The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 14, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
the several legislatures the senate Difficult Problem.
i win iiiivu ui ix'iuiuuunns ns ngiuiisi
' . . 1 JLb lO UllllMIK M1USL llllllUllIt uiui
14. lPOO : .J'J democrats, populists nntl silver- lemg of mWta seiotice for one to beconiM
-. - , itcs, or n majority over nil of 1C. export in several lines. J. E. Adcox &
,.,,. ,.,,. n.rtw irt.i- .! . . t 11 Co., by their combination, Imvu over.
11A 1: AO kick COJiAG. I his estimate does not rcukon Kyle ;,.: .ism,.,,! t ., nr...iir...i i
the repub
elected as
'nor. J. E. Adcox" la an expert watch
maker ami is
ami is good on jewelry, optical j
anil engraving, while "Tlieo, II. j I
' of South Dakota among
Outside the professional politicians, ,. ......
i ncnns, nituougn lie was eieeieu as wor(-
uiucu iiomura sum uiuu-uuiiu nuns-. , ..... , iuai.Bu,,,,i,,u nB,i i. .,.,)
anon aim mini luruiwi; uiui;iuuuuuir " "csn uimunii ...... .o h""" ,
paper men, the rank and file of the'. . , , , ,. on watch repairing, jewelrv work and;
;,'..'. .,,, nf ,,in i w ngn regarded as being in line enefavlnK. Their price ius low as, enn-!
democrat accept the results or .tho" wUb bcnns on qno,Uons. eisn,ut with pond Uiki.mnMl.lp. Thoy ;
election with creat complacency if ... .... . , , , ,aro prepared to do all work in thuir .
not with nositfvc and il conceded ! "r AU,H,nPton of ylam, vho'eBVOrol ill)e9, on ,10rt notice. Work1
not mm positive ana ill conct a.etl , njo u,cctcd ag R rc,u,blican but: sent by mail or esoresa will rercirol
pleasure, UJ UlCSC hUcr there is . prompt attor.tion. Sign. "Big Keel,
... ..... .. - ) UlUlli
Clarke & Fall: have received a carload ! ,
nen in iiiio with I ho r(i. . -
w " iof the eeebrated Jatne K. i'atton
i publicans on all important questions strictly pure liquid paints i
u .. .!..., f ! " I
11UI"IUUI,U",U - - 'cxlnnsion, nor Jones and Stewart of
gret, no lugubrious of ! cCVada, who arc in line with the re-
n1.. if nitl. n
grace that says as plain as words can j
env it that if it isn't sweet at least it ! BUSINESS LOCALS.
J -
isn't very bitter. Nor is this to be
vondered at.
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full Hue ,
! of paint and artist's hrushee. i
Of the millions who voted for j You will not have boils if von take'
Bryan there must have been hundreds ' Clarke & Falk'a sure cure for boils.
of thousands, North as well as South,
who seerUly hoped be would be
snowed under. The' had no use
for bis free silver fad and secretly
laughed at bis imperialistic bogey
man. Militarism had no terrors for
them for they knew that congress
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarko & Falk.
The largest and most complete line of
fall and winter millinery ever displayed ,
j in tne city at the uampiieii iv neon
! millinerv parlors. The prices will sell 1
, the goods. sStf
Why pay 1.75 per gallon for inferior !
! Sl
nnntmllpd thn nrmv and the neonle paints wiien you can buy .Tames E.
controlled congress. The trusts d,d ! "on'a sun proof paints for ?1.50 per;
..... : jiidlon, cuaranteed for o vears. Clark it
not incite their partisanship for they ! paji. ....unts. ml
knew they were a business proposi- j TnB beit met,0a of cleansing the liver : DIRECT from the FACTORY
tion, and that men put their money 13 the us3 of the famous littlo pdlsirp EASTERN PRICES.
in them purely in the hope of gain known a? De itt s Little Larly Kis-jrs.
1 basy to take, isever gripe, boiu uy
Just What
You uuant.
$1.00 per month.
Strictly lirat clnsH local nnd long
dictance tulcphoni) eervicu within
your homo.
Lines" do not cross-talk. Your con
vernation will he kept a secret.
No cost f jr Detailing.
You get the standard Hunnlng
Long Distant Instrument.
Continumig day and night aorvico.
Wo will accept your contract for
ten years and allow you to cancel
same on giving ub thirty dayB writ
ten notice.
p-xrjirJttATATJkTars-j.x-A.-A-! a -. aatxta 'a vk-j batata a- tu-rjt r ? A-A-j.-Tjmtj
T?"Fin-TTTj A TOT?. T.TTJP. 3
at'nmrn nf t!ni lt Kulitir I.Ino w 111 run u . r thtj.ol-'j
.vtt .it tjtlkj-iti. I.t. tui ('Miii.miL rL.itkll .1.1. ... -I iJ
''"tOk, 1 t'VVt'f HI WM'ill7 iVlllllf, kill1 II till I 111 eiWKgC j
Str. Ronulntor
Clarke & Falk.
At the popular millinery parlors of
and without respect to their political
allUhtions. If the democratic wage-
earner asueci, v nerein are tne trust. Canipbel, & SVlIeon Mn bo ound n the
injurin? me?" the only answer was laten thinga in street hats, trimmed
the echo of bis own voice. He know hate, children's school hats, and 'also
that there was plenty of employment ; tam-o'-shanters.
for even man who was willius and Hustling young man can make ,60 per
n,i nt .i.n i,!i,i '. h allli expenses. Permanent posi-
average wages ever paid to labor.
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist, j
Write .
tion. Experience unnecessarv.
ouick for oarticulnrs. Clark & Co.. .
If household expenses have incieased ! Fourtli and Locun Streets, Piiiladel-
be knew the increase was largely in
commodities produced on the farm
and rauge and whol!' outside the
domain or control of the trusts. He
remembered, perhaps bitterly, that
the dearest commodity he ever saw
was something! 1' needed and had
.uot the wherewithal to buy. And,
lastly, he knew that the election of
IMcKinle' boded no violent change
of existing conditions, no commercial
or industrial upheaval, just as he did
hpia, I'.i,
Uolilifiil tilt. Clave.
A Ftartlina incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the j
subject, is narrated by him a follows:!
"I was in a most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eves sunken, ,
tongue coated, pain continually iir back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow- '
inc weaker day by day. Three physi
cians had given me up. Fortunately, a j
triend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to i
my preat joy and surprise, the first !
bottle made a decided improvement. I
copyiughts &c.
Anvniin .piiillni. fi ikotrh nnd description ma
quickly ajMruiiu fur opinion free whether a.
invention t pmb.tblv piicntable. "onimiinlc
tionsitrctlyco jUdontial. Ilandlxyjkou 1'ntcntt
!cnt frr. OMet aicncf for serarlnp patents.
l-.itei.ta t.!ten thrf ush JIami S Co. receive
it-r-ial notice, without. chprcu, In tho
A handjomclT lllatr.iteil weeltlv. Iir-.-est rir
tulit.on i f ahr Icntlilf Journal. 'l-cnn. 13 a
roir, f..iir uimitlis, tl. SolilbJ-all nevrrc;iler.
JCIDroadMi.NoM Yfjr f
llraoch tis'.ro. CZ V til. V.'ashluatoi). !..'
A lUll.
if jll AM
j fc TlleMlllJ
1 15 TIiuimU
i 1-MturilHV.
I Arr. I'urtliiuil
. nt i : k .
I,v I'orlluul
a' "A.M.
Arr DalU-.s
a r. !-. M.
til- uit.uU iintlcc.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dnllna City.
l.v. Dnl Ion
at 7 a. i.
' W. 1 1 1 un I y
, frldiiy.
1 Arr. 1'iirtluuil
, at I :) v. i.
I. 1'iitUaiM ,5
n. (
' lltliljv
-ulutiliir i
Atf DnlN'J
M V It
p Travel by tin: Stciimen nl tliu Hi-Riiiator Line. Thi- fiimpntiy will niiuVnvnr to (;. r il pat
k rutiH the tol NHYlrt i)sillik'. Kor lurther lii(niiiltlnn hiIiItoh
W. C. ALLA WAY, Gun. Ant.
!, forllnnit Ollioo, Street HocU.
t! ti.Tjjr-t.v-ir jjrxiiu.T.-A.iru ttj v.: t c T'i.T.i.K.I.ri.'r-l.'r . vj y rir-Tj ut.j.)llxJj
j New ideas in Wall Paper here, fuch
wide variety as we are showinj.' never be
fore graced a single Block. Ileal imita-
' tion creton eirects at ordinary prices.
' Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant desicne, tasteful colorings, youra
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full line of house paints.
D. W.
AUSE, Third St.
not know, and could not guess, what (.continued their use for three weeks, and result frnm thn fiction nf ' aril now a well man. I know they saved
my life, ond robbed the grave of another
rr.ANSAcr a ekkualuakklng nuhiNEs
If from any cause such a man
and hi3 namo is legion voted for
lirynn his interest inlhyan's election
ended at the ballot box. Nay,
Bryan's defeat was the discharge of
a nightmare. The voter had the
proml consciousness of having "kept
the faith," but he secretly rejoiced
that his ballot went for naught.
Said a democrat who has long held a
high place in the councils of his
party in "Wasco county: ! voted
for Bryan because I am a democrat
and could not be anything else, but
while 1 put my cross in front of the
names of the Bryan electors, J de-
victim." o one should fail to try them, j Letters of Credit issued available in the 1
Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley's drug
store. 5
Sniitliwrii California,
vontlv nr.ivnd flint Hrvnn rninlit hoi
, . ' : . , ,, Illustrated guides to the winter reeorts
buried so deep that he would never of California and Arizona may be had
have a resurrection." ! cn application to
Notnble among trie pleasures afforded
by the Shasta Houte is the winter trip
to Southern California nnd Arizona.
Renewed acquaintance with this section
1 will ever develop fresli points of interest
added sources of enjoyment, under its
sunny skies, in the variety of its indus
tries, in its prolific vegetation and among
ite numberless cesorta of mountain,
shore, valley and plain.
The two daily .Shasta trains from
Portland to California have been re
cently equipped with the most approved
,.nrc ht ,hu w , nf f iii.,iii.R00d niechanles working for him, and
; continue in effect.
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattlo Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washinuton.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable torm!.
Painting... !
The undersigned lias taken possession j
of It. A. Spivey paint shop, noxt door to
the Vogt opera house, anil has pur- j
chaaed the tools and ladtlers. He lias
..ghas. m
and Fafmers
Kwpt on ilrniiKht Ihti celebralul
COI.I'MIIIA IlKKIi, nckti.m;
eilKtil tlii' boat beer in The I),illc3,
nt thr-usual pilce. Come In, try
it nnd be ronvlnecil. Alto the
Kiiit-rt brumU u( Vuci, M inor
ami (;lKiir.
of all KIiiiIh alirnys on hand.
Wasco Warehouse Compeny
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi r II kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, KISb)
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour
Thin I-lonr is manufactured expretBly for famllj
use: evcrv pack in LMiuriuitced to L'ive autiflfnctlOD.
, Wa sell our goods lower than any Iiouho in tin) trade, and if you don't trunk so
call aud got eur iirices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
will guarantee all work to give satis'ac
tion. ,
, 8. fiCIIR.NCK,
U. il. 1Ii:aj.l,
These are some of the reasons why
the rank and file of the democrats
are shedding no teurs over Bryan's
C. II. Maukiiam, U. P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
Our anti-imperialist friends will
not fail to note the evident intention
of His Imperial Majesty, William
McKiiiiey, to grind the Porto lticans
tinder the heel of a military despot
ism as manifested in nn order just'
issued from the
It is well to know that DeWitt'n
Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn nnd
atop the pain at once. It will euro
eczema aud skin diseases aud ugly
wounds and sore3. It is a certain cure
for piles. Counterfeit may be offered
you. See that you get the original De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve.
pii?e Jailori
I'aint your house with
paints that are
Clarke & Falk
war department ull' ijioed to last
withdrawing nil. the American troops ; '
c i.(iir,. ' J'xtra go-m values at tnee.w iorJ:
from the island save a battalion of
infantry nnd two batteries of nrtil.
lery. It is true there is a native
regiment of 850 men but this only
proves that bis majesty is intent on
refusing the islanders everything that
squinted in the direction of home
rule or self-government.
Cash Store.
The republicans will have a good
working majority in both houses of
the next congress. The house will
have 202 republicans ns against 125
democrats, iusionists ar.d silvcrltes,
or a majority of -17. Forecasting
the senators to be elected on the
basis of the political complexion of
Ice Cream and
Oyster Parlors
Mrs Ii, L. Jones has opened ice
cream aud oyster parlors iu Carey Bal
lard's old stand. She carries
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Cigars.
The place has been thoroughly ren
ovated, and a ahareof the nubile patron
age is solicited.
Open till 12:00 P. M.
A complete line of Full anil Winter'
Suitings, P.intines nnd Overcoating, now i
on display. J00 different varieties to se '
lect from.
Suits, $20 apd up. j
Call and examine goods before- going !
eleuwhoro. Second street, opp. Mnys j
& Crowe's. ' i
First National Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, nubject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Hight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and lort
' land.
I). P. TlJOMPHO.V. JNO. K. Schknuk.
! H M. Uisau..
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry Ojiodfl, Clothing, Hoots. and Shoes, at much leet than wholesale
priceH. Will noil iu hulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days.
All gnode will bo sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Coreots
and Butterick Pattern. Your prices will bu mine. Call earlv and secure
Corner Soeond and Court Sis.
- f
$ J. E. FALT & CO., J
' n t. L
i .utJiimora r r U
uuuiijjei'L'idi DdliiJJie rf,uuiJJi.
Tiie cuiumDia Packino Co
F- S.
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
9 Purest Liauors for Familv Use?
Dolivorod to any part of tho City.
173 Second Street.
I'honeH: 51 Local,
y S5ri Long Dintance
Horleshoemg. 1 Dfl.QUNHj'fr
wnB rwK ADOBE, nil
Ilrraora rimpl... rrent 111 I V
fioo i.u, will ..Sf.'1?" ,"l'kii. 'I'ii c'a.
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies,
I SAY! Lend Me Your Ear!
K ii. i, 1)0 k".fnv ll,at Jolui l''Hhok. the tailor, is aKont for two of
tho largest merchant tailoring houses in Amorica?
,.i, 11" ,V" kll0,vv t,m.1 llu wl" 8H row lt. '""d" y"r or(1", "i
S m I. . '"""'"'"lown, leady-math. you buy in tho Htoree, mid
J KUarauteo a lit or no Ealo?
lln vm, L. hn... it. i... i .. . . Till
iiii.i .t...V . i . " "UB Mtenay on tmnu lor me cuimuh
in Tho I iKfliJ? inaeiMiuiit miiU finest lino of sumples over ehown
fJOHN PASHEK, Merohant Tailor, Agent, j