I I VOQT OPER. HOUSE, ONfc NIGh f ONLY. Tuesday, Nov. 13th The Hottest Coon in Dixie.... BIGGER BETTER BRIGHTER Busier than Ever. How Filipino View It. Manila, Nov. 11. The results of the , elections in the United States have been jqnictlp rerelvud hero. So fur ns the j Filipinos' are concerned, no noticeable ! change in tho situation lias resulted, nor is tiny likely to occur in tlie immediate futute. They are lor tho urcnterpait non-committal. News of the outcome will slowly woik its way through the country to the nrmed insurgent;, where the assurances of thu leaders thnt Mr. lirynn would eortaitdy he elected must firt ho overcome. Lust week's scontins resulted in sev eral minor engagements, nitli hut the ollicial reports described as "email eas utltic?." namelv. four AniPrieiuis killed i and tcu wounded. j Catarrh Cmiiuoi He Cured. f with local applications, as they cannot ' reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh INew Song?, Dance?, Music and Specialties. The Biggest and Best Show of the Season. Don't Miss .Seeing the Keal ADMISSION. - - 50 and 75 Cents. Seats on sale at C arbe it Falk's Drug Store. :hov. CIhIiih Allium! lly the Comjtj Court. 1 00 O'J 25 Following is a of bills allowed at the November term 1900 of the county court of Wasco county. Ore : -Jas M Eiiiott, refund poll tax . . P Koiinlz, work on road Andrew MeOabe, work on road . . Glass & I'rudleomme, suppliee fur sheriff? oflice 3Iaier A Uemon, supplies paupers. Isabel & Covenion, conveying Me Grath to E'oor Farm 2 Stadel.uan Com, Co, Ice 'or Court Hoase September 90 W A .lohnston, road nup!ies 4 69 M Gushing et al, road petition. 'Clias I'.iyette, sprinkling streets 4 months .... J Brown, eawrru wood Court 5 95 13 15 50 Kriltnr'i Awful Might. F. M. HipL-ine, editor Senaca. Ills., News, was efllicted for years with pilee that no dce'or or remedy helped until he trbd Bueklen's Arnica Salve. He writes two boxes wholly euied htm. It's the surest pile cure on earth and the best SBlve in t lie woild. Cure uuaran teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Blakeley, the druggist. 5 Drying preparations simply devel- j op dry catarrh ; thoy dry up tho secretions, i which adhere to the membrane and decom ! pose, causiuc a far more serious trouble than j the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. 12 00 big inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs I ana use that which cleanses, soothes and is a blood or constitutional disease, and in ordor to cure it you inuit taku inter nal remedies. Halt's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best ' physicians in this country for veers, and j is a regular piescription. It is cumposed-j of the best tonics known, combined with i the best blood purifiers, acting directly J on the mucous surfaces. The perfect ' combination of the two ingredients is j what produces such wonderful results in I curing Catarrh, bend for testimonials, free. t.'J. UiiKSKY & Uo., I'rops., loleuo U. Sold bv drrupgistE, price 75c. Hall's 'Family Pills are the lies!. 12 Mrayeil. I t Strnved from my place on the bluff, a 2-year-old Jersey heifer; dehorned ; j ear mark on both ears ; branded liar Z on , bolh hips. Libere.l reward paid for her i return. ! o!0-4tw Bkkt Baoi.ky. f i i 3B 3i i i 8 36 5 The Ofitlea, Of, 6 The Chroniele, Job Printers. 1 'J2 IK :1c 1! s i j ';' f '??, 1 as I iK' Il3:i ' I "JC ! f r miLIUl-UiJiUJ'JillllllLUilUliIiItIlLlJaJllitllUUiJJlllJUIUiU!UllllLJttUllUlJlUIU.MliJlt 1MJI I II'U.HH "rixtiiXTiriXTTTTrTtiTrTTiixririf tjrrmrltf tininififi ttivftf uifryaiiiri itrittl 35 0R8N TT" III " A IIT on Tin k Hciir.iiii.,: Fltosi I)am.i;h MrII ' Worth, DiiiHlui U U!!Ai.m.: City, m u, CIllCtlKO HIlU l.nht n)ll (t , Jtn 1 Allnlitle Hull Ijike, Deii'Tf , . , Kxpress Worth, Omiilm Kw, '' a 1 J'.'.i'iilii. 111. 1 rnn Cltv, m ,,, : Vin Html-; UileiiRu mill I tn:.-lim. I HiKiV'iine IWiiIIh Wiilln, fiiKikuiic SlHll .MIlltt.K,.oli;,A vZ: Clilciicii iiml l.MHt i v,vL Hft.kmHiiikdllnni.iil: ,rc" lim: 11ls.mll mi(mii VHklllllKtOIIllll Kust m 1 1) &' p. ru K p. tn. I FlUlSI I'm-.THKir Oeeiiii Ktotttiibtili'f. I for hn KriuiclH'd Uvery Klvc Him. I'.B. ii. m. 1 , Kx.biituluJ iCnltimliln Itv. Plcmiipm. l'xau , :To AhTfiKU mt'l V,hv .sn.utilny ' UiiUIiikv lut..m. ; h it. m. , w ii.uni-.TTr. Kixkr. tMt a l.)-.Siiti(l.iy.()resj.m city, .NrwlK-rc, ei sunS't sulein A. Wiiy Umil a. ' ; . m, Wiu Ammr. akii Yam 3:30Mn. 11ml snt. 'ircsmi city, Duvtim. utid Uiiy-l tmillin;. I.v 1: 1 j.a rln rtHhy 3 3.' u. in. fcKAXK ItlVKtt. ItljinriH 10 U:v.-htini I.eavi t.ririSTi).t illly 9.10. a A very stylish ladies' waist, made of French flannel and nicely trimmed, in the latest colors, only .2.23 at the New I York Cash Store. Clark & Falk are never closed Scnday , Don't foreei this. HniiaH 2 40 1 heals. Ev'b Cream Balm is Buch a remedy J H Fitzpatrick. reuislerine voters G SO and will cure catarrh or coldinthe head 1 Alt. Hood Stage Co", services rend- f easily and pleasantly. A trial size -will bo eretl Wasco county 1150 mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the Oregon Tel. & Tel. Co, meseages GOc.size. Ely Brothers, 5(5 "Warren St., N.Y. uberiff and clerk'e office 13 55 ' Tlie Balm cu"8 'without pain, does not Shaniko Warehouse Co, lumber coffin pauper J T E'iping, making coffin and burial of pauper Trwin-Hodon Co, supplies for treasurer Win A Powne, digging grave for pauper H Clough, repairing jil H J Pilkmgton, hall rent election. Urenon lei. & lei Uo, messages sheriff and clerk's office "P I.in:erorth, trimming trees at Court House 9 Johnston Bros, road supplies. . . 13 35 J T IVters&Co, lumber for county rnad irrhato or cause sneezing. It spreads itself 3 40 ' over an irritated and angry surface, reliov- ing immediately the painful inflammation. 16 60 I With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed , against JSasai C at arm auu my Jrever. 3 25' Notice. f, 00 j Having rented the Baldwin opera 2 50 1 house to A. Sandvig. Al! persons desir- ing to rent the same will apply to or ad- 70 1 dress A. Sandvig, P. O., Box 530. The ! Dalles. E. II. Mekuili,, 00 Administrator J. C. Btldwin. Estate. 5 00i IS gt A'WATA'I'A'I -'A'tA1 (AtAIAI A'i AT A'TAI A- A- A'A-vOA'rT A M Williams & Cu, sitpiilies for paupers X) H JJodd ,M. D , prof services pauper 3 fi.lohnalnu, medicine for pauper Chronicle Pub Co, printing and publisiiing FS GiiniiiiiL-, blacksmitlin' 'Ward & K ibertson, uje of team . D'P & A N Co, transportation paupers , 'J J Monk, board and nursing pau- per Jas Like, cartage pauper Mountain Mage Uo, When you cannot sleep for coughing, .104 35 , it is Imrdly necessary that any one should . n. tell you that you need a few doses of i Chamberlain's Cough Kerned)' to 21 00 14 00 the irritation of the throat, and 0 sleep possible, it is good. Iry it . ; sale bv Blakelev, the druggist. 0j ( 20 ; Torturing skin eruptions, burns and 0 j sores are soothed at once and promptly healed by applying DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for 50 : piles. Beware of worthless counterfeits. "iSold by Clarke & Falk. tt!!?y!Li,, jufthe t services ren dered county 9 CO We are sole agents for the well known ' Bone & McDonald, supplies 1 00 j Hamilton Brown shoes. Be sure nnd ?nS B Bird: S.'illr" ! f P"f nB Pur- ; dietrict No 35 50 00 ! chases. Ladies' light weight dress shots ' SI M Cnstiing, coffin and burial for ?1, 1 50 and 2.50 nt the New York McGrnth '. 20 00 Cash Store. JJr (iuson, services pauper oO j W Bolton &. Co, uidse pauper 115' This is the season when mothers are Alt Hood Mill Co, lumber, road ! alarmed on account of croup. It is, uimnui " iu ui .quickly cured by One Minute Cong! Sold Jos Studenaicer, frtre adv ' nituper! 8 00 ! c,,re' wl,iun fliildteii like to take. J A Geisendorfler, money ndv and by Clarke & Falk. proi servicas puuper 20 30 ! , . , ,. -. r; ; , Z'eier Stoller, work Co road.. .. 'S 50 j Ackers English Remedy will stop a O L Gilbert, expenses eupt office 44 50 ; cough at any time, and will cure the H C Crocker Co, supplies 124 70 j worst cold in twelve hours, or monov Mr O H Uarrvood. rebate on taxes 0 10 refnnded. 2b ct6 un(1 50 ct uake,0y J. h Like, incidental expenses I.. . . , ' cilerkV office -25 00 I tl,e lf ufljlBle. C II Crucker, supplies sheriff's of- i fice 10 20) 'e offer for a limited period the W T Gardner, three montiis Boys' j twice-n-week Ciiiiomcle, price $1 50, fr,GiB'Aiji.'S?dBt ' , . ' 30 00 land the Weekly Oregonian. price $1.50. r Zt pint I,, in , ' 11 on b0,h lH'er for '2 a year. Subscriptions, rent, fcept and Oet 11 20jnnder t)ie ofTtfr mml be pBid j',, a(. a tun ot ti u uroker Uo,, 01 tor vance. tf -record books was not allowtd. I'.llllllCll till (ilHVI!. A startling incident, of which Mr. 3ohn Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, Is narrated by him as follows: ""I was in it moit dreadful condition. My kin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue eoated, pain continually in back and t-idec, no appetite gradually grow tni! weaker day by day. Three physi ciaiiM IihiI given me up, Forlnnatoly, 11 trlend advised 'U'ectrlc Bitters' j and to tny great jny and surprise, tho first 'little ui:nlt) a decided improvement. I -continued their ihw for thieu weeks, and .am imw n well man. I know they saved ny life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50u, guaranteed, atBlakeloy'e drug .fitnr 6 XVool knit ekiits at tho Fair. ! J'lir Hale, A few choice Hereford bull calves gible for registration. Inquire of nl-4tdw J. L. Kem.y, The Dalles. ! if I Si it. .a 1 1 I- L. Lane, 1 1 Dlontcmith ll I U1DUMI HI 3 M i. ...AND... Jj ij' I m 11 I Horsesfioer : , Wagon and Carriage Werk. JiS Fish Brothers' Wagon. W l Third and Jelrfln. Phone 159 uak13 ! - 1? ! C. F. Stephens i j 'j ...Dealer in... r Dry Goods, Clothing, 55 o uents rurnisnings. m !. t j Hoit, Shoes. Hat. ('hps. Kullons. Agt. f 5 Cj tor Vi U JJouglus Shoe. j J Telephone No. M. mhn Tlnllnn n li ijj i.u oecona St., IUU UUUUUj UI, BH V Hl It rt ca . irllllit the W I M load I I M AXLK shortens M I Crease 1 hclj the team. -Savcn wear nnil I ' cxpciiic. Sold every where i NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. ! 1 ! C. J. STUBliIG, W MOl.Ks.M.l. ANJi KKT.MI Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Phone 234, Ncxl door to A. M. Williams A Co. THE DALLES, OREGON s! f 1 'A '8 4 .5 1 iiri.iiTi rnr.iw ilwlrmc to un ti llcntii.cr n, I-miiMiii i oiniiiiiiH notitiiurn vm IWrsv tbnw tnki .Nil. 2, li'iivlliK Hie lliilli itt U if) p. B. iinikltu: illrcct corii'i-ftluiiH tit llcpptivr jumiloa ml Hlk-g lu-'.iiniliic iiiHKliicdinctfiiiinectKra nt llrii,ii'.'r iiiiirtlnii miii liluc wlili So. 1. r tHI'iR nt 'I lic DuMe.Mii 12 J' p tn A .N, Ca'i Ill.liniT. I'nrllaiiU.tir Fur lull pHrtlutlliirh cu i ( HRt'ittTho iliillon. or nit i c. v-. 11 II I'll" ARt SOUTH and EAST via 1 Ht CELEBRATED .. .C0I6m BKEWEfiY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of tt.ip well-knon brewery the United States Health Ueporls for .June S. 11100, says ; "A more supeiior brew nover entered the labratory of the Tniteil .States Health reports. Jt IB abulutolv devoid of the slightest trace of iidnlteration, but on tho other hand ib coiu'poeed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be used with tho neatest benefit and satisfaction by old and youne. Its use can eonccientiouily he prescribed by the phvnicianH with the cereaintv that a better, purer or more w holesoine beveni'-e could not possiblv be found." Soutnera PaciriG Co. Shasta Route Triliu tenvcThc Dnllcs fur l'or'..diiJ nnd wij Ntntiiiim at l.Zn. 111. Hliil " p. in. l.ciivo INirtlmiU " Allmiiy Arrive Ahlilnml " hucrniiietito ... " hull Frnnclnco x.Uiuni ?;C0pm 1 30 mil 10;W,n li i.Bin 11:30am r. Ki, m 4;l'nm 7 I p m m Arrive ORdon " Dcnvur.... " Krtiisin i:ly " CIiIl-iiko . . l,um II 15 an 'jiiniim U:ian " .' , ,l m " ilara i inn y.iumu 4 0 Arrive U AliRt'len ... . " Kl I'nvi " Kurt Wiirth . .. . ' City of Mexico . . ' lldllntiltl " .New Ork'iins . . " Viiillij;ton " New York 1 ... p m I, Ul p III r, ii in u , ii n, I ID 111 i, .' H in i i . ij .1.' I p IB 7:00am MO p hi I, )!atn Si ' a m i ! a in pro j Up m East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. 4 DEALKkS IN - All kinds of OT 4 a I , ------ - "f-f CrandallSBarget UNDERTAKE . fp EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. 1 f.obes, BuriaSh Ete. Notice l licrehy given that tho tmil'-'ralKtitil have tiled ivllh tlie (,'lcrli nt the cnniitr umrt nf I the SUitooI OrcKfin for Wuncocoiuitv.thi'lr llnul .11. ' firfiriutit hji iMCi'niitiirH nf thu usl will jimiI ti.ti,. i mt'iit of Henry Ilurtiuin, di-coiutl, nun timt I i ilimilav. thu 111) (lav of N'ovembur. I'M. nl the I ; Imur HI lOo'cloek u. in., lias l.ecii llxul liv Ihn , Count)' Court for snlii county us Urn time, ami tnu con my rniirt room m i'iiih'h i;ujr us in anted A second- hand fire-proof llee 'or hearlriK ' olilectlnmi to biltl lliial uo o..r,. t.. t. i ii. i i ! count and the scttluiiic'ill ol the Hiniu. sale. Must be in i;ood condition and nut i j. w. kkknch, t,,r, Inrr.n A.,,. I.. ,. . ... n.... V.l'. MA Yd. i NOTICK FINAL SETTLEMKNT. office. For sprains, ewelllnas and lameness there is nothintr so Kood as Chamberlain's j 'wi.fi'coli, rain llalin. Iry it. For sale bv Wake- i County, GrcKun, hU Hiial Hccuunt nmi report us ley, the dniiat. WantKil, A woman or girl to take care of a child, live months old. Apply to P. HK.SXI.SOiiO.V, o3U3t Moaier, Or. For rent, furnished and housekeeping rjoms, corner of 5th and Court streets. I mliiilliiktrator nl thuentiitu nf Ailulph Adding, iirciHieu, iiiiu inni mu iiiinornijio (.oimty uniiri him li.ted MnnUa) , tho 5th duy of .Novemher, llnKi, ut 10 o'clock a in. of khIiI diiy mk thu time, mm thu County Court rMiiu nf the County Cuiirt lioimo In Dulles City, Waw:o County, Ori'Knu, s tho place fur hearing ntlil llnul account Mini re tKirt. All iimuim liitereiitvd In ald entitle are livrcbr notllieil touieurnt nld time and place and fclmw cmiim.', il any (here be, why mid ruport hIiouIU not be approved and wifd uiluiililitlrutor dhchntKiili Dated this 5th duy nl October, l'JUO. J, I. AOIDIUH, Admltilitnitor of tho tsliitoof Ailulph Agldlua, (K'ceaied. octG PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. I'nllnuin nnd TolirtKt run. i" lmtb train' clntlr cnrK hiiuranieiito to dudi'i' ml U I '" nnd tmirlMt earn to Chicago, ht l Net Or leans mill Wn.ihliiKtoii. CfilllicrtlliK ut Hun I'riincl f ' i t ti overal Kti'iiiimlilp lines for Honolulu, 'npan. t lilna, , I'liUlppliiui, Ceiitrut unit hoiill. -i ri' ii, Hcc iiKuut at The Dullei, mittlm "' aililrtaa C. H. MARKHAM, (lUlieral lWetiKer Arvi ' l'urtianil.Or if m Facil Yellowstone Park Line. TIIK OLNINC! CAlt ItOl'TK HiO.M l"()KTUSl III I'll If I" AH1' v ..... TIIK ONLY IHItKCT I.IKK TOTIII- VKU-OW- NIOKK I'AliK I.KAVK. No. 1 Union Depot, nilhand ! Sir arkiv. .Vo. 5;W I'. Jl. .vo. a. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. I Kant miill fur Tiicoiihi, jf-'enttle, Olyiiiplii.liinv " Illll our linn nui.ii point", bpiikuiio, Ito--IiiiiiI, II. ()., rnlliiinn. If I ..U ikllllll. Illll 11:15 A, M.ifiiliillllli'lplilltllii!"l' try, Helena, jiiiuh-h Ills, Kt, I'iiuI, Oiii'ili'i. Kanaie. City, fit. Uiiiw ChleiiKO anil all itltt T.'n .1 liin.l .i nil kimthfiisf. I'llKUt Hlllllll . , . jj, ll;ao P. M.Jor Tuconia nnd hi'iitl twM ami intermvuiaii' piling I'lilhiimi llrHt.iilnsK nnd t'l""" ,k'vMKiliiti MliineapollH.rit. Paul mid Mlmn rieri-i Without nlumiie. . . , ....nnociloui YoaUbulcd trains, lliiloti iIcpiH enlH'tcii In all prlnclpiil tilde', . t,pv,,tn, IIukkiiko ohwikwl tu dent Unit nil veiiaite'' Kor hiniilMmiuly HIiiHiiiile. Hwcrli tlH UckulH, alceplUBcar recervatloif. iv LA" wrlf J A. D. CHARLTON, n i, -- - AnilHtnut (ienenit I'lihuumrer AKciit' f f miii Hlti'ut.coruer Third, I'orHamt orw' jjtt. It. K, HMITIIi Ostooiatli. Hoom 0 au1 II, Chapiiiaii lIccfe. 'l'l",,(p!!liM Oregon,