A I)Rtrflly Outrage. FKOt'I.K COMINO AND OOINO, Annual Sale of BLANKETS. Another I urn of the wheel of XovonibiM' ICeonomios for house keepers brings forward the sale of bed coverings at. substantial sav ings from usual prices: 60c. "Eureka" 10-1 (Jrav Blanket, Bizc 48x72. 60c. Kingston KM (iray Blanket, size 5-Jx74. 70c. "Tuxedo" 10-d While Blan ket, size MsTA. 73c. "Klborlon" 10-4 Gray Blan ket, size 00x70. 87c. "India" 10-4 "While Blanket, size 0ox70. "Salem" 10-1 White Blanket, size 00x72. 79c. 90c. "Clinton" 10-4 kel, size 00x72. Clrav .Blan- SPECIAL. 10, ("Iray worth 11 and 12-lb Dark Blankets, extra large size, from $5.00 to $030, can bo bought sale at during $4.00 per pair. The best values ever ottered. ELECTION BETS. foelof S In all the latest styles. In all the newest colors. Not necessary to pay more. You can give your friend an order for Iho Best Hat in the World if von get him a 'ROELOFS.'' We are sole Pease & Mays. All goods marked in plain figures. A series of most scoundrel) acts waB perpetrated Saturday night on the prop erty of the Christian church of this city. When the c.inerintendent of the Sunday fchool entered tho church yesterday morning to pet thinge ready for Sundtty school ho found that someone had gained entrance to the building by forcing open tho bjsoment window. The heating stove In the vestry was turned upside down. The heating etove in the audlto rftim was dragged eight, or ten feet, out of position, disconnecting the etove pipe, which had fallen on the floor and hern jambed and crushed till it was rendered useless. The two big Rochester lamps in the auditorium were found hidden in the baeemeut, jabbed full of holes as if with the handlo end of a large tile, and also rendered useless. The oil in the lamps had been poured out on tho floor, leaving large blotches six or eight feet in diameter. Of tho ten or twelve entail er lamps t.he hunters were taken out of all but two and crushed out of all shape, as if with one's heel, on the floor. J Tho superintendent immediately gave the alarm, and It is hardly necessary to eav that the members of the .church were surprised and indignant beyond measure, and ninde no bones of identify ing the wanton destruction of property with the troubles they have been having over the pastoral relation. Whether thoy are right or wrong tlme.niay tell, but it is devoutly to be hoped that the perpetratore of this eeries of cowaidly and contemptible acts may meet tl-e punishment they eo richly deserve. Mr. C. E. B.tyard has tacked a notice on the chinch building offering a reward of $25 for the detection of the perpetra tor of the crime. Mrs. Eugene McCormick, of Salem, Is visiting the family of her brother, Mr. Wm. Moody. A distinguished visitor has been the guest of the family of Mr. John Soinmur ville since noon yesterday. Hon. John Harrett, i x minister to Slam, having arrived at that time and remained over till noon today, when ho returned to Portland. He is an old friend of Mr. Soinmervlllo. "For three days and nightell euflered agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucum bers," pays M. K. I.ov. titer, clerk of the district court, Centervillo, Iowa. "I thought I should surely die, and tried a dozen different medicines but. all of no purpose. I pent for a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Iloriiedy and three doeea relieved mo entirely." This remedy for sale by Biakeley, the druggist. rft 1U fkim;1a nt around with "cold feet." ui unuy uiU'VJiruic j'tst a little worrv for the stake-holder I ' " I (ICC Ul ' ) H'JUi MONDAY - NOV. 12, WOO Oysters sarvod in any style... At Andrew Keller's. ) WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. DM you eeo the nd of the Kiiir. Our prices are always the lowest. Tho Fair. At Mies Haven's Latest styles in Kreet huts, at lowest prices. . A marriage license waB issued this morning to Itichard Darnall and Sarah Crabtreo. I'omember that Cocoanut Cream Tonic will promote growth of hair. Charles I'razer, solo agent. t.9-lin Prof. Sandvig'fl regular weeklv dance will be held this (.Saturday) evening j At an adjourned meeting of the rom I man council, held Saturday night, the ' marshal waB ordered to proceed with the construction of the Union street fewer, i between Seventh and Tenth streets, i When completed this will give a contin uous tewer from the reservoir toSevtnth utrect. f I,. Evan", l Heningsen, M. Dichlen , niuller and Godbcrson.of Mosier, this i morning shipped a car'oad of dried I prunes to Minneapolis, Minn. The car ciniaiued -1 tons and was shipped on 1 commission, tho shippers obtaining an i advance of $1500 on the car or 3'a cents I a pound. I Dr. .1. Hudson, of this city, and Dr. O. C. Ilollister, of Portland, yesterday re moved a huge tumor from the breast of C. W. Uary.ee, of Laughlin's Hiufl'Addi-1 I tion. The operation was quite success ful and today Mr. Bars.ee was getting i , along nicely. The tJinor was the growth j of Ihree or four years, j Mutton and wool come high in Klieki j tat. Charles McAllister, of Glenwood, , recently sold to Charles McAllister, Sr., We leel ! corner of the ha.ll lemonade .was served, while during the entireevening ice cream and cake were dispensed in tiie refreshment room. The Birgfeld or chestra discoursed th most tempting music, and dancing, which commenced at 9:30, was continued until 1 o'clock, i tjfied in imposing on the ta in true leap year style the ladies chose , on az0 they had an estimate Considerable complaint has been made at various times, and especially since i the scarlet fever epidemic began, of the i condition of the closets, or rather cess pools, of the brick school house on Court-street. In justice to the directors it is proper to say that they have again and again had the matter of connection with the city sewers under considera tion, but were deterred only because the expense involved in any adpquate im provement was more than they felt jus- payers. Not made bv NO EXCUSE. There is no excuse for wearing out-of-date, clumsy footwear, when we can sell your for $2.50 a perfect-fitting, well-made, dressy shoe. Many styles to select from. Pease & Mays. VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. THREE NIGHTS THREE NIGHTS THREE NIGHTS Commencing THURSDAY, Nov. 15th ntjhc Baldwin. J-2t J. W. Whalley, the well-known Port-1 of North Yakima, 000 head of lambs at land lawyer, died suddenly of heart j 4 per head, -100 ewes at the fabulous price of p) per bend, and the flock, 700 head, at $4 disease Saturday. Services ut the M. E. church this evening at 7 :.!0 o'clock. Preaching by ilav. C. Nickelsen. If you have dandruff, your hair ip falling out. Use Cocoanut Crenni. For sa o at 1' re.'r s barber fcliop. riw-Jin the balance of per head, and 'M tiead of fine French Merino bucks at iflio per head. Thijy were taken to North Yakima to add to Mr. McAllIstct't fbek of blooded sheep. Parties having business with B. A. I ..I... .i.m.t l.nn.i ..rt Lost At the opera house or on Third ' vvwv street near there Saturday night, a Ma. Imitation in meeting hint on account o saxony mitten. Finder pleaso return to I "rlt 'vr in his family. Mr . b.llord this oifice ' wn8 ,,wny 'rom ''olno when his little boy ., took ill and when ho returned- ami Circuit court opened hero this morr- (mm .)m)H mrnntilK.di ae hia In,'. The day was devoted to loutlmi prei,unBW , lho joll(l WBS IIOt ceery, business and the jurors were excused U)o ,nK of )( my mM mUw till tcittorrow morning. I ltJ tl0nght it best to room down town Found An embroidered center-piece, j .iii ..n ,i..I)L,f.r r0m infection is over. A Chiragoian just returned from Owner can have tho same by calling at Mrs. A. J. TolmioV, on west Fourth a' rent, and paying for this notice. Wo have a few good houses for runt at reasonable rates; also money to loan and tho beat bargains In real property In lho city. Give ua a call. Hudson & llrownhlll. If your hair Is dry and dead-lik Co cianut Cream Tonic will give It life and luster. Jt is pronounced tho finest tonic on earth. Can bo had at Frazor'a barber shop, agent. nO-lm Portland In gottlng ready for it Paeillc Const and Oriental Expooillon to bo hold there in 1002. Tho eucccBB of tho recent street fair lias confirmed prevl ously entertained opinions that an In dustrial exposition on a largo ecalo could be made a success. John Hays eay they can't run ft blulf on him. A man stepped up and offered to hut hia aocks that McKiuley and Hoosovelt would be elected. John says "I'll go you ono on that proposition," mid proceeded to take off hia No. 11 hlioea and produced the socks, the other iuaii took it new pair of cocks from hid pocket and the but was up, and John a tour of thn far .West saw thu following location notice on a mining claim in the Grand Encampment. Wyoming: "We found II, and we claim it by the right of founding it. It'a our'n. ItV 750 feet in every diiection, except southwest and northeast, and I hero la !M) feet on each aide or this writln'. It's callod the Hay Horse, and wo claim the spurs, and wo don't want nobody jumping on this Hay Horse that's what these treea Is around hero for, arid we'vu got the same piece of ropo that we had dowu in old Mis souri." The dance given Friday night by tho ladles of The Dallen'to their gentlemen friends waB, by all accounts, most en joyabla affair. Tho dancing room und refreshment room weno handsomely decorated with bunting Japanepo um brellas and lanterns, (ibttcd plants, and In tho latter room a profusion of flowers, many of which we tastily arranged about the wall in iidiau baskets. The dressing rooms were also made comfort able with rugs, easy chairs, etc. The windowe of the dancing room were fitted tip Into inviting co.y coiner. In one their partners, and in all respects acted as the gentlemen are supposed to do in all Jin ik siecle affairs of the kind, only with far greater Euecess in every respect than tlie gentlemen could ever hope to achieve. An inquest was held this morning over the remains of Michael McAllister, who died in a room back of the Gnrma uia saloon at 0 o'clock Sunday morning. McAllister was a stranger here. He en tered the saloon Saturday and passing into a buck room sat dowu in a chair. About an hour after he was found lying on tho floor Htiflering intensely. A doc tor was called in and prescribed for him, but remarked to some of the inmates of the saloon that he had never had a sim ilar case that did not prove fatal. The until continued suffering without inter mission till death came to Ids relief. There was no evidence that he had been drinking. He appeared to be something of a tramp. He claimed to have a wife and mother in North Dakota, but at what place in that state could not be learned. The evidence of tho attending physician showed that tho man had died from asthma, and the jury returned a verdict to that effect. McAllister was about 4D years of age, "The general result in this state is no moro than was expected with the single exception of the governor," said Nation al Committeeman G. JI. Hakor, of Gol dendale, who Ip in Walla Walla attend ing United States court, to a Union repot ter : "There baa been a great deal of talk in the fusion press about Hanna carrying the election with money. I want to s.tv that Washington was car ried for McKinley without any financial assistance from .Mr. Hanna or the na tional committee. I notice also that Mr. Hryan remarks that there was coeiciou and intimidation and that voters were puichastd. Mr. JJryan never was light. Ho has always had the faculty of getting on the wrong side of every subject he tackled. Washing Ion votf-rs were neither bought, intimi dated nor trailed. They voted aa they thought and tho result waa the biggest repitblivan vlcloiy tho stain haa ever known. The fact is tho people have grown tired (f Mr. Hryau'a tlrcEome talea of troubles to cumo. I.om lU wnrd fur II Ih Kcturn. My little pug dog, "Dixie," about six mouths old. A toward of $2 50 will be puid to any one upon delivery of said dog to me, and no questions atked. , I). M. FltKNCII, The Dalles, Nov. 12 '00. 12-lw Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are eold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia, Ono llttlo tablet gives immediate relief, 25 cts, and 60 cts, Biakeley, the drurgitt. a competent architect as to the cost of putting in patent closets that would be frost-proof, which meant that they must be put in a irost-proof building. The estimate was so far beyond their'reach at that time that the project had to be temporarily abandoned. Since then lime has been used freely and everything done that could be done to maintain good sanitary conditions short of the abandonment of the cesspools and the adoption of patent closets. The direct ors in A' feel that the lime has come when they must act. They have under consideration the erection of a brick addition to the school building on the south side, to have its entrance from the inside. This is regarded as the only feasible plan within a reasonable limit of expense. They assure Tnu Cnnosi ci.t that the improvement will be pushed to completion as fast as men and money can do it. Says the Portland Telegram of Nov. 5th: " 'Tho Hottest Coon in Dixie' is drawing large crowds atCordray's thea ter this week. Last evening the elec tion returns were announced from the stage as rapidly as they showed any thing tending toward tho final result. This was a feature that pleased tiie patrons- of the theater and ono which they appieciated. The specialties in 'The Hottest Coon in Dixie' nro lively, and the performance never lags. No sooner does one turn ejueludu than' it is fol-; lowed by another equally good. Theio are two acts that are crammed full of uiupictil numbers, and many new pongs are introduced. Miss Hawkins, the soprano, is the star of the company, and deserves the applause she receives night ly. Shoelngti several 6ongs that always strike n responsive chord, and linn made an Impression with the musical people who havo heard her. In tho organiza tion there are some of the best oobred comedians in tho country. . They aro fun makers of a now variety, and their work is different 'from white entertain, era in several respects." At tho Vogt tomorrow night. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Kayo Always Bought Boars tho Signature of Tltttt Tlirobltlni; llt-uil u h Would quickly leuvo you, if you usrd Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of faiilferers have proved their inutchlctn merit fur Sick and Nervous Headauhes. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them, Only 25 cents. Money back If not cureJ, Sold by Hlukeloy, the druggist. 5 Griffith, The... I Tito only store fr this city where tht Oenulno Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold, A little higher fn price, but outlasts a dozen pieces of so called clienp enam tied ware. BEWARE? Other wares look llkoit.butthogenu. ino has the name Btransky Steel Ware on each piece. Do not bo deceived First prize at It International Exhi bitions. HigheRf. award at Worlds Columbian Exhtbi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by the Itcsv cookinpcauthbrities, certified to by the most famous cheat ista for purity and durability it ta cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this- city ex clusively by us. It docs not ruit nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is notaflected by acids in truits or vpf?etab!es. will boil, and baki w i t h o it : impnrtinr; flavor Oi previous!? conli c it food and vi!l last for years., We cau tion 1 1: i pnhlir fiL'-i'r.. itutUi'-v .J Hypnotist In a Helmed, Instructive, Marvelous, Laughahlo and Up-to date Performance. Clever Actors, Sweet Singers, Tragedians, Comedians, MantifiU'tured to suit taste of audiences. ISO Laughs in 180 Minutes. iPx-ioca, SSc, Oeo, QOc. MATT SHOREN, General Blaeksmith and Horseshoes All kindp of blacksmitliing will receive prompt attention and will be executed in lirst-eltiss shape, titve mm a call. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The D.illes, Or. TURKEY SHOOT A. Y. MA US II will give a turkey shoot on the beach Three Days - Nov. 27th, 38 th and 29th There will also be pigeon trap spooling at the same time and place. sfj. rif TicntiaH-sti crvlfc ntin ci'ac t&Smts For cookimc and heathur Prices from $5 to $50. Steel Ranges rS Cait f ine genuine an Dear use ui.ove naicwviurKxw- ana arc sow wun wmicn guaniiiicc. Awarded First Prize Paris Exnosition 1900 Wm , " --yv --'-ri.x OVER ALL THH WOKLD. " KKtf3JKSI fold by Firt-Clas Move Merchants everywhere. J'W:" Tim Michiirnn Stnve Cnmnnnv. tJ U&dA mil v bv The Michliran Stove Comnanv. Largest Mkera ot Htuvua mJ Huimea In tha World. Oak Slovai 7VAIER St BENTON. SOLE ACiNTS,