clever Actors, Sweet Singers, Tragedians, Comedians, Manufuctured to suit taste of audiences. 180 Laughs in . 180 Minutes. PriccH, tide, aOc, 30c Tho only store ft this city wheio thf Genuine Imported StranskyStecl Ware is sold A little higher in price, but outlasts u dozen pieccBof so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWAREl Other wares look likoit.butthugenu ino has tho name Stranslcy Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at U International Eshi bitions. Highest award at World s Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by the best cookinKauthoritico. certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it 10 cheapest because BEST, Remember this celebrated enam eled ware isspecial ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. A. It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not fliscolor nor catch inside, is notafiectedbyacids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, Stto ...-i and bakt w i t ii o u I itn parting flavor ol' previously cooked food and will last for years. We cau tion t h 3 public against imitatiujj MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Horseshoer. All kinds of blacksinithing will receive prompt attention mid will be executed in first-class shape. Give him a call. Richardson's Old Stand, Third'St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. TURKEY SHOOT A. Y. MABSII will give a turkey shoot on the beach Three Days Nov. 27th, 28th and 29th There will also be pigeon trai) spooling at the tame time and place. ruoi'i.ii co.mim; ash r.oi.vc. , Hon. W. 11. II. Dufur, Mrs. Dufur and daughter weio in town today. Georsie Grey, an old-time resident of this county, now in the employ of the Lost Lake Lumber Co., was in town today. A. II. Unman, the. leading furniture' man of Prineville, iB in the city looking after the shipment of recent purchases in rortianu, When you cannot sleep for couching, it is baldly necessary that any one should tell you that you need a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay One thousand styles and sizes. tor cooking and heating. Prices from $5 to $50. Steel Range Cast Range i Mead Hughes was fined -i'50 for simple! the irritation of the throat, and make assault on u plea of guilty. The infor mation filed against Hughes charged him with assault with a dangerous weapon. By consent of tho prosecuting attorney he was allowed to plead guilty to simple iibsnult. John Wilson, alias Howard, was sentenced to throe years in the peniten tiary for robbing tho store of W, A. Johnston. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho EUtfuuturo of Advance line of Christmas neckwear for gentlemen arrived today at A, M, Williams & Co.'e. sale by Hlakeley, the druggist. If you have dandruff, your hair is falling out, lTse Cocoanut Creanj. Fr.r ealo at Vrar.ir'e barber shop. nO-Iin Clarke A Falk have on sale a full line i of paint and artift's brushep. I NO EXCUSE. j Thorn h no oxeuso for wearing otit-of-dato, clumsy footwear, when wo can poll you lor $K.ou a poriotn-m-ting, woll-mado, drossy shoo. Many stylos to soloct from. Pease & Mays. lt-Buriur The genuine all bear the above Tra-ieAlark an. i nrA cAii wirii n wruren ii:i r;i 11 ici'. j-j r!-.i n..t n.! r....!ii.. innnl AwarnRfi rirsi rr izh rans tiuusiiiun iauu m liiiNin.n . .w - - - 1 - j,. OVER ALL THE WORLD. Miy Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere. Maria nulv by Tbo Michigan Stove Company. Ltiot Makers of tUovud mid Hunges iu tliu World. Oak Stovet MHIER St SOLE HCENTS.