The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 16, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 390
Stic Dalles
V. .Mummy, Once n Wealthy Resident
of Colorado, Lying i:i Death's
Door at Astoria.
Atsinm., Nov. 15. Adversity is the
lot of V. Mooney, mi aged Frenchman,
win), close to (ltiiitli'H (lucir, will hi- taken
tO till! llOHpitlll tllllliy, HOOtl to fj'lill i 1(0
Hilcnt. majority. Mooney wiih nneu worth
between $1110,001) timl $150,00:i, liut now
ill' iH (Oil ll'llt'HH , IlHVillg despoiled
liy (iiIhu friend1). The uiifnrtuimU: pre
dicament ill tho old limn una brought to
thi) attention of the county officials
Mooney is 78 years old. Ho formed)'
resided in Colorado, whore, dining the
u.uly days of mining excitement, lie
amassed a great fortune, lie watt a most
iniliiHtrloiiH limn, and Ii'ih wealth eime in
him iih the result of hunl wo k. Ohuri
taOlt) to a fault, no lost a considerable
portion of hie fnrtuiauts-istiug unworthy
friLMidH, who took advantage of bin de
clining yearfl to rob him.
Five years ago Mooney came to Astoria.
With him o.uui! a man and a woman re.
noted to be hin wile. Tlie man und wife
woio waid to lie in straightened ciroum
Htunces, and Mooney lent them much
financial UHsiatunce, He tented n faun
no.irOliioy und thero took up his tesi
iloime with Ilia friends. With what ht'le
of his fortuno ho had left he purehu'd
horses and e.ittlu for the farm. One
morning his companion fold hiui nut
and decamped for parte unknown, leav
ing the old man penniless.
lie tnen camo to Astoria, whero ho
worked hard for his board. Liter he
wtifl takon 111 and was placed In St.
Mary's hoHpital. Having recovered suf
ticiuntly to permit him to work, ho was
discharged from that liiHtitiitiou, and
ubout a year ago went over to tho WetU
Side. Theru he worked hard until he
became ho inllrm that he could t-enrcely
movo. Ho waa taken in by charitably
UiapoBod neighbors, w ho havu since cared
fur him. Of late he Iiuh declined rapidly,
and now mnat ho carried about the bonne.
Ilia lungs are badly ulleuted and the un
fortunate old mini's death will doubtless
tioou follow. It ia said that the man and
woman who robbed him nt Olney are not
the only poisons who hud a band in bis
financial unilomi.
liiilil on (iiiiiilillni; I ii h (if New York,
Ni:w Yolii;, Nov. In.--It is announced
that tin; .Society fur the Hiippretcion of
vice, of which Anthony Conistock is tho
I head, w ill noon begin ttie ni'iM. extcn
i L'lvo raid of poolrooms and gambling
dens eves uiidurtnkeu in this city. Tho
woik of obtaining evi;leiice has been
under wu for pome time, und the Com
stock Society has received the aid of
ninny citizens, who have formed them
selves into an oruani. itinu known as tho
Anti-Vice Society ot Njw York. Tho
e idenee cullected tins been turned over
to Diitrict Attorney Gardiner, and it is
"aid .Mr. CouiHtiick will today utt out a
large number ef warrants.
Dr. W. U. Lewie, L i wrenceville, Va.,
writes, "1 am using Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure in my practice among severe cases
of iudiueftion and find it an admirable
remedy." .Many hundreds of physiciniie
depend upon the use of Kodol DyspepHiu
Cure in htomiteh troubles. It dicests
what you eit, and allows yon to rat all
the uood food yon need, providing you
do not overload your stomach. GiveB
iii'iiaui telief mid a permanent cure.
Sold bv Claike & Fulk.
ICi'ilui'liis Wur Tux.
Winona, Minn , Nov. 15. Congress
man Tawnuy, of the ways and means
committee, speaking of the meeting to
bo held in Washington November 30,
said todaj :
"Tho object is lo consider tho extent
to which the war revenue taxes can be
removed, and amendments to make the
law satisfac'ory in administration. The
problem as to what taxes shall be re
moved will be a preplexing one. I think,
however, it is Baft) to sny that tho stamp
tax upon instruments of conveyance, such
as note?, dee la, mortgages, inheritances
for charitable, and benevolent purposes
will be removed ; poosibly the taxes upon
proprietaiy medicines, and some others.
"It will be tho desire of tho members
of the committee to remove just as many
of tho stamp taxes as possible." '
A woman or girl to take care of a
child, live months old. Apply to
P. IllIXNISTiM)?.',
olihvlit Mojier, Or.
Clark A Fulk are never closed Sunday.
Don'i. foriret this.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has been
in uho for over years, has boruo tho Klfrnatnro of
jp and has boon ntado under his per-
tfpi sj- Honal supervision sinco its iiitiuiuy.
tafyXttcAi Allow no ono to decoivo you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jusfc-ns-jrood" aro but
Uxpurimunts that triilo with and endanger tho health of
lulimts and Children ISxporioneo against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Cnstor OH, Pare
goric, Urops und Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Mibsianee. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
und allays Feverishucss. It cures Diarrhoua and Wind
Colie. It relieves Toothing Troubles, cures Constipation
nud Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Puuacoa Tho Mother's Friend,
Sears the Signature of
The Kind You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
One-Fourth Off on All Grades.
A"choicc collection of Table Linens by-tho-yavd, Table Clotbs, Luncb Cloths, Nap
kins, Doylies and Towels. Cotton, Half-Linen and Pure Linen dualities.
A chance for money-saving in all grades an opportunity for every buyer; for every
purse. Tho Henry Glass Linens, known everywhere for their superior value, and for
which we are Dalles representatives, form a large part of our stock and are included in this sale.
Here we offer a few hints, which may suggest something you are in need of:
Bleached Damask
Cotton, i!5o vnliie
All hinun, 50u value
" (0c vnlue
" "oo value
" S5c value
TH-incU Pure Linen Double
$1.00 per yard
Satin I)atnnk, ifl.iii value
Satin Dnmafk, 1 So value ,
Satin Damask, 1 .r0 value.
Satin Daniuek, 1.75 value.
Satin Daniaek, 2.00 value.
special 10c
epeeial IlSc
, epeoial -15c
bpecial fific
ppccial 04c
Datnnek ; value yg,
epecia! 94c
Bpecial $1.01
epecial 1.13
epecial l.!!l
epecial 1.5q
Bleached. Linen Napkins.
GOc qualities reduced to 45c
75c qualities reduced to 50c
$1. 00 qualities reduced to 75c
inch, full hleached, all linen JNap
Unbleached Damask.
Union, 00c value special 23c
Union, Sou value
All Linen, 40c value
72-inrli German Linen
value at 50c yard ,
72-inch All Linen, 75c vahie
72-inch All Linen. $1.00 value...
72-inch Ail Linen, 1.25 value. . .
kins', worth $1.25 per doz
$1.50 qualities
1.75 qualities
2 00 qualities
2.25 qualities
2. CO qualities
2.90 qualities
50 qualities
.j.i.) qualities. . ,
.reduced to .fl.lo
.reduced to 1..H
. reduced to
.reduced to
.reduced to
.reduced to
.reduced to
.reduced to
1 0!)
1 SS
2 18
2 SI
.Epecial 20s
special otic
Damask ; extra gg.
. . .special 50c
. . .special 75c
. . .special 04c
5.50 qualities reduced to
Hotel Napkins.
Unbleached German Linen, checked, 22x22;
value $1 50 SLU
Linen Doylies.
Turkey-Ked Table Linens ; 10 to 50c a yard,
reduced One-fourth
Everything Just as Advertised.
Fringed; red on white and blue on white;
good value at 25c dozen
Figured datuaek, colored border; worth 40c
dozen GOc
50c qualities special liSc
00c qualities special 45c
05c qualities special 49c
75c qualities special 56c
Linen Lunch Cloths.
Hemstitched, 45x45 inch; v.lue $2.00 ; sale
price $1.50
f-'ume, value $2 50 sale price 1.S8
Hummed, 45x45 inch ; worth $1.50 " 1.13
Hemmed, 54x54 inch ; worth 2.00 " 1.50
Table Cloths.
All cotton, hleached; 75c value 5Gu
All cotton, bleached; $1.00 value 75c
Union, bleached; $1.50 value $1.13
10-4, hemstitched, .. bleached; $2.00 value . 1.50
Other grades, fringed and hemstitched; worth
from $2.50 to $0.00 each, all reduced ohe-tourth.
Absorb, cotton, lfis32; 7oc value orfc
Absorb cotton, lSxIlG; $1 00 value 75c
Absorb, cutton, 23x45; 1.50 value $1.13
Hemstitched Damask, j.J-bleached towels, -Q
good value nt 25c each". iyC
Hemmed All-Linen Huck Towels.
22x44 inch ; worth 25c each 19c
24x42 inch ; worth 30c each 23c
20x40 inch ; worth 40c each 30c
Hemstitched Uirds-eye Linen, damask bor- 00
22x44; worth 50c; epecial OOC
The 72-inch Damaek at 50c,
now 38c yard,
is extra pood value.
worth up to $1.00
in this sale.
Siiiinfn Wealthy J'umlly a Vrntl ItHiidlt.
Chicago, Nov. 15. The bandit who
. -.!. O I .. . I... UvnraQD Aloe.
V88 KUIBU VJClOUUr O IHOl UV iJ4iivoc.'.v
sender liax'.er, on the Kansas City, St.
Joseph &. Council Blull' Railroad, is said j
to have been the outcast of a wealthy i
Massachusetts family. This information j
was hi ven ljieuienant lionan, oi uuiei-mn
headquarter", by a "crook" whom the
veteran detective line known for years.
"J have no reason to doubt the man's
story," said the lieutenant, "and al
though he Is a thief, 1 have confidence in
hit) word.
"A week or ten days before the train
hold-up on tho Kansas City, St. Joseph
fc Council lllutl'a Railroad," said Rohan,
"my informant met the man here ill
Chicago. The plans were then being
made for a hold-up. Keep an eye on
the papurs,' said tho man, 'and you'll
hear of soinuthiiiK near Council Rlutl's.'
My informant did not then know that a
train was to be held up, but when he
read of the attempted robbery and the
killini: of one of the baudits he knew who
it was Hint did the job. Later he saw a
picture and description of the dead rob
ber and recognized tho man at once.
"He would not tell me the name of
tho thief who was killed by the express
nu'seenuer, na he eaiil it would only
sadden a family who have had their
share of sorrow for the acts of a wayward
It Iliiiqii lH'd 111 a lit tit; .Sten t'.
"0"day last winter n lady came,to
my drtiK etoro nnd asked for a brand ol
coiiKh medicine that 1 did not have in
ateck," says Mr. C. R. Grandln, the
popular tlrugyiat of Ontario, X. Y. "Sho
was disappointed and wanted to know
what cough preparation J could recom
mend. Isaid to her that I could freely rec
ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and that she could take a bottle ol the
remedy and after giving it a fairttrial if
shodid not find it worth tho money to
bring back the bottle mil would refund
the price paid, In the course of a day
or two tho lady en mo back iu company
with a friend in need of a cough medicine
and advised her to buy a bottle of Chain
berlaln'b Cough Remedy. I consider
that a vury good recommendation for
the rumcdv." It Ih for sale by G. 0.
lllakeley, the drucgist.
Feelings of safety pervade the house
hold that uses Ono Minute Cough Cure,
the only harmless remedy that produces
immediate results. It is infallible for
coughs, colds, croup and all thront and
lung troubles. It will prevent consump
tion. Sold by Clarke & Folk.
Culneoe Discovered America,
Moxtj:key, Mex., Nov. 15. The re
port that American officers have un
earthed ancient records in Pekin show-
ing that tho Chinese discovered America
1500 years ago, and erected tetnplee in
Mexico, has aroused the greatest inteiest
among the scientific men of Monterey
and throughout this country. The
Chinese temples alluded to are in the
State of Sonora, on the Pacific Coast.
The ruin of one of the tembles was dis
covered near the towu of Ures, in that
state, about two years ago. One of the
large stone tablets found in the luins
was covered with carved Chinese chnr
acteis, which weie partly deciphered by
a learned Chinaman who visited the
ruins at tho request of tho Mexican gov
ernmeut. This Chinaman made the as
sertion at tho time that the ruins were
those of a temple which had been erected
many centuries ago by Chinese, but his
statement was not received witli credence.
It has been claimed that the Indians
of the State of Sonora are the descend
ents of the eaily Chinefo settlers. They
poseess many tradition and. character
istics of the Chinese. If the report of
the finding of these rtcouh in Pekin is
veiilied an expedition will go from here
to explore further the ancient temples of
I'.ryun JCinpluyi'd liy 'liiniiimiiy.
Ni:w Yoisk, Nov. 15.--The Martin Jin
gel Association, tho Tammany Hall or
ganization of the Eighth Assembly dis
trict, has formally voted to oiler William
J. Rryan a handsome lee to come to
New York und take charge of tho legal
defense of the district captains of the
Eighth Assembly district, indicted for
alleged violations of the election laws.
Torturing skin eruptions, burns nnd
eoies are soothed nt once and promptly
healed by applying DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salvo, the best known cure for
piles. Rewaro of worthless counterfeits.
Sold by Clarke & Falk.
Do not get scared if your heart troubles
you. Most likelp you sutler from in
digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di
gests what you eat and gives the worn
out stomach perfect rest. It ie the only
preparation known Hint completely di
gests all classes of foods ; that is why it
cures the worst caeen of indigestion and
stomach trouble after everything else
has failed. It may be taken iu all con
ditions and cannot help but do you good.
Sold by Clarke & Fulk.
Subscribe for Tin: Out.oxici.k.
Oregon Not Affected.
Salkm, Nov. 15. While the announce
ment that the California Prunegrowers'
Association has cornered the prune prod
uct of California is interesting to Oregon
growers, it has no financial significance
here, as practically all the Orejjon crop
has passed out of the hands of the pro
duceis. There aro still a few small hold
ings, hut the bulk of the crop has been
sold. Growers who still havo prunes to
sell say they are unable to get oilers of
more than 5 to 5 cents for Fellenbergs
of the 30-to-40 to the pound size,
tay they have refused prunes of that
kind at 5K cents. Tho results of the
oiganization in California nro being close
ly watched by those who are interested
in tiie industry in Oregon, for the success
or the failure of a prune combine iu
California will have an important efi'ect
upon the organization movement in this
A Tlioumind Tougllcrt
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil
adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of n hacking
cough that for many years had made
Hie a burden. All other remedies nnd
doctors could give her no help, but she ,
says of this Royal Cure "It eoon ie-1
moved the puin in my chest und I can !
now sleep soundly, something I can '
scarcely remember doing before. I feol
like souudiug its praises throughout the j
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble I
of the thront, chest or lungs. Price 50c
nud $1. Trial bottle free at Rlakeley's !
drug store; eyery bottle guaranteed. 5 j
Thut Tlirnlililnt; llcuduchu
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life I'ills. Thousands
of suHVrors have pioved their inatchlesa
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make puro blood nnd strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25 cents.
Monev hack if not cured. Sold by
Rlakeley, the druggist. 5
Having rented the Baldwin opera
house to A. Snndvig. All persons desir
ing to rent tho same will apply to or ad
dress A. Sandvig, P. O., Box 53G. The
Dalles. E. H. Misitim.1.,
Admiiiistrntor J. 0. Baldwin, Estate.
If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co
coanut Cream Tonic will give it life and
luster. It is pronounced the finest
tonic on earth. Can be had at Frazer's
barber shop, agent. i)9-lui
tlatarrli Cunnot Itn Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the sent of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disense, and
iu order to cure it you must tnke inter
nal remedies. Hali'a Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Plall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by ono of the best
physicians in this country for yeers, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
tho best blood purifiers, acting directly
on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tho two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cm:xi:v & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hull's Family Pills ure the best. 12
Your Fuou
Shows the stnte of your feelings and the
state of your health us well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
ami sullow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you nio feeling
weak niul vorn out und do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cm us all blood
diseases where cheap Snrsaparillaa and
so called purifiers fail; knowing this we
sell every bottle on u positivo guarantee.
Blakeley, tho druggist.
Sheepmen, Attention! HucUn for Halo,
Having disposed of my breeding ewes
today, I havo thirteen thoroughbred
Merino bucks for salo. These are choice,
large and in fine condition, and will bo
sold cheap rather than keep them over.
Inquire nt Prospect Ranch, on the
Deschutes divide, or of A. S. Roberts,
box 507, Tho Dalles. o20-2w
Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes nil
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts.
and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
llou't Kill) It In,
lust wet the nd'ecled part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and tho pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
Fulk. t
Floral lotion will cure wind chnpping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'urUe
& Falk.
A. Y. Marsh will give u turkey nnd
trap-pigeon shoot on the beach, Nov.
27, 28 and 29th.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the beet. Ask your grocer for them.