The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 15, 1900, Image 3

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    Annual Sale
Another luni nl" tho wliool of
November lOeoiiomios for houso
kei pers lirinrf forward Lho salo of
lied covering u(. sultst.mtial sav
ings from usual prices:
"Kureka" 1 0-1 CI ray Blanket,
Ki.u -18x72.
size 5'lx7
10-'! (!ray Blanket,
White Wan-
ket, size f4x7'l.
"I-;il.(irlon" KM (irav Blan-
, size OOx'
"India" 10
si.o ()J)X().
White Blanket,
"rialem" 10-'l White Blanket,
size 00x72.
"(Jiinton" 10-4 Gray 'Blan
ket, size 00x72.
12-10 Dark
' ra.V
Blankets, extra lare size, worth
fro in $".()(.) to $U.'"50, can he bought
during sale at
$4.00 per pair.
The best values ever o lib rod.
Ami n shining example of wlint Venae & Mays' can do for
you in Clothing Ih strongly reflected in this great find most com
ploto department. W speak entirely within bounds when wo
allirm that nobody in F.astorn Oregon can xeol us either in stylo
or price.
When we tell yon about OVKItCOATS, it's the cautious poo
pin we lire lifter those who know a round dollar's woitli.
There'H sis much variety here in OvercoatH at
iih some stores will bIiow you in an entire mock.
The Xolihv Top Coat in light and mediuni weiuhts
in tun and gray at ;
A very handsiimo inedium weight (.'ray cheviot
I!o: Coat; silk-sowed seams; cowl sortie lining. .
Swell Mine Kersey, uuide
velvet collar, at
with Htrap seams and
Hit: warm Ulsters or Storm Coats in hlack frieze,
douhle-hreiiHted and large Htorin collars', at.
Pease & Mays.
All goods marked in plain figures.
A Oallfnrtifn rinnrnr of 1849, nnil tlm
PlrKt lo Kiwi n I'nck Tinln I'mtn
Tim Ditlli'X fx Canyon City.
Having rented tho Baldwin opera
houee to A. Sandvlg. All persons desir
ing to rent the came will apply to or nd
dres? A. Sandvlg, 1'. O., Box 5S0. The
I).ille. K. !!. Mnmm.i.,
Administrator.!. C. I?ildwln, Kstate.
This community was greatly shocked
this morning on learning that I. T.
Sharp had succumbed at 11 :H0 last niuht S
to the injuries received vestordav morn. II ' 'ur hr i ''T nnd dead-like, Co
imr from the kick in the breast hv a frac Wuut Cream Tonic will give it life and
lions horse, that had bulked in one of 'Jnster. It is pronounced the finest
his plow teams. Ife had apparently j.tonic on earth. Can be had at Krazer's
I rallied from the sheck to such an extent ,pr"er s'.op, Hgent. mi-irn
that no seriou- results were appreliend- j Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
ed either by tho attending physician or K positive guarantee. Cures heirt-burn,
iho members of his family, lie had I Yaisinir of the food, distress after eating,
iir any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet fives immediate relief. 25 cts.
find 50 cts. lilakeley, the druggist.
mays & erowe
loni been suhjpet to violent put iodic at
tacks of colic, and one of these cams on
yesterday afternoon, and before it was
possible for a physician to reach him, he
had passed away. During the last cou
ple of hours he sudercd untold agony,
and death came as a relief.
I'hillip Thomas Sharp was born in
Lawrence county, New York, February
I 1", lS-'l. t"TrTcuTiliUiy 'witrr-tTrrT'TiTeT
! brothers be crossed tho plains in the
usual manner of those days and arrived
in California in IS-lft. There ho engaged j
in mining till 1802, when he was mar-
II No othc tie Km
other pills can equal Dd Witt's
ulv Hirers for promptness, cer-
tainty and efficiency. Sold bv Clarke &
There is no excuse for
jried to Maiv Uowland, a resident ofVva""-t' "-'
Shasta county and a descendant of one (JOOtWOar, wllOIl WO call Still ,
'of the pilgrims o! the Mayflower. After your for $2.50 a perfect-fit-
Ibis marriage he moved to Oregon and j till" Woll-lliade. dl'C'PSV sllOO. !
(Many styles to select from. !
rr,e Dalles Daily Chronicle,
. Nov. in, imio.
'J fft'IiSDAY -
sorvocl t
At Andrew Kollor's.
(soil, and besides the crop that, is oh
' tained the vine makes a most excellent
NapkitiH that Hell usually at a dollar,
are onlv 75:: now at A. M. Williams it
Go's. All other linens in proportions.
Tlm piifirMiil iifiiiti!Mq il. tin. M.'tltrnliat
church' are continuing with increased ! 1i ' ' a tragedy.
that sentiment along that line should
grow in the hearts of our people. The
time iB coming when each of the two
great peoples will need it in their busi
ness. It is out of my line to be pessi
mistic, but 1 think that the Chinese
concert, which has alreadv become a
! When the crash conies it will be best
for Kngland, best for America, and best
for the world that the Union .lack and
the Stnrs and Stripes fchoiild wave to-
(irillith, the hypnotist,
At tho Vogt opera house tonight.
interest. A good congiegation was pies
out last evening and listened to a very j
' interesting sermon. Tin general public i
:. .....,i:..n.. i ,...1 i .1... ...... .t..,.,
n II 111 II t lilt. LI 11 Llli.LLl'llll LIIL TCI I II ITP. i
lit-v. C. D. Nickolsen, of Ileppner, ill j S('t,,ur-
preach this exening at 7 ::m o'clock. ! Tim members of the unique religiouB
sect Kiiovn as ttie lazrellette ar" arrang
ing to take papsagu for Scotland, says a'orte (ImP diepatch. The prophets
of the sect have fixed u near date for the
i Col. ('. K S. Wood and .lodge Thoutus
O'Duy, of Portland, were in town today t
! and tiled u petition in the circuit court
Little bovH reefer coats from $2 up to; for u rt..,!aring in the case of D. C.J
Sli ol). - tit A. M. WillitmiH it Co'k. j )'iley against the Columbia Southern j
Spacial bargains in (diildreu's and Hallway Company. In a recent hearing i
misries' slmea at the New York Caili
Komcmhcr tiiat Cncoanut Cream Tunic
will promote growth of liai r. Charles
I'razer, sole agent. nll-lni
A m.irriage license was is-iued yester
day iiftoruoou to Willurd A. HeHsler and
Kate M. Terrill.
Mirh l.ulii .ImiH-i. lite vii'l.lin of t.bii
-,1 ,a naui.,,1. ,,t .iir..,um. ai.nri. I bUntlfolil drive, whicli starts In front
time ago, is out of danger ami is uearinu'
Wanted .Men and women of good
chariicter and relerences, to represent an
established house, splended opportunity
f ir advancement. Address P. 0. I'.ox
5S7, Portland, Oregon. novl5.1mo
The case of the State vs. II. C. Hate-
of this case Judge liradshaw sustained
a general demurrer, on tbu groliud that
the plaiiitill' had no capacity to sue.
(irillith, the hypnotist, und his
specialty company is here and wilt open
a three nights performance, commencing
tonight. He will give a freo exhibition
on tho utreets tomorrow (Friday) instead
of Saturday, us advertised. Do not miss
i of Clarke it Falk's drug store at liillt)
i p. m.
Tim local lodge of Modern Workmen
i down nt Astoria must have some big
listed fellows in its ranks. Uecently
' they ordered from the society's supply
I department, u ballot-box, which, upon
end of time and the revolution of all ter
rostiai things. The sent originated in
Scotland and the flight of the faithful
will be taken from souio mountains
there. Small communities of these zea
lots have been established in northern
locate 1 at the Cascades, where he so
j perintended the building of a portage I
wagon road for tho old O. S. N. Co., and j
afteruards, for a short time, snperin-)
' tended the transfer of freight. From
there he went, to Canyon City in 1S03 .
and established the first pack train be-
! tween that point and The Dalles. Dur-
nig an early trip lie was nttacked hy n
band of hostile Indians, who stampeded
his mules and robbed him of all he had
pave a small quantity ot merchandise,
with which he subsequently started a
little store at Canyon City. While there
j he became intimately associated with
Joaquin Miller, who was then county (
judge. Ho moved to Wasco county in i
187-1 and located on Three Mile near the
place where he died. I
His wife died about Feven years ago. i
An elder brother, W. II. Sharp, of Walla
Walla Eurvives'him, bssides thrpe sons,
K. F. Sharp of this city, W. H. Sharp of
Five Mile, and F. II. Sharp who is at'
present in the Fust, and one daughter,
Mrs. Grace Gordon, ot Portland.
Mr. Sharp was a man of wonderful
vitality and energy for his years. He
persisted keeping in the harness and
doing his share of the hardest work of
the farm, in spite of the protest of bit
children, who often urged him to take
the rest, that his strenuous life and ad
vanced age called for. He was a kindly,
genial man, a good husband, ami a
father whose pride and jiy. to a very
utiUFtial degree, was in his children
whom beloved with moie than fatherly i
affection. Take him for all in all we '
shall not soon look upon his like again. I
The remains were brought to town
tins afternoon and are at the home of I
Tho only store fi
this city whero tin
(lenulne Imported
Ware is sold,
A little higher in
price, out outtnsu
a dozen piecesof so
called cheap cnam
cled ware.
Other wares look
ino lias tho name
Stransky Steel
. Ware on each piece
I TV, I..l.....,ir..1
JJ llUl, UlULUIIfl
First prize at. 1C
International Exht
bitions, Highest
award at World s
Columbian Exlnbi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by the best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability il, 10
cheapest because
Pease & Mays.
VOGT 0pera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
Nov, 15th
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside, is
not affected by acidsr
in fruits or
will boil.
Sti . w.oi
and bafet
w i t h o u
ini parting
flavor Oi
food and
will last
for years.
V.Te cau
tion tlm
Rg"iif '
im-tf. U' .J
Indiana and southern Miehnrau coun
ti..B Tin. ium fin! unmMii .ir !isnns. I his son, K. F. Sharp. The funeral will i
, ing of their earthly possessions and the
nior.ey accumulated will be expended in
reaching Scotland, fromewhenc they
believe they nro to be tiansported heuv
'onwaid. I Articles of incririioration were filed to
j ilay in the otlice of the county clerk by
! the Hood Piver Kleotrie l.igl.t, Power
I and Water Company. The business ot
the corporation is "to construct, main
tain anil operate electric light and power
plants, Miiterpipeii and pipe lines, Humes.
take place Saturday afternoon.
'1 lir Storlt'H of Kusicll.
One day, a legal correspondent writes,
i before the late lord chief justice took
eick, he was sitting In court when an
other barrister, leaning across the bench
es, whispeied, "Kusfell, whnt's the ex
treme penalty for bigamvV" "Two
On one occasion Lord Kussell went to
help the liberals in a certain campaign.
In a Itefined, Instructive, Marvelous,
Laughable and Lp-to date Performance.
Clever Actors,
Sweet Singers,
Manufactured to suit taste of audiences.
ISO Laughs
in .
180 Minutes.
ace, aoc.
General Blacksmith
and Horseshoes.
All kinds of blacksmithing will recelvo
i prompt attention and will be executed
in iirst-claes shape. Give him r. call.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or.
A. Y. MAPSH will
turkey shoot on the
Three Days
give a
tNov. 27th, 28th and 29th
There will also be pigeon-
trap epootiug at the same
time and place.
iirriwii, inej proinpuj n.uirm.u miii i (jtcjll!(1) conduits, electric lines, railroads ! He began his speech of set purpose with
the objection that "the opening in which jlU(j j.jj, motor rondfl n,ld ,minu- tome very badly pronounced Scotch,
to insert the hand is too small." TliMf , , .. , . for 1 After tlia confusion caused bv bis liimar-
tmil measurement, tlif ,. ollu i..i;f.. .r ..m.up niwluni Mn.nU.p i..ut sniiaiiiMil sir nimrluM
nower or electric nower. to buv and sell ! Hussell tas he then was) said : "Hen-
I Wo havo u line farm of IlliO acres for implementH, machinery electric ap-1 llemon, I do not speak Scotch, but J
Wllfl I u. I,. lv ItiiL'ttiit i.rimitv. Wanh.. Hl'tll. ' ..1 .1 l...!1.i:.... i.,nl,n.!,il r... !lu U,.nili 11 'ri,.nii..iiilriiia n ii1nns.f.
... .i...v..v , ...... IlillWIUCB illMI lllllKllllt; IIIIILUIli.l UK Hit .UfcVl i,..u ............ w
pleaded not guilty and was placed under
Inuds to appear for tiiul at this term of
e uirt.
Sherlir Kelly today mado it cVuniuoo
fain of tlm properly of deliuiuentH on
the tax roll of Itfilii. The county bought
iu the most of the property, the only
oM'opiimiH worth Hpeaking of being cafes
where mortgagees bought in the property
for self-protection.
At tho regular meeting of Fern lodge,
D-'greu of Honor, luat night it was do
eliliid to give n danoliiL' party Wednes
day livening, Nov. -8th, Thanksgiving
eve. A short program will ho rendered,
and ii iiuall admission fee charged, of
which luiiioiuicunient will ho given lutor-
Coroner Units, who was taken sud
denly 111 yesterday morning with ehest
tumble, growing out of the accident by
which he Hourly Joe t IiIh lifo u ycur
in, wiio ia rliurtid with ntftmult,
iii.iiiii 111 tl.j. mrnllit oiMlft iiiuiiirl.tif 1 . .
aiternuon ami toiiny till iiimui .. :.) p. in. Nt)WH a8HuruB H) WUH ix im:hes across. ;
when it was given lo tlm jury.
Halter Carlisle, of leu-Mil", was i HU,(. in KHiikitut county. Wash., situ- ,
...i..nn-ii i-niuiuiij u. i ii,iiil, ltl!l HnV,, ml,.H irom lute haluioii on 0 account or for others, and to do followed, whereupon Sir Charles pro
him with Indecent exposure. When ar-' ti0 white Salmon 'iver. This place J m.j uther liuniness as may be necessary ceeued, "and 1 sonietiines tit ink Scotch."
r.ngui'it lietoro .imlge isrmiHiiiiw Carlisle i (mH t,irtv acres in cultivation, nice 1 10 i.urrv out the objects of the corpora- With this his hold on the audience was
young orchard, Hue tiout pond, finest i tion," The incorporators are F. K. i seemed. ,
of spring water, several acres of men-! Savage, N. C. Kviuis, C. A. IJell audi Although unrivalled iu theartofcross
dow; ''()(( acres of hind that can be in i- j,,.Hi0 p.utler. The e.ipital stock isih'OOO 1 examination, on one occasion ho was
gated; near the school mid church ; j Hhares of sjir5 each. ; distinctly beaten by a witness. "What
plenty of line timber. Owner is unable - - ! j8 your age?" he asked. "Js it my age
I through infirmity to run the place. This iviviito m-hohI -nay iiv-niiiK. i yo)J at, a.I1Ky replied the witness.
is a bargain for any stockman who I IVtsons desiring instrnetloii in ling-I "Yes sir. Now speik up and be ex Met."
wants a place to build up a fine stock )jb, branches, ornamental penmanship, "And be exact? Well of all the "
business. For further particulars see j Kbort liniid, shiitie-peu writing, free-1 "The court does not desire to bear any
Hudson & ltrownliill, real iHtate agents. I bund drawing, book-keeping, higher comments ot yours. Tell the court your ,
i!,iiif,.i niii i"!iirml Ki nii. A snoi'.iii. i ies. music, etc.. olease ' ai:e." "Well," said the man, "1 cjlo-
Mim. which Ih another name for the I call first door second floor west of Cur- 'united my twelfth birthday hist week."
('ilifornm nriiiie trust, makes the an-1 tisH mill, Second street. foreigners i "uoirt tnue witn inn court,
nonncimientthiitit is maHter of the prune taught to read and write huglish in a memlier you are on oatn. "Jtsiiune
Hituat on und that It practically con- low lessons.
One thousand styles and sizes.
1 fTP
Prices from $s to $50.
trols all of the marketable prunes iu the ,
state. More power to its elbow ! hy
shouldn't the prune growers combine
for tliulr own benefit as well us tho other
fellows? It will now be in order for the
llryaulto press to weep briny tears over
Pitor. K. Fi:i:i:ii.
was much butter at noon today, but was the advancu hi the price of prunee, the
Btlll eoiifliMd to his bed, It is hoped hu j natural result of the election of Mclvln
will be able to be on Ills feot iu a (lay or ley.
two. I Mark Twain, iu a recent Interview in
Souutof the farmors from the Vakiimi ; rjuilon, Is reported to hiive said :
'liHtrlot uro feeling in 'excellent spirits "Kngland is the best friend we have in
'rem tho results of experiments Iu the
natter of raising peanuts. Thu claim to
I'u able to raisu piuiuuts as high as
eighty bushels per acre in well irrigated j jianw'
F.urope, und we aro the only friend sho'e
got on earth. No out ventures to sug
gest a formal otleneive mid defensive ill-
but it Is to our mutual Interest
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bouts the
Slguuturo of
Children's and misses' shoes, spring
heel, button or lace, bust doiigoU kid,
foxed, sizes .1 to 7i ut HO cents j 8,'j und
Hi to ) at ifl.20; 1 to !1 nt sfl.IO. At
the Now York Cash Store.
and to-
you are on oath."
true. I was boin oy eetiruary uutti, in
leap year, and my birthday only comes
once iu four years.
When you cannot sleep for coughing,
it is hardly necessary that any one should
tell you that you need a few doses of
Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy to allay
the irritation of the throat, and make
sleep possible. It. is good. Try it. For
sale by lilakeley, the druggist.
If vou have daudrnH', your hair is
falling out. Use Coeoanut Cream. For
sale at Fraxer's barber shop. nO-Iui
Vou can save the price of your thanks- j
giving turkey by buying your table
linens nt A. M. Williams Co's. I
S57 T
The genuine all bear the above Tra JeMaik
and are sold wiiu a vruicn guaraiiiec. r
Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900
Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere.
MiuIh only bv The Michigan Stove Company.
Laruost Makerti of tatuvma uuu Uiuikcs Iu tho World. Oak Stoet