.Minn' In KuUIiir I'ntatitrv j Sau:m, N v H llurles I.. Dailry, ' formerly a. hi ii.--.-i . tin- stale bouril uf hurtlrtlliil"-, x "'"-titeil tills suhoii . with several c"-- ! potatoes', with b vie.v to ili'tfriiiinu k' whether tiien t" a profit in potato-prn.vinir ami what vuri flit's will pay lpt. la -neakiriL' uf lii observation?, Mr. D.iilt-y sail! t hut hi- l'rttpil first of nil that in order to unite potuin-growini: pay the lie?!, a man must ht in a position tn , pive liis crop proper atlentlon when it j neeils attention. Mr. Diilyha; lieen extensively eniMieil in wr.nvini:, fcurine and ilalini: in prunes this season, anil Have In s.-L'.)tiilrv c meitieralioii to potutoe4. Hut unili'i this cnnilition, his! crop pa'.tl a heavy t xpense bill am! left a . margin that makes-A-uinl wanes for the . time employed, j So far as varieties are concerned, Mr. ! iXiiley is convinciil thht for inoney-nink- j inu the Hi-.rbank is the potato to prow. , Other varieties may produce a heavier i crop, but none other finds so ready a ' market at izood prices as does the Bur- bank. Pie al-o found that the selection I ol seed is more important than most j jieoule think. It wag fortneraty the cus- ! toni of farmers to save their small pota- i toes for seed. They are gradually giving I up this method, ant! are usinp larire, . well-formed potatoes for seed. Hut Mr..! Pailey thinks the question of size and nniforuiitv is not so much a considera- ' tion as the 'blood." He says that the) producing characteristics of the seed are i more important than the sizis of the j potatoes planted. In other words, po- j tatoes that have been aliowed totieterior- ! ate thrnuuh years of planting tire not ; fit for seed, even U.oiiyh the size may be ! good. Whatever the variety, scrub seed vill not produce as cood crops as eed that retains all the characteristics of the variety. Editor'-. Awful flight. F. M. Hi-uins, editor Senaci. Ills., News, was Hlltcted for years with piles that no doctor or remedy helped until he trbd Bucklen's Arnica Salve. He writes two boxes wholly cured him. It's the surest pile cure on earth and the best salve in the world. Cure iMiarnn teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Blakeley, the drnis:. o v SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. I L. Lane, (iKNKUAI. BlacKsmiili .AND. HorsBsnoe Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Qrothors' Wagon. I: Third aud JcfTcrnu. Phono 159 i i r. ..T.I .TAT i.TITZHUriY fcTJ.-r.LTIU.m3 t .Duafor In. France make nearly Jfl.ooo.iHHi pairs of gloves yearly, and of the-ie l.-.tlOO.tlOO pairs are exported. An ingenious nircliatiieal device. ft pastes paper labels on lu'Mitm cans in G ten hour.-.. Down a shoot rolls a conse- gt le.-s pmces-ion of cans, anil each can j picks up a label as it passes. , f( Water, if subjected to i;reut com pression and then decomposed by S mean of an electric current into its jj( elements, oxypen and hydrogen, ex- jt, plodes, with tremendous force in the , process, j C, n example 01 pniiciii iiiuusir is the sorting of hogs' bristles as it is carried on at Tientsin. China. Knelt one of the bristles lias to be picked out, measured and placed in the bundle of hair of corresponding length. The Council of the American Chem ical society ha. passed resolutions f.i-j vorin: the creation of a bureau of , ..twmiwti-v Tli.. !nvs. nf thi v.-irmii.s '. f i states controlling food adulteration StCphdS .. .... t,i,,t,1t I nlYui.' I v.. l..ir.i II .1, if til, it interference of interstate commerce laws, and can be made effective only . i I I inroiigu na.ionai icgis.a i iuii. j .More perfect conilnistion in furnaces, is secured by Mr. I'aul Schlicht by novel means-. He lias discovered that on prop-, er!y introducing an air current into a chimney, it take a course opposite to that of the hot gases, and it;, oxygen reaches the center of the tire in a heat ed condition favorable for completely uniting with the fuel. Advantage is taken of different bauds of porosity in agates to effect the col oring, which is done in the case of black onyx by immersing the stone in ,i mixture of hoary and water where if remains several weeks at a high tem perature. It is then boih'i! in sulphuric acid, which carbonatts the aecliari nous matter that ha penetrati-d t hi stone, till! rendering certain bands an intense black. Varicus colorations may be produced by different chemical re actions. The printing of books wi;h liraille type for the benefit of the blind has made imnien.se progress in I-Ifgiaiid i within the last few years. The (en-, rra. l. uniting linrnrv, of ISirniiugiiaui, .a ! I i. a 1 '5 Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. lint!-, Caps. Notions for W. L Dous'us Shoe. ASt. Telcphnm No. SS, 1 li .second it., The Dalles, Or. f JIlLLE 1 j egt helps tho team. Saves vrfir asu dS Wj, cxjicusc. Sold every where. JRj ETAMDARD OIL CO. j$IsS SI1 f IS to ? 1 The DullOB, Oil. The Chronicle, dob Printers. f 3E! as i I I 3: 3S is' b 'SSI i it ;1 '36 nc 3:1 a:' 3S -IE rei rr in n-niMiiiiiiM v HKI'AIlT rou Knit Mull :. i. in. j Atlantic l-:xirev I ll.M n. in, ' Via Hunt i lll.'.'tnn. TIMK M'llKDUI.I! KllOM llALI.Kl, Hal l..ikr, Dctivur, Kt. y, VoM .. (imnhn, ;IU1' S (-lty. ft, l.nuh j.(i,,f1' ChlciiKn mill i:st. ''"H Hiilt Uika, Denver. Kt Wnrlli, (Jnmliii, Kim' Kiis City, Ht Unu, Uili'iiKo mill Last. I IS i., -i Spokane Mull mill Kxptess .Wnllii Wiilln. HiHilcim- ut. .Mlniii-i.i.., Ht ' "'j"-1' i ll in th. Mllwiiiaiv ,'" (MiIchko mill l:M. vin fJSl hriiLnm.nl.il Ilium.. . ',Pr" ' , liill . iiln nil iiint, i iv.ii i. ill I " iiium;iiiii Hint hint era iircKiin. 3.51 .B p. in. I'luiM I'(ii:ti.ani (iceiin tsleiiuiNliipK ' I'or him KriinelTo i Kvery rive Dm. 4 p.m. i p. m. . Kj.miinliiyjCnliniitilH Kv. Htertincri. Km-a. (To AhToiiu mill V.'ny ""-M' Hmiinliiy I UihIIiikv 10 p in. I'.ll. III. WlM.AMhTTK ItlVKK. .Jb b l.x.hini.lity Orvnou City. .Sewri;, Kx.sunJi't emeni a v iiy i.uiil i, T n. in. WlLi.AiirrTr. akii am i t 1 lieh.'l lilir. lltl.I. IttVKtm JlnnAtnl I out silt. On-iron city, llnvtnn, midM ! mill Wny-l .11111111X1 1-v tikirln itnl.y ti. m. HS.'AKI: ItlVIMl. Itliirln In lxiwiHtnn. I.5WIST03 daily l.oo .n FINAL SETTLEMENT. "For three days and nfgbts I suffered a'ony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucum bers," says M. E. Lowther, clerk of the district court, Centerville, Iowa. "I thought I should mirelv die, and tried a dozen different medicines but all of no purpose. I sent for a bottle of Chatn-b-rlain'e Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea llumeiiy and three doses relieved me entirely." Thie remedy for sale by Illakeley, the druggist. Xryiiipr preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; thoy dry up the secretions, Vi'hicii adhere to the niembrano and decom pose, causing a far moro serious troublo than tuo ordinary forci of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalauts, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that -which cleanses, soothes aud heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy , narrow- has no less than .loo books printed with 1 NOTICE limine type. litis extensive library i , ... , , . , Notice is hereby Riven ttint the uiiilmlencd , comprises the works of such favorite , fmve Hied with ttO Clerk of the county court ol authors as Shake jpenre. llrowiiing. Sir i the riutenf Oretcon (or Wasco countv.thclr HiihI j ii i, . t-. T . . . i i i i mci mint as. executors o( the last will mill tetn Walter Scott, lennyson and Ku.-kin. ment o( lk.llr. i!rmnn. (Ii-cchkiI, mm Unit . ilo ilnniinv, the Hh uayol November, IveO, at the. i hour ol loo ciook n. in., has been n.xci by ni" I i County Court for saiil county ai the time, mill . the county court room in italics City us. th tl.rn...ri...ii , i. .. . ;-,. i place lor iie.inuK Ol ODjCCIinil to snu unai ac tlirougiiout the country iD-uwMiiii.iin ' ,u,,,i ,.. siPm it nt th Jmp. eoilectmris for the entertainment those deprived of their sight. The riymouth public library ha a similar collection of about vol umes, and numerous other Iibrarie- of BUILT HIS OWN SEPULCHER. An Kfcentrlr Autrlnn In Callfurnlii ' Mnkvn I'rrpiirutlotiM fur III lnli-rnii'iil. aud Trill euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily aud pleasantly. A trial size will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the CUc.Bize. ElyUrothers. 5G Warren St., K.Y. Tho Balm cures without pain, does not irritato or catiso snoozing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surfaco, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream JJalm you aro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. In a grave built under his own di rections the body of John Stiviteh, an eccentric Austrian, was laid to rest at .lack.sou, Cal. Long before death summoned Slivitch the hitter designed his own grave, or, inure properly speaking, tomb. lie spent many days cheerfully drawing up the plans, and with childish delight su perintended the construction of the mausoleum. When it was completed he laid himself down to die with a sigh of content, says a San i' ra u c i c o. e c h a 1 1 g. ;. The grave is of ordinary length and width and seven feet deep. Its walls are of concrete and concrete a foot thick lines the bottom. Twelve inches from the bottom were placd four iron bars, upon which rested the ; coflin. After the collin had been irfi lowered iron bars were nlaceri in like It is manlier and the same distance from rhe top, ami over them was placed a heavy zinc covert fitting perfectly tight. Over this will now be placed a layer of concrete of the same thick ness as on the walls, and on lop will be the marble bearing the name, place of birth, age and date of death. This maimer of burial had been a hobby with Stiviteh for a long time, and when he made his will lie set aside $500 to cover the expense, the same being on deposit in a bunk of Amador county, to be turned over to the contractor on completion of the work mill its approval by a nephew, Andrew I'erovich, who is named as executor in the will. Stiviteh was 73 years old, a miner; had lived here many years and had many friends. He leaves an estate of several thou sand dollars, but no nearer relatives than the nephew named. For sprains, swellings and lameness The old man had no special disease, therei8iothlni;soiooda9Chambrlniii'a I ''ol bad been falling for months. Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake- j u'l,t'" t",l tll!,t 'I"' "'r' '"' 1" lev the dnnruiHt. i Kruvc nan progrcf--eii as far This is the eeasoti when mothers nlaruied on account of croup cjiiickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, which children like to lake. Sold by Clarke & F-ilk. Acker's Enalidii lieinedy will stona cough at any time, and will cure tho worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeluy the druggists. iCIll'i J. v v. v KKENCIl. MA VS. Executors. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is licicby Riven th it the under-slRticil lini duly tiled with the County Clerk of Waseo County, Ori?on, his Haul account and report as. adminibtrator of theetate of Adolpli Aitiillus deceased, and that the Honorable County Court has fixed .Momlnj. the 5th day ol November, IWO, nt 10 o'clock a in. of said dav us the time, and the County Court room of tho County Court I home In DallesClty, Wasco County, Orexon, as , the place for hcnrliiB ald linal account and re port. All peri-ons interested In said estate are hereby notified to npiear at nilil time and place l ami show cause, tl any there be, why Mini report should not be approved and Mild ail ni i n l"tr.i tor I dlschaiKtil, Dated this 3th day of October, l'XKJ. J. I' ACIDH'S, j Administrator of the cstatuof Adolph Agidius deceased ootf ' C. J. STUBLIJMG, W lIOI.Ks U.K AM) Ul.T VII, I 4 i IS s. 5 '5 I 5' I '5 5 Zt i)T . sr isr.:t.sr. T-.j.TJ.r.i,TT,T i -ri tt-j tj.ti yj sri v;.T-i t; -ri -r.j -r i Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to A. M. I Williams A Co. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. V f 4 'I rt!T l'ar.ni ile-lriHK in no to llqipnn ct l.mts on olttmhlii Southern via lllitsi,toaU lake .No. .', Ii-iivlnj; 'the Haiku at IM9p.ii, iiiHKIiur illreen-oiim:tlon at lleppncr jutirtim end I i hk lieturiilni; iiinaliiKillti-cU'iimialrai nt Ilepiiii;r inaction mid IIIurs ulth Nu, I.e. . nvtM,; at ') he Dullesin j ..' p m . For lull trtli!ilhirt. mil on (1. .V N. (Ui Hlieiit The llnlk. or n.i.iie- i ii in i:i.iii'rt, j lien l'as. At. I'liitlaud, Ur SOUTH and EAST via Souinern Pacific Co AD.MLVISTIiATOIt'S NOTICE. Inthe County Court ol theht to of Orexon for .. .GOIiUVlBlA BREWERY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. the Ciinntv of Wijal-o In the matter ol the ctato of ;.rnii hohwa 1 bat-her, iliteand. Notice Is hereby Khen that I f the undersigned has been duly .iiiointed ad- jt n I itlst r ifur . L-ltl. II... ,vlll ii Tii.vi'il . ff lliu i.k. I tate of Uml.s .-finvdljHCher, decennii. All per tons having claims nvainst the estate i f said deeeaseiJ ate hereby notified to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned at his otlic.- In tie utote room of Kleln-hner, ilajer i. Cum puny. In the- city of Portland, uroon, within tix months (rem thuiln u hereof. Dated this 17th da of October, lf(i. is iI.uSION HlKiiCIJ, Administrator. CorroN, Thai, a- .mi.vou, Attorneys fur Administrator. ovUi .t t Of the iiroduct of thin well-known brewery the I'uited StuteH Health lieporiB for .Inne S. 1'JilO, snyii : "A more snpetior brew never entered tlie hiljrrttnry of the TriHed Stutei Health ruportH. It ih iib-olutely duvoid of the ttliuhteet. truce of adulteration, but on the other hand is eo'uposcd of the liest of mult and elmicst of liopu. lt tonic iiuilUii.n ure of the high-e-tand it can lie n--ed with the greatest Imnelll and Hiitisfaction by old and voiinc I ti u-e can cniiscientioiirtly be prescribed by the pIivhIciuiih with the cereuiiiiv that a betlur, purer or muro wlioleaoni'o beverage could not po-aibly be found." Shasta Route Train leave The Dulles for l'nrtl.iiiil anil wij stations at l.ii it, m. unit ." p. m. U'live I'ortlaml . ... " Albany Arrive Ashland " Nicriimeiito " ban iTiinclsco .;X)am 7:ftiim .fj.,am 10:Wici ll::tiam ll.30in ,iJUiiii l;.Vmn . 7 I., p 111 s:l.'mui Arrive Oudoii " Denver .. " Kansas City " Chleaipi I., ii in It l'iii 'JMSiiim 3.UIHB 7 i ' .i m " i'laia 7 I .a m U 31 hu Arrive ls Anijoles 1 vn p m ' Kl I'hhi I. no p m " Kurt Worth ii m " City of Mexico . . . "" in " Houston 1 mi a in " New Orleans ... ii .' u ! " WasliliiKtoii ii I ' " in ' Nuw Vork 1J ! p m 7 01 h m fi.l'IpU i .Dan 'i Nil in I man ii JipU i l.'nm U lipta East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Wo offer for a limited period the twice-a-week Cinto.vic;.K, price $1.50, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1,50, both papers for ?'J a year. Subscriptions nnder thie oiler must be paid In ad vance. tf Wanted A second-hand fire-proof tfafe. Muat be in good condition and not too large. Apply at the Chhoniclk oHko. oai-tf is (all, his (Miliar gravi possible he remarked to l)r i . Best values lor the least money at the ! physician: New York Cash Store. A special in , ",,)"0,"r if ,",'W' childien'eand ume' shoes, while they . w 11 J00'. . " w.tt . i" lie. lie nveii ei"iii iiii.vk loiiL'er. during which time many eitiens vis ited the cemetery to liMpeet the rest ing place for all that was mortal of the oddild Austrian. lust. Nasal CATARRH In all its tta-ed thcro fbouUl bu cleuuiiuoi. Ely's Cream Balm rlcuw:,tootli4au(l bvaU Hid dlc-a-?cU niembrano. It cures catarrh ainldrliea way a cold In tho head quickly. t.'reain Halm U placcil Into tho noitrlli, spreadi orer the uicinb.-ano ami I absorbed. Ilellel iltlm luetUatoaud a euro follow). It It not drinj loe not produce incc-ilic. large Kle, &0 otnti at JJruu c(li or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cent by mall. JULY JAW TIIEUS, M Warren btrevt, New Vork. Itlehest A no Ollleer. I The Ninth rcgiiiicni, which Is fight j ing in China, hat on !t. rosier mie who Is probably I he rleln st olllcer In. the army -.Second I, lent. K'obert .S. Clarke, formerly of .New Vork, .Mr. ( !arl;e is a grandson and one uf t Ik jirlr: ! p.i 1 heirs of the lute Alfred Corning Clarke, and , his wealth is intimated at sever:! 1 mil- I 11, II,. I.: .;ll't Im l.iv ,..,nl.. I ,, ...!,.. . and Is a graduate of Vale university. He received his commission in theariuy about a year ago. -Chicago Chronicle, NOTIOH OF FINAL SKTTI.K.M KNT. Notice Is hereby jjlvcn 'hat the iindersi;neil ! has duly llltd with ihe ciiiiuty detk of Wurni j county, OrcKOh, his Dual account and rcirt ns executor of the estitn of Phoebe J. HalKbt, de-t-easedt and that the honorablo county court has ll.xed Monday, the 5th day ol .November, W), at tl Wi'elnek it. in.ef siilit il.ie us lln II,.ii mill tin. i-oiinty court rixim In tho county con. t house In I wanes city, wan-o county, uruvon, as tiioptaee for hearlnu said final ai-coiint and resjt. All rnni lntereste1 in said estate aro here by notified to apjiear at said time ami place and shoiv cause, if any there be, why said report should not be approved and said executor ills cliarKiil. Dated thlsWth day of September. l'.Kfl. KUANK MKNKKKK, Kxecutor of the estate of i'hoebo J. llalKot, dei-eased, oct.'i NOTICF: FOIt PUBLICATION. la Nil OFUCK AT '1 UK PAM-KS, OllK(iO.S',j October Ii), iww. ( Notice Is lu-reliy Klven Unit the followiiiK liamiil M-ttlcr has filed notice of her Inteiitioii to in uku final proof In mpport of her cllm, anil that said prinif will bo made before the IteMer and Keeelvor at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes day, incumber, !, luoo, viz. IIiiIIId I,. Itiimly, of Tliu Dalles, Oregon, II. K. Nc, VM, for the SH owr'JJ, I 2N, K la K, W..M. She Humes Inn folloivltie witlii.eH to T.rove lir.r I continuous residence upon and cultivation of sslil land, vl.; Kriink Ijipler, of The lulles, Oieifon, AlU-rt (i. McKamey. of Mt. Hood. Ou-irou. lieurv C Mo Kaniey unit Kile liranliiiid,o: Tho Dulles, Or OCW7 JAY I". hUCAf , IttKlster. NOTIOK FOIi I'UIJLICATION. Ia.su Okkick at Va.ncouvkh, Wash. Outuber j, may. Notice Is hereby xiveii that thu followlin;. named settler has filed mulct) of 1ih Intention toiuuke llmil proof lu support of his claim, and that said proof will Ixi mado before W. U, rres- by, I', fi. cominissioner fur thu District ol WushliiKton.'at (ioldendi lg, Wus)i,,oa Monday, Deceiober 10, WOO, vl.; Ooorgu It, Ht. Kntvruncv, of I.ylo 1'. O., Wash,, lio made II. K. No, lO.oa'i, DKA LKit.- IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKE EMBALMERS Tho Dallos, Or. P.obes, BufiaSh Etc. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Gr ooer. I'lilliintn mill Tourist cars on both tml'ii illmlrmrs Sacramento to Owleti mid Ki laso, mid tourist cars to CIU'iii;i), sit l.om- Jiuwui leiius Mini Wnshluitloii. CoiineetliuT 'it Han Krnucl-.eo with feveril steamship Hues for Honolulu, Japan, lliui'i I'hllipplnes, Ceutrnl anil Huiitli Ameix i. Kee iiKcnt at The Dulles station, or mMress C. H. MARKHAM, (ieneral rassencer Ah'eut, l'.irt.aml, r P Northern Fa Yellowstone Park Line. Till: DINlNti (l.lt UOt'TK ritOM 1'01!TI.ANI TO Till-; KAHT. T1IK ONIA" DIUKCT LINK TO Till. Yhl.Mlff- MONK I'AKK i.kavi:. Union Depot, nithaud I sis aiuuvi:. l. a. 1'iiNt mull for Tiicoiim, .. Kvattle, Olymplii.tiniy's 1 Harbor unit South lleud N llioints, Kpouiuie, Itoss I null. It. C. i'lilllllllll. ! Moseow. Ij.h Istmi. Mill .. 11:15 A. M. Uiilolliiiui.inlalnKcoiin .1 ;l I try, llulenii, .Mlnneapi) Us, Ht. I'lilll, Uiniiliiii Kansas City, St. IjiiiIm, (Uileiiirii unit nil iiolnts No. I, least mid soulheas-t. I I'liei't Hound I : x l ires-, . ., llJI'-O 1'. M, for Tiicoiim ami ficiiltl" 7,lA-' mid liitcriiicdliilu potais or tliu HK'A and V.Vt tVX'.i. eeo Zl, Ti a N, It l Ki . il . lio names tne lollowliu; witnesses to prove Ills (ontlnuoui residence iism and cultlvution o( said land, vl.; Thomas J, Wlilttomb, (ieorKe Borenson, (fco. Ilradford and ;Vlllluia I-ealon, ull of I.yle I', u,, Wu'liliiKlua. all W. K. DUNllAlt ItegUter Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. I'ulliniiii llrst cliisH mill tourlut Hl'ierij J Mlniieupolls.Ht. I'aul mill .Missouri ilvur I"""1 without cIiiiiikc n,,ii Vosllhuled Irnllis. Union depot conueclloui lu nil prlnclpiil cities. . lliiKKiUtdfllieckcd luiliMlllliltloil Hi V,0 l.;..!iler. I'or haiiilsomi.lv lllusualtsl desur Pllve 'llu'' llcketH, sleepliih'-ciir reservatloiui, etc, cull on write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant tiimunil raseiiKr AKent. '"rl1 ton Mtttet, corner Tlilnl. I'ortland OiiK'"'. JJU. 1(. K. HMI'l'll, Ostuoimth. flmi.iauii Hlock, 'rhojl