VOGT OPERA, HOUSE, ONt Nidr-i I ONLY. Tuesday, Nov. 13th The Hottest Coon in Dixie III! BIGGER BETTER BRIGHTER Busier than Ever. ZSew Songs, Dance?, Music and Specialties. The Biases t and Best Show of the Season. Don't Miss Seeing the Keal Show. ADMISSION. - - 50 and 75 Cents. Seats on sale at Clarke & Falk'e Prill Store. Thut Tliriihhlnc Uc.'iiliU'hc i WnuliI quickly leave you, if vou used Dr. King's New Life I'ills. Thousands of sufferers have prnvt-d their malchlcEa merit for Sick and Nervous Ileatlnelies. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 2") rents. Money back if not cured. linld by Itlakeley, the druggist. 5. "For three days and nights I suffered agony untold from an attai'k of cholera morbus brought on by eating uucutn- on all pending legislation in order to am J , "ere," says Ji. r.. j.owtner, cieru ot tne an extra session. As the case stands, I district court. Centerville, Iowa. "I the democrats equally with the republi- thought I should surely die, and tried a cans will endeavor to avoid an extra j Joz'' Afferent medicines but all of no session and therefore will not delay or , purpose. I sent for a hotile of Chani iilihuster ayainst republican legislation. ' hcrlaiu'e Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea The most important legislation to come i Remedy and three doses relieved me up will be a measure for the reoraaniza-j entirely." Thie remedy for sale by of the army, and it is very probable that ; Blukeley, the druggist. - 100,000 men will be asked, with a provieo that it can reduceil to 75,000 after .the Philippine islands have been composed, and there is no longer any war there. Com I Mi; Sotliiu of Cons"", Washington, Nov. S The eomini: session of conares is iroini to be a very busy one. The republicans will make every effirt to yet through their legisla tion in order to avoid an extra session, but the fact that they will be in control of both branches of congress after the 4th of March, as now, ill enable them to Iej::s ate thii session without beinc dictated to by the Democrats. Had the next Houee been against tiie republicans, tiiev would have had toirrant concessions It Happened In H .llrujt Hturo. "One day lust winter a lady came to I my drug store and asked for a brand of j cough medicine that I did not have in , steek," says Mr. (3. 11 Griinilln, the popular druggist of Ontario, N. V. "She , was disappointed uud wanted to kitowi what eotiish preparation 1 could recom mend. I said to her that 1 could freely rec ommend Chamberlain's Cough Uuinedy and that she could take a bottle ot the remedy and after divine, it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to briuu back the bottle and I would refund the price paid, In the cour.-e of a day ortwotheladv came back in connmnv with a friend in nceil of acoujjh medicine and advised her to buy a bottle of Cham ! berlain's Couirli iJemedy. 1 consider ! tha. a very yood recommendation for the remedy." It i lor sale by G. C. B!akeley, tiie ditiiruist. Dr. W. H. Lewis, L-iwrenceville, Va., writes, "1 am using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my practice umonp severe caseH of indigestion and find it an admirable remedy'" Many hundreds of physicians depend upon the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in stomach troubles. It digests what you eat, and allows you to eat all the i:ood food you need, providing you tli tint nttti1r i tl fnilf ornnuintl fill'itta I instant relief mid n permanent cure. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Do not get scared if your heart troubles vou. Most likelp you suffer from in digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di- j tjjsts what you eat and (jives the worn out stomach perfect rest. It is the only j preparation known that completely di- j jjests all classes of foods ; that is why it cures the worst easts of indigestion and stomach trouble after everything else j has failed. It may be taken in all con-, ditions and cannot help hut do you ood. i Sold bv Clarke A Falk. While the democrats, will fight this measure, they will understand that it will be useless to oppose it, and probably will not undertake an extra session for the purpose of d-featmtr it. Tha Wheat MnritH. Editor' Awful flight. F. M. Iligins, editor Senaei, Ills., News, was ofllicted for years with piles that no doctor or remedy helped until he triad Bucklen's Arnica Salve. He writes two boxee wholly cured him. It'e the surest pile cure on earth and the best salve in the world. Cure guaran teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Blakeley, the drujraist. 5 it St IE 3G as 3i 8 f ? 11 J to to to f ? f Tho fJulIClH, Ol. The Chronicle, dob Printers. "It! .3S. i as : 'He: MS' I lasi I vt m !';S l;;iE 1 y"l ' '3; : hj: i I ia:i 1c IS' i jc; i IE 3B IS IS TitiittTiTitifiTTtrTirrtTritrf iiixtiiiT ViUif trtitif tfiiirviirifif litiiitt im lOJRL&H. IIIM'tllT I TIMK KCMKI.LI.K .. j Mill rilOMI.AU.Kj I Mull nit l.aki. Denver, yt ... Worth. OiiimIu,. i.. ' r.'t 1J 'Jo n. III. mi C iv. hi t mi . . , .,iif it... .., i" ..ii-.,. I' a Atlantic ICxplcss l'.'.6Hn. in. VI. i Hunt hi.'jtnii, DiMikiinn Mull mill i:.ue.Ns '.i .'.V. p. la 8 p. in. Halt tjikc, llcnvr. . v i in. tn .''..in, .niiiiiuii Kitu City, HI Linn , Uilt'iiKti iiml ast Wnllii Wiilln, Ki.iii.uiip, ui.., I) II I II til, JHhMUiLis; J Clilnifo unit I.hiiI via rill.. 8ikiiiionUil IIiiiiUiik ,rrcs tun; uhii nil imlniH in iiiisiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiI haM cm ijii'kiiii. 3..-rti.B KllDM I'llRTUNII (loeiui Hti'iiiiislilit For Hun I'miiclM d Kvcry Tive Dins p.m. fi !' "' ' I r nx.hiuiiliiyiCiiliniilila Uv. Htuuiitfra. Hi hiS. To Antoiiu ami V.ny ' .i,mlay UiliillHKi, la p. in. till. III. j WUI.AUKTTK ItlVI'.ll. l;U)p B l.r MinilHylonvron (:itv. .NoivIkti;, llx.sun?.', . nulcin ,t Way ltuU's, ' . . II. Ill, I1.1AHVTTK AND Vasi rni..l tuir.1 mu. itiVKi--I iiikI i-iit. urcuim City, liiivtim unit Wiiy-I iiiilni. !.v litputlii ilnliy .!.' it. in. KNaki: lilVlill. Klpnrlii in U'hImiiii. .1.9) li. a. Mon.,Vol a:iJ Ktl. I.l.ivt dally A very stylish lathes' waist, made ot French flannel and nicely trimmed, in the latest colors, only ifl'.'j at the New York Cash Store. Clark & Falk are never closed Senility, iXm'Lforiret this. rrxri i t at as) j. r At . irrA-van'AVAt at i cvxrri L. Lane, (JKNKKAI. Biacksmim ...AND. Horsesnoe rMlKrirA1AVAWUUA'A1AIA-AUUIUll.lUI'AIA!A?iirA'AI'J.','A''AIA!A9 I C. J. STUBLIHG, I WIIOI.l'.s l,i; AM) lll.TAII, Wines, Liquors Cigars ! 4, 3 Family Orders will 'receive prompt attention. Phone 234, tt wi v.tsr.i.sri.'r.Asrt.y.titt.yi.T i r.'t srAT.LxArj.r.i.T'j.srjjrJ. 1 THE DALLES. OREGON. ; w J Next door to A. M. Williams A Co. .V.i.V.kV.l.V VA T i ST. it i.wyj ' mS l'lir.ii'x iKtiuiK to i;i! to Ilcjiiiw liiilills mi Ciiliiinlilii fiimtliprn vui llisns, itioiH tdki' No. i, li'iiyliiK 'I he Unlit', lit IJ.IO p. b, i iiiiiklna (llrciit rnnncrtlnii-. nt lli'piuicr jimclloa hihI HIkki, lli'ltiriiliiK iniikliiRillrM'tciniiiKUoii nt lleiiimer Jiiiii'tlini iiml Wkk with flu. ,it. ' HMti "I 'I !' PiiIIc.mii I'.' ; in j hor full 'iirtlculnih en' tit ,V X, (vi t h'rnt 'l lii' PhIIch. nr nil.. c. ! W II ' It Ml CUT. (n I'lia Av;i rortlmnl.Or SOUTH and EAST via "Wheat advanced two cents a bushel , Drying preparations simply dcvel in thie market ve?terdav and now stands i op dry catarrh; thoy dry up the secretions, at 47. Of the Portland' market todav's ' which adhere to the membrauo and.docoin . pose, causing a. far inoro serious troitblo than Oreoman says: , the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoidalldry- A bettor wheat maiket at home nnd iug inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs abroad was the most interestin features i and xlso that which cleanses, soothes and ol the trade situation yesterday, although ' Lca,ls- .lTV Crom Kalm in " "medy the improvement was not atiKkiently casilv nml llleasautiy. A trial nizo will ho j pronounced to start u very free sellini' mailed for 10 centa. All druggists sell tho niovement. The holders who were will- COc.sizo. ElyBrothera, fifj V.'arrou .St., N.Y. mo tn n.U --lie., tl.f ..rice Vot back above ' . Baltn cureH withaat pain, docs' not " ' " . i irritatn or cau.-:o sneoziiiL'. It Bureaus itself , over an irritated and anrrry surface, relicv- iuj,' immediately tho painful inflammation. Wagon and Carriage Work. , Fish Brothors' Wagon. Third aud JcITcrnu. Phono 159 1! p A tvrmr f.sr i v rr i sr iTxszia t isr-hir i.t-l'ttt , ctAj j .Donlor In. Do cents atrain have now decided lo hold on until the price goes a few cents per bushel higher. Most of the exporters were quoting around 55 cents yesterday, a'thouijh some of them expressed in-d'tr-retice about doinf business nt that With lily's Cream Halm you nro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fover. Drr Cnndfi. Clnr-hirrt i J ZJ? j Gents' pupnishings. Havini: Notlff, rented the Baldwin opera fi,' ifu. Others apparently more in need house to A. SandviK. All pereons desir- t- ins to rent the same will apply to or ad- ti i of the cereal were qtiotin;: up to q5j cents-. There was noiliinu doins in bine fltem, anil Valley, as usual, was out of the market from an export point of view. Freights have a weaker tone, and unless the market should improve so as to start wheat to moving they will mi iloubtedly recede. The San Francisco Weekly Maiket Jieportot the 10th instant is inclined to think that prices will Improve in the near future. Two of the largest operators tire very much disposed to "take hold'' of wheat and if freights continue to weaken the market will undoubtedly j the druir(j;its unvancc. bhlps are ollering rates con siderably lower than those that prevailed ten days ujn. dress A. Sandvig, 1'. O., Uox 530. The Dalles. E, 11. Muitim.i., Administrator J. C. Biidwin, Estate. This is the season when mothers are alarmed on account of croup. It ia quickly cured by Ono Minute Cjhc,!. Cure, which children like to take. Hold by Clarke & Falk. Acker's English Remedy will atop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 2o cts. and 50 cte. Ulakeley A 'IIhhuhimI TuuzutM Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard et., Phil adelphia, I'a., when she found that Dr. King's New Discov.iry for Coneuinpth n I efe. Must be iu good condition and not We offer for a limited period the twice-a-week Cjuionicu:, price .l 50, and the Weekly Oregoniau, price f I 50, both papers for ?2 a year. Subscriptions under this offer must be paid in ad vance. tf Wanted A second- hand fire-proof j lioots, Shoes. Hut", rips. Niillont, Ant. i for V. I.. DouKiiis tilnK. t-1 1 ' Telephone No. 68. mun Tlnllnn fin fll itiREASE 1 B helj the team. Saves wear nnd E R expense. Sold c'cr ' where. 9k (KL aTAfiDAHb'oiL CC. BK THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUWBlA BREWEfiY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of tliiH well-know n brewery the United StateH Health Ueporle for .lime ZH, 1000, eays : "A more Hiipetlor brew never entered the labratory of the United KtntuH Health reports. It ih ab-ulutelv devoid of the nliabtest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Ite tonic, iiuiilitien are of the high est and it cm be u-cd with the greatest henellt and Hatisfantion by old ami young. Itf use can cunscionllon.-'ly lie prescribed by the phvHiciann with the cersaiutv that a better, purei or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Souinern Pacific Co Shasta Route dkau:i:s in fill kinds of Funepal Supplies GfandaM BBKjet ! UNDERTAKE . po EMBALMERS Tho Dallos, Or. Tobes, BuniaSh Etc. hud completely cnted her of a hackiig tiouh that for many years had made lite a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she aaya of this iliyal Cure "It eoon re moved the pain in my chest nnd I can now sleep tumidly, sotnetlilni; I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like eotiiidlng its praises throughout the univeree." So will every one who tries Dr. King' New Discovery for any trouble of the throat, chest or lunge. Price CCc iind$l. Trial bo'tle free at lllakeley's drug store; every bottle guaranteed, 5 too large. oflice. Apply at the ClIKO.VICI.K oSLtf For sprains, swellings and laniencsH there Is nothlnu' so good m Chamberlain's VMu Halm. Try it. For sale by JJIako ley, the drugulst. Wu(itcil. A woman or girl lo take care of a child, five months old. Apply to P. HKNWI.rj.SO.V, o31w3t Moaier, Or. For Kale, A few. choice Hereford hull calves ell. Extra gold values at tho New York i glble for registration. Inquire of Cash Store, 1 til Udw J. L. Kki.i.v, The Dalles, NOTICE OF FINAL SETfLEMCNT. Notice is hereby itlven that the iiiiilcrnluncil linvo llkil with tUi ck-rk of Urn coimlv court ot tlioHtnloot OrcKon for Wfco eouiitv.tlieir II no 1 iici omit hi-executors n( the )t will mill tc.ta inctit of Henry Jlnrnuiii, ileeentcil, nun Unit MomcIiiv, tho 4(11 ilny ol November, IV00, nt tho liour of Id o'clock a. in., Iiuk been llxe1 bv tim County Court for sal'l county us Dm time, uml tho fount)' court room iu WaIIim i;lty n the pliiei) for lieiirlru: of oblectioiiK to silil final uu count nml the K'ttlcriieilt of llio Hime. J. W. KKKNOH, V. V, MAYtl. eil'i J'.xi'cutors. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice In heiehy given th it llio iinilerilcneil bus duly lllca with Ihe Comity t'erk n Waken County, Ort-K'iii, bin lliial iiccoiint ami report a mliillnhtratur of thcevtutu of Ailolph .i;ilu, ileeeAkcd, nml that die llonoriiblo County Court ihh llxeil Moiuliij , UiuSlh day of November, Ukki, at 10 o'clock u, nj, of nali I Uiiy an (he time, ami the County Court room of thu County Con it liouMiiu iMlle.iClty, Waken ('Diinly, Ort'Kou, m the place for lienriiik' kohl iliinl account unit re port. All pemoiiH liilertkted in kali) calnlo nro lit Kb y iiotllUni t(iupM.ar nt fiild time unit pliito anil kliow cause, II uuy there be. why kanl report fchoul'J nut bo approved and fcnld uilialiiUlrutor (fUchaixetl. Dated thin 5tb day of October, 1 W0. J, 1'. AOtlllllH, Ailuilnl strutor of the eitatoof Auohilt Aglillus, ileceauU, oeto PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Broad, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Subscribe for The Chronicle. . . Advertise in The Chronicle. Tniinir U-iivo The PhIIcm for rortliiutl anil wj Millions at l:i) n. iu. nail :: p. in. Umvo I'ortlatiit h ..in it in 7;Wta " Albany 1'.' .XJhiii WiMprn Arrive Asblnml li .uam lbWam " KaeriiiiH.'iilo .rOipin l;i'in " Kim Kraneheo . V I pm 8.1om Arilve OkiIhii . I n in 11 lw " Denver 'j;ii o in 'J.omm " IZutikimClty t '.urn 7,i)ri " Clilcaijo I. m Mian Arilte Ii.h Anuolus ... . I ipm T.OHm " Kl l'flo I i' i Hi' C.ipn " Kurt Worth ii ' (.. Warn " City of Mexico . " "ra " Houiloii i i l:i)nn " New Orleinik . i . i, (i iim " WiiHliliiKtou.... i u. r tUm " Now Vnrk... ...... :-' t I m 1- UI'M I'lilliuiili mill Tourist" cur' . I 'h .Iralat t:linlr t-nrn huermiieiito to Oail" '' mill tnurlat earn lo ChtniKO, h' I ins .New U' luiilk unit U'li.ililiitttiui. Connectlm: at him Krmiel i'h ktnuiiililp litiua Inr Iloiinlilln 1 ipui. cliliHi I'lilllppluei, Ceutnil mill Mullth tuietlea. HeeiiKent nt The Dulles stall iuMkm C. H. MARKHAM, (ienenil PasceiiKer A'"i l irtnmtl. Or Nortliern h IU Yellowstone Park Line. Till-: DININti OAK IIOL'TK I 1KM i'OKTUNI' TO T1IK KAST Till: ONLY IltltKCT LINK TO Till Yhl.Uv' H'lONK I'.VHK I.JUVK. No. '-. IlilA A. M. No. 1. !l;S0 P, M, Uflfou Depot, Fiftliand si" awuv. Fakt mull forTiicomii Koiittle, Olyinilii.',t, . Hiilboriuiil Hoiith ll'W' pOllltN, SjlllklllH', hi" IihiiI, II. C, l'lillimii; MoeoH', Uwlitou, lli'l fiilollilliiilillliliiKeoiili Iry, Helena, .MInneii.o V tit. I'iiuI, Oiiniliii KalikiiH C'lly, Ht. I-ihiI". f.l. !,...,, mill III till nth -' I .. . . ; eimt mill Houlheaiit, I'imet bouuu i-Mio r... ,.. ..,,, . ii .mil Sl-Jltt (' mill tiitcriijcdtuto iioinif. No. IjM I'. Mi No. 3 ;() A. M- iinii....... jt. i.iUU unit .MIiiliea.ollH,Ht. 1'iiiit mnl Ml"""" WV"" ivltlinut ehauKe. ., , , ,.,1ni.-ctloin Vontlbiiluit trlna. Union iKmioi wmxw ror1imnlkomelyllliituiUi drui 1 1 1 'J ,ur tlcketi), aleeplliK car roorviitl"". ' u" " write A. D. CHARLTON, Altmit (ioneriil ruNxciiw-'r Aen Jirvaoa. toiiHtieet.eoriierTlilnl, t'oril""'' fu It. it, K, Hill It'll, Osteopath. Uooiu 0 mil II, Otiiil'imiu I""0"' '' ''".efil' Oregon,