The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 16, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle
. . . NOV. 10. 1M0
I'rU lit- Srliuiil-
lVreons deslrini:
liny or I:vpiitiiB.
Instruction in En-
A Difficult Problem.
It is significant to nolo the estima
tion in which the two presidential
candidates were hold by the voters
i. i., .. .. .,. ,i!
H, , . . . . n i mining lit' uiv.-t uniiLiiii'
tlx branches, ornamental petiniunjlup, 0, 11Ullril, sd(H.0 ((jr l)m. ,0 beiJ0llll .
short hand, sludcpen writing, free- oxpurt in emend lines. .1. K. Adeox it
hand drawing, book-keepitii;, higher Co., by their combination, lim-u iwi
mathematics, vocal music, etc., please . comu ihip diilleulty in a practical mini.
... . , -,. ' nur. J. h. Adeox is an expert watch-
call tint door second lloor west of Cur- . . . . .,wei... OMllfi.,i
tiaa' mill, Second street. Foreigners wori. rtmj enirruvlni:, while Theo. II.
who know them best, says the Chicago 1 uught to re.ul mid write Knplleh in a l.iebe is an export optician and i good
' few eton on watch vepairitit;, jewelry work and
Tribune. lirvan's home county m v encravlna. Their price is as low as eon-
vi,M4n h lnstnr Kmi-voir 's--w,iw 1 m . h. Hti.u.. , wU, , 0 r k ma ri sli i p. They
cbrn.ha is Lancaster. J-ou. 3 car. ... . 1 1,r,.,vir.1 .1., work in their
ago this county gave McKinley a
plurality of -132. This year it gives
McKinley a plurality of 180-1. Starlc
"For three days and nights 1 autlered i. '' .V"
ayony untold from an attack of eholera aenj j,v lmln
morbus brought on by eating cucnm-
bets," says M. K. l.owther, clerk of tlie
all work in their
on short notice. oris
or exure's will receive
attention. Sign. "Jlig ltcd
county. Ohio, is Mr. McKinley'-, district court, Centerville, Iowa. ' I
home county. Four years ago it 1 thought I ehould surely die, and tried a ,
gave him 8.10, and this year 000 ! 'btVerent medicines but all of no ,
, , ,,, , J purpose. I sent for a bottle of Chnm-
plurality. Mr. Bryan was defeated , Cho,eni am, Dlnrrhoeft .
in his own precinct, ward, city, ; 1emetiv IU1(1 tj,ree doses relieved me,
county, congressional district and 1 entirely." This remedy for sale by
state. Mr. McKinley. standing; Dlakeley, tin druggist.
among bis neighbors was of the ' Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold 011
opposite kind. The Is'ebraskan also 1 a positive guarantee. Cures heartburn,
,i .t f ,.lo i m ' ra'.s inn of the food , distress after eat ing,
upon aalcm, 111., where his parents
Clarke i: Falk liave received a carload
of the celebrated .lame K. I'atton
strictly pure liquid paints '
were buried, and complained that
the people of that town had injured
his feelings by having McKinley
pictures in their windows. Salem is
or any form of dyspepsia. One little '
tablet gives immediate relief. '2b ets. ,
I and oO cts. Dlakeley , the druggist.
in Marion, which is a democratic
couniv. Four vears ago it gave
You will not have boils if vou
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
A full line of Eastman films and
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
Mr. Bryan a plurality of 903, but; pJ,a e(jual )o Wut,9
tms year it reduced ins plurality 10 Llttle Karv rigers for promptness, cer
lie loses S9 votes in the tainty and efficiency. Sold by Clarke &
county, and Mr. McKinley gams 1 Falk.
127. Evidently Mr. Bryan's sentt-1 The largest and most complete line of
mental appeal to the people of ; tlUl tur '"" v ; ' 'pmyeu ;
. 1 ,. , , ' , ' in the citv at the Campbell oc W ilson
Marion county did not produce the ( nilUnj!rj. parll)r3. The prices will 6eli
intended effect. Close personal ac- tlie goods. sStf
riuaintanco with the man and his' Why pay $1.7.3 per gallon for inferior,
ideas seems to have produced a gen-1 paints when you can buy James E.
eral desire -to vote the opposite ! Patton's sun proof paints for .fl.50 per
' gallon, puaraniceu xor o years, uihtk cc
4 Falk, ageuts. nil ,
The best method of cleansing the liver I
ia fViu 1121 ,tf ilia funmna llftlii llllla
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
Just What
You uiant.
$1 .00 per month.
Strictly lirxt ela-H local and long
diMtaiiee leluplioue burvirn within
your home.
Lines do not I'rosf-tiillc. Vnur con
versation will hi kept a acerot.
No cost for installing.
You get the standard lluuniiig
l.oug Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and night service.
Wo will accept your contract for
ten yearn and allow you to cancel
same on giving us thirty dayo writ
ten notice.
r j iTA ixi'ata r-A r. r:? aiaixia ia-aia-a-a rA-r.i r J lyA-y. nrrarraTjctvrt-jrr Arirrxmmn
M. 11 .iiT" of tin. Itiwilntur l.tiic will rim r thufol 'j
oH.iiK , . the ( innuoiy U'mtvIiii: tin1 rlKlit I" 'i
Str. nouulator
was beaten four i
""When Bryan
ujju, um u un-u J known as DeWitt's Little Earlv Risers. '
rancher who has been an active and , Ea9V t0 take N-ever Kripe. "sold by (
aggressive populist since the incep- j Clarke & Falk.
tion of that part', "I fully believed j At the popular millinery parlors of,
that wholesale bribery had been ! Campbell cc Wileon can be found all the 1
,,qp,1 T tl.nnohf. tl.n tnawps nf the ' latest things in street hats, trimmed I
' Iiiq otnl.lrDn'a enlmrtl lint a mill nlco
people were for bim and could con j tam'o'-shanters. " "
ceive of his defeat in no other way j IInalHng younK man can make 0 per
than by wholesale corruption. And j n,onth and expenses. Permanent posi- J
I kept thinking that way till the bal- j tion. Experience unnecessary. Write !
lots, were counted this last time, ; quick for particulars. Clark & Co.,
Fourth arid Locust Streets, Philauel-1
when I was compelled to change my
Copyrights &c.
a nrnnn fni1(iitr n krtih ntlil ilojprintlnil ma'
quickly iireertatii our nplnton Iruu whether :i .
Invention it prohsbly pitentnblc. "ommunlr.
ilnnstrictl)rcont) ItanUbookon t'atentt
sent tree. OMest neency for pecurmr patents.
1'atei.ts taken through ilunn i Co. recclv
ijcftJl notice, without charge. In tho
Scientific American.
Ahand'omelyllluftrate-l weekly. Largest elr
rulatlon of any fclentttlc journal. Terni9. $.!
year: four months, iU Sold byall TiewnJealer.
MUNN&Co.3e,M New York
Branch Ofrtcw, ca V fc'U WasUioKton. I). C
III . 1 V f A
WW Pi It
i; i D.iit. '
' W 11' '. A M
k Arr. I'orllntKl
5. ut i :M l'. M.
? -
H' . .Ill .'.Ut IllltlCU.
I. l'ortl mil
ll' 7 ,t. H.
l ( itlll'MtllJ
Ship your
Str. DnlloH City.
Arr.n'ui Regulator Line.
II 1 I'. M.
I .v. Dullei
lit 7 A. M.
Arr. I'urtliitiil
nt 1 ;.'!U : t.
mind. If we ever had a fair and ,
honest national election this last one ,
was that election. It has snowed 1
hpia, Pa
i.,w..a ..,.. 1 FRENCH & CO.,
A startling incident, of which Mr. I AMiyr-?-r
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the! BANKERS. '
Bryan under worse than before so subject, is narrated by him as follows : ntANSAOT a kskkalbahkinu nuiiNEd
that every candid man must admit j "I was in a most dreadful condition My , Qf Cre(J,t jesue(i avalablo , the ,
that the American people want Skin was almost yellow, eves sunken, Eastern States.
noithor nnr l,k nnlitinnl tl,nri. i ton&ue c0:Ued fain Um:My in back j gBht ExclmnRO . and. Telegraphic
bam anotuer rancuer wno nas u 1
oiuiimi lcuuiii as .i ju mi.ii. x ui; cians nan uiveii me un. rorttinate y. a , : n wru.
democrats lied to us and deceived j Iriend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to, Collections made at all points on fav
us up to the last moment. I never '"' great joy and surprise, the first orable twm.
remember anything like it. Bryan L. .., . , ' , ,1
J " J 1 continued their use for three weeks, and
was to sweep the country from Maine , am now a weU nian j knuw thoy gaved
. -il,j? ! f.!. ... . . ..
10 luiiiumin. iiiu ueruians wuru , my file, anil roDbeu tlie rave 01 auotner 1
all for Bryan, so were the Irish, so : victim." No one shouldfaii to try them. I-O 1 "H 1 1 Tl O"
rue coaieu, pain coruinuaiiy 111 uacs si(jnt ijNcnani;e anu leietrrapni', appetite Kraduallv grow- ! Transfers sold on New York, Chicao,
weaker dav bv dav. " Three' phvsi. 1 St. Louie, San Francisco, Portland Ore-.
. , " .. . , son, Seattle ash,, and various points!
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as we are allowing never be
fore graced a single stock. Heal imita
tion creton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yourf
for a email price, at our store 011 Third
street. Also a full line of house paints.
D. W. VAtTSE, Third St.
and Farmers
was the labor vote; when they must n'y 50c guaranteed, atlllakeley's drue
have known that they were lying," ' s.,..ti,er.. cur....
like Ananias. 1 shall never vote the t . . , . . ., ". o , r i 1
Notable among the pleasures afforded
democratic ticket in my life again." j by the Shagta Koute ,B the wlnter trip
52552 , to Southern California and Arizona.
The undersigned has taken possession j
of It. A. Spivey paint siiop, next door to
tho Vok't opera house, ami has pur
chased tins tools ami ladders. Ho has
good mechanics working for him. and
Ihe summary of the assessment 1 KeneweU acquaintance with tins fcectiou wm KUara,itee all work to uive satisfac
roll of Umatilla county for tiie pros-' will ever develop fresh points ot interest tion
ent year shows a decrease
valuation of taxable property,
Keeps on rlrnliKht thu ccleliraleil
COU'MIIIA lli:i:it, ncknmv:
oilKiil the btit liwr in TJio IMllt",
at the muni jirlt e. L'oini' ill, try
it mill br. convlliced. Aim trie
Mwst brnutl'i ol WlncK, I.I iiior
hiuI CiKuris.
nf nil Klmlh nlivny.s on Iihiii,
II. il. JlKAJ.I.,
1 ndilpil unnrnHa nf pninvment. nnili-r its
in the , . . 4l ' : ....
ennm' ahtua In Hwi Vflrmlv nf ltd iriflllQ.
1 triee, in its prolific vegetation and anions !
compared with tho roll of 1899, of Jit8 numberless resorts of mountain,'
$1,:JQ-1,039, or a decrease of 20 per ehore, valley and plain. i
cent. Tlie summary of Union j Tl,e two daily Shasta trains from'
.1 , ... . ,i...,f i'lfi" -in Port and to u or a nave been re
county shows a decrease of 829o. ;-. , .,1.1.. ,
, , ' 1 centlv equipped with the most approved
or v. loss of nearly 8 per cent, o-, patte'rn of etamlanl an(J toluist sleeping.
body believes, nobody pretends to ' cars, but the lov, rates of faro will still
believe that this decrease is genuine. ! continue in effect.
It is the inevitable result of the Illustrated guides to the winter resorts
, . , . 1 ,r 1. 1 of California and Arizona may he nail
example set last year by Multnomah ,
1 , 'on application to
county when, to avoid the payment c H Maukham, G. P. A.,
of a just proportion of the state tax ; Portland, Oregon,
the valuation of the taxable property 1 Paint your li;)Ui,. Wlth pajnts that nre
of the county was lowered $1 1,000,-, fully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Falk
000, as compared with that of the have them.
preceding year. Better a thousand 1
times submit to the venial errors of
a state board of assessment than CrGclITl cUld
prolong a system that 13 fast degen-1
crating Into a farce. jOyStef ParlOfS
Mrs H. L. Jonee Iihb opened fee
1 nruoiii (inil nuator nnrlnrn In i.jrtr fl'il.
pi9e Jailorii
A complete lino of Fall and Winter
Suitings, Pantitigs and Overcoating, now
on display. 100 different varieties to u
lect from.
Suits, $20 ard up.
Call and examino Koods before going
elsewhere. Second street, opp. .Mays
& Crown's.
first national Bank.
A General Banking liusineas transacted
Deposits received, nubject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange gold on
Now York, San Francisco and port-
D. P. TnoMtaoN. Jno. K. Schb.nci:,
Eu. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likhk.
II. M. ItlCAI.I..
Tie Columfiia Packing Go
It is well to know that DoWltt'e
Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and
stop the pain at once. It will cure
eczema and skin dieeases and ugly
wounda and sores, It is a certain cure
for piles. Counterfeit may be offered
yon. See that you get the original Do
Witt's Witch Hazsl f-alve.
: iard's old stand. She carries
Extra good
Cash Store.
values at tho New York
j A full line of Candies,
I Nuts and Cigars.
' Th tilflefi him liHftn flirirniiffhl v ren
ovated, and a share of the public patron
age is solicited.
Open till 12:00 P. M.
Fin Lard and Sausages
' Curersof BRAND
klrrvnn PUnn
I Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
'Cor second (Lamldio. Tlione 157
nemora Pluiplea, I'rateat I'll I m
l.t l,nrtlan.,5
ut wx y,
1 uewlaj- j
lliutwli ,1
vlt'lMiy J
. r IUHmH
ut r. n.(;
f t
i Truvi'l li tin-KU'iitiicis ol tlio lttxiil.Uiir I lin- Tin- fomimnv will I'tnliiivnr ( rIvj Iti fill
g tons the ImM (-t'tvlci' polt.i tin furtlUT Itiliirinnliuii inlilrt'ii k
Li'ortlmil Olllco, DnU Stret-t Do k W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. AKt. ,
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind?
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, 7lSd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOIl FlOUr lMiH I''"nr 18 nmnnfuctnnsd xprBHly for family
uso ; ovorv Hiick iw uimrint!(.'d to i;ivi EiitisfnclioD.
Wo sell our poods lower tlmii nny houso in tint trade, and il yon don't think M
call and aut our prices nnd he convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Retiring ftr0m Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry (iooilH, ClothiiiK, IlootH und SIioch, at imich Iuh0 than wholesale
prices. Will fell in hulk or in lute, or uny way to unit pnrchitfiiirfi.
Entire stock must "be closed out before 30 days.
All hooiIh will ho e.icriliced I'.srcpt Thoiiipson'H OIovc-littiiiK Corbels
and lhitiurick I'attertiB. Your pricen will he niino. Call early and secure
(Junior Soi'cmd und (loui'tHls.
) J. E. FALT & CO., J
of --. Commercial Sample Rooms.
9 Purest Liquors for Family Use ?
Dolivorod to any part of tho (ULy.
l'lionea: Td Local, . , . 1
y 80s 1.01.1; DiHiai.ce. 173 Second Street, y
I SAY! Lend Me Your Ear!
n, ...... 1 1... . , ... .. r iKt
tw- mai .101111 niHiioic. tno tailor, ih ngoiit ior i"
ml the larKtist murchai.t talloriiiL' limi..H in Amnrir.,.?
ijfc Do you know thnt he will soil you a Hiiit, nmdo to your order, h M
m t leapitH thu hanil.n.o.dowii, ready-niado, yon buy In the Htoree, mid m
W Kiiwranteoadtorno.itUiV w
Do you know that bn has already on hnnd for the coining Ml
ant winter trudu the ImndtoiuuHt und flucNt line of sample, ever shown
in ihe 1).I1i;hV
TOTJTVT t A CJ WWW r L . rn. J1 A
jit, w x i.eicnani xaiior, io-..