The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 15, 1900, Image 1

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    II) c Dalles
NO. 389
mi 1 1 Text of His ICpistlc Ihimniiii",
Ami - Ivxpnnsiuii Ay i t;i tin s
l.orihv ti.i.i:, Ky., Nov. 10 Mrs. II.
W. I.iiwton, widow (it tliu Ami'iici-ii
general killed I iy ii Filipino Hlmrpshimti r,
has given out In lull tint letter to tho
Hon. .John Harrutt, written by her
hiisb.ind. l'urt of llii) hitter hud lii'itn
priiiti'd before. It indieiilcH on whom
Ouunral Lawton would place thu bl.imii
fur tho continued lihtiiik; of tins Filipinos.
Thin iH tliti letter:
"Manila, 1'. J., October, IH1. The
Hon. .lolin Barrett, ex-Minister to Shun,
Kcvicw of Uoviowe, New Yorl: City :
Dcur Sir Yotir letter, vriili proof of your
alili! article for tho Ueview of Ueview,
duly reached me. 1 thank von fot them.
I handed them to eonn' ollitiers to rend
and they havn not returned them or I
have mislaid them, hi that I am not
itilt' sure (if your address. Tliihl: jour
letter was headed the Waldorf, hut will
mini thin cart) the Ueview of UevifMH,
As 1 may hti leaving Manila any day and
am very hiiHy, will answer without
nirtlier delay.
"1 appreciate the importance of your
suugcstion and qncHtiunH and regret I
have not time to di.-cuss them more
"Tliio article Id likti our othei Un
bent mutter biting published in America
on tho 1'liiltfipiiiUH and Asia. Things
wore n littluHlow at firm, hut wordH were
put into my mouth that I never said.
"1 agree with you that inintl:cH have
hi'iin made here, hut I would toCiod that
.hi! whulo truth of this whole Philippine
situation could ho known by ovory unu
in Aniurlcu. 1 wish thu people could
know it at) I know it, and an you know
it, for J regard you us tho best-informed
und most important authority on all
Chest! Asiatic questions, and 1 think tho
preHidunt miulu it mistake in not naming
you a member of thu l'liilippinu com
mission. "1 ugreo that if thu ical facta ill con
nection with the hiHtory, inspiration and
cunditioiiH of this insurrection, und the
lioHtilo rupturuH, local and external
mush uh tho Kiitipunan Uuvolutiuniiry
Society and juntas that now encourage
the enemy, uh well na the actual possi
bilities of these Philippine if-lunda and
their mlation to this great KaH which
yon have set Intth ho ahlj could ho
uudeiatooil at home In America, wo
would hear no more political talk of un
just (mooting of government into the
Filipinos or of unwise threats of hauling
down our flag in the Philippine!.
'Von are right. Some of us have
modified our viewa ninec we first came,
and if there ao-called anti imperialists of
Itoston would honestly ascertain tho
trutti en the ground here, nud not in
diaiant America, they, whom I dislike
to helieve to he other than honest men
misinformed, would be convinced of tho
error of their exaggerated atiitementa
and conclusions, and of thu cruel and nn
fortunate (fleet ol their publications
lime. It in kind of you to caution me
about exposure under lire, but if I am
Hhol by a Filipino bullet it might an well
come from one of nivowu men. Thete
are strong words, und yet I siy them,
hue unco 1 know from my own observa
tion, continued by the stories of captured
Filipino prihoiiere, that the continuance
of the fighting i.i chiefly due to repoitB
Ihal are (tent out from Ameiiea and cir
culated among thoae ignorant natives by
the lender, w ho know better.
l'liia letter, .which, of course, is strict
ly pT.oiiuI, doiiB not answer a!i your
(j.ifntioiin, hut it is a long -ne for me;
ns I wan t loeneouriige you in your labors
to make the truth known. Hope 1 shall
see you unt here soon in some high civil
position. Wo soldiers need practical men
like you to help us. Thanking you again
for your kind words in pruiHe of my
humble eH'orts, I am, yours, very truly,
"II. V. Lawton.
S. Will try to liuil und inclose
copies of the orders and list you spoke
Dr. W. II. Lewie, Liwreneeville, Vu.,
writes, "1 inn using Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure in my pructice among severe eusea
of indigestion and find it an admirable
remedy." Main hundreds of phytlciiuiB
depend upon the use of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure in stomach troubles. It digests
what you eat, and ullowa you to eat nil
the good food you need, providing you
do not overload your atoinach. Gives
iiiHtaut relief and a permanent cure.
Sold by Cl.uku & Falk.
A woman or girl to take care of a
child, live mouths old. Apply to
1'. 1Ii:nxiniso.v,
u31w3t M osier, Or.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias becu
iu uso for over 30 years, has borne the signature ot
and luiH been made under Ins per-
'Jty-f-j1- Honal sunervlHiou since its infancy.
ftcUM Allw no one to deceive you iu this.
All Counterfeit, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but
ISxporiiuuntH that trifle with and endanger the health of
Iul'uuts und Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-fctn-ic,
Drops and Soothlug Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
oontaius neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotio
mibatance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
4ind ullays Fevorishuess. It cures Dlarrhusa and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It asHlmllates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Hate Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
One-Fourth Off on All Grades.
A.choice collection of Table Linens by-the-yard, Table Clotbs, Lunch Cloths, Nap
kins, Doylies and Towels. Cotton, Half-Lirien and Pure Linen Qualities.
A chance for mone3r-saving in all grades an opportunity for every buyer; for every
purse. The Henry Glass Linens, known everywhere lor their superior value, and lor
which we arc Dalles representatives, form a largo part of our slock and arc included in this sale.
Hen; wc offer a few hints, which may suggest something you are in need of:
Bleached Damask.
Cotton, 'Joe value special 19a
All Linen, 50c vnlno epecinl ".So
" (iOc viillie special -15c
" 7.)C vnlne epecml f6c
" Sue value special 01c
72-inch I'uri) Linen Double Damask; value
$1.00 per yurd '
Satin Damoek, $1.2i value epecml 04c
Satin DainnHk, 1 So value special $1.01
Satin Dutnnsk, 1 00 value special 1.13
Satin Damaek, 1.75 value special l.I'.l
Satin Datniibk, 2.00 value special 1.5q
Unbleached Damask.
Union, ,'lOc value special 23c
Union, .'!oc value special 20c
All Linen, 40c value special liOc
72-inc.h Guiinun Linen Damaek; extra qn
value at fiOc yard oOC
72-inch All Linen, 75c value special 50c
72-inch All Linen, $1.00 value special 75c
72-inch All Linen, 1 25 value special J4c
Turkey-lted Table Linens ; 19 to 50c a yard,
reduced One-fourth
Everything Just as Advertised.
Bleached Linen Napkins.
reduced to 45i:
reduced to 50c
reduced to 75c
all linen Nap-
reduced to ift.l."
reduced to 1.;1
reduced to
reduced in
reduced to
reduced to
reduced to
reducid to
reduced to
00c qualities
75c qualities -
$1.00 qualities
22x22 inch, full bleached,
kins, vyorth $1 25 per doz
$1.50 qualitiee
1.75 qualities
2 00 qualities
2.25 qualities
2.50 qualities ,
J.'M qualities
I! 50 qualities
3.75 qualities
5.50 qualities
1 50
1 00
1 .'S
2 IS
2 SI
Hotel Napkins
Unbleached German Linen, checked, 22x22;
value $1 50 SI-13
Linen Doylies.
Fringed; red on white and blue on white;
good value at 25c dozen 19c
Fisured damask, colored border; worth 40c
dozen 30c
50c qualities special 3Sc
00c qualities special 45c
05c qualities special 49c
7oc qualities special 50u
Linen Lunch Cloths.
Hemstitched, 45x45 inch; m!uh$2.00; sale
price $1.50
Same, value $2 50 sale price 1.S8
Hemmed, 45x45 inch ; worth $1.50 " 1.13
Hummed, 54x54 inch ; worth 2.00 " 1.50
Table Cloths.
All cotton, blenched; 75c value 50c
All cotton, bleached; $1.00 value 1:75c
Union, bleached; $1.50 value $1.13
10-4, hemstitched, l.j bleached; $2.00 value . 1.50
Other trades, fringed and hemstitched; worth
from $2.50 to $0.00 each, all reduced one-tourth.
Absorb, cotton, 10x32; 75c value ode
Absorb cotton, ISsSG; $1 00 value 75c
Absorb, cotton, 23x45; 1.50 value $1.13
Hemstitched Dumnsk, ,'.-bleached towels, jq
good value at 25c each lz)C
Hemmed All-Linen Huck Towels.
22x44 inch ; w.orth 25u each 19c
24s42 Inch ; worth 30c each 23c
20x40 inch ; worth 40c each 30c
Hemstitched Birds-eye Linen, damask hor- OQ
22x44; worth 50c; "special OOC
The 72-inch Damask at 50c,
now 38c yard,
is extra good value.
worth up to $1.00
in this sale.
KiitUfli 1'iiHtiir Muy Surceeu Molj'-
Ni.w YoitK, Nov. 14. The Journal
and Advertiser prints the following :
The news that the life of Divight L.
Moody is to be taken up by the llev. G.
Campbell Morgan, of London, has been
favorably received by all those who
heard Dr. Morgan preach when lie was
in New York. He is a speaker of mag
netic power. The information that Mr.
Morgan has been invited to come to this
country by Will Moody, sun of the dead
evangelist, has just been made public.
The invitation is seconded by the trus
tees of the Moody schools.
"Hut it is too early to stylo him
Moody's successor," euid H. A. Toirey,
superintendent of the Bible Institute in
Chicago, which was n Moody institute.
"The place of tho great evangelist can
not be filled on baud."
Mr. Morgan is only 37 years old.
When 23 years old he began to preach.
His first pastorate was in the city of
Hull. There ho told tho citizens with
great frankness what he thought of their
morals. In 1893 ho was pastor of the
Westminster Congregational church at
that place.
Mr. Moody took a great liking to Mr.
Morgan. He invited him to Northtield,
Mass., and induced him to speak at his
meetings. During his visit to this
country Dr. Morgau preached with great
Biiccess at Dr. John Hall's church, and
was at one time suggested as Dr. Hall's
successor. At present Mr. Morgan Is
pastor of the Neweourt Congregational
church, in London, u church three years
It Huppmed Iu a ltiue Moru.
"One day last winter a lady came to
niv drug store and asked for a brand ot
cough medicine that I did not have iu
BU'ek," says Mr. C. K Ornndln, the
popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She
was disappointed and wanted to know
what cough preparation I could recom
mend. 1 said to her that I could freely rec
ommend Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy
and that she could take a bottle ol the
remedy and after giving It a fuir trial if
she did not find It worth tho money to
bring back the bottle audi would refund
the price paid, In the course of a day
or two the lady canio back in company
with a friend in ueed of a cough medicine
and advised her to buy bottle of Cham,
berlaln's Cough Kemedy. I consider
that a very good recommendation for
the remedy. " It !h for sale by G. 0.
Blakeley, the druggist.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday,
Dou't (crgei this.
I'utrons of Husbandry.
Washington, Nov. 14. The 34th an
nual session of the National Grange,
Patrons of Husbandry, began here today
with a good attendance, and will con
tinue for a week or more. Tho chief
feature of interest today was the annual
address of W orthy Master Aaron Jones,
of Indiana, who said that in most of the
states the older had enjoyed great pros
perity during the year. In a few states
it had not succeeded so well. The mem
bers of the Grange, while affiliating with
each of the political parties in tho last
campaign, had emerged from its battles
without disturbing the fraternal spirit
actuating tho order. Never had tho
conditions been more favorable for the
extension ol tho order than now.
While agricultural conditions are
somewhat improved over what they
were a few years ago. they are not what
thev should be, said Mr. Jones. The
prices of articles farmers buy, ho said,
are too high, compared with those of
what they had to sell, and such reme
dial action should be had as would cause
an equitable adjustment of prices in all
the loading staples. He urged opposi
tion to the ship-subsidy bill, and spoke
of the growth of industrial combination
"uutil the entire couutry is justly
alarmed." He urged an amendment to
the constitution, clear and expressive in
its terms, empowering congress with the
right and authority to regulate corpora
tions. The interstate commerce law,
the worthy master argued, should be
amended to that all sections of the coun
try could secure fair and equitable
freight rates. This being secured, the
hurdest blow that at this time could be
struck to monopolies and trusts and tho
greatest encouragement to enterprise
and thnlt would be given.
Tho report of the secretary, Dr. John
Trimble, ot Washington, showed that
182 new granges had been chartered dur
ing the year, tho order now numbering
over 500,000 members,
Do not get scared If your heurt troubles
you. Most likelp you eufVer from In
digestion, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ill
gssts you eat aud gives the worn
out Btoinach perfect rest. It is the only
preparation known that completely di
gests all classes of foods; that is why it
cures the worst casta of indigestion and
stomach trouble after everything else
tiRB failed. It may be takeu iu all con
ditions and cannot help but do you good.
Sold by Clarke & Fulk.
Subacribo for Tun Ohhomci.k.
Will Give Uj Silver Ficlit.
Minnk.U'oms, Minn., Nov. 14. Chan.
A. Towne, cbaiiman of the silver repub
lican national committee; George H,
Shibley, Illinois committeeman, and E.
S. Corser, of this city, treasurer of the
committee, have been in conference
here over the party's future. It is un
derstood they have decided to issue an
address in which they will express the
belief that the time has come for the
giving up of the party organization and
the merging of its members ijktho
All silver and Lincoln republicans will
be urged to become democrats iu good
I standing.
i a ThouMinii rousing
i Could not express the rapture of Annie
: E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil
adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years had made
life a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Royal Cure "It soon re
moved the pain m my chest and I can
uow sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c
and$l. Trial bottle freo at Blakeley's
drug store ; eyery bottle guaranteed. 5
To Drain the Zuydur Zew.
Nkw Youk, Nov. 14. Tho Dutch cab
inet, according to a Herald's dispatch
from Antwerp, lias submitted to the
states general u new bill proposing to
drain the entire Zuyder Zae.
Feelings of safety pervade the house
hold that uses Cue Minute Cough Cure,
the only harmless remedy that produces
immediate results. It is infallible for
coughs, colds, crou,i and all and
lung troubles. It will prevent consump
tion. Sold by Chuke A Falk.
Torturing ekin eruptions, burns and
sores ore soothed at once and promptly
healed by applying DoWitt's Witch
Huzel Salve, the bo&t known cure for
piles. Beware of worthless countcreitt.
Sold by Clarke & Falk.
Tliut Tin o lib I ni; llcmlui'lio
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life I'llls. Thousands
of sull'erers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood und strong
uervea and build up your health. Easy
to tako. Try them, Only 25 cents.
Monev back if nut cured. Sold by
Blakeley, the druggist. 5
Uatarrh Cunuot ite Cured,
with local applications, as they cannot
reach tho seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous Eurfacea. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by ono of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
tho best blood purifiers, acting directly
on tho mucous surfuces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredientB is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. .1. Chk.nt-y A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrnggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are tho best. 12
Your l'lii'ii
Shows the state of your feelings unit tho
state of your health os well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a palo
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
I Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
j weak mid worn out aud do not have a
; healthy appearance you should try
j Acker's Blood Elixir. It cuius all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsaparlllas and
so called purifiers fall ; knowing this we
I sell every bottle on a positive guarantee,
i Blakeley, the drugglBt.
Sheepmen, Attuut lunl lliiuk for Halo,
Having disposed of my breeding owes
today, 1 have thirteen thoroughbred
Merino bucka for sale. These are choice,
largo and in fine condition, and will be
sold cheap rather than keep them over.
Inquire at Prospect lianch, un the
Deschutes divide, or of A. S. lloberti,
box 507, The Dalles. o20-2w
Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation, A.
delightful herb drink. Hemoves all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 eta.
and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
Don't Klib It In,
Just wet the allVcted purl freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
aud the pain is gone, Sold by Clarke &
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'ariie
& Falk.
A, Y. Marsh will give a turkey and
trap-pigeon shoot on the beach, Nov.
27, 28 uud 20th.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your grocer for them.