IS Chrrnifrle. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER M, 1900. NO. 388 REPORTS IRRITATE SECRETARY HAY i. ... i. . ....... uuhkii miMiicinn Mint i tin not Imvc in jHteck," biih Mr. C. K. Grr.n-lln, tho y t popular diuygisi of Outatio, N. Y. "She wuh uiimppumiL'u ami wnntcu to Know I wlutt cotujli preparation I could reoom - men. I. I s.iid to liertlmt Iconlil freely rec ommend Chamberlain's Cough Iteinoriy Ministers Arc Makin"' Demands Which and that h)ie conid take u bottle of the the fimpcror Cunnot Accept, and ! r0"a''jv H,l(1 ,lfl,r H'vinu it n fair trial if sue (mi not ijiiu it won fi i lie money to the Result May He Further Long Continued r'iglitiiii;. and Ni: Yokk, Nov. l!l A dippntuh to tliu Iliirulil from Washington hhvj: Kichi tjirv Hay is much irritated over reports from I'ekln showing fhut the miniature are determined to punisti eviry ii.flu eutinl Chinaman win 1 1 icy think in rt'upiiiiaii'li' for the recent otitrmjep, and slinw irig uldo that tlio Indemniiy to lie lenmiided will reaeh $01)0,000,01)0. The "tiTi'turv is anxious Unit the powera ehill tuihisilt (Ii'iiiiiiiiIh that can he accepted y China. OHichsln at Washington hold that (x aiiiplcfi chould he made only of those ion Hiii'Mi'ini'v guilty and thai the amount of wideiimitv should certainly lie not mure than $ 100.000,01)0. It is pointed j out that if ail the leading men are, f-cntei t-'d to death they will in H;If-1 d'-lonse organize u repifctnnci; which will j iiceeHHitate further military ( pornlion", tlic en.l ol which no one can foreHoe. I The President and .Si cr-tary Hny ate ! anxiously awaiting the reBiill of the di liberations of'the ministers. It in plain that the ministers are not pleaced own the developmetitB of the hint few ilayf. I.ieiitenant-Oeneral .Miles, uh acting rfiTetiiry of war, has been ndvieed of the dt'purture for Manila of the last Ameri can troona which were under orders to ! leave China. The foree now under (irncral Chaffee consists of the Four teenth Infantry, a fquadion ot the Sixth Cavalry, K, nnd Battery F, of the Fifth Vrtillory. The United States 1ms thus withdrawn its troops after the necessity tor their presence had patted. At the same time the protection of American intureHtn nnd the American legation ia assured by the malutenanca of a pu-rd if 11100 men. .Minister Wn ia anxious imu mis iorio i U..P.,.. ...........i,,... ,;., hi.for... T fl 'hall he further reduced, and Secretary j ,ilf H0,Un,, itH pn,j8t.8 throughout the Hay haa announced lux willingness,, , lSo will everv one who tries brim; haik the hottle audi would refund the price paid, In the course of a day or two the lady came hack in company with a f i iond In need of n cotiii medicine nnd advised her to hoy a tiottle of Cham berlain's Cough Heuiedy. 1 conaider that a very good recommendation for the remedy." It in for ele hv G. 0. Bliikeley, the dtnirsiat. IIuhIu'h liupnttml l.iilmr. ! Philadelphia, Nov. 13 Twenty-five imiikrunta, who ctunt' here us saloon I passengers on the Amciican line steamer Waealiind yeMHidny woie denied admis sion to the country by aboard of inquiry of the United States immigration com uiiBiiioners on the ground that they vio lated the contract law. Tliu party consists of six nun, two women una seventeen ehildren. Under i xaoiiuntion, the men and women admitted that they were lace untkcrii and ciimeliom Heuston, a Finall miiiiufHctunni: to.ui near Not tingham, England. It was proved that lirM-ela&s piiHentre litul been paid for them by .lobn Alexander Dowic, the "Divine Healer," of Chicnpo, who ia nbont to found a city called ''Zion" near Wnuke gun, III., where ho intends to establish a lace-producing plant. The hoard learned aleolhat a complete Inco-producing plant in also on its way here. The boatd decided that the i in migrants ahull he depoitc-d. I A XIIDUHHIKI KlIISlll H Could nut ixprcPH the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 How ard at., l'hil ndelpl in, fa., when the found that Dr. King'a New Diecovery for ConBumption had completely cured lier of u hacking' cough that for many yearn had made life a burden. All other lemediea and doctors could give her no help, but ahe aaya of this Joyul Cuie "It goon re moved the pain in my chest nnd I can now aleep aouudlv, aomethinc I can pinvidod other natioiiB withdraw. It llitiH!iiril In a I t ii ir Mdk'. "One dav laal winter a lady cimo to I Jr. King'f Now Discovery foratiy trouble of the throat, cheat or lunga. Price 50c !and.$l. Trial bo'tle free at IJlnkeley'e my drug Ptoro nnd naked for a brand ol drun atore; eveiy bottle guaranteed. 5 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has beeii iu use for over 30 years, has borne the Blgnatnro of - ana has peen maao unuer iub per-!-z- Honal suici'1sion slnco its infancy. V-cCiCcAtM Allow no deceive you Iu this. .Tiif..nH.f'nnfl" are but j.n villtlltunuitn iuiiuwvuo " " .... - lixperiiusnts that triilo with and eudantjer the health of Infants and Children Kxporienco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootio aubstanco. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Peverishnoss. It euros Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Platuloncy. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THANKSGIVING LINEN SALE One-Fourth Off on All Grades. A choice collection of Table Linens by-the-yard, Table Cloths, Lunch Cloths, Nap kins, Doylies and Towels. Cotton, Half-Linen and Pure Linen dualities. A chance for money-saving in all grades an opportunity for every bivyer; for every purse. L lie Henry Glass Linens, known everywhere lor their superior value, and lor which we are Dalles representatives, form a largo part of our stock and are included in this sale. Here we offer a few hints, which may suggest something you arc in need of: Bleached Damask. Yrd Cotton, 'Joe vnlne epecialJOi: All Linen, 50c value special .".So " 00c value special 45c " 75c vnlue sppcial 56c " Soc value epecial G4c "J-incli Pure Linen Double Damask; value c $1.00 per yard OC Satin Daina6k, $1.25 value special .94u Satin Damask, 1 85 value epecial $1.01 Satin IXunnsk, 50 value special 1.13 Satin Dauiask, 1.75 value special 1.31 Satin Daniaek, 2.00 value special 1 5o Unbleached Damask. Union, o0c value special 23e Union, 35c value special 2Gc All Linen, 40c value special 30c 72-inr.h German Linen Damask ; extra n value'at 50c yard OC5C 72-incli All Linen, 75c vaUie special 50c 72-inch All Linen, $1.00 value Bpecial 75c 72-inch All Linen, 1 25 value special 94c Turkey-Red Table Linens ; 19 to 50c a yard, reduced One-fourlh Everything Just as Advertised. Bleached Linen Napkins. Dozen OOe qualitif a reduced to 4oc 75c qualities ' reduced to 502 $1.00 qualities reduced to 75c 22x22 inch, foil bleached, all linen Nap- 0 . kins, worth $1 25 par doz yfC $1.50 qualities reduced to $1.13 l.ii) qualities rcduceit to 1.31 2 00 qualities reduced to 2 25 qualities reduced to 2 50 qualities reduced to 2.90 qualities reduced to 3 50 qualities ". . .reduced to 3 75 qualities reduced to 5.50 qualities reduced to 1 50 1 09 1 SS 2 IS 2.1:! 2 81 4 13 Hotel Napkins. Unbleached German Linen, checked, 22x22; value $1 50 $1.13 Lineu Doylies. Fringed; red on white and blue on white; good value at 2oc dczin 19c Ficured damask, colored border; worth 40c dozen 30c 50c qualities epecial 38c 00c qualities special 45c 05c qualities special 49c 75c qualities epecial 5Gc Linen Lunch Cloths. Hemstitched, 45x45 inch; value $2.00; sale price $1.50 Same, value $2 50 . . salo price 1,88 Hemmed, 45x45 inch ; worth $1,50 " 1.13 Hemmed, 54x54 inch; worth 2.00 " 1.50 Table Cloths. All cotton, bleached; 75c value 5Gc All cotton, blenched ; $1,00 value i75c Union, hlenched; $1 50 value $1.13 10-4, hemstitched, bleached; $2 00 value . 1.50 Other crade", fiinged and hemstitched; worth from $2.50 to $G 00 each, all reduced one-tourth. Towels. Dozen Absorb, cotton, 10x32; 75c value ode Absorb, cotton, 18x36; $1 00 value 75c Absorb, cotton, 23x45; 1 50 value $1.13 Hemstitehed Damask, Je-bleached towels, rood value at 25c each" 17C Hemmed All-Linen Huck Towels. 22x44 inch ; worth 25c each 24x42 Inch ; worth 30c each 20x40 inch ; wortli 40c each Hemstitched Birds-eye Linen, damask bor- 22x44; worth 50c; epecial ,...19c ... 23c ....30c 38c The 72 inch Damask at 50c, now 38c yard, is extra good value. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. TOWELS worth up to $1.00 iu this sale. A Stream or Tangled, M ting ltd Dead. London, Nov. 13. The Globe this eveninir tmblishcs a letter from a Belgian gentleman who has been traveling to Pekin via Trans-Siberian railroad. He describes under date ol September G what he saw in the Amur river. His accountB surpass in horror those previously pub lished. "The scenes I have witnessed during the three days since the steamer left Ulagovetchensk," lie says, "are horrible bevond the power of description. It Is the closing tableau of a fearful human truuedv. Two thousand were doubtless deliberately drowned at Morxo, 2000 at llabe and 8000 around lilinjovtcheusk, a to'al of 12,000 eorpeo encumbering the river, umong which were thousands of women and children. Navigation was all but impossible. Last week a boat had to plough her way through a tangled and ninugled mass of corps lashed to gether by their long hair. The banks were literally sovered with corpses. In the curves of the stream were dark. nutrid, smelling musses of human flesh and bones, surging and swaying in the Bteamer'a wake. Tho eiptain vainly ordered full epeed ahead. The eight and smell will bo ever with us. "From UhiKovetchenek to Aguin, forty, five kilometres, numerous villages studded tho banks with a thriving industrial population of over 100,000. That of Aguin was 20,000. No one will ever know the number of thoso who perished by Bhot, sword and stream. Not a village if left. Tho silence of death was around us, the smoking ruins of Aguin. on the right with brokeu down, crumbling walla und shattered, roofless houses." Dr. W. H. Lewie, Lawroneeville, Va,, write?, "I am using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure iu my practice among severe caeca of indigestion and find it an admirable remedy." Many hundreds of physlciune depend upon tho use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure In Btoniach troubles. It digests what you oat, nnd allowa you to eat all Ihogood food yoii need, providing you do not overload your etonitieh. Gives instant relief and a permanent cure. Sold by ClaikeA Falk. llfiitli of C'aiilulii Hurt. Piumdkm'JHA, Nov. 13. Captain John Hart, of Cuban filibustering fame, died today of apoplexy. During tho year 1890, two of Captain Hart'a vessele, the Bermuda nnd tint Liu rode, made fre quent trips to Culm with arms aud inn munition for the Cubans. Captain Hart was convicted in December, 1890, of participating in a filibustering expedi tion, and was sentenced to two years' imprisonment. In February, 1S98, the sentence was put into execution, and in June of the eame year Captain Hart was pardoned by President McKinley. Cap tain Hart was born in Virginia 41 years ago. Do not get scared if your heart troubles you. Most likelp you suffpr from in digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di g?ete what you eat and gives the worn out stomHch perfect rest. It is the only preparation known that completely di gests all classes of food ; that is why it cures tho worst cases of indigestion nnd etomach trouble after everything else has failed. It may bo taken in all con ditions nnd cannot help but do you good. 'Sold by Clarke &. Falk. On ltiill'nlii Commission. Salem, Nov. 13. Governor Gec-r has appointed Hon. It. Alexander, of Pen dleton, an additional member of the commission to represent Oregon at the Pan-American F.xpoMtion in Buflalo, N. V., next year. He nleo appointed D. H. Stearns, of Portland, a member of the Irrigation Congress, which meets in Chicago on the 21st, 22J and 23d of this month. There are bix other piacea from Oregon to be tilled iu that congress and the governor will be pleased to com ply with tho request of any persons wanting tho appointments. l'rlvato School Iuy or Kvenlnjf. Persons desiring instruction in Eng lish branches, ornamental penmanship, Bhort hand, shado-pon wilting, free hand drawing, book-keeping, higher mathematics, vocal music, etc., please call lirnt door second floor west of Cur ties' mill, Second street. Foreigners taught to read nnd write English in a few lessons, i.S-2wd&w Pnor. Z. K. FitEKit. Feelings of eafety pervade the house hold that ueee One Minute Cough Cure, the only haimlees remedy that produces immediate results. It Is infallible for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. It will prevent consump tion. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Tortuilng ekln cruplionp, bin ns and eores are soothed at once and promptly healed by npplyii'B DoWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve, the beet knowu euro for piles. Beware of worthless counterfeits. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Wuutuit. A woman or girl to take care of a child, live months old. Apply to P. HlI.NNlNCisO.V, o3U3t Mo3ler, Or. John I.. Wilson's Statement. SroKANE, Nov. 13. John L. Wilson, former United States senator, and until recently "the boss" in republican politics ii: Waeiiinuton, in a signed statement to an evening paper, attempts to modify the speech he made Saturday night to his faithful henchmen. Mr. Wilson did not dream of his speech being retailed by his friends, but no lees than four of them Sunday afternoon gave Spokesman Review reporters exactly the aame ac count. Now the rest of the assemblage, with blood in their oye3, are after the talkative brethren. Mr. Wileon left this morning for Chi cago and Indiana, will probably drop in on Mark Hanna and telj him how the glorious victory (bin-ring Frink) was won iu Washington, although he H.iid in to day's interview that ho expected others to cut up tho pie. He practically admit ted the gist of his published speech Sat unlay night, but reopened tho senator ship question, saying: "I believe that all contests among the republicans should be settled iu the pri maries and conventions, nnd I believe that tho long-nosed, ehovel-chinned mugwamp is entitled to the eame con sideration that is due tho guerrilla In time of war. I am for party regularity and tho fundamental principles of the republican party that tho majority shall rule. "In my conversation I mado no refer ence whatever to my future candidacy. The selection of n United Stales senator ia some distance in the future and many things may arise. What I shall do in that respect can ho determined only when wo reach the field of action. Whatever I may do in n political way, I trust that it will aid my home city and the stato of my adoption, and I trust 1 bliH.ll bo able to contribute In u modest and becoming way to the strengthening and upbuilding of the republican party, to the principles of which I um devoted ly attached." Nil OliuiiKfB 111 tliu C:ililiU't. Washington, Nov. 13, At the meet ing of the cabinet today President Me Kinloy, diecussing the recent elections nnd their results, expressed the hope that every member of his cabinet would remain in the oillciai fumily during the next four years. He regarded the retult of the elections as tin indorsement not only of his own ideas and policies, hut also of the administration of every de partment of the government. - Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Jton't forget this. Catarrh Cannot lie Cured, with local applications, aa they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hali'a Catarrh Cure ih taken internally, and nets directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was waa prescribed by one of tho best physicians in this country for years, and is aregnlar piescription. It is composed, of the best tonics known, combined with tho best blood puritlera, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients ia what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, iree. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props,, Toledo O. Sold by drriiggists, pi ice 75c. Hall's Family Pills are thu best. 12 Your l''aou Shows tho stato of your feelings and the. state of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent iu a pnla and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak aud vvorn out and do not have a healthy appearance you Ehonld try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cm 03 all blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and so called puritlera fall; knowing this wo sell every bottle on a positive guarantee, Blakeley, tho druggist. (Slieupnion, Attention! Ituckti Tor Halo. Having disposed of my breeding owea today, I havo thirteen thoroughbred Merino bucka for sale. Theso are choice, large and in fine condition, and will bo sold cheap rattier than keep them over. Inquire at Prospect Hunch, on the Deschutes divide, or of A. S. Roberta, box 507, The Dalles. o20-2w .Moki Tea positively cures Sick Ilend n c 1 1 0 , indigestion nnd constipation. A delightful herb diiuk. Bemoves all eruptions of thu skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded, 25 eta. and 50 cte, Blakeley, tiio druggist. Won't Kill, It III, Just wet the nfl'ected pari freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, nod the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke k Falk. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C-'arua & Fulk. A. Y, Marsh will give a turkey und trap-pigeon ehoot on tho beach, Nov. 27, 28 and 29th. Clarke & Falk'u flavoring exirncl the beet. Ask your grocer for them