The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 14, 1900, Image 3

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    Annual Sale
Another turn of tho wheel of
November lOeonomios for houso
U'eper.s brings forward the sale of
bed coverings at substantial sav
ings from usual prices:
"Eureka" 101 fl ray Blanket,
size 48x72.
Kingston 1 0-4 ( J ray Blanket,
size 54x74.
"Tuxedo" 10-4 White Blan
ket, sizo 54x74.
"Klbofton" 10-4 Grav Blan
ket, size (50x7(i.
"India" 10-4 While : Blanket,
size (J;!x7.
"Salem" 10
nize 00x72.
White Blanket,
"Clinton" 10-4
ket, size 00x72.
("J ray Blan-
K), 1 1 and 12-lb Dark (I my
Blankets, extra largo size, worth
IVoiii 5.00 to $0.50, can be bought
(hiring sale at
$4.00 per pair.
The best values ever oflercd.
Ami ii shining example ol whnt Pease & Mavs' can do for
you in Clothing ia strongly reflected In this great'and most com
plete department. Wo speak entirely within bounds when wo
afhrm that nobody In Kastern Oregon can ixeel us either In stylo
or price.
When we toll you about OVERCOATS, it's the cautious poo
pie wo arc after those who know u round dollar's woitb.
J here's as much variety hero in Overcoats at
as come stores will show you in nn entire stock.
The Nobby Top Coat in light and medium weights
in tun and gray ut
A very handsome medium weight gray cheviot
Box Gout; silk-sewed seams; good serge lining, .
Swell 15luo Kersey, made with strap seams and
velvet collar, at
Ilic warm Ulsters or Storm Goats in black fricZe,
doiihlo-breaHtcd and large storm collars, at
Pease & Mays.
All goods marked in plain figures.
;c Dalles Daily Chronicle
I lor went to the polls convinced that Mc-;
! Kinloy had a clear track. JIo gave out
.,w , . inmt , tn" word to his friends it waB no use to '
1 vote any other way, ami subsequent
s 1 "
I if sters
At And row Kollor's.
the satisfaction of finding him restored
to complete consciousness, while his
pnlro was very much improved. Mr.
Sharp is 7o years of age and the doctor
' events seem to indicate they took his says the evident violence of the concus
(3) t advice. sion produced by tho kick would have
Goroner W. II. Hiitts had this fore- j klllo'J ""' 11 younger man. The doctor
noon another of those violent and pain- anticipates no serious results, as he is
fill attacks that he has been subject to i satisfied his patient has leceived no
county are in better condition thnn
ever before Forty-two districts of tho
sixty-three now reporting have school
libraries started, and it is expected that
tho remaining twenty one districts will
eoon bo supplied." It is doubtful if
there urn threo counties in (he state
that can show as many high grade cer
tificates in proportion to tho number of
teachers ae Wasco county.
Do you know that Hudson & Brown
hill arc doing a larger business than all
the other real estate offices in The Dalles
combined. If there is uny doubt in
your minds as to this assertion, wo in
vite you to call at our oflico and be con
vinced. We also invite your attention
to our large list of bargains in both city
and country property. If yon desire a
fiuit farm, we can sell you one that will
return every dollar invested in two
years. If you prefer a wheat farm, we
will sell you at so low a figure that you
will wonder why you did not consult us
before. If yon desire to owt? your own
homo in the city, we will sell it to yo'i
at so low a fignro and on such easy
terms that it will make you consider
what a great injustice you have been
doing yourself and .family by paying
rent for so r.iany years. Remember wo
'are always ready to wait on yon and an
swer questions, whether yon intend to
buy or not. Office on Washington street,
next to French & Co.'s bank.
Xightwatchman Jim Like had an en-
I counter the other night with a couple of
hobos, in which, big fisted, two-lmndrtd-
pounder that he is, he came on" a good
deal woise than second best. The trou
ble was that eacli of the hobos was as
husky as himself, and possibly a little
more so. The toughs had got a lace
window curtain that they were trying
to disjioe of in the tenderloin district.
Jim heard of them and, through a judi
cious use of the 'phone, soon located
thorn in llift P.asfr lvVipro lip rnn
J j into them on the railroad platform back
ol Moody's warehouse, lie attempted
to arrest them, but before he had time
to blesa himself the two giants caught
him by the coat collar and seat of the
breeches and tnrew him sheer oyer a
l,ot Iteward for III lleturn.
My little pug dog, "Dixie," about six
months old. A reward of $2 CO will be
paid to any ono upon delivery of said
(tog to ine, and no questions atked.
I). M. FiiExeii.
The Dalles, Nov. 12 '00. 12-lw
If your hair Is dry and dead-like, Co
coanut Cream Tonic will give it life and
luster. It is pronounced tho finest
tonic on earth. Can be had at Frazer's
barber shop, agent. nO-lm
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets arc sold on,
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. Ono little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts.
and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
No other pills can equal Do Witt's
Little Kirly Risers for promptness, cer
tainty and efficiency. Sold by Clarke &
mayii & Crowe
There is no excuso for
wearing out-of-date, clumsy
footwear, when we can sell
your for $2.50 a perfect-fitting,
well-made, dressy shoe.
Many styles to select from.
Pease & Mays.
YOGT 0pera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
int.-rnal injury
Nov. 15th
box car, landing him prone on the j
ground on the otlfer side, where he lit-
erallv "bit the dust." Of course the
1"iir hargainn in children's and
i ut irregular intervale ever since ho wp.s
j nearlv killed by routing in contact with
' an express team about a year ago. He
I was taken to his home and wae verv ill.i the nroiected Dalles-Celilo ofuial is attain
' at last accounts. receiving the earnest consideration of ft
the Portland chamber o commerce and
hobos escaped, but it is little incidents
likejthis that make the life of a night
watchman on long, sweet psalm.
4. Do not forget that Griffith, tho hypno
i matter of securing early govern-li6ti be at the Vogt opera home
action upon the construction of jfthite nights, commencing Thursday,!
...I . -. . . . ... . i i .. . ..
i no grc.ucBi overturning in uiu wiruie ,
j loop ' lil iiitiwi: i niuLlcy ui Q(ic.i;iui uuat-
country is in tho case of Utah.
HIIOf'B lit tlie iUW 10IK Ivasll ,n.t m.w uliiti! nnoi. llri-nn lit IMT vnliw.
s "' Vand Mek'inloy only KJ.-l'Jl. This year
marriage license was issued tins is- J it went for McKinley by a plurality of
phi 1 tl is morning to C. W. l'.ilmuteor tabout -1000, and the republicans also so-
an' Kdna La -inured ihe state offices and the lcgiela-
The scouring mill has been shut down i turc, which will elect a United States
fur' I'riday night, while workmen are
pnUmg in the machinery for a pullory.
I"it values for the least money ut Ihe
W York Cash Store. A special in
i.'liHdicn'H and misses' shoes, while they
'I Inn morning W. II. Butts sold lot Ki,
Llot k in Thompson'fl Addition, be
Ifinging to Calvin M. Brown, to Mrs.
I'li'eba for $;i,"i!).
. M. Kels.ty purchased 2500 head of
slieup from Unelii Billy Kolsay this
u"t'k. Tho price paid for lambs was
2 25 and for the old sheep if.1 25. Ante
l(iu Republican.
Tim special revival meetings being
held at the Methodist church will be j
continued for several inoiodays. The j
services so far have been quite well ut- I
tended, ltev. C. 1). Xickelsen, who bus
been niisisting in the meetings, is preach
ing very able and interesting sermons.
The teivico in the evenin;; begins nt
7 :!!0.
The circuit ourt was occupied most
ness at a special ineetmg to be held next
Tuesday. Tho memderB are practically ;
unanimous in favor of a cana' and locks'
as ttio only adequate and practical per-''
manent improvement, and the abandon-'
ment of the boat railway schemes. As
a portugo railway will be indispensable
us an adjunct to the construction work,
the building of a portage which can be
operated for thu carriage of public
freight whilo tho canal is under con
struction will be urged. "
A special to the Telegram, which may
be laken with as much salt as suits the
palate of the taker, announces that Bin
ger Herman has notified the president
that lie will retire from his position of
commissioner of the general land office
of tho day with the cao of the Stale vs. j wUhin nuxl Ulree ,nontIPi Hn(i tJmt
William Kelly, who was charged with
larceny of clothing from t ho store of
K. J. Collins A Co., of this city. The
in Mil it ii nit vi'iiu ii' 1 will V fll fMlfllHtlltlMlll.
Children's and misses' shoes, spring j Tu( JM8H W8 K,von to lh jury lllis
i.iuv, rein, uuugoia ki.i, f(l.nrm .....i .,,,,,(. had been
reached at tho hour of going to press.
, button or
fxtd, sh".H 5 to 7'... ut !W cents ; 8' and
hi to lilt,, at $!.'.'(); i to !l at LdO. At
tli New York Cash Slum.
I' y ruported that S.t'iiuel Gifpntrick
of s unwood, was so ungry o ieci'iving
tlic news over bis telopliono that Me
Kliir y was elected that ho tore down
"ii' instrument and throw it into the'
I'reliy, Docomlior Mth, has beon
cliosi'ii as thu date when the novel en
tortauituoiit , "Ttunpleof Fame," will be
Kil'un at the Yogt, under tho supervis
ion of the ludien of tho Good Intent So
ciety. Tli a Hi'c ind sossion of I'rof. Sandvig's
'tuning elusfl will be held at the
li'ddwin lonlght, (Wednesday), opnu
i'lg nt 8 o'clock. New beguinoro should
nuke it a point to bo present, uh this is
tlu'lr opporlunlly for learning the first
up". nl!l-2t
While In Uuriifl recently Mr. Millie,
'io Is livestock itgont for thu Oregon
Itdlway it Navigation Company, stated
tlmt never during die acquaintance with
H'oeknion of KiiRtern Oregon had ho
f,,ind thiMu so freo of lliianclal caruH us
this time, saye the Haruev County
New ,
A I'liuiioinenon is ruported from Mo
Imiim, in jlu (0j, 0( (iiootion morn a
"' named Taylor Marion Taylor
i8t "la optio toward the rlaitiK eun mid
"'l'l a auBgeetivu violon. McKinley
WltVtl OH oo ,le( J,p(J , HmJ four
"p. uiid on the oilier sldu of that lu
miiMry m Uryftn with (our j ioIb. Tay-
It is possible that duriirg Ihe next four
years the "social democrats" of this
campaign will grow to be a considerable
the president had already decided on
Mr. Herman's successor in the pertou
of a well-known Minnesota politician,
name not given of course. Tho point of
tho blory is thet Herman resigns be
cause he thinks he has u dead mortal
cinch on the senatorship. All of which
may be true, and then it may not. One
thing is dead certain, Herman is not of
the resigning kind, and there is noth-
party, and Ihut Bryan will be their can-, ing in his history (and we say It with
didato for president in 1004. A very profound respect; that would justify us
lurgo propoition of the men who have I in believing that he would ever throw
Nov. loth. Prof. Griffith is without i
Vloubt tho acknowledged king of hyp-1
Jnotists and mind readers, and will make
tyou laugh as you never laughed before, j
!it .-n . r I. x t it.,.
lie will yivu u jreu ciiuuiiiuii uu uiv
streets Saturday ut 3:30 p. m. It will
embrace one of the most difficult and
startling tests known to mental telep
uthy the blindfold drive. Prof Giifiith
is the only one in America who does
.the ilrive this way. He does not come
in contact with any of the members of
tthe committee only by a small copper
vire he has fastened around his fore
head, which tho committee hold; but
the wire is so fastened that the com
mittee cannot give him an idea of the
route taken by pulling nn this wire.
This remarkable feat will take place
Saturday afternoon at 3:30, starting in
front of Clarke ft Falk's drug store. Do
not forget time and place. 1
Hon. F.N Jones, of Bake Oven, was
in town today on his way to Portland, j
Mr. and Mrs. John Havelry ard
daughter, Mise Nellie, of Boyd, epei t ,
last night in the city.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
I Rum
Tho only store ft
this city whero the
flenuine Imported
Ware is sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
n dozen pieces of so
called cheap cnani
cled ware.
Other wares look
ino luia tho name
Stransky - Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
.First prize at 1C
International Exhf
bitions. Hii;hei)t
award nt World s
Columbinn Exlubi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho tMjijt
certified to by the
most famous client
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest becausa
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
sold in thi city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside, is
not affected by acids
in fruits or
will boil.
Ste.. ...(
and balit
w i t h o u 4
llavor o
previously c o o k o d
fooil ;.nd
wilt hist
tor yenrb.
Wo can
tion i'-.i.
iin::i.'T i
In a I'efined, Instruetivo, Marvelous,
Laughable and Up-to date Peiformance.
Clever Actors,
Sweet Singers,
Manufactured to suit taste of audiences.
180 Laughs
m ...
180 Minutes.
rriccw, 2Bo, aSa, SOo.
General Blaeksmitb
and Horseshoer.
All kinds of blacksmithing will receive
prompt attention and will be executed
in first-class shape. Give him a cull.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or.
A. Y. MA HSU will give a
turkey shoot on the beach
Thrno Days
Nov. 27th, 28th and 29th
There will also be pigeon
trap spoofing at the same
time and place.
jps-? One thousand styles and sizes
mfa? F?T cooking and heating. Jiff.
Prices from $5 to $50,
been fullowltit? Bryan will never go back
to Cleveland, Whitney, HowiU, Dickin
son and J. Sterling Morton. Telegram.
Through tho courtesy ol the Grass
Valley Journal wo have received the
olllelal vote of oih" neighboring county
of Sherman, which is as follows: He-
out dirty water till he had first secured
a hatisfactory supply of clean. If Her
man has tendered his lesignation, it is
at least cei tain that ho thinks ho knows
what he is about.
.Superintendent Gilbert has issued a
circular to the school' .ollicers of the
Bears the
Signature of
publican electors Ford -Mil; Fullertoii j county calling attention to the portions
151 j Furnish -MS; Paxton 111. Domc-:0f the flute echoolawe tehiting to the
onUie-poopUi'fi Kroner 870; Pierce 383 ;
Stuart 377; Whitaker 371. Prohibi
tion Davis f.8:; Jenkins 80; Mills 80;
Spauldihg 83. Regular people's Ktn
hreo 1 ; Henry 1 ; Hill 1 ; I.ucn 2. So
cial deniuorat Foleu II; MeindlH; Por
ter 8; Hutherford ti.
P. T. Sharp, of Throe .Mile, was iiiito
Hoverely injurod this morning while
working with a fraction-) horde in a plow
team. How it happened Mr. .Sharp
uiiablo to lull, but his hired man found
him prostrate in front of thu team and
inabtatoof utter collapse. Mr. Sharp
was carried to tho house whilo a mes
senger rushod to town for a physician.
Dr. F.shulnun responded with all speed
and found tho old gentleman suffering
Intense pain in the region of tho breast,
where ho had evidently been kicked.
Happily no bonoB were broken and be.
fore the dootor left bin patient he had
When you cannot sleep for couyhlnt',
it is hardly necessary that any one shou'.d
tell you that you need a few doses of t
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay
the irritation of the throat, and make,
,.nsI.M,l I. I. 'P... it I.V,
apportionment jrf ihe school funds and 8ft8 . BUkeley, the druggist.
informing theip t)iat097'l LM now stands I . i
to tho ci edit of tho general school fund . I''"r j
r,t .i,.. ,.nm.iv .... nmmn.f bii fHelen i. tn 1 A No. I, six-room house near Fast
apportion ifCO eneh to the sixty-three
school districts reporting, besides a pres
Knd school, in a fine neighborhocd,
beautiful view of the city, riyor ami em
out per capita of 87 conts, willed will ' rounding country. Wo also have for
. . . ' . . . ' ..!... lUtl.. Llllffultl.. fii. Oi..illl
probably reach special attention t ; .....
is called to the requirement of the law
that the balance on hand In each dis
trict nn the first Monday in March must
be less than friO to entitle the district to
its full apportionment in April. The
circular sIiowh that "the register of resi
dent teachers in commission in Wafco
county on September 20', 1900, showed
forty seven holders of state papers,
twenty-one first grade county certiti
cntev, twenty-two second grade, thirteen
third grade, nine temporary; total 112.
Teachers are better prepared for their
woik, and us a result the schools of this
family at .tl250. Call quick, before it ia
too late. 11 ml ton & Brownhill.
If you have dandruff, your hair is
falling out. Use Cocoanut Cream. For
sale at Fra.?r'd barber shop. i.'J-lm
Thero are no better linens than those
manufactured bv Henry Glnse. A. M.
WilliauiB & Co. have the exclusive sale
of these linens for this city, and are now
offering the saute at one-fourth the reg-'
ular price.
Remember that Coc anut Cream Tonic
will promote growth of hair. Charles
FrMcr, sole agent. nW-Im
fThe genuine all bear the above Trale-Mark
ana are sow wun a written guurumei.
Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900
Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere.
m..u,.i. i,v The Michigan Stove Couinanv.
uraafa targost Maker of Htovoa uiui Haugea in tho World. Oak Slovel