Annual Sale of BLANKETS. Anolhor t urn of llio whool of November Keononiios for houso licepcrM brings forward tlio snlo of bed coverings at substantial sav ings from usual prices: 60c. "lOuroka" 10-1 (Jrny Blaniret, aim 48x72. 60c. Kingston 10-4 dray Blanket, si.c 54x74. i 70c. "Tuxedo" 10-4 White P,lanr kel, size '54x74. ' 73c. "tilberlon" 10-4 Gray Iilan- kel, size 00x70. 87c. "India" 10-4 White Blanket,, Mze 0.'ix70. . 79c. "Salem" 10-4 White Blanket, size 00x72. 90c. "Clinton" 10-4 firav Blan ket, size 00x72. SPECIAL. 2-1 b Dark 10, II ( tray and Blankets, extra large size, worth from 5.00 to 0.50, can be bought during sale at $4.00 per pair. The best values ever oflered. ELECTION BETS. ffaelofs H&ts... In all the latest styles. In all the newest colors. 5EZI.OO Not necessary to pay more. Von can give your friend an order for the Best Hat in the World ' if you get him a "ROELOF3." We are sole Pease & Mays. All goods marked in plain figures. Orlffltht the MypnntUt. Griffith, the eminent American hyp notist, who by virtue of his great speed and accuracy lias created eo much com ment the past eeaton in our western chief, is booked for a three-nights Ptny at Hlie Vojft opera house, commencing Thursday, Nov. loth. During his stay here he will give an exhibition on the streets of this city, introducing one of the most difficult and startling tests known to this wonderful phenomena, the blindfold drive, wherein a commit tee of the most prominent citizens of the town will take a spirited team, ami while the professor is in the hands of anptiicr committee, whoso business it ie to keep him from Eceing or getting any idea of the first committee, driye a circu itous route, ten or twelve blocks in all, and hide an article (a pin for instance) and return to place of starting. The professor, after being securely and tight ly bllnifoldod, will drive the team at a fast gallop over tfie same identical route and find tho hidden .article. This re , inarkable feat will take place Saturday at 3 :.10 p. m.,'( stnrting in front of the i postoffico drug store. A subject will bd put into a twenty , four-hour hypnotic sleep Thursday j night, placed on exhibition in Clarke Falk's drug store, where lie will lie sub ject to examination all times by any j one. He will be carried from tho win- uow ruaay evening ami awakened on the stage at S:?,0. "The liotti.xt Coon in Dixie." I.imt Krunril for II In lteturn. My little pug dog, "Dixie," About six months old. A reward of $2.50 will be paid to any one upon delivery of said Mog to me, and no questions asked. I). M. Fhkxcii. The Dalles, Nov. 12 '00. 12-lw e Dalles Daily Chroniele, TIMM)AY NOV. 13. litOO wince the election, and one or two Asto- : ley graduate named Vanes Osmont. ! rians are impatiently awaiting his re-1 The search was very successful, especial i turn to Use city. When he does arrive I ly the latter part of it. All told they Oysters served in any stylo... At Andrew Koller's. trimming corns days, says the WAYSIDE GLEANINGS "The Hottest Coon in Dixie." Tonight at tho Vogt opera ltou!. I.'iien sale at Williams it Co.'b. Oir prices are always the lowest. he will be kept busy gratuitously for a few News. Gin Miller was arrested last night" by Officer Like for going to sleep on tho sidewalk in the neighborhood of Cross's grocery store. He was booked on the charge of drunkenness, but in considera tion thai since bin arrival here Saturday from (iiiliam county, where ho had been I working as a farm hand, ho had blown ' in all his money save a few nickels, Hie j Honor, Judge Gatee, discharged him this morning without fine. I fcay, do you know a good ttnng wnen T(in ; you see it? If vou do, call around and ' 1 1 .,i .i . .i..i..i.i.. f..-. it; ua ciiui tun Lliut uiuDtucciinuiuiuLii secured some thirty-seven large boxes of fossil remains, many of which are The Vogt opera house will present its patrons with a positive amusement novelty tonight when the musical rag time comedy travesty, "The Hottest Coon in Dixie," will be seen here for the first time. The organization comprises forty of the foremost singerE, comedians j and epecially artists of the colored race, there not being a white face in the ranks, although in the chorus are a dozen pret ty young women who will be difficult to distinguish from their lighter sisteis. Tho singing of the company is said to be marvelous, which may well be believed since t lie organization includes almost intact the famous "Clorindy" If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co coantit Cream Tonic will give it life and luster. It ia pronounced tho finest tonic on earth. Can bo had tit Frazer's barbershop, agent. n'J-lin Arker'tt Dyspepsia Tablets arc sold on a poaitivo guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, tho druggist. No other pills can equal De Witt's Little Early Risers for promptness, cer tainty and efficiency. Sold by Clarke & Fall:. mays & Crowe NO EXCUSE. There is no excuse for wearing out-of-date, clumsy footwear, when we can sell your for $2.50 a perfect-fitting, well-made, dressy shoe. Many styles to select from. Pease & Mays. VOGT 0pera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. THREE NIGHTS THREE NIGHTS THREE NIGHTS Commencing THURSDAY, Nov. 15th considered of great value. Mr. Davis ; chorus of singers, which were the rage shipped seven boxes to Munch, but the ' in New York lor sixteen consecutive llon'ehare of the find will go to Berke- ' weeks at the Casino Roof Garden. Their ley. I pfdeetionR ramie from all of the nontilar rag-time and coon melodies to magnifi- I II t riinmoil foftium unit Imrn nrchurrl ntnl bl,ItJ ergo McMiinemey was admitted to , . Thirt.n, tr..i. it i i.nt.v. ! Prui,l;8 fu i cilis'.'jiiHliip before Judge Brudshaw today. Attorney A. A. Jayno has bought the f'uit ranch of Henry Brown on tho east side of Hood River. lot on Thirteenth street. It is a beauty, and we are going to sell it. If we can't Colonel Dosch advises prune growers holding Italian prunes not to be reared by reports from Salem. He says that oll'-jre of 0!4' cents have been refused, in spite of the teport that no more than 0 eente can be obtained, and that the gioivera may consider themselves lucky to obtain that price. He Eays that growers can eatily get 7 cents for the Italian prunes. Furthermore, he says, the world's supply does not cut any n the marketing of the Italian This vaiiety has a demand eently costumed choruses from the operas. In this feature -the show will be a revelation to-D,illes theater goeis. The specialties are all original and of a popular order, while the comedy of the piece is in the iiands of such well known colored artists ns Win. II. Proctor, Hob Kelly, Billy Cole, Fred Carey, Carl Brown, Billy Jack?on, Eddie Harris, Morris Smith. Win. Grundy, Miss Neale G. Hawkins, Clara Bel! Carey, Bessie Hamilton, Mollie Minor, Maude Grundy Griffith The Hypnotist aside and independent of the demand land others. "The Hottest Coon in) get what it is worth, we are going to sell j for ''' otl'w ,runo- 1,1 "xrd?- nixie"Jis costumed quite as pretentious The Indies, of St. l'mil's Guild will nifiit ut tho lesidence of Mrs. C. J. ('fatidnll tomorrow afternoon. If vou have dundrulf, your hair in f.tlling out. Uho Cocoaniit Cream. For tale at Friiy.'Jr'B barber shop. A foot hall game between Tho D.iHop nod Goldendale teams lias been arranged t" come oil' at Goldendale next Saturday. Charley Frank Iiiih sold his saloon on I'lrot street to Charles Witlioll'. The pl.ii'o wag turned over to Mr. Withou" jetiterday. . When yon can buy "Henry Glass" luieii'i nt one-fourth oir the regularlirlee, we would advltii' all hotifiekeeperfl to lay in a supply. A. M. Williams & Co. pre-bc-nt the opportunity. The ladies of llio Catholic -church will give an entertaiiiiiiont nnd hold ti sale of fancy work, nultnblo for Christmas ptedcntH, on Thursday, December 20th, ftn(j -,t jH H nt the Baldwin opera house The sale of the titeamer Frederick K I'llllngH has been pustpinod Indelinito ')' She wiih to have been given under 'lie hummer to the highest bidder hint Wedncfcday, but for various reasons no deal was consummated. Tho Kecond session of Prof. Kandvig'o ''"icing eliisa will be held tit the Bald win tomorrow (Wednesday; night, open in.' at 8 o'clock. Hew beginnera Hhould nuke it a point to lie present, iih this Ie tlwlr opjiorluuUy for learning the first tope, nl!l-2t '1'lie ollioial count of Klickitat county kW3 MoKinley -103 vote over Bryan rr piesldent, Friuk llOtl ojfor llogore for Kevurnor, Ouahmnn 407 ver Ronnld for ''"lurvBsniaii, Jouee -lOli over Robinson '"r eoiigreasmnn nnd Neabltt !l5a over "'rlaiid for representative. Four years "go Mclvinloy'a plurality over Bryan was 2il2. ' An Astoria corn doctor who mnde some lenon wagers of treatment of pedal excritsuoneoH aguluit sums of money iipm! to what the professional services would cost if paid for, has not been teen it anv wuy. Trv ua and see. We have a new supply of money to loan since the election. If you want to get a good loan at reasonable rates of interest, call mid see us. Hudson & Brownhill. The O. It. & N. steamer, Modoc, is now making regular trips to Salem and Independence, stopping at all way land- i.O-Ini ! lnSD' 'eaves Portland on .Mondays, Weduetdays and Fridays ut ( u. in., ar riving at Salem at 4 p. m. anu Inde pendence about i on the same days. Returning bout leaves Independence nt " u. m. and Salem at (i a. in. on Tuesdays, Thuraduvs and Saturdays, nrnving at Portland about '.) p. in. same daye. Last vear ut this time unusual interest was manifested in the much-heralded approach of the Leonid shower, which, lion ever, did not take place owing prob ably to the perturbation of the Leonids by the planets Jupiter and Saturn. There is n slight shower of meteors uvery year, but the heavy stream appear? to us only n an average of UIl.L'j yeare, fiery 6howcr which we the Italian prnno is not affected by thelj ly as tho largest of ttie opera companies, demand or snpply of other classes ofVund in every respect is an attraction prunes, because it stands upon an inde-1 that will be heartily appreciated and pendent basis of ite own. expeut this year, on tomonow night, November H, liStti hour, astronomical time, or November 15, civil time, from about midnight until dawn. Tho Telegram tells of a Portland min ister who uiuriied a young couple tho othor day and was handed a nickel by tho groom in payment for his eorvieee. We know of a Dalles minister who got lesd than that for a similar service. Alter performing the ceremony the groom inquired tho fee. "Just what you please," was the answer. "Then, I thank yon very much," replied tho groom as he tool: the arm of his wife and walked off. Tho Portland groom came back when he discovered he had given the minister a nickel instead ot a live-dollar gold piece, but the Dalles j groom never came back. L S. Davis has returned to The Dalles after spending the Htiuimsr hunting fos alia in the regions of the John Day and Crooked river. Till towards the end of July Mr. Davis was with a party from the University of California, under the direction of ProIeeior Merriam. Since then he was accompanied by a Berke. When John Wilson, alias Howard, who is licensed of breaking into V. A. Johnston's storo a few weeks ago, was taken to the circuit court room yester day for arraignment, n eearcli was made of hie coll that resulted in finding n jack knife, a case knife, a peculiar looking large screw and a large wire nail. The case Ki) ite was hacked m trie edge so j that it could be used ns a saw. Where ' W il iinn nrtiwiun 1 ml t It otiu Humru Hi i ! TIlVl'll VWIIliV ItlU hllVUV IIMMU fcM. sheriff would liko to know. lie was seaiched tho first thing on liia arrival end nothing was found on him. It is possible the articles may have been handed him through tho bars of the back door by a pal on tho outside. Wil son is evidently a tough one. He hud utilized the big screw in the attempt to make a hole through the cement floor of hia cell and thus escape, but found the jib a vain one and abandoned it. enjoyed by the bs.t class of theater goers, to whom the manager specially caters. Circuit Court I'rocprillucx. In the circuit court yesterday a decree of divorce was granted to Ida M. Brown from her husband, Frank Brown. i Thiu morning a decree of divot ce was granted in the case of Celia E. Houston ' vs. John M. Houston. , The following indictments have been found: John Wilson, for larceny from I r store; W. Kelly, larceny from a sloio; Mead Hughes, assault with a dangerous: weapon; H. C, Bateham, assault. ' School lCiiiu(. Following is the report of school dis tricl No. 7 for the month ending Novem-! ber 9, 1000 : No. of days taught, 'JO. No. of days attendance, D3!J. J No. of pupils unrolled, 57. Tho following pupils were neither ab-' In a Refined, Instructive, Marvelous, Laughable and Up-to date Performance. Clever Actors, Sweet Singers, Tragedians, Comedians, Manufactured to suit taste of audiences. 180 Laughs in . . 180 Minutes. Pricoo, SZScs, d Vic, QOc. err TO 7 Tho only Rtoro ft this city where thi Oenulne Imported Stransky-Stccl Ware Is sold, A little higher in price, but otithiKts n dozen piccc3of eo called cheap enaiu eled ware. BEWARE? Other wares loot? liko it, but thegenu ino has tho name Strnn8ky Steel Ware on each piece Do not be deceived First prize nt It International Exlii bitions. HigheHt award at Worlds Columbian Exinbi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by the best cookingauthorities certified to by the mofct famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember thia celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb rjreaso, does not discolor nor catch inside, is not affected by acids in frtiitn or vegetables, will boil and bakt vi tli ou t imptirtin(r flavor o-' previously cook o if food nnd will last for years- ..0c.. Wo cau fion tlu public n;riiir.f'- V.f.?.v-'f. MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and flopsesboer . All kinds of blacksmithing will receive prompt attention and will be executed in first-claag shape. Give him a Cttil. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. TURKEY SHOOT A. Y. MAIiSH Mill give a turkey shoot on the beach Threo Days Nov. 27th, 28 th and 29th. There will also be pigeon trap spooting at tho same time and nlaee. O. flnp thrtiicnnr ct tifid onrl erivrz uCWSmos firr7 For cookincr and Iieatin vMfflT . -----si - ci- .jr.ivs-ijv-. Prices from $5 to $50. Steel Range KIder I. L. Harader, whose reputation sent nor tardy: Li.y.iu Mohr, Hufus, for truth and veracity has never been Oidway, II lyiiioud Ordway, Carl Mohr, bletnlHlied, leports an interesting study ; Mike Mohr. Million Sproat, Lsonard ' in nature at ills homo on the west Bide. ; Nickelsou, Julia Nickelson, Hugo i'aaeh, of town, snya the Payette Independence. ; Boy Van Allen, Lena Van Allen, Hester "A fewdavsago an old oat drifted into I Harbison, Alphonsa Mohr, (ierlio Croi- IiIb (.ossession from the adjicent brushy j lauds that lie to the south of his or chard, bringing with her a family of I four kittens, About this there is noth-, ing strange, but when it is asserted that , these kittens are half rabbit and half j, tho fore-quartera being that o'f the kitten, while the hind-qiiurtm" is that, of the rabbit; that they have the bunty j cotton tail of tho rabbit and jump in stead o( walking, 'our fusion friends will receive a great shook in the fear that the cut-rabbit trust will destroy the' value of the jack-rabbit as a substitute i for beefsteak In the event of a demo- J emtio administration of national affairs. But seriously there it no joke about tiie I strange family at KIder Rarader'i. The mongrels are worth Beclng." Keineuibcir that Coeoanut Cream Tonic will promote growth of hair. Charlee Frarer, sole agent, n9-lua by, Marie Mohi, Anna N:ckelsoii, Fred Nickelson, Nellie Wisliart, Myron Wish-! art, George Winchell, Until Harbison, Edith Sproat, Bosi Wishart, Daniel j I'ralhar, Kdward Luge, Annlo Mohr, Cat t ie Boardman, Klmer B jardmuu and Warien Wells. T. M. B. Ciuhtaix, Teacher. CASTOR I A For Infants and Chiklreu. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A j3 There are no better liuena than those manufactured by Henry Glass. A. M. Williams Si Co. have the exclusive sale of these linens for this city, and are now offering the same at one-fourth the reg ular price. 10 genuine all bear tho above Trulc--Mark4ik nn.l tiro anM with a written iKllr.mltf'H. uTzJL' . Awarded First Prize Paris Exnositioii 1800 ..vfi rv -rf -JZm.x OVER auu -the wokud. fJSSffgsSsj Sold by First-Class Slovo Merchants ever) where, rdy Ki&oouU by The Michigan Stove Company, U St BENTON. SOLE HCKNTS.