The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 13, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
- NOV. IS, 1900
helen isnotpopular. (A Difficult Problem.
The Nimv Qurrn of Ilnly Is
Tlio'uKhl Well Of li;- Hit'
Common IViiiiIf.
The result of the presidential
election, says the Ilnrnoy County
Kews, so far ns is now known here is
very gratifying evidence that the
Americau people nay be, under nil
circumstances, depended upon o.
follow the dictates of rational judg. j
incut in shaping the course of their
public and private affairs. Twice at1
the polls they have rejected the spec-
illative statesmanship cf the man
vhose appeals for suffrage have
always been calculated to touch the
chord of discontent and the vibra
tions of disorder thrilling through
the body politic. With all deference
to our friends and our readers whose
honest convictions are builded to the
wisdom of William Jennings Bryan,
we offer the prediction that McKin
ley's second term will rufute the
allegations of the democratic candi.
date, made in the late campaign as
emphatically as his piesent adminis
tration has disproved bis prophecies
made in 1S0G; and vc will ventuie
further that under the policies cur
president is bound to support our
economic interests will be maintained
at the point to which such policies
have redeemed them from languor
Though n
woman of great bounty
nml many charming accomplishments,
Queen Helen of Italy tines not prom
ise to become ii favorite with the peo
ple. Colli 11 11 (1 uudemnnstrntive. re
mtvimI and taeltnrn rather than ef
fusive, her qualities are calculated 1o
appeal rather to the I'iednioatese
hiirhlanders like herself than to the
lonuhitiou of the rest of Italv. There 'sent bv
i- no doubt that the disappointment prompt
freely and tmkiiidk expressed hv the I l'fliClli
newspapers of the penhnula regard
iiip her failure to fulfill national e-pet-latiuns
in the presentation to the
kingdom of an heir to the throne has
had the effect of raising a sort of
harrier of antagonism between her
self anil the people of her adopted
country. She seems to feel that they
resent her childlessness, while they,
on the other hand, do not hesitate to
express freely the disappoint ment of
the dynastic hope which they had
based upon the marriage, says n Lon
don paper.
Queen Margherita's popularity was
a source of strength to her luisbauti
as ruler. Even at the moment when,
owing to the mistakes, domestic and
foreign, of his ministers, he was most
unpopular and reviled as "the Aus
trian colonel," she alwavs remained i
an-object of so much nfTeet ion on the
part of the people of everv shade of
political opinion that the field daisy !
was ehoen in her honor as the em- j
blem of a number of political socie- i
ties, some of them, mch as the Italia
irredenta, being hostile alike to the
government and to the king. Hut for
a (pieen to lie popular in Italy it is
necessary that she be of Italian birth
It 1b amonp the most difficnlt prob
lems of natural telonce for one to became
expert .in teveral lines. J. E. Ailcox fc
Co., by their combination, bavo over-;
come this difuc.ulty in a practical man-J
ner. J. K. Ailcox is an expert watch-'
maker and is (rood on jewelry, optical j
work and eni:ravlne, while Thro. II. '
, Liebe is an expert optician and is good t
; on watch repairing, jewelry work and
eueraviiig. Their price ig as low as con
sistent with gond workmanship. They j
1 are prepared to do all work in their
several lines, on short notice. Work i
mail or exnrees will receive
attention. "Sign, "Ilig Ked ;
Clarke A- Fulk have received a carload
of the celebrated Janie E. I'atton
strictly pure liquid paints
! i
and of Italian disposition, and neither
and decn Some of the purest 'he -Montem-crin-lioni Queen lleler
nor yei me t renen-uorn micln-s
Helen of Aosta, who, as the wife of i
American patriotism has engaged in
the battle for McKinley's re-election,
and should he falter or prove recre
ant in any wise the duty w hich his
high oflice imposes upon him as the
guardian of the civil rights of Old
Glory's subjects, that same patriot
ism would arise through the land to
condemn where it has praised, to
depose where it has upheld;
With congratulations to those
"voters in Harney count' who have
seen the true light and been guided
by its rays, we express our personal
gratification for their assistance in
maintaining the handsome majority
which Oregou has given to the cause
of sound government and a flag tin-stultified.
Just What
You uiant.
$ i ,oo per month.
Strictly llrst iiafl local nn.l long
distance telephone service within
your homo.
Lines do not i;ro?K-tillc. Ynnr con
vendition will he kept u aecrut.
No cast for installing.
You get the standard Hutmlng
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and nlghl service.
We will accept your contract for
tun yearn nnd allow yon to cancel
ciime on giving ua thirty days writ
ten notice.
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
liryan, Stone, Altgeld and the rest
of the political buccaneers who have
beeu ruuniug the democratic party
to ruin in the past four years will
now drop into obscurity, says the
Globe-Democrat. Thev have in-
:ne lieir-apparent ot the crown, may
eteutually succeed her as queen, is
eer likely to gie the same amount
of political support to her husband as
Queen -Mnrgherita was able to furnish
to the late King Humbert. ,'or is it
probable that she will ever share to
the same degree as her mother-in-law
the duties of her husband as ruler.
Humbert wns notoriously influenced
in many matters h his consort, es
pecially in connection with the triple
alliance, which she induced him to
join. Hut Queen Helen is completely
dominated by her diminutive hiiihaud,
who, like so many hmrtfl men, i.s far
too autocratic to accept any advice or
to brook any Interference, even on
tiie part of his wife, in his duties as
Did you see the ad of the Fair.
New sample line of jickets at the
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line !
of paint and artist's brushes!.
You will not have boils if vou take
Clarke & Falk's ure core for boile.
A full line of Eastman alms and aup'
flictcd great d-j triage on the country ! pHes just received by Clarke & Fall:
at home and cast discredit unon it in The largest and most complete liue oi
the rest of the world. No party
in the whole history of the United t
I HAUi. rrmrina
Anrmif, n ftlcptrli nnd decritt!ott via
oitlc'ily ascertain our opinion free whether a
Invention H probably patentable, Coramunle
tlonitrictlycontidcnlla!. Haailbroktai I'ntcntt
sent f reo. OMeit aeoncy tor t ecurliiK patents.
I'niei.u tjltcu tbrnueli Jluau & L'o. recclvu
rpc-UI nctici, without cbarco. In tho
Scientific American.
A handsomely lllutrat1 wecklr. 1-iree't ctr
lulatlon uf any FClcntttii: J iurnal. Terms, tl a
year: four months, It. SoM by all newdelcr.
MUNN&Co.3G,Bfd New York
Uraucti onich. C25 1" ft, W'ashicston. I). C
ruANS.icr.v knkkai.bankino iiukinks '
i L:tterH of Credit issued available in the !
1 Eastern States.
I Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on Now York, Chicago, !
St. Louie, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points j
in Oregon aud Washington.
nn ,i i . ..ii :..,. c I
fall and winter millinery ever displayed j ory msvju u" "
in the city at the Campbell & Wileon j ' - ' - j
i tnillinerv narlors. The nriees will sell I
States has ever been cursed with , the goods. s8if: I I rnQ !
such a desperate gang of partisan ' Why pav f 1.75 per gallon for inferior i U-C j
freebooters as have been in control i paints when you can buy James E. j 1 fT fl n (Y
of the democracy since 180G. The i Ptton eun proof paints for $1.50 per I X dill tilled .. .
Bmashing of in Tuesday's j 'aS: ml
election tosses these persons into the , Th'e best method of cleansing the liver
background. The sane element of is the nss of the famous little pills
the democratis party will now have I known as DeWitt's Little Early Itisers
u chance to et control of their oran- L:l8y t0 take- 'over KMPe
ization if they show the courage and ' Clarke & Ftt,k'
. ,.i..ii,. in m ii i i .1 At the popular milltnerv parlors of
the ability to meet the demands of n , , ,, ,,
, j Campbell ilson can be found all the
tho situation. ; Jalejt tnjl)g3 j,) etreet nat9( trimmed
J hats, children's echcol hats, and also
southern caWuriUa. tam-o'-shanters.
Notable among the pleasures afforded ! Hustling young man can make ijGO per
by the Shasta Kouto is tho winter trip I month and espouses. Permanent posi
to Southern California nnd Arizona. 1 tion. Experience unnecessary. Write
Renewed acquaintance with this section i quick for particulars. Clark & Co.,
will ever develop fresh points of interest ' Fourth and Lcuit Streets, Philadel
added sources ol enjoyment, under itslbpla, Pa, s8 tf
sunny ekies, In the variety of iie indus- J
tries, in its prolific vegetation and among i F"ecl'"28 of safety pervade the Iiouec
its numberless resorts of mountain. I "0IU that uses une .Mtnuie uougu i.nre,
IIP-'" N-5
w rr"
!' Str. nogulntor
HteiimerR ol tlio Itcttiilatnr IJnu will run in thutol. ' i luilule. the Cimnmny icservliiK the rlcht to clmsge'i
(". -u ile witiemt notice. '3
ut " , l
Snttitilny .
.Ur. I'urllHiHl
nt 4 so v. M.
1a- rortl.inil
II' 7 . M.
Arr. Dulles
ii i r. m.
Ship your
. Freight
Regulator Lino.
Str. Dallas City.
, I.v. Dulles
' nt 7 A. M.
1 .Moiiilny
Arr. I'lirtliiml
nt I :WI 1-. l.
or. J
1 rnttlAml.J
nt' (KM n.
Thunilar .!
Sulurdii I
, Itallti-J
nt . r K..J
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety an we are showing never be
fore graced a single stuck. Heal imita
tion eretun elleets at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful coloritfus, yours
, for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full liue of house paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
Keeps on ilrmntht tlio eelcbrnleil
COl.I'MlilA II K Kit, nekiiow;.
eiii!iil the Iwst b;r In Tlio iMllen,
nt the umtal price. Come In. try
It nml be convinceil. Alto tliu
rm"i bniiKl ot wiiiei, U-jnor
huh iixnrii.
The undersianed has taken possession i m ' Klmls nhvuys on linnit.
of it. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to
the Voyt opera house, and has pur
chased the tools nnd ladders, lie has
Sold by I Kood mechanics working for him, and
will niKirantee all work to ttve . , w , , 4 4
"- first National Bank.;
O. IS.. JS.1L11 J. , : the DALLES - - - OREGON
-- - - A General Banking Business transacted
uepoatto received, eubject to Sight
urau or DtiecK.
..cjlfls. mM-
and FarrDers
Travel bj tin- Stciunrrs of tho Itceitlutor Line. Thr comntiy will eii'lenvor to u c lt pit ,3
rolls tin- b?t --'ivU'c jHiislble Knr further llif'irmiition mtilress J
l'lirtlnuil onlce. Out Ktrect D'X'k W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. AKt. 4
Wasoo Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TmlH feed
j Headquarters fcr uByers' Best" Pendle-
Qyi TrinuT This Hour ih niauufactured esprei-Hly for family
use; nverv Hack is guaranteed to give satisfaction,
i We sell our goods lowur than any house in the trade, nnd if yon dou't think to
1 (Mill mill mil .Mir nrl.'UN nml tu fntitIn.irl
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
II. M. IlnAU,
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry GooiIp, OlnthiiiB, Boots and Shoes, nt much lees than wholfsalo
prices. Will sell in hulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days.
All jjoods will bo eacrilleed except Thompson' Glovo-llttini: Corsets
and llmterick Patterns. Your prices will bo initio. Call early anil secure
Corner Second and Court
pipe Jailorip
Collections made and proceed promptlj
j remitted on dav of collection.
Hieht and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
I Now York, San Francisco and "ort.
coughs, colds, croup and all throat and
IniiK troubles. It will prevent consump
tion. Sold by Clarke & Falk.
chore, valley and plain.
The two daily Hhaata trains from
Portland to California have been re
cently equipped with the most approved
pattern of standard nnd tourist sleoninL' 1
i:ars, but the low rates of fare will still i Uemetuher you can always do better
continue in effect, ! at the Fair.
Illustrated guides to the winter resorts I
ol California and Arizona may be had T f""Vk n w o T rl
cn application to I IOC V-ICcllIl dllCi
A complete line of Fall aud Winter 1
Suitings, I'lintinits and Overcoating, now '
tho onlv harmless rernedv that nrndiiPHa I on display. 1U0 Ulllerent Varieties to PO
immediate results. It is infallible for
D. P. Thompson
En. M. Wiu.iamh,
H. M.
In in!
C. H. Maiskimm, G. P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
' It is well to know that DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn nnd
stop the pain at once. It will cure
eczema and ikin diseases and ugly
wounda and cores. It is a certain cure
or piles. Counterfeit may bo offered
you. See' that yon get the original De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Paint your home with paints that are
flilly guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
il'a've them,
Oyster Parlors
Mrs H. L. Jones has opened ice
cream and oyster parlors in Carey Dj.
lard's old etand. She carries
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Cigars.
The place has been .thoroughly ren
ovated, and-a share of the. public patron
age is solicited.
Open till 12:00 P. M.
lect from.
Te coliiia paciioo Go
WKO. A. 1.I2UU.
It GAM..
. ujjiiuiura r:i r r nr
UUIiilJlCI'UJCll DdliJlC IUUli.
Suits, $20 ar;d up. i
Call nnd examine goods before going ',
elsewhere. Second street, opp. .Mays
& Crowe's. ' i
F. s.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer In Blacksmith Supplies.
Cor Second & Lancblin. Tiioue ttl
jFine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
y Purest Liciuorsfor Family Use 9
Dolivcrod to any part of tho City. f
173 Second Street.
.11 Local,
l.onj; Diaiance.
f SAY! Lend Me Your Ear!
nS' Plioplri, PrMrnt
Do you know that John I'ashek. the tailor, Ih mjont fur two of
... iiiureiiiHH lauorint' ifliueea In America V
Ho ynu know ili 1
cheap -.1 hi
Kuarantee a li ()r no fldoV
n...i ..iD? you k.n0lf' ,1,at 1,0 ,1Hfl "Iready on band for the coining -Ml
pr'r,1'10 hoiidnomeHtandllneatlluB of Hiiiple ever shown
In llio Dalleij?
7oll yon n fiiilt, mado to your order, hb
leady-umde, you -buy in tho fitoree, aim
JOHN PASHEK, Mwohwit Twiirf Agent.