The Dalles Daily Chronicle.1 THURSDAY - V NOV. 15. 1900 i s JJllYAXJSM SriLL IS THE MSG. A dispatch from Chicago says that evidence has already developed that the Bryan men now in control of the democratic party propose to continue that control if they can. "While the republican national committee lias -5'iven up its headquarters and prac tically 5:0110 out of business for four years the democratic rJommiUec has en"aaed rooms in the Security build ing and intends to keep up the I5ryan propaganda until the presidential election. The plan is one which prevailed during the last four years. A liter ary buieau is to be maintained which will send out matter to democratic weekly papers under authority of , the national committee regularly.' and Vice Chairman Johnson, or the ' secretary, or both, will be in charge' all the time. The executive com-; mittee of the national committee,; .... ,. ,, . , Clarke & Fa'.k have on sale a full line which is essentiallv a .tlrvan body.' ... , .. , , , J ' of paint and artist s brushes. will supervise the character of this! ... , . . .. ., .. 1 ouwdl not have boils if von take literary output and see to it that Clarke & Fa!ka sure cure bolla. nothing but radical doctrine.'' and j a full line of Eastman alm9 and sup-, theories receive the seal of the na- plies just received by Clarke & Falk. , tional committee. j The largest anil niot complete line of The cardinal principle of party I fall and winter millinery ever displayed ! faith laid down will be that no dem-!in the cit" at Campbell & )yoii . , , , , ' miUinerv parlors, i he prices will sell ocrats except those who worked and . the (rooda Stf , voted for the election of liryan are! why pergaiJn f0r inferior entitled to any voice in the manage-! pajfll5 wnen you can buy James E. ' Lazy Livers firomnnj ! les the rauc of rations d .vaos Kiiicty r,,r " 'ont of the AJiirri'-nn J'coflo tirv suit to l tn ubio'i i itn liver nr.i stoma -h 'i!ar'.:n:.tJ x : 'h as cniKU-atton, dvzj'.n. vv fmliRMti ju, liilioivsr.csj,;0u!. liver etc. Baldwin's Health Tablets No. 25 nrervritn1' and cure thon UK Thrsr tablets act a a ?iitlo lasa live Thny niako tho liver ami stenineh ilo their duty as they fJiould The mo-t obstinate raM yield to these little tablet. They aat S5c aud can be procured it Clarke & Falk, The Dalles. Ongon. BUSINESS LOCALS. A Difficult Problem, ir It is among the most dlllicnlt prol- j lems of mitural science for one to become I expert hi foveral lines. J. K. Atlcox it Co., by their cotiibination, have over- , come this dltl'tctilty in a practical man. ner. J. K. Adeox is an expert watch-' ' maker and is good on jewelry, optical j work anil engraving, while "Then. II. Lielie is an expert optician and ia pood on walcb repairing, jewelry work and engraving. Their price ie as low as con sistent with uonil workmanship. They ( are prepared to do ail work in their several lines', on short notice. Work sent by mail or express will receive ', prompt atte-itlon. Sign, "15lg Iietl " Watch.' Clarke & Falk have received a carload ' . of the celebrated .lame E. I'.itton j strictly pure liquid paints I II LowNEy's.i CHOCOLATE BON SONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. Complete Cipe of Dru$s at Nl. Z. DONNELL, TH DRUGGIST. Jasfc What You uaant. $1 ,oo per month. Strictly llf-t eliHH local nnd long diitatice telephone service within your liniue. 1 .1 litis ilo not ero-talk. Your eon. vernation will be kept a secret. Xo cost for installing. You get the Htr.iulard Hutming l.o ni: Distant Instrument. CoiititiuniH day and night Hiirvlee. Wu will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel same on giving us thirty dayh writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. ment of the party. As another part of the plan the committee has arranged also that the National League of Democratic Clubs shall keep up its organization during the next four years, with the idea of taking a hand in the selection of delegates to the next convention. These clubs were all formed in UryaD's interest, and their members are generally supposed to be devoted to him and to the principles he rep-icscnts. S'ivs the Chicago Chronicle, which itself did all that mortal could in the last campaign to maintain the "mon grel combination between the worst elements of democracy North and South and the populism of the West:" "From Maine westward to the Kosky mountains, north of the Ohio river line, there is not a democratic gov ernor, there is not a United States senator, there are few democratic congressmen, and demo, crats in ofiice of any description are so rare that a party embracing at least one -half of the population may be said almost with literal truth to have been excluded from participa tion in public affairs. To this hu miliating estate the mongrel combi-! stor,-' nation between the worst elements of' democracy North and South and the populism of the West has brought a once proud political organization which has controlled the affairs of the republic in many important eras and which should control them today." ?itzcrland Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per jrallon, uuaranteeil for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. ml The best method of cleansing the liver is the iisj of the famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Easy to take. Xever jjripe. Sold by Clarke & Falk. At the popular millinery parlors of Campbell & Wilson can be found all the latest tilings in street hate, trimmed bats, children's school hats, and also tam-o'-shanters. Husllinj; youiiK man can make 60 per mouth and expenses. Permanent posi tion. P'sperience unnecessary. Write i quick for particulars. Clark & Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Piiiladel-1 hpia, Pa, ;S-tf ! 50 YEARS' 3 BBfiSsBvr"??? JESIGN5 Copyrights &c. Anvflnr" c ni -- liitr'1 nl -crtnt' "ti oi.a o lr n. -r' r t j frt w cti er a i.. .itncti'c .-n ' a. Hjt1i okcu. t'atcntc (roe. (i. k v i . fc .in e patf an. l'.t. i.'3 tit' I'.r .aa il.:i & l-. recelv t iriitnatic., w thoutc. nnc, b: tio "Sdenflffc Jfinericam A hntnlueTli".tntM ''T'r'';!!,. 1. Truest eir ir.lati"'! ( a-.y f .r '""-na'. 'l'crr..!. a : (rnrm. -.tbf. SI. So.dbyall ni widcaier.. (KiUNfl & Co.3B,Dfoad- New York braacti (irT.c.) . ".i 1' ' . W.isamct'.n. J). V & REGULATOR LINE. ! k ASrolllA NAY. t-iimi nl tin- lUtrilliilnr l.llif will ruti u t t the fol- j 'i '.nl'.!' . tin- Comimnv n-crvlne tin rliflit to chaise 'J Str. Rurculator ! lMl'. Ml , M 1..-i.. TlilllMlrtV Mitimlrtv Arr. I'ortlimd Ht l.')J v. K. 1-. 1 nr. 'irtliiul ciln!:l 1 1 II -i K i I'tlllllN Arr. nllOH ii r . i i.ii- u it i.'Ut niitlce. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. DnlliiB City. IHIVti l.V. IMllVH ' lit 7 A. M. Mmiilny ViliiisilHy I'rltlay. Arr. Port tin ul at 1 :.V v. H. ut it .4 I'oilijnl ,3 ' ui .i x. liionlsy j Thurtdji' -at'iriU) j, A', iMlln j it r n. ; FOR COMPORT Trnv.'! h;. tl ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ; of tl:i' r.inuiiitoi I liif n ii- tin' 1 -f .! i ht oli i' Thi' t'nmpmiv will I'lnli'iivur t rU J or liirtlicr liiuiiiiiiitiiiu mlilrosi iti jut 5 r.TJ.ra.r.v.i.TiiciTJ.Tj T4.rTu v.. T.-T...T.T Vj.rj.'r..T.T.i.rj..i.TiTj.T.i.iT..Uii I' iiflt- '. O.u "tr C I'.k.!. W. C. ALUAWAY, Con. At. Wasco W erehous s Gompeny j Itnliliril tile (S rav. i A startling incident, of which Mr. ' John Oliver of Philadelphia, v.-as the j subject, 1? narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My jskin was almost yeliow, eyes sunken, I tongue coated, pain continually in back democratic ani1 S1"es 110 appetite gradually urow- in", weaker day by day. Three pnysi cians had yiven me up. Fortunately, a friend advised 'Electric Hitters' ; and to FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ntANSACTA KNEltAI.B.YNKIWi HCbl.SErt Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. i Kitfht Exchange and Televrraphi', Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, , St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore- j aon, Seattle Wash,, and various points , in Oregon and Washington. i Pnlti.ff inna tnailo lit. iill unintu llfl fv. I my -Treat joy and surprise, the first j ornj,i,. tlirrat. bottle made a decided improvement. I I continued their use for three weeks, and ' -r -y am now a well man. T know they saved i i Oil f"' .. Mir. .,.l.l,.,.l I-,. r.1 nnntl.n. ' ' U II j itii;, tiuk iuiiucu bite nivu ui tiiiuiicj victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at 1'lakeley's dru i) New ideas in Wall Paper here. Hticb wide variety as wo are showing never be fore graced a einele stock. Heal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices, j ElSnr& for Seed Grain of ail kinds. JTa for Feed Grain otriikin d. w. vause, Third St. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kin r-a" " - - Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SfndM?l!LkfS) TTar rim in Ttp.T fVr "TZyTaTKz' P.pct" "Pp-nfllfi. i ton n'lour er j . . l Painting... And now they tell us S wants to borrow several millions of dollars of us. All riht. Let have it. Four years more of Me Kinley prosperity and wc will be the greatest creditor nation in the world. If any one wants to know how far the German mind was affected by the cry of militarism let him note that "Wisconsin gave McKinley n plurality of 102,000 in 18'JO, and a plurality of 110,000 in 1900. rjnutlit-rii California, Notable anions tne pleasures afforded by the Shasta E-iuto ia tho winter trip to Southern California and Arizona. Renewed acquaintance with this section will ever develop fresli points of interest added sources of enjoyment, under its sunny skies, in the variety of its indus tries, in its prolific vegetation and among its numberless resorts of mountain, shore, valley and plain. Tho two daily Shasta trains from ' Portland to Ualllornia nave been re ! cently equipped with tho most approved j pattern of standard and tourist sleeping cara, but tne lo rates oi lare will still continue in effect. Illustrated guides to tho winter resorts of California and Arizona may be bad cn application to C. H. Mahkiiam, G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. The undersigned has taken possession of 11. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera house, and has pur chased the tools and ladders. lie has good mechanics working for him, and will guarantee all work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. J. A. EBERLE, iJpitye Jailorii A complete lino of Fall and Winter 1 Suitings, Pantings and Overcoating, now on display. 100 different varieties to se led from. ..cHfls. Batehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kocp-i on ilrntti-'lit tho coiebrnttil COl.f.MlllA HEKIt, iiPkmmv vlK?tl thi' tx.'t tK.-er In The Dalles, at the uiiil prlct'. Come In. try Itnrnl be ronvliii-eil. Aim I ho Finest brnmla of Wines, U juor and Clears. Sandrjuiehes nl nil Kfmls alvfnys oti imuil. This I'ltinr is manufactured expressly for family um; everv wick iH euarauteed to uive stitisfactios. W; sell our goodo lower than any limine at thu trade, and if you don't think eo 1 call and get our prices nnd be convinced. ! Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barle3r and Oats. J. 8. BCHKNCX, PreiMeai. . .M. IICA1.I., Cantilvt First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking llusinesa transacted Deposits received, Biibject to Sight Draft or Cheek. ; mm Collections made and proceeds promptly j jL I B" remitted on dav of collection. ' 0 U lu Retiring from Business. Closing ont my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry GooiIh, Clothing, l!uotB nnd Shoes, at much less than wholesale prices. Will soli in lmlk or in lots, or imy way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must "be closed out before 30 days. All goodc will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glovn-fltting Corsets and Ilittterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and tenure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner .Socoiul and Courtis. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. ! A democratic exchange says "the ' - -democratic party stands for princi- ; pies that never die." Possibly; but! JcG (2YG.3LY cUld it has stood for a miscellaneous as- S I T-V 1 sortment tlmt arc as dead as Julius . VVSlGr rOOrS. ..g.ll . It ia well to know that DeWitt's Wilch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and stop thu pain at once. It will cure eczema and ekiu diseases and ugly wounds and cores. It ia a certain cure for pllee. Counterfeit may ho offered yon, See that you get the original Da. Witt's Witch Haw) Salve. Extra good values at' the New York Cib Store. Mrs II. I-. Jones has opened ice cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal lard's old stand. She carries A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The place has been thoroughly ren ovated, and a ihareof the public patron age is solicited. Open till 12:00 P. M. Suits, $20 arpd up. Call and examine oods before going elsewhere. Second street, opp. .Mays fc Crowe's. F- S. Gunning, Kigbt and Telegraphic Exchange sold on i,n iiirii, nn i-iiuiuisuu aiiw on- land. DIKBOTOK8, D. P. TlIOMl'BON. Jno. S. Hchjcnck. I Ku. M., Gko. A. LiaiiK. ! H.M. Bbam.. ! 9 r FALT & CO., m i l ' or '!ILa Commercial Sample Rooms. iiiecoiuifs Packing Co PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAtlUFAUTUHKKH OK 9 Purest Liquors for Family Use? Dolivored to any part of tho City. C 173 Second Street. ? Phones: M Locul, Long Distance iFine Lard and Sausages iguSf? ' Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIKD BKKF. ETC. Blacksmith, Horseshoeing, i Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, , ONE FOR A DOSE. H tf lUraoTo Plrapl... pMrent I'll I V MMmMM SAY Lenrl Mp Vnnr IF.nvl WM V Via A m i wv u Do you l:now that John I'aihek, the tailor, in ugont fur two of $ tho largest merchant tailoring houeuH in America? iff 0 Do you know that he will ho 11 you a miir, made to your order, cheap uh the hHiitl.n.e.dtiwn, ready-made, you buy in the Htoree, mi gimrantee or no eitlo? Do you know that ho Ihih ulready op hand for tho coining fid I am winter trade the luuideomest and fluent line of uaiiiplen over tdiown in I he D.ilk-8? JOHN PASHEK, Merohant Tailor, Agent,