VOL. XII" THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1900. NO. 387 AGREED ON Tin-on C.rrut Hill In Nrt Conct !. Ci.tVKi.AM), 0., Nov. 12. Sfimtor rn-rv-rr-rvi , Uanria tiu.- returned here ttfter a brief A rhU I UUUL ' vibit ' Vorl:. He expects to remain ! in this city until coiiirres'S convent's. In ! discussing the coining sefsion, Mr. . Ilunnit hh id ; Knvoys ;it Pckin Decide on Peace Terms ; 'C.iniriejs tiiie yenr w ill have some hen Approved hy the Powers, ! Vdr-V '"'Portnnt duties to perform. Three 11 7 i ........ i.: 1 1.. ii... it'! i 1 1 1 Kium in 1 1 r, imu i -Ciimgiiu UHIIHI urn, me They Will He Pressed Upon Cliinn as the Basis of a Treaty. Army hill and the Ship. Subsidy hill are ;tl I to come before it. The Nieantguan j o mimUelou will make its report early in I Ik' PCHilon ami the debate in the senate will probably beirin early. "I presume there wili he changes of some importunes in tl.u hill. It is reasonable to Etupose that a lapse of several morithe bus made a difference in London, No.v. HI. Dr. Morrison, wir iiiL to tho Times from Pckin Sunday, s.iys . " Pressed bv tin' common desiie for a Hpee lv terminiitionof present conditions, tlie sentiment of the ptoplu on the bill tin) f ireign envoys have finally auieed to I and a chance in some of us in tin features the following terms to lm pri'BenleJ in a ' will lie the natural result. The Costa joint note, w hicli, mil jjrt to the. appro j Uleuu treaty espiuialiy involved us in vnl of tins government, will be pressed considerable diflicu'ty, and the CoBta ii pMii Cinna as the basis of a preiiminuiy J Kiean government had to be consulted." ireuM I Whin asked with what measures lie ' t'liiiiu shall erect a monument to j would mo!-t interest himself during the session, Senator lltmua said : '"I have no pet measure this venr and shitl! take no particular interest in any of tin: bill- before congress. Perhaps 1 imu as much interested in Senator Frye's ship subsidy bill us in any." DiMtii i r Ilftiry Vill.'inl. JS'kw Yoijk', Nov. 1'.'. Henry Villard, i he Diilrond magiiHte and financier, died at Ins Hummer resilience at Dobbs Kerry early this monthly:. Mr. illard had intended to return lo New York about the muld'e of lust month, but his con dllion was then so precarious that his physician udvia-d him to remain at his cimutry home until he should have gained more strength. A week ago he caught a heavy cold and since then his condition had been gradually growing worse. Two physiciaiiB had been with lilni constantly for a week past. Mr. Villaid, when he died, was sur rounded by the members of his family, including Mrs. Villard and his two sons, Oswald and Harold Villard. He had been uucomeious for two days. His deuth, it is said, was caused by cancer of the throat. The funeral will take p'ace Wednesday When you cannot sleep for coughing, it is hardly necessary that any one should tell you that you need a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay the irritation of the throat, and make B.iron von Ketteler on the sile where'he was murdered and send an imjieriiil P'ltice to Germany to convey nn njiology. ' she shall inflict the death p"ualiy i, pun eleven Princes and officials already i aim' I and mi spend provinciHl exmninu tons for five days where the outrages or uried. "in future, all ollicials f iillng lo pre oiiting anti-foreign nutrnees within tnelr jurisdiction shall be dismissed and punished. (This is u modification of Mr. Cungor'fl proposal.) "Indemnity shall he paid to the states, i rporations and individunln. "The Tsung Li Yaiuun shall be abol ished and its functions vested in a for eign minister. "Rational intercourse shall lie per mitted with the emperor, us in civilized c lunlricH. " The (nrta at Taku and other forts on till! coast of Chi Lil shall he ra.ei, and tlie importations of arms and war ma terial prohibited. "Permanent legation guards shall be maintained, mid also guards of commu nication between Pekm and the sea. "Imperial proclamations shall be I isted for two years throughout the empire, suppressing the Boxers. "The indemnity is to include compon sa'ion for Chinese who suffered through being employed by foreighers, but not cinpensatiou tor native Christians. The w )rdn 'miHHlonarv' and 'Christians' do 1 sh'en nosmble. 1' is good. Try it. For tut occur in the note." I sale by Blukeley, the druggist. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought and which has been, iu uno for over 30 years, has borne tho signature of and has been made under his per- ly y- soiitil supervision since its lnlancy. (&CCUte Allow no one to deceive you iu this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that triiio with and endanger tho health of IuftNits and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Costor Oil, Paro gwrlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It uuutains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotio MibHtaucc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms 4tnd allays Peverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and AVind Colic. It relloves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Pood, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. Tlie Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of S9 je.ver eaiiio The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tmt ointauh oo hv, tt nun twt. mw vowk ortv. mm. THANKSGIVING LINEN SALE One-Fourth Off on All Grades. A choice collection of Table Linens by-the-yard, Table Cloths, Lunch Cloths, Nap kins, Doylies and Towels. Cotton, Half-Linen and Pure Linen dualities. A chance for money-saving in all grades an opportunity for every buyer; for every purse. Tho HenrvGlass Linens, known everywhere- for their superior value, and for which we are Dalles representatives, form a large part of our stock and are included in this sale. Here wo offer a few hints, which may suggest something you are in need of: .75c Bleached Damask. Ynnl Cotton, ''5o value special 19c All Linen, 50c value special .Sc " OOc value special -15c " 7oc value special AOs " S5c value special Gls 72-inch Pure Linen Double Damask ; value 1 .00 ner vhrd Satin Damnsk, $1 25 value special 94c Satin Damask, 1 35 value special $1.01 Satin Damask, 1 50 value specjal 1.13 Satin Damask, 1.75 value special 1.31 Sutin Damask, 2.00 value special 1 50 Unbleached Damask. Union, 30c value special 23c Union, 35c value special 20c All Linen, 40c valuR special 3Uc 72-inch German Linen Damask; extra qq0 value at 50c yard oOC 72-inch All Linen, 75c value special 50c 72-inch All Linen, $1.00 value special 75c 72-inch All Linen, 1 25 value special 94c Turkey-Iled Table Linens ; 19 to 50c a yard, reduced One-fourth Bleached Linen Napkins, Dozen OOc qualitits reduced to 45 75c qualities reduced to 503 $1.00 qualities reduced to 75c 22x22 inch, full bleached, all linen Nap kins, worth $1 2a par doz $1 50 qualities 1.75 qualities 2 00 qualities. 2 25 qualities. . 2 50 qualities. . 2.90 qualities . 3 50 qualities. . .94c reduced to $1.13 reduced to 1.31 reduced to 1.50 reduced to 1 09 reduced to 1 i?S reduced to 2 18 3 75 qualities reduced to 5.50 qualities reduced to 2 81 1 13 Hotel Napkins. Linen Doylies. Unbleached German Linen, checked, 22x22 ; value $1 50 $1.13 Everything Just as Advertised. Fringed; red on whito and blue on white; good value at 25c dozen 19c Ficured damask, colored border; worth 40c ' dozen 30c 50c qualities special 38c OOc qualities special 45c 05c qualities special 49c 75c qualities special 50c Linen Lunch Cloths. Hemstitched, 45x45 inch; value $2.00; sale price $1.50 Same, value $2 50 sale price 1.S8 Hemmed, 45x45 inch ; worth $1.50 " 1.13 Hemmed, 54r.54 inch ; worth 2.00 " 1.50 Table Cloths. All cotton, bleached ; 75c value 50c All cotton, bleached; $1.00 vnlue 175c Union, bleached; $t 50 value $1.13 10-4, hemstitched, V. bleached; !;2 00 value . 1.50 Other erades, frinaed and hemstitched; worth from $2 50 to $0 00 each, all reduced one-tonrth. Towels. Doen Absorb, cotton, 10x32; 75c value 5dc Absorb cotton, ISxoG; $1 00 value 75c Absort). cotton, 23x45; 150 value $1.13 Hemstitched Damask, -bleached towels, .q good value at 25c cacti Vi)0 Hemmed All-Linen Huck Towels. 22x44 inch ; worth 25c each 19j 24x42 Inch ; worth 30c each 23c 20x40 inch ; worth 40c each 30c Hemstitched Birds-eve Linen, damask bor- 00 22x44; worth 50c;"epecial OOC The 72 inch Damask at 50c, now 38c yard, is extra good value. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO, TOWELS worth up to $1,00 in this sale. Ouenrour WttmhlitR to Threaten Morocco Washington. Nov. 12. The govern- min nf Mnrr;r.o has airain declined to meet the demands of the United States for the payment of an indemnity on ac count of the killing by a mob of MarcuB Esslnian, a naturalized American citizen. The Inst request was made by United States Gummec, and the latest declina tion of the government of Morocco was accompanied by an intimation of its freedom from liability under the terms of the convention between Morocco and Spain. The state department has come to the conclusion that the consul's repre sentations will bo more efl'ectivo if he is supported morally by the presence, in Moroccan waters, of a United States war Bhlp, and it is probable he will make his visit to Fez to nKiiiu present the case ae a passenger on a vessel to be selected by the navy department for that purpose, which will proceed to the port nearest to the Moroccan capital. ltobbvil tlie Clave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, la narrated by him as follows: "1 was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes' sunken, tongue coated, pain continually iu back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, a Irlend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to my groat joy and surprise, tho flret bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for thteo weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed tho grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at lllakeley's drug store. & I'll villi) holionl-Duy or Kveulnir. lVrtona deeiring instruction in Eng lish branches, ornamental penmanship, short hand, ehauo-pen writing, free hand drawing, book-keeping, higher mathematics, vocal music, etc., pleaso call first door necoml floor west of Cur tiss' mill, Second strtt't. Foreigners taught to rend end write English in 11 few lessons. n8-2wd&w 1'r.oF. Z. E. I-'ukkh. Torlurlng skin eruptions, burns and sores nro Boothed nt once and promptly healed by applying DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the best known euro for piles, liowaie of worthless counterfeits. Sold by Clarko & Falk. Tho Nv York Cash Store is tho sole agent for Hamilton Brown shoes. Wool-knit eklits at the Fair. Catarrh Cannot He Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach tho seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hali's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of tlie best physicians in this country for yeers, and is a regular piescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful reeults in 'curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, I free. ! F. J . Chenky & Co., Props., Toledo 0. Sold bv drmggi?ts, pi ice 75c. Hall's'Family Pills are the best. 12 We are sole agents for the well-known Hamilton Brown shoes. Be sure and get our prices before making your pur chases. Ladles' light weight dress shoes for $1, $1.50 and $2.50 at the New York Cash Store. Advertise in the Chronicle Your. Fuco Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weal: and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. Hemes all blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and so called purifiers fail; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley, the druggist. Moki Tea nositivelv cures Sick Head- ! ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist. Clarko & Falk's flavoring extracts uro tho best. Ask your grocer for them. .Sheepmen, Attention! Itiu-ks for Sale. Having disposed of my breeding ewes today, I have thirteen thoroughbred Merino bucks for sale. These are choice, largo and in fine condition, and will bo sold cheap rather than keep them over. Inquire nt Prospect Knnch, on tho Deschutes divide, or of A. S. Roberts, box 507, Tho Dalles. o2G-2w Don't Cub It III, Just wet the nll'ected purl freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and tiie pain is gone. Sold bv Clarko & Falk. " Floral lotion will euro wind chapping anil sunburn. Manufactured by C-'arka & Falk. A. Y. Marsh will give a turkey and trap-pigeon shoot on tho beach, Nov. 27, 28 aud 29th. THE FHIR Hefe me are Again I Wo are glad to announco to tho people of Tho hallos and vicinity that wo havo secured another lino of man ufacturers' samples of Ladies' and IWisses' .Jackets and Wool Knit Underskirts. Wo guarantee that our prices on those goods are from 30 to 50 per cojit holow any other store in Tho Dalles. Call early and got your choice. Our Knit Skirts are 50c, (uc, 7Co, 90c, $1.10, $1.20, $1.25, $1.58 and up. 9 133 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. THE FjIR The Place to Save Money.