Sleep for vlmJniworl Rohiac uniii i m iui uu uuuiuu And Rest for Tirod Mothers jtlfe L. f i 1 - I Lane. UKNKIJAI. BlaoUlii .AND. Horsesfioer Wayon nntl Carriage Work. v Fish Drothors' Wagon. IK In a warm bath with CUTICURA SOAP and n single anointing with CUTICURA, purest of emollients and greatest of skin cures. This is the purest, sweetest, most speedy, permanent, and economical treatment for torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bieeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humors, with Joss of hair of infants and children, and is sure to succeed when all else fails. complete ExrrnNAL and Internal treatment for every humor, SI. 25. pS-'lyibr IWhtae nllfrttt"on V i .8-liJ ard host, and CCTian H'".vrsT , M ,V C v Vc1ilo thefciSl . .VsVniBSi.t 1. ollrn .uffictrr.t . cur-th,- jrtmt humojr. h,n Jill f f.iU. lurisc Ullo isu L-nia. Oiai-. S.c ttcyi., BoKoa "All about lit skin, Usndr, snd Ilii.-. free. C. p. Stephens ...Dealor In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. H.its, Caps. Notions. Ari. lor . i- uougias suoc. PhOllG 159 -Si . . . . 1! i N idl. n-ii-.. n TUU IJdUliS, ur. i MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Tlial Throlililn;; Heiiilacliu Would quickly leave ju, if you used vs. i iirri. T t i. ;ir,,wi f r.,., -i -,ry ,ii0c M-t. inc s .ow i.ue mis. iiiuusaims from lloiioltilu ami l.CCO miles from of suffirers have proved their matchless Manila. , merit for Sick ami Nervous llendnches The postal service establishment of the United States is the greatest busi ness concern in the world. The rev enue of the pot ollice of Xew York is more than JS.COO.COti yearly, with a net profit of So.M.O.fHH). The English language heads the li.-t, Tliey make mire blcod and strong nerves and build up your health. Kasy to take. Try them. Only 2 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Blakeley, the druggist. 5 "For three days and night? I s tillered with the enormous vocabtilarv of 2P0,-1 nstony untold from an attack of cholera 1 Telephone No, S.'. 5 I'll Second St., Mmm i 1 gj hclp the tea'ti. Saves wear ar.a K S. expense. Sold every where. Jx POP STANOARQ OIL OP. Jm& m1 IS h 51 3E I 3. St 3E :3 St se 4 ? V 'l to to to i 4 ' ! i i Tho DuIIbr, Off. The Chronicle, Job Printers. I 1! :isi 1 I 'sis. I .-Ik. 15 I ir;5 i !3C 1 3S i He! i It! I HS! a: COO words, while the Spanish lias only fiO.COO, the Oerman SD.OOO. Italian 7.V (hJO, French 30.UCO, Turkish 22,.eu. Shakespeare's vocabulary is put at 13.0CO, Jlilton's at S.OOO uiul the Iiible at rather less. Japan is the largest consumer of rice in the world, the average beiiifr ."500 pounds per person a year. The Americans use but four pounds per capita. IJelfrium uses more tobacco, in proportion, than any ether country, about 110 ounces per capita yearly, while Italy ues only 22 ounces. There is an easy, simple way to tell if a diamond is genuine. -Make a morbus brought on by eating cucum bers," says M. E. Lowthcr, clerk of the district court, Centerville, Iowa. ' I thought I should surely die, and tried a dozen different medicines but ail of no purpose. I sent for a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ami three doses relieved me entirely." This remedy for sale by Blakeley, thp druggist. Kilttor'b Awful I'liKlit. F. M. Hlggin, editor Senae.i. Ills., News, was s-fllleted for years with piles that no doctor or remedy helped until small dot on a piece of paper with a . he trted Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Ue lend pencil and look at it through a ! writes lw0 noxe? whoh. cutet,him ltH diamond, u n Knows nut a single nor the diamond is trrnuine. If it shows i TTl'nr. tli.'in nn. nr tli. ,i.ivl.' nunutiri: I ycattered, it is false, no matter what ! tee,u Only 25 cent 3t cost. i the drupist. One aspect of the food problem has " assuredly been solved by a company Drying preparations simply dovcl in Xew Haven, Conn., which under- op dry catarrh; they dry up tho secretions, takes to frve hot meals to a'! and which adhere to the iuembrauo and decom Hundry within a radius nf 70 mih.s , poia.ratwInBnfarinoroBcrfaustrouW r, tic ,t.... tbo ordinary lona of catarrh. Avoidnlldry- from ,Ih hea. quartern and thai irom . inhalL fumc flmoUes mul snJH per cent, to jf per c-nt. eaper , ami n,0 h;it whJch cicaDseg) 0othos and than they can be obtained .,. re. j.ealSi Eiy's Cream Balm is such a remedy These meals are sent out in wasroi. nad vyill euro catarrh or cold in tho head with compart meats for eaeh article; ! easily aud plessantly. A trial Bizo will be i . . ., i ine turei pim cure on earin auu uie best salvo in the world. Cure yuaran. old by Blakeley. 5 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby sivcii' tlmt tlic uaituniencd have lilt-el with the Clerk of tho county court of the Stiiteof. Oregon for Wasco couiitv.tliclr final nciount as executors of the lat will ami testa iiient of Henry llarmim, deceai-l, anil that -Monday, the 4lh tlayof Novcmb-.-r, H00, nt the hour of lOo'clock a. m., has been ti.xcl by the. County Court for said county as the time, and the countv court room in Dallas City as tho place for licurliiR of objections to still final ac count and tho settlement of the sme. J. W. KKKNCH, F. 1'. MAYS, fcepl" Eiccutors. mailed for 10 cents. All dnifrfrists sell tho 50C81ZC. Elylirothers, nf! Warren ht., t.x. Tlio Balm cured witliout pain, doa not irritato or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and nncrry surface, reliev ing immediately tho jninful inuamniation. With lily's Cream Ualm youaro armed the mealB are placed in the different compartments stnukiiig hot. and an kept at a higji tem)urnture until placed on the purehuserV table. William W. Kvanis, of Deal's Island, Del., has a horse which has proved a remarkable investment and has against Nasal Catarrh and Ilay Fover. overriuen tne ideas uuii rtconl? of tlie average liseful life of horts. Twenty seven years ago .Mr Evars pin chared the hor.e from S-'itt (.'mliigton, who guaranteed at that tsnte that the ani mal wa si. year, old. Mr. Kxans proved to be n good master, and tlie horse returned the kind treatment by retaining its full activity and energy, ami now, at .'l.'t years, the horse works nearly every day. see and hears well, suid has an excellent appetite. ItUnil vmitftKC "A pretty girl," observed the Plain Girl, bitterly, "has a great advantage in this business of making a name for herself!" "I don't know!" sighed the Prettv Girl. "She finds so many lovely ready-to-wear names at hand!" Puck. Nutlci', Having rented tho Baldwin opera house to A. Saudvig. All persons desir ing to rent the same will apply to or ad dress A. Sandvig, P. O., Box o'Sti. The Dalles. E. H. MKiiitn.i-, Administrator J. C. Baldwin, Estate. Hulled, "I want to get my picture taken," said the populist statesman. "Cabinet V" Inquired the photog rapher. "Wouldn't be surprised, if Bryan's eleutcd. J'e been promised a tiptop ollice." Philadelphia Press. 0.t(-rn mul .Much ronl, 'Cook macaroni in wilted water until tender. Crease a pudding dish and fill with alternate layers of macaroni and oysters, with bits of butter, salt mid a little cream between eaeh layer, Cover with crumbs and bake about three-quarters of an hour. A cream dressing made of milk, (lour ami but This ia the season when mothers are alarmed on account of croup. It is quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, which children like to take. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Acker's English liemedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the I worst cold in twelve hours, or money,. refunded. 25 cte. and 50 cts. Blakeley the druggists. We oiler for a limited period the twice-u-week Cmtosici.K, price $1 50, and the Weekly Oregonian, iirice$l 50, both papers a year. Subicriptiotis under this offer must be paid in ad vance. tf Wanted A tecond-hand fire-proof safe, Must be in good condition and not' too large. Apply at the Ciiitoxit'i.n office. otllttf For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's I'ain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, tho ilrugttlst. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice in hcieby (dvcnthit the undcrr-Isiied has duly tiled with the County Ulcrk o! VVaco County, 0koii, his liiuil account and report as administrator of theesiatc of Adolph ARldlnt, deceased, and that the Honorable County Court has fixed Mondaj.thejth day of November, I'JOO, at lOo'clock n in. of said day ns tho time, and tho County Court room of the County Court hoUbeln JJ.illes City, Watco County, Orexon. as the place for hearing -said linnl account and re ixjrt. All persons intcreited In said citato are hereby notlllnl to appear at raid tlmo and place and hou cauto, II any there be, why said report should not bo approved and said adailnlttr.ftor discha'Ked, Dated this 5th day of October, 1W.O. j. i Animus, Administrator of the cMatoof Adolph Aj;ldius, dcccard ootfi ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the Ci uniy Court of the St teof Oregon for the County of Wasco. In tlie matter ol theettatcof U ills Kchwa bacher, deceattd. Notice is hereby Rhcn that tho iinilcrslRiied has been duly appointed i.d minhtrator, with tho will annexed, of Hi tes tate of lulls' .ich'VJbacher, tlccentcil. All er ions Imvlii'' clnlinH aaliut the citato if atd decciited aic hereby notllled to pretcut them, duly verilltd, to the underlKiivl at his olfcee In t e stoic-room of Flehchner, iinjer A Com paiiy, In the City of l'orthuid,, within ilx monttis froMi thida c hereof, I luted this 17th day of October, W'i. S'll.OMOX lllhh'.'lf, Admlnhtrator. Cotton. Tk.u. a Minoi:, Attorneys for Administrator. oct'JO nt NOTICE OF FINAL SE ITLEMENT. Notice is herebr civen that tho uuderfieneil has duly flleil with the eount) clerk ol Wasco coiiiny, ureKou, uis mi in account auo report as executor of the estate of 1'hocbe. J. Haliiht, de coated ; and that the honorable county court has fixed Monday, the Sth day of November, IW0, at 10 o ciock a. m, ol Mill uay as me line, aim wie coiintv court room in the county coin t hoiuc In DuUe City, Wureo county, Oroon, as thu place lor nearuiK saui uiiaiuecoiiiit ami rcpo.t. All pcrtous Intereited in said estate are hero bv uotllied to anne-ir at said time and Place and sfiow cause, if any there lie, why mid rciort stoma not no npprovtu ana rum execjuor uis charKed. bateil this 'jyth day of rienleiiilier, 10CO. KKANK MKNKKKE. Kxecutor of the estate of I'hocbo J. HalK'it, defeated. octa NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. l.ANDOlUCK AT'lllE IlAI.LEH. OllF.CONJ October a, vm. Notice Is hereby clven that the followinc uamid settler hasllltd notice of her In ten lion to in a Wo final proof m support of her claim, and that said proof will bo made before the KeKUter mid Itecelver at 'I he balles, Ok(,'oii,oii Wednes day, December, 0, JiiOO, vU : llMttin I.. Iluinly, of The Dalles, Oregon, 11. li. Nc,Ma, for the htt yx Hee ai, t -' N, it VJ II, V. M. Kdu names tnu following witnesses topruvolicr continuous residence iiiou and cultivation of said laud, t.: Frank Uipler, of Thu Dalles, Oickoii, Albert (i. MnK'ariiey, of Mt. Hood, Ort-Kou, Henry ;. lie Kamey ar.d V.tlv (iruuliiiid.o! Thu Dalles, Or. octa? JAY V. l.l-'t'AB, ItCKliter. At A. 'ATJl.rXTA' J'A" MATA S ATA tA'tAIAIAIAlAlAW k f A A I A A ' A-l A ! A'f 5 G. J. STUBLIG, M IIOI.UK AND lil'.TAtl. l? Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. V f I i IS' I s. ski: MjirkT.i.iTji,rAATJT..T ltit. srj i r :tjt,i sr yrij Next iloor to A. M. Williams A Co. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. 'Xi I .5 i I j THE CELEBRATED .GOltUlUfilA BREWERY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of thifi well-know n brmvury tho United States Health Reports for June 'JM, 1000, says; "A more aupeiior brew never entered the labratory of the Catted States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of niliiHeriition, but on the other hand is co-r. posed of tho best of malt (tin! choicest of hopi. Ita tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be used with the ure.Hest boiiulil and satisfaction by old and young. Its ii';can conscientiously bo prescribed by thu plivHleitniH with the ccrsainlv that a boiler, purer or morn wholesome beverage could nut possibly be found." Eo,3t Seoond Strost, THE DALLES, OREGON. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. For Sale, A few choice Hereford bull calves eli gible for registration. Innulru of ler in konietimes used between each! nl.4r.W .1. I. . K'hi i.v Th lill I .AN ft Ofr-ICT. AT VANCOUVKII, Wsl. October 'JG. 1'JjlJ. I Notice Is hereby elven that Iho following, iiiiiiied settler bus liltsl uotleuof his Jutviitloa Utniaku final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will, rrcs. by, V. b. comiiilstloiicr for Iho District ol tCU.l.l,.lr. Ufr ll.l.ll.iwlrtli. U'uh ,1,1 lAlllll.,' , OI,,,,l,ll , , , IIUtl.VIIIKMV) , , .... . V, ', , Dtcvicber 10, I'JOO, viz,: Ueiirgo II, Hi. Lawrence, of l.ylo I'. 0 Wash., who uiudu II. U. No, 10,004, tor iiio wja nr.'i aim r.Ji nn tec sj, p a n 12 K, W i 51, lie names trie jniinwuii; wi mesne in prove his lontlniious residence iiK)ii and cultivation of said laud, vU.t Thomas J. Whltconib, UcorKo Horeneon, flco. Ilrudford and IWIIIIam Uaton, nil of l.ylo I', o , Washington. CI1 W. It. DUNIIAU IteKUtcr. DEALERS TN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies GraftdallS Bargee UNDERTAKE p) EMBALMERS Tito Dalles, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer os. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. I I ton TtMK M'lllUllh.R I'llOM D.U.I.IiS. Anunn l-l'Oit Kat Halt l,aki, lictiver ft. v... Mall I Worth, Omaha, lu. ' jV. 12 t p. in. fiis (,'lty. Ht I mil, pn,"." I Chlcatjo -ami Kusti ' ''0J t'H Atlantic Halt Laka, llenvrr, Ft. i , 1-xpiess Worth. Oiunlia, L """'W I2:fi"ii. Ill, I sas City, M Ijinh VU llllllt- ChlciiKoiiml :n,t IllltPill. Hpokaue IWnlla Walhi, Hsiltiuic, Htvilt.... Mull Mlinic.ip.ills. Ht. raiill "ji.j ,e . .. V II, .1.11 Willi KIT!, Chlciiiro and li.iht via Hrok.uioiilid iliiutlne ton; iiImi all paints In WnshliiKtmi H,. Kant era Orcnoii. mid Kxprcss 0 p, m P. in. Mall in..; 'irrcsi KllIlM I'.lIlTt.ANI. Oceiiii hteniiislilpr. Kor Han Francisco T.wry 1'lvc Iiavs, t P. a. I' '" Inn Kx.hilliilMyiColumlila T.v. Steamers. r.x.iiS. I'o A&TOiit a mid Way K.uunliiy UtndliiBs. 10 p. m. ! f.n.m. Wiuisimi! Uivku. t:3)n m hj'.Hiliidtiy irraon City. NcwberR. Kx.SuijJi'j , hulcui .V S aj I juul a ' .B.m, WlLlAJtl'TTK AND VA5I .'I.S) i. B. liP,Tliiir. in.MtiVMis. Jl.m.Avoi and eat. Otevim city, linvton aadKrL imd Wny-l indlnss. I I.v lllHirla d'lls 3.JAU ii'. HKAKK IttVKH. I'.lp.iriH l IaiivIhIoi.. I.RAVl 1.I5WIJT.W ililly 9:00 a. m t .XF I'ariirs ttasiruiR to ko tr lluppntr or isaut" on ( oliiiiibln houtlicrii via HIkks, shvaM take Mi. J, leaving 'I he ball. at l-10 p. a. t inakliiir dirisit eoiiiM'Clious nt llepimer Jtinct'ja 1 .'i.d Hli:j!s If.'turiiliu: iiiiiliiKillru'tcutmcctlnri at 'unellon ami Ulcus ultli Nj, ll!'U nl The Dalles ls..U t 1.1. Fur full nnrtlRiilary e .1 n O. . A X. (.', KBentTho Dalles, m .n.ilies. V. II M Ul.llfltT, icil. I'.ts. Axl I'liillninl.Or S JUTH and EAST via Southera Pacific Go. Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Cortland and wsj stAliiuis at l.2! it. m. and I! p, in. I.cnvc Cortland ..... " Albany Arrive Asliliuul " Kacramento .. " Kan Francisco K:i,l)am "'.fflpti .12.3 urn ll):Wpla .U'.inm 113)am ii:lO. in l;:tum . 7. lip in h.Uan Arrive OkiIoii " Denver 11 IC.iusastUty.. " CIiIciiko Arrive ls AiikoIcs " Ki Cao " 1'ort Worth " City of Mexico . .. " llllllltOII " New Orleans . .. " Wilslllllj4t.HI " New Vorl; f,: I., a in 11 lUti , 'ja)ii m 'Jiuiaiii 7:Wum ' i'lsci a in r.Ja I ::v p m C HI p in i;:.3 a in U "k. a in lion ci II. .'.i a in li I'J a in 7.fai'i r, lpm i,.liaii j Ha in I 01 a ta ii !.ii u I'! it in .l'J.llplii 1- U I Hobes, BqpiaSh Etc. Cullman mid Tourist cars on both Mini I'lmircars liaenuiieiito to OKdeli and t. UW, anil tourist cars In Chlcaijo, ht l-mls, .Ni wur 1cm is and Wasliliiijtoii. Coiuicctlmj at Fiiii Friinei-c. with scvjrHl steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan. Uiliu. Chlllppliios, Ccntml mid boiilh Ameiieii. Bee agent at The Dalles station, or biMkm C. H. MARKHAM, (icneral CasseiiKvr Aat, I'ort.aiid.Or Men fact Yellowstone Park Line. Till: DINING CAIt ItOl'TK FltOM COUTI.ANI" to Tin: r.AHT. THU ONLY DlltlXT LINK TO Till. VI.I.1.0V.' MONK CAItK i Union Depot, rirttiand I sis aiwiv. No. : No. 5;W V. M. No. . (.)A.M. Fast mull fiirTacoinii, t-'enttle, Olyntplii.litay's .South lleild points, Kpokiuio, (loss laud, II. C Cullmiiu. f.w,...,l I iiu lulu... Ullf ll;)3 A. MjfiiliillumiiiiiliiluKcniiu ll.sli.nii Mlllllfllltll' IIh, Ht. IMul, Omiiliii, Knnsai Clly, Ht, Umls, I hli.iir mill ill! ttmillh No, I, cut mid II H0 1'. il, for Taeoinii anil Seattle a an iiuerwciniuu poui. Culliiinn llrst class mid toiuHt '.liit Minneapolis, Ht. Caul and lllssmul river poll'" without chaiiKU. , . , ...nnn.iiout V.lll,ill,l I. nil llullllC COIIIIWU""' III nil principal cider-. ,iiL,u, iiaKK'iKO nnwseu i.uic.iu. -- ..cri Forliaiiilsouicly lllusimtis itescrlptlyi1 n llckels, slecniiiK ciir reserviitlons, etc., can " write a. n. r.HARLTONi Ar.sUt.uit (lencral Cusseimcr AKellt. l,,,rl suit Hliect. cottier 'iUliu. raw"" JJIt. It, K, HHITII, Oatooptith. Tloiiia 0 utii 11. OhuPtnua lllook, Tito iw1.1." layer. (iood HauHekeeplnL'. Oiviioii. "